The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 06, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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We will sell onr cutiro stock of
New and Ptyli.sU TRIMMED
PRICES. Come and sec them at
Havo your COIXAR1 starclioil In tho old
yeay wliin you sen linvo thorn dune with soft,
pliublo Buttonholes for TWO CENTS EACH.
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
We are showing
new designs in printed
415 Lacka. Avenue.
We Will Offer for a Few Days
Fine Moquette Ruga at $2 00.
These Rugs Have Never Been
Sold for less Than $3.09.
A hammock scorns a IHiing net,
A pretty goud all-rnuuder;
TIih fish that ono expecrs to get
A perch and then a flounder.
Several inrerejtinr? "letter from tlm
people" appear this morain? on tho
seventh p.ige.
The joint printing corami'.too of councils
will meet in tho city clerk'u ofllce thin
evening at 7. rid.
A lettor by Nathan Vidavonr on tho
Bunday observance question will appear
tomorrow, hnviug been crowded out to
day. ProbibitloniirU from tbis city to tho
atate couveution at Williaimport left yoi
erday attenioon n a Bprcinl car nttacheil
to tho 1.20 Bloomsburf train.
Tho staffer ot the Ncrrintori Lioderkraru
will picnic at Central Park garden on Mon
day next. There will b; vocal coutosts
during the afternoon and evening,
The commencement SXerelse of the
Hich school graduating class will bo held
Friday evening, June 22, in the Academy
of MpiiC Tue date has been incorrectly
announced as June !17.
Antonio Aniln, of tun South Bide, nr
rested for assaulting afriond, was relea'ed
from the county jail yesterday, Martin
Woyshner becoming his bondsman before
Alderman Wright in the sum ul -300.
"Oirnfle-fiirnfla" will be presontel at tho
Frothingham thoator this after ooon at
U SO oVlock and this evening by the Mac-Kny-Kennedy
Opera company. Prices for
the mntineo wil be 10, 15 and 28 cents.
On Tuesday nnd Wedrresdav overlings,
Juuo 12 nnd 13, tlie Eichberg Opera com
pany, composed of members of tho choir of
St. Heter'3 cathedral, will prorluca the
-omic opern, "Doctor of Alcantara," at
College Hall. The proceeds will bo de
voted to furnishiug tho hall with opera
Tho Good Shophord church of Green
Ridge, and St. David's, ot llydo Pnrk, will
run a joint excursion to I.ako Ariel on
Saturday, Juno I). Train leaves Brie and
Wyoming Valley railroad depot at .s.30 a.
in. Will atop nt New York street and
Uunmore to take on excursionists. A
pleasaut day outiug is assured to all who
Tho Home excursion promises to be tho
moat successful ever nndertnkon by this
noble organization. Tho train will loavo
the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western
station at U o'clock, returning at 0. A
band will accompany tho excursionists and
refreshments will be served at Boss park,
where evory facility for picnicing is fur
nished free of cost by tho city of Bingham
ton. William L. Prior, tho energetic city
ticket agent of tho Lehigh Valley Itailroad
company, is distributing neatly printed
books containing n list of tho summer re
sorts along the lino of the "pictnrqH
yalley" road, the attractions for which
they are noted, and the routes nnd rates of
te various classes of exenraion tickets Is
sued by the Lehigh Vnlloy company to
popular resorts and watering places of the
Saturday evening n surpriso party was
given Mrs. .). Milman at her home to
honor of her flfty-Hfth birthday. A pleas
ant evening was spent und at 10 o'clock
refreshments were served. Anion:: th is
present were Mr. and Mrs. George Harvey
jnd grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Robins,
Mr. and Mrs. Shepard and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Wise, Mr. nud Airs. Hesuor, Mr.
aud Mrs. Gilette, Mr. and Mrs. Rowe,
Mr. William Broknhr, Misses Snyder,
Misses Florence and Bertha t onover, Dora
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Apploman.
