( I TIIE SCI? ANTON TRIBUTE-SATURDAY MORNING; JUNE 2, 1894.' GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES Yesterday witnessed the first day ot the lone, term contract reMntlv en tered into between the Lebirfh Vnlley Railroad company and Uoxo Bros., & Co.. owners t the Delaware. Susque hanna and Bonnylkill railroad, Tlr.s contruct, it will be remembered, pro vides that the latter shall have tho use of the former's traciis from D connec tion with the Delaware, Susquehanna nnd Sehulkill to tidewater, for tho pbipment of antbrurita coal. Coxa j3ros., & Co. provide their own equip ment and motive power and train crews, but are BObjsol to Lehigh Val ley general orders us to riuiuinjr. of the trains. Evidently a hitch t-.ns arisen in tlie proposed plan of Reading reorgaoiia tion, if this statement by an Olcott omtnitteemaQ is to bo relied upon; Thtra is no prospect of an Immediate reorganization. W hay advanced money to the Reading receivers and will adranoa more ns it ia needed to (;aro for the lbaling debt. The times nre not favorable to raising money by nsseBsinenta or by guarantee syndi cates, uud for that reason reorganiza tion plans are tint to bo delayed, it is fair to junior stcurlty hold-t-vstodo tbip. The Philadelphia talk of a syndicate furnishing $20,000,000 is rnbuish. All Interests nave talked over the situation, and when the time comes for a reorgantcntiom plan one will bo announced. So far nothing '.ins teen agreed upon ia detail. I think the Philadelphia story of no as sessment and a ipeedy plan was a stock ,i ibbitig story, for it certainly had no foundation In fact, as far as a voting trust, the StlO.OOO.OtW syndic ite and no BBsessment w.ro oonoerned, at least." The Lehigh nnd Wllkes-B irre Cal rompanv has decided to reopen the old No. 1 Honey Drook mine. Contractors will start work with lilt) men, and will increase tlie forco Bl the work pro gresses. At Beaver MtUtdoWS Vuu w.ekle bus decided to strip the vein at Cokraine colliery. The Dclswatf) Sua qnebanna andtJonnylklllRillroad com psny is preparing to double tho capa ulty ot its yards, and arrangements are being made whereby 1 10 company will be enabled tost ma: its oal daring the doll lessoa Tutafi yards will, Miifluid, have astoriice capacity of 160,000 tons. Lare contracts areia Awarded by tho coal operators recontly: To N. J. Cuyle & Co., by Coxa Bros & Co-, cootraoti lor stripping 2-"i0,l)0 cutno yiirds of sur i.ice irom the 50foot coal v-in at lack ey X". 1, The name company awarded U P, King & Ca, ihe contract fur cc ivatiog 900,000 cubic yards ot sur fi.es overlying the vein at old Iliclt Mountain. Tho colliery was aban doned forty years ago. At Honey Broo;: the Le'jigh & WilkrB'Barre awarded to Crawford & Dagan the contract of nnooToring the old Buil Bun mine, Wilkea-Barre Record, A Lebanon dispatch says: It is probable that a share of tho Cornwall ire banks is worth more than a share of any other institution in the country, ns was dununstruteil a few days ago. Tho agreement between the Pennsyl vania company for insurances on lives and granting annntlea, of Philadel phia, and H, T. Kendall, assignee of R bert H, Coleman, and tho Lacka wanna Iron and Sii-el company, of rierantou. was confirmed by tho court Theu l en slinres of the niuoty six shares in the famous Cornwall ore banks, which wro soi l ly Mr. Coleman, were rnto I at flii.j.UOO a hare; or jfl.350,0OO for the ten. Fivo and tivf-igUtos slurbs of tho batiks were named in anoth-r lot, and eacti nhare w3 put at 'A) 000, making :;?j!),!17d for them. Tlie two Colebrook luruaces, including dwellings nnd ninety six acres of land, and personal property, was designated 300,000 Two Cornwall anthracite furnaces, tono menta nd 450 acres of land, $100,000; aljo 8,000 snares. of the Cornwall and Lebanon Railroad company, nt ftJl 7.) per share, 819,28S SO, making tho total purchase money $3,060,876. The real "state is subject to mortirntea as fol lows: One for $1,000,000, one for STiOO.OOO, on for $160,000, one for $62, 600; total, $8,818,600. Deedl of conveyance nro to be pre pared for execution within thirty days. The Lackawana Iron company assumes all mortgagee and pays the principal and interest. Tho iijrroen.nnt is signed by H. N. Paul, president of thn com pany; Henry T. Kendal, assigneo of K. H. Coleman, nnd Walter Scranton, president of Lackawanna iron and Steel company, Judge Meily has con firmed. tho salt. Charles Law. of Pitlstnn, writes to th Nuw York Tribune that the co.il famine in the osst could in some ruean ure ba mitigated by t!ie ltrge consu mera mixing two tons of anthracite coal with one ton of bltuminoot coal, and burning the mixed fncl, and it will need no change in the grates. In fact, the mixture up to 75 p-r cent, of bit nmiuous will give much better results than either burned separately. This lias been demonstrated by experiment, uud it has the further advantage ot having no smoke, as the hydrogen in the anthracite consumes the extra car bon that in bituminous passes off in the form of smoke. Any fi;iosizof anthracita will do, from fino back wheat up to chestnut sizes. The feature to railway earnings re ported the present weok is the Hurling ton statement for Apt il, and the feat ure to the latter is an extraordinary re duction in expensep, $010. 