Till: FCTMNTCVX TI?IJJU:NTE-S ATlTTfPAY MOUSING. JUNE 2, 1891. '&l t u3CXdaOX QstwUWt PUntlCHtn DAI LY IN SCR ANTON, PA Yribun Puousming Company. E. P. KINGSBURY, CtNKKAL MANA&IB Nrw York omer Tribune Building. 'HAV, MANAQL'A FRANK 8. ZNTttKD AT TMT PO'HOffirr AT OCBANTON CCONO-CLABB MAIL MATT C (! PCBANTOX. JU2SE 2. IBM. RfcPUBUCAN STftTF. TICKET. Vol (iavmwv: DANIEL II TASTINGS, or I T.NTKH. For Litutritmit 0 trnwr: WAUI-.li LYON, or ALiianiNT. For Auditor Cnirrat: AMOBH, At VI, IN', Or I.ANrAFTKIl. I'or SCT( faff of IU null Aflairil JAMES W. I.ATTA, or pniLAnpi.PHiA, For CbHfffeiunnM'nt'ba : GALU8HA a. i mow, or BUSqttKllANN'A. OEOBOET, HUFF, Or VYHSTMORRUAHD. Kleetlon Time, Mot. i TBEBE may he a distinction between what The Tribune attributed to Mr. Dickie ill hit recent Third 1'arty speech in this city, and what Mr, Walton.il a letter printed elsewhere, says he said, but there is comparatively little real difference. In any event, Mr. Dickie WSI obviously talking for effect. One Neighbor's Delusions. The curious genius who misdirects the political utterances of tho Wilkes Tarre Record ia again evincing his inherent propensity to make that oth erwise estimable' p iper supremely rid icnlooa The Tribune approaches nny discussion of this propensity with feo' ngs in which pity for tho putative "god father" of tho Record's political opinions is tempered by sympathy for those allied with him in the relations it lit r of CO-pnrtner or employe. We have long since grown Inured to the hilarity which this man's perennial nsslnlnity lends to any enterprise, from participation in which lie cannot by some means be barred, and ordinarily a smile is his only tok m of dismissal. Hut when the exhilaration of bis ig norance impels him to utter untruths about Tbe Tribune we feel constrained ;o say a few words, "from the shoulder." Referring to this journal, be says it "was conoeived, bom and reared for the ipecial purpose of sow ing the K'eds of discord in the ranks of the Republican party of Lackawanna, 'downing Joe Scranton' and elevating one of its millionaire godfotbers." if it were wortli while to take the Record's political utterances seriously, we should any that in this assertion it plainly. Bat ly and deliberately lied, Weehould add, by way of "(i nnctnring" the fore- ;oin;; hallucination, that The Tribune was founded as a legitimate business enterprise, for the singla purpose of printing the best daily newspaper in Lackawanna county; and that, so for from towing ".-eeds of discord" among Lackawanna Republicans, it has, since it got (airly going, bad tbe supreme felicity to look hack upon an unbroken lift of Republican victories, where once the record Was painfully rigged and irregular. This may be, of course, mi rely a coincidence ; but if it be, it is not, to the average mind, snggastive of implanted discord. The Record follows this falsehood up with a succession of similar falsehoods touching what it conc-ives to be the relations between the proprietary in terests of this paper and those of its Republic m morning contemporary. It ,s a tradition in Luzerne county that thc particular fraction of the Rocord to which wo are now addressing ourselves never looked at any fact in connection with politics without getting things mixed. The tradition, in this instance, is certainly verified. TOI Tribune .-tanua today, after an existence of less then three years, fairly and firmly planted on an ondnrinc business basis. It asks no odds of any competi tor, and in tbe fair fights of business competition it is prepared to give no qnarter. It proposes to print the news, sttond to its own business and knock very pompons i 1 lot's head that sticks op to do it a wanton injury. If (hern are any further points con cerning which tbe R-cord drsireg en lightenment, we are at its service. It is a real pleasure to accommodate so diverting a contemporary, to which wo perhaps proffer an injustice when we even momentarily treat it sriously, If THESE he an impression in any quarter that tho Eoramton Tribune is not standing fairly and squarely on its own merits as a livo newspaper, whose business support nnd influence ero con stantly growing, it had better ba dis missed before summer sets in, Thc Concern of All. Tho estemnd Wilkes llirre News Dealer can scarcely have woighed the full significance of its words when it intimates that tho residents of one county have no proper concern in the political activities of at'othor. If to 'jffer well-intentionod ndvico without expense be "a piece of impertinence" we should dislike to bo assigned to compute the number of pieces of im portinenco stocked np by tbe sprightly Nows-D.