The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 07, 1894, Image 1

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the Scranton Caudidate Carries Oil the Chief
Honor at WiiliamsporL '
They Listen to Oratory Denunciatory
of Both the Old Parties, Adopt a
Platform Favoring Numerous Items
in the Populist Creed, Select a Com
plete State Ticket and Gird Them
selves for the Forthcoming Guber
natorial Campaign.
For Oo.craor, OBABUI L. Hawtey, of
For Lk'utomiut (lovorunr, IIoMiMt L. Cas
tle, of l'ltt-bur,.'.
For Auditor Uouonil, CBARLM 1'AI.meii, of
For Beoretwy of Internal Affairs, L. it ui.ka-
son, or l imtou.
For Conii8jiuonat-Lar(-p, E. K. Kane, of
Kane, mid Uev. L (i. JoiiDA.N, of l'hiia
dolohiik WiLLiAMsrouT, Pa., June 6.
THE lHrjieat Prohibition ouuveution
ever held in Pennsylvania con
vened here this morning and
nominated a complete ticket,
lil-ced iUelf on record, and adjouued
amid entliuaiiism Cu-irn. m i'.i ..
called llo convention to order at 9
0 clock, after which Homer L. U.iatl
wjis chosen temporary ciiairin in. Dur
lo his s, eecli he said the Republican
parly hud been weighed iu the balance
and found wanting, Tho Denncratic
pi.rty whs unlit to join and as a result a
new party had to De organized. H"
called th- Republioan party a whisky
lOltked, monopolillio orgauizition, and
his audience) applauded. He said that
the so-called industrial armies and the
mtii within the halls of congress-are
nono less ttan a yaiig of whisky drink
ers. After the nppointuiintof committers
a p' rmauent organization was perfect
ed, with Homer L. Castle, of Alleghe
ny, president, several vice presidents,
and A. j. Tbomason as Liickawanua's
representative among the secretaries.
At the afternoon sssion two hours
were consumed in railing a fund of
$:2,U00 for camisign purposes. The
plaifortn reported by the committee
declare the liquor traffic to be the foe
01 morality, the arch enemy of govern
ment and a public nuisance ; denounces
all laws proreoting the traffic; declares
for prohibition; favors a qualification
oi intelligence in voters and iucreased
facilities in the public schools for
higher education; decries sectarianism
in the schools, calls for protection
of the Sabbath as a day of
rest, denounces indiscrimate immigrat
ion as a menace to the stability of our
government; asks that the naturaliza
tion laws be nmended, opposes trusts
and combinations that interfere with
industrial ana business interests.favors
the election of the president, vice pres
ident and senators by the.cirect vote
of the people; declares for the princi
ple of proportionate representation of
all iu legislative bodies, and in favor
of slate supervision of nublio roads;
6ya the tariff should "be adjusted
through a non-partisan commission
and partisan demagogery on the tariff
and other public questions ended, and
favors jnat pensions to soldiers.
Tl platform was adoptod unani
mous')', and then to the surprise of
everybody the nominations were made
without contest, oandidate after candi
date withdrawing until the whole
thing simmered down to the following
Governor, Charles L. Hawley, of
Kcnnton; liontenant governor, Homer
L. Castle, of Pittsburg; auditor gen
eral. Charles Palmer, of Delaware;
secretary of internal affairs, L r'
Gleason. of Canton; cougessmen-at-large,
E K. Kane, of Kane, and Rev.
L. U. JurJan. of Philadelpnia. The
convention then adjourned.
State Chairman Patton whs re
elected, and E, D. Nichols, of Wilkes
Barre, and Burr Spangler, of Marri
Stta, wus il'.cted secretary and treas
urer respectively, of the state commit
tee. An executive committee of fifteen
was chosen.
By a Vole of 172 to 102 the House Re
fuses to Kepxul It.
