TUE SUKAWTUN TKIBUNE F K I. DAY MOTiNrNTGr. JUE 1594. i A BALL flarrlsbnrg Wins and Loses to Reading by Very Small Margins. SCRANICN LOSES SECOND GAME Hazleton-Potisvdlc Game Postponed on Account of Rain Standing; of the Respective Clubs in the State League Championship Race Na tional and Eastern League Results. Budget of Interesting Chat Which Will Be Road with Interest by All' 'Cyclers and Sporting Men in Gen eral. AliiiiSBURG still 1)m a food bold n the tin ohancei for the State longue pennant, but ij very closely followed by Allentown, the lor nwr winning aud logins OQf to Bead ing, uud Aileulowa again (Meating Sor.mton in a OlOMiJ contested game. The other lobeduled Kiinias were postponed on uccouut of rain. Tne following falilo gives the per centiles of the elutw, toethsr with the nnmlier of gamea won and lost by Mob, and their standing in the oliain plonibip race: Won. Lout. Pr C't. m 1111 a Efarriabnfg 21 0 .778 Allontowo id 10 ,088 iliizleton 14 10 Reading Iti 14 .402 Bcranton 11 10 Ml Altooun ill 15 AM PuttRVille 7 14 .833 BattOO 0 14 :m BCHBDCME TOR TO PAY. AUno'i.'i nt '? T.di'ig Hirriabnrg at Pottsvllle. Haaleton at Allentown. Scrautou at Eastou. STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. At Allentown Allentown.... 1 000c 1 0 2 0-10 Bcranton u 00002222 3 Htta Allentown, 14; Bcranton. 18, Er rorii Allentown, 2; Scranton, L Battorle3 Rnldwiu and Kelly; Fiaunagau and Kog ers. At Beading First game Reading 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 17 Hnrrlsburg ...11 1 022000 x 8 ' Hlti-Kendin7. 13; BarriSbnrg, H. Er rors liend in g. 7, Ilavrisburg, f. Hatter lea foiiec and Good hurt; ileauey aud Wente. Beoond gurao It ading 1 ? 0 0 0 0 4 HarrltMirg (1 0 10 0 23 Hltts Reading, 4; Hrriiburg, 7. Er rora Reading, 3; Harrlsbnrg. 1. iiatter lea Rbosds and Qooajuuftt Armstrong, Huston and Sinlutc. llame called, rain. A'. Pottsville PottsYllle vs. Altoona, game postponed, rain. :). l LEAGUE. , At Brooklyn Brooklyn.. 1 0 0 3 0 0 3 4 2 0-13 Pittsburg. .0 14 3 1 2 0 2 0 0-13 Bits Brooklyn, l; Pittabnrg, 20. Er. rOrs Brooklyn, 8; Pittsburg, 4. Batteries titeiu, (i.trigut, Keunedy and liailoy; Kill 'n, (iutnb-rt aud Mack. Uumro McQnald. Gume called oa account of darkness. At New York Mew York....l 0 0 0 2 2 8 0 x 8 Chicago 11 1 0 0 1 3 3 0 0-7 Hits New York, 10; Chicago, 7. Errors New York, 5; Chicago, 3. Hatteries Weatervelt, Meekin and Farrell; Terry, Gnlilth and Schriver. Umpire Swart Woi.d. At Baltimore Baltimore 0 0200320 17 Louisville 0 110 10 0 10-4 Hits-Baltimore. 8: Louisville, 10. Er rorsBaltimore, 1; Louisville, 5. Batteries-Inks aud Iiobiuson; Hemming aud (trim. Umpire Lynch. At Washington Washington ..0 3 0 Cincinnati 2 0 0 Hits-1 Washington, Errors Washington, 110 0 2 1-8 10 0 0 0 03 11: Cincinnati, 7. 1: Cinciunati, 2. Batteries Man 1 and McQuite; rarrott ami .Murphy. At Boston- Umpire Hurst. Bo,, n 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 0 718 St. Louis 0 0001 000 0-7 Bits Boston, 17; St. Louis, 13. Errors Boston, 2; St. Louis, 3. Batteries Nichols an 1 Brans Braiteaatain and Poitz. umpire Em ho, At Philadelphia--, Philadelphia. .0 0 2 Cleveland 0 0 0 BlM' Philadelphia, Error-r Philadelphia, 0 0 0 0 1 3-0 0 0 0 0 0 O-0 11; Cleveland, 3. 4; Cleveland, 4. Batlerlts Taylor and Grady; Clarksou and iSimroer. Umpire Stag. fASTtasi LELGUf. Syracuse, 7; Buffalo, b. Bpringfleid, 8; Binghamton, 1?. GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. Marr Phillips, late of the Troy club, will pla v at short Held for Bulialo and perhaps Captain the team.' The Young Men's Christian Association Ball (asm defeated tho Actives yesterday Biternoon by the score of 2Q to if Pitcher Brown, Hanlon's young left banded phenom, has deserted tho Balti more team. He wauts more salary. Jim Devlin, who has been holding out all