THE SCK ANTON TRIBUNE TIIUltNI) AY MOBNINO. MAY 81, 184. 8 Lacisum All Things Musical STELLE&SEELEY 134 Wyoming Ave. HIGH GRAUli WKBEB, SHAW, BMEB8ON, OTHKB MAKES All PKICE j Shaw Piano from the World's Fair in our window. A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE TIIE And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOB SALE TO THE TRADE Ii The Weston Mill Co, EEWARB OF COUNTERFEITS ! THE BEHUINE POPIIUB Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS B. & Co., tmnr'ntnil nn Earth Clflflr. Carney, Brown & Co. Mffa. DR. H. B. WARE SPECIALIST. . EYE, EAB, NOSE AND THROAT. 135 WYOMING AVE. PERSONAL. T. A. Brnahsar, of St. Louis, was yester day in the city. Marlt E.iijar, Mayor Connell's private eecrotavy, is on a fishing excursion in Pike county. C. It. Archer, formerly of this city, has been elected president of the Schuylkill Press association. Joseph Qaynor, of late tho night oper ator at tho tolephotie exchaugo, has been nssigned day duty. Jaino3 Niland has bi eu engaged to Ml Mr. Gaynor's old posi tion. Harry Wright, Frank Orchard. A. Cor bin and Julius Spaeth, of Carbondale, were among the out of town spectators who saw the Scranton club shut out the Hazle ton's yesterday aftornooti. George II. Lancastor, Wayne county's delegate to the recent Harrisburg conven tion, hns became identified with busine-is interests in this city, and will toon reside here permanently. Mr. Lancaster was nn enthnsinstic supporter of .lark Robinson, and did much to further that candidacy. He Is prominent in masonic circles and has already mado man y friends in Scranton. AMATEURS AT MUSIC HALL. Thsv Qav a Clover Impersonation of th Confidential Clerk. The oornsrly drama, "A Confidential Clerk," was produced before a comfort ably filled home at Mnsio hall last night. The piece was interpreted by the members of the Father Whitty'g Dramatic company for thf benefit of Progressive assambly No. 15, Knijhts of Labor. The plot of the play is interesting and as developed last night by the talented young people of the Father Whitty association held the closest at tention of the audience. Tho work of little Mammie Mahon as Bessie, shows that the young miss possesses undoubt ed talent. After the curtain descended on the last act the floor was cleared and a social followed. Miss Katie Saltey furnished the music. NORTH END. Annual picnic of the Niagara Hose tompany is advertised to be held at Frear's Grove near the Dalaware and Hudxon depot, Providancs, on June 4 and 5. The programme for the osca ion holds out great inducements to pleasure seekers. "The Facb of Rose.vfkl." MothcrnI Mothers! Mothers!!! Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup has been osed for over fifty years by millions o. mothers for their children while teething, with perfect Bticcess. It soothes the child softens the gums, nllays all pain; cures wind colic, and is the Utst remedy for dl arrhcoa. Sold bydiuggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. WlnsJow'g Soothing Syrup," and take no no other kind. Twenty-live cents a bot tle. "The Face o- Rosenkkl." My physician said I could not live, my liver out of order, frequently vomited greenish mucous, skin yellow, small dry humors on face, stomach would not retain food. Burdock Blood Bitters cured me. Mrs. Adelaide O'Brien, ;iv; Exchaneo St., Buffalo, N. Y. A fine lino of wheels for reilt by the hour or day at tho Scranton Bicycle Liv CTT, 810 Washington Ave. Beadle & Wosra's and BallantlneV Ales nre the btst. E. J. Walsh, Agent, C3 Lnckawa 1 na avenue. pipes ORGANS SHOW WHITE NEWS OMrVEST IE How Memorial Day Was Observed In This Part of the City. CANTATA IS SOON TO BE GIVEN It Will Be Heard at Music Hall on June 13 Promises to Be a Musical Treat Mrs. Anne Fletcher Laid to Rest Cantata Given at the Plym outh Congregational Church Oth er Interesting News. The West Side office of the Scranton Ikihi ne is locatod nt 1040 Jackson street, where subscriptions, advertisements and communications will receive prompt at tention. Memorial Day opened damp and dis mally yesterday. Most of the business bi ines were closod and th streets wore in holiday attire. Those who did not close in the morning did so at noon Considering the rain a large