Washington, June 6 By a vote of
172 to 102 the house of representatives
today voted not to repeal the law im
posing a tax of 10 per cont. upon the
ishues of state banks and other associa
tions. Then it decided, without tbe
formality of a vote, or e,ven a division,
to kill the Brawloy bill, to which the
other proposition was an amendment,
This bill propossd to suspend the ou
eratious of the law as to the certificates
and other evidences of money issued
by clearing houses and other associa
tions during the currency panic of
1893. This latter action was somewhat
nucxpeclod, beoanse in the course of
the ten days' debate just closed there
had boon no objection expressed to that
The Hospital at Iflyelowita Reported to
le Crowd, d With Fatlente,
London, June 0. A dispatch from
Berliu to the Standard says: Several
deaths from cholera have occurred
among raftsmen near Thorn, a town of
Went Prussia, on .the Vistula. There
bavo also been a number of deaths from
the disease at Myslowitz, iu Prussian
Semi-official telegrams report that
the outbreak in Myslowitz is not of a
serious character, but private dis
patches assort that the public hospital
at thi place is crowded with cholera
Without Bis Knowledge or Consent Hie
Skin Wai Stripped Oft
San Francisco, June 6 Miohael
MeGrowan, a banker who cams here
from Butte, Mont., and was subse
quently treated in the city hospital for
an ulcerated ankle. ha begun suit
ngainst the city for $25,000 damages for
lost skin.
He cl aims that the hospital surgeons
placed him under tho influence of a
powerful anaesthetic, and without his
knowledge or consent, cut from his
thighs seven strips of skin one and one
half inches wide and from four to eight
inches long.
McGowans valued epidermis was
used in a skin-grafting operation upon
the faces of a Frenchman and a
Frenchwoman, who had been badly
The Redoubtable German Dons It and
Face Rff i Bullets.
London, June 6 At another private
tost of Herr Djwe's bnllet-proof coat
mude yesterday, Heir Dowe donned
the cuirass ami Captain Martin fir.xl
two shots at it from a Lea-Mi If ord
rtt, aiming rather low. Dowe did
not nppt ur to feol the shock percepti
bly. Then the cuirass was suspended
against a sheet of plate glass and pep
pored all over, ton shots being fired.
The glass was hardly shaken,
A Times r pivsuntativo says he then
ximiued the curiae and found holes
lo it, but no trace of splashes. He saw
that the curiass was bent both longti
tudually and across. Tne form of the
bullets wh-n extracted, he said, led to
the conclusion that they certaiuly had
impinged a knife edge, and probably
had not touched metal of any kind.
They appeared precisely liko the bot
tom of :i mushroom.
And Lord Rossberry Has Now At
tained His Completed
London, June 0 Lord Rosebery's
bay cold Ladas at Epsom today won
tae derby. Matchbox was second and
Rmalndor third. Than, the destiny
manned out bv Lord Rosehurr. in hin
college days, Iiiib been fulfilled. He
married the richest girl in England.
Mis Hannah do RothneHld. h la
prime minister of England, and be has
won the uerny.
Ladns won in a cantor bv a length and
a half, in 2 minntei 45 4-5 seconds. Six
lengths separated the second horse.
Matchbox, trom the third, Reminder,
Hornbeam was fourth. A scene of In.
deserihle enthtuUtm followed Ladas'
victory. Thousands of wildly cheer
ing people invaded the course ut
ter the race was decided. anil
Lidas was soon surrounded by a
multitude. When Lord Raaabafv nn
peared on the courae In order to lead
Latins back to the paddock, a strong
lorce of police was sent to the spot to
protect the premier from the prossuro
of the crowds. The policsmeu had ail
thoy could do to make way for the
triumphant favorites. Thore was an
other tremendous outburst of enthus
iasm us Lord Rnsebery and Ladas en
tered the paddock together.
The bay colt, Ladas, was also the
winner of the Two Thousand Ontnaaa
on May 9 and of the Newmarket stakes
od May 23. The Derby, the greatest of
all horee races, is of u.O.K) sovereigns,
the winner to receive 5.O0J ($25,000.)
Ladas is a direct descendant of VVliale
bone, who won the Dxrbv for the Duke
of Grafton wheu the latter wus prime
minister in 1810.
Over 100.000 neonle. areordini? to e
tiuiute. iouruevsd to Eoaotn indav hv
road or by rail Amoug the royalty
aud nobility preseut at the race were
the prince and priucojs of Wales, tho
Princess Maud of Wales, the dnkn ot
Saxe-Coburg-Ootha (tho duite of Edin
burgh, the nuke ot Cambrtdire, the
duke and duchess of Portland, the duke
of Devonshire, the duke of Westmins
ter, Lord Rosebery, Eirl Cadogau, the
earl of Coventry th mamma nf
donderry aud Lord Randolph Church
Four Miners in the Hoyt Shaft Are Se
ven ly Injured.
