The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 07, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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coptiuuhtcp. is94 m American
When Maxoy in his usual spirits was
asecmliiu; the lonj: flights of siairs wliich
led to h apartments, he oune up two
Ftips nt time. But somehow a mental
depression bad to mysterious and inti
mate o oonnootion with his powers of lo
comotion tlj:;r when anything troubled
him V( yy much he was apt to content
himself with the ordinary rat(! of prog
ress. This iifternoon liis footsteps lapsed
on every stair. Be looked at his latch
key abstrootedlyfor several minutes be
fore he placed it in the lock, and when
he did finally perform this operation it
was with a savage thrust, as though he
wanted to stab tho door. It was not
quito dark when the key turned and ho
went in.
"Ah.!" said Dr. Lamar from his chair
by the bedside in the window less aleovo
room, looking out between tho looped
curtains as the artist entered. "Youaro
hero at lastl I am glad you have come.
Dr. Bentlyhaa just been down from tho
hospital. He is almost as much interest
ed in the case as your worthy sister, and
don't be surprised if you see mo carried,
away by tho samo craze. Ho says ho
thinks there's a slight change in tho pa
tient's mental condition."
"Docs that mean good?" asked tho
His sister answered quickly:
"Of coureol"
"Oh, possibly," substituted tho cau
tious physician. "You must not lot your
wishes dictate your conclusions so large
ly, Miss Maxe. You will make a very
probable disappointment much more
keen by so doing. Now, I don't always
say what I think, you kuow, but you are
my friends, and I cannot feci like a pro
fessional man in this house, and I must
tell you that tiiis ease is developing some
of tho most remiukablo mental phenom
ena I ever met with. Whether they
aro symptoms of u curious brain disease
or simply reminiscences of the normal
mental condition of tho patient, I am
unable at present to decide. Dr. Doutly
is as much in the dark as myself, und
when Dr. Bently hesitates in a caso of
this kind it is of little ie to inquire
farther. Yo have been making some in
teresting experiments in your absence.
And that reminds mo that Miss Maxcy
said you went out for a specific purpose.
Have they learned anything? What about
the 1. ttor they found on tho beach yes
terday?' '
"Lo.irued!" echoed Maxey impatient
ly as his sister helped biu off with his
coat, utter which it appeared that both
his hair and his ni oktie were in a terri
ble state. "Learned! What could you
expect of such an exasperating affair ;is
thi::? Is there anything about it like any
thing elso you ever heard of? Docs any
body concerned in it do anything that a
rational being would expect him to do?
Not a bit of it. Hark my word, now, if
tko thing over does come out, it will be
iost what nobody thought it was. But
may I be shi it if I believe wo are ever go
ing to know any more about it than wo
do at present Our only hope is that tho
girl will get well enough to tell us, and
she won't I kuow very well she won't. "
"Bat the letcer, Julian," urged his
sister. "Surely tho letter"
"Tho letter!" echoed the exasperated
Maxey. "Tho letter is just like every
thing else a mystery. Tho letter leads
just where the footsteps in tho snow did
nowhere. "
"But even they gavo us a hint of tho
direction the fiend went," said tho sis
ter. "Oh, I think they aro acting terri
bly stupid in this affair! If I could get
out now, I believe I could do some
thing. "
"I believe you could do wonders, of
course, " returned Maxey a litllo spite
fully, for he was still suffering tho keen
ness of his disappointment, "But I
would like to bo informed, for instance,
what you would do in this ease?"
"Do? I would hunt up that Mrs. Hap
good who wrote that letter if I had to
question every man, woman and child
in the city to do so."
"Of course you would, and so would
anybody, That is just what the police
did da Only they were sano enough to
look in the directory instead of attempt
ing the catechising. Why, they had a
gentleman in conversation with Mrs.
Hapgood before tho letter had been in
their hands an hour."
"Then there is such a person!" cried
tho doctor and Miss Maxey together.
"Oh, yes, there is, but she never
heard of or saw tho letter before, and,
what is more, she is not acquainted with
any Annette and has not a single friend
or foo to her knowledge missiug or to
whom such a letter could bo written or
such au accident possible. And as this
Mrs. Hapgood is a very worthy and re
spectable old lady indeed, it is no use
to Bay she would lie about such an af
fair. You see, I couldn't believe it sec
ondhand, and I have boon to seo her
myself, and that's tho result"
Maxey flung his gloves moodily on
the center tablo and dropped himself
with a disgusted expression into an easy
chair, which his sister had wheeled in
front of tho grate,
"How very strango!" cried Miss
M;ixoy, m
"Well, isn't it in perfect keeping with
all tho rest? I was so oxasperated to
think it should turn out in that way
that I hardly spoko to tho old lady civ
illy. I know hor, or rather know of her,
too. Sho's a sort of on amateur artist,
and I've met her beforo. Sho wus quito
upset and distressed at tho idea that
anybody should think of connecting hor
name with what she called that shocking
nffair and cried out, 'Oh, they won't
put my name in the papers, will thoy?'
