The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 02, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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Ml Things Musical
134 Wyoming Ave.
See the Shaw Piano from
the World's Fair in our
And always have
Good Bread.
The Weston 11 Co,
Punch Cigars
B. & Co,,
rmnrintnd n Er-rili Olaar.
Sarney, Brown & Co. Mfr's.
ill. i HOUH hUUAUIb
Under thli heading short lotterj of interest
will hi' published whim accompanied, for pub
lication, by the writer S name. Til i: T m mr.N n
will not bo held responsible fur opinion! hero
Mr. DtekttN Off-r.
Editor of Tun TllIBCNB!
Den: Sir; Referrlujf to your recent edi
torial, "Mr. Dickie's liiintcr.'Mn which you
say you were told that ho offered HO to
"any auditor who should provo able to
convince him of the difference between
the Democratic and Bepablican parties," I
beg to say that yonr informant it limply
mistaken. Jlr. Dickie offered $10 to any
one who would tell Mm the difference be
tween a Democrat aud a Bepdoliean, Kis
offer, which was nut accepted, was made
to illustrate his point tout the terms
Democrat and Republican do not define a
man's views on public questions today.
Yours truly.
Hob Ad M, Waltok.
So Alderman Fits Immom Stated in Al
derman Post's Court Yesterday.
The suits brought against tho violators
of i he t-uhiiuth law were further heard
yesterday Before Alderman Post
Alderman Fitasimmons was sworn and
to titled that the defendants who plead
prior conviction worn arraigned before
him and the regular penalties In each case
was imposed UoL F. fc. Hitchcock en
deavored to find out from the witness if
there was not collusion between him and
the dofendantt. In this attempt lie was
nasncoessfnl Alderman Fita.immons
mid that the proceedings were regular.
The enso was closed, Alderman Post re
serving hi-decision until Monday,
A hearing In the case of DrnsgtHt Loew-
enbnrg and F, O. Walduer, will take place
this afternoon.
Scrnnton'n Business Interanto.
The TiiincNK will soon publish a euro
fully compiled and list of the
leading wholesale, banking; manufactur
ing and professional interests of Scran ton
and vicinity. Tho edition will be bound
in book form, beautifully illustrated with
photogravure viows of our pnblic build
ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together
Willi portraits of loading oltiiens, No
i miliar work hiiR ever given an equal rep
resentation of Scrnuton'B many indus
tries. It will bo an invaluable exposition
of our business resources. Scut to
persons outside the city, copies of
this handsome work will attract
new comers and bo an unequalled
advertisement of the city. The circu
lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good
results to tho' o concerned ns well as the city
at largo. Ropro.-eutativesof Tun TUBUM
Will call upon THOSE whose NAMES
are nF.siitrcn in this edition and exsjiiu
its nature more fully.
Those desiring viows ot their residences
In tnis edition will please havo notice at
the office.
Mothers! Mothorsil Mothers!!!
MrB.Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been
nsed for over fifty years by millions o.
mothers for their Children while teething
with perfect success. It soothes the child,
softens the gums, allays all pain; cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for di
arrluoa. Sold bydiuggists in every part
of the world. He sure and ask for "Mrp.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and tako no
no other kind. Twenty-live cents a bot
tle. My physician said I could not live, my
liver out of order, frequently vomited
jreonish mucous, skin yellow, small dry
humors on face, stomach would not retain
food. Burdock Blood Hitters enrol me.
Mrs. Adelaide O'Brien, 372 Exchinae St..
Buffalo, N. Y.
A fine line of whoels for rent by the
hour or day at the Kcranton Bicycle Liv
ery, 310 Washington Ave.
Pencllo & Woerz's and BallantSneV
Ales i re the btnt. E. J. Walsh, Agent,
B2 Lackawau na avenue.
ft roe to Dyspepsia
Interview with the Rev. Abel J. Parry, the
Eminent Welsh Clerraan,
William Emmell Seriously Injured
in the Pyno Mine Private Tele
graph Line Operated by a Number
of Young Man Chi Upsilon's Com
ino; Excursion Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ards Returned from Their Tour.
