THE SCBAKTON TIUlTOJiE-WEMiESDAT JIOENIUG. JTOTE (3, 1894. -V? : T.nwicS f Btu.""Tr. Rowxcrof nil Lct-iES J' ''C. 0 COPYfUUHTCP. 1119. 8T AMErtllAN PHCS! A'j'jJCmnON CHAPTER III THU TOTAL Kt'IJPSn. B&llavoine place is a very quiet street at all times. On a Ktill day footsteps awake echoes there, not bOMHM it is fur from the busy oetitor of t ho eity, for it leads directly out of an important ave nno through which there is &noh pun ins, but became it in not a thoroughfare. On two sides substantial brick houses present an uninterrupted front to the street On the third side a high picketed fence prevents it from lending over a solid pile of masonry, rising only to its level and known as a sea wall, directly info the river. Ballavoine place and all tho streets in this vicinity occupy what is termed "made land," for the rim' Was not long ago when the tide from the neighboring harbor flowed twice a day over the sail marshes SO feet below the present paved and solid surface. There fore it is that the buildings are oil new and stately, and that only well to do people live here. No. 20 is the hist house on the street next tho river, It is so near it indeed Dint only a narrow courtyard Intervenes between the seawall and its foundation stones. This house is what is popularly termed "an apartment house' ' that is to say, it is let out in suits, floor by floor, to different families. In December, 1884, the name on the books of the 1 08800 of this house against suit No. 5, whioh comprised the rooms in the upper story, was Julian Maxey. In that month of that year and a we ek after (ho episi ide on the cliff road tho art ist was talking with his friend, tho physician, in the large square chamber, the last in his t: ries, which ho was ac customed to call his sitting room. The great easy chairs and tho comfortable sofa in this apartment seemed to war rant the appellation. The piano, thu nu merous lwit of well tilled bookshelves and a sideboard with a decanter on it Somewhat widened the range of possi bilities, however, mid tho presence of a bed, shut in with pretty luce curtains, mode the term entirely inadequate to the subject. Ifrwas a room, in fact, in Which a Stranger might have spent days and nights of profit and amusement without tho necessity of going out very frequently for anything peiluning to luxuries or necessities, bodily or mental ly. Indian clubs and dumbbells on ashelf in a corner afforded an opportunity for indoor exorcise; the sideboard was a treasury of refreshment! there was read ing enough for a year's study. The walls wore covered with pictures, and a half painted canvas on an easel near a win now showed another in the process of manufacture, T here was a cheerful fire in an opt :i grate. On the center table Was a sewing basket Wine fancy work, several uncut m tgasdnes and papers, a 'cigar ease and a reading lamp. From any point in tho room the occupant could command a view of the broad riv er and of the fields and spires on tho farther shore. At this time of year the Holds and hills were white, and the river WU full of ice. The doctor had just como out of a windowless aloo vo chamber, whioh might bo separated from the main apartment by curtains, now prettily looped back. In tho obscurity beyond could bo seen a lod and the face of a young woman a pale face, with large, dark eyes, which roved about incessantly, as if in quest of a horror that never came. "How does she seem today?" Julian Maxey questioned in atone of deep anx iety. "Just, as she has been since we found her, Jnst as she Beoma likely to bo for the nst of her days in a state of total eclipse." There was no air of jocularity about Dr. Lamar's manner. He was very much dissatisfied with tho situa tion, although his concern was of a dif f rent nature from Iilaxey's. A medical probh m that baffled him always aroused in him o grim antagonism that was far from humorous, "You don't mean to tell me you are beginning to look upon this as a hope less case?'' Maxoy exclaimed in conster nation. Whenever Maxey got excited, his hair promptly exhibited a tendency to assume an erect attitude, and his neck' Mo Inevitably becam 'awn-. Lamar not ed that he