I showed her tho letter, and sho let mo
see somo specimens of her handwriting.
There was no sort of similarity between
them. Sho's a well meaning old soul as
ever lived, and I'm sorry I disturbed her.
That's all. But it's terribly exasperat
ing." "But, Julian, dear," pleadod his sis
ter, "there must bo somo mistako. Thero
must bo somo other Mrs. Hapgood. "
"Oh, without a doubt, dozens of Mrs,
fHhS AssecwriON
Agatha a. llapgoodsl Yv'hy, there isn't
a Hapgood family in Somerset and never
has been, and tho old lady assures mo
that thero isn't another Agatha G. to
her knowledge in existence. "
"At any rate, " Ellen insisted, "wo
havo learned ono thing beyond a doubt
Wo know the poor girl's name. In good
time we shall know everything. Annette
will get well, I am sure of it. "
But Maxey did not want to bo com
forted. Ho looked unutterable disgust
and changed the subject.
"You mentioned that you had been
making experiments, Lamar."
"Yes," assented the physician, "wo
have discovered something. Fir.-t, our
patient has a most romarkablo power of
visualization, iind next sho is very sus
ceptible to the influence of music. Sho
w as si excited by Miss Maxey's fine sing
ing this afternoon that she fainted."
"The deuce!" cried Maxey, beginning
to brighten up at once. "Either I don't
understand the thing the least in tho
world, or this means very good news."
"Possibly! Thero you go again. You
use that evasive word to avoid commit
ting yourself on any subject just as soon
as anybody asks you a direct question,
tie candid, Lamar. Doesn't this mean
that thero is a bare chance of singing
her back to her senses again?"
"To tho question put in that limited
and cautious way I would answer ye3. ' '
Maxoy neoarne very much excited.
"Why not begin now at once and sing
till sho gets well?" ho cried.
"No, no," said tho sister. "That
won't do. Both doctors have forbidden
any more music at present and for to
night absolute; quiet. "
"That is another medical humbug
which they think of when they haven't
any nastiness at hand to dose with,"
muttered Maxoy. " Absolute quiet!
Stuff! And what's thai other thing with
the long name you say she's subject to?"
"Visualization? It means the power
of retaining the imago of an object after
it has disappeared from the actual field
of sight so vividly thafi its exact form is
still seen. Wo all havo it in a greater
or less degree In her it is exceedingly
strong. Somo people who havo tho fac
ulty in a marked degree can close their
eyes and call up at Will the face of an
abseut frieud with such distinctness that
it is quite liko looking i him. At least
I havo been told so. I most say my own
impressions aro very faint. "
"Now you aro getting into my field, "
paid Maxey, who was vory much inter
ested. "That is a faculty possessed by
somo of our best portrait painters, no
tably Sir Joshua Reynolds. I never
heard it called by that name, but it is
obvious that tho man who can keep a
subject beforo his mental vision con
stantly, other things being equal, will
make tho best picture.
"Why, I went into tho studio of a
friend of mine the other day, mid I was
struck at onco by a splendid portrait in
oils ho had just completed. 'How many
sittings did you havo for that?' I asked
him. 'If I tell you and you should re
peat it to anybody, I might not get my
price for tho picture, ' ho said. 'There
were really about 20 sittings, but 18 of
them were shams. After the first two I
never did any work when the subject
was before mo. ' Don't you see this is
just a ease in point? At tho first ho had
sketched tho ontlino of tho face, and, as
he told me, whenever ho wanted to sit
down and work at it ho had only to re
call tho person's face to his mind, and
ho can really do his best work from this
mental copy alone by himself. Tho pres
ence of the real face distracts his atten
tion and makes him norvona, Ho has the
power. Well, if it is a mental faculty
and our girl guts well, sho is going to
remember all about this time and these
events si me we found her in a series of
pictures, I take it"
Lamar laughed. "Something after tho
style of a panorama, I suppose? No,
Maxey, you reason too loosely. You
don't weigh your own words. Remem
ber all about it. Do you know what it is
to remember? It is to recall something
that wo havo onco known. This poor
girl knows nothing of what is transpir
ing around her and has not since tho
moment when she lost her senses on the
rocks at tho sea road. What never is
known cannot by any possibility be re
membered. No. Whatever may bo the
future of tho patient, this present time
will always be a blank to her."
