a THE SCE ANTON TKIBUNE-SATURDAY MORNING-," JUNE 2, 1891; Bcccham's pills are for biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, r.6atcd tongue, loss of appe Mtt, sallow skin, when caused 1 j' constipation ; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free; pills' 25c. At drugstores,or write B.F.Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. GORMAN'S The Month Weddings, of Kosca and The beginning of Summer. Tho month altogether love ly of the year. The lime of year when your money goes farthest and shows to the best advantage. Where shall wo go for the sum mer? What shall we buy for our dresses! How will we have them made, and Where shall we buy the goods.' r9Rir!'"SE are questions that al I ways come with the regular ' Ity of tan season. We have nlvaye answered these questions for yoa to your entire satisfaction. We have pleased your tastes, met iht'PjMOf your pocket books, and yon have keen the admired of your friends and the envy of your neighbors. Hood Will, Accommodation, In tegrity, and the Best and Cheap est of All (ioods are marked features of our store. lor sts. Trnvplinsj men say those Navy Blue and Black Serf;i BnitS ot ours at tlC.OO aro th" name M bring $12.50 in New York and I'oaton. They're a marvel, aiivwny. DUXMOUE. The honso of Michael Costello at Banks' SHI was entered by buri;lnr. botirssn Thursday midnight and yes terday nior.iltiic. EntranOS WBJ efTneted by li .acy ilnor wbioh had been Oaielrsslv laft open. The mauradem Bft:obd i li iiiotbing bunging in tli" oloeet !nt fo;iuu uo booty until Mr Cottelio'.l r.ons roiin was reached. 7ny snenred Iho young Bentlcraeri'rt tir.users and carried them to the porch where tbey rifled the pookets and de parted fiom the house iJiO richer. Ntltnoroa books, papers, pocket lenives, fto., wera left scattered around the ;ior. These together with burnt laatohca gave the family a clue that tilcvcs had been at work while thoy slant. The Yonng Ladies' Mission oirclo is fttra.:gi:ig for an entertainment to be fWsn in lho near future. The pro (,'mtnino will consist of Indian tab leanx, mostly bistorical, and others fn:n Indian legends and tales. Promi nent unions them will be scenes from Longfellow's great legend, "Hiawa tha," and fr im the much read tale oi Arcadia "Evangeline." Scenes from Indian camp life will also lie portrayed. The OUt of characters comprises a large r.umbr of people and with their his torically correct costuming, bright light and scenic effects, the entertain ment will be one of tho funniest over vtltnessed at this place. A detailed programme, date, etc.. will appear latr. Dr. Harvey, of Philadelphia, spent Memorial Day ut this place. Thomas Palmer and Elward Oiter hf.ut r'tured from n fishing trip yester day. Tho Bcene of this piscatorial pur suit was at Keysera pond in Wayne county and a goodly number of its finny inhabitants found a resting place in their baskets. Tho handsomest locomotive run in this section is No. 27 turned out of the Erie und Wyoming Valley paint Bhops last week. The council will raoet on Monday evening in the town ball, Mrs. W. T. Messenger has returned from the sunny south, where she spent the winter. Miss M. Jesaio Brvden has returned from Wilken-Hnrre, wln-re she was the guest of Miss Grace Y. Bates. Miss Jennie Sawyer is visiting at Clark Summit. MissE llie Kuehler, of Mauoh Chunk, is visiting Mrs. E. U. Kruuse. "The Face of Uoseufel'' it one of the most interesting aud artistic narratives of orime. mystcrv, occult, mental enwors, love, iutrij'ue and adventure that we have over read. Tuk TuinCNi: will print it in serial chapters, begin nine next Monday morning. M. J. Mt Hn.lp.of Olyphnnt.and James jormnn and liernuru widen, of (J.ir buiidale. attended the Young Mou's Institute social on Tnesduy evening. J U N E Made PITTSTON. The following (.