THE SCT?AJS"TON TRIBTDSTE-WEDKESDAY MORtflNGr, -fTTNE G, 1894.' t GENERAL NEWS OP INDUSTRIES L. Lowrie Bell, who bus jail received the second Ht'sistsnt postmiister gen ernlship under Mr. Bissell will, assoon kb be is relented, sccspt th position of Keuoral traffic manager of the Jersey Central railroad, at a salary xceoding $8,000 per year. Jlr. Bell is cue of the most thorough and efficient railroad officials in tuo country and wm speci ally elected by Mr. Wanamaker during tbe latter's incumbeucy of Mr. Bissoll's place, to reorganize Hnd develop the railway mail service. The capacity of all the nnthracite collieries hns boon estimated for the year 1894 at 88847 Ions per dT of ten hours each. The output for 1808 was the largest in the history of tils mitbr.t t ite coal trdt, being .48,080,587 long lona. So that if the collieries could he worked to their f nil oapaelty for 800 days a year the output would run np to 07,000,000 tonp. This enormous amount does not iuchilu that coal con i timed at the minoa in raising steam f or the engines. In tbe opinion of the Stockholder the truffle experiment which Coxa Bros. & Co. are now making by running their own cars over the Lehigh Valley lo tidewater will be watched with keen interest by the trade generally. C'ox. liroi, & Co. have long been regarded by tbe trade ns a most independent "froa lance," and it is believed the present contract with tun Lehigh Valley, which gives them the die of its tracks from & connection with the Delaw.iro, Sns Muehanna and Schuylkill (Case Brim. & Co.'s own road) to tidewater, will increase their power us a factor in the ituthracito trade. The firm cannot, under this arrangement, he discrim Inated against, aud it reinatui with them to sny whether pric-s shall be maintained and tbe restrictive policy continued. O i the surface it certainly looks as though Coxe Bros, & Co. now held the whip band, and they nnqOM tionally will be given more considera tion by the larger producing compauies than ever before. The Juue circular prices for anthra cite coal to the line aud city trade, just issued by the Beading Ccial aud lrou company, shows an advance in the prices of hard wbite ash coil of 5 fonts per ton for brokeo,egg and stove, while chestnut sizj remains unchanged. Slut luokin eg is advanced 28 cents tor ton und stove 5 cents, while chestnut coal lias been marked down 5 cents, and lor tbe Lorberry coal an average ad vance of about 15 cents has been juado. The Lehigh Coal and Naviga tion company has advanced the prices lor its broken and egg coal 15 cents per ton, aud for stove coal 5 cents, while chestnut siza remaius unchanged. The Pennsylvania railroad prices have been uniformly advanced 15 cents per ton for brokeu, egg, stove and chest nut sizes, making its new prices about the same as those of tbe other competi tive companies. The Pennsylvania circular prices have heretofore been lower thau those of the other com panies. The Consolidated Steel and Wire company, of Allentown, formerly the Iowa Barbed Wire works, recently gave a large order for steel blilets to the Bethlehem Iron company. Tbe billets were formerly manufactured for tbe Allentown eompauy by tbe Car negie company. The steel mill of the Bethlehem Iron company is now work ing on the order. The billets are made of soft steel and are four inches square. Tbe new antomatio billet rain of the company is used in their manufacture. The operation of It is an interesting and wonderful sight and n vast saving of timo and labor over the old system. The manufacture of the billets is anew departure for the Bethlehem Iron company. It is ithe first time the company has gone into the market for sncb orders. The suc cess of the undertaking so far has been Jlattering and the company lias shown its ability to turn out other work with as much skill and finish as it does steel i'uils. Bethlehem Times. This is the sensible mannsr in which l.he Wilkee-Bs.rre Times disposes of a ully rumor: "A report is enrrent, hough the origin is rather ambiguous, that a delegation from the striking soft oul miners is on thp way to Wyoming Valley with the object of inducing a sympathy strike niuonir their anthrac ite brothers, If the rumor be true the committee will simply be our. tbe atnouut of railroad fares and hotel bills. The anthracite miners are just now beginning to get a taste of pros perity which they are entitled to and of which they allowed timmselve to be robbed by the bituminous men dur ing the last strike, and they are not going to fall into the same error a sec ond time." Now that the new Wilkes-Barre and Eastern railroad, or "Panther Creek route" as the newspapers persist in de scribing it, is open to passenger trufiio, it may not be uninteresting to note that by this road Wilkes Bnrre is tbe lintne distance from