I THIS RCRANTON J JKlJiinSTE THURSDAY MUKJN UN (. MAY" 81, 1891. Published daily in Scranton. Pa., dy The Tribune Publishing Company. E P. KINGSBURY, GENERAL MANAQKH. New York Orricc : Tbidunc Builoinq. Frank -tf. Manacch. Entered at thk PotiorricK at sc n anton, pa.. a ECONO-ClAtB MAIL MATTER. HJBANTON. MAY 31, 1801. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Governor: DANIEL H HASTINGS, Of CKNTKIt. For UtUtnOfii Q rernor: WA1.TKH i.YON, Of ALl.l.lillKNY. for Audita Otiural.' AMOS K. UYUK, Of l.W'Asivu I'm- 9ieretary of fferaai Affatnt JAMES W. l.ATTA, HI' I'llll.UiKI 1'IIIA. For Concri Hiitnrii-ut-I.fii iir: GALU8HA A. GROW, pf si SQtrBHANHA. GEORGE T. HUFF OK WKSTMOBJSUAgL BlMllon Time, Nov. 0 Tims iwkauhaTii In th Wilkesbnrre Kovvs Dealer ll nntrne: The "SOBAHTOS ThIBDNB nnd Republican want to dic tate to the Republicans of Lusno county, whom they should Dominate lor Congress. The Scrgntcm U'pnbli CM can speak for itslf and ro fur hb Tmc TBIBC5B is concerned its only ut toranoa tn relation to tho Twelfth dis trict was one deploring an effort to ru the Republicans of Loaerne county of their privilege of choosing; their own nominee. The effort has since subsided, and we are correspondingly happy Yesterday's Parade. If there is o'io feature more gratify iiiK than another in connection with tiie anulTeraary commemorated so tit ttogly yeiterday, in enite of unfavor .i'.ile weather, it is tho participation of Ihayonng in those Instructive memo rial McereilM, It is well, of course, that adult civilians, through their va rious peaco organizations, should pay n public token of respect to the mem ciy of thosi voluntoer soldiers of I hrun decades ago whose practical he roism, on sontbern battle fl"Hs, m?ule possible the nappy conditions under which w" nowadays flourish. The ap pearance of these org.uiizitious, In the liue of parade, occasioned cratification nnd contributed to tho lmprvasivstiess of no always impressive observance. " h-ir membership stands as one of the conspicuous pledget of what tlw loyal cltissnthtp of today would dotn de fence of the fVig should its honor again call for determined voluu'.oora. Not less gratifyiug was the creditable Showing made by local representatives of the Pennsylvania National Guard, occupying a medial position between men who mnlco war or tho possibility of war the basis of an exclusivo profess ion and men who, in the fancied secur ity of unlbr.m tuned p'.ace, (jive no thought to dangers ng yet unseen, this branch of tho militia is not only a pru dent precaution, considered philosoplii oally, but it is in downright practice, the wry finrst nml truest expression of this prescient popular forethought that we have. Its representation in a Me morial l)v cortege or the crack com panies of the banner militia regiment in the .United States, matching with ' the precision of a perfect machine, im parted a realism to this reminiscence cf war time that was singularly in keeping with the tenor of the day's suggestions. "They look liko fighters, not like carpet knights," win the com pliment which this regiment won from n distinguished spectator during oao of its rotable parade. And it was in this potentiality as fijfhtera, ready to do t!ieir whole duty when required, that these expert militia men fitted most appropriately into an honorable asso ciation with tbos-) earlier heroes of the great rebellion who, In their day, were the fighters and not tho carpet knights cf the republic's crucial epoch. Another division of vesterday's pa geantry called up memories of dep significance. We trust we are not guilty of an excess of sentiment when wo confess that a detachraeift of veter ans never parses ns that we do not look to see those who are in Bicht uncover their heads in compliment to the na tion's defenders. The inexorable de -crease wrought these ranks by the re lentlessness of the living years was yes terday again vividly brought into evi dence. Whore once inarch hundreds there now umreh of groups of ten; and oven these totter sometimes with in firmity or shake with the