Open All Night
at Lehman's Spruce street.
Matciilirs Shaw Pianos Every cus
tomer recommends them. Btolle Si Seeley,
134 Wyoming avenue.
uArli idd
Mams k Mcliiiiiltj
127 Wyoming Ave.
; Nomiuated for GI3i6 of Legislate.) by the
Third District Republican.
He Had Twenty-Four Votes Against
Sixteen for Mr. Holgate and Five
for Mr. Flcpp The Nominee Is a
Resident of Moosic Resolutions
Adopted by the Convention The
Delegates in Attendance.
Tho Third legislative district Re
publican convention was held in th
arbitration room of th court house
yesterday afternoon, and F. J, Qrorer,
of Moosic, placed in nomination us the
party's oandidste for the legittature.
Cbairman James E. Walkins called
I he convention ti order at 2 80 o'clock.
The call was read by Secretary Charles
N'orthopanil then the delegates pre
sentod their credentials, after whiob
the roll was called by thtf soeretaiy.
The following delegates answered to
their names :
1: uton-cvr,. Andrew, g. g. Gibbs,
Covington Lewis Jonon.
Ulenbnrn O. A. Sherman,
Goldnboro J. ii. Gardner.
Ureenfll Id Frank Kenyoe.
La Plume Horace S-amon.
Madison David Allen, George Brown.
Newton--H, S. Beenian.
North Ablnjfton G. J. Thomas, H. V.
Decker, J. E. Depue, II. B, Klofs.
Hansom Abram Stiue.
Scott-H. IS. Mead, Avery White.
South Abington J, D. Aylsewortb, Silas
QrilBn. .!. M. Oonrtrl ht.
Spr ing Brook William Griffiths.
Waverly D. L. DUv.
Lackawanna township. North districl
John Koehler, John H. Evans, David T.
Jones, Thomas W. Jones. South district
William L. Jones. East district E.
Bowen, T. V. Jones, David Harris, John
O. Evans. West district Thomas H.
Bvana, Johrr MoCrindle. Northeast district-John
Lewis, David G. Reede.
Southwest district Howell Brooks.
Old Forge, Fir-t district S. Baker,
William Ciwinn. Second district Henry
Tranffer, Third district J. E. Watblns,
W. J. Raskins, J. D, A'herton. M. Her
ruuu. Fourth district T. J. Stewart.
Tho chair appointed as committee
On resolutions, J. D. Atliorton, Tnomas
W. Jones, of Lackawanna, and J. D.
Ayleeworth, Tho committee retired
and later reported the following reso
lutions, which worn unanimously
adopted as tho sense of tho convention:
We, the Republicans of the Third Legis
lative district, in convention, renew our
allegiance to the great principle! formu
lated by the fathers of tho party nt its
birth and Incorporated In the platform
adopted at the last state convention.
e denonnee the suicidal interference of
the Democratic party With the protective
tnrilT, which lias built up the industries of
onr country, furnished employment to the
millions of our laboring men, nud brought
about the unparalleled prosperity which
marked tho years succeeding tuo war of
the rebellion as the golden era in tho his
tory of onr nation, and call attention to
the disasters which are now throateniug
our roaltry nnd paralyzing its powers, re
sulting from tho abortive efforts of tho
par ty in power to force a return to tho un
American English idea of free trade.
We point with prid' to the splendid
achievements of the grand old Republican
party throughout its ontiro history, its
Uncompromising loyalty to every dis
tinctly American principle; its unswerv
ing loyalty to the integrity of tho Union
of States, one nnd indivisible; its unfal
tering devotion to the welfare of tho
Working classes, and renew our allegiance
to its service.
We recognize in tho lion. D. H. Hast
ings, the man latlov named by the Repub
lican conveniou as its standard bearer in
the coming state contest, n mou of the
people, in tonch with every heart throb of
tho masses, able, fearless, conscientious,
quick to see. of sound judgment und rare
executive nbility.
