0 TTTE FCEANTCOT TI71iTJNE SATTTT?DAT arOKjNTNTG. JUNE 2, 1R!)4. , A '".'WllW f Jl . XA Tibiii Mr. find Uric TbomM WoodbrMge, nf Daltoo, oelebriltefl Hip fiftieth itnni Verssry of tbelr marrlnge by i golden wadding on Wednesday, T,ie spacious moms wore decorated with tiit for the occasion, iiml tho exterior waf neatly drnped with fhjts and bnntlnj, Tho reception of tbe nneati took jiliifn dur ing tho morning, nnd t. 12 o'clock tl dm present partook of an exoellent repaiit In the lnr;,'i dining room. Mr. and Mn. Woodbridge reoeiverl many besntifnl soldeu preeenti from their nn merona friends. After dinner spsstbss were made nnd (ho heartiest oongratu lationa offered, The guests departs I Woodbridge. Tho unfits departed nbiu' ) o'clock wishing their venerable host nnd hostess innny years of poc- nml hnppiaess. Among those present besides tho lnn number from Dnlton were: Mr-,. T. Kellow, of nfesboppeii; Mrs, M. ft Bunnell, of Vosburg and Mrs. Qeorge Browning, of Toledo; danghtere of Mr. nnd Mrs Wooil bridge, of Fulls; Mrs. Clara Webster, of Rochester; Protlionotory nnd lira Clarence E l'ryor, of Scran ton; Mr. ninl Mra. Thotnai Derabimer, nf Dun more; Mr. and Mis. Carter, of Wilkes Barre;John Sils'y, of Bingbamton; Mr. Hummot, of Hammet'a Ferry ;Ieaao Den and three daughters of Soranton; Mr. and Mrs E O. Dsrshimer, Mrs. K. Deisbimer, and A. Dershimvr, of Falls; A. M D 'riiliimer, of Scranton; Mr. and Mis. P, W. Dra!iini.r, of Pittston; Jerome Lillibrid'.'e, of Blake ly;Rev. J. It Angel, of Daltoo i H, W. Northupand Mra. A. Miller, of Glen burn. This afternoon in tbe Sunday school rocm of tho First Presbyterian ohttroh in Pittston, will be held the first of the anniversary e:; reisoi planned to com memorate the fiftieth year of Kiv Dr. K. ft Parke's active services as a Christian minister. The oooaslo i will be n reception to be tendered by Rov. Dr. and Mrs. Parke to tho yout'ifr members of the Bnnday school To morrow tho annual anniversary ser mon vill bo preached by Dr, Parke. In the ufternocii snecinl exercises in commemoration of the event will be observed by the Sunday school. In the evening a union meoting of nil the Presbyterian churches which have been connected with tbe First church, Yrst Pittston, Av ca, Moosio, Duryoa, Taylor and I- kennan congregations, At this service there will lie nddresses by n number of visiting ministers ami friends of the congregation, On Mon day morning the Presbytery of Liclta wannn will meet in the church, which bp 1y will also congratulate tbe doctor nnd consider the resignation of Dr. Parka as pastor which ha will have presented at that time as has been be fore stated. Dr. Parke desires to bo relieved of pastoral duties. In the nf ternoon n reception will be tendered tli members of tbe Presbvtery ut tin munse on tie West Side, a the even ill:.' II reception Will 1" given the mem bers of the Firat church and friends ol Dr. Parko at the cbureh on Broad street. An elaborate mnsical pro gramme of both vocal and instru mental muslo is bei.ig prepared. The church will be fittingly decorated. Invitations have been received In this city fortha annual commencement exer cises of the Pennsylvania Stato college in Center connty.whloh will be held on June 10, 11. 12 and 13. Oa Juno 10 the Buccnlaurente sermon will be delivered by Rov. Qeorge T. Puma, D. D., ol Princeton Theological seminary. June 11 will be devoted to the annual inter el iss athletic contest and tho junior orntoricil conlost. The programme for Jnns 12 is: An mi ii mooting of tho Alnmni associa tion, nrtilery salute, annual meeting of the board of trustees, Alumni dinner, meeting of delegates and Alumni to elect trustees, exhibition drill of Stat College cadets, annual address before the Alumni by Congressman Morriott Broil us, of Lancaster, reception by tbe faculty, On June lit tii graduation exercises of the class '0-1 will be hel l. The commencement address will b-. delivered by Dr. William Peppr. pro vost of the University of Pennsylvania Tho innny frienda of Mrs. R. (4 Tripp nud family will be glm to hear of tbe safe return o Mr. Tripp accompanied by Mr. and Mr.