The Vot Side office of the SciiAKTnN
lniBUlflil locatod at 10-10 Jackson street,
where subscriptions, advertisements and
communications will receive prompt at
tention. Many facts of Interest to the Welsh
population of Scranton are contained
in un interview by a TRIBUNE reporter
With Kev. Abel J. Parry who is now
visiting here. Mr. Parry is well
known throughout Wales and to thou
sans of his countrymen here as a most
eloquent orator and influential minis
ter, author of high repute, a leading
politician whoso utterances have u:i
nsnal weight and asono occupying the
Important position of agent for the
Liberatiunist society. His opinions
lire of special valne in the Welsh aU
establisbment bill eontroverssy.
Before leaving Wales Mr. Parry was
presented with a Welsh address wish
ing bim God-speed ucrosi the Atlantic
and a safe return homo to the land ot
soug. At the large gathering, when
the presentation took place, so numer
ous were tho tributes paid to the rev
erend gentleman that they leave no
doubt that his Welsh admirers were
anxious that they s lould not purin.i
Dently lose his valuable lorvioei and
OOQUSel. Mr. Party is therefore, as a
lender of tho Cymric, able to speak
with authority upon national questions
p rtaining to the Welsh.
Questioned as to the impression made
up..n him by the various scenes and
people of the new world, Mr. Parry
ddd he was delighted to observe the
progreosof his countrymen in the Elec
tric City, and was proud of tho high
and important position held by repro
tentative! of his nation, In tlui legal
world Judge Edwards, "a South Wales
iad" held an eminent position as a
jud.e. lioeso G. Brook city treasurer
and D. Powell county treasurer uro
men who by their offices do honor to
the old country. Ia the literary
1 ipartment Hon. J. A. Farr, of th i
the Courier-Progress, aud W. W.
Davis, of Tun Tbibonb. are able repre
sentatives. One of their brilliant col
leagues, tho late D. P. Thomas, who
had just been taken away, hud also done
bis duty nobly ami well.
In the mueical world great success
had been achieved by Proiussor Haydn
Bvunsand Benjamin T. Hughes, who
occupied one of the moat foremost pos
itions in developing tho gigantic min
ing industry ot the cltv.
This, be said, was the best news he
could desire to carry back with him to
Mie old country, and he was highly
ratified as n patriotic Welshman to
obsvrve bow Welshmen entered in the
public life of America and contributed
to largely to its prosperity,
With regard to ecclesiastical matters
of this country, the reverend gentle
man stated that ho was deeply gratified
.t seeing tho dovoteduess of his fellow
countrymen to their religion, and that
tiie characteristic religiousness of the
old country seemed to cling to thorn
under the new conditions of life.
He is greatly impressed with the su
perior features of locomotion in this
country, especially the electric system,
Which seemed to intersect the country
In every direction. Turning to Walts,
a depression of trade, be remarked,"
was very evident in North Wales, and
in some measure suffering bad been
felt by many of the workingmeo. From
his limited observation and informa
tion he thought that the commercial
position of Soanton gave a very bright
promise for thu future, and it com
pared very favorably with tho various
places he bad already viintad.
When asked as to the progress of the
Welsh dissstablishment bill, he ex
plained that owiug to his being absent
from the country for two or three
weeks he had not boon ablo to follow
r.p tho qm-stion in its latest details, but
be is quite in unison with Lloyd George,
Frank Edwards and D. a. Thorn is in
the stand they nave taken in relation
to government measures by wuy of
protesting against the refusal of the
government to give an nssnrsnoe that
the disestablishment measure would be
planed through the commons this year.
The whole of Wales, hu thought, is'
also with these members. He was sat
isfied with the bill, but objected to the
privileges granted to olsrytnen to re
ceive tue tithe for their hfo time. The
should he dealt with by compensation
at tbo present time, but ho looks for
ward, however, to this important poin t
being rectified in committee.
With regard to tim educational
movement in Wales, Mr, Parry is in
great glee in view of the pjri'ecting at
last of the educational system. Soon
he thought, his country would present
an ol j :ct lesson to any country in the
matter of education of their children.