708 The de crease in gross was 1484,758, tho in oreuBO in net ijdlo.OoO As charges for tho month docreas.id !&!2.8S0 there was an increase, according t thj official bowing, of $188,887 in tho dividend surplus. Minor Industrial Notes: It costs the Jersey Central 1)7 cents to paint cacti ot its box cars. The railroads of the I'nitod States give employment, to oyv'ou men. TheTresckow coal wastmry will ro3umo operations on Monday next. The Delaware and Hudson has declared the regular quarterly dividend of per cent., pnynuio oune is William M. Thomas, inside foroman of the Stanton colliery, Wilkuj-JJurre, will go 10 nniesior mree ... .. Tho New York, Ontario and Western re ports for ten months net of fS8U,7ii!l and surplus, after chnrges, 1800,133, Five pumps at Upper Lehigh aro still CovereU witn water. WorK at tUo col liories, however, lias hen resumed. Coal business on the Erie is uncommonly brisk just now. On Monday over TOO cars of black ularuonaB passed turougn HUsriue hanna. The record of train accidents in the United States for Aprd sIhmvs that there were 104. of. which :t" were colli i ins, B derailments nnd 6 other nccidentu, in which 28 persons were killed and SS iu jured. A now stripping was hegiin last Tuesday at the Saudy Kun cros3ing, .lliguiuua, In lower LnSerne. It will fMlow the road for nearly BOO ynrdj nnd there will ho work for a large narfijBer of mou during tho summer. Heading ofilcials announco that a tem porary bridge across the Susquehanna, at Muncy, to replace the one partially de stroyed by tho Hood, will havo iioeu com pleted today. It will cost tho company at leest 8100,(100 to repair the old bridge. According to current rumor a big syndi cate rf Ootlmm capitalist, inellaling V. O. Whitney, D. . Mills, H.Q. tJcCalmont, Whiteiaw field nnd the Ravemeyers, are likely to make a hid for th.. Beading coal properties, uuilc-r tne name et tne na tional Coal conipauy. Isaac L. Uice is said to be in tho deal. Tho following directors of the Vulcan iron works were elected by the stockhold ers Wednesday: N. Hotter, M. W. Morris 1!. 1). Hillmnn, A. '. Davis, Charles Jlor- gon, K. II. Jones, I A. Stnnrns, Thomas U. Atberton. Charles P. Huut, Hichard Bbarpe, Daniel Edwards, The directors then elected E- H. Jones president nod general mannger, H. B. Hillmau secretary and Fred (i. Smith treasurer. J. A. Barrett, formerly general superin tendent of tin1 Krio system, cast of Sala mancoi and wia has seared the Brie com pany ns superintendent of the eastern di vision and superintendent of transporta tion, bos resigned the general snperinten deney of the liull'alo, BoOhBater and l'itt--burg read to accept an important posi tion upon an Ohio road. Mr. Barrett commenced his railroading career thirty three years ago ns a telegraph operator. "The Face of Riscnfol" is oid o f the most iuterestinu' and artistic narral ive of crime, mystery, occult mental poweis, love, iutrigue and ndvetitnre that wo have ovt r read. TH8 TutBl NB will print it it) serial chapters, begin ning uext Monday morning. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Stocks and Tioudi New York hino l, The rniiwny and miscellaneous .-.hares tdny was a waitmir one. In the early trading tho tendency of prices was downward. Sucar, Lmii-iVllle and Nashville and GKmeral Electno lost to l i.i, but the seneral list receded lesi than K per cent. This was succeeded by a period of dullness, but In the last hour Sugar moved up gradually to 10jjj against 8B3t early in the day. Chicago Qas rose to "DiJ nfter sellini; down to 7?;, mid left at 74'i. The BrmnesB of Bogar and (ias had a good i iTeet on tho railway list In tho late trading, lho lluctuat-.ons nt til board just now nre hardly worth serious consideration, a tho ciinnrea ar- simply the result of the operations of half a dozen or so room tinders. Hi" market hdt oil tolerably firm. Snlei were 110,185 aban The follou-inc eompioro table sn.-iwrnu the day a fluctuationa in active Btooaa is supplied and revised daily by La Bar & Fuller, stock hiulers, 131 Wyonuttg at eaao: Upon- Ilhtu- Low InSt. et. oet. Clot Fit. m wm letilt mi i:' 183 nay 2HU IjS B5 l.ti ti!a in 1H 'iU 07M m 15 S3M H Ii", 1MB. Am. Cot. Oil.. Am Supir. ... A.T.AVB. 9.., Can. Bo. ( Vn. X. J . SBM MM MM ,100 I01M WW, "1 in m 41114 in. 41!i 1( wi 4(11-4 mil C'ale A N. a, n.