The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 05, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Hit' Month of Koses and
The beginning of Summer.
The month altogether love
ly of the year.
The time of year when your money
goes farthest and shows to
the best advantage.
"Where shall we go for the sum
What shall we buy for our
How will we have them made,
Where shall we buy the goods?
ITi'F'K are questions that al-
ways come with the regular-
B ity of tha sea -ton. We have
alwayt answered these questions
for you to your entire satisfaction.
We have pleased your tastes, met
the size of your pock d hooks, and
you have been the admired of
your friends and the envy of your
Good Will, Accommodation, In
tegrity, and the Best and Cheap
est of All Goods arc marked
features of our store.
I ailor
Trnvolins men sny ti:os Navy r.lnn and
Blnck Serge Suit ir ours at 119.00 an tin?
eamoas bring 118.80 In New York aud
Boston. They're a marvel, tnvway,
Mr. and Mr, William J. Broad have
returned after a oonpla of weoks' visit
witli frlenda in Now York state.
Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Killiorn and
dangliier Kntio, of Philadlpiiia ave
nue, aro viHitintr the Utter'a parent,
Mr, and Mrs. William Boll.
Mr. and Mrs. Stophen Cairna, of
Winton, were the gaetti of Mr. and
lira. S. M. Rogeri last Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. William walne left
last evening to attend tho funoral of
Mr. Waiue'e aunt, Mrs. Joseph Waine,
at Nantlooke today,
Mm. 0. Farnbam and Mrs. S dem
ons, of Scr.:nton, were guests of Mrs.
E. B, Barber laateveninc
Mr ;. J. K. Milroy, of Hickory street,
who hup been viaitini? with relative at
Wavtrly for the past few weeks, re
turned inline Satnrday,
Mr. and Mrs. J. f). Peck, Mr. and
Mrs. D P. Taylor. Mr. and Mr. J. (f
Bell, Mr. and Mrs li. H. Hoffecker.
attended the Misonic veteran associa
tion social at Elmlnirat laet eveninir.
Frank L Maynard. of Jorniyn,
a caller In town on Monday,
Mrs. Rachel Jnhe, of Providence,
visited her aunt, Miss Martha Davia,
lat-t Sunday.
Tho cantata, "A Droara of Fairy
Lands," which was given at the Ld
yard hall last Friday evening hy the
Blaknly school, was largely attended
und highly appreciated. The proceeds
will go towards furnishing the school
Bert Dllternan loft last Sunday for
Rhod') Island where he will be em
ployed on n railroad.
Mill Martha Depew, of Mill City, is
Visiting her brother, Jacob Dopew, on
Hickory streot.
Miu Cora Matthews, of Olypbaut,
spent Monday with her cousin, MUs
Edith Chapman.
Mrs, Stephen Parry, of Doll place, is
lyb-K dangerously ill at this writing,
with little hopes of recovery.
Fatal neglect is little short of auicido.
The consequences of neglected congh are
too well known to need repeating. Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures a cough
promptly. Hold by all dealors on a guar
antee of satisfaction.
The funeral of Thomas Hudson,
Whose death occurred ou Saturday, was
held today. Interment took place in
Pric:.'bnrc comntery. Deceased was n
well known and much respected citi
zen. He was born in County Durham,
Eniiland, 53 years ago. Cause of death
was general debility.
Master Totumle Reed, of Dickson,
had the misfortune to break his arm
by a fall the other d ty.
Miss HeBter Hunnou called on friends
In Arohbald ou Sunday.
John Jerniyn aud sons are making
extensive improvements in the boiler
h..use at No. 3 colliery by the placing
of new boilers, building flues, ote.
Mr. aud Mrs. William Griffith and
Miss Elvira Davis, of Sarantou; and
Mr. and Mrs Frank Davip, of Peek
ville, were the guests of Mr. Iaau D.i
vis, of H.illstead avenne, yesterd iy.
The boys of the gallant Thirteenth
are takiug advantage of the pleasant
weather by getting in some fine work
Bt the rifle range.
Rev A. P. O'Donnell, of Providence,
looked after tho spiritual welfare of
the Catholios of this place ou Sunday.
The Eagle Hose company will hold
their aunual picnic in F.ither Matthew
grove next Saturday. Every citizen
ought to turn out and help the boye in
a gi.o 1 cause.