Dr. Lamar spoko very positively.
"Well," sighed Maxey, "if sho bnt
recovers enough to explain who sho is
and how she Came where wo found her,
I shall feel reasonably satisfied. Still I
can't seo what your visualization
amounts to if she cannot cany a picture
which sho sees now into tho future,
whatever bo her condition. "
"Ah, that is another thing!" said La
mar, "quito another thing from mem
ory. That might be. Sho might carry
tho picture, but it would bo a picturo
simply, unassociated with tho succession
of events. If sho were a painter now,
though sho novcr knew yon, sho might
paint your faeo and think it an idea of
her own. Not very probablo, I admit,
but still it might be."
Maxey lookod serious.
"What a curious fancy, that!" ho
mused. "I boliovo if sho does get well,
I will teach her the first thing to paint
Heigho, but sho's not well yet!"
It had grown quito dark in the sitting
room whilo they hnd been talking. Tho
early evening of a winter's day had al
ready come. Lamar all at ouee awoko to
a realization of tho flight of time. Ho
turned tho face of his watch to tho fire
and exclaimed:
"What am I lagging hero for? It is
noarly 6 o'clock! If I don't look out,
this girl will ruin my business. Let ns
seo how tho patient is before wo go. No,
you need not trouble yoursolf to get a
light, Miss Maxey. I havo more senses
than ono. Ah, sleeping quietly! That is
good, very good. I shouldn't wonder,
after all, Maxey but, all, who knows,
who knows?"
"I will strike a light whilo you put
on your things," said Miss.Maxoy.
"Oh, no. Don't, pray. I know how
comfortable this twilight is. Never spoil
it with a light if you can help it It is
tho best time of tho day. Well, Maxey,
good night"
"No," said Maxey suddenly; "I think
I will go out with you. I havo got
something to say, and besides I want to
smoke. Siueo our now .arrival that's
prohibited here, yon know. Ellen, you
aro tired, and if I wire yon I would lio
down a little while. I shall not bo gone
very long. I am just going to tho comer
with the doctor. But really, if youwill
take my advice, you will lie down and
rest yourself."
"Don't worry about me, my dear, good
brother. I know my strength and my
weakness. I shall not overtax myself.
It has not hurt me to be up a littlo
nights. I feel as bright as a daisy now. "
This must have been just a trifle wide
of the tenth, Ellen Maxey. Your brother
had scarcely closed the door behind
himself and tho handsome doctor when
you threw your tired body upon tho bed.
You listened to their footsteps going
downstairs. You hour them KVoniing
fainter and fainter till they lost al
together. The deep voice of Dr. Lamar
is still sounding in your ears. Do not
deny the fact that it is exceedingly good
music to you. You think of Dr. Lamar,
an 1 von wonder.
The great house is so still, and yon aro
so very tired! What was that? Some
body at tho door? No. A rat gnawing
behind tho woodwork, A loose coal falls
in the grate. Tho wind rattles tho panes.
Thero is no other sound. Even the fire,
is paling now is going out entirely.
You aro sound asleep
t a a
"Open the door! Open tho door! El
len! Ellen! Open tho door, I say!"
Still the silenco of tho grave within.
Julian Maxey was thoroughly alarmed
by this time. Already ho had stood in
tho hall pounding and calling for what
seemed an age to him. There was some
thing very strango about all this.
Strauge that Ellen, expecting him back
directly, should lock tho door on tho in
side. Stranger still that sho should go
out and leave the sick girl alone.
"Ellen! For the last time, Ellen!"
Maxey had a momentary idea of
breaking in the door. Then he bethought
himself of his bunch of keys. Ho thrust
one of them into the keyhole. He breath
ed heavily in his excitement Ah, the
key was indeed on the inside. By dint
of much rattling he miuiaged to push it
freftn its place and hoard it fall with an
ominous clink to tho floor. After many
ineffectual trials ho picked tho lock.
Tho obstinate door yielded at last to his
touch. He rushed in. It was totally
dark everywhere. He felt his way to tho
sitting room. Tho only liglft was the
dim glow of tho coals in tho grate,
which told him nothing.