Tiie land laws, he believed, required
overhauling, as American people could
not. owing to their great advantages,
sufficiently comprehend the great dis
advantages under which the Welsh
tenant farmers suffered In their light
for existence. The land commission
now sitting was throwing great light
on thn relutlon of tho landlord mid ser
vant and he thought that as a result of
their investigations a fair and equitable
act of parliament would bo placod on
the English statute books.
As to tho Welsh movement, gener
ally Mr. Parry was eloquent in his
praise of its progress, Hnd being an
ardent, liberal ami prominent follower
of the grand old man, disctused the
past and present parliamentary repre
sentation of Wales. Less than thirty
years ago Wales was represented by a
largo majority of conservatives. Now
the state of affairs ia entirely revolu
tionized and 1)1 liberals and 3 consor
vntiles form the representation
All this. Mr. Parry explained,
was dne to tho promotion and orga
nization of the Welsh sentiment
and a legitimate cry for the redress ef
many wrongs which the Welsh nation
honestly and conscientiously thought it
had borne too long.
The important position of chief whip
in tho British house of commons is now
occupied by a Welshman, Tom Ellis,
son of a We'sh tenant farmer. The
orator of tho Welsh party, Lloyd
Gsorge, il much sought after in all
English constituencies, and is the son
of a country schoolmaster. Amongst
the WeUh representatives the old or
der of English Barristers is fast passing
away and tho majority now proluhly
comprise thess young Welsh spouts
who have done no much in the House
fur tho good of Wales in educational
matters, in questions relating to the
pior, the improvement in the position
ot tenant farmers, religious griev
ance, temper. inc. i questions and a (hi
igeiit und equal administration of fbe
A recentton will he tnnrlurnrl Mr
Parry at the First Welsh Baptist
cuurcu, aoutu Main uvenue, this oveu
ing. An attractive feature will be the
singing by tho successful choir and In
dividual artists who participated at
t e Pittston eisteddfod All the Inir.
ers will make a special effort to be
present. Mr. Parry is expected to
preach at the First Welsh Bipiist
church on Sunday morning nt 10 o'clock
in Welsh, aud in thu eveningg at 0
o'clock in English. He will also preach
in Welsh at 7 oJ Monday evening.
William Emm 11, who resides at 11"
North Fillmore avenue, was injured m the
Pyne mines yesterday morning by a fall of
ci al. A larg ciece ol coal stiuck him on
the leg, breaking that member just below
the knee. The Injured man was removed
to his home and Dr. J. J. "arroll sum
moned. The injury which iH of a most
painful kind was dressed and tho bono set.
Bunnell is a married man.
The Oak Clothing llouso going out of
Yearling chickens killed and dressed to
order at Heiser i; Waroke's,
The Star Telegraph oomnanv has been
organized on this side. The members
own a private lino which extends from
Main avenue aud Jackson street to North
Sumner avenue. The line is the source of
much amusement and Instruction (or tho
following: George Wettling. Photonrauhor
Btarner, Arthur E. Morse, Kay Morgan,
aawaru ueonaru, Johns Bros., Frank
Sliedd and Evau Jones.
Straw Hats. Tho Oak, 411 North Main
Fruit and vegetables in season, frjsh
every day, at Heiser & Warnko's.
The ( hi Upsilon societvof the Washburn
street Presbyterian church, appointed a
committee consisting ot George Waters,
ueorge Keen, Arcnie UOsrs, I), At. ICshle
tnan ana William Miller, which met at
tho home of E. 11. Ethleman on Mnlllen
street last evening aud decided to run an
excursiou to Delawaro Water tiap on
Juno as.
Shoes. The Oak.
Miss Tessie Keegan, of Ninth streot,
has returned from a visit with friends at
Mrs. Joseph Reynolds.of Hampton street,
Is ill.
High grsdo groceries at lowest prices:
sntislactiou guaranteed, at Heiser &
i nru ko .-.
Undortakor William Price, of South
Main avenue, is making extensive im
provements on his property.