nnmher attended the services nt the Washburn Street cemetery. A splendid address was read by A. W. Cooper, piistir of the Humpton Street Methodist EpIjOC pal church. The rain ceased about noon and large crowds thronged to the central city to witness the parade. Rendition of a Cantata. The musical event of the Benson will be tho rendition of the charming can tata, "Esther, the Beautiful tjueeo," by the Sumner Avenue Presbyterian Church choir, at Muiic hall, this city, 011 WiducsJny evening, June 13. The choir will be assisted tiy umu of tho best talent in the city and valley, and we have no hesitation in pronouncing the ronditiou of this cantata to be as ind as anything ever rendered by Ul talent in tbil city. This chorus, inhering about 125 voices, has per med many cantatas within the last r years, and have always given per- s itiBfactiou ia allot them. The .. is tin' cat of diameters: fen. Jliss Sadie E. Kaiser, of Wilkes-Barro King Llew Herbert Ilamon John T. Watkius Zltrest, wife of Human, Miss Maggie Jones Mordecni F. Beynon Mordeoai'l Sister Miss M. Thomas Prophettss Miss Aldi Davies The financial object of this perfor mance is to raise uiouey for the build ing fund of tho Sumuer Avenue Pres byterian church, which is newly dedi cated, the members of which are strug gling hard in their efforts to got enough money to ran current ex peuses. Funeral of. lira. Fletcher. Despite the inclemency of tho weather, a large coneoursu of frieuds gathered at the borne of the late Anne Fletcher, wife of George Fletcher, ou Meridian street, where the funeral services ovr the deee ise'd were held by Rev. M. H. Mill, rector of St. David's Episcopal church. The floral tribnteb included many handsomt de signs. After the ctremouy Under taker Will Prio uncovered the black casket and the last look at the rem tins was obtained. Iutermsnt was made in the Washburn street cemetery, The pall bearers wers J. Schull, Wil liam E Clark, J. Williamson, J. llurdy, G, Smith and R. M. Brown. Cantata List Evening-. The auditorium of the Plymouth Congregational church was well filled last evening at the cantata entitled, "Dreamland," given by the young peo ple of tho Sunday school, under thn direction of A. 13. hyunn. the recita tions, s )lo3 anil duets, were rendered in a ni'inner whiati brought forth many rounds of hearty applause, that reflect ed great credit upon the young people and their instructors. The affair will be repeated this evening. Injured in the Mines. John Warren of Archbald street had his face lacerated in theBellevue shaft on Tuesday. Warren is employed as a miner, and while doing some drilling a large piece of rock fell. It struck the drill in such a manner that tho sharp end struck Mr. Warren's cheek and the drill was driven into his mouth. Dr. Roberts was called but the injured man's face was too badly torn to take up stitches. Death of a Child. Arthur J., a child of Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan, of 435 Dicker's court, died yesterday morning, aged 2 years and S months. Funeral will take plaos from their residence on Friday after noon ut B o'clock. Interment at Wush hurh Street cemetery. Rev. R, G. Jones, of tho Sumner Avenue Presby terian church, will officiate. Told In a Fsw Line. Many West Side people attended the eisteddfod t Pitts ton yesterday. John T. Evans, of Summit Hill, is visiting his parents on South Snincor avenue. Amos Hersner, of North Rebecci avenue, is suffering from a burnt face. Memorial Day exercises and a social were held in the Jackson Street Bap tist church last evening. Willie, the son of John M. Bnvnn, of Hampton streot, had his hand caught in the tackle of a derrick yesterday. One finger on the right hand is very badly crushed. Druggist A. W. Mnsgrave nnd fam ily, have returned from Bloomshurg, Contractor D. E Nicholas, who is constructing the pipe drain in the Twenty-first ward, has been nnable to bo on with the work until the wenther becomes more favorable. The 'members of the Welsh Calvin istio Methodist church will run au ex oursion to Lake Arid on Jnno 12, Mrs, John Fowler, of Eynou stroet, slipped on a plank in the yard at her home on Tuesday. The elbow of her right was arm dislocated by the fall Mrs. Steven