THE 8CBANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MOKJN IJSTC3-. JUNE G, 185)4. MATCHLESS SHAW PIANOS. STELLE I SEELEY, 134 WYOMING AV. wnnKii. Nil AW, RMKBSOIT, MiW lCNCiLANI) FINEST LINE IN THE CITY row The price, NEW AND BOOMD II AM A 1.1 PBIOEI A Foe io Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD -USE THE And always have Good Bread. SlANUFACTt'KED AND FOB HALE TO U1E TllADE Dtf The Weston III Co, BEWARE OP COUNTERFEITS I THP FFNItlHE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVETHE INtTUL8 G., B. & Co., (dinrJnfnH on Fioh C'nur. Carney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. (OUKT HOUMC hUUAJlK. DR. H. B. WARE KJ'I'CI.VMsr. EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. (TO 11.JC '35 WYOMING AVE. PERSONAL W. H, Terrell, of Montrose, is in the city. D. E. Phillips, of Jlalmuoy City,ls at th9 Westminister. T. V. Powderly, jr., of Cnrbondole, was here yesterday. Homer Oreuue, of Ilonesdale, was yes terday in th" city. Charles E. Titohener,of Bingbumton.was in the city yostcrday. Mr. Daniel Savre, or Montrose, was hero yesterday euroute for New i'ork. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Onderdonlt, of Philadelphia, are at tlie Wyoming. Secretary llaby, of the Yonug Men's Christian association, bns recovered from n illne-s of Revurul days' duration. Mrs A. V. Bower and children, of New Canaan, Conn., nr.- yMMds at tbo home of her parents. Mr. and .Mrs. J. W. Uar noy, of l,Wi North Washington ftvonue. A PROVIDENCE WEDDING. Mlsa Nellie Jnes Married to William Smith by R v v, F. Davla. At 12 o'clock yesterday occurred the wedding of Mis Nellie Jones, Uaughtfir of Mr. and Mrs. L. 11. Jones, to Wil liam Smith. The- ceremony was per formed nt the family residence. 1910 Wayne nvenne, by Rev W. F. Davis, pastor of the Welsh Baptist clinrch. The bride wore a tailor made travel ing snit and carried bridal r..seS. Mer ryl and Carrol Jones were flower bear ers. After a collation had been partaken of, Mr. and Mrs. Siurtth departed on a tour which will include Now York and the eastern cities. The out-of-'.own guests were: Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Owens, Mrs. J. E. Jones, Misj Agnes Jones, Miss Jessie Jones'. Others present were: Mr. and Mrs Di vid Smith, Mr. and Mrs. W V. Davie, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jones, Miss (iartie Powell, Phoebe Smith, Muttie Jones, Mrs. Mary Jones, Mrs. D, B. Griffiths, Mrs Smith, Invi-1 Smith, jr , Fred Smith, David Jones, John L. Jones. fcranton'a Bualneaa Intereata. The Tribune will soon publish a care folly compiled and classified list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Scranton and vicinity. The edition will be bound in book form, beautifully illustrated with photogravure views of our pnbllc build ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of loading citizens. No similar work has ever given an equal rep resentation of Scranton's many indus tries. It will bo an Invaluable exposition of our business resources. Sent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will nttrnct now comerB and bo an unequalled iidvertisemont of tho city. The circu lation is on a plnn that cannot fail of good results to those concerned as well ns the city at large. Representatives of The Tiiibune will call upon those whose names re dksireo in this edition and explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views of thoir residences in tnis edition will please havo notice at the office. Mother I Motharsll Motharalll Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been nsed for over fifty years by millions o mothers for their children whilo teethlngr with perfect success. It sooihes tho child softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic and is tho best remedy for di arrhoea. Fold by diuggtsts in every part of the world. Be sure aud aak for "Mrs Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no no other kind. Twouty-liyo cents a bot tle. Beadle A Woeiz'a and Ballantlna's Ales i re the bt st. E. J. Walsh, Agent, 82 tucknwa ina avenue. PIANOS SNOW WHITE S of Abington Association Id Scranton Street Cfcurca. DEBATED BY ABINGTON INSTITUTE Various Discussions to Advance the Usefulness of tho Sunday School. Some