Underwear, 4(0?. suit. Tho Oak.
(filt Edge Dairy and Creamery Butter,
at Heiser Sc Waruke's.
Extensive Improvements have been made
on Falrohild'l hotel on South Main ave
nue. The interior has been renovated and
the front repainted. Joseph Hughes is
now in charges
Best cuts of Beef, Pork, Veal. Good se
lection, Puss & Pritcourd's.
The Sunday schools of the Church of tho
Good Shepherd and of St. David's church
Will run au excursion to Lake Ariel on
Saturday, .Tune 9.
Silken Ballbregan Underwear, 7Cc. suit,
TheH ink.
Owing to the grading of North Mnin
avenue the tic s upon the sidewalk are a
source of danger to pedestrians, as in
stanced In tho recent storm when a tree in
front of the residence of George W. Wiu
sns was biown across iho sidewalk, Mr.
Wiuuus bus had tho obstruction removed.
Negligee Shirts, Tho Oak.
A superior liuo of Teas and Coffees, at
iieisei k uaruKO's.
As will be seen from our advertisement,
the great "(.'losing out Bale" at the Oak,
North Main avenue, is now on.
Try our instant Headache Curo, 25c. J.
J. Davies, druggist.
For good quality, good selection and fine
pieces ot meats, call at Pass ic Pritcbnrd s.
Mr. and Mrs. Richards returned from
their bridal tour this week aud occupy
their residence at 46D North .Main avenue.
Imported and Domestic 'fable Luxuries
ami KeiUUes, at llelacr & Waruke's.
Men's, boys' and children's clothes. The
Tho funeral of the lata William Cox, ot
Lafayette stveot took place yesterday af
ternoon at the Hyde Park Catholic ceme
tery. Service was previously held at tho
Jackson streot Catholic church.
A splendid spring tonic is Dnvies' Beef,
Iron and Wine, 50c. J. J. Daylos, drug
gist. Strictly fresh Eggs, every one war
ranted, at Heiser A Warnko's.
Tho young people of St. David's church
will hold an entertainment on Wednes
day next June (i at :i p, in. in the Sunday
school rooms of the church.
lints. Tho Oak.
Arthur, son of Joseph Summerhill, of
Sumner avouue, Is suffering with a broken
and badly smashed fingor.
For first-class Meats call at Pass &
Gilt edged butter SOo. Claiike Buor.
Nw Members Rc.lvert Into lh Bleemd
VliRln'., Sodality.
The receotion nf soiluliufa nnd n, ..
rerrmg of diplomas and ci osbcs on the pro
mt ters of tho League of tho Sacred Heart
t : k place last night at tho St. Peter's
The front part of thn church was re
served to the Indies of thn ll,UJ..,l v l-
Sodallty. There were over BOO of them,
and all wore the scarfs of membership
After the Singing of the hymu, "Heart
of Mary Pure nnd Fair," followed by the n-iiuun ami ine solo "(Jhihl
Oivo Me Thy Heart," by Miss Minnie
Moore, Rev. W. P. O'Donnell, of Provi
dence, delivered tliesei-m.oi It ,rn l, .1
on the extract from the Angelu-. -'Holy
nary motoer Ol (.oil pray lor us sinners
now niiu ,d via, uou- or our death."
Tho syllabus of Father O'Dounell's sor
mnn was tho purity of Mary. The rever
end speaker exhorted his hearers to in
voke the mot her of God in all the battlo-i
of life's pilgrimage, because tiod has given
ample pioof thai nothing that is asked in
hor name would bo refused.
After the sermon the reception of tho
Odallstl took place, followed by the con
ferring or medals and crosses on the pro
moters of tho League of the Saored Heart;
then came the concluding ceremony, tho
benediction of tho blessed sacrament.
Tho clergymen taking part in the ser
vices were besides Rev. Father O'Deunell,
Rev. J. A. O'Reilly, ltnv. P. II. Golden,
Bev. M. J. Mlllaiio and Rev. J. J. Enrlght.
