The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 04, 1894, Image 1
FOU THE BEST PAGE OF SPOUTING XIITYS TURN THIS ? f "THE FACE OP ROSEXPEL BEGINS TODAY ON PAGE 0. NEWS OF INDUSTRIES, PAGE 7. EIGHT PAGES- COLUMNS. SCBANTON. PA.. MONDAY MORNING. JUNE 4, 1S94. TWO CENTS A COPT. THE TRIBUNE HAS A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION AMONG SCRANTON BUSINESS MEN THAN ANY OTHER MO -?MWIWI4 eSKanW'Jl Willie SON PAPER L IS Father of Prchibiticn Receives an Enthusias tic Reception at Staten Island. GOVERNOR TILLIflAN IS PRESENT Ten Thousand Enthusiastic Admirers Welcome the Veteran Temperance Worker at the International Tem pprance Congress Stirring Ad dress by Joseph Cook Neal Dow Gives a History of Prohibition. PROiumTio.M Park.S. I., N. Y., June 3 OENERAL NEAL DOW. the fntlier of Prohibition, was greet ed by 10,000 enthusiastic admir ers at the International tempur Biiut congress which opened hero today. Ho occupied an arm chair at the right Ill W10 prcMlllIJK "ill't'i uuilllj Hi'- morning, iiftornoon and evening ats Ions, and nhowed by his quick appre ciation ot the poiut3 of the speaker that bis mind is unditnmd by the ninoty years that have passed. Prominent speakers and Prohibition workers from many states and from abroad were preseut. Governor Till inau, of Sauth Carolina, arrived dur ing the afternoon session and was given a seat on the platform immediately be hind two Catholic priests. At the morning teBsion Willi im T. Ward well, of New York, presided Tlio Rev. D. S. Gregory. D. D.. led the devotional service. Col. Alexander S. Bacon, president of the Sunday Ob servance society of Brooklyn, deliver ed the address of welcome. Addresses congratulating Neal Dow on happily passing the ninetieth milestone were inade by Aaron M. Howell, editor of the Nat ion. il Temperance Advocate; Sutnu -1 Dickie, chairman of the Nat ional Prohibition party; Susan E Fes senden, and Miss Ellen J. Pbinny, of tbo Womeu'a Christian Temperance union; Hou. Samuel D Hastings, of Wisconsin; and C. A. Everett, of St. John, N. B. Neal Dow made a brief response telling bow thoroughly he ap predated the kind words ot his friends and encouragement they gave him in the work of his life. AFTERNOON SESSION. General Wager Swayno presided at the afternoon IfSlioo. The lv-iv. Father Miles, of Pougnk epaie, N. Y, who came to take the place o" Dr. McGlynn, who is ill, was iti- first speaker Ho was followed by Joseph Cook, of Bos ton, and of international renown as a lecturer on temperance. Dr. Cook, who Is large of frame, largo of voice, em phatic in utterance, said in part: "The houso of lords, Mr. Gladstone Bays, must he ended or mende 1, The liquor traffic, this convention says must be ended because it cannot be mended. My conviction is that this will be the keynote of the twentieth century. The work of Neal Dow has led to this. He has fought a good fifbt, and even at 00 years of agi , he has not run his course. The truth that Maine has been transformed and transfigured through the work of Neal Dow travi lu slowly, but the lie that tin- Maine liquor law is a failure trav els with seven leagu. boots." '1 he Rev. Dr. B. D, Tyler, of New York, read the formal address to (ion ra Neal Dow. It was signed by the heads of Prohibition and temperance movements of thtscouutry and Canada. NEAL IjOW's ADDRESS, General Dow said: "1 don't feel that I have accomplished anything that en titles me to the honor which is done Die to-day. No words can express the gratitude T feel for what has been said and done here. But perhaps it was best that I should tell of somo of the work that has been done and th im porlance of the work yet to be done, There is no question beforo the people of this country nr of any country so great as the liquor qnestiou, yet strange as it may seem there are many prominent men, many men of enlightenment, education and understanding who know nothing about the work of Prohibition. I was once handed a slip from a newspaper which announced that Goldwiu Smith hail paid tiiat prohibition was a failure in Maine. My reply to that was that I hoped Goldwin Smith did not make such a statement, tor the reason that it is not true So far from being a failure in Maine, protiibitiou