was now somewhat excite d. "I mean to toll you, as I have told you, that oven partial recovery is very improbable." "But you will notay impossible?" "They are synonymous terms with moit of us. For my fart, I am cautious. There is the one ohonoe in a million that always exists." Miss Masoy had como into tho room in time to hoar this disheartening reply, bii" spoke up, with almost hysterical em phaoisi "And that one chance will sav,o her. I believe too much in tho justice of heaven to think for a moment that sue will lie Here and dio with closed lips. I don't, I can't believe it. Ab suro as 'there is a God or any Provideuco in human events, the time will como when that poor girl will speak and denounce tho lnhnmim monster who pushed her from the road I' ' "You beliovo in pool ie justice, MifiS Maxey. Unfortunately for me, I am a practical physician and obtain my idea of human events from life and not from uovols. The time may come, it is true, but to say that it will i.i to show a depth of confidence in my skill and ability which I hardly possess myself. This girl certainly emmot recover without med ical aid, and it is utterly beyond my com prehi naion, for you may as well know the truth at once, how medical aid can reach her. That is how the matter stands at present" "But tho present is not the future, " cried Miss Maxey, with a warm glow in her cheeks. Perhaps, In spitoof all her enthusiasm, she felt it was Lamar sho Spoke to. ' 'Nothing can make mo h lieve that fiio will die like this. God would not permit such a crime to go Unpunish ed." "Without discussing that, my dear Miss Maxey," replied the physician, smiling, ' 'I need hardly remind you thrJt tHero aro other and much more obvious " m of accomplishing that end than by working a miracle m this poor girl's brain. And, by the way, Maxey, how does your part of the case stand?" "Sit down, " said Maxey. "Do. Yon can spare a minute, I know, and of courso you must bo Interested. We all are. True, I haven't much to tell you. There have been half a doen rcportu rs here daily and more or less detectives and police officers, but I rather think their interest is dying OUl now rapidly." "Shameful!" ejaculated Miss Maxey. "Just because of a few obstaelesl" "Obstacles!" echoed her brother. "I should say they wero obstacles! Why, there isn't a shadow of light in any di rection. Let me state the c ase now from a judicial standpoint" Dr. Lamar had taken a chair by the window, whoriho seemed to bo devot ing his exclusive attention to the ico blocks drifting down the river. Miss Maxey had not seated herself exactly, but she had aflsnUM d an upright position on the sofa. She was eager, earnest and wholly absorbed in the subject of con versation. An exceedingly sensitive and emo tional creature was this Miss Maxey, and in a matter such as this, where her whole nature was aroused, she was a powerful friend and a most dangerous adversary. It was entirely at her solici tation that the injur sufferer In the al cove chamber had been brought to tho house. .Miss Maxey listened to what her brother had to say with quick breath and shining eyes. Ah, if Ur. Lamar had had the soul of an artist, he would have found something more inspiring to look at than the icy river. "These are tho facts," continued Maxey, toeing tin m all ifut on the top of the center table with a paper cutter as he talked. "It is now the 16th of De cember. On the 9th was the first sleigh ing ol the year. The evening of that day a belated sleighing party just after nightfall discovered a woman's shawl in tho middle of alifhely road at a point Where it runs along the borders of a rocky bluff, investigation follows and eventually H suits in the rescue of a young woman who was caught by the clothing upon a point of rock half way between the top and bottom of an almost, vertical section of the bluff, This young woman is so badly injured internally that she is incapable of giving the least clew either to her identify or to tho Strange position in which she was found, Nothing remains but to make a careful examination into the circumstantial evidence in the case. This turns out to to exceedingly meager, but such as it is