Scranton Fishermen ICeot with Gocd
SucceB at Koioi' Pond.
A. E. Vorhis Emil Smith, Moxle Phil
bps, Joseph Krainnr, Peter Keener and
August Beldenbach comprised a party
who yesterday angled for pickerel in
Reiser's pond. It was not a good day, but
nevertheless tho party made a fair catch,
and were therefore, in good spirits when
they reached tho city last ovouiug.
They say that iho pond is literally alive
with pickerol, but that Mr. Keiter, al
though no is very accommodating, 'does
not allow any one to pick the fish out of
the water with their hands, nonce the iu
experienced Waltonians never catch more
than they can carry.
Verdict for th Ddfnndanr.
In tho suit of Mrs. Thomas Bromnge
against Nora Deviirs to recover for the
half interest In a house nnd lot In Provi
dence, the jury yesterday relnrnod n ver
dict in favor of the defendant, having
been instructed to do no by Judge Ed
wards. Would you rtde on a railroad that uses
no danger hignalsP That cough is a signal
of danger. Tho safest euro is Dr. Wood's
Norway Pino Syrup. Sold by all dealers
on a guarantee of satisfaction.
South Side Mill During Month of May Broke
All Previous Rccirds.
Exercises and Song Service at Y. W.
C. A. Rooms Tomorrow Afternoon.
Close of the Season at St. Luke's
Kindergarten Funerals That Will
Take Place Today Board of Trade
Meeting Next Tuesday Night.
For the week ended May 12 the ca
pacity of tho Bessemer department of
the South works was greater than d ur
iug any similar period linos the con
struction of the mill, and the output of
ingots for the month of May causes
the statement that the rpcnrd has onco
more been broken. Operating with
two nine-ton vessels tho mill has
arrived at the remarkable reo
ord of blooming 23,879 tons of in
gots. From May 1 to June 1 there has
not been a single break in any part of
the machinery and thus m iking a per
fect, month "tlio maungemmt felt as
sured that it would be a record breaker.
It is not intended that no further ef
fort will bo mado to improve ou the
present one. If no BOOldentS occur in
the current month there is an expecta
tion that July 1 will be able to chron
icle a notch higher.
Aftor the fiortf Snvioe Miss Anna Krabs
Will Address Idembarn.
Every mom tier of the Young Women's
Christian association is asked to be
present at th exercises tomorrow nftnr
uoon. At 3 43 a special song sorvio
will be held, lasting fifteen minutes.
Following the service Miss Anna Iirebs
will deliver an address, the subject of
which will be, ''Examples of Christ's
The association intends tu map out a
social programmii for tho summer
mouths, which will consist of socials,
outertainments, etc. The Bible und
educational classes will not assemble
for study until September, During the
absence of Miss Tumkinson Miss Anna
Doorsum will act as secretary,
Work of filling In the sides of the Pitts
tou avenue culvert will be begun next
Tho monthly mooting of the South Side
board of trud'.- will be held next Tuesday
A party of Cedar avenu i pod 'strains
Will journey to Bald Mount tomorrow if
tho weather is not cloudy.
Tho pupils of No. 3 school, Minooka,
will picnic in the Greenwood grove ad
joining No, 4 school Monday.
A meeting of the Scranton Athletic
club will bo held tomorrow to consider iho
final arrangements of Its excursion to Fiu
view on June IH.
Tho funeral of Mrs. John Heffron, of
Stone- avenue, will tako place this morn
ing at 11 u'clOOk with a requiem mass m St.
Peter's cathedral. Burial will bo made iii
Hyde Pat k eemeterv.
The funeral of Hiss Dora Thumm, of tH'.l
Birch street, will be held this afternoon at
2 o'clock. Rev. Mr. ZiEleman, of the Mif
tlm Avenue Gorman Lutheran church, will
olier prayer at her late home, anil inter
ment will be mado In Washington Aveuu I
The interment of Mrs. T. G. Jlci-s, late
of Birch streot, will be private this
afternoon nt 2 o'clock. The remains will
be laid at rest in Pittston svenns ceme
tery. Before the funeral Roy, August
Lange will rend the burial service of the
Prcsbtcrian church, ot which she was a
faithful member.