Statro by H. B. Cochran, drupelet,
Lancaster, Pa. : Have guaranteed over 800
bottles of Uurdoclc Blood Bitters for dys
pepsia, sour stomach, billons attacks, liver
and kidney trouble.
The town OOQUcJ! mat in regular sea
Slon in the town hall. Tho meeting
was called to order by Chairman J. J
M.tumin. Mes.-rs. K-arnev. Donnellv.
Hennigao, Lynott, Knowles, Clifford
and Tigue answered to tho roll call.
Chairman Kearney, of the street com -
uiillee, reported to tho council i'i re
gard to the grievnnce of K. J. R iss,
asking the council to prevent th
Ferry Bridge company from oraoling
tneir proposed bridge superstructure
ou tno pier located on tho Oarbondale
roal. After prefacing his remarks on
the legal status of the case. Mr. Kear
ney offered the following resolution :
"In relerouce to the application of
the Ferry Bridge company and
resoluiion accompanying same referred
to this committee at your last regular
meeting. We recommended the re
fusal of their request to have a portion
of the Carbondale road vacated and
that thoy bo notified to remove tho
present stono pier supporting their
temporary structure and other obstruc
tions in the Ferry road. Iu building
the elevated nppronch to I heir bridge
it mnst be nt same height above the
streets as original structure and not
supported from the ground at any
point between the face of this abutment
aud wing walls of the old canal bridge
and the retaining wall at Main streot
oy pier or other supports." Council
man Henniug, of tho light
committee recommended tho placing
ot an arc on William street and
several incandescent lamps at desirable
places throughout the borough. Coun
cilman Donnelly introduced the fol
lowing resolution: Rosolved, by the
coonoll of the borough of Pittston, Unit
a committee of three members be ap
pointed, together with the burgess, to
adjust tho following difference be
tween the borough and tho Pittston
Street Car company. First That the
amended ordinance as agrnod to by the
Pittston Street Cur company to pave
cii'e feet of Main street. To use glider
rails, etc Second That tha portions of
Main street upon which the PittttOO
Street Car oompnny or constructed
their road shall widen such part of
Muin atret so as to havo a width of
forty feet. Third, that tho said stroet
Oar eompany indemnify the property
holders ou South Main stroet by reason
of four feet cut of grade by the said
company for tha purpose of running
cars over the Erie and Wyoming Val
ley railroad bridge ou South Main
strict. That the burgtss is hereby
iirecLd and ailthonz.'d to prevent the
snid street car company from further
laying of road and erecting poles,
hanging wires, viz , until the above
complaints are complied with to
tho satisfaction .. the com-
milten and council. Afior
a hitler ex:!;nnge of courtesies be
tween Mr. Kearney and the author o!
the resolution over encroachments nl
leged by Mr. Kearney on his duties as
contained in the resolution, the res
oluiion was finally passed by a vote of
fl to 2. A resolution was introduced by
Mr. Donnelly carried, that a com-
miltee bo appointed to coufer with tho
oilicials of tho Pennsylvania Coal com
pany and the Peoples' Water company
relative to securing larger water mains
on such streets of thu borough which
are not piovided with proper fire hy
drants. The council had not completed
its labors at theelosing of this letter.
'1 ho school board met iu tho hizh
school building last evening to finish
up their work for tuo last fiscal ye ir
The meeting w,-.s called to order at 7
o'clock by President O'Brien. All the
members were present. After settling
all outstanding accounts the old board
adjourned sine dio and the organisation
of tho new board was began. The new
board organized by electing Charles
Allen president, M. J. Brennan, secre
tary, and William Abbott, treasurer.
fter the election ot ollicers the new
borird adjourned to meet June 12.
Paul Herman, aged '-!7 years, and Jo
seph Mostino, aged 33, employed ns
miners in the Dorty hort colliery, were
instantly killed yesterday afternoou by
being crushed between tho cribbing
and the csge. Two of the men wero
engaged pushing a car of timber from
one side of the mine to tho other. In
order to do so they had to cross the
carriage, which was at the bottom.
Just as the car wan about half way over
the carriuge, the engineer, who says
that he received a signal to hoist, start
ed up his engines. The carriage with
two wheels of tho car and tho men on
hoard began to ascend, with tho above
Tho date for the roargnmont in the
t.ix collectorslilp easy has been set for
Thursday, June 7. It is understood
'hat the point ou which the argument
is reopened is that of the constitution
ality of the Special act of 1871, provid
ing for tho appointment of a tax col
lector in Pittston borough by tho
president julgo.