has b- en a great success. At one time we had a great many breweries and distilleries in Maine. To ere is not one now, and there has not been one in many years. At one time cargoes of Jamaica rum were imported into the state. There is none now. It is true that liquor, in small quantities, is smuggled over the boundary. But liqutir is not openly sold, and there is not one hun dredth part of the consumption In the state as before the law passed. A rem edy for consumption thut will cure ninety nine cases iu a hundred cannot, be called a failure. Applause. An entire generation has grown up among three-quarters of our poople, aud has not seen a grog shop nor a drunken man." Speaking of other states, he said that great progress had beon made and there ure many places where no liquor is sold owing to local option laws. Contlnu ln.IT, ho said: "'The liquor truffle has existed for fifty years by permission of Curistiuu churches. Their members are masters of the situation. When they say 'Go and vote.' the saloon will go." Applause. At ihe evening session General Thomas D. James, of New York, pre sided. There were addresses by Alex ander RuiBeil Webb, of the Moham medan church, andJFather Murphy, of the Roman Catholic Church of Canada. JUMPED FROM THE ROOF. Trying to E cap . Dtath In One Form Sadie Felsnor Most It in Another. , New York, June 3 A fire, caused by the upsetting of an oil stove, oc curred this evening, in the rear tene-m-nt at No 38 Goorck street. The building is one of those in the over crowded tenement district of the GENERA 1 HONORED east side, and was filled with ten -ant i, who immediately became panic stricken. Many escaped before the tire bad gained much headway, while a number sought safety on the roof. The fire, which had started in the up per part of the building, soon devel oped into a fierce blaze, and made the position of those en the roof an exceed ingly dangerous oue, Sadie Felsner, 16 years old, and Jamos Bnckney jumped from the roof. The former was almost instantly killed, while Bnckney sustained very severe injuries. The firemen when they ar rived rescued those who remained on the roof and then extinguished the fire. The loss will not exceed $1,000. FIGHTING AT SflN SALVADOR. Ia a Battle at Santa Anna Government Troops Are Defeated. Panama, June 3 The Star and Her ald has received the following special advices from San Salvador: "Iu the battle at Santa Anna on May 21, the government troops nuder General An tonio Ezetu were defeated. General Ezata died. Six hundred soldiers were killed. General Bolauos was wounded." President Ez-ta has resigned in favor of Carlos Bonilla, A counter revolu tion is Bine to breakout, as Bonilla is not generally ncoeptablo. Possibly General Manuel Rivas may become president. LIFE INSURANCE REPORT. Annual Statement from the Depart ment of Life and Accident Insurance. Harrisduro, Jnne 3 Insurance Commissioner Lnpi-r has completed the twenty-first annual report of his de partment on life and uccident insur ance companies. During the year tho companies of this state Usaed 4,253 policies insuring $11,1)30,834 upon lives of residents of this state, a docrease over the business of the pro ceding year of 237 policies and a de crease of $1,129,430 of insurance. Com paniea of other states issnpd 488.890 policies In this, insuring $137,003,084, making an aggregate by all coilipuoiei of 492.742 policies, insuring $149,539, 918. The total losses paid in nils te bv like companies during the year was $7,754,007 90. The entire income of the assessment life companies of this state last year was $1,434,584 33, and expenditures were $1,217,042.07. The insurance commissioner comments upon the prac tics of some life companies issuing misleading statements regarding their financial strength. Ho thinks the standard of valuation of securities should be their interest earnings, and of real estate its rental value. He says the act of Juno 5, 1888, regulating mu tual assessment companies is defective. In his opinion compiniesof this char acter ougut to be required to have on hand at all times, in available assets, at least the maximum amount named in its certificates, and failing in this, it ought to bo niijudged insolvent