We heortily endorse the state ticket nnd
trust the candidate who receives the nom
ination in today's convention will receive
the united support of tho entire party at
thocoining election.
Tho preliminary organization was
then made permanent, after which the
receiving of nominations was in order.
the 0AROIO1TB8 named.
T. II. Evans, of the West district of
Lackawanna, phced th- name of F. J.
(lrovr, of Moosic, before the conven
tion. II. L. Doly, of Waverly, nomi
nated R. II. Holgate, of LuPlniue, aud
T. J. Stewart performed a similar duty
for William R 'pp, of Old Forge.
Bat ono ballot was necessary to de
termine a choice. It resulted as fol
lows: T. J. Grover 24
It. 11. Holgate iu
Repp 5
Mr.Orover having received a major
ity of the votes cast, was duly declared
nominated, the announcement being
received with cheers. Tne saocotsful
candidate was called before the con
vention. He briefly thanked the dele
gates for the honor conferred upon
him, and said that if thoir choice should
he ratified nt the polls, he would en
deavor to faithfully represent tho inter
ests ot bis constituents. The conven
tion then adjourned.
Ab3conda with a Bicycle Built Only for
A very plausible Individual micoeed
od yesterday in buncoing the Columbia
hlcvcle agency out of a new model,
1188 wheel.
The man entered the 1 a'nhllatiinnnl-
early in the day nnd was shown a
nannsoine voiumnia uy the manager,
F. C. Hand. He found sonvi fault with
tho handle bars, but said if they were
altered he would buy the machine.
Later in tbedav hn aimin th
salesroom during the manager's ab
sence ami reality obtained trio clork s
consent, to try the wheel. Ho had been
trying it up ton late hour last night;
that is, ho had not returned to notify
Mr. Hand whether he would nnrchaae
or not.
Tho smooth individual is supposed to
bo the pirty who registered at the
Westminster Friday as II. C. Clark,
New York. II appeared to be a travel
nr.' man. is about six foot i n Ii. i fIi r.
and welahs 10.r pound. He hns sparse
sure wriisKers nun wore light striped
tronsura und a black emit, nml a
diamond ring on iho little linger com
pletes the description.
Tim nnli'M wern nolifln.l nt tl,n .
- - - - 1 v. in. una
and furnished a description of the
wheel as follows: Columbia, model US,
extra high fraine.No. COO, wooden rims.
01 cream at wholesale, Reinhart's
Delawnre and Hudson Company Will
Tales Possession of New Station.
The uew station of the Delaware and
Hudson company on Lackawanna ave
nue Is expected to be ready for occu
pancy on July 1. There is much to be
done on tho structure, however.
A large force of men Is employed in
bull ling mi immense platform in the
rear, which, whon completed, will be
nearly fitly feet long and thirty feet
wide. The underpinning of tho plat
form will be brick. All the plastering
is iinished nnd th plumbers and gas
fitters are busily at work.
Tho Bridge street and Vino street
depots will b abandoned when terns m
siou is takeu of th 11 w bnildiue and
nil of the offices at both places will be
removed to tho new one.
The suite of olllca rooms is in the top
story ana are couitaotiious, comfortaola
aud well lighted.
Judje MoPhsraon Would Not Grant One
in t-hcomaksr Case.
The cose of C. B Sherwood against
August Vuokrotlr and I'redorick Vock
roth was tried before Judge Arcbbald
yesterday. Iho plaintilf wss rODM
anted by Attorney C. II, Hop"r and the
asienuants ny Attorney A. A. Chase.
Most of tho day wan consumed in try
ing the case. The properly in dispute
la u boiler that was mi!i on an execu
tion against Gottlelb Kramer, Mr. Wi
per, attorney tor the plaintiff, purchas
ing it for bis client.