Ho blindly groped his way to the
center table, where he knew there was a
raatchsafe. In the obscurity ho struck
against a chair ;uid overturned it. It fell
with a startling crash, and in tho in
stant of its concussion, starting, as it
were, out of tho very sound itself, ho
heard again that low, tremulous utter
ance that wa.s neither a moan of pain
nor a plea for mercy, but akin to both,
just as ho had beard it homo on the bit
ter wind from tho d;rrkening sea that
night on the rocks above the surging of
tho waves. There was something in the
cry that completely unnerved Maxey. It
had always been his terror. Now, inten
sified by tho circumstances, it assumed
tho potency of fate itself. His hand
trembled so hve made several futilo at
tempts beforo ho could strike a light.
Finally tho slender shaft took firo and
blazed up. Maxey touched a gas jet. In
tho glare' that followed ho saw the girl
they called Annette sittingf robed in
White, upon the edgoof tho little bed in
tho alcove room, wringing her hands in
the old nervous fashion, her fearful,
white face turned toward him, her dark
eyes regarding him with dread.
But it was cot this that chilled him
to tho heart, that maelo tho color fado
from his lips till they were ashen. It
was tho speetaclo of his sister, Ellen
til . K
0 ;;'V-: v
It was the spectacle nf his sister,
Maxey, thrown down across her bed, a
silk handkerchief twisted about her neck
and her fingers clasping the ends in des
perate energy. Her face was black, and
whe n he spoko to her sho did not move.
His voico seemed to awake an echo in
the place.
Nothing elso but tho wind rattling
the panes, and faintly tho grinding of
tho ico ngainst the stones as the tido
flowed to tho sea.
Gallantry of u Servant.
Peoplo suy that gallantry is going out of
fashion. This Is what was written by a
woman from one of the southern springs:
"1 do believe the colored people are tho
most polite in the world. You know what
a wretched memory I havo tor names?
Well, an African gentleman has been in
the habit of bringing me my coffee every
morning, and from the depths of my pit
low l always addressed nun an William,
At last one morning, when I was rather
more wide awake than usual, I said to
him, 'By the liy, is your uiunt William ?'
And he answered, 'Well, no, miss, it ain't
Williiim, it Is George; but if it gives yon
any pleasure to speak to me as William,
it makes me more than happy.' Can any
body say chivalry is dying out when such
an answer as this is received ?" Kxchauge.
0 tired littlo mariner,
Ye'o-hol Yco-hnl
Unto the striuul of SUtmbcrliuid
A-sailing we must go.
This is tho titno v, hen children fare
Away from bnine;
So we'll seek the good ship RockluBcholr,
Afur to roam.
0 yco-hol
0 fsloopy littlo voyagM
Yeo-hol Yeo-hol
The ploiiannt breeze of drowslncsa
Ilcglnning Is to blow;
And MW tho Idles of Mldnod are
All mil'oly piist;
And now over Dreamland's harbor bar
Wo steer at last.
0 yoo-hol
Portland Transcript
mi ul
t i as i n
Foslilon'i Enormities of Forty Yean Ac
Scoui Even Worse Now.
Wo know that fashion changes from
year to your, and that her freaks arc often
uumarkeel by wisdom und good taste, but
wo do not fully upprecicto tho enormities
sho commits until timo has rendered thcin
obsolete. A glance at the fashion plates
in uuigti zincs of 40 yews ngo provokes
boundless wonder ns to bow man and
women ever consented to niuko Buch ab
surd spectacles of themselves. Consump
tive gentlemen, with sloping shoulders
and waspllko waists the hitter ueccntu
atcd by a stylo of coat with a full basque
gathered on to what women would call a
plain bodice ogle ladles who wear the
fullest purt of a full skirt In front and
Stand in poses that would drive a physical
culturlst to despair. If tho woman of two
ge iwrations ago really carried hor chest
and shoulelers so far in tho reur of hor
head and the rest of her anatomy, how can
anybody havo tho assurance to state that
tho girl of tho present ago is inferior in
health to her grandmother?
Thcso early declining persons wore white
Stockings, too, surely tho mest unbecom
ing easing feir the feet ever adopted by u
supposedly cultivated people, not except
ing the white kid slipper. And such bon
nets as the women appeared in beggar de
scription. It may be accurately stated
that the women appeared ''in" the bonnet
so far In that only a direct front view
revealed the luct that sheinid a face at all.