Flaws Discovered but Ideas Are Presented for Its Betterment. The Institution Is Especially De signed for Winning Souls. Other West Side News. The Wost Side oiTtco of the Nrii,Troi IniliUNK is located at 1040 Jackson street, where subscriptions, advertisements aud communications will receivo prompt at tention. The Sunday school institute of the Abington Biptist association hold yes terday afternoon and evoning in tho Scran ton Street B iptist church, though not well utteudeii, was productive of considerable discussion and proved a valuable enlightentneut to those who purtioipated. A period of devotional exercises lei by W. B. Owen, of the Jackson Street Baptiet church, liesruu at 2 o'clock, preceding the regular Institute and session of discussions. The hymns, "Tills Is My Story" and "Nearer Blessed Lord," were followed by a reading irom the Scripture by H v Charles Embroy, of Fleotville. A prayer was offered by Rev. W. J. Ford, of Green Ridge, A brief address of welcome was made by Dr. 13 i Beddo?, superin tendent of the Scrantotl Street B.ntist church Sunday school. Dr. Beddoe's uddr. ss included nn extension of invi tation to I lio homos of the congrega tion as well 01 to tho institute. A motion by Rev, Mr. Collins that ReV, H. II. Harris act .is chairman of the sessions was carried. Owing to tho absence of Rev. Mr. Ellis, of Blukely, the regular secre tary, Bev. Mr. Einbrey was elected o servo temporarily in that position. MR. eubbby's pafeb A paper devoted to the need of better service on the part of teachers in the Sunday school was read by ll-v. Mr. Embrey. He laid considerable stress upon the harmful results of teachers being improperly informed as far ss the Scripture is concerned. Oc cusional absence, even, on the part of instructor sets a bad example to the pupils and encourages tbem in laxity. "A sure indication of the need of better service," said Rev. Mr. Collins in the discussion which followed, ''is the non-attondanco of teachers at Bible class. A good man or woman does not necessarily imply a good teacher, That teacher who la interested in his class and gives good service is be who makes a s'.udy of tho lesson bis fortification. Rev. Warren G. Partridge said there was a growing demand for a more gen eral knowledge of fundamental Bible principles. ' Incident I were mentioned by Riv. M. J, Wutkius, of Factoryville, of where be had temporarily instructed classes nnd found a deplorable ignor ance on the part of older scholars.f roui which can only be found the fact that teachers themselves are wojf ully negli gent in preparation for their duties. Bev. Mr. Ford was of the opinion that more dir ctuess on the teacher's part is one of the greatest of needs. The carelessness or laxity on the part of parents was commented upon by Rev. D. C. Hughes, of tho Jackson Street Baptist church. Not until tho training logins at home, before the child is G years old, can we expect proper future service. REWARD OF THE FAITHFUL TEACHER. B--V. D. C. Thomas, of the Taylor Bapiist church, road a piper oa the reward of the faithful teacher. The Sunday school toucher by hi3 devoted ness to his purpose will be rewarded according to numerous promise! in the Bible. It is a divinely instituted work paid first by satisfaction, which in this case is better than dollars and cents. The effects of good work, if not seen hero, will be nnpnrent in Heaven. The discussion following and in ref erence to Mr. Thomua' remarks drifted to a consideration of how to maunge classes of unruly boys and girls. It was brought out that tho quality of pationce with firmness would in most cases briugrofructory pnpils to a manly display of qualities and proper con duct. Sunday school work as an ag.