&Q Chir. (Jul1 a. o.o. nt. L.... mt ii" IDIM 1110 ajM I39j MM 18UM m IhiW seji tiTl,-. 4H I'ol., Ilock.Val. & T. I 1; 1 8 loot 1). Cj II u.. I,, t ; il. 0. F ,1()IM : p !l8l . MM ,117 rots tCrie . K. Co Lake Shore 19 'I A X 48U Manhattan Miss. Tar Nat. Lead 1 low 'Ik 07M i.ss.I Y. Ceil t:nl BM 07k ISM IS "h m N Y 0. A W lay I A Y.. S. A W O, B. C. Co North Pr.e 28K It Jerth Pae. tit' Omaha Pae. Mail lit ndinsr Ro k Inland rt.T IBM ii KM si, b8 s(2 i5y nS Mb B7i II m ITU 1 M m m 118 m us n 5BM m 16)2 1M . 1.. , 11 6KH 1TJ, sQ GU 16M M UK ttjg t. I'at'U T., C. A I ex-is .K- Fac Union Pacttte Wahasb p' Westorn (fni-in W. JkL.li W. A L. E. pf Ml Jl Chicago Grain and Provlslnut. f-'t nANTON, Juno 1. The following qnota dnsare SUOOllsd and -..rretil daily hy I.i- t; a A (taller, etook broaers,liil Wyomlan avt- liUu. WOBAT. nly. Pent. Dec Opening BASf tei mh Highest , U 67H tOU, Lowest MSjj tM f.'.Mj Ciouiiid 55)2 ias ru-4 CORN. npeninir :s R8M Highest B8J IBU I.OWCHt ". UMfifi ,,,, Closlcg tTKt is-"ii OATH. Opentai ."!lrj KU HiRbeot Mi 27 Loweet BIU (SU Olostna Biaj 'a POME. Openma 1185 1 1;7 Highest Ii." lh'7 Loweit 11M) JM CloHlitg 1183 I1M LABD. Opening i:;o 675 Highest 678 isi - .... Lowest 07U 575 .... Closing CTi 00 .... BHOBT KiltS. OnonlDg OS (,17 Highest 515 017 Lowest BDS 618 Cosing til J cl .... Scranton Wholaal Mark-t. Scramos, June 1. FRUIT ano Pm duck Drlea niiles per ponnd,6a7o.i ovap oratod apples, I lalsc. per pound) Turkish prunes, Saa-c; English Curranti, " .i'JJc; layer raisins, $1.75ar.80: muaoatolB, fi.oon 1.40 per box; new Valehclae, 7o7Jjc. per pound. Heans Marrow-fats. t.6CA?.79 per bushel; mediums, tl.75al.00, t'KArt wreeti, 1, 15al.SU per bnshslpipUi, IS.nUa2.6U: lentela,." tot, per ponud. 1'otatoks 7 1 tu Sic. per bushrtl. OKiostBr-Berinudas, r rates, js.i.ins.ss. UuTTKii 16& to is;-e. per lb. Chkksk lOalSc. Derib. Eoos Fresh. ISWa Ite POULTBY Ohicitena, dressed, 12 to 13c: turkeys, 18 to 13c. MSATs Eams, lie; small hams, lllc.; skinned ham."., lO". ; California bams, SMC: shnulderM.S'c. ;hellies, he.; smoUed breakfast Imeoti, lie. bUOKXTJ itEKK-Outsides, llJt'c; sots, 18We.j Insfdsaahd Knncklea, UJo. i'tuilt Mens at I15i short cut, $10. Fiiltl iLeaf In t:eres nt be.; Ill tnbn, (Kc; in lu-pound pails, '.)c: in 5-pound paila, 11;, c; B-pound jiail. lUs. per ponnd. I.i:ki' Choice supar cured, smoked beef, 14 c. l''j.otm Minnesota patent, per barrel. I4.sua4.i0; Ohio and Indiana ambtir, at I8,50 Uraham at t6U; rye Hour, at 18,00. BUUaWHSUT TLOUlt J2.7Uper cwt. Fkk;i .Mixed, per cwt., nt 15c. Giiain Itye, (e.j corn, 47to-li 45a.')')e. per bushel Bra Brruw-Per ton $'3ai5. Hay $16 to ti7. oats. New York Produce Mnrkat. New Yoiik. Juno 1. Flouii Dull, weak,. WHEAT Dullj lower with optlonn clos ing stronc. No. 2 rod. store avid eievntor, Mo.! afloat, MfcaMKc.; f. o. b,, ri7a67,1c. : nugraded red, Mnfaie. : No. 1 northern, 655(a65c.; options closed llrm at Jjii3ie. under yesterday) No. s, red, June, 5c.:Jnly, !7:.; Ansnsf. t'i Nep tember, !'J')ie. October ciijjc. ; December, Cork Dull, easier, steady: No. 2. 4S.:,-(;c. elevator, 42a4Sc.; afloat; options dull imd utr.dy at ni:. decline: June, SjSe, : .Inly, tSWo.) August, iBSjC.1 September, 44Mo, OATH--D11II, Urnier: optlfiPB iulet,;li mor; June, 40c; No. 2 ISWa No. a white, 44c; No. 2 Chicofro, 430.; No. 8, 410.; No.:i white, 43e. ; mixed western, 4Sa4:o c. ; white do . 43n57c ; White state, 43al7c IlKKK-Qoiet, sUndy.. Hekk Hams Dull. TlltllCKI) IlKKK (JUiot. Cut UXATB Dull) middles, nominal. LAnn-yuiet, wek; wtntern stc;ro, $7.10; city. Bla; June, 57.0.1: July, 7.('f.; reflru-d, tpilet; continent, 57.5'); South America, 7.80; compound, 54a0c I'oitK-tjulei, steady. mmi m mi Which is tho Condition People Should and Kay Be. BUT ALAS! MANY ARE NOT If You Are Not as You Could Wil h, It Will Pay You Well to Read the Valuable Truths That Follow. If yon nre pottiiiR thin yon aro sick, though you may not. know it. if you mo losing weight steadily, there is something wrong about jou that needs look! n t; to. If you have always b?on thin, it. dcesn't follow tlint you nro sick, but that yen might be healthier. Von might bo fnt.and plump, and strong and hearty. You cannot he strong if you're thin. Thinness isn't necessarily a tign of sick ness (uu!cas yen commence to get lliiu and keep getting thinner,) but it's a sign that you are in tinngor of being sick. It's a sign that If you do get sick it may be hard for yon to get well; that the leaat chill may cause a cold, the least cold become! some thing worse. A sign that out of a small ailment