and prohibited frtm doing business. THEY FIRED ON CRABBERS. Poaohers are Capturt cl at Crtnflld, Mary land, bv State Police. Crisfiuld, Md., June 8. One of the state police vessels poured u volley of snot into the licet of twenty-hvo crab bing vessels yesterday afternoon in Holland strait and that ti ) crews of the poachers escaped injury 3 regarded s almost a miracle. Suve il hundred shots were fired. The sails and dock houses if the crab ben were riddled with .nllels, and three of them, tho Frank Law, Ray mond James and Jackson Bradsliaw, were so badly crippled that they wore unable to escape. They were towed into Fishing bay where they are neld as hostages by tho Dorchester county authorities until the captains nnv the fine assessed for "soruping" the" bot tom. CAR WORKS BURNED. The Lnconla Plant Entirely Distroytd. Lone 6100,000 Laconia, N. H,. Juue 3. Fire this morning at the Liconi.i Car works burned over $100,000 worth of proporty, insurance $50,000, Tho car company's loss includes three largo buildings in tho passouger car department, their en tire malleable iron foundry plant, with patterns, etc , also two small dwelling houses, A large refrigerator building and office, owned by the Swift Beef com pany, is a total loss. The firo started in the paint shop in tho car works. There are indications of incendiarism. LUNDAY BALL GAMES. Syracuse, 0; Troy, 13. Buffalo, 10; Erie, 14. MINOR TICKINGS OF THE WIRE. Secretary of Agriculture Morton is vis iting historic spots in and about Lexing ton, Ky. Prospectors fouud a 400-pound nugget of copper in the Rniney river bed, near Che boygan, Mich. For taking bribos In office, ex-Land Resistor James E. Mabne is on trial at Perry, O. T. Cyrus W. Field jr., son of the Atlantic cnblo originator, is dying of consumption in New York. Secretary of the Navy Ilerbort has reached Chicago on bis homeward trip from the Pacific coast. Crazed by his financial failure, Job A. Turner, a former Boston baulter, shot liiin-eli at South Curvor, llas. Stventeen vessels, carrying 12,000,000 feet of lurabor, have loft Duluth in four days, the largest fleet ever known. Derauso nccusod of cheating and callod "Lamey," Nicholas Biburion, a Now York lame ooy, stabbed two playmates severely. The explosion of a dry boiler near Adol phi, O., killed Engineer Joseph Lhowaltor aud Sherman Wane, and fatally hurt two ethers. Permission has been granted the Scran ton Bicycle club by tho racing board of the League of American Wheclinou to run a nillo rate, northeastern Pennsylvania championship, on July 1. The steam yacht Atalnnta, owned by George Ooold, sailed for Glasgow yester duy afternoon to witness the yacht races in which the champion American sloop Vigilant, now owned by Mr. Ooold, will participate. IN REGARD TO LABOR W The Situation et Chicago, Illinois, Is Not Im proving Very Rapidly. GOVERNOR WAITS ON THE SCENE He Desires to Quell the Disturbance Without the Aid of the Troops In diana National Guardsmen Quell the Trouble at Cannellsburg Strik ers Burn a Bridp;c Bloodshed Feared at Punxsutawney Notes of the Strike Elsewhere. Denver, Col. , June 8. OETECTIVES assisted Shorill Bow ers today in a search for John Calderwood, president of the Victor Minors' union, who came up from Colorado Springs with Gover nor Waite at an eariy hnnr this morn ing. When the party arrived, Calder wood was taken into a carriage with the governor aud conveyed to a seclud ed plane, which no one but the gover nor's party knows. Sheriff Bowers ar rived at daylight with a warrant tor Calderwood's arrest upon the charge of Inciting to riot. He had not been ar rested at Colorado Springs beoause then he was the governor's guest. Detectives shadowed Governor Waite all day in tho hope that they might, find their man, but at night Sheriff Dowers had to return without the head official of the miners, now in a bellig rant attitude. About the governor's office the Populists there declared that the arrest of Calderwood would only add fuel to the hatred of the miners and would make the contest all the more bloodthirsty. Cniderwood came under a flag of truce, thoy declare, and should not be subjected to arrest. But the civil authorities look upon the man not as a belligerent but