it all points one w ay. "One of tho pockets of tho girl's clothes is found inside out, and the rest are empty. Sin-has no ring upon her fin gers nor jewels in her ears, although the curs are piorood. The dress of the unknown indicates that she belongs to the middle class, but the refinement and delicacy of her face and hands, which are singularly white and free from tho traco of laud work, are even stronge r evidences that she is not an ordinary Shopgirl, to say the least. Tins turning of the pocket and utter absence of rings or ornaments lead naturally to the con clusion that she bus been rubbed and thrown from tho rood. In substantiation of this, the snow is trampled jnst above the place where she w;is found and smooth all along the roadside. One of the sleighing party is positive that sho saw a man leap over a fence ami run across the field on the other side of the way. A close scrutiny finds footsteps leading into the. field at the point indi cated. They are followed, and after a short detour lead around in the direction of the city into the road again, where they are lost irretrievably In tin' ab sence of all other evidence we must sup pose, then, that the girl was set upon and robbed by a person unknown and thrown over the l ank to get rid of her. Let us suppose the polico take this for granted at the outset. " "It is all they are good for, taking things for granted," commented Miss Maxey. "I can't see that they ever dis cover anything." "Very well. So far it is all plain and na oral But where did the victim come from, and how came she nson the cliff road alone at that tinio? At this poiut wo find ourselves utterly unablo to form any plausible theory. There is not a siniie clew to horidi ntity, not a mark on tho Underclothing, not even an ini tial on the houdki rchief. Suppose wo are the poHoe under the circumstances, what can wo do? Nothing in the world except what they did photograph the girl and send her description, not omit ting the smallest detail of clothing which she wore, and including tho enri ouis fact that ono of tho toes of her left foot is missing, broadcast over the com munity. The result is that the first day she is brought here the stairs are worn out with the footsteps of people whoso only possible interest is that (if curiosity, who come to see the victim under tho pretext of attempting to identify her." "And who Stare and gawk about with open mouths until they have fairly to bo pushed out of the room, " added Miss Maxey. "In short," continued the artist, "we aro in danger of being turned into a museum for the exclusive patronage of all the idlers and doadbeats in the city. This dearly will hoc do, ;aid we must get our medical adviser to declare a public inspection irritating and danger ous to the patient. " "I believe it did annoy her, "said Dr. Lamar. "At any rate, it did her no good. ' ' "And this is tho strangest part of tho mystery to my mind," continued Max ey, "that with all these precautions, with the newspapers printing, peoplo talking and pictures and descriptions so available, nobody appears to claim her in all this time. It is as if she dropped down upon the cliff road from another planet. Wherever sho has been people must have seen her; her friends must miss her. Then why aro they silent?" Dr. Lamar was still watching tho ico blocks. Something suggested by Maxey's last words madohim frown. Ho did not turn his head to remark: "You exaggerate, Julian. Because this case seems all Important to you and your sister unit to me perhaps, nun ue- oause B few policemen and reporters call, and the rubble who read the uovs papers flock to ypur door when the op portunity is given them, you immediate ly think that the whole world has be come excited over this curious affair. All, let me tell j ou, is a large word, and everybody something which you don't imagine. How many thousand peoplo in this very city today never rend a newspaper and are too much occupied in their own struggle for existence to mind much about other people's! Ill spite of all that nil been said and writ ten, I'll warrant you not more than half of the total population of this metropo lis has ever heard of the