The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 31, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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tBeecham's pills are for
biliousness, bilious headache,
dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid
liver, dizziness, sick head
ache, bad taste in the mouth,
coated tongue, loss of appe
tite, sallow skin, when caused
by constipation; and consti
pation is the most frequent
cause of all of them.
Book free; pills' 25c. At
drugstores,or write B.F.Allen
Co.,365 Canal St., New York.
iir !
The Fan senson is notv upon ns, nnd we
are showing these artistic and prot
ty articles in the most beauti
ful patterns nod colorings.
Fans from lc. to $7.50 Each,
SILKS mat Look Well,
SILKS That Wear Grandly,
SILKS That Even Wash
When required.
This, in brief, is the story
of the Foremost Lino of
American-made Figured In
dia Silks.
If tho designs were not so exception
ally sprightly, the quality alone would
Bell thorn.
Then, :igain. oven if the quality were
not of such superior excellence, the
stylos alone would quickly compel
Spoiled Hi llnslncss.
A boy with ragged cloches and with fate
and hands that had not bceli troubled with
water for many days, perhaps months, en
tered thu office of Tax Collector Stewart
Saturday morning and begged the loan ol
a dime. "I will give yon one," said the
tax collector, "if you will take that piece
Of soap there and get under that hydrant
and wash yourself." The boy took the
soap and putting his head under the hy
drant undid the work of many weeks in a
few minutes.
He was completely transformed when he
Rrose from his ablutions. The lax collec
tor gave him the dime and remarked,
"That is the best money you have ever
earned." "Rest nothing," replied tho hoy
scornfully, "yon have played hob with my
business." Atlanta Journal.
Harp of Wood.
Two Frenchmen, the brothers Forre,
have Invented a new kind of harp, made en
tirely of wood. Instead of strings the in
ventors use strips of American lir. The
eound is produced, as in the ordinary harp,
by the contact of t he fingers; but the play
ers wear leather gloves covered with resin.
The tone of tho instrument is of remarka
ble purity, New York Telegram.
I I ' I" '.1 Soup.
Wash a bunch of asparajjus; put in a
saucepan with boiling water; let boil
gently 'for half an hour. Tako from tho
water, cut off tho tops and set aside.
Put a quart of now milk on to boil.
Press the asparagus stalks through a
colander and add to tho milk; thicken
with a tablespoonfnl of butter and 2
tablfiapoonfull of flour rubbed together.
Add tho asparagus tops, season with
salt and pepper and serve.
Lettuce With Ham Dressing;.
This is a common salad with the Ger
man and is a most appetizing relish.
Wash aud dry tho lettneo carefully and
havo ready in a dish. Mako a dressing
from a small half cupful of clear hot
ham gravy. Fill the cup with good
vinegar. Stir into this a little sugar,
seasoning with pepper and a very little
salt. Mix thoroughly with the dry let
tuce. Good Gingerbread.
One cup molasses; stir sifted flour
into molasses until it is stiff, a pioco of
molted butter sizo of an egg, a cup of
hot water, a tcaspoonful soda dissolved
in tho water, a teaspoonfnl ginger and
ono-half teaspoonful cinnamon.
Bnoklen'a Arnica Salve.
The best salve In the world for Cat i
Bruises, .Soros, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Come and nil Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money rofanded. Price 85 cente per
box. For isle by Matthew Brae.
6110 DEPOT
One of the featur- s of Memorial Day
was tho exorcises pertaining to tho Da
presentation to school No. 3 on Salem
avenue. It) spite of the rain a large
crowd gathered to eee the flag raised
aud liiten to tho exercises. Shortly
after 2 o clock the procession, which
consisted of the Graud Array of t'e
KepuDlic, bona or Voterans. tho uilfei
ent patriotic orguniz.aioas, Cttrbondale
police and two bum's, moved down
Purk street to the iceno of the celebra
tion. A selection was rendered by
one of the bunds, after which the
handsome new iWg, winch was ti led
with little 11 sirs, was uufurlvd. Tho
small fltfl showered to the ground and
the little children scrambled for one of
the little souvenir. The ilsg was
hoisted by Mr. Hugh Powdvrly.of High
street. The Geruianiu baud rendered
a famllai patriotic selection, three vol
leys were tired by tho Grand Army of
the Republic and threo by the boas of
Veterans. Then it was announced that
on account of the ruin that the presvi
tation speech would bo given In Wattu
by It-v. A. Jones and tho acceptance
to which was givfti by George Grills.