as an accom plice In a conspiracy that has already resulted in highway robbery, arson, de struction of property and in murder. Governor Waite said today that ho hail taken no official action and it is not believed that he will declare mar tial law, a point which is declared to bo illegal. Strong pressure has steadily been brought to boar upon him to get him to agree to back up Sheriff Bowers with the militia, a move he is loath to make. When Governor Waite reached Palmer Lake he sent the following tel egram to Adjutant General Tarsney, thinking thut Sheriff Bowers had made the requstfor troops; Palmeii Lake, Juno 2. To General Tarsney,or Oflieer in Command at Armory: No National guards must bo called out by lloglo or Kincaid. (Signed) David H. Waite, Governor and Commander iu Chief. MILITIA AT CANNEI.I.SUURO. Cannellsiiuho. Ind., Juno 3 The National Guards of Indiana Bent by Governor Matttiows to put a stop to the further interference of coal mine strikers with the passago of coal laden trains through tho city.arrived here this morning. The train was side-tracked oue mile east of the city and the 450 citizou Boldiers disembarked aud marched down the railroad track where all the trouble has been, but on entoring the city fouud no army of riotous strikers to oppose their march or give them any work to do. Scattered on and off the track, however, were counted twenty six strikers to whom Sheriff Letnibg read tho restraining order issued ut Washington last Tnnrsday by Judge Ileffor's. Friends of the strikers in Imiianapolis hail forewarned them of the approach of the militia, whieh ac counted for the disuppsarance of the 200 or 300 former rioters. The sheriff s?t out to find four men who had been leaders in the disturb ance nnd for whom he had warrants. After much difficulty he caught W. R. Summers, a justice of the pence for the local township, and Dick Gade, who have been loading the strikers iu their lawless interference with the proporty of th3 railroads, and John Flynn, a striker. The warrants charge them with riotons conspiracy and contempt of Judge Heffer's mandate. . Immediately after the arrival of the troops the officials of tho Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern railroad began to move the coal cars which had been side-tracked by the strikers. The presence f the armed force awed the strikers, nenrly all of whom remained in their homes, but the women and children belongiug to the strikers families gathered nlongsido of the trick hooting at the railroad men, militia and Bheriff, while the work ot removing trains was in progress. AFFAIRS IS ELK COUNTY. HaRHKBURG, fa June 8. A priv nte dispatch to the United Press cor respondent here from Ridirwny, Elk county, Btates that Sheriff Elliott has doputizad 150 men from Ridgway and the surrounding towns who left today to protect tbe men who will attempt to go to work tomorrow in H ill, K ml & Co.'s mines at Shawmut, Elk comity. Resistance is expected from the striking miners who have been reinforced by 800 men from Reynoldsville nnd Punx sutawney region. Bloodshed is feared' The miners are well armed and des perate. Uniontown, Ph., Juno 8. The re port that the Cneat river bridge on the State line railroad had been burned by the strikers to prevent shipment of coal, is not corroct. Freight and passenger trains are running regularly. Last night a crowd of strikers at tacked three deputies who were re turning to Oliver from this plaee. Several shota were exchnnged but no oue received injury, M'BHIDR DENOUNCED. Columiius, Ohio, Juue 3. The minors at Btlluire, Ohio, severely de nounce President McBrlde for his scorching telegram 'o them last night, They say he baa accepted tbe unsup ported word of nn operator Superin tendent Woodford .of the Cleveland, Lorain and Wheeling railway as to the alleged rioting and oensnred them for participating in it. MeBride sent a telegram almost as severe as this one to the miners at Coalton and Wollston, Ohio By some it is predicted that President MeBride is seeking to make the rioting an excuse for calling the strike off. Leavenworth, Kin, Jnne 8 The coal minere' situation that appeared so serious on Friday night seems to be perfectly settled. Yesterday through