New York city as Scranton is by tho Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western. This mentis a saviug of at lesst eighteen miles in dis tance nnd more than half an hour In lime. Tbe grades on the rosd are also easier than on nny other. The Delaware, Lickawanna and Western ami the Wilkss-Barre and Eeatern cross nt Stronds 1'urg, and the distance from Wilkas Barre to Stroudsburg over the new line is sixty miles, This newly constructed railroad is an extension of the Now York, Smqnehatina and Western, the vresent terminals of which are New York city aud Strondnburg. There are nineteen stations between this city and its point of connection with the parent road. The panorama us seen from the DISTRUST Guar mm antees a OR MONEY RETVRMvD, For all chronic, or lingering, Pulmonary or Chest Diseases, as Bronchi ti- Laryni II " Be voro Coughs, Spitting of IUoihI, Pains in Chest and Sides, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a aovereign remody. In Asthma it is anedflo. To build up both flesh and strength, when reiluceil lielow tho standard of health by pneumonia, or " lung lover, grip, or ex Ihatunng fovers, it, is "the liost restorative tonic known. K. II. Nouman, Esn,., of i , n, G'i., says: "I think" the 'Golden Med ical Discovery is the lust medicine for pain In tho chest that I have ever known. I am sound and well, and I owe it all to tho 'Dis- Mr. NntwAN. cowry.' " Twe PLAS of BetiMMQ Mkhicinici ON TRIAL. PIERCE IB i'ECULIAK TO car window is one of tbe prettiest to be found in the state. Minor Industrial Notes: The South Sugar Loaf colli.'ry is ex pected toresumeon full time this week. Tho lloech Creek Railroad compnny's supply of coal has been rtduoed to three or four carloads. The Hollywood colliery of Calvin Pardee & Co. is working full tim, eleven hours per day. I.attinier No. :l is also working on the eleven hour basis. The ordnance department of tho Bethle hem Iron company will endeavor to use bard coal instead of the bituminous roal, the want of which is keeping tho works idle. Tuo Pittsburg sdd Lake Erie is arrang ing to extend iis line up the Mouongnhcla river fioui tbe present terminus to tho site o( Marcband, a new town seven miles distnut. Tin' llnrwood colliery is now working eleven hours. On Saturday 750 cars of coal were inn through the breaker, which is considered the largest hoisting ever ilouo iu that, region. II. C. Davis has been appointed district trrigbt agent of tho i.ebiKh Valley road, in charge of all local and through freight bushiest out of Rochester. This is an of fice which ha joat beeu created. Conductor Miller, who runs on tho Val ley's Harvey Lake branch, recollects that on .Tur.o 14, lb"", a frost fell which destroyed vegetation and fruit very ex tensively, particularly in tho Lackawanna valley. Tho coal nnd coko tonnage of the Penn sylvania railroad, eastern linos, for the year thin far has heeu 5,700,236 tons, com pared with 8,480,784 tons iu (be correspond ing period of 1808, B decrease of 8,781.408 tons, of which 4,870,68o tons were coal, a decrease or 1,681,088 tons, and 1,182,811 tons coke, adecreaieot 1,180648 tons. Fysptpsi i and Indigestion In their worst forms are cured by the use of P. P. P. If you are debilitated and run down, or if you need a tonic to regain Offhand lost appetite, strength and vigor, take P. P. P., and j on will be stroug aud healthy, t or shattered constitutions and lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash. Poke Hoot and Potassium) is the king of all medicines. P. P. P. is the greatest blood purilier iu the world. For sale by all druggist:!. ' BOHE remarkable cures of deafness are recorded of Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. Never fails to cure earache. FINANCIAL ANL COMMERCIAL . Stocks and Bond. NlW puk, Juue n. Tho opening of tbe atopic market began with dealings ia 6ugar, which closed yesterday nt lt)o, started oft' IX per rent, higher. This was the keynote of the day, the Industrials jumping to tho front while the railroad Issues gavo way to occupy a subsidiary position throughout, London turned sel ler of the stock bought yesterday. After the opening Sugar sold to 1H5), roo to nit; ., tell to io-i. advanced to infi.";,' aud closed at 106 a net gain of 8,'-s for the day. It figured for 1 10.200 shares in the grand total of 206,500 shares for the entire list. Chicago (ias, which wat next, figured for 88,700 shares. Today ended without bringing forth any now reason for the advance iu Bng.'ir. Chicago (i.