Tho close of the aeas .n at Sr. Luko'i
Kindergarten school, on Cedar avenue, (
approaching. The torm will Inst abo t
two weeks more, tho termination ol wl i h
will witness as successful a result in Ilia
hue of work ns any patron of the sclr . i
could desire. Since the opening of tie
Cedar avenue branch fifty-two child n
h ive been attending daily and three tei (f
crs were engaged to administer to their
educatiutial wants.
"Tho Faco of Rosenfol" Is one of the
most interesting and artistic narratives of
crime, mystery, occult mental power.-,
love, intriguo and adventure that wo have
ever read: The Tbibuni will print it In
serial chapters, beglnmug next Mondav
ALL Son s' Church Pine - treet-. near
Adams avenue Hov. George W. Powell,
pastor, will preach tomorrow at lo .;io
in., a spring lermoD, on "Tun Lessons f
the Lilies:" and nt 7.30 p. m. on "A P ,
tore of Gold In a Frame of Silver." i'ou
are cordially invited to d ine. Seals free.
Church of Christ, Scientist Spenctj.
buiiomg, BIS Adams avenue, Bibie lesion
at 10:30 a. m. nnd church sorvlco at 7:80 p,
nt. D. N. McKe-o, speaker. All are Wei
come. Beats free.
W. Willie ins, pastor. tVfofil g service
at lo.3o. Sacrament of tbe Lord's supper
will ho administered. Evening , ervloe al
730, subject, Freedom Tbronch Christ."
Young People's Society of Christian En
deavor nt B.80, Sabbath school at noon.
All strangers welcome.
Elm Park MktUODIBT Episcopal
CllUBOH Rev. W. u. Pearce, pastor.
Services 10.30 a. m. nnd 7.48 p m. llorn
ing subject, "Endorsees." Evening, "Thu
Beating Christ."
First BAPTIST CBURCT!--Pastor Collins
will preach next Sabbath at 10.30 a.m.
and 7.30 p.m. Morning sermon will he a
resume ot. the Baptist national mrstingi
at Saratoga. Evening sermon Will be an
other 00 the series ot "I ilgrl us' Piogrers."
First 1'resiiyt; rian i BOllCH Divine
""THERE is but one
way in the world to be sure
of having the best paint, and that
is to use only a well-established
brand of strictly pure white lead,
pure linseed oil, and pure colors.
The following brands are stand
ard, "Old Dutch" process, and are
always absolutely
Strictly Pure
White Lead
"Atlantic," "Eeyr.iar-Bauman,"
"Jewctt," "Davis-Chtunherc,'
Fahnostock," "Armstrong & McKelvy."
If you want colored paint, tint
any of the above strictly pure leads
with National Lead Co.'s Pure
White Lead Tinting Colors.
These color3 nro sold in cnc-pound cans, each
can being sufiicicnt to tlflt ajpOUndl of Strictly
Pure White Lead the Settled ; they are in
no senso ready-mixed paints, but combin.f'.ioa
of peifcelly pure colors in ihc lundicst form to
tint Slriclly Ture WhltQ Lead.
Send us a postal card nnd get our b,k on
painU and color-card, free,
service at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p m. The
pastor, Dr. MoLeod. will preach both
morning and evening.
Grace Kkkokmed Episcopal Cuuncn
?Ioriilng prayer nnd sermon, 10.30 n. m.
Communion service. Subject, "Breaking
of Bread," Acts II, 4'J. Evening praver
and formon at 7.30 p. in. Subject, "Pre
paring for His Return," I. Cor., i, 7-8
Sabbath school at tho closo of tho morning
service. Young People's Sociotv of Chris
tian Endeavor at (1.30 p. m. Seats tree.
Strangers welcomed.
Jackson BTBJtXT Baptist Ciiuncii Tr.
morrow tho pustur's theme will be, morn
ing, "Soul Wlnnlngi" evening, "Tbo Red
Sea Deliverance." Services, prayer meet
ing, ii.30 a. m. preaching, 10.30 a, m. uud 0
p. m. Sunday school at - p, m.
