The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 31, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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"We will sell our entire stock ol
New and Stylish TRIMMED
PRICES. Come and see them at
ITrvo your COM.AliS starched in tho old
way, when you can hnve thom done with soft,
tillable Buttonholes for TWO 0ENT8 KAC'H.
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
We are showing
new designs in printed
415 Lacka. Avenue.
We Will Offer for a Few Day3
Fine Moquette Rugs at $2 09.
These Rugs Have Never Been
Sold for less Than $3.00.
'iS7 Wyoming A v
The new rooms of the Rowing club on
Spruce street will be formally opened this
The Pine Brook Accidental Fund has de
cided to run its annual excursion on July
18 to Lake Ariel.
Bauer's baud will give an open air con
cert tomorrow evening nt8 o'clock in frout
of the Westminster.
The Home for the Friendless excursion
promises to b9 the most enjoyable of the
year. It will be run to Binghomton one
Week from today.
Those who have not ordered the early
numbers of tlir handsome "America" port
folio should do so at once. Our supply Is
rapidly molting bofore the steady dumaud.
The Bale of seats for the season of sum
mer opera by the JIacKiiy-lv'onney comic
opara company at the Frotliingham
theatre, which will commence next Mon
day evening, will open at Powell's music
store tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.
A largo quantity of home inado candy,
which had been prepared for the Young
WomoD's Christian association excursion
today, will be sold for 2(1 cents a half
pound at tho Youug Womon'a Christian
asscoiation rooms today, and at Sander
son's drug Btorc.
Because of the rain yesterday, and for
the reason that the other showers ef the
past wook made tho truck heavy, the
three racing events advertised for yester
day at the Driving park did not come off,
uud are postponed till Saturday. If oil
Saturday the course is still unfit for racing,
the events will be arranged for soma date
next week.
On account of tho inclemont woather of
yestorday the first outing of the Young
Men's Christian association amatour photo
graphers has been postponed. A field day
had been arranged for yosterday afteruoou
at Fleetville uud Lake Mln.iotaka. As
soon as possible 11 dato for (fas trip will be
decided upon by tho officers of the club.
At 7:45 o'clock this evouing the ex
tremely interesting lecture of "A Bird's
Eye View of the Life of Christ" will be de
livered for the last time in this region by
Rav. 8. N. Earle, at tho second PriHbytor
ian church. Everyone interested in Sun
day schools sliouid hoar tho lecture, as the
international lessons will tako up this sub
ject on July 1, and this is splendid intro
duction for tnnt study.
Opnn All Night
at Lohman's Spruce street.
It was Held at Turntr Hall Last Night.
The Military sooial club of members
of the companies of the thirteenth
regiment held its annual ball last night
at Turner hall.
The grand march began at 9.30, and
a diversified arrangement of dance
numbers was enjoyed nntil 2 o'clock
this morning. Refreshments were
provided iu the rooms set apart for
Buch purpose, and the occasion passed
off successfully, both as to financial
and social views
Professor Johnson presided at the
piano, Joseph Folzger was prompter,
and Gteo Malott, master of ceremonies.
The reeention committee consisted of
Charles Zing, 0. Col well and William
Don't forget that Kelnhart's market is
the cheapest place in the city for all kin d s
of eatables. "
Dr. A. E. iiURB, having opened bis of
fices In the Barr building, Washington
avenue, will resume the practice of hie
profession, where be will be glad to servs
Lis old patrons and publio in general.
Concluded from Pane 1.
mentum with every rotation of its wbeelB,
bo seem we of this generation, to be fairly
flying in our onward course.
In tho midst of all this riHh and whirl,
we do well to panso for a day. to drop our
business care9 aud our anxieties, that, tak
ing with us our sons and our daughters,
we may join the lessening runks of tho
brave boys la blue as they deoorato with
flowers the graves of their departed com
rades, thus over koopiug fresh tho recol
lections sadly sweet of deeds of valor done
by those who fought, but sleep in death
that wo our homes in peace might now ou
joy. At the close of the oration the detail
passed through the cemetery and
placed a potted plant ami a flag at
every grave where sleeps a Union de
The memorial services at the Forest
Hill cemetery was carried out as in
tended, in spite of tho raging storm
Tho members of the Grand Army were
escorted to the cemetery by the Hoys'
Hrigade of the Peuu Avenue Baptist
church. The exercises were conducted
under the auspices of Post 810 and Post
139. Commander Unas made the open
ing address 111 behalf of the former
pc)st,and was followo 1 bv Major Pierce,
who spoke for Post 139. Rev. N, F.
btuhl ottered up an eloquent prayer
and liev. Ur Pearcn read a recital for
the dead. The honors prescribed by
the association wore performod by tho
Sons of Voteraus aud the dead were
saluted by the members of the Grand
At my of the Republic.