-is showed fresh signs of liquidation aud sold down t o 74 at one time, closing at 7iH Lead, Cordage, Whisky and General Electric were nil firmer. In the Grangers comparatively heavy transactions were reported iu St. Paul and Burlington within a narrow ra dius. New York Central was weak, but dealings wero light, The market left off strong for Sugar and about steady for the general list. Net changesoutside of Sugar show declines of H to .i'c. The following complete table snowiue the day's lluetuations m active stocks is supplied anil revised dally by LaBar Ss Fuller, stock brokers, 121 Wyoming avenue: Open- Ulirb- Low Clos ing, est est. in?. Am. Cot. Oil 27N 2" 281 -"W Am Sugar. IU", tUOU lOMi MM A. T. .fc ti. V T5j 7M IM 7M Can. Ho 60 U M SUM C3.lf.-J 189M lim 1 0AM 108 Chic N. W LOOM limy lim inn V- B. AS Q "H W 77 77j !ble. Has 75 7M 74 75M C. .C.C. ti St. L Col., Hock. Vol. &T D. & H WiM 1K4 I80M UOM D., B. & W D.ftC. F 3414 SBM 8M4 (4M Krlo im I3K 18M !:)(, H. E. Co :' llSt4 85 ;ij3j Lake Shoro I. .&N I6M 4&ifi 4IM 44 Mtnhattan lis IIS lis Us Miss. Pac TV, H HTM Kat. Lead 40 40 40 8. Y. N. I N. Y. Central W4 v 7 VIH N.Y.. O. A3 W ISM I 'M 1"M ISM N. Y.. S. & W IS It IB IS u, B, c, Co 'i'M iH u'l North Pac North Pac. pf 15M ISM 16 15 Omaha Pnc. Mail Reading 17 17 ;om im Roek Island ttSM lM 67M 7M K.T II II 11 II It, Paul SOU MM f.'.iM SUM T., C. & 1 I7M is ITM is Toxas Pae sij sm su dm I'nlon Pacltlc lSMi lr'M 181 lssj Wabash pf I6M I8M ISM ISt Western Union t4U m HM MM W.&L. li HM 11M 1 11 W. & L. E. pf Chicago Grain and Provisions. BCBAHTOn, Juno S. The following quota tionaar supplied and epiroted daily by La Bat1 A Fuller, stock brokcrs.1'21 Wyoming avenue. WHEAT. Oponlng Highest.. l.ovvust ('losing CORN. Opening Highest Lowest..., Cloning OA'IS. Opening Highest Lowest 'l liua , I'OKK. Opening Highest Lowest Clewing LaBD. Openina Highest Lowest t lodng BHORT hlUS. SPnlaa HlgllDSt Lowest Closing Jnlv. Sept. Dee EM rM BOM sum &M Bl so S'M oiM H 57M BON tm CUM .... iisM toil m iom .... m mi .... MM Mi .... Mi EN jM M ins lira 1180 U03 H7S 1188 U8Q UOt C70 675 .... Ii70 177 070 678 6"0 177 BIS 0IS 17 1117 BIS lilrJ 017 017 Nw York Produce Market. Ni-.w YORK, June 8. Fiioun-Dnll, ateady, WMAT-Qalet, firmer: No. 2 red, store nnd elevator, .WJnSlc; nlloat, S8c; f. o. b,, 88Xn80o.! ungraded red, B6ao0&i No 1 northern, COMaOiTtjr,) options closed c. oyer yesterday; No, J, red, June, 6?Nc.i July, B&KO.I August, 600,; Beptember, 01c. i December, MWo, ConN Dull, firm: .No. K. 44,Vc. elevator. 44tB44fc. afloat; options closed flrffl at Ua&c. over jrfstordayi Juue, 4:-i!j.: Julv, 44ji!c.; August, 46Kc; Beptsmber, 4Sjj;c. Oats Lull, hlanert options dull, mod erately active, blgber; Jnnf, 4'.'l!jc.; July, 41Mc. : August. :ii!j.; Septenihar, B8c, No. li white June. 45.:.; July, mot, prices No. 8 while, 40c; No. 2 Chicago, 4;,c ; No. 8 White, -ISc. ; whito western, aun white stale, 44n40c. I'l Ki-- Dnll, stiady. TH IU'KI) Hkkf Dull. Cut .v.kats Firm, quiet. LiA BD Quiet, easy: western steam, closed at if7.b5; city.Ki. IS; July, 87.06; BeOtemier, J7.10; reflnd, quiet: cominent, t 88; Anieric.i, s?780: Compound, SaCc, PoiiK-Qo'et, steady. Phttkii-Fair demand, Ann; slate dairy, IBalBlfC.) Oo. creamery, 14a 1 7:. : Peunsvl vanla do., I4altc.t weotorn dairy, UelSc.; do. creamery, 18al7c. ; do. factory, al2e. ; elgins, 17c; Imitatiou creamery, 10al4c. Chekm: Knsier, good demand; stale Inrgc.OiiOMc. ; dc.,funcy OnOUo. ; do.Bnni! I, BaOMv. Boos Fair demand: choice, frui: stnte Bnd Pennsylvnnln,12Xn1ilr.: western fiejij, llNa1V(o,t do., jiercase, 8a8, Philadelphia Tallow Karh'.t. PflH.snKLrniA. Juno S.-Th11ow was dull at former rates. Prices wero: Prime city in hogsheads, 4;"'n'c: prime country, in hnrrels, 4Jc; do. dark In barrels, 1 1 : c. ; cakes 5c. i grease, 4c. All Pres. Those who havo used Dr. King's Now Discovery know its value, aud those who baveuot, havo. now the opportunity to try it Free. Call on the advertised Druggist and got a Trial Bottle, Free. Send your name and address to II. E. Bucklen ft Co , Chicago, and get a sample box of Or. Kiug's New Life Pills. Free, as well as a copy of Uuide to Health and Household Instructor, Free. All of which is guaran teed to do you good and cost you nothing. Matthews Hros. Drugstore. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE trader Mil heading abort letters of interest will be published when accompanied, for pub 11 cation, by the writer's name, ThkTiihicne will net be held respousiblu for opinions horo expressed.) CORRECTION AND IXPLAN ATION. Elitr of Tut' TMBUSJB: DBAB bin: In your report of the meeting of "The Pastors' Union," tbe following sentence occurs: "Among the features of the meeting was a pnper rend by ftev. James McLeod, D. D., pastor of the First Preabyterian church, in which druggists are most severely arraigned." Instead of arraigning the druggists as a class, I did precisely the opposite. I de fended them. It appears thut in one or two instances, druggists have deliberately aud Conspicuously SZpreSS ed their determi nation to violate the law. Inicspectof