-aler In its ever readable com ments on Democratic politics in Lacka wanna. Infallibility is not claimod for any resident of either county; but it ofton occurs that nn observer of events who lives beyond the influences of local prejudice or other causes of a warped vision can discern features in a distant political fight not yisiblo to those immediately engaged. This is particularly true when politics takeB on the opera bonffe aspocts invariably imparted to the politics of Luzoroe by certain Wilkes-Iiarre political writers with whom tho News-Dealer itsolf has many times bad rare sport. Recurring, however, to the original poiut, we beg to dissent from the prop osition that a Rpuldican constitueuey in Scranton, for instance, has no in terest in, let us say, a congressional fight in Wilkes-Barre. It occurs to us that any turn of events which should seem to decrease tho chance of electing in either placo a first-class champion of protection and honest money ought to be a legitimate topic for discussion, not only in the other place, but In all places where Democratic incapacity, dishon esty or seotioual prejudice has precipi- ilnctiona iind decreased employment foi suffering labor, If it can be dm- o;istrte.l thnt tin) economic interests by thc of the community known us the Wy oming nnJ Lacknwauna valleys fire Koptrated by county boundaries, w shall bo ready than to btlp to draw a political dead lino for the unidance of ii'-wnpaper and other comment, ou both fides. The whole amount of it i that it be llOOTOa Hi publicans everywhere to put their boat men forward and to support Ibcm, when fairly tiomiuatod,with mi wavering unanimity and ntbusitsm J Whatever tends in any locality to add j needles disorder to the Republican CKnvasI is to bo deplored by lrionds of good government everywhere; for it in liable at any time to develop into a national misfortune. Tho fact tint in any district la this state there should DO A disposition to resent as "importi mont" honeat ndvii'e fairly profltrod is not indicative of the spirit that ihonld prevail; and that in Luzvrne county especially, must prevail it the re-elec tion of tho present Democratic member to congress i.i r."t to to presented to him on a wilver platter, thanks to short sighted Republican factionalism. ThERE WOULD be an obvious fitness in the selection ot i.oionoi it. uruce Ricketts, of Wilkes-Barre, to the va cant colonelcy of tho Ninth. A hero of a real c inflict, he would be an im pressive ot jrfct Iessoa to tiio young men who mimic war "Tho Face of Rosenfel." Next Monday morning wo shall bi gin the publication of a new serial stoiy of uncommon interest, bearing the above unique title. Not since THE TRIBUNE gave to its readers thst telling masterpiece of Dr. A. Conan Doyle. 'A Study ia Scarlet," hag there ap peared a romance wbioh in our judg ment equals that whesi publication wo now take pleasure in announcing. It is a complex story of a most peculiar mystery, involving crime, passion, oc cult mental processes, deduotive reas oning of mark"d aCUtensss and the de scriptive quality to a rare degree, the whole so deftly interwoven in tho fiction's narrative as to form a most effective work. Ii is sai l of tho author of this re markable story, Charles Howard Mod. tague, that he is tbe lineal descond.mt, so far as literary kinship it cone irnel , of thnt Inimitable muster of plot and dramatic incident, Wllkle Collins. That this is no exaggerated eulogy will be aj p irent when the reader bus fin ished perusing "Tho F.ic of Rosen fel." Wo have chos in this particular novel for serial publication only after a careful weighing