season for more money, Iibb finally at tached hie signature to a Troy contract. "The Lit tto Potatoes Bard to Peel" de feated the Little Tycoous, yesterday after noon on the Pean Avenue ground!', by a score of 7 to C. Providence is a hard place for umpires. Qattney gut his skill crunhed thers Friday, aud yesterday Hunt was knocked uncon scious by a foul tip The Union Base B.ill club of Dnnmoro challenges any otlior club under the ago of 18 years of age to n game of baso ball. Chris Vickem, captain. Tho base ball committee of tho Univer sity of Pennsylvania announces that a piino has been arranged with Prinoeton, in be played in this city on Juno 12. Perry Warden, the old St. Louis player, now with Minneapolis, will likely bo ex pelled from the Western league. Some days npo he assaulted the official scorer at Grand Knptds. Dwyer, right fielder of tho Unzleton club, whilo running from second to third linse, slid and ruptnrod a blood vessel in the kneo cap. Ho will bo nunble to piny for two weeks. In the same t'amo Catcher Moore sprainod an ankle. Tho game between tho St. Thomas col lege and High School clubs, which was to have hton played yesterday afternoon, had to bo postponed until this afternoon ou ac count of the inability of tho High School club to be on the gronndaot the appointed time. William Zecher, the old pall player, was to have muuaged tho new club at Lancas ter, aud he will now orgnnlzo a semi-professional team, which will be backed by prominent buHiness men. Lancaster is now lu line for a State league rrauchiie and will be Orwardod one if u vacancy oc curs. Allentown Chronicle. ScrautoD is trying hard for the tall end of the State league and Is snccesful by being n point removed up to dnvs. Vilkes-liarre Leader. The editors of tho Leader should take p. month or two oil and I briug their knowledge of current events abreast with tho times. On Tuesday that : paper informed its readers that John II. I Fellows wi still taaycr of Soraiiten.aud ! the next daf followed it up with the state- meat tuac "our vets are. only oue point removed from the tail end of the State league processiou. The Loader should get in touch with tho world. It's moving al though there is little indication of that fact to be found at Wilkea-llarre. Manager Parks, of the resurrtcted Eas tm club, says he will know today what players, he can have from the League clubs aud Will then wire for other men. Ho will be short of pitchers, as Pottsvillo grabbed up liughw aud Wllsou, aud will not re lease either uf them. Pear that Pottsvillo would be compelled to release those men was one of the arguments against Eastou's re-aclmission to the league. It came from Pottarilla't maniigur, Dunn. Weikart, Weihl and Koran are accessible at a mo menta notice. What Manager Parks want : a battery, aud ho says that will be the chief point nbout his new team. Ha ex pects to open at Boston Saturday with Scranton. GOSSIP FOR CYCLERS. Zimmerman Is taking good care of him self on the other side of the wator, aud in track work easily holds Wheelor aud the other American riders. Tho Metropolitan and Now Jersey As sociation of Cycling clubs have decided to oiler a tiauner in addition to tho regular prizes for the Pennsylvania ch:b which has the most number of riders to compete the century inn to Aybury I'urk ou June 28; The Lancaster Wheelmen's' association has docided to hold a tournament in the latter pnrt of Augu.-.t or early In Septem ber. Efforts wiu be made to seen re a state championship race, aud n Lancaster county championship race will also be run. I Tho contests will be open to all tho auia- tcut wheelmen of the state. Tho events of tho thirteenth annual race meet of the Kings County Wheelman to be ! held on Juno 3d, 18114, at the Parkway I Uriving olttb bait-mile track, Ocean Bonle I vnrd and King's Highway, Brooklyn, ara as follows; Class A, l-nillo novice, I-mile cratch, 3-mlle team race, 3-mile handi cap; clasj B, 1-milu handicap. 