these I said: "It Is not probable that tho course pursued by pne or two druggists of this city, i approved by the great body of that honorable profession." If iu that sen tence 1 have "most severely arraigned" all the druggists of Boranton, then i will have to plead guilty. Let me say, in repiy to tho letter of Messrs. MoGarrab & Thomas, that, as Car a I know, there is not tho least disposi tion or desire on the part of tho Pastors' union, or on the part of tho friends of tho Lord's day, to iioo tho drug storo9 on Sunday. To assert that tbe Pastors' union has uny such purpose is a plain evasion of tho issue. What tho advocates of onr Sunday laws insist in ia, that if "drug gists are compelled to keep open," as Messrs. MtGarrab & Thomas claim, then they must confine their business to the suloof drugs nnd medicines 1 notice that our friends, McUarrah & Thomas, havo a Hue line of brushes and combs, and per fntneryand cigars, and soaps and candies, and a host of other Commodities, iu nddi tion to soda water, which would require a violent stretch i f tho imagination tocali drugs. .Now, do Me.sis. McOarrnb a- Thomas mean to claim that be cause tho law may allow, or oven compel them to keep their drug storo open on Sunday, they may, therefore, traffio on tho Lord's day In any kind of merchandise tbev may happen to have in their store? That seems to be a fair Inference from their published letter. There is no reason to I andy wordcor to evade the question at issue. If drug-stores Insist upon traffick ing In other commodities, beside drugs, on the Lord's day, then dry goods merchants, and grocers, and, even saloou keepers, may claim the same privilege. It is sincerely to be Imped that all our druggistt snd,ssaclass,tl e e are no better citizens will throw tho weight of their Influence on the side of law nnd order, touching this great question of Sunday labor, and 1 trust that the one or two druggists who have openly defied tho law will take a "sobnr" second thought and fall Into lino with their wiser-fellow citizens. Iain strongly tempted to enlarge upon the sago way in which the able editor of tho Scranton Truth rebukes the Pastors' union for "straining at, a gnat," nnd then, instantly, makes an exhibition of himself by "swallowing a camel," but I forbear. It would bo positively cruel to expose the fallncy of such reasonlng(f). Fortunately, tho brief editorial referred to, carries, in its body, its own autid ite. James M'Leod. OfJE DRUGGIST APPROVES. Editor of The TllIBDRBI DlAB Sik For your sound editorial, "The Sunday Problem Once .More," in to day's Tuna N'E, pleabe permit one apothe cary to siy, thank you. Tho following declaration hv the state convention of the druggists of Pennsylvania hold iu Young Men's Christian Associatiou ball, Scran ton, iu June, lt-b9, is of interest nt this time, nnd I think indicates tho views of a majority of tho members of the Druggists' association of Scranton and Uuuiuore. Resolved, That wo approve of the ac tion of our associates In this matter (op posing the repeal of certain Sunday laws of this slate), and urge all druggists to discourage Sunday trace by limiting their (iubbuth day business strictly to "work of neceseity ana mercy in accordance with tbe command of Hod nnd the law of tho commonwealth of Pennsylvania." Respectfully, J. G, Bora, Dnnniore, J'a., Juno 4. MR. V. ti B-IO: ii JVi.: N'S REPLY. Editor of Tin: TniiU Nr;: Ukaii Sin Mr. John Davy questions mv veracity regarding the definitions Of Civil and religious liberty, which 1 quoted from Webster, and is soiry tl at 1 didn't Btudy means strength to with stand chronic ailments, coughs, colds and disease, Sound llesh is essential to health. sSaaaEiiiv; -:y the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, enriches tho blood, builds up flosh and fortifies the system against sickness and chronic ailments. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Don't be deceived bj Substitutes! ProMirftl by ficitt ft Ioirnr, ft( V. All bntggttta The GENUINE New Haven "Mathushek" Pianos ESTABLISHED 1800. New York Warerooms No. 80 Fifth Avenuo. E. C. BICKER & CO., Sole dealers in this section. OFFICK-i:21 Adunis Avo., Tolephono B'l'd'u Maloney Oil and Manufac turing Company Have removed their olaco to their Warerooms, NUMBERS 141, 143, 145, 147, 149, 151 MERIDIAN ST. TELEPHONE NUMBER, 80821 Flesh Emulsion Webster more before rushing into print. He even goes so far as to say there are no such definitions in Webster, and that Web ster does not use such naughty words. Allow me to assure Mr. Davy aud the renders of The Timiutnk that tho defini tions of civil aud religions liberty which I quoted from Webster nnd which wore cor rectly printed in Thk Thiiiuee of the 'list ult., wero copied verbatim ot literatim from a Webster's unabridged