At 2.30 o'clock yesterday afternoon,
tho Prestiytery of Lackawanna came
together in the Pittston church to con
sider the resignation of Dr. Parke, pre
sented at a previous meeting. Thirty
six members were present. Moderator
Ot. G. Smith presided. Dr. Parke was
heard, and spoke pathetically of the
subject under discussion. After listen
ing to tho expressions of several
olorgymoD.tho Presbytery recommend
ed that the pastoral rotation be dis
solved, and Dr. Parke was made
Pastor Emerltos. He was also asked
tf remain and was promised that
l.e would be furnished with an r.s?:''.
ant pastor, also ho would bavi fall
charge of the church aud B.".j!Gn by
acting ns moderator. Dr. Holge and
Dr. Logun were appointed a committee
to prepare n minute for permanent
rticord, and tho report they wore in
structed to have published. The com
mittee will meet in Wilkes-Barre to do
the work at Dr. Hodge's residence.
The Presbytery decided to meet June
15 at 2 p. in , at Avoos, in tho Prehy
terian church, to ordain Rev. Weislay,
of Princeton seminary, who will be Dr.
Parke's assistant.
The fire committee, was called
to meet in the Niagara Engine com
pany's parlors last evening to consider
the resignation of Chief J. H. Mullin,
of the fire department. A quorum
failed to put in appearance.
EuclUou'a Arnica Se!v.
The best salve in the world for Cuts
Cruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Hheum, Fever
Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price H5 ceuU per
box. For sale by Matthew Bros.
After two weeks of cloud and rain
the glorious sunshine has again re
turned to cheer nnd warm all nature.
The fruit trees, grape vino?, and even
forest trees present n bruised nnd
rugged appearance us a re oil t of the
severe storms and frost. Muoh corn is
not as yet planted, and what is np has
tlx appearaneo of holng the yellow
kind owing to the cold and wet.
Our Sunday school numbered 102
Sunday and the house was so crowded
that it was imp issiblo to do justice to
the school. Tue trustees are thinking
quite seriously of enlarging the obap -d,
which will soon be a necessity. Ep-
worth League will nd delegate to
V itkrs-1'. n ibis tteek
Mr. and Mrs J icirt u i.k, of '. ihed
son, wan viailiug friviidi In this plan
the past week.
William Atherton and wife and
daugnter Grace will leave for Wil-
liamsport Tuesday next to visit friends
and nlt--nd the Prohibition conven
tion, to which Mr. Athertoa is a dole
gate. Wood, Karman & Co 's excursion to
Summit Park did not occur ou Docira
tion day ou nccouut of the weather.
Miss Emogene Ackerly is noma from
Wvoining seminary for a few days.
Mis Kittie Atherton, joined by in
vitation Professor Buck's class on their
excursion to Elmhurst and was royally
entertained oy Mhb Williams.
Pastor Georgo Guild, of the First
Presbyterian church of Providence,
was calling on friends in thh place lust
Arthur Wiloy, of Binghamtou, spent
Sunday with friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. M S Lowe, who have
been visiting friends in Elmira, have
returned home
Miss Gertrude Nichols, who has been
visiting friends iu Brooklyn, has re
turned home.
The teachers' meeting will be held at
the rosidenca of R. F. Smith on Friday
Walter Tuttle, of this place, and
Miss Ada Guun. of Bridgewater, were
united in marriage ou Thursday hy tho
Rov. Jones, of Montrose. They will
go to housekeeping in this placo Juno
The fnneral of Samuel Brown, aged
3fi, who died on Thursday of pnbu
tnonia, was held at thu Baptist church
yesterday at 12 o'clock aud was largely
attended. B JVeral orders of which bo
was a member were in attendance Tno
services wore ronduote I by the Rnv.
John Davis, the pastor of that church.
The deceased leaves a wife nnd several
Child ren.
Charles Nichols, of Bingnamton, is
visiting Iriends in town.
The W. a T. U. will meet nt tho
home of Mrs B. C Read ou Thursday
afternoon at 3:30 o'clock.