may come gout, rheumatism, din hetes, consumption; rickets or scrofula, and many other sad diseases, which might have been prevented by healthy fatness. Try then, to ho healthy and fat. It's not diflicult. If yon kuow how, tho trying is both easy nnd pleasant. In a few words, getting fat consists in eating pioper food, food that contains the proper nourishment, food that digests easily. Till a few years ago, doctors, ns well as ordinary people, had a great, many funny notions about the stomach, about how food was digested, nnd about what be came of it after it Was digested. No one knew any better, no ono had studied right. Not until pome eminent men gave the subject their special atten tion, did WB get any real knowledge. Most peoplt land many doctors) s till think that everything yon take Into j our mouth is digested in your s:omach. This is wrong. The only food that is directly digested in tho stomach are tho nlbomens,and these while important, nre, if anything, the least important of the foods we digest. To understand how to get fat, you must try to remember tho following explana tions: 1. The Starches; 2. The fsts; 8. Tho Albumens; 4. The Salts. The salts undergo no digestion at all so wo will not speak of tlu-in further. The starches ami fat of the body are sometimes called fuel foods, because they mpply our energy, our motive power. X,e burn them up in our daily life as the en gine burns coal. Oar fat is our re.-erve fuel. The starches, well digested, make us fat. The albumens nro used in our body for tho repair of worn out ti sne, of which a small portion goes to waste every day. The starches, then, form the fuel for our engine, the albumens repair the wear of the machinery. With a good engine we need mere luel than repair material. So unless you do haru labor, you need little albumen but always plenty of stare 1. Thin people often have better appetites than rat people, may even eat mure; bu: still they don'tget fat. What is tho ruu- soni 'J ho reason is generally bad digestion, ludigeation has of late years boon proved to be the cause ol a great proportion of all our diseases. Indigestion can bo cured without drug hy eating proper food properly. OUriilg indigestion means getting normal tat, You probably know what foods contain starch. If you want to get fat, these are thn food 10 eat. Il you want to know which of these to eat. consult your palate. Do you like .t I Does it agree with you I If no;, don't ent it. Tho old idea was', that to got fp.t yon must eat fat Fat meats, f::t oils, cod liver oil. This is wrong. starchy foods are generally more easily digested than oily foods hence me better for people who wish to get fat. If people aro to fat they ahould not ent starchy foods. All doctors admit this. Paakola is a staroby lood. its us will enable you to get fat, w hen nil tho starch and hit f.ituls ypu eat do not help you. The reason lor this is that it is already digested before you lake it. Paakola saves ri nr digestive organs from having to work. hen it reaches the in testines it is absorbed nt once. Wo snid that gelt ing fat contest- d in Bat ing proper food, food that wouid digest easily, Paakola is thnt food. Por a thin parson, tho certninty of net ting fat depends almost entirely upon Pas kola. Most people eat enough in their dally meals to become fat, but the fattening food is not digested. It merely pastes through tho system. Thin people nan see why it is they need a food that is already digested. The old doctors told their patients, if they suffered Irom dyspepsia, that drugs wauld cure them, that drugs would huip them to get fat. Even now many of them reccommend pepsin nnd cod liver oil Pepsin nou't digest starches or fats. It only digests ulbumuu (lean meat, white of eggs, cheese, etc.) Albumens are not fattening. If tliev don't agree' with you, don't eat to much of then. Then you won't need pepsin. Modern science has discovered that starchy lood is tho food for thin people. Paakola is 1 he outcome of the most modern discoveries of modern science. It is the best starch food. It In composed of the flneel Hours, artificially digested. Paakola Is pleasant to the tnsto. No cooking or other preparation is necesaarj It contains no drugs 01 medicine. It has simply been digested by being treated with the substances which, m a healty man, aie UBOO oy niunro to ingest starch-roods. Paakola is nothing but natural food. Consumption is wasting away nnd losing flesh. It is but one of the many diseases we suffer from. llnd digestion enn be. cured, tho con BumptlVB can gain flesh and strength, aed this will help the (le ctor euro the disease. The wny to do it ia for the consumptive to take I'nskola. Paakola will make any one fat; even a