(uurautma of class day cxercista were rendered yesterday afternoon by the scholars of the high school i Song, "On the Sea" School chorns AddreBS Erles Krosgo Declamation, "Death of Lord Chat ham" Thomas Kedding Essay, "As You Like It".... Christina Kutf Music, Instrumental uuet, Lillian Mattbewi and Edith Jones Recitation, "Archie Dean" Delle A. Moran Music, "Whistliujr Soug" Bohool chorus CIubs history, "Loiter From a High School Mouse" Mary A. Malonoy itecitatiou, "Nicholas Nickloby" Josephine Gilfeather Music, Instrumental trio, Mao McIouald. Messrs. Frank and James 'i'oiihill. Essay, "Develi pmout of Books" Mamie Nowcomb Declamation, "Heroes ol the Land of Penn" George O'Brien Music, Vocal duet, Sadie Morris and Grace Bennett Class Prophecy Carrie Siegfried Song, "We Bock Away" School chorus Farce, "Sniggles Family" Girls of first class Music Class song The rendition of the several members was very good and was greatly enjoyed oy all present. A similar programme wax rendered bv the scholars of the Welsh Hill school. "Tho Face of Kosenf 1" ia ons of the most interesting and artistic narrative? of crime mystery, occult mental powers, love, intrigue and adventure that we have over read. The TRIBUNE will print it in serial chapters, bHgin uing next Monday morning. The members of the Leek Cornet band will meet at their rooms at 7 :80 o'clock this morning in fall uniform to accompany Company II and Com pany C, Ninth regiment, who will par ticipate in the fnneral of the lata Cap tain F. P. Heap. Eight members of Company II will officiate as carriers, and there will be eight honorary pall bearers, of professional and baiinefS men, and a number of flower hearers. The remains of Michael Barrett, age 0 years, of Maltby, who was crushed to death by tho Cage descending upon him while at work in th Maltby shaft Wednesday, wore brought hare yester day and interred iu Market street cemetery. Dr. J. B. Mahan, who haa b:n the attending physic' in at the hospital during tlr.i par-t two monthl was suc ceeded yeeterdry by Dr. B. Bevan. During tho month just closed the fol lowing donations wore received: Mrp. linlcnby, l j.ir preserves, 1 dozen eggs; Miss L inra Caunon, 1 vase and flowers , Dr. BttUjamifl Ii van, flowers; Miss Winnie McNamsrn, flowers; Mis Martha ProeST, roll of old muslin; Unknown Friend, 8 shtrtl partly worn; Mrs. Dan Johnson, jars preserves; Miss Walsh, botted wine; Dersbimmer & Griffiu. load kindling Wood; Mrs. W. E. Drier, buaket apples 3 glasses jolly: Miss M. Grady, flowers; Mrs. Chae.Law, packages crackers, 15 glas;fcs jolly. I jirs preserves, 4 cans torn ito soup, 1 roll old muslin. 4 cans pe.is; F. A, Davis company, Philadelphia, 4 medi cal books; 0. P. & C. O. Shoe company. 5 books; Mrs A, Mel. DeWitt, fruit and flowers; Mrs. H. B. Cuttler, roil of old muslin; Misses Nina Bobinion, Lizzie Jones, Mary Miller, flowers; Mrs. C S. Crane, literature; William Ci. Simmons, load wood; Tbibcne Gazette, ltecord, Bepnblioan, Truth. John McG.uin a single yonng man ug id 23 years died very suddenly yes terday morning in the Butler shaft at Smithville. He was employed as a laborer and a few minutes after reach ing the foot of tho shaft he was suddenly seized with a weakness. Hop ing to overcome it he sat down to rest for a few minutes and suldetily expired. His body was removed to his homo iu Bamtown. As foretold iu THB Tiubunr soma six months ago, R :v. N. G. Parke, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, will celebrate tho fiftieth anniversary of his pastorat" tomorrow. At tne morn ing service Dr. P irke will preach his inuivorsarv sermon. In tho afternoon a popular meeting will be held in the church under tho diroction of the Pitts ton ministers. In the evening the two Presbyterian churches will meet iu Dr. rke's church, with representative. from the First Presbyterian chnrcli of BorantODi the church of L ingcliff the hurch ot Moosic and t ie church ot Taylor. today Kev, N. (t. Parka and wife will receive the Sabbath school cliil- lren in the chapel on Broad Btreat. Interest