palsy of age. It is impossible for men with a trim p-rcep ion of the significance of things to view these annual pilgrimages of cur surviving soldiery to the tombs of brother heroes beside which they must nil soon take their honored final sleep without experiencing a profound sense of melancholy, and a renewed depth of gratitude and reverential regard. Amid such inspirations ns these it is like passing from the solemnity of tho 8"pulchre out into the glorious and joyous open to rest the eye and feast the mind on columns of happy child ren, trooping with ebaplets of flowers and tributes of song to the place where their beroio forefathers sleep. We are nre vlad to recognize this, the crown, ing glory of Memorial Day. It invig orates us to know that in this direction of our young amid the atmosphere of reverence and contagious influences of true patriotism we are building for tho fntnre a resource inestimable. It is a aonrce of honest pride to realizo that in this exhibited relationship between honorable death and hopefnl birth we have in miniature the story of onr na tional progress and the resume of our civio vitality. Huch an object lesson ns this is not on exhibition in any other county on the face of the globe. We alone have made it a possibility and a fact From it we dednco the success of the repnblio and gather strength and incentive for the varied battles that are to come. Viewed in contemplative mood as a ,i y of the past, that convention at Harrisburg seems more than ever like a peace congress. Says the esteemedliiinchChnnk Daily News: "The Scranton Tribune is sound on the Sunday law. It thinks tho ex isting bins law is about: one hundred years too old." But while it remains, the law dlstastefnl or not, it should be enforced, and reaaonable efforts to en force it should not be resisted. It is not the duty of a good citizen to say that bucaiue he may not approve this law, ho will therefore deny .it. There is a i roper time and place for urging the law's amendment; but there is no lime or placo for assuming an attitude of law defiance Curtain sentences in Judge Craig's recent charge to the Monroe county grand-jury nre worthy of memoriza tion. We quoto tho following ones: 'Tt will not do in a peaceful commun ity like this, where bo far as wo know the law has always been fairly deult out, whero there has always been jus tice, so far ns we know, to say that persons shall be at liberty to take the law iu their own hands. If they do. they take it with all the responsibility connected with it. It is, I take it, a stain to a certain extent, upon the country ; it is a stain to the stato itself, th it where courts are open, and where there is every disposition to do what the law requires, jot that mobs shall gather together and take the life of a human being without trial and with out consont of law, Gentlemen of the jury, it is our doty to do all we cm to uphold tho law, and see that oll'enders are punished," A speedy return, in ac cordance with this wise charge, will do much to obliterate the stain that now rests upon that county and upon this state. Make Haste Slowly. Throughout tho country there is snch a manifest and decided reaction In favor of Republicanism that local nominations by that party are likely in some iustancos to be too eagerly sought. This is, perhaps, an unavoidable peril of prospective snccsn; and no warning words that can be said in the news paper! will bo likely to have serions expreHsivo effect. Nevertheless, it is fast becoming n duty of tho Republican rank aud fllo, of thes) high party pri vates who are iu politics !ess through hope of preferment than from disint erested bolief in the party's principles, to pause and think seriously before being drawn into heated and acrimoni ous rivalries that may if unchecked, result in a loss of the next Congreai to the cause of honest govornment Wo mean these words in a general sense and are not seeking to hit at any one man or faction or locality. Should a time coine when it would seem to ua necessary to bo personal and particnlar In this .".dvice, we shall be so, unre servedly. TBI TbibUMI hai been from Its inception an uueompromising and aggressive Republican newipapir, at the service of the party in all its battles, whether the candidates of the party havo been its personal preferences or the reverse. A record thu.i consistent will not be marred. This journal be lieves that tho Republican policies are best and that Republican candidates, (Then fairly chosen in obedience to the real dotires of the masses of the party, are preferable without exception to Democratic candidates, irrespective of any feeliugs that might be entertained apart from politics. Upon this broad platform we desire to suggest that in tho preliminary dis cussion of various candidates, through out this state and throughout the coun try, it would bo wise to make hasto slowly. In two neighboring congress districts we observe such a drift of fao tional eagerness to win temporary su premacy within the party councils as appears to give renewed hope to the formerly demoralized and dejected enemy. It is possible that such a con dition may be duplicated in other states. Good Republicans, who aro for parly principles first and for party can didates secondarily, should view this tendency with a certain degree of ap prehension. It is one thing to see the party iu good fighting trim ; it is quite another to have that enthusiasm ex hausted in internal dissensions, When TiiF.Tnir.UNi: pledged itself to abide unreservedly the fair and houest choice of tho convention in its own teriitory, it took a stand which might well be taken by ils Republican con temporaries elsewhere. This is no year for domestic party bickering. Lst the preliminary ennvass be spirited and earnest; but let it not be so much em bittered as to jeopard the lator battle at the polls. A coRRF.sro.NDKXT at Lako Carey has gone to the trouble to deny that there has been any unusual decimation this year among the finny inhabitants of that charming water. The denial was scarcely necessary. Those fishes are never "killed" save by the blue pencils of discriminating news editors - TnK fondness which J. Pluvius is evincing for May has passed out of the curious and entered the intolera ble. A Clumsy Vindication. Senator Hill has no particular rea son to be on good, terms with the news papers, but that fact is to thoir credit rather than to his. They havo made bis pathway in politics uncommonly rocky, but it was because, although capable of higher things, he deliber ately chose methods that provoked sharp criticism and brought out some of the very best uses of a foarless nnd independent press. Therefore when, in discussing the sngar trust scandal, he gofsontof his way to cast a slur on the veracity of journalism as a pro fession he hurts the object of his at tack muoh less than he reveals his own vnlntrability. It is unfortunate, no doubt, that in its Investigation of the correspondents, the senate committee has not been brought up with a quick turn by the presentation of complete evidence, duly signed, sealed and attested. Onr un derstanding of the resolution whereby this committee of inquiry was author ized is that it was direated to investi gate certain senators. The faot that it has instead, gone gunning for two or three modest reporters, who performed in the premises a very minor part, is significant, not to say suspicions. Yet even this detour could be forgiven if there were real evidence of a genuine intention to get at the bottom of the scandal. Unfortunately, there Is no such evidence. Senator Hill himself, garnishes bis oratory in the case with n fling ut the newspapire; nnd it is clear now, if not at the beginning, that the whole rauntad probing will ond in a puff of smoke. Meanwhile, it will remain for indi vidual voters to determine what meas ure of trust is to be reposed in a party which, having gained power jthrough incessant slandering of its opponents, immediately proceeds to get mixed up in a ecnndiil fivo limes greater than nuyitevir, even in its wlldvst flights, imagined In connection with its prede