which 1 have, which was published in 1800, and which tbe publishers claim, is a reprint of Web ster' original. If Sir. Davy doubts this ho can call nt ray boniC and examine tho book. Respectfully, H. B, Van Benthd ysex. BerantOO. Pu., June s. R. R. R. ADWAY'S OUSH8 AM PBEVKNTB Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Inflammation, EroncklJs, Fneumonia, Asthma, Dimcult Breathing, Influenza, 'Rhanmatifim, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lum j bago, Swelling of the Joints. Pains in Back, Chest or Limbs. . Tho application of tbn READY UEUEF to 'thoport or parts where the difficulty or pain 'exists will nffcird ca,i. and comfort. It was the first hnd is tho only pain remedy that Instantly stops tho most excruciating pains, allays Inflammations and CURES ! Cnnrrpotlnn tvl.ut ,.f tl.n I . ci. t. . ......... ..,,,.,.., ... ,. ,i, nuaiiacu, Other glands or organs, l Dr. Had war &Co Gentlemen: I havo used lyour Heady Relief for more than twentv llvo I yoara with much ratNf-ietion have usod it for I Qrippe, Pneumonia Peurley and all (sorts of aches and pains and have foan i it an- Ittillnir everv time. Haanaotfnnv. v w. HA) MOUD, 81 Oresc nt St., Mlddlstown, Conn January 18, 1S81. Asnnvii.i.E, N. C. ln ..,... tw v ii. .u. in ,-,-umary, i sao, i -Bad a severe attack ot "La Grippe," und cured myell In twenty-ton- boars by the use of I Bad way's Beady Belief and EUdway's Pilla (1 bad another attack ot tho samo dreadful jdisnase In March, IStll.and usod thesamt rom (edy, with the same r suit. I do not know .Badtray & Oo, the partl y who mamifactiiro .tlieso lui'dlehios, an I 1 have always put vorv little faith ta "Almanac CertiflastesT" but if Itheso fow lines wlU only induce some Buffering one 1 1 uso tho almvo remedy I will fool amply repaid lor Writing what I havo. Respectfully, E. I . B'iOWN. I J- W. BBEWEB, Aahbnrn. Piku Co., Mo. - "One bottle ot Beady Belief ai d one tiox of Badway'a Pills eared Ave In my family of thai terrible oomplsint, "La Urippe." or influenza. BADWAY'8 ready BELIEF, aided by I BAD WAV'S PILLS, is tho qulokett and most cffoctual euro for THE "GRIP1' I Price, 60c, por bottle. Sold by Irnssisti. i ram, vavinOi raiw snu vaiuaoio. i ..usf Torff't Digestion, i omplete (ils,irition nnd taealtbtul regnlsrily, Por the cure of nildis forders of tboRtamiieb, Llrer, HnwelsBlil neys, IllHililpr, NervouH I)lt.c:ifti)H, Loss ol .i i-iii", HrMicne, iitiitliiii. Cos tlreneii, Imliat-KtUtn. BlllaUsneiiii, I v r, liifliiinmutloo of the Bowell. I'llus nmi 11 dereilRoniCDts of the Internul vlnonrn. J I'orl'fct DIOMtlon will ho nt-onmplUlioii by taking Badway's I'llls. liy so doing DYSPEPSIA jsirli Heakachf, Fool Rtontaeh, tsillotis urns will be avoided, and tin. food that i teuton contribute its nourishing propcrtlc for the Hllpimrt uf thi' natural W lift to of the t body. I CrTObsorvo tho following Bymp'oms fob . . . 1 . . hid uiiniin ornniui. Constipation, Inward pilee, fulness of tho blood in tho hoad, iicidityoi bo:i. heartburn, il ... of food, fulium or woii;bt in thu 8toina''b, sour oruotatloun, fllulc lnh' or fluttorini; of tho heart, choking or snf focratini: Rotations wben in n lying potur, diniurhgot vision, dots or webs tipforo the ninht, fever and dull pain in the bond, defls leneyof vrspiration, rellownesaof the skin and eyes, pain In thosid". chest, limbs, and sudden Hushes of heat, burning in the IK'Sb. A few doses of BADWAY'S TILLS will froo the syt ten of tbe aboTe-nsmed aiiord rs. Prlre Mr. n Ilnx. Sold hv Dmi kUIs. Send to DU RADWAY AS CO., Xo. n Wjir- Wou tit.. Kow York, for liook of Advice. Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT &COMNELLC0. DUPONT'S MININO, BLASTING AND ETOttTINO POWDER Manufactured at the Wapwallopon Mills, Lu nemo county Pa., aud at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr, Oonoral Auent for tho Wyomlnu Dlntrlct, i8 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa, Third National Dank Bnildiutf. Aor.xcirci. THOS. FORD. Tittst m, Pa. JOUNIJ SMITH it SON; Plymouth. Pa. K. W. MULLIUAN, Wilken-Harro, I'n. Agents for tho Kopauno Uiuuiloni Com' I nny's High Explosive. Eureka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Av& ixmit Bousn SQUAIIB. All kinds of Laundry work gusranteel the best, Seeds and Fertilizers CUUF.S Bad Blood. CURES Bad Blood. CURBS Bad Blood. I have been suffering ton years with Erysipelas. IIv taken doctors medicines and patent medicines of most all Kinds, but none seemed to dc mo any good. I finally mada up my mind to try Burdock Blood Bitters. Have used four bottles of B. B. B., and think mytiolf entirely cured. Mus. N. ,T. McCATLT. Service, Beaver Co., Pr. Purifies The BLOOD. AT THE Scranton JULV 4th Application for privileges should be mada to H. B. CHASE, 312 Lackawanna avenue. S. A. KING, of Bingham ton, has been engaged to take charge of the Score Card. Spring We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, ae what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE. PITTSTON. PA. . Robinson's Sons' Laqeh Beer Brewery llnnnfnrtnrdra of the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum. Rooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Ml SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER ilftdo at tho JIOOSIO nnd RUSH DALE WORKS. L-iiftlin & RnnJ l'owder Co. 