The remaining numbers of the pro
gramme could not be rendered on 00"
count of Hie weather.
Dr. A. E. Burr, of Scranton, was
Hinong the visitors in thi city yester
day morning.
At a rpcent m?eting of the High
school alumni it was li ci led to hold
the annual hauquet on the evening of
Horatio Moore, of Scranton, spent
yesterday with friends in this city.
N. S. Wcnacott spent yeaterduy with
his psrent in Wnym.irt.
Yesterday was the opening of Far
view, the far-faruod summer resort.
The excursion was under the nus
pices of the Delaware and Hudson.
But few uvailod themselves of the
opportunity of spending the hol
iday on the mountain. Bauer's
baud of Scranton arrived here at 10 :I)0
o'clock and paraded Main street, ren
dering some music, previous to their
taking the train for the picnic grounds.
Miss Jessie Weatherby of Wayne
street is entertaining tho Mifscs Mar
garet Vipond and Elsie McDuuald of
City Clerk McMillan hns finished the
city duplicate for the year 1801 and tho
amounts that will be collected from
the different wards iu the city is $32.
077 08.
Suppers were earvod last eveninL' by
tho Woman's Rolief corps in tho Young
Men's Christian association rooms, and
by the ladies of tile Congregational
church iu the said church. The Ep
vrorlh league of the Methodist church
served ice cream and cake in tho din
ing hall of the chnroh.
Mrs, D. K. Mores and Miss Alice
Butler will leave next week for Dans
ville, N. Y., where Mrs. Morss will
undergo a course of treatment for sev
eral woeks at the Dausville Sana
torium. Yesterday morning at 10 o'clock oc
turrod tho funeral of Mrs. Frances
Nealon. Services were conducted In
St. Rose church, when a requiem mass
was celebrated, with Rev, J. J. Currun
officiating. The remains were interred
in St. Rose ciinetery.
Misa Julia Webstir, of Nineveh, N.
Y., will arrive in this city this evening
on her roturnfroin a visit in New
York, and will oo the guoat of Mrs. C.
R. Munn, of Terrace Btreet.
Miss Kate Gardner spent Saturday
and Sunday with friends at Dunmorn.
Miss Lodusky Dimes enjoyed a fish
ing expedition at East Lemon on Sat
urday while calling upon her friond,
Miss Lena Stark.
Paul Cure, of Jcrmyn, was a caller
at the Academy on Sunday.
On acconnt of illness Professor IIul
loy failed to m -ft bis appointment at
Waverly on Sunduv last. He. how
ever, oxpscts to deliver a sermon there
on Sunday next.
A very interesting meeting of the
Young Men's Christian association was
held in tho grov on Suudny. Mr.
Washburn led tho devotional exercises
and all present enjoyed a spiritual bless
ing. The fourth annual banquet is now
one of the grand events of the past. It
was celebrated on Friday evening,
May 18. About eighty were ipresent,
including the invited gnesta and the
faculty. The committee on arrange
insula spared no effort to make it tho
most successful of any precedin?. The
decorations were very beautifully
conducted under tho management of
Miss Dt llu Coleman and E. J. Dnmplee,
Promptly at 9:"() p, m. the doors of tho
dining ball wore swung open, and tho
whole company with tho toastmuster,
B. F. Thomas, and Miss Lodusky
Barnes at the head, began tho grand
march. Tho tables were gar
nished with beautiful fliw.-rs
which made tho atmosphere
fragrant with their rich pjrl'um II,
After partaking of a hearty repist a
literary aspect wi.s then entered upon.