QBBBH RmOB Baptist ObuBOR. Rev.
V. J. Ford, pastor. S .rvices at 10.30 a. in.
and 7.3) p.m. Subject in the morning,
"Christ for Righteousness;" in the ev( u
Ing, "introduction to a Studv of the Ten
Commandments." The Lord's rapper will
ho celebrated at tho close of tbe morning
Green BrooB Pbksbytkbiam Chubch
Preaching tit 10.30 S, m. and 7.4j p. m.
Bible school at 12 o'clock. Christian E ,
(leaver meeting at 0.15 p. m. Strangers
Penh Avsnui Baptist church Hov.
Warren (i. Partridge, pastor. Sei vices nt
10.30 a. m. nnd 7.30 p. m, Subject in ti e
morning, "Conscience." In the evening,
"Recognition of Friends in Heaven," the
third in series on "Tbo Future Life." All
nro welcome.
Saint LiUKBTs CuOBOR Bev, Rogers
Israel rector. Second Sunday alter Trinity:
Holy Communion, 8 S, m. service and ser
mon, 10.30 a.m.; Sunday school and Bible
class, B.80 p. nt.; evening prayer nnd
sermon, 7.30 p. m. Nursery open ut 10 a.
m. at 3:.'." Washington avenue, where chil
dren will be kindly cared for while par
ents attend service.
Saint Luke's DumiORB Mission R' v.
A. L. Urban in charge. Monday school 3 p.
Ui.l evening prayer and sermon, 4 p. in.
St David's Church Comer Jackson
streot and Bromley. Rev. M H. Mills,
rector. Second I Sunday after Trinity.
Mornlngprayer and rmon at. 10.HO, even
iug prayer and sermon at 7.3), Sunday
school at 8.80, Bible study Tuesday even
Ins at B o'clock. Friday evening service at
7.30, Scats free.
Second Presbyterian CbuBOH Rev
Charles E. Robinson. D. D., pastor. Ser
vices 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m, Tho pastor
will preach In the evening on the
"Jcy in tho Lord.' All scats free in
tho evening. All welcome at all services.
Simpson Methodist Episcopal Church
Preaching morning and evening by the
pastor, Hov. L. C. Floyd. Sabbath school
atiam., Bpworth and Junior leagues ut
d.l:0. At all tho se r vie s all the seats me
free. Strangers welcome.
Trinity Lutheran ( bcbor Adams
nvonne, corner .Mulberry street, 11 -v. E. L.
Miih-r, pastor. Services at :o,3tia. m. uud
7.30 p. m.
By anew arrangement Tbb Trib
une is onnb'ed to ofTi-r its readers
nnyoneof the twenty parts of the
"America" portfolio for ten conts.
All parts nro now ready. This is the
finest collection of popular photogra
phic views in print. ISoud stamps or
cash. No coupon is necessary.
Thor Wm No Quorum.
A quorum of the members of tho board
of health failed to respond to tho call for a
special meeting last night, nnd conse
quently no session was held. The meet
ing was called to take action upon the
garbage question, licensed scavengers hav
ing complained that their rights were bi
ing invaded by competitors doing business
without legal permission from the beard.
Pon't lose sight of the
fact that we will sell you
a good
: for less money than you
can buy it elsewhere.
(We have made many ad
ditions to our
j They are choice and
make a beautiful present
'with a Silk or Lace
We NEVER allow our
stock of
Tea or Toilet Sets
to run low. You know
the quality. Come in
and wc will give you the
. f .
116 Wyoming Avenua.
(1.50 Per Dozen
Li 3 ti id 5 lb. Pails.
Ejgf received Daily from the
Dome Poultry Farm.
Victor, Gcndren, BcllpM, Tiovoll. Diamonli
and Othor Wbeola-
dri B HI (f c n n a ra fib a
UulU U aui -
m m m m
: : rn
;Ki80 Biano
Now on sale for 2SC. or given
away with purchase of every suit.