of the merits of many manuscripts. We are con fi lent that our preference is not misplaced. Re member, the opening chapter will np pear next Monday morning, to be fol lowed by dally instalments, with the exception of Saturdays, until com pleted. Do not miss this real literary trat. PITTSBURG, THROUGH onn of its news papers, declares magnanimously that it doesn't want tbe Republican state convention to meet there, because it has no adequate ball to j ut it in. In that event, let's siy Philadelphia and Scranton. Come to think of it, Pitt: -burg is a triil slow. Mr. Archer's Resignation. The minora that have circulated freely for tli nr-st few weeks relative to a jomilde tciminatiou of General Manager II. H. Amber's official rela tion with tho Scranton Traction com pany proved yesterday to havo bad real foundation in fact. His resigna tion, proffered heosuse of ill-health, tins, as may be seen by a news article elsewhere, been accepted by the owners of the local trolley system; and the changes and readjustments incident to Mr.Archer'o retirement have baen, tea certain extout, airoaay ueoiaea upon. Mr. Archer, during bis brief rosl deuce in Scranton, occupied a singu larly onerous, ixacting and delicate position. It is probably not too much io say that no other railway manager in the United States had a greater va riety of complicated details to deal with. In the degree of mental appli cation required, if not In the magni tude of the sc lie of bis operations, Mr. Archer labored under a strain that few men can realize We believe it will be the general verdict of Scrantonians that, in view of all these circum stances, no lef-s than in consid eration of tbe general monetary stiiugency which befell during his administration, Mr. Archer acquitted himself with uncommon success. Ho was liberal in his policy and lavish in bis expenditures npou plant and (qnlpmont; but he bad cor rectly gauged the wishes nnd tho tem per of the community with which he was dealing; and h) knew that small methods, pursuod in a pinoh-psnny foshion, would not be tolerated. The notable quickening of local trauo ac tivities that was being experienced up to the time of the panic of one year ngo was due in no small degree to Mr. Archer's fxpansivo policy in reaching out for snrbnrban connections, and in adding rapidly to the iofl wing chan nel of quick and cheap Intercommuni cation. Wo shall extend to Mr. Archer's suc cessor, whan he shall bo permanently domiciled among us, the same greeting that was accorded the retiring man ager. Wo shall judge him by bis works. If they bo liberal, generous and in touch with the public Spirited ncss of this rapidly growing city and community, ha will receive the praise that will justly bo his due, If not, ho will bear things that will not be pleas ant. The people of Scranton have ex tended to tbe Scrantou Traction com pany, npou the plodg of a good and cheap service, privileges worth many buudrods of thousands of dollars, That service they propose to havo. If Mr. Archer's successor Is u man equal to the emergency, it will preveut a iarge mount of friction and unpleasant ness. American inoknuity has just evolved a scheme for tbe creation of new lauds when this old enrth go's overcrowded. If it isn't novel, it's close to it. The inventor is a New Yorker named Coen. Inasmuch as there isn't a pleasure island in the Atlantic bandy to the metropolis, he proposes to make one. He will Htaud it ou stilts, so to speak, and ventilate it by robust breezes lured from the vrv dren. The inland, to be called i Atlantis, will stand on piles mads of steel cylinders f grnt diameter, filled with cement. Upon thosa piers a fbor- Ing will be laid and a series of pavilions j constructed with roof gardens, band stands, promonadeH and every other means of pleasiire-aeckiug approved by i fastidious modern tastes. Atlantis, on paper, will readily accomodate 5t),000 i persons; and inasmuch as to trot H on stilts will cost only f?3,000,000 there's 1 yet a chance for the schema to ma ! terialize. In RB8P0N8S to numerous requests for the publication of a weekly digest of foreign intelligence not containo