FlTTSTON, Pa.. June C An explos
ion of gas took place in the Hoyt shaft
near here today. A party of miners
were driving a rock tunnel and with
their naked lamps struck a small vein
of gas which was iguited.
Charles ! isher and Joseph Fair-
clongh were fatally burned on face and
hands; John Hall and Richard Bowden
were asriously burned on the face.
Harvey Adams' horse kicked him to
death at Bear Gap, near Bhamokio,
A train struck aud fatally hurt Miss Sa
die Shaub at a Lancaster crossing. '
Five hundred Pennsylvania Son.9 of Vet
orans are in auuual oncarapmont at Johm
town. Brakoman ThnodoroR. flinn, of Easton,
was ground to pieces under car wheels at
At Arabian, near Hazletou, Absolom
Adam robbed John Joseph's homo of $275
and escupeti.
After several years of idleness, the PhOB
nixville pottery has resumed operations
with 150 meu.
The state board of charities has con
demned Lebanon's polico station, and tho
loose practices at. the almshouse.
An electric light wire "live" enough to
kill, fell and only burned the end ot Mikb
Emma Welch's thumb at Columbia.
Plans for the Western Home for Feeblo
Minded Children at Polk, Venango conuty
were adopted at a meeting of the state
board of charities.
James Ryan, a prominent butchsr, while
crossing the Jersey Central track at
Wilkes-liarre, was struck by nn express
traiu aud instantly killed.
Uureuuited love, a longing for the
Fatherland, a false accusation against him
and lack of work caused Jacob Smith to
shoot his brains out at Alluutowu.
A movement has also been inaugurated
to unite the boroughs of Suubury und
East Sunbury. The uuion of the two bor
oughs will give Suubury a population of
Montgomery county lawyers have at
last been routed by a woman, Miss Mar
garet Richardson. Judge Weand granted
her application for registration as a law
itudeut. abe had passed the preliminary
examination long ago.
Tho funeral of ex-Judge John M. Broom
all took pluce yesterday afternoon from
his late rosldenca in Media. Judge Clay
to"n, the members of the Delaware d Unty
bar and most of the court bouse officials
attonded in a bed
Hosts of Infuriated Strikers Pillage, Burn and
Destroy Other People's Property.
And the Latest Word from McKees
port Is That the Strikers Are Train
ing a Battery of Cannons on the
Tube Works Where Other Laborers
Are Seeking Work Som? of the
Dramatic Incidents of a Day of Omi
nous Disorder Conference to Be
Held Tomorrow Preliminary to the
Larger Peace Gathering Slated for
Saturday Miscellaneous News of
the Strike.
Philadelphia, June o
n CCORDING to a decision reached
fit today by the c mmittee recently
Ml appointed by the Clearfled coal
U U operators, a general meeting of
the operators is to he held in this city
on Friday. This action was ta;:ai as a
result of thedecwion reached at Colum
bus yesterday bv the general executive
board of tho United Mine workers,
which concluded to call for joint con
ferences of th" miners anil operators in
the various affected districts to lie hell
Saturday, Juno 9
At Friday's meeting the Clearfield
operators will bo called upon to decide
whether or not thoy will send repre
sentatives to meet the miners from that
region on Saturday to tho end that a
settlement of the strike mav be af
fected. There is everv reason to be
lieve that the operators will decide to
do so. There was a strong feeling in
the bituminous trades today that the
action of the miner's executive hoard
had paved the way for a peaceful
term, nation of the strike.
An Angry Mob of Allen Strikers !)-
troys Prop-irty and Peace.
McKeespokt, Pa,, Juno 0. An
anu'rv mob of 2,000 foreigners, natiou-
1 tube worm striu -rs, returned ti) Mc
Keesport just nfter noon, having iu
their morning rai 1 destroyed two of
tho largest coal tipples on the river.