Later the defendants entered a claim
to the effect that they were tho real
owners and that they had inrelv
leaned it to Kramer. The boiler is said
to be worth about 1320 Up to tho
time court adjourned, the jury had not
agreed upon a Vrdlor.
The trial of tire chhi of Joseph Shoe
maker ng.iust the Delaware, Licka
wuirn.i and Western Railroad company
was oontinned before Judge HePher
son in court room No, 2 Thir, case is
being hotly Contacted, In the after
noon the defendants moved for a non
suit on the ground that tho plaintiff
had not shown negligence on the par t
of the Company in not having pro
vlded their engines with suitable spark
arresters. Tim motion was not al
lowed, however, and tho difonse will
proceed with their side of the cfho this
In court room No. 2 tho cue of
James lteilly against M. T. Keller was
heard by Judge (iiirister. Colonel F
J. Fittsimmoni rqiresented the plain-
tin au J Attorney h Amonnni and (;.
S. Woodruff tho defendant. .The suit
was brought to recover 35 for xca
v rting for a ccllsr. the plaintiff alleg
ing that be worke I for Peter Mulligan,
but fearing ho would not be paid, he
was asiursd by Mr. Keller, for whom
tho collar wns being dug, that if Mul
ligan did not pay he (Keller) would.
Mulligan did nut recompense Reilly
aud so he seeks to recover from Keller.
Tho latter denied that ho ever em
ployed It dlly or gave him any uesnr-
ance that he would see him paid. He
had settled all chime with Mulligan.
The jury retorned a verdict in tho
plaiutiil's favor.
Ths MacKay-Knney Optra Company's
Exoell' nt I'rcduction.
The MacKay-Kenney Comic Opera
company repeated "Glroflt-Qlrofla at
the k rothlngham theater Inst evening
before an fnthnaiastiC audience. The
production was in some resnscts
smoother than on Monday evening.
Tno ohorus performed its work in ex
cellent style. The singing of Miss Fan
nio Meyers, Miss Lizzie Gonzalez, Syl
vian Lingliii and Charles Holmes was
especially fine. Dan Young increased
his hold on popular favor by his inimi
table comedy work.
"Giroflt-Girofla" will be repeated at
the Frothiughnm this afternoon at 2. 80
o'clock and this evening. These will
bo the last two performances of the
charming and tnnefnl opera. Matinee
prices will be 10, 10 and 25 cents.
Scrantonians Want to Light Borough
with Elrct.rlcity.
T runkhannnck New Age says that
W. 3oyd and E. R. Simpson, of the
Scr. jn Supply and Machinery com
pan. have made an offer to light the
bore ,gh of Tnnkbannook by electricity,
which is by far the cheapest yot sub
mitted to the borough council,
Their offer is to put up as many
lights about town as there are oil
lamps nt present, nnd keep them burn
ing as much of the time as necessary
for $300 per yenr, the lamps to bo 100
oandle power incandeacente, This i at
a yearly cost of from $100 to $150 moro
than the keros-.'no lights now ined cost
They olur to sell a much or as little
stock to local capitalists as thoy choose
to take, aird if at any timo after the
plant is established, the borough wants
to take it 1 If their hands thoy will soli
at a reasonable figure. It is the inten
tion to erect n power house at the out
let of Lake Carey, which will bo run
by wattr from the lake. Tho scheme
includes the lighting of the lake and
the running of nn electric road from
Tnnkhnnnock to Fnctoryville, provided
the latter project promises to b a pay
ing Investment.
Taylor Gossip 1 Cause Troublo for Mr.
and Mrs. Albsrt Rusell.
Albsrt Russell and Emma Millhime,
according to their own story, were yes
terday united in marriage for tire sec
ond time. The couple have lived at
Taylor as man and wila for some timo
past, but their conjugal bliss was
more or less marred by the busy gos
sips of the place who circulated reports
to the effect that Mr. Russell ha I
never made the woman his wife.