Hendrick, of Brooklyn, has returned homo after a visit with frionds on this side. Curds are out announcing the mar riage of Miss Cra Lavinia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benj tmin K-rdiner, of 820 South Main avenue, to Jo3pli E Evans, on June 20. nt 8 p. in. An elaborate wedding, to which numerous frirnds are invltod, will follow tho ceremony. MANY TO BE DISAPPOINTED. T. W. O. A. Farvlew Excursion Post poned Until Juiik 16 Many will be disappointed today to learn that the proposed excursion of the Young Women's Ckrietiau associa tion to Farvlew has been postponed un til 1 Sitnrdny, June 10. Ihe postpone ment was decid-d npoa Is tu yesterday nftprnooti by '.hi association officers on account of the dampness of the ground onUsed by so much rainy weather. The excur-io:i was d'-signed to Be one of the most enjoyable of the season nnd the ladii s decide d that the large nnin i er who had til" trip In pro pec t would rather wait for a more enjoyable day. All of the attractive features already announced will be included in the trip of June 11, and possibly new attrac tions will be offered. DAY AT LAUREL HILL PARK Raw Weather Does Not Interfere with the Enjoyment That Lnurel Hill park is a favorite recreation spot with a largo number of people, is shown by the attendance there yostcrdsy. Notwithstanding the inclement weather and ominous dark huvd clouds, a good sized crowd rode on the mcrry-go-round, lunched aud otherwise enjoyed itself in the after noon. The announcement that the Law rence band would bn prosent during the evening una that dnnctug would be another nttrnctive feature, drew many to the park in the evening. CHICKEN THIEVES AT WORK. The; Are Opiratlag; In R.g-ion Buck of Sanderson' Hill. Phiekan thieves are denlptinir the han innate in that n rtinn of the eitv lying between Clay avenue and Nay Aug fails. H..rr ml dnrinir the last week they Imve made raids, on ono occasion beheading twenty chickens in the yard in which they were stolon, aud leav ing the hea ls after them. Tho thieves nre supposed to be n gang of tramps who infest the rogion about Nay Aug Falls. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE H'mler thir, hearting short lottorSOf interest will bo onbllslied when accompanied, for pnb- lientioii, by the writer's name, Tub Tritons will not be held resposetbla for opinions here expressed.! SUNDAY OBSERVANCE. Editor of Tor. Ti IBUNB! On rending the letter in vnur issue of Thb Tribuiob on Tuesday over the name ot John Davy, I was impressed with the Idea that the writer was some sort of a religious zealot. It reminded me of words 1 once heard n speaker make mo of: "I would stai d With mv feet in the nshes of Sinai and thunder tho terrors of tho law." That is ju-t what John Davy seems to ho trying to do. II" talks wildly nnd inco herently, and makes bold assertions which bandy have the semblance of truth. In the llrst place, aftor his preliminary, he misquotes Webster, It is nor. but civil lilrorty that wo are to deal with, and here follows Webster's definition en tire. "OlVll liberty is tho liberty of men in a state of society, or natural liberty, so far only abridged and restrained as u ne-os-ary and expedient for tbosafotv and in terest of the society, state or nation. A restraint ot natural liberty, not necessary or expedient for the public, ts tyranny or oppression, Civil liberty is an exemp tion from the arbitrary will of Others, wLich exemption is secured by established laws, which restrain every man from in juring or controlling another. Hence the restraints of law Bro essential to civil lib erty." As regnrds religious liberty, Webster defines It as follows; "Religious liberty is the fr w right of adopting and enjoying opinions on religious subleets, and of wor siiiping tho Supremo Being according to the dictates of contoionce, without exter nal control." If there is any one thing a true Ameri can citizen abhors more than another it is religious intolerance. The writer of the above-named lotter seeni3 to he a chain nion of lynch law by onotiiie a Bible pins ago, "that the congregation brought the transgressor without the camp aud stoned hiin with stoeos that he diod," A very righteous etieagemont for a con