An immense seiop of straW covered neck,
curs and hair and extended so far forward
as to preclude any glimpse of a possible
profile. All these things were fushlonablo
in the eyes of our Immediate ancestors. Is
it possible that 40 years from now our
pretty things will seem equally preposter
ous to our (.'mndchildron?
Our ji O,ment is enough better than
that of post times to tell us thaf, a blank
expense of straw, however fine, is less at
tractive to the eye than a view of tho faeo
it shelters. It has been many a day since
tho countenance wa i concealed by the heud
covering, and even our biggest hats leave
tho face to speak fur itself. A fair exam
ple of modern fashion is shown in the ac
companying sketch. It is a hat eif black
rlco straw trimmed with black ostrich
plumes. The brim la bent und caught up
u the back, and block satin ribbon forms
an adelitionol garniture1.
Jrnic Chqixet.
A Would lie l'tiblio Ileuofuctor Who
Foujid Thnt He Whs Not Appreciated.
"Please give me a dime."
I was seated In the Mall at Central park,
looking ut the statue of "Robbie" Burns
and thinking thoughts that many a man
bus thought before about his ill starred
life, when my reveries were thus turned
Into another channel. I didn't like it.
"Why should 1 give you a dime?" I re
plied sharply, hoping thereby to gefrid of
But it didn't have the elesired effect. He
tvasu't an every day sort of tramp, although
his apparel was shabby enough. Thera was
a moldy air of better days about him. He
heaved a sigh, and seating himself along
side of me I couldn't resent that, because
he had just as much right to a scat us 1
had he began to unfold his tale.
"I recognize in you," ha began, "a
kindred spirit. I, too, am a worshiper at
the shrine of genius. Nothing delights
me so much as to set' the memory of great
men fittingly honored. Years ugo, in a tit
of generous enthuslnsm, I conceived a
scheme which, had it been favorably re
ceived, would have lllled this park and all
other parks and public squares In the land
with statutes of mankind's greatest bene
factors. "Bat pardon me," ho added, interrupting
his narrative, do you happen to havo tho
mnte to that cigar about your"
I told him I hadn't.
"Well, never mind, I ain't particular;
I'll take a chew of tobacco, if you happen
to have it."
I told him I had none.
Another sigh impinged itself upon my
olfactory organs, and then he continued:
"Nothing so helps a man to rise superior
to the petty and soul enthralling concerns
of everyday life OS the contemplation and
study of true greatness. To assist in tho
attainment of that lofty state of mind
there is nothing so effective as the presence
of the counterfeit presentments of men
who have towered like sun kissed moun
tain peaks above their fellows. With that
conviction strong upon mo I abandoned
the haunts of men and gave myself up to
thought. In due time the inspiration came.
At tho lowest est imate there are 4,000,000
men in this country who net shaved by
barbers on on average three times a week.
At an absurdly low e stimate that involves
an expenditure of thirty cents a week by
each man. That, sir, as I have proved over
and over again, amounts to $1,200,000 a
week, or 109,400,000 a year.
"Just think of it I All that money prac
tically thrown away. I preipeised that
these four millions should form a vast
'antishavo' or 'shave yourself association,
and that the money thus saved should bo
put Into a fund to purchase statues for
beautifying our parks and places of public
resort. All the reward that I asked was
that I should bo made tho treasurer of tho
fund. Had the scheme been carried out
tho artistic beauties of ancient Greece
would be as nothing compared with ours,
but my scheme fell unheeded on the miser
able horde of mercenary, self seeking men
who libel this country by calling them
selves Americans.
"That was fifteen years ago. As yon
may perceive, if you eibsorve me closely, I
have not shaved from that day to this. I
tried to bo a public benefactor. Society
scornfully rejected my offering. There
fore, society owes me a living. And that,
sir, Is why I ventured to ask you for a
"Hi, there! get out of this," harshly ex
claimed a park policeman who had stolen
upon us unawares. "Didn't I tell you I'd
give you a taste of mo club if I caught you
around hereugalnf"
"Shades of Scott rtnd Burns and Shake
speare!" muttered the tramp as he shuffled
off. "Has it corao to this that your most
ardent elevotco should be the sport and jest
of a sparrow cop P" New York Herald.
What Part Eccentrics Have Played.
I suppose most peoplo cotild point to men
or women of their acquaintance whom
they hold In regard as originals or eccen
trics. It Is somewhat dubious a title foi
respect, oven wit us, who are reckoned so
eccentric a nation. And yet it is worth
while to remember that all the wat in
ventious which have done so much for civ
nidation havo boeu discovered by eccen
tricsthat is, by men who stopped out ol
tho common groove; men who differed
more or leas from other men in thoir hab
its uud ideals. All the Year Round.