In reply to the accusntioi), however,
the couple assert that they were mar
ried in Binghamton about one year ago,
but unfortunately had lost their mar
riage certificate.
For some cause or other they were
not able to procure a duplicate of the
certificate, and so for the pnrposo of
silencing their traduors the pair oarao
to this city yesterday and procured a
license, after which the marriage cere
mony was performed by Alderman
Fuller, who tied tho knot so tight that
be feel certaiu no one will hereafter
dispute the right of Mr. and Mrs.
Russell to live together tih man and
Ssnt HI Fine Pastrd, on a Pieoa of
Druggist John H. Pholps in pnying
his fine to Aldermnn Fitzaimmons for
the suit against him for violating tho
Saobath law ou Sunday, May 27, sent
the money pasted on a rectaugular
piece of plate glass 10 by 12 inches. At
the top was pasted a new $2 bill and at
the bottom waj another. In the apnea
between the currency was thj inscrip
tion: Reserve Fund for Blue Law Tax. A
Beuellt for tho School Fund.
Yours truly, J. H.
At the top of the plate in large totters
was inscriund, "Our Weekly Donation."
Alderman FitZiimmons exhibited it to
Mr. Dony, who smiled good naturedly
aud offered the alderman $3 for it.
A fine line of who ds for rent by the
hour or day at tho Scrnuton Bicycle Liv
ery, tlin Washington Ave.
OioiAMKRY butter 20 cents, priut22 cents.
Reinhart's mnrkut.
Buy ths Wtbtr
and get the best.
Quarterly Conference of Cougregallonallsts o;
Lackawanna and Luzerne CountlM.
Conterenco Opened at 2 O'clock
Yesterday Afternoon by Rev. B. I.
Evans Session Taken Up by the
Transaction of Routine Business
Evening; Session Conducted in the
Welsh Language The Speakers.
Tho quarterly meeting of ths Con obnrohes of Lackawanna
.and Luz -rno count'.;' begin yesterday
at the First Welsh Congregational
church, Market street, Provi lence. In
the afternoon at 'J o'clock tho coafor
once was opened by the president, Rv.
S. T. Evans. The following repreen
tntives were present: J. M. Williams,
Nanticoke; Richard G'orge, Wilkes
Bsrre J. J. Jenkina, Parson; B J.
Evans, Pittstou: John P. Griffiths,
Jamel M. Thomas and W. Howell.
Taylor; D. J. livans and J. D Jones.
Sjiith Main avenue, Richard Thomas
and J. Williams, llyl- Park church;
I). D. Liwis, Soth Grlffitbtand Thomas
J. Lewis, Providence; Juhu P. Williams
nnd D. Davies, Olvpbanti John B.
Jonte, pittstou; iv-v J, F. D.ivie.s,
Pluinfleld; W. J. and Isaac.,
Rendbam, and El. W. Joue.s, Oid
If orge.
Tiie business 0? the conforonci was
of a purely routine character connected
with tho church 1 mid tho meeting,
Tho evening mo3tlng w is bold at 7 30
when the services wero conducted by
the Rev, Davl I Jones, assisted by the
Rev. B. T, Evans, ihe services wro
conducted in Wtdsh and tho sermons
preached by the R'v. Mr. George, u
Pittstou, and the Riv. J. J. Jenkins, of
Parsons, were in th" tvima tongue. The
first preacher selected his text from
Revelation 2, viii-xl, and In the conrso
of his sermon ho gave n very exhaus
tive and interesting review of the his
torv and position of the ohnrch in
Smyrna, and douuclod therefrom sev
eral forciula lessons applicants to pres.
ent day members of th-r churoii of
In particular tho reverend gentleman
declared that ono of the greatest dan
gers to tho chur h W is the existencj of
people within tier fold who protested
great piety and proiutneao WOlllI as a
matter of iact tli lir .actions Were quite
in opposttiou to their profession. They
male use of the church oi' Christ as a
clonk to hiile their questionable world
ly transactions in order to decoiv peo
ple by their mock sanctity, no np-
neaiea to nis nearer 10 it mm ngaiusi
tiich hypocritical members and expel
them from their midst.