Chaplain N P. btnlil, speaking in
behalf of tho Woman's Relief Corps,
presented n handsome floral emblem,
and ulso received the beautiful tribute
in behalf of the vetorans. A youug
men's quartette sung an anthem uud
then the memento was deposited with
ceremonies appropriate to the occa
sion. At the conclusion of the services Rev.
Mr. Sin hi pronounced )uo benediction,
nnd then, while tho baud played
"Home, Sweot Home," the committee
proceeded to decorate the graves of
tho 117 soldiers who lio buried in tho
The services of Griffin post, 139, were
continued in the evening at I rothing
hatn theater and those of Colonel
Monies post, 319, at Young Men's Chris
tian Association Hall.
No services were held in tho Dun-
more cemetery, on aocount of the un
favorable weather, but early iu the
day a detachment from Lieutenant Ez
ra II. Griffin post, Grand Army of the
Republic, visited the place and plac?J
flags and flowers 011 the graves of their
sleeping comrades. Those who com
posed the detachment were: Gomradea
Foster, Marshall and Hobday. Liter
the cemetery was nlso visited by many
others who strewed the soldiers' graves
with pretty flowers.
The graves of the soldier dead in the
Dunmore Catholic cemetery wore dec
orated at 0 o'clock in the morning by
a large delegation from Ezra H. Griffin
post under tne command of Chief Mat-
shall Fred J. Amsden. Later in the
day several squads of Grand Army men
repaired to the cemetery and laid more
floral offerings upon the graves of the
sleeping heroes.
ihe graves of their friends were
also decorated by the Dunmoro Cath
olic Young Men's Temperance society
and the bt. Mary I cadets, Htv. M. 13
Donlan ottering a mass for the re
pose of the souls of the dead.
The different burial places on the
South Side were also the scene of pa
triotic exerci?ea. At 9 30 a detail
from Ezra H. Griffin post, No. 180,
Grand Army of the Republic, proceed
ed to the Pittston Avenue cemetery,
where appropriate ceremonies were
conducted. Rev. August Lange only
offered prayer, his intended oration be
ing prevented by rain.
When the services at Pittston Ave
nue cemetery wero over, the detail
proceeded to St. Mary's Citholic ceme
tery, where an nddnsi was delivered
by Rev. Father Stopper, pastor of St.
Mary's Catholic church.
Held at the Frothlng-hnm and Y. Iff. C.
A. Hall
Tho Memorial Day services closed
last evening with two very excellent
entertainments. One was conducted in
tho Frothinghatn theater under the aus
pices of Ezra II. Griffin post, No. 139,
Grand Army of the Republic, the other
wss in tho charge of Colonel Monies
post, and was hold nt Young Men's
Christian Association hall. Doth were
well attended.
The exercises at the Frootinghara
opened with a recitation, "tho Star
Spangled Ilanner," given by Charles D.
llanford, of the Drew Theatrical com
pany. It was a good start, for Mr.
llanford fairly distinguished himself
in his effort to please the audience, Bnd
was heartily applauded.
Miss Annette Reynolds sang very
beautifully "Tenting Tonight on the
Old Camp Ground," and Lai Heath
recited "Keenan's Charge" innspirited
manner. Miss Reynolds sang again,
greatly delighting the audience.
Hoth ladies were presented with hand
some boqnets.
The speaker of the eveninr, Col.
Archie Baxter, of Elrnira, N. Y. , was
next introduced. He spoke for fully an
honr, holding his audienoe spellbound
by his eloquence. He started out by
saying that all grant davs that
mark great evonti are mile stones
that mark our progress. Great
days teach groat lessons. Memorial
Day. he said, is our national day of
poetry and sentiment, of flowers and
tears and memories of the dead. Then
the speaker described battlefield ufter
battlefield, portraying the bravery of
the Union defenders with thrilling ef
fect, and itnpreising upon the minds
of all the obligation to extend to the
survivors in those atirring soenes that
respect which their heroism merits.