Tha Susquehanna river is still quite
The Ladiss' Aid society of the Pres
byterian church will meet at tho home
of Mrs. George Hatfidd on Friday
afternoou aud evening, Tho com
mittee on entertainment is Mrs. B.
Phi!lip3, Mrs. Will Trowbridge, Mrs.
Benjamin VVrightley.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Nichols, who
have been veiling friends iu Factory
ville, bnve roturned home.
Mrs. George Dwey, of Binghamtou,
who has been visiting her sister, Mrs.
Georgo Lamb, has returned homo,
Cuarles (,'ompton i visiting friends
i:i Scran ton.
Mattie Hull, of Binghamtou, spent
Sunday at the renidouce of J. J. Coinp-
ton, on i ront street.
Mrs F. Birnes, of Ithaca, is visiting
her brother, Georgo Bogart, on Mala
L. Arndt was fonnd dead at tho home
of Mrs. H. Rice, in Great Bend, with
whom he boarded, on lhnrsdny room
ing last. A coroner's inquest was held
and a jury empaneled with W. T.
HUSterbroOlC ns foreman. Iho follow
ing verdict was rendered: "That tho
deceased came to his death from heart
failure." The funeral was held Sunday
at 3 p. in at tho home of William O
wald.servicesj being conducted by R.v.
L. W. Church. Tho pall be irers were
E. Eddingor, Robert Furgoson, S.
Stump, S. Forsyth, A. Stephens and
T, Kilrow.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Van Former, of
Conk i i n, spent Sunday with their son,
I' red Van former, in tins plce.
Mrs. Nelson Coon is visiting friends
in Peon Argyl, Pa,
Miss Mary Edwards, of Plymouth, is
visiting Mrs. Alfred Jones on Chase
Rev. R. N. Ivsi, of Binghamton, was
in town today.
Mrs. George Norton, of Now Milford,
Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred Roes,
A number iu this place aro sick with
Frauk Carlton, of Scranton, la visit
ing at the residence of Goorgo Vv'ilcott
on Chase avei.ue.
The last regular meeting of tho
Arohbald school board of 1898 was hold
last ovoniug. President Lilly presided
and all the members of the board wore
present except Mr. Liudorman. Sec-
rotary Kelley read a number of small
bills and was directed to issue orders in
payment of- tue several amounts
.Messrs. Kl.-lty. Kelly and Duugher
wore appointed an auditing committee
to examine the accounts of P. A. Phil
bin, tax collector lor 181)3. Aft.-r de
liberation the accounts were found cor
rect and were approved. Messrs. Kelly,
Toolin and Myers were appoinud a
committee to audit the accounts of tho
school officers for the past year. The
board then adjourned sine dm.
Messrs. Uoogber and K-11 y then re
tired from the board ami temporary
organisation wai effected by the elec
tion of Mr. Lally chairman aud Mr.
Kelty secretary. The new members,
Messrs. Beck, Barrett nnd O'Rourko,
were then admitted, On motion of
Mr. Barrett the temporary organization
was made permanent, Mr. O'Rourko
nominated Michael Toolau fur treas-
irer aud he Was elected without oppo
sition, Mr. Myers nominated Jones
for attorney for tho school district and
he was dieted. Agreeable to Mr.
Myors' motion, the lit at Monduy ot
each month wa iixe.i as the regular
meeting night. After deciding to
meet on the eloventh for th purpose of
fixing a tux. the board adjourn d,
Mrs. John Use. Ion and Mis. M, Lan-
gnn called on friends iu Scranum yes
terday. Willie Blake, son of Manager Blake,
of Jones, Simpson & Oo.'l store, sus
lalued a broken arm by n fall, yester
day uftoruoon.
One of onr popular young physicians
and a teacher of the graded SObool nave
docided to uniu their professions, and
not very far in the future to conduct
them together under one nam".
Tha regular monthly meeting of the
town Council was held at the city hull
Monday night
Tonight, Tuesday, June 5, our storos
will close ut 7 p. m, sharp.
Miss Morris and Miss Bmitetn have
loft for their homes in West Pittston,
Miss Tomlinson has departed for her
home nt Montoursville, and Professor
Hower for Williamson.
When Vixhy was nick, we (-.-iv hn- Pastorta.
When sae was a Child, sha crie.1 for Castnrla,
When she becamo Miss, she elunir to Castorlo.