mystery of the beach road. " Ellen sighed. "The doctor is right, Julian." "Perhaps. I am not disputing him It is but a week yet, and there are pe culiar circumstances, I can understand perfectly possible, under which a person might sutler such an accident as this poor creature bus and not be missed so soon. Suppose, for instance, I were to announce to you that I was going away for a week or two and wero to fall down at the end of the street and break my neck" "I should know all about it in two hours," interrupted his sister. "No, Julian, no; you have spoken about the friends, but you have not thought of the enemies. The blind in this case are will fully blind, Julian, depend upou it, willfully blind." "Pshaw, " said Maxey, "that is go ing too far altogether! Better Invent soino other theory. Suicide is uioro probable." "Ridiculous!" was his sister's com ment. "Very well, suppose this: Snpposo that she has always been an idiot just as wo seo her now; that her friends had taken care of her, but that she had be come a burden upon them; that in a moment of neglect she escaped and wan dered over the edge of the bluff; that they knew it when it was too late, but forbore to interfere after tho mischief was done, well knowing that it would make no difference to her and not wish ing to be bothered longer with her sup port What different aspect would the case present than it does now?" "A cruel, heartless theory, Julian, and you ought to bo keener than that too. I am ashamed of you! What of tho pocket turned inside out, the trampled snow and the man who ran away?" "Appearances are often deceptive. Thieves are not the only people who turn pockets inside out. Men run or walk for other Causes than a guilty conscience. Besides, the fact that she was an idiot, not being known to the thief, would not prevent his waylaying her in a lonely place." "You don't believe What you say, Ju lian. This girl's outer garments fitted her. They were for her. Idiots ore not provided with street costumes." This was a clincher. Maxey, wonted, as usual, in an encounter with his sister, made an irrelevant reply and turned his attention, with momentary irritation, to Dr. Lamar. "Do you think, toe, that this girl had no friends?" Tho same suggestion which had before caused the philosophic physician to wrinkle his brows again disturbed him in a similar manner, He suddenly bent a meaning look upon the artist as he mad the deliberate reply: "For good reasons. I have more than once suspected it. " Maxey started. Ho becamo at once imbued with the suspicion which trou bled Lamar. Ho grew excited at once. "That is something I had not thought of. It would explain everything." "Possibly," -aid the doctor, resuming his view of tin' river. "And it would prove that I was some thing too hasty in allowing her to be brought here rather than to the hos pital If I leal believed it, IWOUld" "Julian!" Miss Maxey rose to her feet, with a flush in her face and a dan gerous light in her eyes. She went on with increasing rapidity of utterance and -in -i adin of tones. The words mime so last they seemed almost to choice her. "What you aro saying is heartless, cruel, unmanly! You made me a prom ise, Julian Maxey. Do you think I have forgotten it? Do you think I will allow this helpless, innocent creature of whom one of these days you would blush to speak with the sligutest disrespect do J-ou think I would allow her to go, after What has Ik en, believing, as I firmly do, that u hospital would be the death of lu r? Oil, it does seem as if all tho world ' determined to turn tilt hack on this poor, defenseless girl I I consider the re fusal of those Somerset people to keep her in their house any longer when they knew it would be diuigerous to move her Uttt rly barbarous. "It Was brutal to think of sending her into a great, cold hospital where every body is sick ami dying and the doctors experimenting with the patients. Yes, Dr. Lamar, I'm very sure of it. I've been told so on excellent authority, and if it hadn't been for me she'd have gone thero, too, ami now now after all you've said, Julian Maxey, tor you to begin and talk about, hospitals and and oh, it's too heart It