8-miW handicap, L-mBe scratch. Entries close Juno 23 with N. s. Blakemsn, No. 1255 Bedford avenue, Brooklyn. Some weeks ago a paper was circulate ! I for the signatures of the wheelmen of Dinsuamcon irrespective or tne various or ganizations, tho idea being to form one large cltib fee the purpose of hohliurr race meets and improving the condition of the wheelmen of Bingbamton, During tiio two weekl that these papers have been in in circulation nearly three hundred men 'have signed them and a meeting of tbeso , signers (ins hton called for Friday evening In Beunett hall. The meeting will bo openeu at o'cioca and tne matter matter iu hand, Every phase Sf inosub- ject will bo thoroughly talked over. All wheelmen whethor signers of the papers or not are invited to attend this meoting. iJiuguauitou Republican. GENERAL SPORTING NEWS. (ieorge La Blanche and Billy McMillan are to meet ill private soon for $251) a cido The match will be held noar Chicago. There will bo a handicap game of nllay ball at O'Midley's alley. Pmvidence, at 10 a. m. Saturday, between John Jonnium aud John Parks, for fjj a side. No arrangements have yet been made by the Yale management for n race between the winners or the Yale-flarvard and the Cornell-Pennsylvania eight-oared boat race. Walter E lgnrton, tho "Kentucky Rose bud," and his trniner, Jimmy UcHale, are at Atlantic City training for tho fight With Uenrgo Dixon, which takes placj in Bos ton, June 891 Tue Triton senloreight-oared shell crew, which defeated tho University of Pouusyl vauia crew ou the PjuSaiO river on Decora tion Day, h.is began training for tho Schuylkill Navy regatta at Philadelphia on July 4. Monowai, tho horse which was bought by W. L. McDonongb, of an Francisco, r. r 11(1,000 a llttlo over a year ago and sold only a week ago to Jim Neal for 1,200, died Tuesday night from acute inflamma tion of the bowels. Tho Yalo News announcos that the foot ball sipiad will practise at Travers Island from Hept. 3 to 19. The players taken will b; BUtterwortb, Thorne, Armstrong, Stillman, Ado.-, Morris, Fincke. Jerrems, Lee, Dewitt and Druinmond. R. W. Kyett, of Australia, has invented an Important attachment to tho pool table, consisting of inclined roads or tracks running beneath each pocket to tlio "spot" end of the table, in which are con ducted all bulls that fnll iuto the pockuts. There will bo no tight in the Florida Athletic club between Peter Jackson and Jim Corbett, although the latter agreed to light for the 135,000 purse the Florida Ath letic club has oliered. Jackson in reply to the offer of the Florida Athletic club says; ' Corbett may accept tho oiler of the Flor ida Athletic club, hut I shall not agree to fight any pluce iu the south, no matter what inducements are offeroil, and Corbott m well awaro of this fact. If Corbett is in earliest for tho contest to take place, why does he not light for tho 123,000 posted und the Hn,00 pur.-c the National Sporting club ban offered? Thiriy-fivo thousaud dollars should bo Inddaement enough for him to light form England." In reply to Cor bett's olTr to tight Jackson iu Florida, Charles L Davies, Jackson's manager, wires that Jackson will not fight in Hor ida if thoy oll'or him ?