gregation, stoning an orring brother to death. lhoBe Uavs or ignorance ami su perstitiou do uot flourish largely in these L iiitea states. To assert that the Sabbath is as old as creation is n mere assumption which he stultifies wheu he refers to Babylon as having a law prohibiting the observance of the Jewish Sabbnth. Aud to compare America to Babylon and other peoples who have gone out ot existence, is irrel event to tho case. As near as we can learn from history thero never was n na tion on tlie faco of the globe that pos ses-ou the lroouom, tne civil ana religious liberty tho people of the United States etiioy. If tho teachers of Christianity would follow more in the footsteps of their aian ter, they would proliably have more fol lowers. It is lecorded (1 quoto from memory) that Christ said, "S)ine men os- teera ono day nbove another, oth crs esteem every day alike; let every man txi persuaded in his own mind." Again, "the Sabb ith wns made for man nnd not man for the Sabbath. ' Hearing, doubt less, that the Sabbath wns instituted for the good and welfare of the human race, a nay of rest, relief from toil anil car. day for innocont enjoyment, to drink in tho beauties of nature, to feel grateful to our trainer in neaven for the many nies-i iurjs we enjoy; but not to be enslaved by that day. The Jews and some Oentiles beliovo that Saturday is the true Sabbath. The word "Lord's day" aro nowbore to bo found in the Bible. And to everybody those words in n law to enforce the obsomuico of .sun- day for religious reasons is an insult to the Saturday fnbbath worshipers. Our constitution and laws do not restrain uny person from observing Saturday or Son Say, or any other day as n holy day. And itiscontrary to sho spirit and letter of our government to uiako law3 for the ob servance of any one day of each week for other than sanitary reasons. The govern ment tolerates nil religious sects, nnd ig nores them all. No union of church and stte for me. As the observance of Sunday as n day of rest and religious exerciso is so very gen eral it suits me as well as any other day. I feel tha need of resting one day in seven nnd eujoy the day very highly. This world would bo very monotonous If wo had to toll every day in the year, without rest or rocroation other than sleop. Even an inanimate machine, n locomotive for instnnce, needs an occasional rest to keep it from going to pieces prematurely. I favor the oh-orya:. ci' nnd enforcement Of all laws that are just and wholesome. A law that is unjust and oppressive 1 am not bound to respect. The Sunday law of 1704 is superannuated and not suited or adapted to the present wants of society. Thero Is no more harm In selling sodn water than there Is in selling milk. And to arrest a woman for Belling soda water is downright tyranny. Wo ail know that n blast f urnaco cannot be ruu ou Christian Sabbath principles, 11. II VAU Bknthuyiiln, 4M Wyoming uveuuo Jtasotniiona if Rmpjot. The following resolutions were nnani-mossh- adopted by Sam Shinn division, No. Brotherhood of LoOOBOtiVe En gineers: Whereas, A sudden and unexpected ac cident has taken from our midst Brother Ira Oearhai t, who was killed by being struck by the tunnel guard post nt Nay Aug tunnel on the Delaware, Lackawanna end Western railroad nt Scranton, Pa May 2". Resolved. That our division has lost a worthy and esteemed member, and beiiut conscious of tho heavier loss to thoso dearer to him, we, ns n band of brothers, members of !Saiu Sloan division, No. 'JTli, extend to his grief stricken widow and relative our heartfelt sympathy, mid pray our Heavenly Father With His ever Watchful care to protect nud console them in this, their great affliction. That as a tribute of n spect wo drapo our charter for thirty flays, nnd tnai a copy of these resolutions be sent to the horosved widow aud entered on the minutes of the division ami lie pnblii bed In the Brotherhood of Loconietlve Engineers' Journal and daily papers. C. P ASHBLKAK, W. J. Fisnicn. Committee. Scranton, Pa.; II iy 90, W.)i. f Woui.n yon vide on a railroad that tups' no danger signals!1 That, sough is a stgiinl of danger, The rafest cure in Dr. Whim's Norway Pin Sy i up. S.ild by nil dealers ou a guarantee "1 satisfaction. ROTES