The loastmaster introduced each
speaker with a suitable stanzi of
poetry, ofttitiKS bearing directly up ju
the qualities of the toaster and his or
her toast, thna inciting thorn to greater
effort to vindicate, the qualities attrib
uted to thoin, as well as to cause gen
eral aj plaSM. The viands were o' a
high order and wo desire to ninko spe
cial mention of tho cream which
lurnUhui by Mrs. H. N Cupwll.
Among tho invited quests were Rev.
Wilbur and wife, Rev. aud Mrs. M. J.
Watkins. Mr and Mrs. W. N. Man
chester and Miss Nollio DeUraw,
Hon. W. N. Curtis was in town yis
terdny. H. A Wrd returned to Scranton
yesterday after having passed several
days visiting with friends here and at
Miss Anne. Harder is again in town.
Miss Price, the young lady who
scalded herself so severely on Saturday.
Is bnt little if any better. T. B. Orch
ard is the attending physician.
It is understood that the Ariel and
Salem base ball teams will play at
Salem on Saturday at 2 o'clock
By a now arrangement The Tnin
dnk is rnabltd to offer Its readers
any ono of tho twenty parts ot the
"America" portfolio for ten cents.
All parts aio now ready. This is tho
finest collection of popular photogra
phic viows in prints. Send stamps
or cash. No coupon is necessary.
"The Face ok Rosknfkl."
When Baby was siclr, we gave her Cofltorts.
When aho was a Child, she cried for Castorto,
When sho bucomo Miss, sho clung to distorts.
When sho hod Children, she gave, them Castorlty
Thorn is Allot:, of Binfrbnttttnu, Is
visiting his sister, Mrs. Johu Crook.
G. R. Mason, of Binghamton, is vis
iting friends in town.
Dr. Charles Barnes and wife, of
Thompson,are visiting friends in town.
Mrs. Juiues Brooks, of Binghamton,
is visiting her sitcr. Mis. S. C. Cease.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed O'Brien ate visiting
Scranton frUuds.
Miss Anna Lown is visiting h-r sis
ter, Mrs. C. H. Munson.
0. L. Capwoll, of Nipholsoa, ia visit
ing bis brothers, Charles aud Gould
C ipwell, in this place.
The large hull in the Railroad Young
Mali's Christian Association bnildiug
was filled to overflowing with friends
of the association who had come to at
tend tho farewell services given in
honor of Henry Curry, secretary of
that institution, who is uboui to depart
to another field, and also to welcome
tho new secretary, W. W. Adair, of
linffalo, who has boon chosen to suc
ceed Mr. Carry, From out of town
wore the following secretaries: Secre
tary Pear-sell, ot Scranton; Sieratnry
Leese, of Eltntrn, and Secretary
De Long, of Binghamton. All
spoko in the highest praise of
Mr Curry and tho work winch he bae
done in tho threo nnd one half years
Whion he has been in this place As a
token of the ctoni in which ho was
held, a beautiful I O O, F. gold budge
from that order and a pares of nuney
from the ladies auxiliary wero given
him. Tho pri Sensation! were made by
editor Moore of the PJatndealer in his
usual pleasing stvle. Mr. Curry will
locate at West Pittston. Mr. Adair
the Gen'l Secretary, will enter upon
his duties Saturday.
Mrs A. B Catchum, of Wilcox, ia
visiting at tiie resideuoe of George
Wilcott on Chase avenue.
Tho teachers' mooting will bo held
at tho residence of S. A. Hall on Fri
day evening.
The W. G. T. IT. will meet at the
home of Mrs. E E. Tattle, to-morrow,
at 8:80 p in.