is, ami I think you ought to be ashamed of yourselves, both of you, to sit hero and well, do what you wiH ! Do your very worst! I shall not lift a finger to stop youl I shall not say one word in remonstrance!" Jnst a trifle excited and hysterical, Ellen Maxey, but you look exceedingly well with the tears sparkling on your long dark lashi sand your oheeksuglOW. Br. Lamar turned with considerable surprise from his survey of tho river, but she was gone before ho hod an op portunity to admire her. "The deuce!" ejaculated Maxey, with a faint sigh at tho thought of his own subjugation. "Well, sho will have to stay, that's all." "Think so?" "Oh, there's no doubt at all about it. Win n Eiien begins to act like Lady Macbeth, I know what's coming. But she's a gixxl sister, Eustace," added tho artist feelingly, "and the best girl that ever lived, And then, I dare say, very probably she's quite right, quite right indeed. ' ' "She causes you, however, to take a great responsibility, " said Dr. Lamar gravely. "I don't understand you." "But you will before very long, for, mark my word, Maxey, tho patient will make you trouble." Maxey started. "What do you mean?" "I mean," said the physician, "sim ply that. Yon dou't imagine she will I lie thero always as now? Von must know that she has a body that has no disease as well as a brain that has. Sup pose sho should bo able to sit up and go about" "Well, what then?" "What then? Well, if,you don't watch her, sho will be in the fire or lying at tho foot of the stairs with her neck broken. ' ' Maxey arose nervously and went to tho sideboard, as he was too likely to do when his mind was troubled Ho had raised his glass to his l'ips when that faint, weird cry that was not a moan of pain nor a plea for mercy, but akin to both, suddenly escaped tho lips of tho patient. Maxey set his glass down with a force that spilled the contents. "Thero! Why will sho do that? Any thing but that. It will givo me tho hor rors. How she startled me!" Ho crossed the room and put a hand that was by no means steady on his 1 II ,T k 0 Mnxcy act Mi ptaif lUmn with a force that spilled the contents, friend's shoulder, while his troubled eyes searched the physician's face. "Lamar," he said, "what is tho mat ter with her? I dou't mean what is tho long Latin term for her disorder. I mean, in good round English words, frankly and plainly, wdiat is tho matter with her?" "Frankly and plainly," responded Lamar without the least hesitation, "I Cannot tell you. " "You don't know?" "No." "What does Dr. Beutly say?" "He says the girl's an idiot' "Since when?" "Since she fell." "Not from her youth then?" Lamar smiled. "That would be hardly probable. Your sister stated it fairly. Idiots dou't dress up in street costume, in garments tastily made to fit them." "Then do I understand this trouble is caused by a blow or by a shock? I thought by what you said the other day she had hit her head and gouged a piece out of her brain. " Lamar laughed. "It is unnecessary to say you aro an artist," ho commented, "rather than a physician. Levity aside, neither Dr. Beutly nor myself thought the blow on the head sufficient by itself to have pro duced this result. My idea of if is that there was Some structural or functional trouble in the braiu prior to the acci dent Then the shock alono may have had a good deal to do with it " "Then it is possible that this is tho effect of terror?" "Possibly." "Possibly ! How conservative and cold blooded you are! Candidly, can't med ical science unravel this mystery and tell the why and wherefore of this" mat ter?" "Not at the present stage of tho easo and in tho present state of medical sci ence. " "What a pretentions humbug science is anyway!" fumed Maxey. "The best w ish I can have for yon is that you will live to see the absurdity of that remark, my boy. Science is un pretentious and real. People who havo the most to say against it know the least about it. If you hear a man berating it, ten to one it has disturbed some old pet fancy of his. Science wouldn't suit yon be. ;auso you are too impatient. It works slowly, my boy slowly, but suw'ly. " Dr. Lamar said all this calmly and dispassionately