in the revival moetiugsb'- mg conducted liy J5lr. Moody and Ins associates continivs to increase uight ly. Every session, despit" inclement woa'.her, has been crowded witb worshippers. The way cows an allowed to roam at will through the borough destroy ing lawns, trees and shrubbery is n burning sham , and it can be truly said, lae greatest evil pro;er;y owners have to contend with. The evil is a the inoroshamotut when tho taxpayers ire forced to annually pay a salary o' f3.'i a month to a high constable, for what? M.rely to draw his breath. Qi insy troubled me for twenty vears. Since I started using Dr. Thomas' Ejlec trie Oil, have not had an attack. Tho oil cures sore throat at once. Mr. Lotta Con- aid, Stimdisb, Mien., Oct. -1, 'S3. ' HONESDALE. Another class of scholars, numbering eleven, has passed out of the Hone lido Graded school. Many scholars enter in at the lower grades, but the iiumb-r that pauses out with a iliplom is comparatively fow. A remarkahl leatureor tuis class was its number n; young men, one ot whom was salnta - tonan.tho other valedictorian honors quite often the lot of young ladies. Th exorcises wen ivldat the Opera hoose, which was cfitiipleteiy lillo i with in terested spectators. The stage wa handsomely decorated; tho clnsa motto. "Row, Not Dint, suspended from crossed bats had a promin nt plac over the heads of tho graduates. Al ter the invocation by Rev. C. A. Benjsmin, l'red O lmnnell d'.'livered tho saiutato rlan oration entitled, "A Man Without a Country," referring to Lonis Kos suth, brilliant, his sad ca reer. An of Bells," sleigh bell, t.sniy, "lho Linguagi liberty bell, school bell alarm bell, church bell wedding bell, funeral bell In fact all kind of bells, but belles, were men tionod in Miss Ella Hharpteen's essav who told of t heir various voices "The Dignity of Labor" was the oration by Joseph F. Spdlman, who toll of th hcaoties and ne.-.essities of labor in all ages. Miss Alice Croghiui gave an in teresliug account of the life und doings of Joan of Arc, her brilliant victories and final sad and untimely death on the witche's stake. "Ancient and Mod ern Festivals" was the subject of Thus E. Finnerty's oration. The differences between Greek und Roman festivals and their meaning nnp the great testi vale of '70 and '93 in the United States were brightly illustrated. Miss Alice Blokenntl essay "Sketching" traced the true lines of character build ing and dwelt noon the will power of man. "Tne Worth of Dead Man," by William L. ClarAf who brought the lasting qualities dismayed In great mill from Detnrs'hana to Franklin and 10 Lincoln, was one ol bright orations of the eveniutt, Joseph Crandal read a paper on "Bugs," which was exceedingly interesting, showing evidence of his own work and study, Harry C. Marcy, ou "Doubts" brought forth the development of knowledge from its origin in "Donbi." Miss Grace Wilder'a esay, "My Predica ment," reviewed tho preceding papers in a humorous line, canting much laughter Charles T. McEennu closed the programe with an oration ou tho "Career of Napoleon." Charles was greeted with prolonged applause, fro leBRor Twltmyh presented tho diplomas and Rev. Benjumtn gave the bunedic- ion. The Face of Roienfel" ii one of the most interesting und artistic, narratives of crime, mystery, occult m ntal powers love, lutrigne and adventure that we have ever read. TBH TBIOUNB will print it in serial chapters, begin ning next Monday morning, Alb'Tt Coiin-lly is home from the University of Pennsylvania. Muh llencii l,-ivi s for her home in southern Pennsylvania Siturday Mips Bell let! for her home m Illi nois Frl lay. (1. 