Ide raiders hrst Halted at David
Moore's tipple at Point View. The
structure was soou razed to the
ground. The rioters theu tore down tho
tipple owned by John P. Mclutyre.
i no ud nrst tore down the platform
at the railroad si linsr, but was stoned
on tho hill by Mr. Cony, superintend
ent of the company, who had a re
volver. A half dozjn mou rushed upon
turn una quickly disarmed luui. Hi
lenied that any men wero at work, but
the infuriated foreigners would not
listen to him und a committee was ap
pointed to inspect the miue. They re
turned shortly uft?rward with twenty
fiv' men.
Mclntyre arrived and ordered the
nun oil the place. The mob seeing a
revolver in bit band shouted: "Tench
him a lesson." This was followed bv
an attack on the tipple, the men using
picks and axes aud in less than fifteen
minutes tbe structure was iu ruins.
During the riutiug s.-veral men wero
trampled upon and u Pittsburg news
paper man wns seriously injured. Up
ou returuiug to tae city the mob
took possession of tho streets iu
ttie vicinity of th lube works, shout
ing' enrsiug und creating the greatest
excitement. Finally the marchers dis
appeared. Trouble and bloodshed is
feared before the day is out, as there
are no doputies here to contend the
rioters. The situation is much the
same as prevailed at Homestead before
the big battle. The men ure in com
plete possession of the town.
The National Tube works tonight is
surrounded by u crowd of at least 5 000
strikers and sympathizers. The men
are nervous and anxious, but in no way
desperate. No trouble is looked for
unless an attempt is male to start the
works. All trains are closely watched
by the strikers for d-puttes, but as yet
no denudes liHve arrived ou the scene.
At 7 o'clock tonight Mayor Andre,
City Solicitor Rankin, ex-Mayor Till
brook aud Councilman A B O'Neil,
of this city, and Siieriff Jatn-s Rich
ards aud Deputy Sheriff Arch Macroll,
of Ailegheuy county, discussed tho
situation iu the office of City Solicitor
Rankin, After too meeting " was over
Mayor Andre told a reporter tbnt he
anticipated no ttouliu tor tho present
at least.
Only four citiz -iis respoudod to the
mayor's proclamation to act ns dopu
ties. As the majority of the people of
this city are wuge earners, it is readily
seen with Whom they sympathizt. Tho
Tube works officials had intended to
try and start up in tbe mornlug, bni
as tho strikers aro in full control of the
large plant there is not much likelihood
of an attempt being imide to start tbe
works until some plan of protection is
arranged for men willing to work.
CBIPPIiI ObBBX, Col., Jane 0 The
deputies have taken up a fortified po
sition at the Summit mill just below
Gillette and have placed their cannon
in position. The strikers have all re
treated to Bull Hill and ure fortified
and have also boeu largely reinforced.
A demand on them to surrender was
r-fused, although thoy stated tbev
would luy down their arms to the
militia. The deputies will remain
where thsy are nil nignt and attack iu
tbe morning.
McKeesport, Pa., June 6 The
strikers have secured three cannons
which they have planted in the bushes
on the hill opposite McKeesport. They
are trained directly on tbe tuoe works
The men in charge said they were in
tended for buslne. '
m'kinley orders out troops
Columbus, O., June 6 Governor
McKiuley ordered out 1,200 state
troops tonight to prevent tbe interfer
ence with the operation of railroad
trains in Eastern Ohio by striking
Little and Bl? Sumo Paid Over to Owners
of Exp sllion Stork.
Chicago, Jnne 6 World's fair
stock-iioldors will receive their 10 per
cent, dividend on stock by Saturday
morning's mail The clerks in Mr. Hig
inbotham's oilico wrote 22. 021 checks,
ranging from tjtl to $248,898.29,
The total amount Mmt will be paid is
a little more than $790,000. The larg?st
payment goes to the city of Chic?o,
being the dividend on the city's $5 -000.000
The next largest check is for $123,
043, made to tho order of the Field Co
lumbian Museum, representing the
dividend on $1,886,480 of stock donated
to the museum.
Interesting; Featuree of Thsir Annual
Encampment et J lhtistotvn.
