THE RCRANTON TRIBTTNT3 FRIDAY MOROTNGk JUNE 1, 1894. GORMAN'S 1UM DEPOT JUNE and The Month of Koscs Weddings. The beginning of Summer. The month altogether love ly of the year. The time of year when your money goes farthest and shows to the best advantage. Where shall we go for the sum mer? What shall wo buy for our dresses! How will wo have them made, and Where shall we buy the goods! THESE are questions that al ways come with the regular ity of tho season. We have always answered these questions for you to your entire satisfaction. We have pleased your tastos , met tho size of your pocketbooks, and j'ou have been tho admired of your friends and the envy of your neighbors. Good Will, Accommodation, In tegrity, and tho Best and Cheap est of All Goods are marked features of our store. Ta ilor M de S uits. Traveling mon say those Navy Blue and Black Serge Suits of ours at JIG. 00 aro the samons bring 12.50 in New York and Boston. They're a marvel, nnvway. OLYPHANT. The doling reception of the Blalcely Social clou held at Keystone hall, Wednesday evening, was the moat brilliant social affair of the season. The ball was beautifully decorated for the occasion and notwithstanding the disagreeable weather, the sceuo was n most magniflcient on, Tbe grand march, led by Professor George Taylor ami Miss Mary Hughes, of Scranton, commenced at 8.30, and about forty couples kept time with tbo enchanting strains of tbe march played by Bauer's orchestra, of Scranton. At midnight tbo morry dancers ad journed to tho Banquet hall and par took of tho sumptuous repast which had been prepared by Caterer Jones, after which dancing was reaumad un til the "wee smu" hours of the morn ing. Among those who were prosent are tbe following: Mr. and Mrs. Manlo Bell, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Barnes, "I. T, Hoyt, C. H. Boattys, E. J. Huff, R. W. Arnold, Misses Katie Ball, Nettle C.innon, Grnce Barber, Jennie Williams, Amy Doud, Agnea Williams, Belle Benjamin, Jttmla Tuthill, Alice Bell. Sylvania Kizer, Emma Barnes, Blanche Dolpb, Jennie Jones, Stella Arnold, Ma Samp Bon, A.'igle Barlut, Maggie Williams. Feckville; Miasoa Nettie Knapp, Irene Coleman, Libbie and Lottie Powell, Minnie Mason and Mrs. D. W. Harris, Blakily, Misses Jennie and Emily Davis, Ella button, Maud Kelly, Thomas Hoskins, Charles Hitchler, Watkin Davis, Leonard Kelly and R. Jones, Olyphant; Messrs, George and Hurry Taylor, laylor. Uraham, For back, Elsie, Scranton; Battenburx and Eaton, Archbald; Thomas Pal mer, Priceburg; Harry Conner, Winton; C. J. Wntklns, Moo- ale; Misses Rena Day, Mary Hughes, Freda Vrockwroachey, Katie Ryan, Mattie Towers, Scranton; Mis Lizzie Palmer, Priceburg; Miss Mattie Hards, Carbondale: Miss Jennie Can non, Moscow; Cora Ralph, Waverly Ruth Wideman, Niebolson; Messrs Roberta, Jonnson, Pickerson. James. Walker. Swingle, Robert and Edward rsarnes, Davis, Wntklns, Bell, Kiger. Berry. Beardely, Marks, Reid, Frank una If red BtOlamio. Cousins, (ilover. Reese, James and George Dolph, Peck ana Williams, lvokviiie; Messrs. Berry, Lloyd, Widdowfield, Barthold Houser, Frew, Knapp and Davis, inanely. GREENWOOD. Mlkey Lonrey, of Minooka, had his arm sprained today at the Ureenwood colliery. People flocked to the cemetery yos- terday in large numbers, and all tbe graves of veterans were nzed up in good ehupe. Tom Murray, treasurer of the Min ooka Sporting elub, has a dog that ho will match against any dog in the county under 100 pounds. The Old Maids and the Bachelors' club will picnio at Mountain Lake next Sunday. Mlxey'i hops at Faishold's every Tuesday night. Thty Are Missed. The night Bhell be ruled with rejoicing, And happy will be the day, When we're wrapped again our flannels We'd recently packed away. Chicago Inter Ocean. Highest of all in Leavening Powei. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. sABSOUiTEU PURE MONTROSE. PITTSTON. Connty Sopwlnteudeni of SohoolsT. Harrison nas announced the follow- ng dates for the holding of teachers examinations in this locality as follows : Pittaton, Friday, June 8. for Pittston and Jenkins; Dillas. Tuesday, Juue 12, for Dallas borough and township; Avoca, Thursday, July 5, for Avoo.i andMarcy; Wyoming. Monday, July for Wyoming and Kingston town- hip; West Pittston. Friday. July 18; for West Pittston and Exeler; Cork Lane, Monday, July 10, for Pittston township, Hugh estown and Yatesvillo. Applicants will enter the elass m the districts where thoy are applying. Ex aminations will begin at o clock. The fuueral of the late Captain F. P. Reap, mention of whoso death appeared yesterday, took place at 0 ;;) Saturday morning. A mass of requiem will be snug at St. John's church, and the re mains will be laid in the family mau soleum in Market Street oemetsry. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Huntley, of Parsonage street, were agreeably sur prised Wednesday evening, it being their ntth marriage auniversary, when a pleasaut party comprising Mr. and Mrs. Sauford Apt, of Olyphant; Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Bennott, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lewis, Charles B. Smith. G. F. Hunter, and Mr. Tompkins, Miss Lewis, Ida May Lewis, Mattie Merri muo. Libbie Williams and Maud Ar not. They presented Mr. and Mrs. Huntley with a pretty ebony cloek, ae a token of eateem. Choice refreshments were served, and a few hours spent in social pastimes. At a late hour all dis persed for their homos, after wishing Mr. and Mrs. Huntloy many happy returns of tbe event. Begiuning with next Sunday, the ses sions of tho Trinity Sunday school will be held dnring tbe summer at 0 a. m. Hie excursion to Harvey's lake will take place on June 14, not June 4, as ncomctly announced some days ago Mrs. Mary J. Westlako and Miss Mubel Harrison, of Scranton, are vis- ting the familv of Mr. and Mrs. Boss, of Parke street. A young Polander lad aged 14 years. named John Moloakey, employed as a uoorti'tider In tbe rhenix colliery of the Newton Coal company, was in stantly killed yesterday morning soon liter 11 o clock. lie was caught be tween a car and mine prop and crushed to death before any assistance could bo given htm.- His body was taken to his home in Duryea by his father who is employed in the same mine as a miner. Among the out of town visitors here yesterday were Editor C. D. Llnskill, lhomus 11. Atherton. of Wilkea-Burre: Mra W. K. Dolan and Miss Genu vivo McCann, of Soranton, Julius Oohs, of Brown's Beo Hive, left yeBterday for Baltimore, Ml., to meet his pareuts who expect to arrive in that oity from Germany, 1ft Donnelly aud dauguter Norah left yesterday for Binghamtou iti response to a telegram informing them of the aerlons illness of Mrs. P. Donnelly. formerly of this plane. Owing to tbe Moody meetings there will not be any rehearsal of the inusi oal association until further notloe. HONESDALE. AHCHBALD. On account of the heavy rains the regulnr races scheduled for Memorial Day on tbe traek of the Wayne Connty Agricultural society wero. declared off aud two stake races substituted, one for tbe II 50 claas and the otlier as a free for all. The rnco for the 2.50 class was won by Nolly B, owned by L. A. Patterson, of Carbondale; time by beats, 8,50, 8,51, 9 68. Joe, owned by J. K. Hprtwok, of Bqnlnnnk, was sec ond, and Daisy Bell, by W. E. Cook, Honesdale, third. Tbe froo-for-all was won by Marce lia, owned by S. E. Uemstoad, Equl nnnk, time by beats, 2 48, 2 45t and 2.51; Ned, owned by J. A. Under wood, Thompson, second; and Farmer, owned by L. II. Patterson, Carbondale, third. The track was muddy. Tho Wayne County Agricultural society contemplate giving two days races at the fair gromids on July 4 aud 5. The heavy down pour of rain .Memorial Day, dampened tho ardor of the younger people and cast a melan choly air over the veterans. Notwith standing the condition of the elements, however. Company E was ordered ont about half-past ton the parade was formed with Officer Goesser at tbe head. Next the Honesdale Cornet bund led by a negro with flourishing baton, who by the way wns no nma tonr. Company E without arms or side arms, St. Francis Pioneer corps, the Grand Army of the Republic, of Captain James Ham Post, and the Sons of Veterans. They marched to Glen Dyberry cemetery whore the services were beld. At the conrt house tin the afternoon Captain R. W. Brady opened tbe meet ing". Rev. W. L Thorpe, P. E.. led in prayer. The roll of the departed mem bers of the post was culled by Adjutant Kealer. An exercise by scholars of the school and others followed. Rev. C. A. Ben jamin delivered a remarkably flue ad dress touching on incidents of the civil war. Rev. W. L. Thorpe offered the bene diction. KnBiell Dimraick is homo from the university of Pennsylvania. Dr. William B. Powell has returned from New York where he has been purchasing an outfit for his new dental office opposite Hotel Wayne. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crandall passed Wedneaday in Scranton. Mrs. John James left for Lanesboro this morning to attend the graduating exercises there. Mra. E. B. Handenberg, son R vy and Mias Pelles, of Ilawley, leave today for a visit at Ellouville. A small crowd left here for Fairview, Memorial day- Iu tho game of ball yesterday be tween tho nine from the Venus Social clnb, Carbondale and tho Amity Social club, Honeadale, the former won by a score of 8 to 4. In another gnnie Carbondale and Honesdale picked teams, the score was 0 to 0 in favor of Honesial. Memorial Dav hero was rainy, bnt at the appointed time the Graud Army of the Republic Post. Sons of Veterans. and the lire doDnrtmeut marched to the cemetery, where the graves of our fallen heroes were decorated with flow- era, after which Hon. J. H. Landis. of Lancaster, Pa., delivered an slocjuent address in the armory. In the evtoing the Grand Army of the Rcpublio, Sons of Veterans, and Company G, National Guard of Pennsylvania, marched to the cemetery and took up tho large flags and placed the small flags on the soldiers' graves. Ulgar 1'urrell. of New York city, is visiting his mother. Cards are out announcing the com ing marriage of N, P. Ayers to Miss Cora, daughter of ex-Sheriff L. B. Mil ler. The event occurs June 10, at tbe Lako Side Methodist Episcopal church in Lathrop township. Prof. Hawk, who has been the in structor of the Montross cornet band, has decided to take np hia residence elsewhere, a move that the citizens regret. R. Q. Scott, the clothier, is in New York. Judge and Mrs. D. W. Searle return ed on Wednesday from an enjoyable trip through New York state, and in other parts of tho country. It uow looks as though Montrose would have a first -class ball team. So far they bava been successful in every game played. There are at present twenty prison ers in the county jail. Seveu tough looking specimens of humanity wero brought over from Susquehanna last week. Beat up for 80 days. Edgar Cm-field, of Jersey City, is shaking hands with Montrose friends this week. Montrose Fire company No. 3 took In about $G00 at their recent trades display and reception. Montrose sent out four speakers for Memorial Day A. H. MoCollum, W. S. Masoy, Captain W, D. Alney and Professor B. E Jamos, every one of them eloquent speakers. Mr. Fordbam, of Maple street, ex peots to take up his residence in Green Ridge, Scranton, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Cole. Mrs. B. Thatcher and daughter Anna have been spending the past two weeks visiting friends in Scranton Carbondale and other points in the valley. Farmers in a great many Instances are replanting their com, the first seed planted having rotted on account of the continued wet weather. 'Mrs. Wright, mother of Register and Kecorder S. S. Wright, is danger ously ill. A. W. Lyons has added to his well arranged storo a national cash register. It is the finest one aver put up in this locality. Strawberries are selling in the mar kets at from 10 to 15 cents p?r basket H. D. Gottes, formerly of Scranton, but lately at the corner of Stoddard & Wat roue, has accepted a position in ciughamton. Li. it. Derrick expects to open a watch repairing shop in Dr. Granger's tore m Hash. CARBONDALE. Mr. John M. Tbeo of Scranton called on friends here yesterday. Decoration day was quietly obsorvel here. Special muss was celebruted in St. Thomas' church by Rov. T. J. Com ertord and memorial services were also held in the Presbyterian church in the evening. The Boldiers graves were d corated by a committee from Lieutenaut James (i. Stephens' Post, G. A R., asaisted by many ladles and gentlemen from this place, Mr. Churles O Malley of Carbondale called on friends on Center street last evening. iliss Hannah Barrett, Lanra Mc- Hale, Rese Price and Jennie O'Boyle visit-d friends in Peokville yesterday. Miases Teasie O'Mally, Annie Keefo and Mlas Cadden, of Scranton, visited the Misses Morau, of Rock Terrace on Wednesday. Mies Clara McNnmora, of Pittston. is visiting Miss Delia Coyne of Rail road street. The reception of the Knlirhts of Fathor Mathow on Wednesday evening was a very pleasant affair. Everyone enjoyed it. There were many present from out of town. Misses. Mary O'Mally and Lncy Far roll, of Olyphant, called on friends here on Wednesday. Alexander