11 Wl'itrier, P. H. Brown, Ben imln Fitch, W. M. Gardner and B V. Ham presented Tri -State Bote oom- piny, lJort ,)e:v!s,with an onyx mantel lock irom Protection Eogine company, No. 3, of Iloin Hdule.at I'ort Jervis Fri- lay evening, CAitiiOXDALE. On Tuesday evening of n"xt week the Baptist Christian Endeavor society will gfvoaeocial to the chapel of the tabernacle. An invitation will bj ex tended to tin- Pr-'Stiyterian society of fds city and the Endeavor society of It rinyu. The social is called a crayon soci.il and undoubtedly will be aome- Uung novel. William II. Breee? is sick at his home oa Lincoln avenne. Mrs. W. J. Mesie, of Forest City. called on Caroondalo frlonds vestorday. Ti:o momberaof the dilf-rent Sab bath schools are now busy preparing r ohildrana' dav, The Faoe of Boieflfel" is one of the most interesting and artistic narratives of crime, mystery, occult mental powers, love, intrigue and adventure that we have over read. Tut; TBISDtiE will print it in serial chapters, begin ning next Monday morning. At the meeting bel l by the members of tho Lyceum Opira eotnpany on Thursday evening it was dec! led to re pent the op-ra "Pirates of Penzance." which was ncently givon with success in this place, on Wednesday evening, June 20, .and perform the onera at Pitt-ton on June ',"3. Itev. W. M. lliller, of Tnnkhannock, visiting relatives in this city. Intelligence has been received to the elf 'Ct that tile party conwiating of John Simpson, of this city; El. Jermvn tnd Frederick Godfrey, ot Scranton, baa arrived safely in England. .irs. Joan hau-r, ot Wilk": -Llarro, in visiting Carbondale relatives. lames M. Stewart, of Garlicld ave- nne, died last evening nt 0 o clock, of heart disease. He is survived by two sous, Walter, of this place, and George, of Lme8boro. Deceased is a member f the Olive Leaf lolgo of Odd Fellows md William H. Davis post, (inuid Army of the Republic. Mr. Stewart was a member of Schooley's battery. in which he served in the rebellion. J, M. Alexander is now the otily one maining f the squad that loft this city. T:io timo for tne funeral has not been definitely settled, but probably Will occur Sunday. JKRMYN. Tomorrow tho Kev. Mr. Howell will preach his first sermon as rec;or of St, James' Episcopal church. the commoiiceineiit. xorcises in tin graded school will take place Tuesday. (.. L. Ball was a Scranton visitor yes terday. 31. L. Miller, of Montdale; W. C Day, of Philadelphia, and G. W. Cramer, ol lonikuisville, called ou friends here yestorday. "The Fi.ce ol Hosenfel" is one of th most Interesting and artistic narralivi s of crini", myatsrv, occult mental powers, love, intrigue ami advent ur tiiat we have over read, illi: IB1DUNE will print it in serial chapters, begin nlog next Monday morning. Mrs. J. 1). Sti cker is sermuiilv ill. A serious accident occurred yenler- U 9 kiJV. Business Man's Experience - of KheumatiBm. n V.V'.' 7 r 4 fflStHBtoft i . iy, '.w . . i Air. r. if, feme, K woU known business nnu Iu Pittsburgh, Pa., b rib s the latter ::ivon below. Mr. Itatui is gen , ?. agent for the Alulae gnuilla quarries and ooutraotor foreenetorynnd bull ling work, hav ing an ofileo at No, "n Penn A enuo. "0. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, MaSS.I "Gentlemen We linvoa very Itlgii ophilon ef both Hood's BarsaparllU ami Mocd's puis at i air house anil w ith good reason. 1 have taken id moit every rsoedy kuown for rbounaUsn, and feel luittfled In saying that Hood's Bariaparllli Is the only one that dees ne any good, I must admit I have not taken It steadily, hut onl) when ie pains of rlicuniati: in (0BM on. Rood'i SarsapBrllln bai Always Civon Me Rc'lcf, and like nmny Others, as soon lis I am well 1 never think of BMKllOlne Bgaln until tlio MSt at- HOO Sarsa tack. Wo are never without Rcod'l SarSfipa rilla anil Hoed's PUIS la our bOUJO, anil bave Noosunended both to ilojcns of frlcmR When Miy of my family are taken sick, no matter with what disease, the first thing wo do kj to give A Dose of Hood's Pills and follow It up vvltli Hood's SarsapariUa. might Writ! several panes In praise of this ex fcllent medicine, hut think I have said enough to convince." T. W. lUrs, Pittsburgh, Pa. Hood's Pills are prompt and ofllclcut, JOl easy In action. Bold by all druggists. 