cessors. This, nfter all, is the real im port of this great farcical inquiry at Washington. Having professed so muoh pnrity nnd reform, the Demo cratic party must explain, notonly how little it relishes newspapers that tell the truth, but bow it dare appear before its former constituency with skirts bedraggled in dozen suspicions and with a certificate of character, drawn up behind bolted senate doors aud attested by nothing more substan tial than easily transparent whitewash. Now THAT that tho Harrisburg Pa triot has sucoeeded to its obvious sat isfaction in slaying and interring the political prospects of Senator Walter Lyon we shall not be surprised to learn from it that General Hastings' candi dacy is also in serious doubt. . The induction of Coxey, tho floods and tho sevi'iiteen year locusts In one season, is evidence that occasionally there is foundation for the old adage to the effect that it never rains but it pours. PRUDENTLY RESTRICTED immigration, wisely popularized education, nnd the application of business principles to the business of local government form three virtues of advanced Republicanism that deserve to b ranked as cardinal. Tin; Democratic press in Pennsyl vania is wasting itq time in trying to make Jack Robinson out a bleeding martyr. Jack will do his bleeding this year by Demooratio proxy. ONE NEYBB learns to appreciate con ventional conveniences of civilization until by some accident they aro momen tarily interrupted. At tid; present rate of progress it is cousoling to rutUct, despits the high water, that those new bridges will not soon be swept, away. THE SPIRIT OF THE CONVENTION. Philadelphia Frest. Tho decisive aud significant fact is that the Bepnblioana of Pennsylvania Bod the party organisation responsive to their will, they find it accepting and adopting a high standard of public action; and thus comes a uimuuniity of sentiment aud a heartiness of enthusiasm which have been sadly lacking at times. Kopublicans are sensible cf their great opportunity, but they are sensible ulso of the great duty which it enrries. The certain ty of a colossal majority did not lead them into any care lessness. There was a feeling that the people everywhere are turning to the He publican party ns the only party capable of government, ami tlint it must, show itself worthy of this confidence. Tho result was a general expression Hint iu its touo and quality and impulse it, was the best of cou vention for some years. It reflected the spirit of the Kepublican musses, and its own spirit, will be reflected in turn throughout the state. It inaugurates the campaign in the most gratifying manner and it pressages a unanimity of purpose, n cordiality of support and n feeling of en thusiasm which will make this cauvass memorable in the history of tho common wealth. The Collea Graduate. Detroit Trilutie. In the calm of the evening tho old man was driving home the cows. His mind dwelt on other days. He saw the fresii, healthy face of bis only son turned in farewell for a nioineut, thon gone, perhaps forevor. "It was the call of duty," the father murmured. "It is not for me to repine." He raised his eyes. He was come again. A wan face instead of tho glow of health, an empty sleeve, a crutch, but it was he. "Yes," the youth explained, "1 have my il.'grfo all right. I'm a trifle shy on legs nnd arras, fin t I'd liko to call your atten tion to my hair. Ain't she a beaut?" Drawing his diploma from his bosom, he showed that ho spoke truly. Sarcasm frcm Ancient Berks. Heading Timet. Scanton makes pretensions to n metro politan status In comparison with which Heading cnts no flgun: and yet Its news papers resound with editoriul denuncia tion of "marauding cows that disMguro lawns and shrubbery," and complaints of "newsbovs crying their warm in nu un necessarily robust voice," nnd "brass bands playing through thestreets when return ing from an excursion lato at ulght" Iui- ngiuo, if possiible.the existonco in Reading or suru a village mature ns 'inarandiug rows" running at large, or such a provin cial characteristic