JOHNSTOWN, Pa., June 0 The S-jus
of Veterans of Pennsylvania, now in
annual encampment in Johnstown,
held sessions in the Young
Men's Christian associanlon uull
torium today behind closid doors
The morning session was devoted to
reports by the various officers of the di
vision, the most imnnrtunt bain - thr.,
of Commander H. SI Lowry, of Indi
ana; Aiijutnnt 11. 11. Hammer, of
Reading, and Q lartertnastor C. B.
Diefenderfer, of 1. ading. Commander
Lowry snys: "During tho past
VHiir intprc.nni-na li i v i.n fhn Mnn,
of Veterans and tho Grand Army
of the Republic in Pennsylvania, has
been more fraternal and satisfactory to
all concerned, than in the nast. The
Grand Army of the Republic are grad
ually becoming convinced that wo do
not wiBh to interfere iu any way with
the honors duo them and tlioir lirinir
oomradts, or the tribute due the heroic
ii 'd, but to assist them in such man
ner us we may, and as shall receive
their approbation.
Adjutant H. H, II ammer, of Real -ing,
submits statistics suowiag that
there were ft. l7ll mem hem In n-m1
standing March 31, 1833, an 1 4 910
.Marcn ot, lou-i, ttms showing ; a total
loss of seventeen ctuipj since last year
and a total unmh-r of 150 camps re
maining iu good standing
U lartermaster C. Iu Diefenderfer
financial report, after noting the ef
fects of tho panic, discloses the fact
that the receipts for the fieal year
nded May 31. lSUl, wero $3,791 33, the
lisburseuieulu 118.702 41 naeli un.l nn-
plies on h ind v'JIU 12, due Qa irtormas-
lor uiereiHiorier, uiivauco loan, SiUJ,
thus leaving the small surnlus in th
treasury of $10 12. Tne encampment
Will remain Hern until Friday. Tho
uext annual meeting rill bj neld at
They rromtee to Capture th 11 .loirs of
the Fox Sisters Before Night.
BHIDORTOX N. J .Tllllu (1 Tho in.
tbortiios of this placo have gained a
eme to mo rouuers who last week
robbed and gagged the Fox sisters on
their farm uear this place. Relatives
of the two maiden la lies are suspected
of the crime.
One of the suspects, it is said, is a
husband of a niece of the Misses Fox,
and another is a well digger. The
thieves had a, horse with them which
had a peculiar crooked foot, Tills hors
has been located, and is owned by the
well digger. It is said that tho polico
will have certain persons under arrest
by tonight
Eunbury Will Bu.ld a L3v;e to K-p the
Water Ou'..
SUNBURY, Pa., June 0 The Sunbury
council has decided to borrow $10,000
to b used iu the construction olit bank
two iniies long uloug the SiiMiuohannu
river front. The proposed baulc will be
thro feet above high witer mark of
the floods of 1894 aud 18S9.
The special election has been fixed for
Jnly 17, at which time the voters will
cast their ballots for or against the in
croaso iu deb t.
It is reported that the minors at Wesley,
III., have attacked the Little brothers, the
operators of the mines there, aud fatally
wounded three of them with dyuumlto
A Colorado Spring-, Colo , dispatch say:
Tbe sheriff has wired deputies to desist and
await the arrival of the militia. The mili
tia is now en routo and tho minors will
It is probable that pending the outcorao
of the meetings ou Friday and Saturday,
tho operators will defer their promised at
tempt to returns operations at tho mmes in
the Cloarlield regions.
Governor Pattison has heon informod
that the operators of the Clearfield dis
trict will be represented in the conference
Of operators and minors which will be held
at Altooua next Saturday morning.
At 2 o'clock yestorday afternoon l,!i00 of
tbo tube workers weut to Reynoldtou, Pa,,
cut loose aud sot adrift live coal bargos,one
of which was loadod, Tho coal tipple wus
then destroyed und tho wreck llrod.
Representatives of tho Glasgow, Scot
land, miue owners' associations resolved
to reduce wages one shilling per day. This
rwwlation is n direct challenge to the men,
who have been threatening to strike for
Bomo time.
A Providence dispatch says that nearly
every woolen mill in tho southern part of
Rhode Island, from East Greenwich to the
Connecticut line, lias shut dowu. Scarcity
nf coal and inability to get any orders are
the reasons given.