Beecham's pills are for
biliousness, bilious headache,
dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid
liver, dizziness, sick head
ache, bad taste in the mouth,
coated tongue, loss of appe
tite, sallow skin, when caused
by constipation ; and consti
pation is the most frequent
cause of all of them.
Book free; pills' 25c' At
drugstorcs,or write B.F.Allen
Co.,365 Canal St., New York.
A Wei-Known PhysiciaWho,
Among Other Things, Is
Noted for His Frankness.
No one ever heard Dr. E. Grower nas
the phras "1 think" In his practice. The
doctor is ouo at those frank, fearless, hon
est, peisltive men who never hesitate to
ny yes or no, as tho cue may require.
"1 can euro you" nr "I cannot euro you,"
is his Invariable decision nftor examinn
tiou, r.nd to this foot fct Is attributable
his remarkable record without failures.
But it would be strauge indeed if the doc
tor were not a more t ban usually success
ful practitioner. He has boea surgeon- in
chief in more than one of the largest hos
pitals of this country, was lately Demon
strator of Phvaiolojjy and Surgery at tho
iltdico-Chirurgical College in Philadel
phia, has been elected an boaorary mem
ber of the Siedieo-ChirnrKlcul Association,
is a graduate of the University of Penn
sylvania, etc., and is still a cloio student.
A man with such a record could not fail
to be a successful physician under ony
circumetancs, but whea buckod by
cautious, conservatism in expression, or,
to use a more popular phrsse, the "bo-Bure-you're-riRbt-theu-go-ahead"
it would be more than strange If failure
overtook him.
You can consult Dr. Grower any day at
Rooms 5 and 0,
Temple Conrt Building
81 1 SPRUCE ST.,
from 0 B.m. till 0 p.m. Consultations froo.
Those suffering from Norvous Diseases
aro guaranteed a cure. For such (here is
the cheering word "Yet," as failure Is un
known io tho doctor's treat menu
Bank of Scranton.
CAPITAL, $200,000
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special attrntlon i:lvon to buslnou uc
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WILT.TAM COKKKt.t, rrldcnt.
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Alfred Hand. Jamea Arclihalel, Hrurjr
llrllu, jr.. William T. auitb Lather
National Bank of Scranton.
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $25,000.
BAHir&L niNF.S.trresMnnt.
Vv. W. Watson. Vice Preakllai
A. 13. WILLIAMS, Cushior.
BAMBpL n i n ks, ,ia miss M- DvrnnAax,
laviNo A. FiNCn, PlIBOC H. Finmsy.
JOnra J. JtllMYN, M. H. hi Mi i.i i u,
t- has 1J. An i ri, mv-1. John T. PoiiTEO.
W. W. WA-foON.
This bank lnvitos the patrou&ge of busluoaa
men und tlrins generally.
BKXTEB S'uOI! tt inc'p. Capital., ! .090,000.
"A dollar tartd li a dollar earntd." t
Thl Ladles' Solid French liongola Kid Tint.
touEoot delivered free uDynhern in Iho U.S., on
receipt orcano, Money iruer,
or ratal Note lor II AO,
Eqeatn every way the booU
sold In nil retail alarei for
Si. Jo. We inako thin bcot
ournolveii, thorcforo wo guar
antee the fit, ttulc and vtnr,
and If liny ono Ik not saiLllcd
we will roiuna um nwucy
or Bend anmhor r'r- 'Vn
Too or uommon eciuc,
widths f, I E. KK,
-I , ... 4 .wl tw.l.
i ,Wtee. Send your iltr;
'.t ni yon.
i .ii i
Dexter Shoe Co., BOSTON. MASS.
enteral terml to veuier:
par m fine Dtly ourtd 1
in'h) lnftOUvi t)V I
XJI I,. Unm.
faflive proofs 1 tf book, illuitrittd (torn I
M V . C.I !,-., Mnln Dumnrlu will I
I poilUTity ouro. COOK HUH A Mmf, 111. I
A Handsome Complexion
I Is ono of the greato'it charms a woman can
DOfttels Poezonx's Complexion Powdbb
gives It.
mwL Mm
mi a .1 mil
The abovo brand or flour can be had at any of the following merchants,
who will uccopt The Triuusb flouu coupon of 25 on enoh one hundred pouudj
of flour or 50 on each barrel of flour.
tcranton-F. I Trloo, WnshlUffton nvonuo 1
Gold Modal Brnna.
tiunniore-F. P, Trice, Gold Modal Brand.