as objecting to news boys' cries or tho noise of brass banda on tho streets, day or night. Somewhat Saneitlve. WatMngton star. "TO givo rou a square meal," she snid, "if you'll chop that wood. That's all I've got to say to you." "Madam," said Meandering Miko, "sro you nu. km' that proposition cos ye need tho wood split, er out o' tho kiudnesB of yer heart?" "Why I lint in any particular need of tho wood." "1 suspected it from your manner. Madam, low ez I hov sunk, I um still too liroud to accept charity." Aud he stalked haughtily away. We Acenpt th Amendment Kaston Ftes Press. Except that it would rob l'ounsylvanis ot nu inoomparaoie '"lltnr, there are those who would be willing some day to salute 1 1 in) as "Senator diaries IJmory Smith." So anion Trilmne. Thoro aro many men who wonld be will ing to thus salute him oven though It de prive them of their favorite editor. SttU li Faith In Smith. SMS ViirH- .Van. We shall believe that the Hon. James Smith, of Nev; Jorsey, will vote for an in come tax of any eort when we see the rec ord. A TJemooia'lc Opinion of Qorman. N, in For World. They know that he is a combination of Artful Uodger nnd Oily Oatninon. THE SILENT ARMY. No sentinel on the outer wall, , No guard will blow a bugle call: Tim camp is open to us all, With the army of the dead. Tis rank and file through all the band, There Is no general to command; What need of that I They understand ThiB army of the dead. Rightly thoy rest, for they have won; They fought and passed the Rubicon; All ttfat they hd to do is done, In this army of the dead. Tho' sleeping, well they guard the past: It is their booty secret, vast; Tbelr meaning we shall learn at last, In the army of the dead. Mortimer Stoddard in the Independent. Why Ari th Doore Closed P A'tw York World. If the senate's sense of honor is not dulled, ir it hi not deaf to the demands from all parts of tho country, if thoro In nothing to be feared by un open and fear less investigation, if no. damaging expos ures nre to be listened to, why not throw wide tho doors nnd lot tho public hear the testimong that shall clear the senate of the charges made against its good name? Open the doors! And the People Hunt Pay. LouisiiVe Courier-Journal. The members of tho house will not rest mifil tln v- rfi.t t-i:t . r un Inrv.flnolr in o . ... j - b i iu t'l lun ........ j ......... n rule and ho compel tho treasury to con tribute to their campaign fund. Carriages, Refrigerators AND HCill Sc. Connell 131 and 133 N. Washington Ave. Juwett's Patent Charcoal Filled Water Filters, Coolers and Refrigerators Also a full lino of CHINA, CKOCKERY AND GT.ASsWAUK. i 8c Co. 422 LACKA. AVE. Maloney Oil and Manufac turing Company Have removed their oflico to their Warerooms, NUMBERS 141, 143,145, 147, 149, 151 MERIDIAN ST. TELEPHONE NUMBER, 8082. The GENUINE New Uaven Mathushek" Pianos ESTABLISHED 18C6. New York Warerooms No. 80 Fifth Avenue E. C. BICKER & CO, Sole dealers in this section. OFFICE-m Adams Ave., Telephone B'l'd'g AYLESWORTH'S Meat Market The Fines t in the City, The latest Improved fur nishings uud npparatns for keeping meat, butter and eggs. WroinlnK Ave. ROOF tinning and soldering nil done away with liy the usoof HAKTMAN'8 I'AT F.NT I'AINT, which consists of Ingrodi -nts wi'll-known to all. It onu bi applied to tin, Ralvanized tin, sbeet iron roofs, also to hriok ilwi'lliniTH, whieh will provent absolutely any mimbllnif, pranking or brewing of the brick. It will outlast tlnulng ot any kind by ninny yvars,aml it's cost (tows not exceed oue flfth thatof ih' cost of tinning. Is sold by tho job or pound. Contracts taken by ANTONIO HAM MANN, KJ7 Biroh St. WANT a An extra fine Henr? P. Miller Squsre Hano JIT'i A n extra Ann "t!hlckerllig'Siiuaru I'iaoo K.l A kikmI Halhft Hrutlior.t Sqn.tr Piaao... 100 A Kood Meyer Hrothcn ' uunro Piano,.,. DO A ifood Firth & Pond .Square Piano 75 A Kood Pinphouia Square Piano BO A very Rood Boston Piano Co. Walnut UpriKUt 190 A very good Whoolock Upright Piano., 180 A vo ry good Wbeelock Upright Piano.. 