as be rose to assume his outer garments, Maxey had opened his lips to reply when thero came a knock ing at the door. Ho stepped into tho hall and looked out On the threshold stood the brave fellow who had been lowered from the edge ijf the bluff at tho rope's end to rescue an imperiled life a week before. Maxey wai so surprised that he seemed at first to lxt in danger of forgetting his hospitality, but in a moment or two be recovered himself ami invited his visit or in. "No, thankee," said the young man awkwardly, taking off his hat and glancing around him, "hut my little brother found this on the beach in the snow underneath where the young wom an hung, sir, anil we thought, between us, that maybe, as it might bo of somo use, maybe I'd better put on my hat and coat and run up. " Run upl It was eight miles. Maxey took a bit of soiled and damp paper from the man's hand. It was a folded sheet of writing paper and con tained these words, traced with pale ink in a feminine hand; SoHiaisirr, Dec. 8, 188. Dcak Axxktte I linvc nover forgotten you during nil mir separation, and to my astonish ment ami dolight I yoetorday lvraed a matter of tho deopeit Important to yourself. An notto, you have bora deoeivod iw to your pur sntage. Your ml father and mother arc known tonic. I want to toll you all aliouttt at once, but there arc good reasons why I Should not go to tlm house. You will under stand this fully when you steme. Ianibtop plngoul ins,., iic- et at. present, but there aro oilier IMSOni why you shouldn't lie seen there. I have thought up a place that will bo con venient for hull, of us. Annette, you remem ber the hotel ftt OUlTl Head, where you canto With yaw nether two yearn sgo. Just across tho road thero In a sent, you ill remember. Why can't you come out on the train and walk tip the mud and wait for DM there about 0 o'clock tomorrow (Taetday) night? if this uoto seems hasty and very, very strange to you, Annette, belle VO me thoro aro strange things to some, whioh I will tell you of. After you know what I know you need never go back gain unless you wish. After nil thotroublol havo been to in this matter, and for your sake, I havo no fear of any failure on your part to bo at tho place named. Your very true friend, MM, AOAl'UA U. IlAl'UOOD. 1'. S.l may bo a littlo late, but 1 shall not fall to keep ftiy appointment. Maxey read this remarkable cpistlo aloud in the presence of the doctor, who had joined him in the hall. Tho excita ble artist was aglow with onthusiasm. "Here is something tangible at last! Bare is a woman with a name I Yon did right my good man, to bring this docu ment here. You wore right in believing it Important You have done us nil a groat service Tell your littlo brother, my good man, that if ho will bring mo i t. . ' the envelope this letter was contained m I'll make him a handsomo present. We'll bo at tho bottom of this affair yet or my name's not Maxey. An unexpected good fortune, Lamar, don't you think, and ono that will throw much light on this obscure matter?" Lamar frowned and replied cautious ly: "I am not a detective, and I hvo not studied tho letter, but it strikes me tho wording is peculiar and tho signa ture extraordinary. Tho namo is explicit enough in all conscience. A woman Writing a confidential letter like that to a friend does uot often take so much pains to get in her full name, as if sho wero signing a will Take care that somo crafty fellow hasn't thrown this letter in your way for the purposo of putting you on tho wrong track." Maxey looked a littlo bewildered, but he seized his hat and coat, without making a reply, and darted down tho stairs. "What very excitable peoplo these Haxeys are!" thought the. philosophic doctor as he went away. "And what a deal of interest they do bike in this case! I wonder where Miss Ellen went to? How pretty she looked when her blood Wius upl There would be somo satisfac tion in crossing such a woman just for the picture one would get. But, bah, what am I thinking about? What is this to mo?" Never tholojs he sighed as ho went back half heart edly to his work again. Till very recently this work had been his pride and his Ufa Now as ho took