The Gospel meeting in the Young
Men's Christian association on Sunday
at 'S:'M will be addressed by the new
Tho little son of Mr. an l Mrs. Henry
Carry picked off from one of the tables
a bottle of ammonia an I drank some
of tho contents. Medical aid was sum
moned and toduy the ehild is all riaibt,
There seems to bo several ilesorUra
from the Coxey's army in town.
Mrs. Rebecca Connors, of Bingham
ton, is visiting her duughtcr, Mrs.
Poter Allen.
Mrs. J. J. Compton was in Bingham
ton yesterday.
Miss Mary Allen, who bus been vis
iting Binghamton friends, has returned
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage of Miss Etta Callendnr to the
Rev. illim J. Guest, at tho Baptist
church. Tuesday evening, June 5.
William Payne, of Dnntnoro.. visited
his mother last Sunday, Mrs. P. Snedi-
Jinn s F. Cowans received a dip itch
last Tuesday announcing the death of
his father at Freeland, Pa. Air. and
Mrs, Cowans left yesterday morning to
attend the funeral.
Floral Sunday will be observed in
the M. E, church on Sunday, June 10.
Blakely council. Order United Amer
ican Mechanics, attended the parude
at Carboudale Saturday.
Dr. Charles Irevertou. of Harvey,
Illinois, is visiting his brother, Gjorge
John S. Jenltinp of Pittston sp?nt
Decorrtiou day as the guest of his son
Mrs. Abner Davies and daughter,
Mrs. A. L, Dimming, circulated among
friends at Hyde Park yesterday.
Airs. Stephen Kimble and daughter.
of Carbondale, are visiting Mrs, John
On account of tho weather yesterday
tho memorial servicos were hoi i iu thu
Methodist Episcopal church. Attorney
Charles E Olvor, of Scranton, deliv
ered the address, whioh was well re
ceived. Miss Jennie Goalie, of Wilkes-Barro,
is visiting at the homo of Air. and
Mrs. Hnlsoy Luthro.
Ihe A1im-s Jennie and Kut.i Weld-
man, or l le.'tville, spent yestotduy
with tho Misses Lena and Etuma
Quinsy troubled me for twenty vears.
Since I staried uing Dr. Thomas' Er.lec
tiicOil, have not had an attack Tho oil
cures sure throat at once. Mr. Letta Con
urd, BUndlsb, Mich., Ojt. HI, 'Si.
All the prominent business plac s
were closed yesterday.
On account of the rain, the parade
yesterdav morning w is not as great a
success HS war expected. At 10 a. m.
Win. Hunter post, ucootupunid by n
few members of Uoussy'ri TrilM, 1.0
R M., nnd tho Jeimvn Ci tit mi's hand,
inarched to tliw cemetery and decorated
tho Krav. s of the fellow veterans. Th-
exercises wer ncossirilv inef. Too
I. O. O F., Red Men, P, O. S of A .
St. George and Crystal Hose company,
No. 1, sent C'tiimit tees 10 plac- 11 iw-
ers on tho graves of deceased brothers.
The lestivul in the evening, under tho
uuspiees of the post, was Well attended.
J.J. Sampson, of Duryea, culled on
frlendl here yest rd.ay.
On account ot t!i rntn the tiicnic
party adjourned to Grr liter's ball y- s
ti-rday afternoon. This wae the first
picnic of th" season.
P. H. Maker is improving his prop
erty on Main street by thu addition of
a neat porch.
Edith, only daughter of John May -
nard, of South Main street, is seriously
It would sooin that the diff rent
companies might give the men a holi
day on such occasions as yesterday and
Mow them to work full tiino for three
days to make it up. Men working half
and threi -quarter time would appreci
ate a Uttlo consideration occasionally.
Foi( Coliln f'l'oim A.Oimn I l r. , tw . O i .
and Sore Throat use Dr. Thomas' Edoctrlc
Uil, and get tho genuiue.
J. E.,E lwards, wife and family, of
Glenbnrn, visited friends in town on
Sunday lust.