consumptive. Fatness, happiness nnd health, They nil go together. How seldom do wo seo a fat Unhappy person I On the other hnnd the unhappy thin peo ple; the dyspeptic, the consumptive, the uervons invalid. Why can they not be all fat ? They would look so different. They would feel so different. They could bo fat if they tried. Thoy could even bo well If they tried. The way to get well would be to got, fat: the way to get tat would bo to take I'as koln. Paakola is for sale by all reputable drue gists. A pamphlet giving full particulars re apectjng Paskola Will be snt on apnlioa- tlon to tbePre-DigClted Food Co., SO Kendo St.. New York City. Boron Mi derntely active, steady; state dairy, DinlOe.; do. creamery, I4at7u.i PannsrlTaoia do., I4al,7r.t western dairy, Ualgct do. creamery, 13a I'c: do. faotory, Salle.) elgins, 17c.; Imitation creamery, lllnlllXe. QDBS)SBV-VaiV demnnd, steady. runs Fair demand, fancy steady: state and Psnnsytvanla, I9al8c; 'wosterii fioth, ifali FblladelphU Uullow Uarkat. FRrXADItrUA, Jnnn 1. Talluw was dull nt former rates. Prices were: Primo city in hogsheads. :: prime country, in barrels, 4c. ; do. dark lu barrels, 4c; cukes 5c., grease, 4c. BICYCLE RAGES Spring AT THE Scranton JULY 4th 2,000 in Diamonds as Prizes. Special Prizes for inilo niatle in 2.10, 2.12 or 2. 15. Exhibition in Biding by the J. CANARY. Fniipy nnd Trick only DAN I Bxotiision rotes on all roads RsCK DRAIN TILE. FRONT, WIRE CUT. HOLLOW, VITRIFIED. FIRE AND COMMON R'l C K rv Best in tho market OFFICE: Einshamton. N.Y. FACTORS:: Brandt, P Another Advocate of Tins. RBKWOOD A WABDRtlai f;l NTI.K.MDN-II ftffonll prral ploMlirfl lo lit iitc tliut jur new prooAM of extrftellng trcth h uh it gruntl iqomm ic my OMM iiiut I heartily reoonitltBod It tc all. I ilnoerolj hope thnt others wJll test Its merits. Yours renprotfrt1Iy, GAPTs 8. Kb HRVANT, Scranton, Pa HenYcod li Wardell, DENTISTS. 316 Lackawanna Ave. Till en nnd aftor Mav 21 make a ermt roduo tloa in tlie pneoa of plates. All work 'iiar autcoi Bratclaaa in ovory Dartlcalar. MT. PLEASANT 0 AT RF1TAIU fn!or the beat quality f r domsatlfl nSBkBUd of all slBas, il. i.v.t 1 u auy part of iba city ntlf'wot prica OrdBM loft at rny frl,-e, .. 118, WYOHINn ATEKOR, Bear room, first floor, Thlr J National Unnk, r.i seal by mall or telobUonato the minu, will rceelvo prompt attention. Hpadal Bontraets will ba mr.dolor the sal) nuil deliver; 01 Backtbeat Ooal WM. T. SMITH. MOOSIC POWDER CO, SCHANTOX, I'A. MINING and BLASTING OW DER Uadaattha UOOSIC and BUSH DALE WOP.Ka. Lnfflin & Kand l'ovrdor Co.' ORANGE GUN P0WDE2 Elertrlc Ratterier, Fusoi for explor ing blat., Safety 1 'use atiJ RcpaunoChemical Co.'sHifr'n Explosive! DKUKR BH0R ('(.. lr :,p.( 0!i:tsl. 81.(100,0011. HEST sai.no shoi: If) VHR WORM), "A diUar SBSSd l a dcllcr ettrnrd." .. Thin Ladies' Soi i.i Freneh Dnacola Kid nut ton (lo'.lvrr.'d tr?n nnvwl'ro In .ho 1J.S., ua receipt ff wh, Money Or rlcr, or lstal Nolo for Bl..u. Kaasls svsry the hoots 111 all retail .lore, for 2.:0. Wo nirko this boot ourol?r.!t, IbSfSfOrO wo tju.'tf miu tbajlf, ttyU and irmv, tml If leiy one Is DOt iMIaflsd T'o will refund ihn money r 1000 aootaor pair, opera Ton Common M.-me. IthS (', 1 I!, k RM. BBS 1 to f? und luitf 'iw, Jiadyearatof . IM will Jit tOH, t, Ilhl'lndej V '.'.T"" Cta. .1---' ?iCC Dexter Shoe Co., an I ST., IIP STOW, tLkSB, Ml li ml MISSSS i i 'Mih v. itc,, lonty nrvd bj !Naio. tin. ttrvni lilniiao KotiU'ilv. With nrlUMgnarhMfviurcro. Sold by U.rriHKWH DUOS.! DratViallt, Km.utou.l'n. THE BEST? THE TRIBUNE DriYlng Pari Brandt Clay ProductCOi v m We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, ae what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE nuSE, FJTTSTOH. PA. Beer Brewery If ant) factrj ran of tbo Celebrate! PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, K r : 1 pa 5 1 j r B S Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Garde lens. !UKT & COUKSLL CO. DUPONT'S WIXINO, EI.ASTINO AND BrOKTINO Staantactarad at the WainraUoDan Milij, Lu struo rouiity V: nnd at Wil it : ,;t , Dt'luwaro. HENRY BE LIN, Jr Oononil At-ent for tho Wycmini: District, 118 Wyoming Ave.. Scranton Pa 1 bird National P.inl: builuiu AQIKOIBB, TITOS. FOKD. Plttstotl. Ta. John B SMITHS SON; Plymouth. Pa. E. W. MULUOAK, wilkeserre, Pa. Aconts for tbo nepaano Ohamloal Com lmny's llit'li BaploslTaa SCIENTIFIC MORSE SHOEING AMD THt: TBRA' MHSS Of 'MKNT Ul'' HOK8BB, l.AM E To thesn branches 1 devote especial nttcn Uon every afternoon. Offloeand forgnattho BLTJUE OARRIAQB WORKS. 1U DIX COURT, bOK ANT ON.PA DOCTOR JOHN HAMLIN Grniiu:it uf Itio American Veterinary lege, C1 Eureka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden S. end Adams Ava CoLiir House : .,'i'Aua. All kinds of Laundry work cmiranto" the best. 