OF SOUTH SI Two Boys Quarrel and One of Them Gets Ar rested and Put Under Bail. CMP OF HOBOS UT STEEL IML One of Their Number Scared a Woman Yesterday and She Gave Him His Breakfast and a Dime Be sideMemorial Day Observed by Minooka Catholics Timely Per sonals and Shorter Paragraphs. Yesterday morning Fred Hamm ap peared before Alderman Holding, of the Eleventh ward, aud had u warrant issued for the arrest of Thorn is Han 1 -ley, a boy of 17, living on Pittston nvo- nue. uumms son anu young uanaisy became engaged in a quarrel over base ball, and in tho scrimmage tho side of llitniiii's hoad was mado to resomble a chopping block from tho energetic pounding with n cobhlo by Hundley, The tildorinnn, after listening to the stories of both youngsters, deol led to place the defendant under fa JO bail to await the action of tho gran 1 jary Hundley s father t m ais bonds man. Tramp' Bold Action. Tho burglary at the Steel Works de pot reported in another column, brings to mind again the comments, ut various times in the several papers of the au dacity of the band of tramps stationed within the city limits alonsr the Lack awanna river near the Liulra wanna township line. Every morning n com mittee of these gentlemen of leisure go from floor to door throug'.i the lower end of the South Side skirmishing for food, lbo hour of their visits is sure to bo after the time when tho masculine members of the families have left for work. A worn in who doe. not wish her name given toll n Tuili- I'NK reporter yesterday that in the morning, about twenty minutes nfter her busband and son went to work, a burly tramp came to her house an 1 told her to get bun his breakfast in a hurry. Siie complied with his demand and alter he had (unshod hm meal he wanted 10 OtntS, Hue gave tho money to bim wiihout a murmur, because he said h-' would choke the life out of her if she refused. A squad of police should be sent to the quarters of these gentle- men, Memorial Services to Xinooke, Tho f ongregtttion of St. Joseph's church, Minooka. worship d yesterday with a high mass and music by the full choir, in honor of Mem rinl Day. O'Connell Council, Young Men's Insti tute, received holy communion in a body iu m"inory of their departed mem bers. Aster tho iiissh thn pastor, Rev. John Loughrau, preached a brilliant sermon, addressing himself particu larly to the members of the Young Men's Institute. He import'ined tho young men to striv and possess nil the knowledge possible, the batter to com bat the kuow-nothing onslaughts of go cities whose patriotism, he said, has yet to bo tried. It was a sermon re plete with patriotic outbursts and deeply i m pressed the congregation. Shorter Paragraphs. Drnfrgist Daniel O. Oelt.ert, of South Washington avenue, is on a business trip to New York. A. D. Powers, of Wiikea-Burre, is visiting his brother, L. D. Powers, druggist. barber Owen Walsh is visiting rela tives in Brooklyn. Rev. P. (J. Christ, of St. Mary's Ger man Catholic church, returned last night from a fortnight's visit to his parents in Lbnnon. Everett Cimpbeli, of Minooka, nud George H Doud, of Greenwood, went fulling lo Lake Como und return d yes tetdny with fifty pounds of porch apiece. The picnio of Washington Drum corps at Central park yesterday was well attended despite tho rain. A snug sum wns realized notwithstanding the objection of the weather. Tho pupils of No. 10 school under tho charge of Mi6s Anna Mslia, deliv ered a very interesting Memorial Day programme yesterday. On tho graves of the departed herofs of Ears G;l!llii post, No. 189. Grand Army of tho Republic, buried iu Pitts ton avenus aud St. Mary's cemetjrie?, the members of the post yesterday erected nivtnl markers two feet high. On top of tho marker is a fcc-siinile of the iuaignia of the post. Thero is a setting on top in wuich a 11 ig can be pi a cod. At the rooms of Young Woman's Christian association tomorrow even ing will be given a "L Hiking Dick ward" social, the characters taking part boing young ladies from the cen tral branch exclusively. A feature whiob undoubtedly will add to tho amusement very greatly will be u se ries of oalistbenio drills by classna from tho gymnasium Admission will be free, and all aro invited. Next