Sheriff Richards, of Allegheny, has sent
seventy doputies to Carlton to guard the
works of the Youghiogheny Gas coal com
pany. They were armed with Winchester
i dles, and one great effort Is to bo made to
end the coal strike.
A special from West Chester says that
members of Company I, Sixth regiment of
the Pennsylvania .National Guard, are
holding themselves in readiness to go to
tho mining region to assist in quelling dis
turbance. They have received orders to
this effect from brigade headquarters.
Tne special committee of tea ooal oper
ators, representing the coal producers of
Western Pennsylvania, will meet in Pitts
burg today. There is now a disposition
on the part of the operators to compro
mise on eO-cent rate for Pennsylvania and
00 cents for tho Hockiug Valley in Ohio.
Tbe crowd of 4,000 strikers that started
for the Duquesne tube works to force the
men at work there to stop were successful.
Tbe crowd reached Duquesne at 8.80 yes
terday afternoon. The strikers entered
the works nr1 asked those at work to stop.
Thore were 350 men at Work. The men
obeyed the order to quit at onco. No
trouble occur
Tho Immensity of Last Monday's Republican
Sweep a Continued Surprise.
Pennoyerand His Ilk Literally Swept
Into Oblivion by the Indignant Aval
anche of Reasserted Common
Sense Such a Plurality for the Re
publican Candidates Was Never
Known Before, and It Is Yet Grow
ingOhio Republicans Name a Win
ning Ticket Other Political News.
Portland, Ore , Jnue 0.
THE entire Republican state ticket
is elected with tho possible ex
ception of Irwin for superintend
ed l of instruction. Hotb H.r.
nunti and
elected to
Ellis are undoubtedly re-
Congress. Thfl letM-;!..tnr
will he Ropnl 1 loan, The city ofilcrs
here will be divided, with a R .publi
can rnavor. Nearly complete returns
from sixteen counties nut nf thiptv.torn
give Lord (R -p.) for governor, 19,357;
urmmwoy t.u.;iii.j u.uiu; 1'iorce (fop )
11.117. Lord's liiuralitc 7 010 Nnnl'n
plurality will not full far below 15,000,
ine largest piuraiuy ever given iu Uio-
l'or the first time in eight years Oro-
OU Will have II Ri-tlll ItlirMOl f,,vurn,,r
The returns indicnte that the Republi
can candidates for congr-s have polled
more votes than the Democrats and
Populists combined. In 1892 the Rt
publloani were in a minority iu both
congressional districts,
Govornor Pennoyer (Domocrat), the
present incumbent, was elected by a
m ijority of 5. 151. The highest Repub
lican plurality ever given to u Repub
lican hitherto was 9 913, for a congress
man iu 1890 Until Pennoyer was elect,
id the Ropublicau majority varied
between this figure and 071.
Thy Ad pt a Rioting: Platform and
Nemo a Strong Ticket.
Columbus, O., Juno 0 When ex
Secretary Charles) Foster wus intro
duced to today's Republican state con
vention as its permanent chairman ho
was received with wild applause. Gov
eruor McKinley was also tendered a
uiugnifieent ovation. The convention
throughout wue harmonious and en
thusiastic. The platform declares that tbo "pec
pie of Ohio delight to honor their able,
distinguished and patriotic public ser
vant, the Hon. William McKiuley,"
and the convention '"most heartily in
dorses his present clean, honorable,
able and etlicient administration, and
we assure bun of our highest couii lonco
and estuem."
It commends the general assembly
and the conrseof "our illustrious senu
tor, Johu Sherman."
It declares the McKiuley act to be
"tho ablest expression of the patriotic
principle of protection yot enacted,"
aud denounces "the unjust and inequit
able tariff meusuro kuown as the Wil
son bill, und tbe senate substitutes
therefor and amendments proposed
thereto, as unpatriotic, favorable to
trusts, and sectional."
Tho currency plank is as follows:
Wo favor bimetallism. Silver as well as
gold is one of the groat products of the
United States. Its coinage and uso as a
circulating medium f-hould bo steadily
maintained and consequently encouraged
by tho national goverutuontj and we ad
vocate such a policy as will, by discrimi
nating legislation, or otherwise, most
speedily restore to silver its rightful place
as a money motnl.