I in tho regular cable dispatches of the United Press, wo Imve arranged witti a London journalist for such a news letter by mail, t appears lor th first time on page 2 in this issue. The demand for th "America" port folio continues without signs of ces sation. Hack numbers can be had at The TRIBUNE office for 10 cents each. They're worth looking into. The chance wou't last long. The 'LUNGE which is being made just now by Hon. Martin Swift's r-invig-orate.i ball smashers is emphatically and overwhelmingly in the right direc tion. MUSI,CM .. and Musicians. Few people who listen to tho tuneful "trains of tho comic onra and watch the Graceful movement of tho chorus as the members ra ive in clock-like pr cision throneh the various marches and dances, or pose in groups pieasin for their artistic graco and apparent un.iftecte'dness, have an idea ot the mount of work necessary to cring a company to the state of perfection ttiat gives an appearance ot ease, ejne can s-carcclv itnaidn when beholding the nimble members of the chorus as they iliibtly skin about the Bia-e that days and perhaps weeks of incessant rehear- Bal have been consumed in enaoiing ' the singers to bceonio proficient in what is known as the stage business, j X Tbe etagn of tbe Frothingham the ater presented an amusing appearance yesterday afternoon as tho new meni hsrs of the chorus of tho Mnckay. Kenny Opera company were bei' drillei in the business of the operas ! which will b produced by the tronnu next week. Tift) placo look "i bleak i the absence of scenery, and one would scarcely imiigino that it oould b the ; scene of so much beauty and brilliancy at timfs. Musical Director Lindsay occupied a position near the footlights, 1 sealed at a piano from which he evoked j the tuneful strains of Qirofle-Qirofl i, while a troupe of young Indies in street j costume were leu about tbe nluttor by Stage Manager Tounga It wii3 work, work everywhere Tireless and agile as though made ol rubber tho stage manager glided a Don I the stage guiding tbe singers here and there apparently by will pwer. At the rendition of some of tue musical numbers tho pianist would spring to bit feet and wildly wave bit baton la tho air while keeping up the muic with one hand upon tho instrnmm'. The rehearsal of a drama is most com monplaoe and dull i In foot, decidedly tedious; but a comic opera drill is ail life and animation from beginning to end, and though the work is laborious there Is variety enough in the snatches of music, marches and dances lo males the business interesting. The stage manager aiul musical elireotor worn together for many weary hours In im parting the instruction nectrssary to bring a chorus to the state of perfec tion that makes the singing of a comic opera Been "so easy." A high compliment was paid t!:e Scranton quartette that won the priz -at the Pitteton eisteddfod on May "0 by tho ad j ndlcator, who In making the award said that it was a "perfectly balaboed quartette." The vocalists composing tao successful quartette are Mrs. Lizzio Hughes Bruudage, Mrs. Mary J. Boston Williams and Messrs. Tom Beynon and John W. Jones. e From presant indications there will be a large attendance at Miss Rich mond's organ recital at the Peon eve una Baptist, church on Tuesday even ing uext, June B Miss Richmond's talent as an organist is well known and sue iias prepared a programme of Un usual merit. In addition to organ numbers Mrs. O'Brien will render so prano solos and Mr. T. M Ripp.erd, of Wilkes-Barre, tbe most accomplished performer upon the violoncello in Northeastern Pennsylvania, will favor ihe auditnoe with several selections. The concert promises to be ouo of the most pleasing musical events of the season, The music committee at Second Presbyterian church have decided to I make many radical changes in the ar- j rangement of the organ and mnsic loft. The singers at that beautiful church nave SVr been placed at a disadvau tage by the arrangement of tho por tion of the church set apart for the choir, as the architect sacrificed acous tic properties entirely in order to pro duce the effects pleasing to the eye. In following out