(', 000. Ho says: "Jackson and myself havo notified the club, and Corbett is awaro Jnckson will only fight north of the Majon and Dixon line or in England. If Corbett was in earnest he would light for tho National club purso when Jackson is willing." Tin: iiLOOD is tho source of health. Keop it pure by taking Hood's Sarsapaiilla, which is peculiar to itself, and superior iu strength, economy and medicinal merit. Hood's Pn.M are purely vegetable, care fully prepared from tho best Ingredient Twonty-livo conts. . Criiiclsinft a Young; Lady, 'the would bo a protty girl fur but ouo thing." "What's rhatr asked Charley. George Her face is always covered with purple and red blotches. Charley Oh. that's oasiiy ouough dis posed of. Used to bo tho same way my self, but I caught ou to the troublo ouo day, and got rid of it in no time. Cteorgo What was ttf Charley Simply blood eruptions. Took a short course of P. P. P. I Ml yon, it's tho boss blood corrector. The governor had rheumatism so bail that you could hour him holler cloar across the country everv tiino ho moved. He tried it, and yon know what an athletic old gent he h now. If somebody would givo Miss Daisy a pointer, sho wonld thank them after wardj. All the drug stores sell it. Hate used Df. Thomas' Ecloctrio Oil for croup and colds, aud declare it a positive cure Contributed by Win Kay, 570 Ply mouth avonue, Buffalo, N. Y. Should Know Wo Favorites. Washington Pot'. The sennto investigating committee should adopt a scale of advertising rates and give all of the nevvspnper correspond ents a chnnco. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had Con sumption and that there was no hope for her, bat two bottles Dr. King's New Dis covery completely enred her and she says Heaved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St., Sau Frunclsoo, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching Consumption, tried without result everything else then ouugut one bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery nnd in two woeks was cured. He Is naturally thankful. It is such results of which these are examples, that prove tho wonderful efficacy of this medicine in Coughs aud (Colds. Free triall bottles at Matthews Bros., Drug store. Regular size 60c. and (1. VERY FACT LIVING Busy People Who Are Killing TheinselYes by leches. DR. EDSON'S WARNING It I Slow Sulchln-Hu Mtplalns Why So itlnnj- l'euplu ltrealc Dowu lu tho l'rliuoof LITe Through Fast Living. Jllole la Only One Way to I s- capu thn Consequences, Thousands of people are guilty of fast living, but do not know it. They nro shortening their live.s and laying up a train of illti for tho futns9 with out being awaro of the evils they are bringing npon themselves Thuy nro in the midst of grsvo dangers, uncon sciom r.nd unwarned I This may seem incredible, but it is, nevertheless, a fact It is a strong iib sertion, but it is supported by no less an authority than Dr. Cyrus Edson, of tho New York Hoard of Health, aud oim of tho leading ohyslciaus of Amer ica. In ii recent newspaper nrlicle, which has created a widespread sensation. I Dr. Euson sounds a timelv note cf warning, wh-m he says: "Few nnderstund the high pressure of life in Now York City. They do not ivon realise that they themselves are living too fast; that they are daily treating thm6elves to abnormal ex cesses'in the way of intellectual effort and intellectual pleasures, which dam ago and destroy mind and body. If tho average New Yorker is asked why he never sleeps uutil sheer exhaustion makes it a necessity, why he drinke siiaiiiiuuls in the morning to drive away the pains in hie head aud to be get an appetite fur breakfast, why he bolts dowu hi lnucbeuu tie if he were tilling hit traveling bag in a hurry to catch a train, why lie drinks stimu lants ugaiu at night to drivj away nervousness and recurring thoughts oi his day's work, which pass before his mind witii agonizing realism, he will reply in effeott 'it is the spirit oi the ago. I am going no faster than my competitors. 