Wo denounce tho avowed purpose of the
Democratic leaders to restoro the era of
"wild-cat" nnd "red dog" money by ro
pooling the prohibitory 10 per cent, tax on
state bank issue?. All money of whutover
kind should be under national und not
stato control,,
This wus its ticket: Secretary of
state, S. M. Tnylor; supreme judge,
John A. Schavek; member board pub
lio works, Charles O Grace.
Governor Rlckardi, of Montana, Fro
piees to Stop tbe Ftee.
HELBNA, Mont., June 0 Governor
Rickurda has issued a proclnmation
forbidding the sun dance of the Creo
Indians at Great Falls. The procla
mation says: "Investigations into the
character of the festival conviuoas me
that it is not only iuhuinnu and brutal
izing, but unnatural nnd abhorrent to
Cnrisiiun civilization.
"Its ultns aud purposes are a men
ace to peace and the welfare of com
rounities, inasmuch as it is uu Initiativo
ceremony that inducts Indians into the
ranks of reorganized warriors. Local
authorities of countries are directed to
take steps necessary to enforce inhibi
tion. "
Pretident Clarke of thi Mobile end Ohio
Offers a $1,000 R.ward.
St. Louis, June 6. President J. C.
Clarke of tho Mobile and Ohio railroad
has offered u reward of $1,000 for the
arrest and conviction of tbe persons
who caused the wreck of passenger
train No. 5 ou that road, near Fish
Richard Nogel, the man held for
cansing the wreck, donieg that be
threw the switeb. He says he was
walking on his way to Millstadt, when
he saw three men turn tho swiloh. He
tried to etop the oncoming train by
waiving his coat and shouting, but
O'Dowd Is Advised to Qo Back to lion
tana end Die.
Bloomfikld, N. J., June 0. Patrick
O'Dowd, who came from Montana to
tbii place to see hie former wife, who
is now tbe wife of John Higgins, Is
undecided yet just what course be
will pursue. He bad not seen his
wife in twenty-seven years and she
belived him dead. She married
Higgins tl irteen yenrs ago. O'Dowd
claims tbnt he did not come to Dloom
field to make trouble for his wife, hut
to protect her from alleged ill treat
ment by Higgins. Mrs. Higgins, how
ever, told her first husband that she
was living happily with Higgins ami
that she did not want any iuterferenc
by O'Dowd.
John Higgins, who is a gate tender
at the Glen wood avenue crossingof tbe
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
road, says tuut for thirtoen years ho
has lived happily with his wife aud he
does not think thut O'Dowd, who was
generally believed to be dead, csn
make any trouble at this lute dav.
Higgius does not believe that O'Dowd
will take any proceedings against elth
er Higgins or his wife. Higgins says
that the best thing O'Dowd can do is
to go back to his ranch in Montana.
And They Choose as Th'dr Meeting
I'lao the Sallue City.
Syracuse, n. y., June o The
thirty-fourth aunual convention of the
Brewers' association of the United
Statei began here this morning. Presi
dent George T. Obermau delivered his
a ldress and reports of various commit -ties
were made.
The eljction of offijers does not take
place until tho next aim mi meeting,
but a new board of trustees will bo
named. Mauy of the most prominent
brewers in tao United States ure pros;
Somnolent Senators Pass More Than
Nine Dreary Hours Debating Dry
and Dusty Tariff Schedules.
Washington .Tnna r, Tho .miv ,
sat for niue hours and yet made little
progress on the tariff bill. The to
bacco schedule was ouicklv dianneurt
of. with very little friction, Tho
question was as to the duty to be im
posed on leaf tobacco suitable for cigar
wrappers. Toe house bill fixed tho
rales at 1 tier nound for miBtnininml
tobacco aud $1. 25 for stemmed tobaeco.
itieso wero finally agreed to.
Tiie agricultural schedule "fl " mat
an obstacle at the very start, over ' e
question of duty on wild animals. T,
house bill fixed the rate at 20 per cent,
ad valorem, and the finance nnmtnitton
reported it without ainoudmeut. Mr,
T1 r,
iiaie, Ataine, moved to substitute tbe
paraizriiDh of tho existing law mnkinrr
the duty on horses and mules $30 por
head, and where valued at $150 and
over, 30 per cent. ad. valorem, and the
debate over this amendment occupied
nearly six hours. It was finally re
jectedyeas 23: naye 30, and the duty
remains m per cent, ou live animals.