'I Ll 'T3 ,. rni..f,'ullyciirM I e1y, under minrnly, bkcl hy SWfS0d CaM, r il,v. proihn.! 109.PM t'ok. illujlittM (ru.ti ll''9fh.mp..tilrai!re.l,frc.'l.yroDU Whrp ll.itSnrinp uJ ailail SBli o.o S.'I.'.o'ic llcimedv Ml . raMmlrssit. conk iiKurai hi.. aka. m.g Ladlos Who VaJuo j A refined cnmplerionmuBt use Pozz-oni's Pow-j J dor. It producer; a soft and beautiful sltln. Robinson's Sons1 sni'jj:wr:THir j BUSINESS AND FUTBIVIAMB AM. BOKQKOMBL 1 )"v.u- KUOAK DliA.N has removed to 016 " S'lrtlco htriS't. Si r.-inton I n Clnet nn iMIiinre.) ll. A. (-ONNBIiL-Offloa ail Waahingtoa . -j . street, (ivui 1 rai c ... H drug store. Kusidouco. 52 Vino su avenuoL a,inr . S 4 ?'Sr1 'Ca' to 12 a. in. and 2 to 4 uud ! ' P- m. Sunday, 2 to a p. m. DH. W. E. Al.LKN. Oflico cor. Lack wanna imrt Waahtnoton lives.: over Loon aru ehoo store; ottico hours, 10 to 12 a. m. and In ? P' ! uvouiana at ISSSVIeiMa &12N. aaalsgtoo avo. C. D. KHEY. PluttM Mmtri t., rSm. saasa of tilt) Ev. B lir M in, .ml Th.,ii.- olllco, li Wyumiug uvu. Houidunco, ii VI119 street L.M. UATEH Washington Avenue, hour.i. I a.m., l.uuto li i vi n n.in. Koi'Kloni'o Resident f'll Mddtson i. mm IOI1N U WKNl'Z, M. U., Oltl.-oH end ! 'I ommonwealUi bafldiasn n-aidonco Tit Madison avo; otUoo Uours, 10 to 12, 2 to 1, 7 to t; rinndaye 2.80 to 4. ovoulnga at residouca A Specialty mndo ol dveaaes of tho oyo, tar, noaj nnd thront and Kynoooiogy, I.A V, Yr.KS. I M. C. HANCKX Law and Collection of I . tlco, No. 1)17 Bnruco pL, opposite Forest Houfo. Beranton, pa,; collections a specialty throughout PoniiKylvania; rollahle corrospouu I'litn in ovi ry county. IhtiSbi'Ses HAND, AttornoyH and Counsel il. lorn at Law, Commonu faith liultdiu Vtaehlnatoa avu. W, B. JlSBUP, IIonAcn B. IlANn, . W. H. JKS.UJP. Jh. W1LI.AKD WARREN Aj KNAPP, Attor iicynmd CouiiHi lorH at Law. Republican hiiilciinc, Wnshinvton avo.. Scranton, Pa. pAXTERtfOM & WHjUOXi AUornoya and J- (;onnsc-UorH at Law: olhoca U and b Lihrsrl LuildiDif. Burontoii, P RoswBLti n. William a. TATTIinSOB. Wilcox. A LI'TtHDHANU. WILLIAM. I. HAND, At fy torneyB and CounBollois, Commonvoaltb nildif!.:. liomuj 19, and ::1. f 9. BOYLE, Attorney-at-Law,No,10 and ' v .to, Burr building, Washington avenue HENRY M. HKELY Law olDcoa lu Price building;, UN Washington avonna IRANX T. tiKt-LL, Attoruoy nt W. Room " C"al 1 fhnnifn. Scranton. Pa. MILTON W, LOWRY, i Atfyx, (HI Waahtn ' " YON 8TOBCH. t"ii t. ., C. II. R.'Hiaio IAMBS W, OAKPORD, Attoraoy at Law. I rwnnafa, 04 nnd 65, Commonwealth 1'1 ;:. 'ATilUilL W. EDiiAlt, Attorney ar. Laiv. u Office, :ii7 Bpraoesfc, Beranton, in. A. WATBE8, Attorney at Luw, . Lackawanna nun.. Scranton. Pa. P. BllITH, CosnsetlOr at Law. Qffloe, rooms M. M, U Commonwealth hnildiiiir. i ' R- P1TOHKR, Attoruoy at Law, ' . nionwoalth biillalni;, Hjranton, l'a. Coin- I COMEOYB, 821 Bpruoest, Y BBPLoULB, Attorney Loans nego- -ii?:l??n "''' estate sei urlty.Kls Spruce. ! KILLA.M, Attorm-v-aVtov,""lju"W" .' aminBavenne. Scranton. AVK YOUR DEEDS AND MORTUAUKS written nn,l ... ., ... i . . ,.i 1.- ,.- ROWNINO, Attorney and Notary 'Public, 'iiiiii'iii wealth Bmldim:. BCMOULH, I I'.Ol'l.OF THE LACKAWANNA. Serin' o ton. Pa., prepares boys and ciris for collude r DUBlnese: thoroughly trains vuunK children, .'atalogua at raqoasL Rr.v. TnoMAs U. Cans, Waltku H. !tt!Ei.r ijl.ss WOr.CKSTElf.i K1NDKRUARTK.N '3 and .School. 412 A damn, avenue. Pupili . ceived at all tlmos. Noit term will open -iril 0. UKKTiBTH I 1 C. LAUliACH, Uuikoou Uentist, No. 115 v t . wyomlnfl ave. v yomlna ave. U. M. -I ItATTON, .fflc ial ExehanaA LOANS. pHE RLPL'I'.MC Savings and Loan Asso' ciatfon will loan you money on easier terms md pay von hotter on Investment than any tiier association. Call on s. N, CALLLN- ilER. Dime Bank bulldins BEKI18. (' R- CLARK ft CO., Seedarecn. rioriita v ' and Nurserymen! Ftoro U8 Washington ivonuet creon bouse. 1353 North Main avenue; re telephone 7S2. TEAS. !AND UNION TEA CO,, .tones Bus Wire rckekms. ros. KUETTEL, 5i9 Laekawanna avenue, ' '''lai.ton. l'a.. niaiinl'r of Wire Screens HOTELS AMI RESTAURANTS. I 'EE WESTMINSTER, 217 219 Wyom.na i aye. Rooms heated with steam; all mod' 'rn Improvements. 0 H. Tbumah, Prop, rpHE ELK CAFE, 129 and 127 Franklin avo 1 nue. Kates reasonable. P Kirnr.rn. Prorirletor. IT ES'l'aUA b'i'ER HOTEL w. o. schf.nck, Manager. Sixteenth etrcet, ono block east of Broadway. at union Square, New York. American p un, J.l. eper day and upward. C'OYNE hOUSE. European plan: good ' rooms. Open day .ind insht. Bar uuj plied witn the best. P. H. COYN B. Proprietor. OCRANTON HOUSE, mar D L & W. pas- senger depot Conducted on too European I'lan. VlfiTOB KOCH. Proprietor i BAND CENTRAL. :j he i:irt an.i b -: ' 3 nquippeii hotel in A . ..: ,vu, Pa.; raiei :;2 and S2.00 per day. VICTOR P. BARHBR, Proprietor. AKGBITEOT8, D.YlS "Ht )i;pr. A ii'liitectZ-Roonis" 2). 