1 must do it in order to bo iu tho race!' I lis not one thlug alone, however, it is not the simple ! ,),c" constitutes what I term fast kit living, lint all of our surroundings, our pleasures and puslimea partake of the same high pitch. "What is the outcome? To supply his rapidly exhausted system the hard working New Y'orker is compelled to consume large iiuantities of rich food, and to stimulate himself with alcoholic bveruges. lie starts upon his career with a robust digestion, not eaily de ranged, und his career ends in promn-tur-- dentil, which too often owes i s origin to tho flagrant abuee of that digestion. Tho constant proseuce in the stomach of undigested food is an irritant. The f joJ fermentsaud put refies, and putrefaction frequently re sults in the stomach as often as it does ouUsde of tho stomach, in poisonous ptomaines, which increaso the irrita tion in the gastric membranes and are also absorbed to an extent by itho sys tem, giving rise to well-marked symptoms of ptomaino poisoning. The excitement of work increases this stomach trouble, and the stomach troublo in turn increases a person's proneness to nervous disease and ex haustion." From the above statement of Dr. Edson it will be seen that the eecretof sound health, upon which snccess in life depends, is good digestion. When the stomach do-s not digest the food that is eaten, the whole system suiters for want of nourishment. The undi gested food lies in it, a unformontlng, poisonous mass, sending itsdeadlyse crotions into every part of the body, until there is a physical breakdown. Nature does not neglect her warnings, for people who stiller from indigestion are always complaining of headnches. dizziness, bod taste in the mouth, furred tongue, constipation, gaseous belchings, burning nt the pit of the stomach or olher distressing symptoms of dyspepsia. Curo tho indigestion, prevent its distressing effects, and you gain the kev to permanent health and strength. Remediei for dyspepsia by the huu drvd have beon introduced from time to time, such aj strong medicated wines or "bitters," cathartics, stomach pills and cod liver oil. But indigos tion can nevor be cured ly tho use of drugs. They only make mutters worse. A weak stomach cunnot stand drug ging. The only way to cure indigestion is to restore the digestive organs to n healthy condition. It was through recognizing this important truth that the discovery of Paakola, the prc digested food, was brought about. Paskoln is based on this grent natural law, and In this lies the secrjt of its wonderful sncc"ss in overcoming de facts of digestion. I'askola is a food, not a drug. It is pleasant to tho taste and agreeable to the most sensitive stomach, lnstond of nnnsoating, it is taken with constant relish. But what makei Puskola such a won derful "appettier" ti the fact that it aids tho stomach to digest all other food. As soon as it is swallowed it is absorbed into the aystem, and tfam leaves the stomach perfectly empty. It enters at onco into the worn out' tis sues of the body, weak from lack of nourishment, uud produces a re-vltnl-izing effect possible by no other means. The reason so many dyspeptics have no nppatite is that their stomachs are constantly full of imperfectly digested food, which causes bloating, belching gas and constipation. Paskola r.n-n an Uud to all this nnd speedily restores healthy action. It brings back u healthy appetite and will make oven a consumptive healthy and fat If yon are suffering from the effects of rapid city life, are worn out, dys peptic, emaciated, try i'askola and re gain your lost health. If you are drag ging ont a miserable existence, simply becnuse your body Is poorly nourished, if strength and energy have aliko de parted, try Paskola and get well. Pas kola is kept by every reputable drug gist, and u patnnhlot fully describing its wonderful effeot will bs sent on ap plication to the Pre-Digested Food Company, 80 Heade St., New York. Wanted. WAN TED-ON YODIHuECONU luiiul Hifo. Addrcw Lock Hux 1711, city. Bunlncss Opportunities. S)Xn WAN'IEL) KELlAflLE MAN with 260, as