When siio had CldlUrau, she gave Uicm CHStorls
Not having .,t, any of its form r
beauliea. L.ik. Ariel groats ths visitor
this year with the "me delightful
scene of crystal transparency as of
yoro. There is the same stretch of
limpid waters resting in the bosom of
the green fields, duiud here and there
by woodlund retreats stretching afar
to tue horizion, where the blue sky
completes the picture. Tho surround
ings are the only changes that the on
looker sues, and these are so numerous
and executed with such good ju Igtnont
that thoy improve the resort In no
small dogree.
Nature has bountifully supplied
Ariel with its gifts, but the hand of man
has done muoh to enhance them, so
that to enjoy them is not only an in
ward pleasure bat a comfort as well.
Tho surroundings have been so greatly
beautified that one cannot but admire
The first noticeable improvement is on
mo iuko House side and directly front
ing the Erie nnd Wyoming Valley de
pot. This portion of the lake which
had bean so long filled with stumps and
rank grass now appears clear as is the
rest of the water.
Daring the winter nnd spring thoni
unds of dollars have baeu spent in re
moving this material, but the improve
ment is so great that the proprietors do
not regret the expenditure.
A fina harbor for boats has been
built at this point and the boat home
which formerly obsenred the oxcur
slonist's view has been moved, making
the beach free from all obstaclos.
From the boat house a wld-j proras
nnde has been built that extends along
the shore facing the Lake House. To
his already large fleet of boats Mr.
Mills, tho proprietor, has added thirty
two new row boats and a 45 foot
steamer, which is a beautiful craft,
and will be a delight to t hi excursion
ist's heart. This biat will also bs used
to make u circuit of the lake ami take
on passengers making connections with
all trains.
In connection with this fl ut is tho
old steamer Grace, whica was built by
the Hereioffs, who constructed the
Vigilant. The grovt has been greatly
improved and the froutaga somewhat
'hanged by the Erie and Wyoming
Valley Railroad company.
New cottages aro being oreotod on
iill sides, among the owners of which
will be C. D. Jones, of Jones Bros.; J.
P, Megargel, of Mognrgel & Oonnell,
and Lawyer John F. Soragg.
This season promts is to be the great
est tho lake has v -r had. The Pines
Will op -ii on Juno 15 Those who vis
ited their cotUg on Saturday were
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. M Silkmau aud Mr,
and Mrs. L. G. L.tBar,
There were registered at the Lake
IIouso during tho week the following:
W. M. Jermyn, G. II Maddock nnd
son, H. H. Coston. John Clelland, T.
C Griffin, Judge F W. Gunster, Mr.
and Mrs. E L Washer, L F. Megar
gel and Mr. and Mre. O. D, Jones, of
Scrnnton, and W. H. Goorley, of
Mount Gilear.
Lpt Un have a fira romimnir Ponn-
cil will placo the fire hydrants in orcbr
as soon as sigus are showed forsuc i.
The ''Confederate Spy," which wai
so wall received here a few weeks ago,
Will be again norforraol on tha 1.1, Ii
and 15th. Prooeodl are for Price
library and Calvary Baptist cliuroh.
mat tue play is deserving or a large
Mil lienca is well known.
Iho members of nnr now aphn-il
board are John Francis, jr.. M. M
Williams. William Powell, Eiau C
Davis. William Rodirers and Jumna
Powell. The now board members w-ra
elected last February by bandsoms ma
jorities, which showed their popular
ity, and the pooplo can rest assured
mat gooa scnooi worn will bo accom
plished. James E. Watkins, John D. Athsr
ton. William J. Hokinsand Michael
Streiu wore elected delegates from tho
Fifth Knnrtb and Tliivd oa
John Kohler, D avid joues, John Evans
and Thomas W. Jones, from the Firt
and Second wardsj The convention Of
the Third legislative district will bo
new tins aiternoon and will be at
tended by many of our prominent citi-
Th" Willing Workers of the Metho
ilist Episcopal churoii will hold a
bsiaaron tho nights of June 18 and 14
Tho Price Library association ever
since its organization has bsen remem
bered by Lieutenant Governor Watr as?
Now iho officers acknowledge the gift
of two valuable books of "Pennsyl
vania at Gettysburg." which add much
to their larno collection of books.