2Se. i .'ji.-m j 1 BBP9. k'-f-y k pariKa CURES lay mornlno nt tie air shaft of i; iMIanle Co.l i 1 1 Iron company's v arks' iir.ir tho Mavli Id line. A nam- btr of iniuiT:! were preparing to de eend the ladder when a spark dropped from the lamp of one into a keg ol powder carried by one or tho others. The explosion which followed sorionsly burned Michael Roberts, El win SM- sar, James Thompson, illlam J. Jones, Anlhonv Lrous and Thomas Casey. Doctors Manley, Davis. Graves and Shields Wore nnivkly at the scene of the accident, and everything possi nle is being dou" to r.lievo the pain of tho sufferers Casov came here from Carbondale a few weeks ago. To others are all well known residents. Jones and Cssev are the most seriously burned, the others not being consid ered dangerous. FOHEST CITY. Dr, F. L. Grander was professionally engaged In the Carbondale Emergency Hospital yostorlav. Forest City sidewalks nri beiug greatly Improved this year. Anumbsr of energetic oitizsna have replaoed their wooden w.uks Willi good substantial itouea. Alisons have been busily at work for the past few days laying stone walks in front of the postoffice. Dr. Taylor's drug store and H irtung & Well brook's llqnor store. iuu I'loAll 'ii has retnrnod from an zteoded visit with Borauton friends. 11. D. Mitchell, the hustling mor- cliant (rom Vanliing, was doing busi- ss in Scranton yeiterday. R-v. J. C BoBan and A C. Ptirnle. of Forest City, ure delegates to the state oonvention of urobibitionisti to be hehl In Wllllomiport next Wednos- lay. it v, ifogan was also el a:ted one of the three congressional and senator ial couferene Mrs. Bciij min Mox v. of this nlace. aud Mr. William Mazey, of South Gibson, who bus been visituiL' here this week, aro visitinir in S -rautonfor afw days. Howard Johna paid a business visit to Carbon dale yesterday. J. O. Howard visited friends in Bcrantoo on Friday, A. (i. LUie.the popular confectioner saw that part of the terrestrial creation known as tho PI neer City, Antbraoite City and, also, Carbondale. itev. u. I, Lippcii3, who has sd ac ptably fiiid the oaatorata of the Firt Baptist church in this place for a period ol over two years, has tendered bis resiunalion as partor of the same, to take elf.'ct July 1, Mr. Lanoeu's many friends here will learn with re gret of this change. It is not known at what place be will become p istor. ut. v. uwyer. ot Carboiiu ilc. was seen on Forest city's midway pUisance yesterday afternoon, Professor John H. Raoe who so successfully filled the professorship iu tne atp ntuieiit or rhetoric nt Wyom ing m-miiiary, and who has been detailed as a special agent of the semi centennial fund, in the interest of that institution, will preach from the pulpit of the M. E. church, Sunday evening. Prolessor Race raised 163,424 3U iu aid of tho seminary J'unu. Forest Citv News. "The Face of Rosenfel" is one of the most interesting and urtistic narratives of crime, mystery, occult mental powers, love, intrigue and adventure that We have ever read. THB TRIBUNE will print it iu serial chapters, begin ning next Monday morning. The eonl trallis on tho Ji ffersou branch is very brisk tnese days. There will bo no services in the Mothodist Episcopal chut oh Sunday morning, the pastor, Rev. J. C. Hogan, being absent. G. A. Patterson, of Carbondale, was looking alter his trade iuterests iu this place yesterday. A well attended ice cream social was held by the Ladies' Aid society of the Methodist Espiscopal ohurch last even ing in the paraonaga ball. Miss Lizzie Hoar, who recently passed the teacher's examination held m this place, will start a Bi-lcct school at her home on Conterstroet next Mon day. MIXOOKA. Frank Kelly, of Main street, baa been idle for tho p st month with an attack of rheumatism. l.sterday being the lest day of school, the ohildren of No. 1, of Green wood, were treated to a picnic by the ti ncher. The Symphony orchrntra, under the leadership of M. Philbln, will hold their sociah at Fasnhold's hali lor the remainder of the saHon. iho loungMeiiH lonrist club, of fhis place, of which M. F. Judge if. president, will journey to Harvey's lake in the near future. There is to be a championship game ofqnlta nest Monday evening on the Corner, between Anthony Burke and John Plilblin vs. joseph Lydou aud John Flynn, for 93 a side. Mr. Mnnsy, of the Oonnell Coal com nany, and a party of gentlemen from Scantou visile. 