it up it seemed like n ta.k, almost a bur den. There was a woman's face a handsome but not a welcome face be foro his eyes night and day. Something was wrong with Dr. Lamar, something seriously wrong with him, something from which even his science might not save him. TO m CONTINUED. gOVININEA I WHAT ,T IS. The original Raw Food. An unrivalled nutrient. It builds muscle and bone. It makes new blood. Is retained by any stomach. Satisfies the hunger of consumptives. Unaided it will sustain strength for weeks. Contains the largest amount of nutrition in the smallest possible bulk. It will sustain life by injection. It is simply the vital principles of raw beef concentrated. It is prescribed and recom mended by more physicians than any other food in the world. We refer to any physician you know. For sale at nil druggists. THE BOVININE CO. NEW YORK. Endsro dt THt Highest Mcdiml Authorities a, iNiui.rn will euro you. A CSN J Jtefc wonderful boon to suffereri MP WT US? fr.nnlold.. 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SOU) by Matthew Bros., Wholesale and Retail Drnsw.sts, SCKANTON, PA., and other Lead- UU I n. i-.i Every Womai.. Sometimos needs a rc!i BblS monthly regulatm,; medicine. Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Aro prompt, snfo nnd certain In result. Tho izerj,i. i ' (Dr. I'chI'kI never disappoint. Sont onywlicn 'It. PoalMcdlcinei'ii . ri 'land.O. Sold by .TOHN R THEI.P3 Pharmaoti t corner Wyoming avenue "anil opruce street Bcrnnrm. I'a. Ladies Who Valuo A refined complexion mnstnie Pozzonl's Pow- dcr. It produces a soft and bcnutitul skin. roXS XWK5 f " wLJmd 3 SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The abovo Irnnds of flonr can be had at any of the following merchants who will accept Tim Thibunic flour coupon of 25 on each one hundred Bounds of flour or 50 on each barrel of flour Ecrnnton-F. P. Prico, Washington avenuo I Gold Modal Drawl. Dnnmoro-F. P. Price, Gold Modal nrtiml. Dnnmore-V. D. Mauley. Superlative llrand. H,T? ff $ hlvlB' Washburn Bfa Uolit Mudul Brand; J. eopli A. Moars.Mam avenue, Muporlativo Brand. Green!or.(.iM Modal Brand, J. t.McIInle, Superlative. l'lovldencc i'ennor & CtmppcllN' Main avo mte, Superlative Hrond;U. J. Gillinplu, W Markot stroot, Hold Medal Brand. Olyphant-JainoB .Ionian, Bunorlallvo Brand. Pe.kvlllo It K. lsr Huporlatlvo. Jermyii-U, O. Winters & Co. Superalntlvn Archhalil Jones. B mpson &0o.. (old Modil Carboii'lato-B. S. Clark, Hold Medal Brand. H'iiiesdalo-I. N. Foster Co. tioli MoJil. Miuooka M. H, I.avolls "No star was ever lost we onco have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HARRY PATRON OF THE MGHARDS LUMBER GO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. DIO YEJ SCHOW? That we will GIVE you bsautiful now pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at :I07 LACKAWANN I AVKxuil n laumptlon 01 Innanlly. WKby mnll prepaid. Ith UCrunCANU oilier. AUiin.tu ."W'.ttVK .S"K CO., Mu;onic TeiuplO, CUICAGC. IL1 For Sale in Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Druggist, cr. VTashintoD ind Snruco streets. 1Q)TR?. ISCO,E?3ii?3'E3 Th0 onl fia. Bnro . , " mm w m mm m m m WKST Send for circular. EMMYDnYftl Ml a u r. an eh n n u wt n ni bb n an e jnin u l . j tm n n n :i JJXt. MO'lTH CHEMICAL CO., - Clovclaad, Ohio. iiC. Ji. HAKlils. Drutrslat, 1ST I'anii Avuira. iird Natic Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. SURPLUS, $250,000 Till" liank nflrciK to ilrpimltora erorj Ini-llll)' wurraut.d liy llielr biiluiierm Imnl 11, s. uiul rMptniKlbllity. bpccldl Bttnntlua civen to I . .1-. counts. ir..: , ahl uii tluiu (lopo.Kn OILMAN CONKKI.l, Tiniilrnt tifcO. n. CATLIN, Vlra-l-rrxlilent. WILLI A. 11 U. rut K, tttlile. DIRKOTOR& minium Cnnnell, Olorn II. Cntlln, Alfroil IlHiid. Jnaiei Aivhbitld, i-ory nlln, jr.. IYIIIIaiu T. K.ultli Luthor Kl'-r 0KITKR firiGE CO., Inc'p. Capital. $1,000,000. IIIiMT 81.110 8HOE IN THE WOULD. M tiollur saved it a dollar earned" s, This Ladtae' Solid French nnngola Kid But ton lloot dolivcrcd free anywhere In tho U.S., on roculptof Cash, Money Order, or Postal Note for Kqunls every wny the boots aof.I la nil reti.ll alores for t-M. Wo muse, tbln