We aio pleased to note that Mrs.
Clnronco Stevens is improving iu health
V. W. Hiiilord, editor or tho Signal, is
erecting a now house on tho Schoon-
u) ilr- r plot
Mrs. D. E. Olds has moved into one
of T. E. Carr & Son's houses.
George L. Adams, of Strondsburir.
superintendent of the Union Tanning
company, made u business trip to this
place on Alonday lust.
Protossor J. U. laylor. cotvitv super
intendent, held a teae'uer's examination
iu this place on Tn -
A meeting of the board o7 trade was
held on Tuesday evening. Committee
on constitution nnd by laws submitted
tbeir report, which :was adopted: the
other committees reporting progress.
Ei.-ht nw numbers were addal to the
roll at th" m-etinp. Committee on
manufacturing submitted their rprt,
which v;:s received and tho OOmttttttee
discharged. Chair appointed J. M.
Rhodes, A. B D.inning, jr., and H. G
Thayer temporary committee oa manu
factures and real estate. A vote of
thanks whs extended to the Scranton
board of trid for favors granted, after
which tho adjournment was taken to
Monday evening, June 4.
Sincere sorrow is felt here on th?
sadden lUath of Rev. B C. Jonen, of
Clifford, formerly pastor of the Bap
tist church at this place He ws
stricken with apoplexy while preach
ing on Sunday morning, Aluy 27, and
died in a few minutes. His faithful,
unassuming service is remembered
with prolit by many, and all who knew
him revere his memory and extend
sjtnpUhyto his bereaved widow.
C. F. Edwards, of Scranton, spent
yesterday visiting ids parents in town.
Lightning did considerable dnmige
yesterday afternoon in the country.
The barn of E F. Werklieiser in Ham
ilton township was struck about 1
o'clock and set on fire. Tho flimes
quickly spread owing tho infl iminuble
contents ot the barn and in spite of the
efforts of the neighbors and the pour
ing ruin the place was nurnod to the
An unfortunate accident happened
to Mrs. Divid Keller last niu'ht at her
rsidenc ton Main street. Airs. Keller
whs down iu th cellar looking at some
milk nnd hOcame giddy from bending
over the pan. She wub picked up and
carried to bed, where she now lies in a
setious state.
Tho Farmers' Alliance and Industrial
union, No. 875, of Tanuersville, will
hold their annual picnic in KiBtler's
grove on the day aud evening of Juno
tl. The procession will form iu line at
the school house at 10 o'clock and
march to the grove accomp iniod by the
Glen wood Hall band. Good speakers
huve been engaged to instruct the peo
ple of the good qualities of the alli
ano s.
Bert Kintner, a nephew of R H.
Kintner, has been appointed agent at
the new South Stroudsburg depot of
the Wilkes-Burro and Eastern railroad.
Air. Kintner is at present u student ut
Lafayette college of Easton.
At the mooting of the Epworth
league of the East Stroulsburg Altbo
dist Episcopal church, Aliss Bessie
Sampson and Messrs. Herbert Lush,
Charles Teetor and Frank Eckert wero
appointed delegates at tho Lehigh con
vention of tho loagua to be held at Pen
Tho R?v. N. Turner is in Philadel
phia. A huge rattle snake was killed near
Bush kill yesterday.
John Henuecke has sovero l his con
nection with the White Ribbon army.
Dandy, a dog belonging to Forest
Fungbooner. wus run over and killed
by a train.
A grand temperance meeting was
hold iu Grand Army Republic hull on
Tuesday evening.
A Ashing partv consisting of Mr. A.
J. Brodhead. J. W. Snowball. W. W.
Hawko and Captain Westbrook, of this
place, left yesterday morning for Hun
ters Range.
A grand programme has been ar
ranged for tiie public m-ietiug of tne
Literary Bociety to be hold at the Nor
mal tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock.
The Welsh choir will sing and John
B. Storm an address. It i understood
that the admission is free.