Sunday there will bo n lovo feast at 0 a m. in the Cedar Avenne Mellio list Episcopal clmrcii, followed With preaching by the pastor, nnd at 1(1 .10 tho members of thu church will partake of the Lard's supper. Sunday school will boat tho nsuul nfternoou hour, and special services will be held in tho ovoniug at 7 110. Onadimt gels one part of the beautiful "America" portfolio. Twenty dimes got twenty pnrts. No coupon neoeesary, They're too bothersome. Stamps or cash, Ecrnnton's Business Intf-rests. Tim TmiiUNtt will soon publish a cure fully compiled nud olsssined list of tho leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing ami professional interests ot Scranton and vicinity. The edition Will bo bouad In book form, beautifully Illustrated with photogravure views of our pnhlic build ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together witn portraits oi leaning citizens. No similar work has ever given an equal rep resentation nf Bcrentott'e many Indus tiies. It will be au invaluable exposition 'if our business resources. Sent to persons outsido tho city, copies of this handsome work will attract new coiners nnd be an Unequalled ndvertltement of thn city. The circu lation i on a piau that cannot fail of good results to thoic concerned as well as the city ai large, Bepreieiftalivei of Tn TmncNii will call upon TBOSS WBOU namf.h are UKSItUlO In this edition and explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences in this edition will please Kayo uotico at tho office. AMERICA ILLUSTRATED. By anew arrangement The Tiiiii UNE in oi. nb t'd to offer its readers ai y one of ihe twenty parts of tho "America" portfolio for ton cents. All parts nre now ready. This U tho finest collection of popular Photogra phic view., in print. Send (tamps or cu.-h. qo coupon Is necessary, . . "The Pace ok RosiiNfkl." pon't lose sight of the fact that we will sell you a good BABY CARRIAGE Tor less money than you can buy it elsewhere. jVVe have made many ad ditions to our LAMP STOCK They are choice and make a beautiful present with a Silk or Lace Shade We NEVER allow our stock of Tea er Toilet Sets to run low. You know the quality. Come in and we will give you the prices. WE1CBEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avonua. Homestead CORN, PEAS, SUCCOTASH, LIMA BEANS, 81.B0 Per Dozen HOME JERSEY CREAMER BUTTER In 3 aud 5 1L. Pixils. K'gs received Dally from tlie Home Poultry Farm. C DIT0EBURN, COLL'NS & HACKETT. Ye Tournament Oi'Yo Clothiers, of Scranton. A Truo Tale, Come li-tnn, nil yo p eoplo to tho wonders that befell At tlit tournnmpnt of Clothiers a truo Ktory thnt 1 tollj It i-i liku tho knightly wonders, that oc curred iu battles won By the great nnd uoblo Lauucelot in the tali's of Tennyson. It's up to date In time and place, and euro to interest; It tells how Collins & Hackett in com bat yot tho best Of nil tlio competition that is known tho i ountry ro in I. It makes n most dramatic tnle none bet ter can bo found. Tho coinlmlnnts enmo early they woro eager i fir lbs f my. And they rode all Hurts of horses, never seen until tugt day. The champion ro I o n mustang, that could Kick and bro.ik a rock. And the legend on bis blanket read, "You hot we own our stock." Another rude a pranc ing steed nnd seemed to cut a swell. And turning abowod his namo to be, "We make tho clothus we sell." Another rode a raw-boned horse, stono blind in both his eyes. And buLsted tlio csceuirlo name; "Vo never advertise " Came dolefnIvisaged "Bankrupt Stock" so sleepy that ho Miorcs. Aud one who bi re tin bauuer "Wo own our stores.'1 And other minor knights wore there in quaint or bright nrrhy. All ho'iii(? that Dame Fortune coy night east her smiles their way. Uut here are two youngsters In the tbroug, lads whom no one kuows. Ou a blooded horse "Promoters of Fino Fashionable Clothes," The eager press olose to themi tho Knight around them flock. Aud read upon their blazing shield the mufjic words, "l'INUST stock." Fine clothes, fine cut, fine styles, flue fits, were weapons int hoir hand. With that honest reputation so wtU known throughout the land. And then then the pe.iplo understood as clear ns li.;ht or day That tlio greatest living forces would wrestio