-. Walter Tripp after a Rejourn of seven months in California, the groat r portion of tho time beinu Spent nt Sin Diego. Mrs Tripp na bi-eu mnch benefited in health by btsi residence in tbe Golden mute. The party spent some time in Sin Fran cisco anil visited other cities en rout, esnt. Mr. Tripp, as a result of his ob servations, is convinced that from s business point of view, Scranton Is de cidedly ahead of any of the citie thiough which he passed, and that the general commercial outlook in thf Electric City is much brighter than in ciiiea of tho west. Scranton will have n kinness. Jin. II. M. Boies and Mrs. L. S Oikforl havo secured Miss LIU Stewart, wbo managed tho Honeadale kirtntSS, to coti- duct a similar entertainment h ire early in October for one week in the Froth ingham. The proceeds of the nffa.li are to he given the Laokawmna hospi tal. Miss Stewart was io the olty last week and considered tbe matt or with Mrs. Boies and Mrs, Oikford. Shu will return tho first of September and begin the nrrangemonts and drilling, Mi-i Stewart tintl also been approached P. other parties who wanted a kirmesi given for the Associated Onarttls or to ward a fund for tho new Thirteen tti regiment armory. Harry C. Haak, of Powers dmt store, is in n cdpt of a letter from Hti old schoolmate Inviting him to act nr croomunan tor him, The mmaivi (Htne from Harry II. Darr, of Phlladel ji da, assistant supervisor or the Boon I Brook division of tho Philadelphia and Rending railroad, nephew of I. A Swtigert. gem ral manager of the same road. !r. Barr will wed at high noo:: on June 21 Miss Carrie Kanfinuc, daniihtor of ex-Congressman Benjamin Kaufman, of Tremont, Bohuylkill county. Mr. Huak tins ooniented to attend tho occasion at his schoolmate's wedding. A re -ent homo wedding was that of Miss Anna M. Stuart, of Pontnore, to 11 ii. John T. Craves, of Alexandria, South Dakota. Tbe eeremouy was per formed Tuesday at the homo of Mra, Alexander Stuirt by Rev, Rogers Iarnel, rector of St. Lnke'o Episcopal church. There were present only the immediate is relatives of the bride and Dr. and Mra. F S. Graven. Frank and William Graves, of Jerinyn, and Profeanor W. EC Craven, of this oily. Mr. aud Mrs, Oraves started for Sooth Dakota soon after the ceremony, via the Lacka wanna road. The groom, a former Serantonian, is now a South Dakota state attorney, Tho lawn tea of the Scranton Lawn club, which was postponed from Satur day of last week on account of the tain, will be given this afternoon on i ho Plutt place jrrounds at 1 i!J o'clock. During the summer the cluu proposes toenj .ytheso delightful outdoor af fairs nearly every Saturday afternoon. Last seanon the elements prevented the partien on nearly every proposed occnaion, not more than fix being held tnou'h many times that number were planned. The excursion of tho Home for the Friending will go to Bingbamton next Thursday, June 7. The train will leave the Delaware, Lnokawannn and West ern station at !) o'clock, returning nt C p. ill. The great musical festival will be thero at its height in the Parlor City. Many of the celebrities of the affair will he in the city at tho time. Mr and Mra. N. G Robertson gave a dinner ami theater parly Wednea lay eight for Miss Alice Bella, who leaves here June 13 on an European tour. Misa Belin will be accompanied by Mis Harris, of Philadelphia, daughter of ex-Vioe-Presldeut Harris of the Phila delphia and Reading Railroad com pany. Pottsvillo and other Philadel phia p;ople will also by of tho party. Miss Welles gave n dinner last evening to a small p rty for her guest, Miss Lois Swan, of Utic.i. Tho wedding of Miss Kittle B Spen cer, daughter of Mr and Mra. A. D. Spencer, to E, Clair Van Attn, of Wav erly, N. Y will occur Wednesday ntxt at 8 o'clock in tlte evening at 440 Madison avenue. Tno Ladies' Whist club of Scranton were entertained yesterday afternoon by Mra. W. L. Brown, at her noma in Dal ton. The children of Jnde and Mra. F, W. Uunster gave a party Tuuraday ovening. Movements or Pboplh, Dr. and Mrs. T. v. Kay, of Providence, are now on tlieir way across tbe traekless Atlantic returning from their Kiropean trip. Dr. Kuy's visit to the old wend was for tho purpose of taking a special course In gynecology in the Broca hospital, Paris which he lias completed, lie will be in this city on Wednesday, Rev. nnd .Mrs. at, 1). Fuller, Mrs. Kay's