'a ORANGE GUN POWDER Electrio flatteries, Fuae? for explod ing blasts, Safety Fuse and RcpaunoChemical Co.'s High Explosives MT. PLEASANT AT BBVAIta Oral of tlin tiost quality fjr Jomentlo ns,and cf nlleizns. ilalivorod in uny y.irt of tlio cit, tt lowest lirioe. OrdfM left nt ray ofTloo. 0. 118, WYOMING AVKNirrc, Fsr room. Ant Door, Third Nntlnnnl Bank, (t font by mall or tulopliono to tbe mine, will rewive prompt attention. bpaclal eontraati will ba mfdofor tbo sale tnd Uelive.j- ot Uuck wheat OoJ! VM. T. SMITH. BICYCLE Driving Park Ginghams MQOSIC POWDER CO BUSINESS AND jPR0FKSJ0M MY8H:IANti AMI lilKGKON 1")R. Q. KDQAB DEAN has removed to 016 a-' spruce streot, Scranton, Pa. (JuBt op posite cuuri-houso tiiiuaio ) T)H. A. J. BUNNELL, Office 2U1 WoahinKton VrL,fA 5 eora" Spruea Btreot. oror l ranckoBdrug btora Koeidonoe, IS Vlnest. nKS -'Sr'': lu-'tol!!a. m. and I to 4 ana S-..!?.7:80 P- Sunday, S to 3 p.m. Dn' K A';.Lh,N'- UffieacorT Lack xj wanna and WiiBhineton aves.: over Leon ard shoe store; office hourn, 10 to 12 a. in. and ltTwtop ft wrideno. ou n. ri-TJJWJTT.f"' ""Ti oo ana Tnroat;, li Wyoming avo. lteeidcnco, W Vine street. GATES. 125 WuahliiRton Avonua. Office hours, b to I) a.m.. to il and t tR p.m. Hesiilencu ;mi) Madison av. nu loii.N l. WEaizTMriX, oaTie'iMii O tommonwoalth building: residence 711 lladiBonave; office UourB. lJtolS, 2 to i, I to B; Sundays 2.30 to i. evenings at residence. A specialty made of dli-eason of the eye, ear, nose snd throat and (fyneooloey. LAWYERS. .1 21' ax,KAJ?S-'K'S Uw "d ColleeUon of. ITonso. Scrnntnn, fa,; collections a specialty throughout Pennsylvania; roliablo correspond- i-'il.', In nvnrv . ..iii.m- TEHSUfS HANL Attorneys and Counaol o Un at Law. Couimonwoalth hulldiui WashiUBton ay w. II. Jesiiip, noiiACR E. HNB, W. II. Jehsuh, Jb. UILLARD WAltllEN .V; KNAPP, Attor l "0J B,?.n d ComiBiilors at Law, Uopuhlican ...... u.uM, iuhiuiikiuu avo,. scranton, I 1 IT'l'I'lKnM n. ... . . . .. ... TT" T X Counsellors at Law; offices M and 8 Library building, Scranton, Pa. HoswBLr. H. PATTinsos. "1I.L1AM A. WILCOX. A LfKEDHAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, At- tornoys and Counsellors. Commonwoaltli milldmg. Rooms Id, 90 and 21. iir f. u. W , 2b, Bnrr bnlldinir. 81 nt and waahlnirton avenue. V .EPSM. . Offleoa in Price muuuiuT, asiiiiiuton avenuo. RANK' T OKI'.LL, Attorney at Law. Room n I (in 1 1 Tl,ni,,.n tj i i j..M:-;;- W. (lAKKoKD, Att.,n.v at Law, roon,s (U, M and UV t'uniiiior.woalth b'l'B. OAJIUKL W. EUtlAR. Attorney at Law. JHoSljnSDjcestM Boranton, Pa. I A. WATUES, Attorney at Law. ta 1J, 1 ,l 1 I. T i i mm .. D- r J'' f"'MI.'I ft ' "nnnelior at Law. Offloo, J . rooirm M. rjt i . i.l LXT. ' Vj"iiii.i'niweann nuil'lllu. ( R. PITCHER. Attorney at Law. Con I COMEtivs m.,.u.UK. qiirnnwn, ra ii21 Siiruoo hL l R a.. . 'lJ!??iftJsiritj;.40H Sprue". V. KILLAM, Attornev ut-Law, 12U Wy- onniiK avenue, Scranton. I fAVB YOOB DJSBD8 AND BoRfOAOES PROWVtH?,S """'"Wb'died by J. W. l.OW M.NU Attorney and Notary i'ublic. 29 I Minn,, mvealth Builrllng. BC'UOOLH UlOOLOl' THE LACKAWANNA, Hcrare' w ton, 1 a, prepares hoya and eirls foroollan or buemei: thoroughly trains young children. Uatalnraa at mm2 Rev. thomai m. cakx . ..... KH .1. IITKI.L. I1I8S WOBOESTBR'S K1NDERQABTEN i'l and fcchool, Hi A dan is avenua Pud:I( reeeWad ,t all thm Next term v. iU open UKM'j iTK () g. LA0LAC11. burguoj litiucii, ;o. 113 Vonnni; live. M. sl'liA'ri-.iN7offl7(al Exehance. LOANS. TH REPUBLIC Savings and Lrin Aaso" a elation will loan you m ,noy on ottci.,r tcrmi und pay you hotter on luvostment lhan any ether HSKOclation. Call on S. N. CALLLN DEg, Dime Hank jmiWing ."EKD.s. p K. CLARK CO., Seedsmen. Florists V . and Nurserymen; store l4ti WashinirCjD avenue; erocn house, ldXI Xortn Main avenue; i"n telenbono 7S2 TEAS. Ur.AND UNION TEA CO., Jones Bros. WIRE M RSI ns. TOS. KUETTEU 6i5 Lackawanna avenue. t HCTanton, l a.. Iimuufr of Wire Hereon HOTELS AM) RESTAURANT a, 'I 'HE WESTMINSTER, 217219 Wyoming A avo. lioonw heated with steam: all mod em improvements. C. M. Tiuimah, Prop. 