After tbeaddress Miss Reynolds sang
"Marching Through Gsoriria." the old
soldiers and audienoe joining iu the
ohoruf. The entertainment closed with
a spectacular drill, "The charge the
battle the vietory," by the Columbia
Volunteers, commanded by Liuutonaut
Hugh Uraney. It was a splendid ex
hibition, the maneuvers of the youmr
men being executed with marveloue
rapidity and neatness.
The entertainment condnoted by
Colonel Monies post, at Association
ball, was also eminently successful.
John T. Howe presided and Attorneys
Charles W. Dawson and A. .T. Colborn
delivered nddresses. Buth speakers
were ut their beat and their patriotic
utterances wore well receivod and
heartily applauded. The following
programme was carried out:
"Soldiers' Home Returning,"
Miss Bouson, Mr. aud Mrs. Landt, Ed L.
"How to Cure a Ur.iwler,"
Misses Emma Welluer and Martha Stern
and Qeorge Hartman.
Song, Selected P. A. Carr
Cornet Solo Edward Mcduiguu
Address A. J. Colborn, jr
"The Laugh of a Child," Quartette,
Miss Benson, Mr. and Mrs. Landt aud Ed
L. Haas,
"A Warm Reception,"
Emma Welluer, Emma Wagner, Qeorge
Hartman aud Philip Sweitzer.
Song, Stdeoted ...M. Coyne
Original Poem MissSuaan E. Dickinson
"Last Vigil," Martha Steam
Soug, Selected Miss Kato Craig
Recitation Delia M
Monologue Nelson Uoorge Toots
"The Way to Windham,"
Phillip aud Edwin Swoitzor
Comic Songs,
Lyehnn Evans nnd Griffith James
Recitatiou, "You Put No Flowers on
Papa's Grave," Miss Nettie Wheeler
Song MissMny nnd Annie Clark
Recitation Miss Maggie Thomas
"The Old Man Dreams,"
Edward L. Haas, .Miss Bonson, Mr. and
Mr. Landt.
Accompanist Miss Julia McGuigan
Pasted off Pleaeaail? and was Witnessed
bv Mony Peraone.
The parade in honor of Memorial
Day was an interesting one. For some
time before it started there wv every
judication that the afternoon would be
stormy Hnppily, however, but little
rain fell, and those who joined the pro
csssion did not have to undergo the un
pleasantness of marching in the rain.
The parade moved from Adams ave
nue into LaoUawauna ut 2 10 o'cloclt.
The line was headed by a Urge de
tachmn it of tho polios force, Chief of
Polico Siuquon leading the way. The
van guard presented a fine appearance
as they marched nlong with military
precison, and many compliments were
showered upon them both by residents
uud visitors to the city.
Captain Fred J. Amnion was chief
marshal and Frank V. Martin chief of
tail. The aids were Colonel W. G.
Siihooumakor, Major Everett Warren,
Major M. L. Blair, Sunuel Grass, E.
L. Walter, Charles O'Malley. G. A.
Rldgtway, Dr. George E. Hill, Thomas
Moore. F. D. McGowan, George P. Mc
Donald, A. L. Collins, J. B. Woolsey,
Charles A. Burr, H. W. Sloat, Dr.
Charles L Hill, Frank M. Spsncer, E.
Boyd Weitzel, Joseph A. Moars.
After tho polico detachmont cams
the Thirteenth regiment, National
Guards of Pennsylvania, Colonel E, H.
Ripple, commanding. Major C. C.
Mattes was in command of the First
battalion, composed of Company B,
Captain William Kollow; Company D,
Captain Montrosi Barnard; Company
A, Captain F, W. Slillwell, nn.l Com
pany C, Captain jamos Moir. The
Second battalion commanded by Major
George H. Whitney, consisted of Com
pany H, Captain VV. B. Rockwell, aud
Company F, Captain E D Fellows.
The second division c-iusisted of
Grifliu and Monies posts, Grand Army
of the Republic, E. L. Haas command
ing, aud Griffin camp of the Sons of
Veterans, Captain C. C. Batten berg.