parents, nre now ill New Yoi k to greet iliu voyn-era on their return. Rev. J. P. B. Pendleton, Mra. Pendle ton nnd clr.klr n are the cuestB of Attor ney E. N. Willard. The Rev. Mr. Pendle ton, the former rector of St. Luke's Epis copal chinch of this city, now of Boheuec tady, K. Y., is recovering from n very se vere illness and Las been accorded a re spite from work until the early fall. Mrs. Watres nnd son Reybuiu were the Siiests of Captain and Mrs. .loh n C. De laney at Cottage Ridge, sear llanisbur, subsequent to tbe state convention, in which tbe lieutenant governor and captain Delaney were intimately concerned. Mi6s Florence Temltinson, secretarv of tho South Si :o Innnch of tho Young Wo men's Christian association, will leave this afternoon for her homo in Knlamnzoo, Mien., on n three months' vacation. Ex-Councilman 1'at.ick Golden, of the Sixth wind, will start, on a Voyage next summer to tile birthplace in England He Will visit Ireland before he returns. Dr. and Mrs. L. s. Barnes, of Monroe avenue, will entertain nnumuer of friends oa Wednesday evening nest, the occasion of their lost wedding anniversary. A. L. Swing, jr., of Elmira, n commer cial traveler Wet known here, who has been sick at the Westminster for nearly a week, is well njjniu. Miss Beth Archbnld returned yesterday from Lakowood, N. J.. Where she has been spending B few days. Sho loaves on Mou day for PottSViUo. The marriage of H. rt. Reynolds, of the bar of this county, to Miss jones.of Brook lyn, N. Y., is announced to take place on June 20. J. E. Pi ire, of Lnfnyettn atreet, and Harry Edwards, of Price Street, wero vis iting friends at Forest City on Thursday. tenken E. Thomas has returned from Colorado, nnd is now staying nt tbe home '.f Bce;0 E. Powell on EyUOO street. linn. Joseph A. Scranton and wife are spending the month with their daughter, Mrs. Tate, nt Fort Riley, Kan. Thomas Turner Thomas, of Hampton street, is home for tun summer trom the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. aud Mrs. Everett Warron ontom plate a trip across tbe water for a few ween or u,o summer, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. W. K UBSDUry spent last Sunday at Halcyon Hall, Dutchess county, New Vork, Miss Qwendolen Edwards, of Kiupsion, Is visiting Mrs. E. B. Evaus on North Hyde i'.irit avenue, Joseph Aub ry, of Yonnstov.n, Ohio, s the guost of John T. lUlsms on Eynon itreet Miss Jessie EvsOS, of Pdlston, wan a guest of friends on tho West Hide Vaster day. Ex-Re pre sen tativa s. D. Bterigere) of Rradfora county, was iu ihe city yester day. T. II. Jones, of South Mnin avenue, was in Blatington yesterday on a bnsiaess trip. Miss Mary Webster, of Nineveh, is among relatives on Jackson street. T.J. Reynolds, of Hampton ntreet, will spend t day nt Tunkhnnnock. Rev. W. 8. Jones spent jestorday with Rev. Br. Harris at Taylor. otto Conrad, of Qreen Ridge, called on I'ittston fiiends yesterday. Qeorge E. May, ofBlnghsmton, ts m the city. AMKRICS ILLUSTRATED. By n new antagement Thi Tbxb- t'NK is enabled to rffer Its renders Bny one of tho twenty parts or tbe "America" portfolio for ten conts. All parts nie now ready. This is the linest collection of popular photogra phic views in prints. Send stamps or cash. No coupon is necessary "The Pack ok Rosenki-i" NOW I LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP. Tho fire upon the hearth Is low. And there is stillness everywhere; Elite troubled spirits here and there Tho firelight shadows Buttering go, Aud ns the shadows round me creep, A cbildisb trouble breaks tl.o gloom, And softly from the farther room Comes: "Now I lay mo down to sleep." And, somehow with that little prayer lad that sweet treble ill my ear," My thought goes back to distant years And lingers with a dear oue there; And, ns I hear the cnild's amen, My mother's fnce comes bncu to me, Crouched nt her side 1 seem to be, Aud mother holds my bunds ngnin. Oh! for an hour in that donr place! Oh! lor the peace of that dear time! Oh! for thnt. childiBh trust, sublime! Obi for n glimpso of mother's fare! Yet, as tl.o shadows round mo creep, 1 do not seem to bo alone Sweet mneic. of thnt tretdetone And "now I lay me down In sleep." Kuycnc FUU, IS) Chicago Ntmt, TJOTEL 1 1 Lobby Talk. The