'VUF, ELK CAFE, lij nnd 127 Franklin ayo A nuo. Rates ruasonablo. . P Zi holer. Proprietor. W ESTaiLoTER llol l-.L at V , . . SCHENCK, Manayor. bixteonth street, ono block east of Broadway, at Union Snunrn, Now York. American plan, fa So per ii,iy and upward. pOYNE HOUSE. European "plan; "good rooms. Open day and nigh:. Bar bui plied wito the best. P. H. COYNE Proorlenr Ol R ANTON HOUSE, near D., L. & W. pas O seuger depot Conducted on tho European VlOTOll KOOH. Proprietor. G' "AM CENTRAL ihe brgaal and bstl I cqulppo l hotel in Allontuwn. Po.; rate) S2 and 82.60 per day. VICTOR D. BARJIBR, Proprietor. AltCIIITlSCTM 1) WIS & HOUPT, Architects. Roms ti 2,'i and 20 Corhn wealth h'ld'e. Seranteu L. WALTER, Architect, Lihnuy iiuinl inr. Wyoming aventm. Scranton. V L. BROWN. Arch II. Architoct, Trie lmildin,12il Wellington Avo.,Scrant.m MISCKl.l.ANKOUS. IJAUElTs ORCHESTRA - MUHIO FOR li balls, plcnici, pArtloa, receptions, wod dings and ooneort work furalshod. For term, nddross It. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming avo., over Hnlbort's music store. i! ORTON 1). SWARTS-WHOLESALE hiniher, Prico building Scranton, Pa. MBOAROEH BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelope paper bags, twine. Warohouio, YJU Washington ave., Scranton Pa. TOOTE'S LIVERY. I6SI (iipouse avenue J First class carriages. D. L FOOTE, Alt Funeral Director and Emhalmcr. T7BANK P. BROWN ft CO.. WHOLE J sale (lealors in Wood ware, Cordage and Oil Cloth, 720 W. Lackawauna avenue. ,i ZliA F1NN"&B0. S, Imil.l'-nT aontrao. JU tors. Yards: Corner Olivo at. and Adams ave. ; corner Ash st and Penn avo,. Scranton. THE Thatcher IS THE BEST. Get prices ud ire tho furnnco and bo con viiicH.l. A full line ot HEAT ERS, Appcllo Hud Gatiz Door Ranges CONLAN'S HARDWARE PITTSTON PA. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CCX tCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE. TA.. MANUFACTURERS ( Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY, General Office, SCRANTON, PA. J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insuring cleanliness nnd comfort TIMK TAnLE IN EFFECT MAY 20, UK Trains lonvo Scranton for Pittston, Wilkes Barre, oto., nt 8.-20. U.i u.jq n m gn 2 ul f-S' 5 ! U0, m Sundays, 8.U0 u. m, l.uu, 2.1f), 7.10 p. in. for Ailantio City. 8.20 a. m. For Now York, Newark and Elizabeth. 8.20 (express) a. m.. 12.50 (express with Buffot parlor car), 11.30 (express) p. in. Sunday, 2.16 p. m. Foit MAurn CnuNK, Allentown, Bl't.ii.b UJOL EAblnBand PiiiLADELMHA, 8.20 a. m.. Uoil, 3.J0, 5.00 (oxoept Philadelphia) p. m. Sunday, 2.15 p. ni. For Lono BiiAMcii, Ocean GitovE, etc., at 6.20 a. m., W -0p. m. For Heading, Lebanon and narrlsburg, via Allentown, b.20 a. m., 12.50, 5.00, p.m. Sundav. 2.1.1 p. m. For PotUvllle, 8.20 a. in., 12.50 p. m. Returning, leavo New York, foot of Liberty street, North river, at a 10 (express) a. in., 1.10, 1.30, .) (ox)ioss with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.:m a. in. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, 0.D0 a. m., 2.00 and ISO p. m. Sunday, 0.27 a. ir,. Through ticketn to all poinls at lowest rates may bo had on application In advance to tho ticaet agent at tho station. H. P. BALDWIN, J. H. OLHAUSEN". Agent lien. Sunt. T.l.-T A TTT ,1.1 X-T r. tj JlT . KON RAILROAD. i ommonclng May 29, 18!2, trains will run as follows: Trains leavo Bridge Htrood Station. Scranton, for Pitta ton, Wilkes-Barre, otc.,8.00, 9.07, 9 37, 10.42 a. in.. 12.10. 1,28, 2.;, lit, .5.15, 6.15, 9.1j and H.a5 p. in. For Now York nnd Phlla dolnhia. KllliLin. ll'in !Jll 38, Hf.nnd 1 1. 30 p. m. I''or HoueHdale (from Delaware, Lackawanna nnd woatorn depot), 7.0), 8.3), 10.10 a.m.. 12.00 m ., 2.17, 5.10 p. m. For Cnrboudaln and lntormeillato Dtations, 6.40, 7.00. (-.;, 10.10 a. m., in , 2. 17, 8.25,5.10, U 20 and 0 35 p. in. ; tnun Krlilgo stroot Depot, tM a. mu, 2.17and 11 36 y. m. Fa8t express to Albany, Saratoga, tho Adi rondack afoiiiiinins. Huston aud New England points, 5.40 a. in., arriving at Albany 12.45. Surntoga 2.20 p. m., und leayiiii; Scranton at;l p. m . arriving at Albany st&SCp, BU, San toga, 12.65 a. m ., and Biston, 7.00 a. m. Tno only direct route between the coal fields and Boston. "The Leading Tourists' Runts of America" to the Adirondack Mountain re sorts, LakoH Ucorgc and Champlain, Montreal, etc. Timo tablos showing local anil through train Borvlco between stations ou all divisions Dola Wure and Hud- i. system, may be obtained at all Delaware and Hudson ticket offices. II. li. YOUNU, J. W. BUBDTCK, Bocrm Vie,. PraMnt on. Pass Ast. MAY 18, 1894. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia an Now York via. I). & II. R li. at 8 A.m . It lfi 188 and 11.86 p. m viaD.,1. & W. Ii. r o.ud, 8.0S. 11.20 a. m.,and 1.30 p, in. Leavo Scranton for Pittston nnd WlUcet Barro via D.. L. & VV. It. It., 0.0), 803, 11.2J a. iu , 1.30, &6U 11.07. S, o p. in. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Hazletcn, Pottsvillo und all points ou tbe BSSTSf Meadow aud Pott- vill" hi anclies, via E. ic W. V.. G 10 n. in., v. a D. & II. It. R. nt 8 a.m., 12.11, 2.38, 4.10 p.ra , via Df, L. & W. li. R 0.00,8.08, 11.20 a.m., 1.80, ILVip.ra. Leave Scranton for P.ethlehom, Eastou. Reading, Harrir-burg and all Intermedial points via D. ft II. It. It., x a.m ,12.10. 2.34, 11. ii p.m., via D., L. ft W. K. It..O.(IO,S.08, 11.20 a. m !.:10 p.m. Leave Boranton forTnnkbvinock, Towanii, Elmir.i, lthnca, QonSTS and All intorinedl iti points via D. ft H. R.R.,9.07 n.m.,12 10 and 11.35 p. i.i.. via D. U W. 11 H.. 8 0S,l.:M p. m. Leave Horanton for Roonsster, Buffalo, Ni agara FaIis, Detroit. Chicago and nil poiiti SrsStTMP. ftH R. ft. .'.07 ; .m., 12. p. m i i.. D. L. ft W. li. R and PitUtoti Junction, 8.04 a m., 1J0, 8 i.i p. m., via E. ft W. li ii 3.41 p. m. ftorElmlrs sndthswost via Salmino i, trts D. ti 11. It Ii. au7a,;u., 13. 10, . la p. ra . via D , L. ft V. B. I-'.. 08 .i.m.. tl aud 0.O7 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between Ij. ft B. Junotton or Wilkes Barre und New York. Phiiaddpula, Buffalo nn'l Suspension Bridge. RUi.LIN H. WILBUR. Hon. Supt East Div. CHA8. S, LUE. (Jan. Pasi. Ag't, Phils .Pt. A. W.NONNEMACHER.Ass't Ojn.Pass. Au'U South Bothlehem. Pa. DELAWARE, LACK.'. WANNA AND WESTERN" RAILROAD Trains loavo Scranton as follows: Express for New York ami ah points Bast 1.40. 2.50, 6.15, 8,00 and U.ooa. in.; 12.6i and 3.50 p. m. Express for Easton, Tronton, Philudolphla and tho South, 6.15, b.00 aud U.ii a. in.; 12.51 nndO.fiO p, m. Washington and way stntious, 8,63 p. m. Tobyhanna aecouimodation, ti ll) p. m. Expr ss for Binghaniton, Oswego, Elmira, Corning, Bath. Dausville, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12 10, 215 a. m. and 1 2t n. m., making close connections at Buffalo to all points in thj West, Northwest aud Southwest. Bath nccomuiodation, II a. in. Binghaniton and way stations, 12.37 p. m. Niciiol-ou sooonittlodstlon, nt 4 p. m. and 0.10 p. m. Binghnmton and Elmira Express, 0 05 p. m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego, Uticaand Riclilield Springs, 2.15 n. m. aud 1.2 p. m. IfbSCS, 2.15 and Balh Hn. m. and 1.21 p. m. For Northuniliorland.Plttstiin, Wilkos Barre, Plymouth, Bloonisburg and Danville, making close connections at Northumborlaud fur Willinnidiort, Harrisburg;, Baltimore, Wash ington nnd the South. Northumberland nnd Intermediate stations, C.CXI. (AO o. in. nnd 130 aud H.07 p. m. Nauticoao auu intermediate stations, 8.')9 and 11.2H a. m Plvmmith Bnd intormedlatJ stations, 3oand E6i n. m. Pullman parlor and bleeping coaches 00 all expiess trains. For detailed information, pocket tun itablai, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket oiBoj, 32s Lackuwauuaaveuuo, or depot ticket offio SI'RAXTON IIIVIION. In I if, , i Juniuu v S8th, 1801. North llnuud. 200 207 20o " biuuiIi Hound, .'02 Mi 9014 3 5: Stations i,5i (Trains Dally, Kr- 12 ccpt suiHiiiy. ) p h Arrive Leave, 7S8H Y. Franklin St. . 7 in West 42nd streot . 7 oo, Wceliuwkon 7 35 7 50 8 10 P M i m Arrive Leave1 m 8 20 8 id i 16 Hancock Juuetl'ou ii ail o ' ii 0 18 a 3i II -HI II -15! 0 56l llnocock 7 6S Burllgiu Preston park Couio Poyntello lielinont Pleasant ML I'nloiulalo Forsct City Carbundnie White Brtdijo Maytleld Jerniyn Archibald Wlnton Peckvlllo Olypbsnt Dickson Throop Providence Park Placo Scranton 2 2 2 31 S41 8 60 8 68 3 Oil 3 ou 3 19 7 51 7 45 12 47 12 :t2 7 38 7 8', 12 35 12 181 n is! fiaoM rc 58 7 0 :,ti I 16 7 M A It 8 61 132111 41 II IB 3 34 a ia flllO 8 is 13 38 ffl 43lf5 M I 32 tn 53 ft -IS 7 34i 1150 8 46 7 lOlOOSi.l 51 r 43 toot i nt 7 48'10 10'3 68 7 52 10 15 4 0 7 54 10 17 4 07 7 56 ! 0 20l 410 : 'i 4 14 8 0210 21! 4 IT 8 li l 30, 4 M t RA 'i r 641 5 20 1 1 33 8ii5 t 1 1 B u i I 28 10 8S 1-1125 6 Ss 6 25 8 07 II 21 11 17 II 16 5 a ill 4 6 8 21 (8 id 8 15 f8 13 8 10 T M II 1 tan II 10 f!52 4 60111 05 r i Ml.eavo Arrive All trnlns run dully except Sunday. t. signifies that trains stop on i u ni for pas sengers. Additlnnnl trains leave Carbondale for soran. ton 1.10 and 0.15 p. m., arriving at scranton and 7.00. Leave scranton for Carbondale 6.50 and 8.80 arriving at enrbondalo at 7.30 and 8.15 p. m. i-ociirp rates via Ontario a Western before SUOSASlnB tickets nnd save money. Day and llhgt Eipross to tho West. J.C. Anderson, Gen. Tass Agt. f . ratcroit, Dlv. rsss, Agt. Scianton, Pa. ERIE AND WYOMING VALLEY RAIL KOAD Trains loave Scrantou for Now York and in termediate points on tho Erlo rallrond at 0 35 a. tn. and 8.24 p. m. Also for HoBSSdStS, Hawley and local points at ft 86, 8.45 S m., and :12 p.m. All tho above nro through trains to anal from Hnnesdale. An additional train loaves Soranton for Lake Ariel at 6.26 p.m. aud arrives at Scran ton from tho T.nko at 8 40 a ni and 7.;K p.m. Trains leave for Wilkos-Barre nt 6.40 a. m. and .i n p. m.