1 tins place yesterday with a view to Investigating the cave and its surroundings in widen Mirtin Coyne's chil l was drowned list sum m or, There nre prospects for brighter t in s in tneconi-nes an n d this place for the coming months. The Tonng M 'ii's institute, No. 18-1 of ibis place, i i rg-tnlzlng a dramatic company among its members, They intend to play a piece entitled "Anion: th.- Breaker..." The Qreeiiwpod Reg fund will pic nic at the Ml nook a grove July 'Si PECKVILLE. Mrs. II Sayrea relurnod vesterdaj after Visiting for a few dnys will, fib nds at Wilkes-B irro, Mr. and Mrs. William Dlkemnti started house kteplnxin the new house recently built by John English ou Hie kory street. Jtrs. George Cool and daughter. Myr tie, wan visiting with relatives at Car l ondalo last Wednesday. John GMiiedal is suffering from I sprained hack. "The Pate o' Resents," is one of the most interesting and artistic uarrative.; of orim.", mystery, occult mental powers, love, intrigue und adventure I hat We have ever rend. TlIR T RIB OWE will print it i:i serial chapters, begin ning ii' xi Monday morning, Mrs. William Kesiill, of Hickory street is ill. A. Kiuback, jr., has movod Into his new house adjoing hU furniture store across the river. Mrs. E. E Williams, of Depot street, is very sick with a severe attack of erysipelns. iVTii'rt 0 iby was sloe, we pavn hor Ointorta. When she was a Child, silo cried for Cantorla, When Rlie heeamo Miss, sho clung to Castorls When oho had Children, she gave them Custody What is Eczema? It is an agony of agonies. A torture of tortures. It is an itching and burning of the skin almost beyond endurance. It is thousands of pin-headed ves icles filled with an acrid fluid, ever forming, ever bursting, ever flowing upon the raw excoriated skin. No part of the human skin is exempt. It tortures, disfigures and humil iates more than all other skin diseases combined. Tender babies are among its most numerous victims. They are often born with it. Sleep and rest are out of the question. Most remedies and the best phy sicians generally fail, even to relieve. If CUTICURA did no more than cure Eczema, it would be entitled to the gratitude of mankind. It not only cures but A single application is often suffi cient to afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy cure. Cuticura works wonders because it is the most wonderful skin cure of modern times. Rni.i thrangbont tho world. Price, CimcuaA, 80c; Bo.vi'. llSci KSBOLVMT, $1, t'OTTCE UBOSJ mi Cue Corp., nolo 1'rops., bimiou. "All about the Hkln uiul Blood " w illed I'm:. CLARK'S GREEN. W S. Fence, T. S. Porker end Bvron Lambcl ore have tl:oa a fbhing exenr- ion to Bomo private pond in Wayne county, not far distant from Like Henry. Tho Methodist Episcopal church has had the weather van replaced and pres ents a little more finished appearance. 1 hero seems to be nothing but rain to speak of hero at the present time and even that topic is beginning to be n littlo stale. It is doing serious damage to farmers. "The Face of Rosenfel" is onn of the most interesting and artistic narratives of crime, mystery, occnlt menial powers. 