exclusive ajreut for new artlclo need on every uorto; lfiU.OiKJ sold In the past yer; agency will pay fi.uuu yearly with u possible clianeo of lose; only those having A l refereaee aTnl the oapliw need "l'l'ly-. E. SHAW, Scniiitnii Honjo. Loat. L UttT--rUlKe,TUUUK CONTAIN I N( A sum of neiney. Finder will nleuui n. tu rn. A. KATZ, Tribmv nfflro. I OUT A BUNCH OF KP.YS. PINDEIt XJ w 11 bo rewardoil by returning the snino to J. A. VAN HOHN, aojLack'a ave., caro l1 P. Christian. A Word. ITants of all frtnds cot that mueh, ea ttpt Situations Wanted,which are inscrtm fBMSL Situations Wanted. S'lTBATIWNraJDY ONE WE 1. 1. Acquainted with bookkeeping; able und Wl Hug l Uu any kind of work. ,i. tt Tribune ofBoe. Cll I'ATK.X WAN t'KI AS JANITOR OB O fardner, ov to take euro oi oOee, or grounds nnd residence eged i0 feart can make himself useful ut most anyfhlngl am temperate, steady unJauAl character) fair education) wurkatutien; a positive need. Ad dress E. I,., Tribune offi-M. Wanted. WANTED TO BtTS COMMON PIOF.ONS; will give Sf cents a pain Call at room i, I'rlco Building, l&i Washington avenue, or aldrens lottus to Post Cilice Dox 0U4, boraa ton, Pa, Agents Wanted. UrANTED FOItSCIt ANTON AND NEAR by 1 1 wns two good aolioltota Sopd po sition open to the right partlCa Apply to MONIES & JACKSON, 4U spruce utroet. w r ANTED- a a Wis MAN THAT CAN BE trmted. Suitable nun Slid monthly. D. M. THOMAS, Library Building. UrANTED-MAN ITU LU B AND FIUE insur.ineo ezperionee as eolleltor in Lackawanna coiintv; g'Kfl iu'lutoments to right man. Address LLtt-M Beta building, Philadelphia, Pa. Help Wanted -Male. IX" ANTED IF ITOU ARE A CATHOLIC il ttnenplovod and will work for 81H per week, write MaeCotmell Bros., 11 FrunltUn street, Boston, Muss. W'ANTED-AN ENEBOET1C MAN WITH about JbVl. Can got an agency which will pay fK S week and eipOBISC. A. A. BARNES, Conway House. AIT ANTED -O0OO WHBELWRIOBT. V Od hool s Oai r'ago worn, corner Lttck aw.mna uvenun mid Seventh street. Boarding. two nick booms with board; I private family; for two gentlemen! 4it Olive street. CUMMER BOAKD1NG -FOUR RESPECT kJ able p irsoai can Bna llrst class board with small family In lae. niry honso. Hot nnd cold hatha. Freo carriage to depot and church Threo ,uarters ot a mile from sta tion. Healthy locality Address box Ul,(.'larks' .Summit. for Rent. I.'' 'It IlEXT-TWo I' l iiXlSlilll) KOOMS 1 for iitiit hootekeeptng i-tf Franklin ave- DttSi vor Wire store. pOB BBNT-UOHT. WELL FURNISHED J1 rooms; delightful location. 6M Wtishlnir ton avenne. 'IO U'.'V FOB A TF.liM OF YKAItS 1 Part or all of thre" hundred feut of yard room along railroad. Apply at Uti Franklin ' 1 'O RKNT-STO KK "oxUP OH FURNISHED j nail on areen mage street, very deslra- ole location nnd on reasonable terms. Apply toF E NE'i'TI.ETON or O a WooDKbFF. Republican buildine. For Sale. I t l it V' Asfl, 41 111 acres farm land i Lake Ariel.on Erie aim Wyoming roan, line trout itream through It Uood property far sporting club. Address W. W. CO It BIN. Owogo. Tlogn Co., N. Y. L'OH BALE OKANDFAT1IF.K HALL F clock; brass movement; cuerry case. Call at "I I Attains nvont.o. I.MR BALE -ROLL TOP DESK AND J type-.viltw cabinet for salo. Room 4, Price building. IMlt SALE THOROL'tillLY Eyt'lPPED I Photoglyph dalle. y. Will sen at one h.df tlio value on account of other business Apply to I) R. UK AM AN, Forest City, Pa. GHB SALE-AN IDEAL COUNTRY HOME, 1 i acres of land, line Urge house, mod. rn Improvements Easy distance from Scran ton. Also 7 desirable Dujtdiug lots in country, d. w. brown, jury, . hpruco street. 