-ncy for winning souls" was the subject treated by Rjv. Warren G. Partridge, of the Peun avenue B iptist church. He said that while the treatment of the Sunday school question brought out many fl iws, still it is one of the most wonderful agencies for winning souls. The home is tirst and then the pulpit, but next there is no greater agency than the Sunday school. OOMPBTBBT TBACHBBS needed. Rev. D. C. Hughes said he wai ten able to bo present in the evenio-j io ad dress the institute on Sunday ' ccaool work in general. However, ho wanted to take advantage of the present oppor tunity iu substantiating the soul-winning sentimente expressed by Rev. Mr. Partridge. To make the Sunday schools more useful in its purpose, th ) deplora ble lack cf Biblical knowledge ou the part of teachers must be overcome. The brains of printed matter iu the form of leaflots, etc., are too generally nsed. Souls o.inuot be Won by persons incompetent to do the winning. The eveniug session was opined at 7 o'clock with asonx survice, led by tho Scranton street choir. Pap rs were reatl and discussed as follirs: "The S'cretary; Hib the Position anv Value?' Bev A E Doughs; "The Su perintendent in aud Out of School," E. F, Chamberlain; "The Extent, Possi bilities and Needs or Sunday School Work iu tho Abington Asjociation," Bev. M. J. Watkins. The institute adj mmed sine die. LITTLE WEST SIDE NEWS NOTES. Division street is being improved noar Main avenue. James F. (Jammings, of Pittston, was iu tho city yesterday. William Evans, of Carbondale, callod on people hero yosterthy. Professor Daniel Prnt.l,nra laf. ....... day on a western trip. Mrs. Bench and daughter Marie, went to (iordon, Schuylkill county, yesterday. Mrs. Percy Collins, of Bridgport, Mass., is making an extended visit with friends on this side. Richard M. Hall, of Hampton streetTa" Delaware, Lackawanna and Western engi neer left on nn oarly train yesterday morn ing for California for the benefit of his health. He will be absent two mouths. Oilt edged nuttor. !4Dc. Clarke Bros. Tho excursion of Robert Morris lodge, Order of American Trub Xvoritos to Lake Ariel, will take place toino-row. Special cars will leave the corner of Maiu avenue and Jackson street at 7.4:ia. m , running direct to tho Erie aud Wyoming Valley NEW SIDE Railroad dopot. The train leaves prompt ly at & 30 o'clock. Tho many friends of Miss Lucy Hsit nauer, of Hampton street, tendered her a suipriso party last night in honor of her seventeenth birthday. An enjoyable time was had, daucing being indulged in to music by Miss Maud Sanders on the piano. Those present were: Misses Edna Will lams, Anna Poolo, Nellie Jones, Anna Jones, Daisy Nash, Ella Sanders, Daisy Poolo, Myrtle Fraunfelter, Gertie Jones, Urate Acker, Stella Green, Lou Deppin, Belle Warren, Nellie and Jen nie Fellows, Bertha Kelly, Maud San ders, Poarl Porter, Lury RMtner, Mr. and Mrs. David Morgan, anil David O.vens. Edgar T. Meredith, Samuel York, Lou Joues, Hurry R -inhart, Will Davis, David Davis, Walter Joues. Will Reynolds, Ed ward Hughes, Bert Harrington. Ira Davies, Daniel Reese, Charles Lobe e, John Lebeo, Bert Evnou, Arthur Ifciviea, William and Fred Reitanuer. MASONIC VETERANS 0T ELM HURST. Thay Were Entertained by Colonel U. G. Sehoonraakur. By invitation of Colonel IT. G. Schoonintker, the Masonic- Veteran HBSOClalibn held its quarterly meeting at the Hotel Elmburst Monday after noon. About liiO members, wives and guests were present. After n business meeting and an x oellent entertainment at the hands of Colonel and Mrs. Schoonmaker the party left on a speoiol train for home at 8 30 in the evening. MONG the New Books. Qaeer dnvs have coino upon us. It no longer suffices for those who would be poetical to be approximately sane, rational and intoillgible. Those "that are, our critic." will have naught to do with. You remember Poef No one, to my recoliec tiou, has ever succeeded iu precipitating a meaning from tho fantastic solution of his disordered imaginings. Yet Poe bns been accepted nnd tluly tlt-ilied by two genera tions of transatlantic "authorities" as tho one great and eternal poet of America, nt a time, too, when Longfellow, Whittier and Bryant, heaven loiefend them, wore dot nied to curt dismissal with tho beggar ly boon of a smile. This, to bo sure, is an ancient story. It occurs to mind only in Hitting Consequence of the perusal of a new Volume, whereby one Francis Thomp son biaves the ignominy'attachiug in these Commonplace tunes to artificers of verse. I am not going to honor Mr. Thompson With an extended seiies of quotations. 