tne efforts of citizsns, the mine ownors and a strikers' committee held a pro tracted conference, during which they came to an agreement. The mine ownors agreed to allow a check-weigh-man to be paid by tho men, placed at eaeh shaft, and to pay the present high wagos if tbe price of mining was not lowered at other places. The men agreed to return to work at tho River side and Home mines, which are now closed, and stsrt in full Mondhy. THE BRIDGEPORT SITUATION. Bridoeport, O.. June 3. Fifteen hundred strikers assembled at Wheel ing Creek mines today to stop coal trains, but none were rnn. The rail road company hopes that President MeBride will disperse the strikers to morrow. Sheriff Scott said this aftor noou that ho had secured the force of deputies be ueeded, bnt unlcsj actual trouble results tomorrow he will not usk for tho militia. About 500 strikers yesterday massed on the line of the Cleveland, Lorraine and Wheeling railroad. Two trains loaded witu West Virginia coal wero stopped and sidetrucked. Later they were allowed to be mowd here. Pas Bonger or mail trains were not inter fered with. The sheriffs appeal was jeered aud he throatened to call the militia. The railway company says it wiil run trains tomorrow. The miners uro still iu possession of the road at tho mines Johnstown, Pa.. Jnne 3 Company H, Fifth regiment, Lieutenant J. J Murphy in command, is being held in readiness for quick movem nt in case the troops ure ordered out to do duty in the coke regions. Colonel Theodore Bnrchfield sent these orders several days ago, but nothing additional hits been received in this city. BATTLE AT CRIPPLE CREEK. Colorado Springs. Col., Juue 8. The sheriff continues making prepara tions for the battlo with tho striking miners at Cripple Criek, which will undoubtedly take place in a few days. Another train load of deputies was btartcd for the front about 3 o'clock this morning and two companies of cavalry followed later A largo supply of ammunition and army rations and camp equipage will go forward tomorrow night. Officers were out today recruiting men for n company whose duty will be to ac company and protect the supply train. Oue of the cavalry companies is com posed of some of the wealthiest mino and land owners of the city. The ex citement of last night has somewhat subsided, but is still anal Evans, la., June 3 The big bnrbe cue of the striking miners this after noon was a dismal failure, only 150 miners being here. President J. T. Clurkson aud other leaders have left the county to escapo arrest, und the strikers have split up into small squads. It is probable that the troops will be withdrawn tomorrow The operators think that as soon as the soldiers leave tbe miners will again assemble and cause trouble. MINERS ACCEPT AN OFFittt. Alliance, O, Juno 3. After a long meeting of the coal miner j of this city they decided to accept the oporatore' terms of $1.05 for mining and return to work tomorrow morning. Threo large mines near tho city limits will be started by this decision and a fam ine iu this city will ho averted. THE FATHER-IN-LAW IN IT. Novel Elopement in Which the Stern Parent Figured in an Entirely New Role. Ei.kton, Md., June 3 A sensation has been caused iu the upper pert of this county by the elopment of Wnlter Reynolds, son of a well to do resident, and Ella Kirk, of Sylmar. A few days ago the young couple, accompanied by tbe girl's father, oiune to Elkton anil took a train for Philadelphia. Tbejf crossed tho river to Camden and were married by n jnstice of the peace. Reynolds is only 18 years old and the girl a your his junior, yot Mr. Kirk as sured the justice that the couple were of murriag-able age, Reynolds' parents are vory much chagrined at the clandestine weddiug, and it is thought wiil take legal steps to havo the contract annulled. DICKSON COLLEGE ANNUAL. Coromancsmcnt Exirclaei Now in Fro nrM Governor Fattlaon Spaks. Carlisle, Pa., June 3. The one huudred nnd eleventh annual com mencement of Dickson college began last eveuiug with tho junior oratori cal contest for tho ITersou prizes. Today President George E. Reed, delivered the bacca laureate sermon before the graduating class, numbering thirty-one. Ho wiis follow. -a by Governor