1, OB SALE (iR EXCHANOE FOR SCBAN ton property A hearing orliiigo grove Increasing In production amt valtio yearly in tlie orange section in Florida Addros t. E. NE'l TEUTON. LakoHoton. Florida Special Notices. CTliUKIU'LDEKS- MWETIXi I. 11111 AS'- k.' uuai ine.Ming ot stoeKnoIilers of tlio Wvo ming bliov, 1 Works for tho election of offi cers and tho consideration of such other busi nessaimay be brought before them win bo held at tbeoflleeof the company Infeeranton, on Baturday, the ititii day of June, ikm, from 10 to 11 o clock a. m. N. U. ROHEitTSON, Socretsry. rpo WHOM IT MAY i'iiVpl.Mif MnMU .irn unrn. .l tli-if. II 1 Umm.. - .--! M. el I 1 ' ' .1 V I A I k. , , I , vs Illy llllt I H(Ml inllliiip l,.ta ,,m ia niunly called "The Swetland Estato" in Hyde I -.rk. lias bet ii relieved Of any and all author. By to act as selling agent from May "I, lsyi. From Hint dale nil persons are notified to do no business with him on our account. ROBERT T. I'ETTEBONE, For tlio Owners, V M. COBB WILL ARRIVE FnIDAY I Willi a car load of U head of hoio-i making "H in all, Including 17 Indiana and Michigan I driving lur.ses. Can ho seouat UI4 i aymond court. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAUA zines, etc., bound or relsjuud at The TiiimjNK olllco. Quick work. Roasouablo prices. EAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD JT H4, cornel Spruco street uud Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tickets lor S3.SU. Oood tabio board, Legal IS'l'ATi: UP I7.UA I)K WITT.DKCKASEH. x J notice ih liej-eOy iriven Hint a ruin linn been granted to show cuuse why .lane u Do Witt, evecutrix of the hist will nnd t. st.nticnt of mud dec de.it. tihull not Ih dlseharned from Me duties and HaMlitios f her aiiointmiit Application will l,,, mado to havo suld rule made alisolnto and tho executrix ilNcharuud July S. UK s a l'RICK, Attorney for oxocutrlx CROSS, FOSTER Great Of the Pomphrey & Morton Stock Is Now Going On. 1 Great Slaughter of Prices in all Departments. Millinery, Ladies' Hats, Gents' Straw and Fur Hats, Clothing, etc., Almost Given Away. Dress Goods, Silks, White Goods, Muslins, Curtains, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves, Corsets, Cloaks, Suits and Capes, Children's Reefers, Shirt Waists and Blouses. At prices you never heard of in your life. Como early, before assortment is broken. jP DIES' D you wear Gloves? Do you have trouble with the finger tips wearing out? It can be avoided. By buying the Kayser Patent Finger Tipped Black, Modes, Tans, Slates and Greys. PRICE 75c. and $1 They are sold with a guarantee ticket in each pair, en titling the customer to another pair free of charge in any case where the tips wear out before the gloves. CONNOLLY Furniture Upholstered By the most experienced workmen in the city. NO FANCY PRICES. THE SCRANTON BED Strayed, OTRAYED- FBOM MY PBEMI8E8 JUNK D o, li(ht b:iy maro with wliito face and hind foot, accompanied by dark bay maro with star in forehead. Information leading to recovery will bo liberally rewarded. Ht'L KEY LATHBUP. EiiKitiLer No. 2, gravity rallro.Kl.I'eckvill . I'a. QTBATBD FHOM PASTURE NEAR k5 Moses Taylor hrpital. twovoarold hiefor, black and whito, spot on shoulder, white on under part of btKly and on end of taiL Reward for return or information that will And her. .! IH N A. S1EAKS, C't rner Wasliiugton and Vine. Proposals. QEALED PROPOSALS WILL HE RE- IT reived at tho olllco of tie fitv (Turk hcr.iutou. Pennsylvania, until 7.30 o'clock p. ni. Thursday, Juno 14, 1VW, to construct linns of Intend sewers with brancheti. basins, etc., complete on Mulberry street, Webster ave nue, Taylor avonue, Ben nail court, Proscott svenue, Scl ultz court and Harrison avenue in tlio Tenth sowor district. Each proposal shall be accompanied by cash or certified check in thu sum of One Hun dred Dollars. Proposals shall be separate for each lino of sewer and shall lie enclosed in separate ea volopes. The iiamo of the linn of sewer bid upon shall bo endorsed upon tho envelope, Bids shall state price per lineal foot for con structing