'Twere an offence my readers would never forgive. But ns instancing to what awful passes the poetical impulse enn force somo men, I propose to cite simply the one ex ample nppeutled: "The Sopped Sun toper ns ever drank hard Stares foolish, hazed, Rubicund, dazed, Totty with thine October tankard." til No wonder, then, that Bliss Carman, biuitelf a newly -crowned god of the so called "verltist" school of which more anon writ ing in that exquisite new thing, the fortnightly "Chap-Book" (Stono & Kimball, Chicago), is moved to say uf Thompson: "Imagination ho certainly has, as several of his lines ntto?t, flaring aud undoubted; but it is an imagination uncouth aud nuscuooled. I has never had its hair cut. Ho cannot depend upon it. It dances before him like a Jack-o'-lantern nml leads his judgment down wofnl, dark ways Ot llintv diction, where the for lorn reader toils after him, distraught and out of temper, only to b; bogged at last lu some ferocious sulecism of idiom anil good taste. lis ha3 ma le an indulgence of Browni.ig. The pardonable sins of that great master have become in him n loath some habit. There was lu Browning's voice an occasional wayward accent, a personal Inflection, that removed much of his work from tho perfect sphere of tho great normal English, the poetry where nil individual tones are submerged in the single Oeauty of a compl itely simplo ex pression. A id this wayward accent, this wholly prrsoual mannerism, Mr. Thomp son has acquired ami elevated into a dia lect." It from this fi'idiag our friends in the Wilkes-Bui ro Brownhlg society should dissent, their qa inel, be it understood, is with Carman, not wuh us. It there be affectation in tho writing of verse, shall we daro deny that there is af fectation in the r. ading thereof? How many agree with tho ulilitnriHii theory that poetry is cood only as it supplies a literary nans tlep sit suDJect to quotatlou at draft? It this saino delighfnl little pamphlet. "Chap-Book," there writes one who obviously doesn't. His idea is that "to read woll is to make an impalpable snatch nt whatever takes your eye, and run." And ha mournfully Inquires, with a mental eye on just oaeh persons as our Browningite friends iu Luzerne, "Is there no fun left in Israel? Have wo to endure It, for our sins, that a super-civilization in- ists on being vaccinated by the poor little poets who have brought no in strument along but their lyre? Can wo no longer ing without the constraint of feed ing separately to the hearer what rhetoric is tn us, what theory of caesural pauses, what original and sequences, what occult because non-existout symbolism? Without setting up for oracles of dark import, and ptisiug romantically as 'greater than wo know'?" Unknown friend, hero's a hand. Shake, in mutual distaste for the fail that makes art a mere mechanism of ribs nnd dressing. PREDICTS A RiVOlUTION. Wayne ii'feirnrftnf. A revolution is coming in type-setting. It may be some lime before it reaches tho country office, but it is surely coming and composltii n by hand will then be a thing of tho past. Scores of daily newspapers have already adopted somo" one of the several type-setting machines now on the market and ns soon as the cost of them is lowered they will be placed in tbo ofllces of weekly papers. The spinning jenny came to the wt avers, the harvester and lender to the farmers, and now the type setting machine is coming to tho piftiters. The march of labor-saving machinery is as steady as tho movement of the world and no oue with intelligence would wish to re sist it, because tho fields of industry al ways have aud doubtless always will sup ply work for all to tlo, unless interfered with by unnatural laws of man's making. Not Amazing1 When You Knew 'Km, WUhttBwm Kent-Dealer. The bold assertions made naainst Leis raring In the editorial columns of the Record, anil tho slobbeiinir. evasive wav they attempted to crawl down uftor Lis denial, shows a lack of julgmeut uuil good sense I hat is amazing in a journal of such lofty pretensions. Dnatrrwod thi Eirsr . William ft. Kelder, of Petersburg, caused the srreBt of William Ziegler yes terday before Alderman Wright for firing n shot into a neet of eggs in the yard of Kel ler. Zicglor gave bail in tho "sum of WOO. One dime gots one pnrt of the beautiful "America" portfolio. Twenty dimes get twenty parts. No coupon ueceB-ary. They're too bothersome. Stamps or ca,h Huelo Brxaa Excluaivsly. Best made. Play any desired number of tunea. Gautschi & Sons., manufacturers, HiHO Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orchestrial organs, only 85 and $10. Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re paired and improved with now tuues. AMERICA ILLUSTRATED. By a new nrratigoment TnE Trib v:;f. is enabled to offer its readers any one of the twenty parts of the "America" portfolio for ten ceuta. All parts arc now ready. This is the finest collection of popular photogra phic views in print. Send stamps or cash. No coupon is necessary. - NOTES SOUTH Board of Trade Take Action oa tbe Project for Lake at Connell Park, BURLEIGH OBTAINED HIS SEAT The Expected Wrangle at the Meet ing of the Lackawanna Township School Board Did Not Materialize. John Hughes Arrested on a Serious Charge Children's Day at the Ce dar Avenue Church. The South Sideboard of trade held its regnl ir monthly meeting last night. After the pussage of preliminary rou tine business, C- G. Poland, always an earnest champion of street improve ment, took the lloor and advocated some means whereby .the wretched condition of m tny streets would be bettered. An informal discussion among the members resulted from Mr. Bolanil'e introduction, and the matter was disposed of by a motion to etir up tbe streets and bridges committee of councils. Iu the discussion on tho street question the proposed improve ment of Mattes street was the earnest sentiment of the bnrd that thecaso is in need of attention in u bnrry. A few bills wert) read and approved and new btmness was taken up. Under this heart the poor attendance at meet ings received attention. All present were of tho opinion that if tho meeting night were cuuugnd to some other date manv that are now compelled to attend other meetings ou the same night would be present. Accordingly the date of meeting was changed from the first Tuesday night of each mouth to the second Friday night, the change to take cfftiOt ut the uext meeting, which will be assembled ou Friday, July 13. Park Commissioner T. J. Moore then brought up tho lake proj-ct, and it wiib enthusiastically received. The num bers mot the idea in a business like way nnd by motion and unanimous consent it was decided to agitnte it be fore both councils and also labor with the p irk commissioners in co-operating to secure a lake for Connell park. ENDED IN A LOVE FEAST. Spectators at a School Board Heeling Expected, However, to Saa Trouble. What promised to be a st irmy ses sion of the new organiz ition of the Lackawanna township school board Inst night tu No. 3 stiuool, Miuouka, disappointed the expectant oue', as it resulted in just tho opposite. The cuusw of the anticipated billows arose from the claim of Robert Bur leigh that ho was entitled to a seat, beiug elected iciio )1 director for three years over his opponout Michael Shoe bun. But. Burleigh included in bis total vote tbo vote cast iu BelleVU;, which was a part of the city of Scran ton. For that reason the Democrats on the board objected to eeatiug him. Burleigh met thoir objections with thv point that if anything irregular hap pened a contest within tho time speci fied by law should be instituted against him. No contest was proceeded with aud the thirty days' limit to bring con tests, had expired and for that reason, as he was declared elected on tho fac of the returns, he was eutitled to the seat. That convinced the Democratic members and. be was admitted as u member. Tho board then completed its organ ization. Philip Boaoh was eiocted chairman ; Griffith T. Davis, treasurer, and Patrick Higgins, secretary. HUGHES A GAY DECEIVER. Ho Is Now Undur Bail for Ilia Apjaar auca at Court. John Hughes, of Cedar avenue, a youth who has not yet passed his ma jority, is under bail before Alderman Fuller to answer the charge of betray ing Mary Mcilale of Pear street. Hughes kept company with the girl for some time and was very attentive to her. When their relations becamo known a wan ant was sworn out against Hughes, He managed to elude the constables tor some nine, but Monday evening Constable Thornton, of the Twentieth war J. captured him and brought him to police headquarters, wln-re he spent the night. Yesterday morning he was taken be