After tho singing of the hymn.
"Ryn'n awo yn gwel'd yn oglinr," J. J.
Jenkins of Parsons g ive an interesting
discourse on the "Sabbath Day' and
based his remarks on the circumstances
under which Curist defended the action
of his disciples in plucking tho ears of
corn upon the Sabbath day. He
traced the law of kcepii. ; the Srbbatli
from the earliest tims thro' the Jewish
dispensation to prove his argument
that tho keeping or tno aliiath
had always been a general law. Deal
ing with th nroient day arguments for
1 continental Sabbath ho eXPreSICd his
belief that it could bo eailv proved
that a man could accomplish more
work 111 six davs than 111 soven when lie
ad one day's rest from his labor and
that a man who was compelled to work
from day to day without tho interval
of rest would soon bo found much in
ferior to the man who kept the Sab
bath. Iho speaker concluded with a
forcible argument for tho inviolato re-
t ntion of the Sabbath in its puro and
uudctiied form.
The conference will resume today nt
10 a. m., when a paper will be rend and
liscupsnl on ' 1 tie Inlluenco of tho
Religious Parliament of Cnicago 011
Christianity. In the afternoon at 2 o0
services will be held, when the RjV.
M. Davies. of Plainsliol 1 ; Rsv. M.
Davis, of Miners, and Rev. D. Jonos,of
Hyde Park will take part.
At 7 p. m. Isaac J homas will preach
in English. lb Revs, i'otor Robert, uf
Olyphant.nnd L), P. Jones, of the taber-
ne.cle, llydo t'nrlc, wil lake part, the
latter reading a paper on "Evuolaeth
Pronounces a Story in thi Tim's, Rs-
ferrintr to Mr. Iiolaud, a Falsehood.
John Nilan l, of tho Eliuira Budget,
states that the article in the Times of
yesterday in reference to an encounter
with William BoUnd was false. JNi-
land and Bolund mut in the hall of the
li ico building and Mr. Poland, he al
leges, made threnls i.s to what wuild
occur in caso futuro urticies regradiug
Poland should appeur in the Budget.
Mr. Niland paid 110 attention to Mr.
Bolsnd's remarks, which formed the
fole foundation for tho Times' article.
Threo Maotlniri Were Ucld in Dunmors
At a mooting of tho stockholders of
the Pennsylvania Coal company held
at Dnniuoro yesterday morning the
following directors were elected: Ed
win H. Mend, William E Webb,
Samuel Thome, Joseph Ogden, Goorg
V. CJuintnrd. Joh 1 It. Piatt, A. b.
Hnrlmtl, Walton rergusen, ueorge
O. William.
The following were yesterday elected
flic ere of the Erie and Wyoming Vl-
Why thoy are cheaper than
cucumber pickles. Come
in and we will tell you.
Bottles for -
Bottles for -
Bottles for -
Bottles for -
Bottles for -
Bottles for
k Bottles for -
$1.50 Bottles for
$29 Lacka. Ave
ley Railroad company : President, Jobn
B. Smith; vice president, A. EL Mc
Clintock; directors, John B. Smith,
John King, George H. Uatlln, Samuel
Hines, Eben B Thomas, E H. Mead,
A. H. McClintock.
The Dunmore Iron and Steel com
pany elrctv.l John B. Smith, president;
George B Smith, Goore H Catlin. A.
D. Blnckintou, E. EL Mead, directors,
and Joseph F. Fear, secretary and
Pentecostal ExhicUss In Linden Street
Tompls Nfxt Sunday.
The order of confirmation will be
conferred upon a Olasa of five by Rabbi
J. Feuerlicht in the Lindeu street
temple nxt Sunday.