b'oot ournclvcsf thereforo wo nar outre the Jit, style nnd leeoi". ir or.y 0:10 Is not suinnea wo will refund tho racney orsendouotherpslr. Opera loo or Common rense, widths C, P. I, liK, ilzos 1 to 8 sua nan .slzos. Stndyourtitt; wt Kilt nt you. Illustrated C'sta. loans F11EE I rrisiiisTsr Dexter Shoe Co FEDERAL ST,. linCTON. MASH. S.teeinl lermi to Dealer'- BLOOD POISON w . MaRlo Ri- ed. undprfu.r.nty, bscrfrl by I.VW ,WX) I fnllli. prool. .Dd 100-poK. bok, illuitrstwl from I I 111. from Mop. WIisd Hot IpsMMJ I SSd H.rcnryrsil, Our MairlO OOmeClV Willi poslUsdy ours. COOK RBBsDV (O . cklnn, III. I na! K1 nsy.a u , , st -hi cam.' rrrm-iK W5SB M A A to neSLiiti. Fiom IheX T. Tribune, Kov.l.USX BBS O BEE n The Flour Awards "CuiCAao, Oct 81. Fhe first offlci snnnnncement o World's Fair di plomas on flonr has been made. A medal has been awarded by the World's Fair juilces to the flonr manu factured liy the Washburn, Crosby Co, in the groat Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis The committee reports the flour strong and pure, and entitles it to rank as first-class patent floor foe family and bakers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL ttBOMCSALH AGENTS. Tay lor- Judge & Co., Gold Medal; Atherto & Co., Superlative. Puryoa Lawrenoo Storo Co., Gold Modal Moosic John McCrindlo, Gold Me.laL Pittaton -M. W. O'Boyle, Gold Modal. Clark's Groen-Fraco & Parker, Superlative. Clark's Miininlt -K M. Youiik, Gold Modal Ljalton-S. 15. Finn & Son, Oold Modnl nrani Nichulnon-J. E. Harding. Wavcrly-M. W, lillss ft Son, OoM Modal. Facttiryvlllo Charles Gardner, Gold Modal. Hopliottoin- N. M. Finn & Son, Gold Medal. Tobyhauna-Tobyhamia ft Lehigu LumUir Co.. Gold Modal Brand. Gouldsburo-S A. Adams. Gold Modal Brand, Moscow G .litre & Cleraonts, Gold Medal. Lake Ariel -James A. Bortroo, Gold Medal. Forest City-J. L. Morgan ft Co., Gold Mods SUHHOOD RESTOREDrSb O&M B, IttOh n Weak Memory, Loss of Brnln Power. Headuclie, Wakefulness I.' t Muiihcod. Nlgbtly Emlsslona, KervoubiiPns.alluraliiHixml lona of puwor InOeittrattveurmntOf cither hux caused y over ex erf Ion, youthful errnre. oxeonnlvo u e of tobacco, onlun: orHtlmuiuni.9. which lend to InlirniltT. Con- Can bo carried In vest pocket. JSK per box, i f or J5 a order we vIto a written ortmrantee to ciuo rniiunin enmn in wii.i. ever offerGd to Ladies, mm m m fnu uia i a . ..en AjuaiCB. Price ijii.00 per box, 0 boxes lor 15.00. A We l-Known Physician.Whfl, Among Other Things, Is Noted for His Frankness. No one ever hounl Pr. E. Grower up the phrase "I Ihiuk'' in bis practitv. The doctor in ono cf these frnnk, foiirless, hon est, positive men who never hesitate to say yes or no, as the cso may require. "1 can core you" or "I cuniiot rare von." is his Invariable dticisiou after examina tion, nnd to this faot fot is attributable ins remarkable record without failures. But it would be strange indeed if the doc tor were not a more t han usually success ful prsctitionor. He h:isbeen snrgoou-in-chi.'f in moro than one of tho largest hos pjtuls of this country, was lately Demon strator of Physiology and Surgery at tho Modico-Chirnrgical College in Philadel phia, has been elected an honorary mem ber of the Medico-Chirurgical Association, is a graduate of tne University of Penn sylvania, etc., and is still a close student. A man with such a record oould not fail to bo a successful physician uuder nny circumstntic "S, but when backed by cnutioun, conservatism in expression, or, to use a more popular pbrnse, the "bo-sure-yon're-rigbt-thon-go-ahoad" system, it would he more than strauge if failure overlook him. You can consult Dr. Grower any day at Rooms 5 nnd l. Temple Court Building 31 I SIMtimr ST. from 0 a.m. till 9p.m. Consultations froe. Those suffering from Nervous Diseasee Bre guaranteed a cure. For such there ie the cheering word "Yef," ns failure is un known in the doctor's treatment. SCIENTIFIC HORSE SHOEING AND THE TREATMENT OF LAME NESS OI HOUSES. To theso branches I dovdto espoolal atten tion every afternoon. Office and forgo nttho BLUME CARRIAGE WORKS. 115 DfX COURT, SCRANT ON. PA. DOCTOR JOHN" HAMLIN Graduate pf tbe American Veterinary Cos-lege.