Hotel Register, probably the most generally eirenlated and anthori tive hotel publication of this part of the United States, pays u tribute to the prominenoo of Scranton busiuosa men by presenting in it- last issue a half tone portrait of Frederick R. White, of this city, proprietor of the Wyoming House. Accompanying tho portrait is a sketch of Mr. White's cifresr aud bis opinion of political matters of interest to hotel man, oa follows: "He is in favor of n graded license tor hotela accord ing to tho population of tho city or town in which they are situated II) also fi.vora the repeal of the United States internal revenue exeise tux. 'The war,' says Mr. White, 'is over, and I think tbe government get? reve nue enough from liquors without thi tax. I also believe tliat the hotel buni uess should be protected by Interstate laws and legislation compelled to be uniform in eaob at ite.' " t Tbe Glen Summit hot, owned by the Lehigh Valley railroad, will be managed this season by W. H. Croatiy, who conducted the house last year. e Ever since tho building of the new Anthracite hotel at Oarbondale, specu lation baa been rife particularly among commercial men and boni fsees as to whether this modern boa telry with its up to date equipments and citified tout on seinble could be made to psy. Anv doubt of tho hotel's success bus been dispelled by tho an nouncement that tho honse wil be con ducted ny Frank M. Fox, one of the best known and most successful hotel men iu the east. Mr. Fox has form rly boon connected with toe B'ckel House nud Hotel Cooper, at Dayton, O ; the Chautauqua House, Grand Hotel nnd Kent House, at Chautauqua lake. Of late he has conducted tho Niagara at Buffalo, from wuich hou.io has been brought the chef, bartenders and va rious other members of tbe Hotel's retinue. Those who have seen the An thracito say it is perfect in nil its ap pointments and bespeak for it a good share of patronage. Tho homo opens next Tuesday, During the absence of Proprietor Fred S Godfrey in Europe, his business at tno Valley House is being managed by C. J. Carter. Joe, as he is familiar ly called, hns greeted the Valley's patrons at tbe desk for seveu years, nn I the patrons of the house feel that in the absence of Mr. Gndirev their com fort will be properly looked nfter by ids representative. Since tho announcement of the pro posed building of the new Hotel Jer inyn, a report has been in circulation to the effect that Mr. Jerinyn would model his Westminster into a store and office building. But for the fact that Bonifaco Truman of the latter eatab lishment ia known to have no inten tion of relinquishing a good thing, tbe false report uibjiit, in a measure, have worked an injustice. Mr. Truman has a aevon year lease on tho Westmins ter property aud nays bis business ia so good that he would liko to have, tbe house large enongn to abettor twice its pro3ont capacity. Landlord Smith, late of the Frantz house, Plymouth, ia now conducting the Exchange hotel nt Wilks-Barro Ex-Sheriff Whittaker, who has been conducting the latter hostelry, 's now proprietor of A cafe next door. tt Mrs. M. Mnir, of North Rebecca avenue, has been eugaged to net s honsekeeper nt tho Tiirbell hous;, Montrose. Him NOTcS FROM WALES. fipectol ODrreapontfeaesi London, .May )K Great preparations are In Ing mud in North Wales to organize a popular reception for tno Prince of Wates,upon tbe occasion of his visit to tho Carnarvon eisteddfod ibis summer. Prob ably $10,000 will be spent for tho purpose of giving a royal welcome for one man of affluence whilst thousands of men through out Wales are at present Buffering mutely from depression In trade The outcome will be that two or tiire- prom iters of the festivities will be knighted whilst two or three dosen will suiVor tbe keen pangs of disappointment. "Atypical Welshman" is the description given by tne Cor lit inn Commonwealth to the most eminent welsh cbnrchman of the day, Arobdeovon II. .well. The arch deacon was born at I Jan .an, South Wa'e, in l-'.i! nud Is therefore 63 years of age, and ins venerable appearance always attracts attention and In tens of all he may meet, lie lu.B ministered nt Neath nnd I nrdlff, and whilst vicar of Wexbam for W years the sum of IS 0,000 was laised for church work in the pariah. He is a most power tul preacher of the striking Welsh ciiarac ler, and us showing tho influence he pos sesses over his COOgregiltlOU it is upon record I hat on oue occasion when preach in Wi dsh he so wrought on tho sensibilities of his audience that ni he reached tho climax of bis appeal t he whole assembly leap d to then- leet nud ns with (he hesrt aud voice of one diUU burst lorth With ore orth.