Smith B. Mott was in command of the
division which was followed by
disabled veterans in carriages. Th9
Knights of Pythias of Scranton com
prised the third division. They wore
under the command of Colonel H, N.
Bunnell and clad in their uniforms,
they presonte I a pleasing appearanco.
Mayor Couuell and other city officials
and well Known Scranton citizens oc
cupied carriages, The parade tra
versed the streets of the central city
and was afterward roviowed by the
mayor from the steps of the municipal
building on Washington avenue.
The sidewalk were lined with spec
tators from 1 until 4 o'clock. Many
business places aud dwellings along
the line of march were handsomely
decorated with flags and bunting, and
the whole affair passed off in a man
ner entirely creditable to tho patriotic
citizens of Scranton.
At tho close of the parade the Thir
teenth regiment inarched to Linden
street, opposite) the court house, and
forming in dress parade, were review
ed by Colonel Ripple anil listened to
the reading of regimental orders.
Veterans Unite at Mietinir Addressed by
Attorney Charles E Olvor.
The Grand Army of tho Ropublic
veterans of Areabald and Pecltville
united yesterday at tho Methodist ESpli
copal church, nt Peckville, where Mi
morial Day exercises were hold. This
was in continuance of a many year's
custom of alternately participating in
exercises at either borough.
The address of tho day was made by
Attorney Charles E Giver, of this city,
Excerpts of his worthy remarks are as
When the gentlo voico of the Princo of
Peaco seemed drowned by tho awful roar
of deadly strife; when the grim spectro of
war entered our most secluded homes and
said, often to the dearest ido! there, "Fol
low me"; when scenes of carnage that
must have made tho very gods of war to
shrink from tho awful spectacle wero of
almost dally occurrence; when every
breezo from tbo south boro on its wings
tidings thnt cause.! tho anxious heart of
womanhood almost to forgot to breathe
and blanched tho chick of tho bravest
manhood Oh, you who bared your breasts
to the glittering steol aud leaden hail
never can forget.
Many of you bear on your porsons me
mentoes of those days which will go witli
you to tho grave momentoes which,
through all these long years, hnvo boon
reminding you so continuously of thote
days that you would give all you posses
to be fieo from iho aching pains, if but for
a brief time. Otheis of you carry canes
aud crutches now iu place of tho swords
and muskets with which you helped our
county through the throes of a new birth,
purified and redeemed by the beet blood
of the nation.
Let us not forget that thoro aro still
other wrongs to be righted, other battles
i-u ut) luugiib, uiuur victories to 00 won.
"Life is a battle" aud "Peace bath hor vic
tories as well as war." Veterans von can
still aid us. Your life work, great as it
has been, is uot yet done. Youne Ameri
cans! There are opportunities to win un
dying famo such as the world has nevor
seen today within our grasp. With tho
example of thoso mon buforo us with this
Mag nnd all the memories it recalls noatins
o'er us, shall we hesitate! I know that
we have only to reali.o the presenco of the
danger and bo directed in tho lino of bnt
tle, to go forth and light till tho last foe
is vanquished.
Spread above thoso sleeping hore spring
time's richest offerings wave above them,
the llHg they loved, lot trustiug childhood
weave garlands for them, at their graves
learn lessons that will keep thom earnest
iu loyalty, pure In citizenship, faithful to
With a high resolve to bo better and
truer men aud women from remembering
their great sacrifices let us leave them with
the benediction: Sweet be tholr sleep, Hn-
iiuiiug moir glory and impwilBMM their
Dry Air Polar Btfrlg-erator.
Tho abovo refrigerator is sold only In
this city by Thomas F. Leonard, 508 Lack
wauna avenue. As a preserver of food it
has no superior, and for economy of ice It
has no equal. It Is charcoal filled and zinc
lined. The refrigerators are built in hard
wood, finished lu autlque.aud plne.gralned
iu oak and walnut colors. We also have
a large Hue of sideboard refrigerators.
They are all 11 ado In a thorough manuer.
constructed to that they are self ventilat
ing dry air, free from any taint or odor.
Come and see our etock before you buy.
weiiro sure we will please you. "
"Tub Face of Rosenfkl."