25 and 20 Commonwealth h'ld'c. Sr-ranton E. WAL'il'.lt, Arrlnt-i't. l.ilMary I.m7i Ing, Wyoming avenue, Scranton. I. BROWN, br.ildiiHT.12ii Ai.h H. Architect, Price v, eehington Ave., Boranton. BlianEI.I.ANEOVS, I lAL'KR'S OHCIIMsTRA - 61CS10 FOR .1) tails, picnics, pnrtieT, roeeption, v.-e,;. llingB and concert work furnished. For ternn duress li. J. Baner, eosductor, 117 Wyoming am, over HulberfS music store. TJl'ilTON V. 8 WARTS - WHOLESALB I I lumber, Price building Beranton, Pa. MEOAR sutmU UEK BROTHERS, PRINTERS plica, envelopes, papor baga, twice. Yv'nrehuuje. 130 v. aaningron avo., Scranton. Pa. BOOTH'S LIVERY. 1538 Capo Use avenue I ITi..... J... ....... riMM C. I I, OOTl' .... Funeral Director and itmbnlnvT. I7IRANK P. BROWN ,t CO., WHOLE r sale dralera In Woodwaro, Cordage aad Oii Cloth, 720 W. Lackawanna nvenue. PZRA FINN "abun sT builders and eontrac 1 j tors. Yards: Corner Olive st nnd Ad om ave; corner Ash r.t. nnd Penti are.. Scranton TPIB is the BIST. Got prices and sf-o the ftirunco and bo con vinced. A lull line of HEAT ERS, Appello and Griizb Door Hnngea C0NLAITS HARD Y7 ARE I'ITTSTON PA. fliitcher THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CQ SCRANTON AND WII.KES-BARP.E. PA.. MANUFACTURERS Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, I HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. r CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal used exclusively, insuring clounlinesb and comfort. timk tabu m ei mm may jo, ism. Trains leave Scranton for Pittfton, WUkeS Barrn, ote , at H in. 9.15, U.:i0 a. m I2.fi 2.00, 8.:io, LOU 7.2 ILOS p. m. Bundaya O U) a. m., I.U.', , I'l, I .lU . III. For Ailantic City. 8.20 a. rn. For Not York, Newark and Elizahoth. fl.29 (express) a. m., 12.50 (express with Buffet parlor car), 0.30 (cxprotaj p. m. Sunday, 2.15 p. m. Fun i.iAi i n Chi nk. Alliistowx, Pltiiit.. ni M, BABTOaand PBrLADELPRIA, K.20 a. in.. UUO, U,3i), 5.o0 (exocpt 1-Uiladolphia) p. in. Sunday, a. 19 p. m. For Long lliiANi n, Ocean Oiiovi:, otc. at (C.Oa. in., 12.110 m. Fur Reading, Lebanon and llnrrisburu, via Allcntown, f.20 a. m., 12..'.0, 5.00, p.m. Sunday, LIS p. in. For PottevOle, S.'.'O a. m 12,59 p. m. Koturnlnsf. leave Now York, foot of Liberty Street, North river, at It 10 (express) a. m., l.ln, 1.00, L80 (express with Buffet parlor ear) p. m. Sunday. L80 a. m. Leave Phflauolnhut, Readiag Tormlnnl. 9.00 a. m., 2.00 snd I.8U p m. Sunday, (i.27 n. in. Through steketatoau peinisat lowest ratei may bo had on application In advance to the tickot a;oiit at the etatkn. 11. P, BALDWIN, . Ucn. Pan. AKtnt. J. n. OLHAfSEN. I."t. WOT,!, LUiL.kWAltli Aiitl nU. SOX ItAILRoAI). An IL CoimnenciUK May 29, ls',12, trains will run ns fouowsi Trains leave Bridge Street Station. Scranton, for Pitts l',n '. 11 i n UlrV 59.07, B.8T, 10 42 a. m., 12.10. ... i. u.ij, y.u and 11. SB p. m. For New York and Plilla dalnUa. BOO a. dl 12.10. 1.25. MB, 410 and 11.80 p. m. For Bonoadale (from Delaware, Laekawaona nnd western dupot), 7.00, S.o0, 10.10 a.m., 12 9!) m . , 2. 17, 5 10 p. in. For Carboaaale and intermedlata stations, 5.40, 7.00. s.:su. 10.19 a. m.. I2.no m ,2.17, 8.16,0 III 11.20 and 9 Oft p ra.i irom Bridge street u.-jiot, Ltfl n. in., 2.17nnil 11 BS ;. m. Fast express to Albany, Saratoga, tho Adb mndaek .Mountains, Boston and New England pouit'i, 5.40 a. m.. arriving at Albany 12, 45. earatoga 2.20 p, in., and leaving Beranton at J p. in., arrivint; at Albany at LtU p. in., Snr.v tii-a, 12 .60 a. in , and BeOon, 7.(M il m. Tho only direct route between the coalfields and Boston. "The Leading Tourists' Route of America'' to the Adirondack .Mountain re torts, Lakea George and Champlain, Montreal, etc. Tlmo tables showing local and through train service between stations on all divisions Dcia- Wore and Hudson system, may be obtained at all Delaware and Il'uds n tkk.-t i:l- !. II. U, YoUNO, J, V. BUHD1CK, r'l- i-' .V - -J1 r::rRiT--..,i . MAV 18, IBM, Train leaves Beranton for Philadelphia and New York viiu U. & 11. It U, at S a.m.. 12.10, LB8andll.aSp.ro viaD.L & W. P.. u, ooi), LOB, 11.20 a. in., and 1.00 r. in. Leave Si i'antoa for I'ittston and Wilkss Barro via D., L ft W. B. B., 0.0, 8 0S, 11.21 a. m , 1.8L .'toil, 0.97. 