in thu fray. Tho crowd set up a mighty cheer and swelled it long mid loud. The other knights were jealous COLLUtl A HAGKKTT won tile crowd. Tho trumpets blow a mighty blast, which told tlMin all that they Would quickly so ) the Bgtti tor "Iioady- mado'1 supremacy, Thore was hurrying1, timro was ikurrying, there wai clash of brass and steel. Horses stumbled) men were huinblod, as from olt their steeds tboy reel. Hours tho rough and tumble lasted, end tho mud iinil feathers flew, Till the stream fiom off tlio uorsos hid tho gory scene fr,mi view. But at lasl the light grew feeble, and to every one's -urpi iso Colli h a HacXIR walked alone with victory in their ayes, Tho multitude wont crazy, wild; it yelled with beer tit light, As the Qba mi s Public crowned with laurel wreathl tlio victor knights. Now to tbe heroes dally flocks the crowd, for Well .t knows Thnt none can equal or surpat-a Collins & llAf'KKTT's clothes; Aud mothers tell then- children of that day Mini its great racket, And advise thorn evermore to buy of Col- LIX8 & liAt'KKTT. COLLINS & HACKSTT'S WINNING BTVLUS, Fine Suits, $7 to $:5, Pine Trousers, S2.50 tn $7. Workiny Pnnl3,Sl tj $ 50 B y3' S its, $1. 0 to S 12. Hats, $1 to 53. Caps, 25c, to 8 I. COLLINS & HACKETT, Promoter. o Fashionable Clolhing. N.. 220lt'cluw Avo., SCiiAiJTIN, PA. (Mill THE Hindoo ffandk Now on sale for 25c. or given away with purchase of every suit. Handsome line of Spring Overcoats and the Nobby "Bell" Cutaway Snits Martin & Delany Custom Tailors and Clothiers, Wyoming Avenue. fiiKrwiiiiiKiiiuiiiKtObiiniiiiiiiiniiiaiasiiaiiiaiiiiiinKHinilfllHc: KM 1 YOU WILL FIND THIS WEEK AT I JILFashion! 5 Special A Ladies Vest, our regular price 19c, . A Ladio3' Black Hose, full, lengin, worcn 4uc, r- s-x 25c. s faV A Child's Black Hose, all sizes, double knea.heel and toe,always sold for 37a, I FOR 25c. 5 s A Ladies' Fine White Lawn Shirt Waist, embroidery trimmed, good value at I $2.00, .... FOR $1,23. : I A Ladies' Silk Necktie S sold in New York city I FOR 49c. I A new line of Children's Gimp3 just received. s I iiiiiiRiiaBsiiiiia&iiiaBiBaaRi23iiiiiiaiaiiaiBeeiiaiBiB3aEiiE3isBaiBiii8iiiiiiBiiiiiii CHRISTIAN'S NEW STORE At 41- Ppruco streot, will ho opened to the public next Saturday, Juno 2, with tho largest and moBt complete lino of Oentlenien's Furnishlncs in Northeast ern Pennsylvania, Tho old btoro at 205 Liek iwnnna avo nue v.-ilL tn tho future, bo a branch of tho new Spruco stroet establishment. It will always bo staekod with tha very host ; ooils. Christian's two store9 will sell noth ing but the latest nnd best, which will he sold at tho most reasonable prices. Consider yourself personally invited to thn opoiiine of the now storo noxt Saturday, Juno 2. 412 Spruce Street It's a Great Shock fo tho folks who are olsimlUg they undersell ill others to find that without t he fuss er bluMtur vo iiv jvinK cii-iounrs tho ben efit of such ouportuuities M tuesc. A Rtrfotti High Orada Mcht-woiehr Wheel, 1HU4 pnttarn, Irr 1 10 ennli. ifi:i pattern, tiro Wheel, for sail. 18P4 pattern, moo Wheoi, for ams cmTv Theoe prices raako tho business at our storo. FLORE Y & HOLT Y. M. C A BUILDING. Bicycle Riders, Take Notice! CAPS Invented by a rider Something New CONRAD Has the Agency for the THE CELEBRATED '.rn at PfMOSI Iho Mo.t Pnrjilnr and l"rrrwd by Lva.liuff ArUbtu Wtrerooms: PppoaiteColum!iu3 Monument, OB Wnshlngtan Aw. Scranton, Pat. i m v itf&fit 'v ' f I JL Iff erchief Puzzle Values. FOR 12c. s araj regular, extra for Chemisette, for 75c, I SPECIAL A Fine Diagonal Worsted Suit for Men, in colors black and blue, for liieriHetsreiluraisfiErA English, Wear Well Scrgo, Tuxedo Cotit, Silk Lined, Skirt with deep hem. They arc truly tailor-made, Navy or Black. ONLY $10.60 DUCK SUITS Striped, Spot or Figured Effects. Well mado, cool to wear. $3.50 TO $5. 00 SHOULDER CAPES Aliout L5 different styles. Tourist Raymond on Tab Styles; the importer's expectation, $12. OUR PRICE, WOMEN'3 JACKETS You will need one ror street, excursion or ( raveling, There's a lit to ours. THE PRICE, $5 TO $12 Furs Stored and Repaired. G.W.Owens & Co. Tailors, Clofik anil Suit Makors and Furriors, BPRUi K HTRBBT, coukt house syuAUK 508 (Ml WOMEN'S SERGE AND DOCK SUITS