1 ivj, intrigue and advent urs that wo bave over read. The Tribune will print it in serial chapters, begin ning next Monday morning. Harry Austin has accepted apostion in the telegraph office in Montclnlr, N. J., and loft hereon Tuesday last, a. m , for destination. J. A. Wilson has had serious re lapse, but is now somewhat recovered. O. R. Pease is reported as having malarial feV'T. Edith Decker, of Honesdale, is visit Ing friends hero. Eoworth le;igui held a special roll call and elected delegates to district convention to be held at Wilkes-Barre June 0 and 6 Uuckleu'a Arnica. Salvo. The best salvo in the world for Cut Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Kheuni, Fever Sores, Tetter, (. happed Hands, Chilblains, Corns mid all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It ii-gunrsuteed to givo perfect tutistactioa or uiouey refunded. IJrice 25 cents per box. l'or ude by Matthews Bros. HALLSTEAD. Mr. George Dewey, of Hinghamton, is visiting her sister, Mrs. George L imb, of this place. Ex-Secretary Curry and family, of the Railroad Young Men's Christian auiociation of this place, left here last night on train 11 for Pitlston, where rhey will reside in the future. "The Face of Bos nfel" ia ono "of tie most Interesting and artistic nsrrativ s of crime, mystery, occult mental powers, love, intrigue und adventure that wo have over read. Tun TBIBUNE will print it In serial chapters, begin ning next Monday morning, Colonel Wood, of Washington, D. C, is in town for tho summer. James F. Dubois and family, o Washington, U. C. arrived here this evening to spad the summer. The funeral of Siratijl Brown, wbo died Thursday, will be bold at the church at 2 o'clock. V ;i ill t !! mmu.lmiH for For President : NEWT T WITTY, ot Ueorgia. For Vice President: O ROVER CLEVELAND, of New Ymk. Xcw York Sun. An Explanation. 'Why do you sleep instead of work?" I nsked the tramp, he seamed so healthy. He answered With a pleasant smirk, "Rec.iUfO 1 niters dreams I'm wealthy." Htirptr'l liazar. The GENUINE New naven "Mathushei" Pianos ESTABLISHED 1SC0. New York Warerooms No. SO Fifth Avenue. ; E. C. BICKER & CO., Sole dealers in this section. OFFICK-121 Adams Avo., Toleiihono BTd'c Atlantic Refining Co. Manufacturers and Dealers ill Illuminating and Lubricating Linsnod Oil, Nnpthas and Gaso lines of nil grades. Axle Greaso, Pinion Greaso and Colliory Com pound ; also, a largo line of Par raftine Wnx Candle Wo nlso haudlothe Famous CROWd ACME OIL, the only family safety burning oil in the market. WILLIAM MASON, Managar. Office: Coal Exchange, Wyomlu Av Works at l'iuu brook. OILS mienNiniKHHiam 400-402 LACKAWANNA AVE. s THIS WEEK ONLY. o: 500 DOZEN Ladies' KM Gloves LU I 5 and 7 Hooks, WORTH $1.00 P3RPAXR. 111 J (0 SALE Remember, The Fair THE LEADERS IN LOW PRICES. nillH9ll!!issitimii!Silllllll!!W Wholesalers and Largest Retailers of from China and Japan. X aiPJ LOWEST PRICES. One entire room devoted to Oriental and Domestic Rugs and Art Squares. s- Carpeti To.'rtor-acnrKO, whnt'nn dollar? George An exclusivo bubble very easily Teacher Wrens. Cbarlef, wbat'r. adoDarf Charles A Porous Plaster to heal all wonuda Tcachor No! Richard, what's a dollar? Klchard A tiny thing which somo pcoplo tiriiiB so closo to tholr eyes that it obmnircs nil heav-in and hell. Teacher-Not quito; William, what's a dol lar? William-God I Teacher Harold, Vhnt'n a dollar? Harold It's ono hundred cents, locanno I lii'ard my mother fay sho always got one hun dred cents' worth for ovory dollar's worth pi' buys at the Eeonon7 Farnltnra Co.'. Wyoming avenue, and that Is why my big sister got married and got hor hous far lurnishod comib teat tho Economy on tholr Liberal Crodlt System. Teacher Correct ; ro to t ho had. You aro smart enough to got marrlod nt once. 'lh fcaatiomy Vnrnltnrs Company is a blessing to all. Tholr liberality knows no bounds. f5Wlth purchases or over yon get an Onyx Finished Clock, and with ;." or ovor a 100-ploco Dinner Sot. ALE IB) H H I n 7J 0 o- Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Lace Curtains and Upholstery Goods. CsilAWIt all LOWEST PRICES. -o s We make a specialty of Window Shades, Awnings and Draperies s $- 1C rTJT TO 408 and 408 n if ca MM a AVM.1P.