The day is the Jewish Pcntecoit and
confliots with tha Christian date be
causo by the Jewish calendar a leap
year occurs seven limes vcry nineteen
years, and includes a small cycle te re
main even with tho secular year.
The service will begiu at 0 o'clock
aud in addition to the confirmation
will include a special soug service,
lliral ottering, taking out of tho scroll,
a Mu.-kII service and an ndmonitory
address by tho rabbi. The oontirmants
will be Miss Rose Gallen, Miss Anna
Rnos, Miss Nellie Roos, Simon Nye
and Emanuel Goodman.
He Had Been III Dut a Faw Day Betori
His Death.
James M. Kelly, of 1838North Wash
ington avenue.died yesterday morning,
The funeral will be held ti morrow at
7 a. m., from St. Paul's Catholic
chnreb, Green Ridge.
Th (licensed is survived by a widow
and six children as follows: Mrs. John
j. Ilowloy, Mrs. El ward McAudrew,
Mis Katie Kelly, Jobn R , Jumes J.
and Edward P. Kelly, arid his broth
ers, Petsr Kfrllv, till Monroe avenue, of
this city, una Edward Kelly, of Hones
dale. Mr. Kelly was ill but a few day". He
had been a resident of the northern
portion of thecilyfcr a nr.mter of
yoars and was muc.i esteemed and re
spweted by a wide circle ot friends.
Board of managers will hold Its maithly
meeting this morning at 0,"U a. ra.
Jiiss Tompkinson, secretary of the
branch associatrou, and Miss Shardlow,
physical director, are enjoying vacations
rn Now VorU state unit will not return
until (ell.
Those who visited tho roornsla3t night
spent an Instructive and enjoyable even
ing. Many beautiful photo::rnpbs Were
shown and an interesting talk in explana
tion of them given.
The outing-, of tho .iuniors will bo con
tinued during tho summer, nlfording the
little girls a safe nnd enjoyable day's out
ing in the open air. The outing on Mon
day in tho Duurnore woods gave much
Tho tennis court on MsditOn avenue
will be open to mounters of the associa
tion evory Monday nnd Wednesday after
noon and evening and Saturday morning.
Young ladies desiring to secure regular
hours for its uso can arrange lor samo at
tho ofllce.
All Day Sunday at Niagara Falls.
Saturday evening, June y, the popular
Brie lines will start a grand cheap excur
sion for the people to the (Jreat Cataract
and itulfnlo, accompanied by a fine haul
or music, arriving "at the Palls at 5 a. m.,
Sunday, nud leave ou the return at 3.S0 p.
m., 111 riving at homo station m timo for a
good night's rest for .Monday's work.
Tickets will also bo good to return on any
regular train Monday, July 11.
Train will leave Carbondale at 7.15. Fare
round trip on JH. Do not mifs this cheap
Sent a first-class wheel for Decoration
Day nt .'ilu Washington Avo.
RatNBAUT'S market for low prices.
Dry Air Polar Bffiieerator.
Tho above refrigerator is sold only in
this city by Thomas F. Leonard, 505 Lnck
wnunii avenue. As a preserver of food it
has no superior, and for economy of ice it
has no equal. It is charcoal filled and zinc
lined. 'I he refrigerators are built in hard
wood, finished in nntiqiie.nud ririe,grniued
in oak nml walnut colors. Wo also hnvo
a largo line of sideboard refrigorators.
They nro nil n ado in a tlron uch manner.
constructed so that they ure self ventilat
ing dry sir, free from any taint or odor.
Come and sen our stork before vnn hnv.
We ur e sure wo will please you. '
Th Lndl s' Aid Society
of the Pint church invites tho public to
me lecture room on Washington avenue,
Friday evanine. June S. HtrawhiinSM
loes, oake, kandwiebes nnd coffee will be
served at r nsnnablo prices, aud a vuriety
of homo made cake will also bn nn aula
during tho evening,
Pit. A. E. binill. bnvinn. nnnneil Met nf
ilees in tho Burr building, Washington
avenue, will resume tho practice of hie
profession, where ho will be glad to serve
his old patrons ami public in general.