Scarcely fi.'iy persons wero present at
the meetinu ot tho Monroe county De
mocracy held last night in the court
hnusp. Th? meeting was called iu the
usual manner nnd Walter Dutot, tho
prothonotary, was chosen as president,
and be handled the thing very cleverly.
Messrs J. a Sheill, W. M. Gash and
M. F. Coolbaugh wore appointed as a
committee to draw up resolutions.
It is estimated that if the Stute Belt
Electric ruilw.iy would extend to
Siylor's that it would carry no less
than 50.000 passengers during the sum
mer. Many excursions would come
over the New Jersey Contra), Lehigh
Valley and Bangor and Eastou and
Northern branch to Wind Gap. and
, . . l . . . 1 , . . : ,, . . i .
nuro wiu in- uioctrio nuo 10 Mia Inno.
Hon to Vso Statistics.
Ono long engaged in statistical work
feels more and more keenly, us the results
of original Investigation, not only the lim
itations of statistics, but the fact that per
fectly honest nnl truthful statistical
tables may not only be vicious in them
selves but may also lead to tho most
worthless conclusions, the tables them
selves not, indicating and It not being pos
sible to full indicate by them the exact
truth they contain.
The method I believe is the surest for as
certaining conditions and tho truest on
which to base conclusions, but the method
must bo supplemented by full and frank
analysis. A statistical tablj independent
of such analysis ts to mo what a red flag is
to a bull. It Immediately excites antag
onism aud invites attack.
The value of any statistical presentation
must depend upon the basis upon which it
Is made, the integrity of thu collection of
the various elements of it, and thu analysis
which accompanies it. No one has any
right to quote statistical tables withuut
using and understanding tiie analysis of
them. It Is because of tho flippant aud
cureless use of statistics by writers and
Speakers that it receives their condemna
tion. No one thinks, however, of condemning
ann'sthctics u-cause the burglar chloro
forms his vic tim; or the elementary rules
of arithmetic, the means by which all
honest accounts are kept, simply because
dishonest accounts arc made possible by
the same mo- pa. Carroll I). Wright in
Popular Science Monthly.
A flaxseed lemonade is excellent for
a cold. Try a small quantity nt first.
To do tills tako a pint of water and add
2 small tnblcspoonfnls of the seed, tho
juice of 3 lemons, not using the rind
and swee ten to taste. Whe n too tasty,
tho mixture may be dilated with water.
laSHSSSVMSJ W .1.1 1 n ii' till.
Oiout EnglUh Komedy,
Gray's Specific Medicine
4sW IF YOU SUFFER from Nor-
MSSTMSJ. mv nm "i.--. - .......-.... vouh De
bility, Weakness of and Mind, Hperma-
torrnea, ant) Impotoooyi and all diseases that
arise from over-indulgence uml self-abuse, as
Lossol' Memory and i'uiver, lu mnous of Via-
Ion, Prematura Old A?e and many other die
esses that lead to Insanity or Consumption
and an early grave, write I'm- a pamphlet.
Address GRAY Mi- DielNE CO., Buffalo,
N. Y. Tho Siecltlo Medlolne is sold by all
draaatsts at per package, or six paekagea
for J,or nent hyinail on reeelpt of money. and
with every ?6.txi order WE GUARANTEE
u t loo oi moiiuy roiunui'u.
lir un account or eounierteits wo havo
adopted the Yellow Wrapper, tho only genu
ine. Sold In Scranton hv Matthews Bros
Now has hasrhnrgo of tho KEYSTONE HO
'i I'U formorly culled tho Cross Keys, corner
Bromley avo. and Swethmd. A full lino of
Liquors, Iloor, Ale and Kino Cigara will he
k'tit In stock. Mr. Phillips Will bo pleased! o
greet his many triouda who will favor him
with a cull
SfMMM T'-.rool
I Mi.dKtnno That Una l.trirted Cures ot
Ilydiopliobiik and flhnrsr
It nil that bus been said of the almost
Bupernatural powers of the madstone be
true the poo)le of CIiIcuko und vicinity
need have no fear of blood poisoning or
hydrophobia in the future. A reul mud
stone. In tiptop workiug order, has made
Its nppearauce in the city, tho custodian
being Mrs. Daisy MuhnUin, formerly of
Columbus, W. Va. She is prepared to
cure the most obstinate of blood diseases
by simply applying the peculiar looking
pebble, which she has treasured (or years.