Pattisou iu un address. Tbe addresses this ovening were de livered by Edwin L. Eurp and Bishop Cyrus Foss before the college Young Mens' Christian association, OUR FRIENDS ACROSS THE SEA. The cabinet of Uruguay is on the point of dissolution. Tho latest gossip sots the dissolution of parliament tor August. The annual English military tourney Is rousing great enthusiasm in London. Red-bndged students paraded tho streets at Palermo, shouting demands for the re lease of the Socialist Deputy do Felloe. Spain has forbidden tho admission of (ionium goods iu to tbo country by means of certificatesof orlgiu from other nations. Large contributions from America and Australia will enable the McCartbyltes to remain continuously iu the lliltish pni lia -moot. Because of the death of Mattdor Espar tero in a bull tight, Spanish Carlists and Republicans will be demand that the gov ernment stop bull fighting. With private ceremonies, Prince Adol bert, the third son of Empercr William, nd not yet 10, was admitted to the First Dragoon guards at Potsdam. TIE TINKERS ARMGITATED Prospects That the Tariff Measure Will Be Killed by Democrats. FEATURES THAT MHY PROVE FATAL The End of the Tariff Debate is Not in Sight Republican Leaders In sist That the Sugar Investigation Be Completed Before a Vote is Taken. Populists, Republicans and Dissat isfied Democrats May Form a Ma jority Against the Wilson Document. Washington, D. C , Juno 3. TWO months of tariff debate have passed in tho senate an 1 the end is not yet within Bight. Re publican senators stated ten days ago that the close of the present wool; would find the sugar suhodnl still undisposed of. Tbe course of events in connection with the facts elicited by the trust investigation of the special committee as far as that investigation has proceeded, and the fnoU wniuh it is expected would be developed in the lutrtier sossious of that coiumitto vnka it possible that this may bo verified. Some of the leaders on tho It .public m side insist thut tbo voto cannot with decency be taken on tho sujj'ar schedule until tbe investigation into the allegations of improper influ ence being used to secure tue adoption of that scnodulo havo boon disposed of. Several of the Populist senators, and also Mr. 3-1 ill. are on record as favoring this view. Their forces, added to the nnited R publican strength will form a phalanx dangerously near a urn jority, provided there should be one or two Democratic absentees on the critical roll call, and it id hinted there may be These same forots the solid Republi can voto und tho Populists, or the most of them it is expected will rally to the support of Mr. Mandiirsou's pro posed amendment to retain the bounty on domestic PUgitr instead of laying an iucrcased tax on the imported product. LOUISIANA THE BALANCE OF POWER Tne suggestion is made that the vole on this amendment may bo so close that the onus of defeating it will tie thrown on the two Louisiana senators whose state is tho chief benuliuiary ot tho bounty. Tho tactics pursued by the Rjpu'uli cans last wook were successful iu drawing ont a numbor of Democratic senators, and, it is understood, the sime policy will be continued this week with the hope that Democrats will be compelled to participate in the debate. If Mr. Mnnderson's amendment for a bountv should be voted down in committee of the whole, it is quite likely that the sugur sohedule oi the committee will bo adopted pro forma in committee the Republicans of course, reserving their rights for a yoa end nay vote when the bill comes iu tho open somite. Evon should tbo vote be taken on a motion to put sugar on the free list, it is understood the Re publicans, at present, would not per mit the proposition to get tho full strength of tho vote that could bo given if it need be. democracy's dates. Juno 15, at which dato Democrats have said the bill would paBB, is not very distant, but there seams little chunco of a iiual vote by that time. It can be BaiJ wiiu absolute certainty that the sugar schedule will not be dropped until tne Rjpublicans have an opportunity to discuss tho 'testimony taken by the investigating committee. There is another matter that will tend to prolong this debate about which