Dunmoro 1 D. Mnnluy. Superlatlvo lir to l.
Hyde I'ark-Carsou .ft Davis, Washburn St.
Gold Medl.1 Brand; J. seph A. Hours, Maia
avsnus, Buporlutirt Brand,
Green KIlifB-A.L.8punoor.Golil Modal Brand.
J. T.McKulo, Superlative,
l'lovldi'iico Feuner & ChappollN- Main avo-
euo, Superlativo lirand;C. J. GUlejpio, VV.
Markot stroot, Hold Medal Brand.
Olyphant-Jaaaes Jordan, Uuporlatlve Brand.
PtckviUo Shalfer & Kibvr Huporlatlvo.
JorraVn-(J, I). Winters .v Co. Supuralatlvo
Archbald Jones. 8 mpson & Co.. Gold Modal.
Carbondalo-B. S. Clark, Gold Medal Brand.
Honeadalo-1. N. Fostor & Co. Gold Modal.
Minooku-M. It. Layella
"No star was ever iost we once have seen,
We always may be what we might have boon,"
Scranton, Pa.
12 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
91 DID
That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat
terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and
FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce,
of your silver dollars. All elegantly en
graved free. A large variety of new pat
terns to select from at
gr i a ITh is
g: Makes
grifflarvelous Cures
grin Blood Poison
Sr Rheumatism
and Scrofula
P. P. P. purifies tho blood, bnlldsnp
tho nrni deblliMtod, gives
strength to wo a Ice nod nervei, expels
dlseudes.gtvloc tho patlont health and
bappinoss where stctrnosn, K0l,my
feelings und lassitude tlrst prevailed.
For primary. Ht-oondary and tertiary
pyphill;i. for blood poisoning, niereu
fUU pOUon, malaria, dyspepsia, and
In nil uljud and skin dlaoanes, like
blotehori, pluiplos, old chronic ulcers,
tettur, ucald head, bolls, erysipelas,
eczema- vo rosy pay. without fear of
contradiction, that P. P. P. Is the best
blood purl tier In tho world.anrt makes
posit. V'.', Hpoody and permanent cures
In all cases.
ladles whose syotoms aro poisoned
and whose bloodls In an Impure condi
tion, duo to menstrual IrregularKltM,
are pecnllarly beneltlod by the won
derful toulc nnd blood eUMinflng prop
erties of P. P. P. - Prickly Ash, Poke
Koot and I'otasslutu.
Sprixofibld, Mo., Aug. Hth, 1898a
I cun speak in tho highest t jrros of
your medicine from my own personal
knowledge. 1 wusafteetcd with heart
dlsouso, pleurisy and rheuni.'itlMtn for
35 years', was treated by the very best
physicians ami spent hundreds of dol
lars, tried every known remedy with
out flndLigJellef. I have only taken
one bottle of your P. P. P., and can
cheeriully say It has dono me more
good than anything 1 have ever taken.
X can recommend your medicine to all
f)unrcr of the above diseases.
8pr jgflold, Qreuu County, Mo.
iBumntlon or Insanity,
i,v mail DMBMO. with
. . ...
btFORL AMI AFTER USING. no other. Address XEllVE SKKIU O., Masonic Temple, cdicauu. u
For Sale in Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Druggist, cor- Washington
tprl Snruco stroots.
-.'.a or retllml lie- money.
or reMm.l lie
tor w,uw xi a.,
For Sale llyC. M. IIABItlX, Inngglst.
NOW flUaSamSt.
Bcfoie uJ Ab.t Uaiug.
. ...... ......... 1 11 w.
Forsale by JOHN H. PHElPS,
Spvuce Street, Scranton, Pa.
ficii ihcX 1. Tribune, Zov.l.MX
The Flour
"Chicago, Oct 81. Fhe first official
announcement of World's Fair di
plomoa on flour has been mude. A
medal has been awarded by the
W orld's Fair judges to the flour manu
factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co,
in the great Washburn Flour Mills,
Minneapolis. The committee reports
tho Hour strong and pure, and entitles
it to rank as first-class patent flour, for
family and bakers' use."
Taylor-JuiIro ft Co.. Gold Medal; Atborto
& Co., Superlative.
Duryea Lawrence Storo Co., Gold ModaL
Mooiiic John McCrindlo, Gold Medal.
Pittoton-M. W. O'Boyle, Gold Medal.