tho ideas of the architect in the mutter of placing the organ, an othor mistake was made that has cau-od an endless amount of trouble. The matter, however, will soon bo reme ditd, Mr, Hastings, the organ builder was in tho city yesterday and uinh plane for the reconstruction of tbe in slrument, and tho choir will nlso be pined in a position to give the singers opportunities for effective work. The repairs will bs made during August next. Miss Fannie Myers, tbs leading so prano of the Mackuv-Konny Opera company, in one of tho molt conscien tious ar.d painstaking ST lists in the pro fession, ijiss Myer has beeu success ful in grs'n I oiieia ne well as in the lighter roles, and rsceivid the highest praiso from the press throughout tbe country when a member of the Hoss and Tabary opera troupes. Mias My ers possesses a high soprano voico re markable for its purity, and is au ex cellent actrens as well. Off tho atnge the prima donna is pleasant and unas suming, witn kindly manners that in dicate truo culture. Tho Scranton Liedcrkranz will com pete for prizes at tho National Haen gerfest in Madison Square garden, New York, on June 23. The society will nive two concerts, one in the nfternoon and one in the oveninir, at Central Park garden on the South Side, on June 11, to raisj funds tow ard di fraying expenses of the New York trip. The Liederkrauz contains some of tho best musicians in Scran ton, and tho socio 'v will undoubtedly mako an ezoalleni snowing at the com ing music festival. e Miss Sadio Kaiser, the promising young Wilkes-Darre soprano, will render the solo parts in Webber's mass In G at Duumore tomorrow. Miss Ka'sor ncrompanies St. Dominic's choir, of Parsons, whose members, take purl iu the seivieesatSt. Mary'schurch at the 10 DO mass. The party will have a special car via. the C-ntral railroad. At Scranton tbe Traotion company will havo a special car in waiting to bring the choir to Duumore. Tho production of the "Fall of Baby lon" by tho Sacred Music socioty will take place at the Frottiinghain on tbe 2S;,h,20th nnd 80th of this month. This work is not the Sunday school cantata by Root, as some suppose, but a work of much higher standard, composed by biltterfield. It is in five acts, and is the strongest spectacular aud musical work among this style ot cantatas. The chorus numbers "nearly five hun dred void's, and have been in constant practice for mouths, until tho whole work has been committed to memory The characters will be taken by some of tho leading vocalists of the valley, and altogether it will be the grandest affair ever given by local talent. Miscellaneous Notes: Professor Hamburger, ttio vio!inlst,ha3 a large class at Wilkeu-Barro. OarbondUle amateurs will produce the "Pi rates of Penzance" at PittStOU, June The Lawrence band will inaugurate a series of Saturday evening concerts at Young Men's Chiistiau Association ball this tvoniug. Seventeen applications havo been filed for the vioidtioii of organist at tbe First Presbyterian church, made vacant by the resignation of J'iss Seymour. The choir of the Fir.it Presbyterian church will meet for rehearsal at direct or's room in tho Young Men's Christian as sociation building at T.80 this evening, and at 8. SO will sing at, the reception that is given in tho building this evening. The Jewish chorus of the "fall of Baby lon" will meet for rehearsal this aftornoon at tho Yoiiog Men's Christian Association 1 lidding at 'J o'clock sharp. At 4 o'clock the Babylon ohorus and drill girls will meet in the ball over the 1'nir store, ou Lackawanna avenue, facing Wyoming AND 131 and 133 H. Washington Ave. J!wett's I'atont Cliarco.,1 Filloil Water Filters, Coolers and Refrigerators Also ft full line of CHINA, CIIOCKERV AND GLA8SWAKE. ! & Co. 422 LACKA. AVE. -0 AYLES WORTH'S 'Meat Market The Finest io the City, Tho latest improved fnr nlshitigj and nppitrutus for keeping moat, buttor nml egga 333 Wyoming Ave. WANT a A n extra flue Ilciirv Miller Squaro I'll. no iim A a extra llii" "e'!iirk!'rinR"Hiian Piano 175 A Rood Hjunas BrothsM BanitrsPisnOi.j UN A good Moyor Hrother.4 (juaro Piano.... IH) A good Firth & Pond Stjuaro Piano 75 A good Plnphonia -- ; n Piano 60 A very good Boston Piano eo. Walnut Upright 100 A very good WlMloOS I'prlght Piano., 1W) Avory good Whuelock Ujingbt Piano.. 