A. W. Savage, of Wvalnatno snant
Sunday at this plao
Jacob Christ anent Snndiv with hit
family. Mr. Christ is running a loco
motive on the Wilkes Birre and K. iat.
em railroad.
Miss Lanra Riiclralow nt Yluita
Havou, is visiting Mrs. M. Chamber
lin. On rnmmnninn Wnn.lnv at lha P....
I'Vterian church fir., mm ranutwaA l..t
full membership throe hv letter nnd
two on confession of frith.
Iho young ladies of th, Rnlsnnntl
church will
the Old Fellows hall on Friday oven-
ing, .i nno a
Tlio Plinils of the nnhlin nrhnnlo tM
preparing for closing exorcises. The
jiinuustiuif cms is nemg iirilled tiy
Miss Leah Heath, nf Keruntnn whn la
an eloculionilt of repute.
St. Dominicks choir, of Parsons,
sung at second mass at St. M
church yesterday The oolos wero suug
oy miss oauie n.eis T, wlio possesses a
fine soprano voice. The choir frnm
this place sang at Parsons.
Themis Jay. nccomoinied bv bis
brother, the R. v. Stephen Jay, of Sns
qrjehannu, leaves for New York today
sud viill sail for England try stennie'r
fans ou Wednesday Thef exnoct to
bo gone about three months.
The closing exorcises of tho Mavfl ild
pnune scnools will take place Wednes
day afternoon.
Richard Tendnll, of Wyoming Bemi
nary, spent Sunday with his parent.,
All of tho men burned by the explo
sion of powder are doing well except
Mr. Jones. He is still unconscious and
thero is not much hope nt his recovery.
The friends of Mrs. Emily Stewart
have been favored with tno announce
ment of her marriage to Frank 11.
Stspleton, which took place at tho res
of Thomas Dyer In Birmingham,
Als., May 28. The best wishes of friends
sr i xtended to them nt their new
heme In Ohattnnooga, Tinn.
Rbv. Doty of Peckville will prench
in the Methodist Episcopal ohuroh this
Miss Ollie Pearl is visiting relatives
in D ileville.
The W. C. T. U. are making ar
rangement! for a sneinl tn b held at
th- home of Geo go Pearl, Thursday
evening, June I t
Children! day will be obs rved in
both chnrchfs next Snbbatb.
Mike Connelly, of Starck's p atcb,
had three game chickons stolen the
other night.
At the Sabbath evening service in
the Baptist tabernacle, the pastor, Rev.
T. E. Jepson, gave his hearers a very
interesting description of the annual
meeting of the Baptist societies which
he attended at Siratoga a few days
Today will be the opening of Cirbon
dales now Hotel Authraoite. and a
ooterie of oity residents, numbering
about twenty couple will enjoy their
dinner there.
Mr. Wademsn, an old srontleman,
who has been lying seriously ill at his
homo on Slem avenue, was removed
to the home of his sou in Greenfield
yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Philip Berryman and daughter
returned to this city yesterday morn
ing, after a several days visit with
friends in Scranton and Pittston.
Iu order not to oonilict with the
High school commencement exercises
which occur iu the opsra house on June
20, the date for repeating the opera,
''Pirates of Penzanco" has been changed
from tb 20th to the 19th.
Riohard Buddy, a trainman, em
ployed on Conductor Robort's Delaware
and Hudson freight train, met with a
painful accident in Carbondale yard
yesterday afternoon. He whs in the
act of making a coupling and had his
arm crushed. It is feared that the in
jured member will have to ba ampu
tated. This evening occurs the crayon so
cial in the Baptist chapel under the
auspices of the Christian Endeavor of
that church. A ploasaut time is an
ticipated. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Croker, of
Wyoming streot, mourn the death of
their infant daughter. Gertrude, who
died ut an early hour yesterday morn
of convulsions. Funral will bo held
this afternoon at M o'clock at the resi
dence. Interment will be made in
Maplewood cemetery.
The reorganization of the Carbondale
school board occurred last evening.
Contractor Carman, of Binghamton,
was in this oity yesterduy making pre
liminary arrangements for tho con
struction of the new No. Uschdol houso
in this city.
William Morrison, jr., who is a etu
dent ot the Jefferson Medical college
iu Philadelphia, is home for his sum
mer vacation.