Clark's Qron Fraco ft Parkor, Huporlntha.
Clark's Summit -F. M. ounu, Gold Modal.
Dallon S. E. Finn ft Son, Gold Modal Brand.
NUhulson-J. E. HardiUK.
Wavi rly-M. W, Bliss (i Son, Gold ModaL
Factory villo Charlos Gardner, Gold ModaL
Hopboltoiu- N. M. Finn ft Sou, Gold Medal.
Tobyhanna Tobyhauna S Lehigh Lumbar
Co., Gold Medal Brand
Oouldaboro-S A. Adann. Gold Molal Braad,
Moicow Gabzo ftClnmcnts, Gold Medal.
Luko Ariel James A. Bortreo. Gold ModaL
Forest City-J. L. Morgan ft Co., Gold Med;
h Course
Pimples, Blotches
and Old Sores 3
Catarrh, Majarja Ei
and Kidney Troubles
Are cndi-cly removed P.P.P.
Prickly Ash, Potto Root and Potas
sium, tho greatest blood purlScr on
Aberdeen, O. . Jnly 21, 18BL
Messrs. Lippman Bros. , 8ar.inr.nh.
Qa. : Dear Sirs 1 boHsrht a bottle ot
your P. P. P. at Hot Spring!. Ark. .and
11 nils Mono mo moro KOOU lunn tnruo mm
months' treatment at tho Hot BnriDita.
Hood throe bottles C. 6. L).
Heapootlullv yours,
Abordoen, Brown County, O.
C'apt. J. D. Johniton.
To all whom it may conrern: I here
by tostlfy to the wonderful properties
of P. P. P. lor eruptions of the skin. I
Buffered for several yearn with an un
sightly snd disagreeable eruption oo
my face. I tried every known reme
dy but In vain, until P. P. P. wu used,
and am now entirely cured. t T inilVCTHH
' Savannah, Qa. S
Skfn Canrer Cmcd.
TtMmony from the Mayor of Sequin,Tcx.
8EO.H1S, Tex., Jnnunry 14, 1193.
Messrs. Lipphan linos., Savannah,
Oa. : tlt'ntlemenl have tried your P.
P. P, for a dUeaafl of the skin, usually
known an skin cnhoer.of thirty fears
standing, und found great relief: 16
purities the blood :tnd reaioves all Ir
ritation from tho seat of tho dlseuie
nnd prevents1 uny spreading of ttio
snres. I have taken Hve t sis bottles
nnd feol ctinlldent that another course
will effoot a cure. It has also relieved
mo from Indigestion and stomach
troubles. Yours truly,
Attorney at Law.
. jji
Book on Blocs Diseoses tio'iod Frse.
Idppman'. Block.Siavaniiah, Ga
Till, wondorntl rerordj Rare
, ......... 1 In MM .11 rll..
cases, such as Weak Memory, bOMOI main rower, ri Baa. acne, wimerumess.
Lost Manhood, Nifhtly ICnilaalone, Nerviiusnes.),ttlldraln3andlossot power
lni;eiieratlveOrnai'.sof cither soseaused by overexertion, youthrtil error..
BicesslvotiBC of tobacco, opium or stimulants, which load to InnrmltT, Cpn-
con iiocarneoin vustpocsot. mt per box, d ioi .m
a 6 order wo give a written uii.irm.tee to euro
... ... 1,..,. . .i:i i... .. 11 .1. I... An for t. tnxe
I ircuuu lie-', r-uiu ey 11 1 1 u m.-.. -n.". i"
Tbo great remedy for nervous prostration and allnervousdlsoascs of
tho generative orgnna of cither ecx. isuchaalNervousProstrutU n. Fall
ing or Lest Manhood, Irapotcncy, NlfDUjr Emissions, Youthful Krrora,
Mental Worry, cicesslvo use of Tobacco or Opium, which lend to Con
Bunptlonnnd Insanity. With ovcry 8t order wo give nwrtttenguap.
antee to dure or refund the money. Sold at SI-OO per box. 41 boios
moi l a i i:i.jiRAl. KO., t-lcvciuuo. uoio
1U7 I'eilll Avenue.
Will br.M f,n nnln . w,...b .Alii allh TOnTTTE1!
r.t A u A N i EE to Curs Nervosa Debility, I,oas of Buna! Powar in cllhri hi,
InroluutirT Emlitloiii from any cause. If segl.cted, such trouble leal 1 1
ctiiumitlna er lataelty, tl.noper box by mall, 6 bnjes for is. Wilh even
Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and