Handsome line of Spring Overcoats
and tbe Hobby "Eeli" Cutaway Suits
Custom Tailors
cj;ts r? r ran
i If, r
5 Special
A Ladies Vest, our regular price 19
s A Ladies' Black Hose, full regular, extra
lengtn, wortn40c,
I A Ohild's Black Hose,
knas.hoel ana to8,ahvays sold icr 37c,
i FOR 23c.
I A Ladies' Pine White Lawn Bhirt Waist,
I embroidery trimmed, good value at
$ $2.00 FOR $1,23. U
A Ladies' Silk Necktie for Chemisette,
I sold in New York city for 73c, 1
1 FOR 49c, 5
A new line of Children's Gimps just received.
At U3 Bprnee r-troi-t, will be opened to
tliepnblto noxt Batnrdnr, Juno 2, with
tho largeit find most oompleta lino of
Dontl'-mcn'.-f Furnl. hlnsi in l.ortho.nst-
era Fenneylvanla.
The old st ro nt 8)J L- -! nvo
nuo will, i.i tho fotnroj bi n branebof
tho now Bproee stroat oetsblisbraeat
Jt will nl.vnjs bo Itaeked with Ihj very
host ; oods.
Chrtsti: n's two itares v.ill Bell nnth
lns hut the Intost and best which will
be sold at til n cioat i o i -o liable prices.
Consider yourself personally invited
to tho openinn ot the u.-w store noxt
Saturday, Juno -'.
412 Spruce Street
It's a Great Shook
rothe folks who ar eloltnlns thoy undersoil
ill others tn fin 1 that with int tho le.-ist fuss
or blnxtcr we aro giving ottHtorai rfl the bea
I0tof Htic',1 opportanltios as t lose.
A Mi e'lv Hlirh Grade Lltiht-weigh
Wlici-i, 1804 pi ttern, fiirSllOeeah,
1808 p.ut.-rn, !-;."i Wheal, for S-7.-,
lfilll ;i:itti-rn, r-lOO Whpl, ror r:8,i en.l
rheso prices make tho business at ou;-store.
rr at Present tjM U,it rspalsf niiu PNHtied by
Ix-Aitiinr Anbta
BTlfst llfl fill : Opposite Celumbi.-f Monument,
06 Washington Av. Scranton,Pn
lerciei puzz
and Clothiers,
n E
f - "" ,', ' ' ' ' : ; ' ': P : :;;
FOR 1c
f-ok 25c.
all sizes, double
A Fine
Vorsted Suit
for Men,
in colors black
and blue, for
h I r W nririAii
Atlantio Wh ti Lead.
The Old :.oliab;o
i diss Tinted Gioss
EcOlomicoL, Durable, beautiful
U. S. Deck Paints.
Very Boat Thing for Floors.
Campbell's Varnish stairs.
Iho Ureal Fumll re BestortA
Johnio.i's Fr.'pnrod Kalsomino,
Deooratosant) disin
feots your rooma
Alabftstine. Atabastlni.
lieautiful, hard finish (or walH
ScynolL's' Eramel Paints,
Tho thing for a bath tub.
Lotdon Purplst
Kucpi your trait trees henithy.
Paris Groen. Paris I roen,
'J no old remedy for potato bugs
Cent; ins Dalmr.tian Powdiir
nnd Magic Fluid,
Relieves yen of that
"test,'' b'.d bugs.
Fafnl Fcoi. Fatal Fcoi,
The proper diet for roaches
Moth C.imphor Balls,
Moth Camphor Fhkcs,
Tho name indicates the n?!0.
Matthews Bros., i
320 L&oka. Ave.
mr. alex, mum '
Xow has hssehsrge of tho KKYBTONH no-
TKL, formerly cm lie 1 iheUi-oss Keys, eorn,.r
Ilroinloy nve. and Swctlniid. A full lino of
Liquors, He or, Alo nnd Pino rigam will bo
kept In stock. Jlr. Phillips will bo pleaaedt o
irroot bis many lriouda who will favor him
with a call.
O Li
i rv