Tho next paragraph was one impos
ing a duty of 20 per cent, on buck
wheat, corn, oats, wbaat, etc., except
when imported from countries that
impose no duty on the like articles,
and iu this case th v are to be free of
dutv. The nmmriUinn in tliU rtuiu.
graph was started by Mr. Piatt, Con-
uecucui, aim was Kept up (111 i p. m.,
When the senate, without notion nn tha
paragraph, adjoin nod.
One Man Killed and $30,000 Wonh of
Property Destroyed.
Pkoria, June 6 One dead body,
several men on the verge of the grave,
a number of others scrionsly injured,
$30 000 Jworth of property absolutely
destroyed, and many homes made deso
lute,waB the result of an attempt made
today by the miners of tbe Peoria dis
trict to close the mine operated by
Little Bros, in Tazewell county, a mile
or more back of Wesley city.
The dead Edward lilower. of Bar
touvllle, married, shot in the side oi
the neck and killed instantly,
Injured James Little, shot twice in
the body, thought to be fatally in
jurtd; Peter Little, sr.. shot in the left
eye nnd in the right arm, not seriously
injured; Peter Little, jr., shot in left
side; William Dixon, colored, shot in
right arm and through left shoulder,
may die.
Several miners wero shot, but they
were taken away and no one could se
cure any information from them abont
The tragedy was the seqnel of the
meeting held at Bartonville the other
day, about which there waa ao mnch
Arrangements Completed for a Fight Be
tween a Lion and a Qrizaly,
San Fuancisoo, June 0. Colonel
Boone, the animal trainer, hat not
given np hone of bringing off the fight
between a lion and a bear, which was
Btnpped by the police recently at the
Midwinter fair. A permit has been
granted by tbe supervisor of Solano
conuty nnd the battle is to be fought
between a lion and a grizzly bear at
the Vallejo race track on Julv 4.
Special trnins will be run from San
The steam tug Rambler wns blown to
atoms near New Haven, killing one man
aud injuring sevoral others.
Trial of Mrs. Halliday for the murder of
Paul Halliday aud the MrQuillen women
will begin at Monticcllo, N. Y., the 19th.
Tbe mysterious murder of Joseph 8aw
yer, a Monuioutb county (Me.) farmer, re
veals a hoard of $12,000 secreted in kegs
and old Btockiugs.
For a fatal assault on Henry Schlemner
without apparent reason, William Mor
gan, of Pittstiod, III,, is under rrrest, end
a lynching is threatened,
The pope bns consented to arbitrate hi
the existing dispute between Chila and
Part of the Brazilian Insurgent forces
under General Saraiva, have been routed
at Campos Novos, in Santa Catharine, the
federal troops capturing six pieces of at
tillory. The insurgent losses were 160
killed and wouudod and the government,
80 killed and wounded.
Washington, June &
for Thunday: For Eastern
Pennsylvania, fair, warmer,
west to southwest winds.
Four Great Specials
100 Dozen Ladiea' InL
tial Handkerchiefs,
warranted all Linen
and hand embroidered,
60 dozen Unlaundried
Handkerchiefs, guar
anteed hand embroid
ered and every thread
100 dozen Sheer Linen,
hem stitched, hand
embroidered, initial,
60 dozen assorted, scal
loped and hem stitched,
embroidered Handker
chiefs, reduced to
These four lines are tho
e latest value ever shown in'
510 AND512
Maltese Cross
CHAft A. 8CHIEREN & CO. '3
And Oak-tanned Leather Belting,
EL A. Kingsbury
8ft Spruce St., Scranton, Ft
Lewis, ReiUyfx Dams
In Russet Shoes.
lewis, reIllu davies
114 Wyoming Avo.
We Examine Eyes
Free of oharge. If a doetov
is needed yoti are promptly
told ho. We also guarantee)
a perfect fit.
All SILVERWARE and Damaged Goods
at Arcade Fire will be eold at
SO Per Cent Below Coat
The Jeweler,
408 Spruce Street.
I J. mm