130 Baby Carriages, Refrigeretors Le,;li fests SK Cornell i niiLLIKSEO, Li GUERNSEY BROTHERS' NEW STORE, iants TO REACH LOW WATER MARK And outdo all competition. We will prove it now more forcibly than ever by offering our customers at Silk Counter a large collec tion of 24-inch Printed Pongees, Striped Wash Silks, 28-inch Corean and Swivel Dress Silks, which are usually considered good value at 65c. per yard. Your choice at Such a remarkable cut in price we know will cause a great consternation in the trade and the question will arise, 'Why do we do it?" and "How we do it?" but as long as we convince the public that we can do it, and eager buyers are also convinced of these facts, you are satisfied and so are we. Our Plain Japanese Habituosi Silks in 40 differ ent shades, 2 3-inch wide at Are also great values. Black Brocade In dia Silks, soft, graceful and durable, yarn dyed, 24 inches wide, which command $1.00 everywhere Our Special Bargain Price. TTictox i3 With the New Valves Cut cf Biffht Our new Picyc1es nre now ; to be seen at our 314 Lacka ' wanna avenue store. VICTORS, SPALDING, And a full line of Boys' and Girls' Wheels. We are mak ing extremely low prices on Second-hand Wheels. iVUiLLir1. S14 Lacka. Ave. Fountain Pens Fountain Pens Fountain Pens SPECIAL FOR A FEW DAYS A Guaranteed Foun tain Pen, regular price $1.50, for 98 Cents Reynolds Bros. Stationers and Entjravcri B17 LACKAWANNA AYR Dr. Hill & Son Albany Dentists f (it tenth, JS.M); Iwwt set, ?R; for Rolfl earn unci teeth without glutei, rnllwl crown nnd hrldijo work, call for prices and reforenom TONALOIA, for extracting- teutli without lialu. No cthor. No gas. OVEIi 1 1 km MATIOKAX BANK. Piano or Organ Cheap? LOOK AT THE LIST A vory good Shonlnger Upright Piano ,. 125 OROANB, A Mnson ft Ilnmlln.noavly now.lilgh top, doubts p'od.. 5 An A. B. QMS, nearly new, high top, double reo'1 A Chicago e'ottage.noarly new, high (op, denblo reed A WoreoKtor, nearly now, high top, double rued 224 end Organs at V nolctals and Retail, ou Installment. THE n mnmsiOHiuiiimiEesemKKSMtM - FREEZERS DO NOT FREEZE Ice Cream QUITE SO QUICK AS LIGHTNING, BUT NEARLY SO, I III 1 513 Lacka. Avo. Iierries are arriving in very fine condition and prices low. Fancy Tea-;, Tic-am, (Squash, Tomatoes, Asparagus, Lecto, Cucumbers, etc. Pierce's Market FEIMIM AVE. A Standard, nearly new.high tor.doublo vtinil. 40 A t-honinger, nearly new, high top, double reed W't -i And about 90 other good second hand Or gan", fSt to too. , ' . . Tho above collodion of Second hand lnxni tnontsaroall IH good order, fully gran teod, the greatest bargains over offured In this city, fall ami seo thuin. Installments or discount fur cash. WYOMING AVENUE, SCRANTON. (sSfc.'vV FQOTE I SHEAR CO STIiAWBBliKlES oAZAAB m - COLUMBIA -BimE G pp. Tribune Office, 224 Spruce St, f Having bad I-years' Mcperienoo in tho Bft rv-i' husinosH and the Agency for leading Whrols ' t n'l irraik'H.wpaiv iirpr.rod togunr antce satisfactions Thiso Intending to ptu onasaare Invited to call find examine out complete) nt Open evening Call r tend stump for catalogue 0? IS IT NOT A BEAUTY? the: ttth GAITER Globs Shoe Store 1 207 LACKA. AVE. gj Evans Sc Powell S iHttf FIRST MORTGAGE 1C0 of mn FORTY FORT COAL COMPANY. A limiiert number of flic nhoro bonds are for sale at par and ac crued interest by the following parties, from whom copies of the) mortgage and full information can be obtained: T. W. Mulligan, Cashier Second National Hank, Wilkes-Barre, Pa-. W. L. Watson, Cashier First Na tional Bank, Pitts ton, Pa J. L. Polen, Cashier People's Savings Bank, Pitts ton, Pa. A. A. Brytlen, President Miners' Savings Bank, Pittston, Pa. And by the Scranton Savings Bank and Trust Company,Tnislev under the Mortgage. T. E Athcrton, Counsel, WILKES-BARRE PA. Wedding Rings The best is none too good. Ours are 18-k. All sizes and weights. LLOYD, JEWELER 423 Lackawanna Ave. Inserted in THE TRIBUNE i ate of ONE CENT A WORD. I HA WANT ASS. at the D