Ac 1 demy
of Music Closed with Last Night's
The Read to Ruin Given by the Drews
to a Large and Cultured Audience
Last Night Preparations for Next
Season Manager Burgunder Has
Already Booked Ninety-Three At
tractionsThe Circuit Extended.
With last night's production of "Tho
Road to Ruin" by the Drows the Acad
emy of Musio closed its doors to theater-goers
until September.
It was a brilliant ending. Tho house
was crowded with a cnltnroil and dis
criminating audience, which tho splen
did work of Mrs. John Drew and the
supporting company frequently
wrought up to the highest pitoh of en
thusiasm. "Tho Road to Ruin" is an old Eng
lish comedy and the splendid Interpre
tation it received lust night showed tho
vesatility of Mrs. John Drew and the
supporting company.
As the simpering, husband-loving
but altogether heartless Widow Wur
ren, Mrs. Drew seemed quite as much
nt home as she was in the character of
Mrs. Mnlnprop on Ilia previous night.
Mrs. Siduey Drow s, Sophie Freelove,
was a perfect nit of noting but her hus
band, Sidney Drew, was not soen to as
good advantage iu Goldfinch, as on
Tuesday night when with sucb marked
success he essayed the cliuructer of
Bob Acrs.
Mr. Banford, Mr. Kearney, Mr.
Harris, Mr. V rner and Mr. Clarges
gavo finished interpretations of tho
characters entrtute 1 to them.
Manager Burguudsr said last night
that he has already booked 9!! attrac
tions for next season, which is about
fifty more than he had booked at the
same time last year. Many of these are
the best attractions on the road. He said
that he will not open his bouse until
about September 1 next season but
from that dato there will bo a perform
ance nt the houst almost every night,
Altoona and Johnstown have been
added to the Mishler and Burgunder
circuit, which now includes nearly all
of tho uniinrtant citios of tha itata nr.
copt Hnrrisborg. Tnere is a plan being
discussed to erect a new house at tho
sUte capital, and if it materializes Mr.
Burgunder flays it will bi in their cir
During the season which Wnn Anir
20 last with "A Trip to Chinatown,"
there hue been 177 performances at the
house, many of which were the highest
class attractions before the public.
The Thieves Found No Money and Bo
came Di-cuited.
The steelworks dspot of the Dela
ware and Hudson Railroad comnany
was ontered at an early hour yesterday
morning by burglars. At 5 o'clock a
man named Schneider, living opposite
the station, noticed the windows broken
in the ticket office and tho door of the
freight house wide ooan.
Visiting thndopnt he convinced him
self that the place had been robbod and
he set out to notify one of the clerks, J.
F. Cbristophel, living on Rimington
When tho latter arrived he inula an
examination of the premises and conld
find nothing missing. The ticket case
was broken op:m but none of the tick
ets were taken. Thero is no money left
in the station at night because it has
bonu burglarized so often that tho
agant tikes every cent with him when
he locks up.
Although there was ranch valuable
freight kept In the store room, such as
whisky, cigars, grocers' supplies and so
forth, so far as can be ascertained not
Ten a single article was carriod away.
The thieves wero after money, nnd
since nono of that article was available,
nothing else was touched.
Two window pines making an aper
ture about eighteen laches square were
broken, and through it 1111 entranco
was mads. There la a colony of "sum
mer boardors," to which The TRIBUNE
has called tho attention, camped be
low the stol mill in a shanty along tho
tracks of tho Central Railroad of New
Jersey. The bursrlarv is attributed to
some of their number.
lly a new arrangement The Tuin
tNE is enabled to offer its renders
any ono of tbo twenty parts of the
"America" portfolio for ten cents.
M pru ts are now ready. This is tho
finest collection of popular photogra
phic views in print. Send stamps or
cash. No coupon is necessary.
Rent a first-class wheel for Donni-n'i.,.,
Day at 310 Washington Ave.
10c. buys fancy berries at Courssn's.
One dime gets ono part of tho beautiful
"America" portfolio Twenty dimes get
twenty parts. No coupon necessary.
They're too bothersome. .Stamps or cash.
Thoy Gone Down
That Is prices nt Guernsey Brothers,
Reinhaiit's market. 88 and BR I nnlm.
wnuna avenue. U-aU llsb nn..