nothing bus hitherto been said, but which will probably come to the front very soon. An amendment to tho bill has been prepared and will bs intro duced, probably this week, which pro vides for tho repeal of the 10 per 0"nt. state bank tax. It ia argued that such nn amendment would be unite us per tinent to a tariff bill as tho iucome tnx sections, especially us the ropeal of tiiis tux was one ot the Democratic plat form pledges. The sub eommittee of the finance committee has beon looking over the situation lately and will ehortly bring in a number of additional amendments. Among these is one putting n specific duty on iuiported litbographio works satisfactory to both the American lith ographer und the importer as agreed upon by u delegation that appeared be fore the committee. Another important matter is the pro posed ehunge which tho committee has in view of going back to tbo hone pro vision fixing the duty on imported tobacco aud cigars. GASOLINE ACCIOENT. A Workman at Lancaster Liturally Bathod in Firo. Lancaster, P.i,, Jim 8. A serious uccident occurred today at the City Pumping station, where a new main was beiug laid. Charles Cannon was operating a gasoline machine several feet below tbo surface melting the joints of a pipe, when the hoso burst aud a blueing fluid was thrown over him. Lie scrambled to the surfuce, covered with II rnn s. ran to a near stream and rolled himself in tho water. Ho suc- cei'dud iu extinguishing the fire. He was very badly btiruod about the body, but it is believed his injuries will not result seriously. DEATH OF DR. PriSSAVANT. The Distinguished Fhyslclan Expires from the Effects of a Severs Cold. Pittsburg, Pa,, June 8. Dr. W. A lVsavant died tonight at his home on Centre avenue, Ten days ago he con traded a severe cold. Death was caused by a complication of troubles arising from this cause. Dr.Passavaut was 78 years of age and one of the best known and most promi nent men in tbe United States, lie was the tonnder of hospitals in Chicago, Mil waukee, Jacksonville, Illinois, the Pittsburg Infirmary as well as a num ber of orphans' homes and a-iyluins in various parts of the country. He was also the founder of Tbiel college, Penn sylvania, nnd was engaged in OHrenia. lng and preparing for the support o the Lutheran Theological Beuiiunry ol Chicago. Tbo etrvices will le held Wednts lay. WcALERS FORCED TO WUK Angry Industrials Kioktd Off a Southern rne flo Train. San Francisco. Ju io 3. A south bound freight truiu on tho Southern l'acifio was captured below the town of 1'ixley, Ttilnro oounty, Inst nignt, by 175 industrials, who stopped tlo train by placing obstructions on thi track. The Pixley authorities Wfrc notified and early this morning arrive' They forced tho industrials to leaVi the train. Tho men curst d tho offlc rs end declared they would yot ride ou of the country. SHOT IHM ..T A STAKE. A Oeoi-Rla negro Baffin tha Fata 1 1 Many Oono Baforo. Dublin, Go., June 3. About tin days ago a negro was caught iu thj room of Mr3. Cooney, lr miles from her?, ihe lady wo!;e up Wl the negru jumped out of the window and ran. He wus arrested and put in jail here. Lust night a mob uuiered in - jiii, took the negro tnree miles from here, tied him to a stake aud shot him uboi.t times. Fizzlo of a Contemplated Communist Demonstration Excitement at Sofia A Great Rainfall. Paris, Juno 3 Tho proposed com munist demonstration in the Per. Laobaiae cemetery today t roved to bi another fizzl". The police precautions were as stringent ns on last Sunday. London, Juno 4. The Vienna cor respondent of the Daily Newssuy-: "Dr. Wekerle is master of the stina lion iu Hungary. All of tbegentli men uskod to join tho now cabinet have refused to svrve, Tho Liberal are also angry at the ( mperor's refusnl to create the neoossary magnates uti i have unanimously a3kad Dr. Wekerle to retain the Liberal leadership." t-'oFiA, Juno 3. Tho general excite ment among the people was somewhat quietel today by u full of rain. The s.reets are patrolled by soldiors. Prince Ferdinand appeared on tho balcony of the palaci at noon today am) wat iiourtily cueered. The doors of the public oftieas aro sealed. London, June 3 Jubilee sermons in connection wirh tho Young Men's Christiau association conference wero preached this morning and evening iu 1,400 churches in Loudon und its su burbs us well as all over England. TWO BOtfo DROWNED. Baihing in Conoa'oira Creek Thoy Vjn turfd Byon.l Thotr Dipth. LANOASTF.ii,PH.,Jaue 3. Tue s.tldest drowning accident of the jear occurred thi.i evening in tho Conostoga creek, at a point called Latuparter'l Meadow. James and Wiilio Stock, ngod 8 and ! yoars respectively, wore bathinii iu the I stream with it party of companions, when J.