foie Alderman Fuller, who held hiin in sol") bail to appear at court. Ed ward Mahnr, of Cedar avuuuo, became his Buroty. SOUTH SIDE J TTINGS. Miss Maria Murray, of Pittston avenuo and Fig street, is ill of la grippe. Mrs. Connell, of Breck street, is suffer ing from a serious attaok of quinsy. Mrs. Mary Ann Gnnnon, of Prospect avenue, is dangerously ill of pneumonia. The funeral of Mrs, John Kellermau, of Willow street, will occur this afternoon nt " o'clork. The Industrial Building and Loan asso ciation will hold a directors' meeting Fri day night. The funeral of James Merrick, of Green wood, takes place this afternoon nt !1 o'clock. S. i vices at St. Joseph's church. Minooka. interment in St. Joseph's cem etery. Edward V. Jones, jr., of Pittston ave nue, Was injured iu the eye nt the Scran ton axe works from a Hying piece tf emery, Dr. Fisher finds his eyesight dan gerously Impaired, Next Sunday Will he Children's Dnv nt tho Cedar Avenue Methodist Episcopal OAINT cracks. It often costs more to prepare a house for repainting that has been painted in the first place v ith cheap ready-mixed paints, than it would to have painted it twice with strict ly pure white lead, ground in pure linseed oil. Strictly Pure White Lead forms a permanent base for repaint ing and never has to be burned or scraped off on account of scaling or cracking. It is always smooth and clean. To be sure of getting strictly pure while lead, purchase any of the following brands: "Atlantic ," " Bey rner - Bauman, " "Jcwett," "Davis-Chambers," "Falmsstock," 'Armstrong & McKelvy." For Colors. N.nional Lead Co.'s Pure A hite Lead Tinting. Colors, a nne-pntiwl I ;in tn a 25-pound keg of Lead and mis your owe paints. Saves time nnd annoyance in man ning shades, and insures tho Ust petal thai it is pos sible to put cn wood. Send us a postal .card and get our hook on pauas und color-card, free; it will probably save you a good many dollars. NATIONAL LEAD CO.. New York. church. A musical programme of a hifh order will bo given by the young folk, assisted by an orchestra. WANT READ ING ROOMS. Hebrew Yountr I'.'.ou Keel in tho inter ests of a Library. A meeting of the Yonng Men's He brew Aid association of Scranton was held last eveuiug in Baub's hall, on Wyoming avenue, for the purpose of ttiking steps toward the formation of a Hebrew youug meu's library. B Lehman was mule chairman of the meeting and briefly stated the purposs for which they hud assembled. Considerable discussion as to the value of u froe library and how bct,t to proceetl to start tbe project took place, aud finally culminated in the nppoint'ment of n committee of three w'hos duty it will be to solicit finan cial aid. The members of the comuaitte are Simon Seigel, M. J, Cohen and B Leh man. TO INCREASE CAPITAL STOCK. Elmhurat Biukvird Association Ducldea on Cuch Action. It was decided by the Elmburst Boulevard association yesterday to'iu-crens- its capital stock from $25,000 to 85,000. from 200 to 30t) men are now en gaged on the grading of tho thorough fare, and for about five miles from Elmlinrst it is passible for conveyances. Oa any pleasant day a drive out from the ElmnuiHt terminus would ha nr-n. ductive of sightseeing and is worth the trip. The brldm at Nav Anu f ills nnd tha boulevard itsilf will probably bo com pleted Aug. 1. In Mayor's Court. Patrick McGlnnls. for sleeping off n drunk io Railroad alley was let off with a Hue of $2. Mary ( I'Hara and her daughter Bridget, of New street, arrested for tlisorderly con duct, were i,oat up to to the county jail for thirty days. Patrick Bcbofleld, arrestol for quarrel ing on a street car and tearing tho con ductor's coat, was lined $10 and ordered to reimburse the conduct or for the damage done his clothing). The cost of repairs ou the 1 0 it was placed at $-1. Tho defendant paid the Que and costs, Pon't lose sight of the fact that we will sell you a good BABY CARRIAGE for less money than you can buy it elsewhere. jVVe have made many ad ditions to our LAMP STOCK They are choice and make a beautiful present with a Silk or Lace Shade. We NEVER allow our Stock of Tea or Toilet Sets to run low. You know the quality. Come in and we will give you the prices. 