Head and km
Seemed on Fire
A Sunstroke Followed by
Nervous Prostration
Hood's Restored Health.
Mr. Edward ScolUn
Philadelphia, Pa.
C, I. Hood &Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"Oentlemon On August l ', I was taken to
Bt Joseph's hospital unconscious from tho
heat; my toinporaturo was 10C. I remained
In tho hospital two weeks i I w as unable to
work (or four weeks after that, hut then
felt compelled to turn In, as I have a Wife
and flyo children, l soon began to (eel us
though undergoing continuous shocks from
un oloctrio battery.
Every Ncrvo and Fibre
of my body seemed hi a constant state of qiilv-
erlni; agitation and tremulOOSncss. Heat
Hashed from the calves of my legs up
through my thighs and body; my left arm
r.ial hand felt as though on lire, and my
head acheil as If it wuiild split when I
stooped down. I had great pains hi my
hack .irnimd tho base of the spine. I con
tinued to vii.-k to my work, feeling that
ii l must again no dow n i would do so
Struggling for My Family.
I hare always been athletic, but I had lest all
appetite, and my strength tailed moi I w as
on the point of giving up. I had read much
about Hood's Barsapnrtlla, and concluded to
.! It a trial, llefore I had takim half a
bottle my appetite hecaino so voracious that
1 would ho compelled to eat between meals.
Hood's5?' Cures
Hood's Sarsaparilla has now fully restored
my strength and general health. That terri-
ble nervousness Is entirely cone. I feel as
hearty and vigorous as ever. The pains In
my baek have greatly decreased." Kdw aud
BcoLbiK, i:o! Qgrien street, Philadelphia,
UnnS'a Dlllo enri ill Olo i e .. .
biliousness, Jaundice, sick headache, Indigestion.
Tho GENUINE New Haven
"Mathushek" Pianos
Now York Warerooms No. 80
Fifth Avenue.
Sole dealers in this section.
: OFFICK-121 Adams Ave., Tolophono BTd'o
Maloney Oil and Manufac
turing Company
Have removed their office to their
141, 143,145, 147, 149, 151
RCOFtlnnlnc and soldorlm? all dono away
with hy tho use of HAKTMAN'8 I AT
ENT PAINT, which consists of taped! nts
well-known to nil. It can he applied to tin,
ealvanlzed tin, nhont iron roofs, nl so to hrlok
dwellinas, which will prnvont absolutely any
crumbling, craekinn or breaking of tho
brick. It will outlast tlnulng ot any kind by
many yenrs,and it'B cost doos not oxceod ona
flfth that of ih" cost of tinning. Is Bold by
tho job or pound. Contracts taken by
AM1US1U UARTMANN, 527 birch St
gniiiiB.nmwitiirjniBiim.i liiimiiiinn inline Kiimiif iiBiEiiiitirj
T .
; Ladies
5 and 7 Hooks,
Remember, The Fair
China, Florentine and
Never have goods of the same character been sold
as low as we will sell them now.
They are especially adapted for Pillows, Draperies
and Decorations, and many of the designs are suitable
for Evening Dresses and Tea Gowns.
The line comprises printed and plain China Silks,
Cheney Bros.' best quality plain and printed, change
able Brocades, armure printed and satin stripe Silks.
On sale in Drapery and Upholstery Department.
Something new, rustic
Complete with cord and pulley in the following sizes:
4x8, 6x8, 8x8 and 10x12 feet.
406 AND 408 LACKA. AVE.
Of generosity is better developed this vcek than ever.
The success wo havo had on account of tho free distribu
tion of those elegant Onyx Finished Clocks with $50.00
purchases, and the 100-picce Dinner Sets with 75.00
purchases has encouraged us to offer somo
rm mm
With every sale of ONE DOLLAR or over, it mat
ters not what department purchases are made in,
Under this head we in elude Lawn Benches and Couches,
Porch Chain and Kockcrs, China and Japanese Mat
tings, Kufrigerators and lee Clu'ste, S3
Baby Carriages Sleeping Coaches
For which wo aro sole agents. ECONOMY'S Prices
prevail in all our departments. Goods delivered FREE
l-ur l'ak .anaV l I W lal II MIU I
m r
Hid liioves
Armure Silks. 32 and 35 in. wide.
and inexpensive for summer
Wl' Ml H
...... :j. I