sewer, branches, etc., complete, including receivers, manholes, lampholcs and fixtures. The work la to be done in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer, a nopy of which may bo seen at oilit e of City Clerk. Bidders are requested to examine plans and pacifications carefully, as all bids not in con formity therewith will be rejected . In case tho bidder to whom tho contract shall have been awarded refuses or omits to execute a con ract for tlio work within ten days from date of award, the enclosure ac companying his proposal shall be forfeited to the ue of tlio City of Scranton. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bills. By order of the City Councils M. T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. Scranton, Pa., .Tune 5, 1K0. Banking. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Till. SCRANTON SAYIXOS BANE AND TRUST COMPANY OF SCRANTON, No. 428 Lackawanna avenue, of Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, at tho close of business. May 81, 1S'J4: RESOURCES. Oath on hand 80,0a! 29 Chocks and other cash ltoms 2,7M IH Due from banks and bankers (LOW It Loans anil OlSOOUntS t . I Stocks, Bonds. "tw.iai ;w Securities I Mortgages Juds- 203,885 09 Owned, iz. m-.-iitM. . 14. lo.i.ihi Real estate, furniture and fixtures.. 1,000 01 Overdrafts 04 05 570,1)10 40 ;a 50,0 o oo t.t '.rtir.TTtra Capital stock paid in Surjilnn fund Undivided profits, lrjna expenses and taxen pan! Deposits subjeot to chock Time certifleates of deposit Diri deeds unpaid KDiWKI 00 111.410 19 489,490 tit! 1,108 fv I) eo f "0.010 10 A report in Detail of nbnvo securities has hoen mado to O, H. Krumlihaar, superinten dent of hanklnir, as call id for. Stalo of Pennsyivaula, County of Laka- wanae, rs.: I, A. II. Christy, cashier of the above named hank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is tiuo to tho liest'of tlli knowledge and balln, (Sitrnrd) A. II CHRISTY. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 4th day of June, 8M (Signed) O. ft PARTBIDQB, Notary Publio. Correct-Attest : CSlgnsdJ Al'OL'ST ROBINSON, L. A. WAl'RKS, M. J. W1LSO.N, Directors. Bankrupt FOSTER & CO. COR. LACKAWANNA AND ADAMS BY See our FIFTEEN DOLL Ali Solid Oak Bedroom Set? We sell Furniture as choap as any house in the country that in tends to givo honest value for the money. Try us. Hull los kd loi IRON and STEEL NORWAY IRON BbACK DIAMOND BILVKB EXTRA SPECIAL SANDERSON'S ENGLISH JESSOP'S ENGLISH CAST STIC EL UOKSE SHOES TOE CALK TIHE MACHINERY SPUING SOFT STEEL ANVILS BICLLOWS HOUSE NAILS WILEY & RUSSELL AND WELLS PROS. CUTTING MACHINERY. Bittenbender Wholesale and retail dealers' in Wagonmakers' and Blacksmiths' SUPPLIES. LOUIS B. SMITH Dealer in Choice Confections and Freits. BSEAD AND CAKES A SPECIALTY. FINEST ICE CREAM 1437 Capouse Avenue. IV CO. Sale Gloves AVENUE. NOT fa Co, mim HE. WAGON WHEELS AXLES SPRINGS HUBS E3FOKRS RIMS BTEKL SKEIN9 R. R. SPIKES SCREW SHISs TO 11 P.M. N TO Blip. CliEAM. WHY CERTAINLY WE DO IT. Wo poll Wntchpp. Diamonds Jowolry, 811. verwuro, etc. At who!, kuIo jirlcos. Ri'nson Wo buy from the manntaetnren for cash nnd poll t" tho retail trade on tho camo terms uud no other. SPECIMEN VALUES. Triplo Pint Tea Sorvicos.., $10.00 Ladled' Uold Killed Watch, with flue Klgiu or Widtham move- JQ QQ Gents' Wif (Void Kiiiod 'wiitch. with Klj;ii, Waltuumor 11am- (10 flA don movement BAaiVV 8-Day Clocks, half hour strikes Ktandard'inoYoment and hand- tfJO K some ouscs Roir-rs' Plated Toa Spaons per 25 Ko(trs' Platod falVle Spooiispfir 2 50 Genuine Diamonds in pretty sit- $X00 Get Our Detailed Price Llat. FREE; MAN, Dealor In Diamonds, Watcha Jewolry, Eio. Cor.Penn lie, and iprnca St. -r- Ladles Who Valuo A refined complexion must uso .'ozionl's Prnrl der. It produces a soft and beautiful (kin. Sk DING GO.. & Co., Scranton,