"The stone which is my greatest treasure
was found In a sand bank near Wheeling
over fifty years ago by u man named Wil
liams," said Mrs. Mahtahn, "and it came
into my possession about live years ago. I
have used it a number of times, and al
wuys with perfect results. Among the
cases in which it has proved beneficial is that
of Mrs. K. W. Schneider, of Columbus, O.
This lady had suffered for years. Her
mouth was eaten with cancer, nnd her case
was one of eleven years' standing, A num
ber of doctors had all pronounced Mrs.
Schneider's trouble cancer, nnd it looked
ns though her caso was hopeless. The
stone was applied and it took hold aud be
gan to 'nurse' immediately. In two weeks
the lady was entirely cured, and today she
is a well woman.
"Mrs. Mary Fleming, also of Columbus,
bad blood poisoning in her left urm. The
limb had swollen to treble its normal size
and was of an angry purple color. A sur
geon had just decided to amputethe arm
at the shoulder when I heard of it. The
stone was applied, nnd it 'moved' so hard
that Mrs. Fleming fainted. The treatment
was kept up and in two hours thu dis
coloration had disappeared and in threo
days sho was recovering. She la now en
tirely well,
"Eddie Logan, a little boy of Logan, O.,
was bitten In the leg by a rabid dog. I
bad the bov brought t;i Pnln,,,),,,. Th
stone wns applied aud the boy was all right
In an hour. Another boy, Charlie Grey, of
Kansas City, was nlso suffering from rab
blesand 1 cured him by applying the. stone.
"It has cured a great number of cases of
hydrophobia and blood poisoning and also
a number of snake bites copperheads and
rattlesnakes. I don't believe any amount
of money would induce me to let it go."
The stone Is about, an inch in length nnd
three-quarters of au inch in width. It is of
n peculiar shape, being a quarter of the
original stono which was split up and
divided years ago. It i covered on three
sides wdth little cells filled with "suckers"
that closely resemble tiny seashells. These
suckers send out minute tongues, when
the Itone ts applied, and each little tonguo
draws on the wound With astonishing
power. The stone absorbs all of thu poison
drawn out, and when tho wound is clean
the stone drops oh. It is then placed In
milk, which fluid will instantly turn green.
The stone is then cleansed and is ready for
another application. Chicago Tribune.
Bow to Keep Witches Away.
There are it great many people whom I
know, both white and colored, who never
go to bed on a windy night without first
sprinkling salt arouud their beds. This
keeps the witches out. Another protec
tion is to set up a knife, fork and spoon at
the head of the bed, and then, so say the
Sufferers, one can see the witch that visits
one und tell exactly who it is. Placing
bent pins in the track of a reputed witch is
another method of proving wit hcraft. If
upon returning In the same tracks sho
limps, then the pins have struck home iu
their uncanny mission, and she is a witch.
Cor. Chicago News.
How the Chinese Preserve Grapes.
They cut a circular piece out of a ripo
pumpkin or gourd, mnking an aperture
large enough to admit the band. The in
terior is cleaned out, the grapes placed in
side aud the cover replaced and pressed in
firmly. The pumpkins are then put in a
cool place, and the grapes retain their
freshness for a longtime. Careful selec
tion of the pumpkin is requisite, the com
mon field pumpkin, however, being well
adapted for the purpose. Providence Tele
gram. The people of India look upon soap as a
curiosity, and it can hardly be bought of
any shopkeeper. The amount consumed
in ono year was only 5,000 tons, which,
taken with the enormous population of
that country, would give un average of but
about one ounce to each person.