-.mes got beyond his depth, and being unable to swim was oarriek away by the current. His brave Httlo brothel attempted his res cue, but was unsuccessful, and he was drowned withiu a few feet of where James went down. Both bodies wore recovorod soon afterward. The hoys wore sons of Frederick Stock, a coachman for a wealthy family hero. DISASTROUS CONFLAGRATION. Fifcoen Bu dneo.i li..u acd Twenty Reaidercs Deatroyod. Ottumwa, Iowa, June 3. Fifteen business houses and twenty residences in this city were destroyed by fir to day. Five blocks uro a muss of black ened ruins. Dir. tho worst part of tho couiligr.ition was the death of a boy, tho fatal injury by Bmoko of one man, and the serious injury of three others. For four hours tho iiro raged fiercely and oven tonignt all danger has not passed on account of the smouldering embers, The loss is ostiinvtod at $335,' 000 and tho Insurance about one-Uiird. A spark Irom a locomotive is uuppojed to have started the bluZ '. HIGH CHIEF AND HIS FLAG. A Sow Io Exp cted Whgn the Banner Float. Toronto, Ont.. Jnne 8. Deputy Pro vincial High Chief Ringer Qalnn, of the Catholic Urdor of Forestors, mid a companion, have started for the St. Paul, Minn., convention, taking a Union jack which they will ineist upon displaying nt the convention. A row is expected. Q nun raised a rumpus over tho same il ig at Chicago Inst year. Fx Judire Broomall Dptd. PHILADELPHIA. Juno Kx -Judge Will iam li. Broomall, ot Delaware county, died here today at tho residence of his daughter. Judge Broomall never fully re covered from uu atta.k of pneumonia last winter and his advanced age also operated against his chances of recovery. WASHINGTON GOSSIP. A call is ipsned for a mooting of tho Negro NntionslJDeniocrailc leaguo at In diunapolis, beginning Tnesdnv, August II. Tho call is signed by 0. H. J. Taylor, presi dent, tho recently confirmed recorder nf deeds of the district cf Columbia, nnd H. O. C. Astwood, the rejected consul at Calais, chairman executive committee. Second Assistant Postmaster J. Lowory Bell lias tendered his resignation to tho presidout through tho post mister general to take effect at tho end of the year, June 30, in order to accept tho nosltion ot general traffic manager of theCeutral Railway Company of New Jersey, with headquarters at Now York. His resig nation was purely voluntarily. WEATHER FORECAST. Washington, June 3. Foncast for Monddn. For Eautern Penn sylvania, fair, probably slightly warmer, treat tjiiiwe. IPn ir.ii.f CLEAR ern iViinsidctni-yfaecofj fair, soutittest winds. FILEY'S Embroidered SALE. Four Great Specials 100 Dozen Ladies' Ini. t i a 1 Handkerchiefs, warranted all Linen and hand embroidared, 11 CENTS EACH 50 dozen Unlaundried Handkerchiefs, guar anteed hand embroid ered and every thread Linen. 19 CENTS EACH 100 dozen Sheer Linen, hem stitched, hand embroidered, initial, $2.85 PER DOZEN 60 dozen assorted.scal loped and hem stitched, embroidered Handker chiefs, reduced to 25 CENTS EACH These four lines are the greatest value ever shown in ' Handkerchiefs. 510 AND512 LACKAWANNA AVE (HE GOTO PERU RUBBE9 MOTS FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOS& CHAS. A. ECHIEREN & CO. '9 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak-tanned Leather Belting, H. A Kingsbury AQnra 513 Spruce St., Scranton. Pa. Lewis, Reilly & Davies a drive: In Russet Shoes. LEWIS, REILLY I DAVIES 114 Wyoming Avo. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. We Examine Ejes Free of charge If a doctor is needed yon are promptly told so. We also guarantee a perfect fit. All SILVERWARE and Damaged Good at Arcade Fire will be sold at SO Per Cent Below Cost The Jeweler, 408 Spruce Street, Handkerchief WA it I. . Ml