Tho Scrnuton EoJdinir rvmnanv
Have opened a branch storo at Carbondale
a:id will give their patrons there u chum 0
10 get goous at ractory prices.
BkRHABT'I market sells nmaf. Anrl (.re
cedes at lowest pi ices, e
Bicycles for rent by the day or hour,
110 Washington Avo.
Ave tho works cf a wheelbar
row. It should be oiled onoe
It is a much finer piece of
mechanism and should be
rleuncil and oiled every year,
to keep it in good order.
Have it doue by
W. W. Berry
The Jeweler
Who has had twenty-five
years' experience. You will
find him at
417 Lacka-
Best Sets of Teeth,$8.00
Including th painless extracting
Ol nab by uu tntireiy new pro
Cet S. C. Snyder, d.d.S.
Stenographer FSrnUhad.
We are prepared to furnish business men
with first-dnss stenograph- by tho day
or hour. Expert bookkeeping a specialty.
Scrnuton Commercial Absociation, Lim
ited, 4U5 Spruce street.,
I Plumbing
a w
Tinning f
a , a
tm m
; A ordered by Board of Health. jj
M wm
m nu
B "A bit of every fhiiiff under tho aun, S
K From a Huh hook to n OatUng gun." fi
On Mi n lay. n 0 II, ve wil have an
eToirloi'Oi Ortset oma i from Sow Yolk
who w i 1 oih b t ai.d l!t t IS ce ibra'ed
We will b" ple:isid to lit everv ono who
euros to have a Torn c F t. nj ( orsat,
Wo uro n!;o prepartd to lit any Corset
from 50c. io tho 11. -her prieca
128 Wyoming Ave.
Tha'e the natural outlines of the foot should be preserved
rather than interfered with; if you bslieve in comfort and
lit as well as style; if you believe in shapely slioe for shape
ly leet; if you want service, then put. your money, as well as
your feet, in our shoes.
We show and sell tho grandest and greatest lins of
Footwear t htit ever adorned and protected th- feminine or
masculine foot.
Ladies' Beautiful Russet Tipped
Oxfords, all sizes,
Ladies' Extra Quality Russet
Misses' Kest Quality Russet Goat,
spring heel, button,
Quality !
1, button,
Child's Extra Quality Patent
Leather Tipped, button,
Complete Outfitters, SCRANTON, RA.
REMEMBER -Every purchaser of $1 worth or over receives a chance on
the Beautiful PARLOR SUIT.
For a few minutes and we will fit them
out in Shoes that look better, fit better
and wear better than any other Shoes you
can buy. Our Special Hobby is Children's
shoes. Try us. We'll save you money on
all kinds of Shoes.
And every day of the week are those beautiful White
Parasols, sold by us, carried by our customers.
We have them in all grades of Silk and trimmed
with Lace and Silk Crepe, etc. We also have a hand
some line of Colored Umbrellas and Parasols. Regard
ing Umbrellas, we would specially mention a fast black
Gloria, guaranteed color, natural wood handle at $ 1.00
Would also mention our line of Millinery, Suits,
Shirt Waists, Straw Hats, eta
Is the time to get
your Cape or Coat.
You will get them
for half price.
Selling handsome
Mackintoshes for
$2.50, worth $5.00.
and untrimmed Hats
for half price.
During the Summer.
138 Wyoming Ava.
Men's best grade Casco Calf, lace
and Congress, London and
French toe,
Men's extra quality Russia Calf,
hand welt, lace aud Congress,
Youths' extra quality B Calf,
tipped, button and bals,
Infants' best quality Tan and Red
(ioat, button,
Lackawanna and Wyoming RiMOHj