Kxcellent Cookies.
Excellent cookies may be mode using
2 cups of sugar, a cuu of butter. 1 eiros.
a teaspoonful of sotln, 3 toaspoonfuls of
cream of tartar. Flavor with nntmcg
and add enough flour to roll out. Do not
roll too thin.
Mr. James 11. Bond
Philadelphia, Pa.
Muscular Rheumatism
Sciatica and the Piles Adds to
the Sufferer's Misery
Four Bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla
Effects a Wonderful Cure.
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"aontiomehi As u result ot the memorable
blltsard Of March, 1S8H, I contracted mUMUlai
rheumatism i at that time i was engaged on
jni of steamnttlng In PlalnSeld, N. J., ami it
was necessary (or me to wade through tho snow
to tho building, a new residence, In which wr
were working. Kor eighteen mouths after
wards I was laid up with muscular rheumatism
and sciatica. I then Joined my son-ln-luw In
Denver, Col, where I was engaged In Steam
nttlng .mil engineering, und where l commenced
to take Hood's Sarsaparilla for my rheumatism
it cured mo not only of the rheumatism and
sciatica, hut also of outward piles, from Which
tor thirty -threo years I had I Offered
A Thousand Deaths.
Previous to going to Denver I visited th
University of Pennsylvania to ho operated upon.
The doctor pronounced my case elongation of
tho bowels und the worst he ever saw. He re
fused to perform an operation, saying that after
having suffered so many years It was not worth
while that I should die at that late day from the
effects of the knife, and die 1 would If ho used It.
No Wlsn Can Conceive
what I suffered for thlrty-threo years. I tried
all sorts of remedies and treatments, often
without thes Slightest relief. Four bottles ol
Hood's Harsapaulla not only relieved, but
cured, both tho piles and rheumatism. The
only truce of rheumatism which I feel now Is a
little stiffness when the weather changes, and
as I will be 73 years old In August that Is but
Incidental to my age. This Is a simple, state
ment of facts,'' ,1am as R. Bo,ni, W 'West
Norrls Street, Philadelphia, Ta.
Hood's Pills euro liver Ills, constipation,
biliousness, Jaundice, sick headache, Icdigestiua
HnW VIA fll ATTAfl
uauica mi mum
5 and 7 Hooks,
Remember, The Fair
Wholesalers and
Largest Retailers of
Straw Mattings
from China and Japan.
Fine 406 and 408
One entire room
devoted to
Oriental and Domestic
Regs and Art Squares.
A Dollar,
Toschor-GeorRe, what's a dollar?
Oeorge-An exclusive bubble very easily
Tca-her-Wrong. Charles, what's a dollarf
Charles A Porous Plaster to heal all wounds
Teacher-No! Richard, what's a dollar!
Kichard A tiny thing which some people
bring so closo to their eyes that it obscures
nil heavjn and hell
Teacher-Not quito; William, what's a dol
lar? William-God I
Teaehor Harold, V hat's a dollar?
Harold It's ono hundred cents, because I
heard my mother say sho always got one hun
dred conts' worth for ovory dollar's worth
sho buys at tho Economy Furniture Co.'s.
Wyoming avenue, and that is why my big
sistor got married and got her house fur
furnished comph te at the Economy on tholr
Liberal Credit System.
Toachor Correct ; go to t ho head. You aro
smart enough to get married at once. The
inv Furniture Company is a blessing
to all. Their llborality known no bounds.
tHir-With $50 pnrohasos or ovor you get
an Onyx Finished Clock, and with $75 or
ovor a 100-pieco Dinner Set.
0 s-
Leading House for
Oil Cloths, Linoleums,
Lace Curtains
and Upholstery Goods.
-s o-
Lack'a. Avenue
We make a specialty of
Window Shades,