- , 1 1 ".in 1 -
and ice cream.
$3.90 buys Cour en's "Scran
ton Hour.
$4. 75 buys Coursen's "White
Loat Hour.
$4.90 buys Coursen's "Gem"
98c. buys 7 doz. Fresh Eggs.
$1.00 buys 21 large Bars of
$$1.00 buys 5 lb. box Fin
est Butter.
18c. buys good Baking Pow
der. 22c. buys Coursen's Print
39c. buys the Best Fancy
Chocolate, worth 45c.
to 60c.
19c. buys Fresh Sardines,
large sizes, worth 30c,
10c. buys bottle best Olives.
C3Onr new schedule In new Moro is
appreciated all on a CASH b isle. You can
nff.o'l to havn tht best at present prices.
Ilerries and Vegetables fresh dally from
gardens. Walk around nud look.
K. i. CODItSION, 4211 Lacka. Ave.
The UaCKav-Konnny Company' Inauir
uinl Next Monday Evening.
Next Monday evening will mark tho
inauguration of a seisnu of summer
opera by tho MacKay-Kenney comic
opera, an organization of thirty-five
nerformers that has received the most
flittering notices wherever it has ap
peared. The ever dolightful "airoflV
Girofli will be presented on the open
ing night, and It will bo repeated on
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and
at the Wednesday inatinos. "Fra Din
vato" will be glvon 0:1 Thursday, Fri
day and Saturday evenings and at tho
Saturday matinee,
Miss Faunio Movers, a soprano, who
posneses a voice of remarkable strength
and purity, is the prima donna of tho
Mackay-Kennoy company. The other
principals uro Miss Lizzie Gonaley, so
prano; Dan Young, comedian; Charles
Holmes, tenor; and Sylvian Lanlois,
During the engagement of the com
pany at tho Frotbingham summer
prices will prevail. The prices for the
evening performances will be 15, 2.), B0
and 50 cents, wnile the pricos for the
Wednesday and Saturday mntineos
will be 10, W and SO cents. The sale
of seats for all of next week's perform -ancos
will open at Powell's music store
tomorrow morning
It Will Taki Place at Holy Rosary
Church Tanlffh.
Tho "Crowning of the Mny Queen"
is the title by which Is known the an
nual exercises at Holy Rosary church,
iu Providence, when the blessed vir
gin's statue erected in the church yard
is adorned with flowers.
It is usual every Memorial Day for
Rov. N. J. MoManui, pastor of Holy
Rosary oliurcb, to arrange the corona
tion of Mury'H statue.
The exercises worn to occur last
night, but the inolemmt woithor for
bade tho pastor from allowing the
children in tln-ir light apparel lo be
expieed to the told. Hiia evening at
7 111) the coronation will surely take
pine?. In the open air if the woather
permits, otherwise in the chiiroh.
Appended is the programme of the oc
casion. LJtany Chorus
"How Shall We Crown Our Queen of
M ;''' l'upils
Merry May Chorus
"Iho Angelas Bull" Dialogue (Jirls
Bvviva .Maria Chorus
"The Young Crusaders" ., Lioys
Heart of Mary Chorus
"Last Night of a Martyr" Essay
Ave Alum Chorus
Coronation Miss Mary Sullivan
Act of Consecration. . .Miss Ceciliu Devers
Tu Deuui Chorus
Elected at a Meetlntr of SlockholderB od
At n moetincr of tho stockholders of
tile Scranton Vitrified Brick and Tile
Manufacturing company held on Tues
day the following directors and officers
wero elected: Directors. James M.
Rhodes, Arthur D. Dean, Alfred Har
vey, M. H, Dulo and George H. Lan
caster; president, J. M. Rhodes; treas
nret. A. D. Dean; secretary, G. H. Lan
The amount of capital t-tock paid iu
is j3o.0u0. The plant, which is located
at Nay Aug, has a capacity of 40,000
bricks a day.
A Can of Bent Causes Disturbance ia
Kelly's Camp.
St. LOUIS, Mo.. May 80. Last night
there was n free-for-all fight in General
Kelly's army of eoinmonwoalers and
three mon were badly hurt. Tho trouble
grew out of a dispute in regard to tho
proper distribution of n can of beer.