0 p. in. gj Leave Scranton for Whit i Haven, Hail itob. PCttsviUo and all points on too Beaver Meadow and Pottsvillo branches, via E A V. V., 0.40a.m., va D. ftH. It. li. at s a.m.. 1J.1), LBS, 1.10 p.m., via DM L. & W. II. P... mw, 11.20 a.m.. 1.80, L90p.m, Leave Scranton for Betblnhom, Faslin, Heading, Rarrisburg nnd all Intermedhtl points via D. ft II. R."R a.m .1X10. L38, 11.93 p.m., via D., L. ft W. li. R.,0.00,8.08, ll.uOa. m., UK p.m. Lea vo scranton forTunkhnuock, Towan U Elmira, Ithaoa, (lenova aad all Intermodliti points via D. & li. R.B..B.0T a.m., 12.10 aad 1L8B p. in., via D. L. A W. li 1!.. LOi a.mlJ0 i m. Leave Beranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Ni agara Palls, Detroit, Chicago and all polati wes-.vial). A- il. li. It. 9.07 ;:.in..l2.10.9.1M1.85 p. m, via D. LA W. R. R. and Pitt ton Junction, s (W a.m., 1-J0, 8 i . p. m.. via E. i; W. R ii. 3.41 v. m. Por Elraira and tin west v.a salimtnoi. vl l). tc It. it R. 9.o; a.m., 12 IO.tf.BS p. m . v.a u., L. .tt W. R. It., ,8.0S a.m., l.:l and 0, 17 p. m. Pullman parlor .'.ud sleeping or L. v". caair c.ir.i on all trains between I ft B. Junction or Witkes-Barro aad New York, Pbilad ip.ili, Buffalo and Buspeusion Bridge lloi.LI" U. WiLBUR, Gon. Sunt. East Dlv. C!1A S, B. O.'ll. Pas, A r't, Pnila .Pi. AW.No. REMACilEB.Aaa't Q.u.Pass, Ag't, So.itii .lethb'h -m. Pa. i i;;i.A'. a BE LACKAWANNA AND 11 WESTERN n.i ROAD Trains leave S'-r. mt, n .is follows: Egpross for New York and ab points Kast, 1.40. 2.30, 6.1. , Kin and ll.ii.ia. m. 12 51 and 8.59 p, m. Express for Easton, Trenton. PlidadeipVn nn I Hie South, j.l. c.UJ and 2,5) a. m.; 12 jj and 8.50 p. m. Washington and way stations, 8.55 p. in. Tobybanna acoommodatlon, B.10 p. m. Expr ss for BuiRhamton. Oswego, Blmlrs, Cerium,', Bath. Dansville, Blount Morris and Itiilfalo. 12.10. 2 IT, a. m. and 121 p. m.. making close connections at Buffalo to all points In th j West Nurtliwe.it and Southwest. Bath accommodation, h a. m. Blugllamton and way btntions, Yl.V p. in. .n union accummouatioa, at 4 IU. and 0 10 p, in Bingbamtou and Elmira Exprei s, 105 p. m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego. Utioaand Richfl 11 Springs, Lli a. in. nnd 1.24 p. m. Ithaca. 2.16 and Bath 9a. m. n-id 1.21 p. m. ForNorthnmborland,Pittston, Wllkas-Barrsi Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Danville, making close connections at Northumberland for Willlamsport, Harrlsburg, Baltimore, Wash- logi u aim tho Booth. Northumberland nnd Intermediate station LOO, 9..Vj a. m. nnd L8U and 0.07 p. m. Nanticoau ami mtei'inediate htatlons, LOB and 11.20 a. m Pfvmontll and intermedlata ttationSi SJWand B.5J i. m. Piillm in parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. , . For detaikd Information, pocket UmiUblea, etc. apply to M. L Smith, city UoketofBos, 02s Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket otiico. S' RAVT.IN MlVIION. In Bffeel Jiiiiimrv BStb, IHD1. Sfnrlli nmiml. 201) in? "." Month mmiid, i 08 503 90S Stations S iid; 7 g .. S. z 3 (Trains Daily el a a 8 S a a 7.1B 7 SO sk I cepi silluin.v. i i j p atamve beave 7 Bl n. y. VTanaun as. . 7 10 West 42nd sired . 7 00 WBBhBWkBB . p a ir m Arrive i.cnve a r m "8 1 15 UancocK Junction Bon iion 0 IH 1 . BM i; Ba ii 4 II 15: 2 08 2 11 a 2i ail 2 41 a 6o a 5i a oo a uk a to B 10 i on Hancock 7 5 7 Bl 7 45 Btarught Preston Park como Pov ni idle Belmont Pleaaaat tu Unlondais l'orset city Oarbondaia White Bridge Mayllcld Jenny n Archibald Wlnton Peokvllla Olvpliaat Dickson l'hroop Proi Idc.ice Pari; Pluco 12 K urn 1282 12 Taj flSffl 11 6B 781 rss 7 22 f7 ,9 hi so! .. 7(fr nr.i r. i 7 10 a si 7 94 8 18 sastn 4i :i ri4 - -r f ii io 1 27 'I 11. W S8 pi 48116 -. 2 I 2c,ii ail 1 1! 1 1 2S1 i : 1 IB 63 Bl 48 '. ill 'J 50 3 -IB ', I.i 10 i 2 S 61 V 431008 0 s4 7 48 10 in ,'l SB i 19 in 18 104 to 10 17 4 CT : 50 ill 2 i 410 8 00110 84 4 14 Mi-! in Si 4 17 ' 05 111 80 4gj K KA U If SI Gil OX. IB 82 BSD 6 II 1198 ii in il 17 II 18 11 18 a 29 60 nil 461 I f4 6l a si o 16 II 10 CO II 6 10 4 :u it m Boranton i vl.e-!le Arrive All trains run daily except Sunday, t signifies thai trains stop on BignsJ tor ra sengers. Additional trains leave Carb uulalp for scran ten ,10 and 6,16 p. in.. Brrtring at scranton 1.56 and 7.0U. Leave scranton for Carbondali' o.."0 nnd s.39 arriving a: CarbondSlO at 7.88 and 9.16 p. m. heoure rnies via Ontario Western before puixhaslng tickets and save monoy, Day mid Mlngi IC i press to tho West, J. C. Anderson, Gon. Pass. Ag. P. Plltcrott, Dlv. Pass, Act. Pci antun. Pa. I?BIE AND WYoMINU VALLEY RAIL i1 KOAD TralBH leave Scranton for Now York nnd in terrii'dlnto points on the Erie railroad at lltVJ h. m. iinil (UH p m. Also lor Hooasdale. iiawley and local points at 0 :!,", 0.4." a.m, anil 0 21 p. in. All tho above aro through trains to and from Honeedalo. I n additional train leaves Scranton for Lake Ariel at S.2S p.m. and arrives nt Reran lo. i from the Lake Ht 8 10 a m and 7,:i"i n.m. Trains leave for Wilkos U.irro at 6.40 a. m, and o n m, General Office. SCRANTON. PA. m A i