-ir beart-sttrrtng Welsh hymns which happened to exactly to interpret t.io senti ment of tho moment Truly, the arch deacon is a typical ns well as a true nud noble Welshman. , he bill for the Disestablishment of tho t jui c!i in Wales is at present before tbe tfngllsh parliament, and intense inter est is sboWU throughout Wales by nil classes in the discussion. Tho result bow ever, does not seem to be I'l-ophesled with any feeling of certainty, BS llio house of lords seems to DO the "Hope of one party ana tne "oosiasie" oi tne-utner. sir Watkln Williams Wynn, well known to!Welsbmen as'the "Prince in Wnler," nud whoso Income is currently reported to be $5,000 a week, Was recently fined for illtreatingone of his hunting horses. The royal commission to inquire into tho relations between landlords nnd tenants in WalSS is ftill pursuing inquirios lu s inth Wales, nnd the result of itieir Inves tigations is awaited with hupreme in ten St as their report will, in all probability, form the basis of new Welsh laud laws. Welshmen have always been renowned for their liberality in contributing to religions objects and their is no danger of the fact being exaggerated, when m one Sunday school in wades the sum uf $4,000 wns collected in one afternoon and tills where miners forme 1 practically all the' congregation, two or tureo grocers con stituting the "wealthier" port. Od various Bandar afternoons collections ranging up to H,0(X1 nave been raised in the same school as well as in otbei Bnnday schools in this district. The district referred to RhosllanerohrUgOg is quite near tho heme of the Rev. Abel J. Parry, who is nt pres. out enjoying a visit to America. The station muster of Oswcotty (Oroes oswnli) was recently placed In a humor ous dilemmn: AmOSgSt other freight he received a box containing a tine heulthy baby with nn anonymous letter n-kiug him to adept the child. Unwilling to un dertake the responsibility he trsnsferre.1 the "live freight1 to a sigunlinnn Who, upon his arrival home, found $l,uuo in the linen toward the "oxpeDse of rearluu baby." Lord Bmlyn has undertaken tho ex pense of maintaining William Morgan, ol Dowlsls, in the Royal college; the fortu nate young Welshman beiug the success- Paine's Celery Compound Now Bet ter Than a Vacation Later. 1 . "1 simply can't stop," says tho tired busi ness man and the worn-out toother. "But nervous prostiatiou stares you in the face." "I dure not think of being sick. My children and babies nnd husband depend on me every hour in the dav," reply those women on tho verge of breaking down. "A month's absence wruld ruin my busi ness," says tho luird worked business man. When tho nerves and organs of the body are soundly nourished nnd the wnsto pro ducts quickly got rid of a tremendous amount of hard work can he done with out injury. It is wheu the nervous tissues nre us, d up faster then they nro repaired that brain, nerves, nnd vital organs suffer, cry out witii neuralgia, rheumatism, heart trouble, nervous dyspepsia, and finally break down. Paine's celery compound is doing a world of good for such weak, ner vous people, whose brain aud body nre overtaxed, but who may yet be saved from nervous prostration and disoasos of the iver, kidney nnd stomach by this great strength-giver and blood nnd nerve invig orator. The first bottle of Paine's celerv com pound begins at once to clear tho tm pure blood, to supply material for growth to worn-out nerves ami to the minions of tiny cells of nervous substance through the brain and spinal column. The marvelous blood nnd nerve remedy lavs the founda tion of health deeply and pormanenth-, thin, pale, careworn persons giow Steadi ly heavier, and stronger, and their faces heo the signs rf sickness and despon dency. To COUteraCt tho effect of protracted bodily and mental strnin. Paine's