Tne commonwealers paraded the
down town streetB this evening and
held it mass meeting at the General
Grant monument. Thev will remain nt
their present headquarters until Thurs
day night or Friday morning, when the
river journey will be resumed.
Afraid of Her Eon.
John Rogers, aged SI years, who camo
here from Byracnse to work in the mines,
became Intoxicated Tuesday, stoned bis
parents' house nt 82(1 Fifth street and
threatened them w ith bodily harm. Mrs.
Margaret Rogers, the mother, had her son
arrested, and iu yesterday's polico court
told Alderman Fuller sho was afraid of her
life. Rogers was sent to iail lu default of
;i00 bail.
Fcr Sale et Auction
Twelvo head of trotting bred horso',
from one to six years old, from F. L.
Crane's Lackawanna stock farm, and also
from Shennan's Maple Heart farm. At
Bcranton Driving Park, a p. m Friday,
Juno 1st.
St. GKonoK's LODOI No. 1, Order Sons of
St. Georgei Tim funeral of our iate
brother, William Culler, will take place
Friday, June 1. Interment m Forest Hill.
Will loavo residonco at 2 p. m. Brothors
QlOBOl I'attkrson, v. P.
E. II., Secretary.
Bioyclei for rent by the day or hour,
311) Washington Ave.
Musio Bcxas Exclusively.
licit made. Play any desired number of
tunes. Oautachi Ai Sons., manufacturers,
JuU) Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won
derful otrhastrittl organs, only W and $10.
Specialty Old music boxes cnrefully re
paired and improved with now tunes.
Aro the w orks of a wheelbar
row. It should bo oiled onoe
It is a much finer pieco of
mechanism and should be
cleaned and oiled every year,
to keep it in good order.
Have it done by
W. W. Berry
"The Jeweler
Who has had twonly-five
yeai'B' experience Ybu will
find him at
417 Lacka.
Best Sets of Teeth,$s00
Including the painless extracting
cf teeth by uu entirely new pro-teas.
S. C. Snyder, D.D.S.
Stenoa-rapaera Furnished.
We are prepared to furnish business men
with first-class stenographers by the day
or hour. Expert bookkeeping a specialty.
Scranton Commercial Association, Lim
ited, 425 Spruce street.
I Plumbin
Tinning i
a s
As ordered by Hoard of Health. I
m ' B
SS mm
n 5
m ''A bit of everything under tho sun, S
S Prom a flan hook to a Oatling- gnu. 5
Corset and Glove Store
On Sonda-. Tuno II, TCe wll have an
experioaro I Corset uomnn fr m New 1 ork,
who will eh b t ai d lit the ca cbraiod
Wo will biplnns.d to Bt every one who
car s tolmv,. R IWf. cl P tr ng ( ors t
Wo aro iso p emred to Li uny Corset
from Me. lolhu lii;hcr pri es.
128 Wyoming Ave.
Don't judge these Suits by the price.
Wait till you see the quality.
About 300 of these different Suits to
select from, all made of the celebrated
English Galatea Wash Linens. Always
look clean and last long.
We also
same price.
ram GLonmc & shoe use
Complete Outfitters, SCRANTON, PA.
REMEMBER- -Every purchaser of 81 worth or over receives a chance on
the Beautiful PARLOR SUIT.
For a few minutes and we will fit them
out in Shoes that look better, fit better
and wear better than any other Shoes you
can buy. Our Special Hobby is Children's
shoes. Try us. We'll save you money on
all kinds of Shoes.
Read Between
Are you aware that Brown's Bee Hive is showing the
largest variety of Straw Goods, Millinery, Ladies' and
Misses' Suits, Shirt Waists,
Hosiery, Men's and Boys'
Gloves and Neckwear to be
also agents for Dr. Jaeger's
Brown's Bee Hive is the right
variety tell the story of thirty
Is the time to get
your Cape or Coat.
You will get them
for half price.
Selling handsome
Mackintoshes for
$2.50, worth $5.00.
and untrimmed Hats
for half price.
During tho Summer.
138 Wyoming Ave.
have them in KILTS at the
Cor- LatamjJJmg koues,
the Lines.
Chemisettes, Underwear,
Straw, Stiff and Soft Hats,
found in the city. We are
Woolen System Goods.
place to buy. Prices and
years of experience.