'I HILL WE1CUEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenua. Homestead CORN, PEAS, SUCCOTASH, LIMA BEANS, $1.50 Per Dozen HOME JERSEY CREAMERY BJTTER In 3 uad 5 lb. Fails. E'gs received Daily from the Home Poultry Farm. C DITCEBURIT, 437 Lackawanna Ave, A. W. JURISCH 435 SPRUCE STREE1 BIOTOLH8 AND srORTlNQ GOODS. Victor, Qendron, Eelipse, I.ovoll. Diamond and Other Wheel. Another Advocate of nits. HKNWOOl) A WABDEL&l G1:NTL1:M UN-It aflorda me great plenitire to stale that your new proccat nfextractinc teeth wna a grand atiroeaa la my cuae, and I lieartlly recommend It fa all. I alnrurnly liovio tliat other! will teit Ita merlta. Youra respectfully, CATT. S. 12. HUVANT, Scraaton, Ta. Henwood k Wardell, DENTISTS, 316 Lackawanna Ave. Will on and after Mnv 21 mako a grett redne tlou In the jiricna of platen All work guar ante,. I flmt-clasa in every particular. CHINA Anassfhene THE Hindoo Handkerchief Puzzle Now on sale for 25c. or ?iven away with purchase of every suit. Handsome line of Spring Overcoats and the Nobby "Bell" Martin Custom Tailors and Clothiers, Wyoming Avenue. aiEnnHannflnuHiiii 3ii!!!iiaigiiiii:3!iDii:H!i0!!i?t;gniive REMEMBER THE Fggj WE HAVE OUR GREAT SACRIFICE SALE. A Few of the Many S Indigo Bine Calico, Mondiy (Jliallie Delaines, Monday i 150 rtozii Damask Towels, rju - . (luring the v.!ek .... S 25 pieces Bleached Table Linen, VLZD, during rue week I .r0 dozen Ladies' Wrappers, in Navy and Dark Colored Chintz, worth Si. 25. during the week ! 200 Ladies' Navy lue Sun Umbrellas, 2(!-inch Paragon Frames, worth 12.25, during the week $1.49 B m jj A lot of counter soiled Muslin Underwear at less than half price CHRISTIANS SEW STORE At 412 Spruce strcot, will b op-ncrt to t' epuhlie noxt Saturday, Juno '2, with tho lament nnd most complete line of (I intlemen'a Furnishing iu Northonst rn Pennsylvania. Tho old 1 tore at MS Lick iwenna avo nuc will. In tho future, be a branch of tho now Spruce street establishment. It will always bo stacked with thl very host oods. viu i:,;i;in .. ii si!.;os will sell noin- Ing but the latest end b.t. which will he sold at the roisonablo prices. Christian' two str.:oi will loll noth Consider yourself personally invitod to the opening of the naw Rtorenoxt Saturday, Juno 2. 412 Spruce Street It's a Great Shock m a' tn the folkl who are claiming they undersell ill nthera 1 1 find that without t ha Icwt fuss Dr bluster we aire (flying custom rs tho ben flit of such opportunities as ttieee. A Ktrletly Illtrli Grade Light-weight . 1 :. i8t) pattern, f. i-siio eash. l::o;t pattern, IHl.0 Wheel, for S75. 1804 pattern, 8100 Vi heel, tor H5 cal't rheae prices inako tho business atourstoro, FLOREY & HOLT Y. M. C A. BUILDING. SAY! YOU HEAVY WEIGHTS DOVOU KNOW THAT CONRAD, THE HATTER, HAS SHIRTS AND UNDERWEAR YOUR SIZE? THE CELEBRATED PIANOS at Trc nt th Mnt Popnlar and Preferred by L.ea ii iii- Artlflfe Wararr.c-.ns : Opposite Columbus Monument, 3 'Darlington Av. Scranton, Pa. & - w)-eKaw Cutaway Suits & Delany TODAY AT ion i Specials for the Week: 2 2-3c I Ml 2o I Knotted Frinp-e, 22x46, 0 7 18c s I 79c I mi 98c a two yards wide, wortTi C1AL A Fine Diagonal Worsted Suit Ti T Qf VI Afl -'l i. i. . 1 1 j in colors black and blue, for Seasonable Suggestions Atlantic Wh i i Lead. i he Old Itellablo lucas Tilted Gio s Paints. Ei onotnieal, Durable, lieautiful U. S :irk Paints. Vory Beat Thing for Floors. Campbell's Varnish Stains. 1 ho (Jreat Furniture liestorer. Johnson's Prepared Kalsomine, Decorates and disin fects your rooms. Ahbastine. Alabastin-. Beautiful, hard finish for walla. Reynolds' E amel Paints, Tlie thintr for a bath tub. London Purple, Koepj your fruit trees healthy. Paris Green. Paris reen, tho old romady for potato bugs Genuini Dalmatian Powder and Magic Fluid, Relioyes yon of that "pest," bod buga. Fatal Food. Fatal Food, Tho propor diet for roaches. Moth Camphor Balls, Moth Camphor Flakes, Tho name indicatos tho use. MattheYs Bros., 320 Lacka. Ave. MR. ALEX. PHILLIPS Now has hasehargo of the KEYSTONE HO TEL, formerly cailed the Cross Keys, corner Bromley avo. and Swetland. A full line of Liquors, Beer, Ale and Fine. Cigars win ho kept in stock. Mr. Phillips will bo pleasodt o greet his many frionda who will fayor him with a o., 11. Clothm Heifers,?, rumisfoa