celery compound was first prepared hv tho emi nent Dartmouth professor, Edward E Phelps, M, l). LL. U. Physicians of the highest standing use nud prescribe it to ful competitor out of thrffo thousand for the pianotorte BCnolarsulp, Upon hearing tunt the Aberftterd Build Iny society (Mountain Ah) was in danger of financial dlfficaiilt-s, Lord Aberdaro placed the sum ol j:o,UUU ut their disposal ireo of Interest. OwilN. THE F.1CE OF ROSENFEL." Science stands abashed before tho mnrvelous (nudities Hint aro bcin discovered of I lie human mind. Some hnsns of these wonderful capabili ties nre strikingly delineated as inci dents to tho unfoldini; of the absorb iiif- p!nt in the new serin'. Story, Which WO shall begin Monday. Foil Colds Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis and Son. Throat use Dr, Thonias' Bolsotric oil, aud get tbe genuine, oi Gun; nntccd Curo. We authorize our advertised druggist to sell iJr. Kiuy's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs nnd Colds, upon this condition. If you nro afflicted with a COUgll, Cold, or any Lung; Throat or Chest trouble, and will use this remedy as di rected, uivim; it a fair trial, and experience no benefit, you may return the bottle'and have your money refunded, We could not make this offei did we not know that Dr. Kind's New Discovery could bo roliod on. It. never disappoints. Trial bottles free at Matthew liros'. drug store. Large sizo 60c. anil II, WEAK MEN your attentisn IM,W IB UkJjbaW XV TlIK Gray's Specific Medicine IF YOU SUFFER from Xer- ,,;u !).- bility, Weakness of Body and Mind, Sperma torrhea, anil imnotency, and alt diseases that nrls" from ovor-lndulgonoe and self -abuse, as Loss of Memory and Power, Dimness of Vis ion, Prematura out Ass and many other die oases thai lead to insanity or Consumption und on early irrav . write I'm- a pamphlet. Address GRAY MKDIC1NB CO., Buffalo. N. Y. Tho Speoiflo Uedicina is sold by all druaoists at s per packagei or six packages lor S.'ieir sent liy mail en receipt ot money.and with every (0.0(1 older yf ('UARA'lTF.F n cin e or money refunded. UT On account of counterfeits we have soopted the Yellow Wrapper, the only irumi ine. Hold in Koran ton hv Matthews I ros Maloney Oil and Manufac turing Company Have removed their oflico to their Warerooms, IMUINI BERS 141, 143,145,147,149, 15J MERIDIAN ST. TELEPHONE NUMBER, 8083. ROOF tinninc snd solderlnc nil dono nvrny with by tho use ol HAKTMAN H i AT ENT PAINT, which consists of uiKredi nts Well-known to all. it can bo applied to tin, galvanized tin, shoot iron roofs, also to brick dwellings, which will prevent absolutely any ornmblinv, oraoktng or breaking of tho brick. It will outlast tlnuitiR ot any kind by many yenrs.aud it's cOHt docs not excood one t'flh 'thnt of ihe cost of tlnnlnp. Is sold by the job or pound. Contracts taken by A.VMMii HAltl'MANN, M7 Birch St .t Sum Yiw.t r' tot afi& - Wmf give strength to weak mothers nnd to Blip ply abundant nutrition to the rapidly growing nerves and tissues of children. New, highly vitalized blood, pure and tich lu dements of growth is sent throngh the entire substnuco of the liver, kidneys, and Stomach, and rouses them to briskor action, removes biliousness, jaundico, and indigestion, and thoroughly purifies the system of harmful, poisonous matters that cause disease. Tho nerves aro rapidly built up and work again without confu sion, thus brinaing all tho important or gans into harmony and h-nlth. Paine's cilery compound offers years or happy, healthy, hearty existence to thousands of men and women wlnm poverty of blood and nerves is tho sole cause of despondency and despair of ever being strong aud well again. Nathan W. Kennedy, editor of the woll kuown Putmun, Conu., Standard, and president of the Connecticut editorial as sociation, writes: "On this, my Had birthday, it becomes n pleasure to speak of tho merits of Paiue's celery compound, for on several preceding anniversaries tho pang of dyspepsia have nrevented what would otherwise have been a most felicitous occasion. Today, ev rything u cheerful and bright, nnd this excellent mediciue receives its just share of praise "After trying various 'panaceas' I took l aiuo's celery compound, and In due time discover