130 Baby Cedar Chests CLEMONS GUERNSEY BROTHERS' MEW STORE, Pianos GOLDSMITH'S $ ALWAYS - TO REACH LOW WATER MARK And outdo all competition. We will prove it now more forcibly than ever by offering our customers at Silk Counter a large collec tion of 24-inch Printed Pongees, Striped Wash Silks, 28-inch Cream and Swivel Dress Silks, which are usually considered good value at 65c. per yard. Your choice at Such a remarkable cut in price we know will cause a great consternation in the trade and the question will arise, "Why do we do it.'" and "How we do it?" but as long as we convince the public that we can do it, and eager buyers are also convinced of these facts, you are satisfied and so are we. Our Plain Japanese Iiabituosi Silks in 40 differ ent shades, 23-inch wide at Are also great values. Black Brocade In dia Silks, soft, graceful and durable, yarn dyed, 24 inches wide, which command $1.00 everywhere Our Special Bargain Price. With the New Valves Out of Sight Our new Bicycles are now to be seen at our 314 Lacka wanna avenue store. VICTORS, SPALDING, CE'EDENDA, GENDKONS, And a full line of Boys' and Girls' Wheels. We are mak ing extremely low prices on Second-hand Wheels. J iui 814 Lacka. Ave. Fountain Pens Fountain Pens Fountain Pens SPECIAL FOR A FEW DAYS A Guaranteed Foun tain Pen, regular price $1.50, for 98 Cents Reynolds Bros. Stationers and Engravers, 817 LACKAWANNA AVE Dr. Hill & Son Albany Dentists Fot teoth, fi.50: bwt sot, 8: for (fold cap nd teeth without iilntos, cafleil crown nnd brldire work, call for prices snd referenoiii. TONALGIA, for t'Xtractlu moth without ii 11. Mo ether. Noru OVEIl FIRST NATIONAL RANK. n w 1 mu rqd iiiLun 1 uvku u Piano or Organ Cheap? LOOK AT THE LIST: A very good gliontnger Upright Piano.. US ORGANS, A Mason & riamlln.nearly new.high top, double reed. I 60 An A. B. Chaso, nearly now, high tort, double reel 75 A Chicago Cottage, nearly new, high top, double reed 60 A Worcester, nearly new, high top, double rood 60 224 and Organs tt Wholesale snd Ketail, on Instil 0 THE THE : COLUMBIA : 2!4 Sprues it, Op. Tribal 'VV' "le "nest lino ot Wheels of M " Bolil Purchasers taught to riilo ' l" 11 11 nil;.. .-J" 1 ML JJH1 IWU9 III NUt - uiiiiiimiiiiiHiHiiiiiiiiiiiiimmimHHiiiiiiuiiiiiiniiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiii! llllllllllllllllllllBUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIiiiiiiiigiilllllllllll FREEZERS DO NOT FREEZE Ice Cream QUITE SO QUICK AS LIGHTNING, BUT NEARLY SO. FOOTE & SHEAR CO, 513 Lacka. Ave. E Herriea arc arriving in very lino condition and prices low. Fancy Peas, Beans, Squash, Tomatoes, Asparagus, Beets, Cucumbers, etc. Pierce's Market FENN AVE. A Standard, nearly new.high top,doubIo reed 40 A Hioningcr, nearly new, high top, double reci! - .. 33 And nbout 120 other good second hand or gann, tm to (i0. The above collection of Second hand Insru iiiciiN aroall in good order, fully guaran teed, the gr eatest -bargains ever offered in this city. Call and see them, lnstahmsnta or discount for caali. WYOMING AVENUE. SCRANTON. teuta mm BAZAAR - ALERT BICYCLE : AGENCY Mm, l.uSS?i.?iS'. all grndii anil (juarnnto every machine tree of chargo. Call for catalogue. Ullll - UlllIU WIltH'lS. Id 11 1U1 A BEAUTY? I THE I "ELECTRA" GAITER Globe Shoe Store 227 LACKA. AVE. Evans 8c Powell FIRST MORTGAGE 6 BONDS OF THE FORTY FORT COAL COMPANY. A limited number of tho above bonds aro for sale at par and ac crued interest by tho following parties, from wbom copies of tlio mortgage and full information can be obtained: E. W. Mulligan, Casliier Second National Bank, Wilkes-Bar re, Pa. W. L.Watson, Cashier First Na tional Bank, Pittston, Pa. J. L. Polcn, Cashier People's Savings Bank, Pitlston, Pa. A. A. Brydcn, President Minors' Savings Bank, Pittston, Pa. And by tho Scranton Savings Bank and Trust Company, Trustee under the Mortgage. T. R Atherton, Counsel, WIJ.KES-BARKE, PA. Wedding Rings The best is none too good. Ours are 18-k. All sizes and weights. LLOYDJEWELER 423 Lackawanna Ave. Inserted in THE TRIBUNE at the late of ONE CENT A WORD. 37C WANT IDS.