McDonnell, of Cemetery street, who was injured in the mine a few weeks ago, Is able to be about again. Mr. Miles J. Mc And row was in Soranton vesterJay. Mrs P.W. Fadden, of Olyphant, visited friends hero on Wednesday. Miss Mary Lawler, of Olyphant, who has been visiting here, returned home yesterday. A Hungarian minpr, at Jones, Simp son & Co's. mine on the Ridge was severely burned yeeterday. He was preparing a charge of powder when a spark from his lamp fell into the keg boside him, and ignited the powder which it contained. The blazo spread to his clothes and burned them off bis body. His flt-ah was very severely burned and it is doubtful if the man will recover, James Stewnrt is serinnsly 111 at bis horn on Garfield nvonne Mr. and Mrs. O, L, Uiley were in Clifford Wednesday attending toe fu neral of tbo late R-jv. B. C. Jones. Rev. and Mrs. Jopson have returned from their trip tn Saratoga Proprietor Fox, of Hotel Anthracite, has engaged the Mozart band to ren der a seri s of open air concerts, twenty in number, from tho balcony of the hotel. Tho first wi 11 tnke place this evening. Hereafter thoy will oc cur on Satur lay evening. In spite ot the rain, which mtorforred greatly with the enjoyment of Memo rial Day, the utortainment aud fes tival which was given in tho evening in the Methodist churoh by the Ep- worth league, was a sncces. socially and financially. As a reauli $25 will be added to the Epworth league fnnd During the month of May fifteen deaths occurred in this city and four teen births. The r. suit, of tho game of base ball at Honesdnlo on Memorial Day, be tween tbe V -nus club, of this place, and the Amity clnb, of Honeadalo, was 0 to 4 in favor of the Von in club. George Kellev returned yesterday from n visit in Now York city. Gorgo H. Tolloy, of Philadelphia, is on a business visit to this city. Tho opening of the new Hotel An thracite is expected to occur on Tues day of next week. D. L. Crane returned last ovening from New York city, where he attend ed the annual bunquet of the college class of which no was a member. Miss Annie Lavls roturned to her home in Scranton Inst evening after enjoying a brief visit with friends in this plane. Harry Hiller is spending a few days with friends and relatives in Carbondale. Bnoklen'a Arnloa Salve. The best salve In the world for Cat s Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It la guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price US cents per box. For sale by Matthews Bros. Quinsy troubled me for twenty years. Since I started uilng Dr. Thomas' Ecleo trlc Oil, bnve not had an attack. The oil cures sore throat at once. Mr. Letta Cou ard, Standlsh, Mich., Oct. U, '83. AMERICA ILLUSTRATED. By a now arrangement The Tnin cnb is enabled to offer Its readers any one of the twenty parts of tbo "America" portfolio for ten cents. All parts aie now ready. This is tho finest collection of popular photogra ' phic views in prints. Send stninpB or cash. No cc ipon Is necessary. "The Face ov Rosmfjsl." When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorm, When aha was a Uhild, she cried for Costoiia. When aho became Mlas, she clun g to Costorla. When alio had Children, she gave thorn Cistorlr, Dyepepala and Indignation In their worst forms ore curod by the use of P. P. P. If you aro debilitated and run down, or If you need a tonio to regain Hi Mi and lost appetite, strength and vigor, tnke P. P. P., and you will b strong and healthy, for shattered constitutions and lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium) is tho kiug of all medicines. P. P. P. is the greatest blood purifier in the world. For sale by all drugglsle. EsSlURST. FOREST CITY. Thomas Brown, jr., John Matey and Dert ulakeslee spent part of Memorial Day in Uarbondale. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pentecost of Promptou are visiting friends iu town for a few days. James C, V inters who has served three years in tbe regular army battery m. ueavy artillery at New York har bor spent yesterday with Attorney A M. O Donnell. Mr. Winters with Mine Foreman Maxey, A. M. O'Donnell aud B. F. Maxey made his first visit to a coal mine and was much pleased with tho sights of the same. His home is at Friondsville, Susquehanna county. Mrs. D. P. Lnppeus is in Philadel phia attending the commencement ex ercises in a missionary training school from winch her idnughter, Miss Addie, is an Honored member ot this year e class. AQoipn josopn, rormeriy a promi nent merchant in this borough, but at present a resident of Piiiladelpuia, was united in the holy bo nds of matrimony a short time ago to Miss Amelia Mabel Hines, of Philadelphia. Extensive preparation had beon made by tho Enterprise Hose company for an enjoyable time on Memorial day and sncn was had. i lie nromen were at work from the dawn of morn till late at night. The Mitohell Hosj comn.iny. of Car bondale, had intended coming to Forest City in a body wtth their team, fire wagon, etc , but it being a dav of moistening qualities, only a part of the company came. Among those in the company were: Joe Bronnon, John Rivenbure. Thomas Campbell, W. J Myors, W. Sparnlel, J. Ward, Peter Rivonbnrg, Evau Thomns.John Lewis, A. J. Mitchell and Sam Small. They were met at tho Ontario and Western station aud escorted by tho Enterprise with the band at tbo head, to Maxey 's hall where an ubundance of good things bad been carefully prepared for tbe oecnsion. After dinner the visitors wero al lowed the freedom of the "city." About 5 o'clock the rain having slopped for a short time, both compa nies formed in line and paraded Main street. The Enterprise company In their drill made some vary difficult maneuvers perfectly and thvy clearly showed by them tbo exoelleat manner in which they had beeu drilled by C. S. Alexander, tbe secretary of the com pany, who captained them. In tbe evening tho cantata, "Jepb thnh and His Daughter," was rendered in the opera house with nearly evory soat taken. The singing of the entire caste and especially those in the load ing role could not havo been inuuh bet tered. The large chorut in the can tata for bleuding of tone and hannouy was excellent. Tbe (patriotic flag drill by twenty- fivo ladies, led bv Mis Jessie Smith as he goddess of iibertv. was a verv en joyable part of the evening's entertain ment. They were nnnlauded many times duriuir the drill for their Dro- ficiency In performing difficult move ments. A great manv Forest Citiana would be pleased to have it repeated in the near t'uturs. A large share ot tbe credit for the splendid rendition of tbe cantata and the work of tbe drill be longs to Prof esior John Lutber Mor gan who has been their faitbfnl in structor from tbe beslnninsr ot the oantata. Mrs. U. L. Aldrich, the pianist, also assisted izreatlv in the success of tbe cantata. TAYLOR. The "Confederate Sov" will be pro duced again this month. The date has not yet been chosen, bnt will be abont June 14. The Price Librarv association hall was thrown open for the day on Mem orial day and many gathered to pass away the dreary hours in reading, games and other social amnsements The raisinc of flairs on the Pvne and Sibley schools on Memorial Day was lone with appropriate exercises. The Daughters of America nresented the fUg to the Pyne school and the Patri otic Order Sous of America to the Sib ley. The Junior Order United Ameri can Mechanics also presented the Pyne souool witb two Uibles. The presenta tion speeches of the Stars and Stripes was maao ry Kev. v. A Kine. of tbe Methodist Episcopal church. HAHSTEAD. Mrs. L M. Hill of Syracuse, who has been visiting Mrs. John Crook, has returned home. Rutherford Swarlz. who it attending school ut Scranton, it visiting friends and relatives iu this place. Chester Munsou, of Su-ciuohanna. is visiting his parents, Mr. und Mrs. C. H. Munsou of this place. Mrs. Peter VVeutz, of Dinirhauiton, who forniurly lived in this plaeo is visiting tiionds in town. Samuel Brown died at bis residence on Dullois ; treet, ot pm-umonia. Tbe tune ot the tuneral has not yet been decided, bnt it will be annonnctd in to-morrow's Tisihune. Mr. Wm. A. liooth Indiana, I 'a. Saved My Life $5 Worth of Hood's Sarsa parilla Severe Case of Nicotine Poisoning. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass.: " Gentlemen : I write these lines to certify that Hood's Sarsaparillahas cured me of a most painful disease from which I have suffered the past four years. It appeared la the form of eruptions on my neck and face, spreading over my body, so painful that I could not sleep at niuht. and could not work In tho day time, and when I did lay down und got into a little doze, if I would move Just a little, it would start that tcrrlMo sensation, and Blood Would Start from the eruptions on my legs and body. I bad to wear bandages all the time. My eyes wero badly swollen, my back In territdo condition. One physician said it was weed poison, another eczema, and t lie last told me it was Nicotine Poisoning, and that I would havo to go to a physician who made a speciality of my disease. (I omitted to say that I am a eigU maker by trade.) Hut Hood's Sarsaparilla had been recommended, and I thought I would try It. anil I am heartily thankful that I did. I can truly say that Uuod's Sarsaparilla has effected A Perfect Cure. I am free from sores, have a good appetite, no dull feelings, and that continual sick beadacho Is gone. This wonderful cure has only coat me live dollars. This small amount of money has Hdod'sCures rid mo of all my sufferings. I am still biking Hood's Sarsaparilla, my faithful friend which ved my life. I cannot praise It enough." WM, A. BOOTH, minima, rennsyivania. Mias Jessie Williams entertained Professor H. D. Buck and his Sunday school class of the Elm Park Methodist Episoopal chnreh at her borne last evenintr. C. C. Clay and danirhter Lottie at tended tbe funeral of ReV. B. C. Junes at Clifford, Pa., on Wednesday. Contractor Danlol Bleseoker is en gaged In bnildiug the ttone work on the Elmhnrst boulevard. Johu D. Fuller spent Dtcoration Day with his family in this place, Tbe bank around the Delaware, L ick awanca and Westoru depot it being cut down and graded, making a fine apnearunco In the shap terraces. Jay Knickerbocker, jr., will soon oc cupy his new home. J. H, Snyder has moved his family into the house ocenpitd, until recently, by F. W. Hnrlow. Dr. J. C. Batetou made professional visit to Oirbondale on Wednesday. For Colds, Croup, Asthma, DronohitU and Sire Throat use Dr. Thomas' Eclvctrlc oil, and get the genuine. rrjBics Constipation. CURES Constipation. cimEs Constipation. Acts On the Bowels. I write that you may know the good I have received from B. if B. I wan all out of health and suffering with oon ttipatloh and bllluuaneaa. I tiled other modlcinee, but thoy fallod to do any good. At laat I bought a bottle of & B. B. and Defore I had utnd It all I went to work as well as ever. Qua Nia son. Boa KJr vineton, Wen-moo. P MR, ALEX, PHILLIPS Now haR huaehano of the KEYSTONE HO TEL, forniorly cuflod tho Cross Keya, corner Bromloy avo. and Swetland. A full line of Llquora, Beor, Alo and Fino cigars will bo knjit In stock. Mr. Phillips will no nleasmlt o greet his many I rlends who will favor him with a cull. Hood's Pills cure liver Ills, constipation, biliousness, Jaundice, sick headache, indigestion. The Face of Rosenfel. anmEiiiniiiiNHinuiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir- THE FAIR 400-402 LACKAWANNA AVE. SALE THIS WEEK ONLY. lL 111 I h h Id J to 500 DOZEN Ladies' Kid Gloves 5 and 7 Hooks, WORTH $1.00 PER PAIR. SALE 59c. 0) r n H H I PI 5 Remember, The Fair THE LEADERS IN LOW PRICES. niiiiuiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!i(iiHiiiiii9iiii!uiisiiiiiiiEii:iiii ' t) t) ' 9 Wholesalers and Largest Retailers of Straw Mattings from China and Japan, Leading House for Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Lace Curtains and Upholstery Goods. KERR 6c Fine 406 and 408 Carpetings Lack a. Avenue LOWEST PRICES. LOWEST PRICES. One entire room devoted to Oriental and Domestic Rngs and Art Squares. We make a specialty of Window Shades, Awnings and Draperies A Dollar. Tepchor-Goorije, what's a dollar George An exclusWa bubblo vory easily Wowi Tea-hor Wrong. Charles, what's adollarf Charles A Porous Plaster to heal all wounds Toachor No! Richard, what's a dollar? HI chard A tiny thing which somo people bring so close to their eyes that it obscures all heaven aud hell Tcacher-Not quite; William, wbat'a a dol lar f William-God! Teacher Harold, What's a dollarf Harold It's ono hundred conts, because I heard my mother say Bho always got one hun dred centa' worth for ovory dollar's worth sho buya at tho Koonomy Fnrnltnre Co.'a. Wyoming avenue, and that Is why my big Bister got married and got her houaa fur fnrnlshed compli te at tho Economy on their Liberal Credit System. Teacher-Correct ; go to t he head. Yon are sma rt enough to get married at once, The i c . n in y I in ii 1 1 ii i Company is a blessing to alb Their liberality knows no bounds. lyWIth $"0 purchases or ovor you get an Onyx Finished Clock, and with (7& or ovor a 100-piece Dinner Set. SEE MONDAY'S TRIBUNE.
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