thnt I was being greatly benefited B eep grew refreshing, my nervous system more normal, my appetite sharper, and general make-up bolter prepared for the cures of business and tho enjoyment of life. Not only nlono have I found the c em pound effective In tbetrentmen of esses of dyspepsia, but also nervousness; thereby making it unexcelled lu tho treatment of nervous dyspepsia. "Several aged persons to my personal knowledge have been materially benefited by Paine's celery compound, It creates appetite and strength, and soothes tbe weary, overworked body into natural, re freshing sleep. rt. A HULBERT'S City Music Store, - WXOaUira AVK. BCUAMWMb RTFIN1VAV .: SO DKCKI'Jt IUIOTH12R3 KKAK'ICIH & BACK Jk UAUiJi; to evssaa SIh leirirs took of first-eltq Mt sK i, mi:kch.niisu UUblU, HXOh Kl'U A WeJ-Known Physician.Who, Among Other Things, Is Noted for His Frankness. No one ever heard Dr. E. Grower use the phrase "I think'' in his prnctice. The doctor is one of those frank, feSrles,hon est, positive men who never hesitate to ay yes or no, as the case may require. "1 can cure yon" or "1 cannot curo you," is his invariable decision aftor examina tion, nnd to this fact fsct is attributable his rcmnrksblo record without failures, lint it would bo strange indeed if the doc tor were not a more than usually success lul practitioner. He has been surgeon-in-chief in inoro than ono ot tho largest hos pitals of this country, was latoly Demon strator of Physiology and Surgery at the Medico-Chirurgicnl Collego in Philadel phia, has been elected an honorary mem ber of the Medico-Chirurgical Association, is a graduate of tne Unlveroity of Penn sylvania, etc, and Is still a close student. A man with such n record could not fail to bo a succossfnl physician undor any circumstances, but whon backed by cautious, conservatism in expression, or, to use n more popular phr6e, the "be-sure-you're-rigbt-thon-go-nhead" systom, it would bo mote than strange if failure overtook him. You enn consult Dr. Grower any day at Rooms fi nnd 0, Temple Court Building 81 1 srrtucK st from 0 n.m. till I) p.m. Cousultntions free. Those suffering from Nervous Diseases iro gunrHntred a cure. For suoh there is tbe cheering word "Yes," ns failure is un known in the doctor's treatment. fjjyj Mslv Jft Fid' 'V y bbbVbbbbbbbbbbV HsaWMSjSBjsjsjssBajBjsasjsj gafjajsjsajsj sjaysj -J SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD IEDAL The abovo brands of flour can be had at any of the following merchants, who will accept Tim Tuibunh flour coupon of 25 on each one hundred ponndi of flour or 50 on each barrel of flour. Bcriinton-F. r. Prlca Washington avonuo I Gout .Medai Brand. Dnnmore-F. P. Price, Gold Modal Brand UUUmore-P. D, Manluy. Superlittivo brand. Uy.le Park-Carson Davit, Washbnrn St. Hold Medal Brand; Joseph A. Mcars,Miim ttvenuo, superlative Brand. Green Rtiljto-A.Ii.tlponcor.Qold Medal Brtnd. J. T. McUslo, Superlative. Providence Feunor & Chappoll.N- Main avo- nue, BuporUtlva Brand;!.'. J. Uilhupij, VV. Market street, Gold Modal Brand. OlynliHUt-Juines Jordan. Snpurlativo Brand, l'i'c kvillo Shager ii K ls.'r Kuporlatlvj. Jomyn O, O. Winters Co superiilntlvo Arehtiald Jones, S-mpson (Jo., Gold Medal. Carhondnlo-B. !S. Clark, Gold Medal Brand. lIoncBdale-I. N. Foster & (Jo. Hold Modal. feUnooko M. II. Lavolls "No star was ever lost we onca have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. YOU KMOW? That we will GIVE you baautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVSS SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at Merc ereau 307 LACKAWANNA A V.SVH ' . lUflh HS WYuk ;numiinonor;rirWnny. Vy nifill nreimld. With crVti-TTff!?rur"'r""J(,',nnn'y' Clrrulnr fnp. Sold hv nil itrui'pUtfl. Ack for It, tnm 'tFUrtc AND AFTc-R USItsG.no other. Addrct EKVi: MFKIM'U.. MatODlO Tumplc, CHICAGO. IU. For Salo in Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Drqffffist, cor. Washington and Snriioe streets. YRDYAL f .is - ; x Ank for EH. IIOTT'S PrtTITTEOYAI, PIT,X.fl and tuko no othor. i.ji li7 Send for circular. Price 11.00 per box, fl boios for 16.00s sow jjjh. raxj-:'-m uhbimioaii :.. - sjieveiand. s3Ki. uraitiv uyv. m. loil,l(l i :h.'li-i n?57j'STfr! .i AUAo ,l-,K tot ure IntolDDUrr BmlMotii """"I-"' luoo' njLji HEIllCUfS CO.. : i . iliU Alivl i .. . ForKide by JOHN 11. 1'IIELPs, Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Ave. nnd Spruce St Srr.mtnu, Pa. WM.WSSIO tuns, , .Tv al 1;.. PI MlflflS. etc . WIS -XV7' alia." ereclUc.j, etc., whon 1 will i.cml FlUUi thorrcsorlptloa of a N, A. new nnd positivo remedy for thapiompt iasUai euro oi ?. UK1- l'i"diood, Nightly Kmissionn, KcrVoua WoakneM b , .. "1 ! iT stiini:r.ien. A ancocclo. IiTinnl;'nrv. nnil fr cnlnrTo wonir. fr,-'.'''iintedorKiirii. Cores In Two Weeks. 1 send thlj rrescrip- Etufoim. acTsii tion i rco oich;i.re;o, nndthcrolai.o bnmbos er advert:. i;iR can 'i Sbonilt. Anyroodilrurelstnrtihyticiancanputlt npforyou,a9CTCi7thi2(-i.'rl.',-l:iandrinplo. All Ioiklnroinrn la that you will buy nam.-ill quantity of tbo remedy from mo director miviso yor frlontls to iloai after you receive tho roclpc tied noothu, there ianohnmburt nordoceptlon. Dai yon Ciindou, y.ni plootu about this. Corresxindonwatrtctlycor.!Mcn!r.l. nnclrJl loiters sent in plain I aoalcd gnyojopo. Bndosestsmp if ionvctilcnt.ltj.1 Third National Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, $200,000 SURPLUS, $250,000 Tlili bank offer to denonllor wry farlllty wnrrnntrd by their bnlancei, buiii iim and rvittoniilbilltt. Special attention t ivrn to bualnoM ao coudU, lntereit paid an tiiuo depoilta. WILLIAM CONNKI.I, President. JKO. II. CATLIN, Vleo-rretldent. WILLIAM JH. l i t K. CubleK milKCTORS. William t ,,1111. II, Oonree H. Cntlln, Alfred llnnd. James Aridibald, Henry Belln, Jr.. AVUIUiu kuiHb Luther BallMi Ftom the K T. Tribune, XCov.l, 2S93. The Flour "Chicago, Oct 31. Fhe first official announcement of World's Fair di plomas on flour has been made. A medal has been awarded by the World's Fair judce to tho flour manu factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co, in the great Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports Ihe flour strong nnd pure, and entitles it to rank as first-class patent flour for family and Lakers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL WHOLESALE AGK.nts. Taylor-.Tudgo & Co., Gold Medal; Athortoj Co., Superlative. Puryea- Lawrence Storo Co., Gold ModsL Moosic-Jcdin MeCrind'.e, GeldMe.tal. Pittston -M. W. O'Boyli), Gold Modal. Clark's Green Fraco B Parkor, Suporlatlvo. Clark's summit- F, M. Youhk, Gold Medal. Dalton-S. E. Finn Son, Gold Modal Brani Nlcholton-J. E. Hurding. Wuvirly-M. V. Bliss ,te Son, Gold MednL Factnryvlllo Charles Gardner, Gold Modal. Hopliottom- N. M. Finn Son, Gold Medal Tobyhauna Tobyhanna Loblh Lumbjf Co.. Gold Medal Brand. Oouldsb ,ro-9 A. Adams. Gold Molnl Brand Mchi'uw Gaiiro & Clements, Gold Modal. Lako Aric l-Jamos A. Bortrce, Gold Modal. Forest City-J. L. Morgan & Co., Gold Muds & Coinsieil 'NERVESEECS, This wondrrftil rriat dv cutl an uf il t ii fur. all nt-rtuu i'.Is- Mpinurr. I.imn nf nrnin liTvrr. HiMidnchP. WiikPtnliif . Ltt.MBnhool,Nli;htly I . NerTou3nps,allclr:ilii'nndlniof power UiUcuoratlvoOriiiinAof cither hox can ted by ('vert'ii'rtli'ri.youllH'uIiTi'orc, czl'onpIvo usn of tobnoco, opium or Btiniulfinta, which lomt to lnttnnltr. fn (. nn iniofrno:i m vost porict. 01 por pox, o tot i. n f5 onlt-r wt irive a wt-ltlxn cnnroiiti' to cur . Z roliablo Femnln PTT.T. ever offered to Lndlea, eopocially recommend- 111 rWn AVflDIM, restore: LOST !M '""n yon nr In work Sold with Wr.ITTE:: NorToiisDfliiliiy, I.ois of Sciual l'nwcr in llhri isi, from nny cnum-. If nsslsotad, nb trouble,! Ipad t. iij, ii. roper noi nt m ill, s tn.irr fnr s. with cv. cWliiud.Olno. njunctniul hcr.ithir Tji,n I trl 1 1 ........ K-I?I.'I. Fiir'Trf seHbrd. JloXA137.AlbionI! 3B TSSPrv-gf' THE TRA National Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1890. CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000: FAMt'EIj niNES.irresHont. W. V. WATSON. Vice President, A 11. WILLIAMS, Cashier. rinr.CTonii, BASttm nrnrs, .iamks M' Evrnnsni, InviNo A. FiNcrf, PiKitrER Finlbv, JOBEPII J. .Il in: VV, M. S. KEMEltin., t UAH. P. Matthews, Joiin T. Poutku. W. W. Watson. PROMPT, ENtRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank Invites the patronage of buslne men and Arms generally. 0 tit. mm mi yourself aaaaasBj m BTCU TOEERSt I onovand hnaHliwui l,T,irt,,r.eir.-i,;.-!.f;i