i THE SCRANTON TB IE TJNE THURSDAY MORNING, MAY" 81, 1894. 1 , 1 BASE BALL Scranton's Position in the League Race Not Changed. ALLENTOWN iS CLOSING UP It Won Two Games from Easton Yes terday Whila Harrisburg Was Pre vented by Rain from Playing with Altoona Reading Took Two Games from Pottsville and Clinched Its Hold on Fifth Place. CRANTON'S posi tion in me leagim netmi not obangsd by its victory over HaslstOD yesterday, for tho reason that while we won one gams, ltelitiK, whose scalp wo covot, mlded two l'ottsville sealns to it etri nir. The ames between Harrlsbnrg end Al'oonn wen prevented by rain and Allentown took edrentage of the op portunity to cls up th pap which Separate! it from the Senator by df-ii-atiiij,' Easton both morning and after noon. The following table s;ive? the per oentage of the elub. together with the number of games won and lost by each auul their standing in the ohavnpion bip raco: Won. Lost. Per Ct. flnrrishtirif 17 4 .t0 Allentown M 7 .007 Jluzlotou 11 10 .50 Altooua hi 11 ,470 Hiding !l 11 .450 Bcranton ' 18 EaBton 0 u .Sim Pottsville 5 IS .278 BOHKDCM FOK TODAY. Altooua at Bcranton. HSZLETON SHUT OUT. Fitiher Hedioo n P izz'.e Thy CouMNot Solv. Hatleton was trpatei to a shut out at the hall purl; yesterday afternoon and they can thank Pitoner Hudson for it. He was invincible. The gaiao at llazioton in tho morn ing was prevented by rain and oarly in the afternoon there was every indica tion that the elements would also pre Vent tl e namo scheduled at 4 p.m. here. Notwithstanding the threatening weutber tLere were 2,101) persons who Witnessed the game aud they oheered find yelled every time the players gave them an excuse to do so. The grounds were wet and base run ning aud field work therefore very difficult. Staltz' failure to trap a fly that went into his territory can bt at tributed to the condition of the field as he dipped backward whilh reaching for the ball. Scranton's team was somewhat Changed around, llaaeoy was unable to play on account of his Charley-horse and Hogers filled his place ut first. Flannghau covered right tkdd during tne first inning and for the remainder of the game Manager Swift guarded that portion of the eartb. He made one briiliaut catch and hit the bull every time ha went to the plate, but failed to land it safely. Hit popularity'with tho audience was demonstrated by the hearty roun la of applause that greeted his appaar ince at the plate. iiodson's great work. Hodson was in even better form than On the previous day, only four hits three singles and a double, being secured ty tho visitors. He was credited with four strike outs and gave three mon ba-s on balls. Jordan pitched a good game for Huzleton a game that wonld have meant victory had ho been pitted airainst a less formidable antagonist than Hodson. Ho was found aafaly only six times, for three singles and as many doubles, but gave six bases on balls, however, that proved costly, The game by innings was as follows: First Hogan, of Scranton, was re tired on a fly. Wetzel reached first on Eaien'l error, ami Patoben was sent to firat on balls, Rogers sacrificed, ad vafaoing Wetael and Patohen a btao. Staltz was retired on an infield bit from Conroy to i 'larlc. Henry Ely wis tho first Hazioton batter and Hodson sent him to first on bali llaZ'm Went out from Westlake to Roger, and Gus Moran struck out. The tide was retired by Clark going ont Rt first on Watltl'g throw. Second Westlake went to base on balls and Higgins sacrificed. The third Btrika on I'lanaghan was missed by Catcher Clark and the batter reached first aud Westlake third. Hodson was given hia base on balls and Hogan Came to the rescne with a two-bagger along th'i third base lino, which al lowed Westlake and Flanaghan to score. Wetzel's sacrifico brought Hod aon home, but Patehen struck out, leaving Hoin on third. RothsrLWl went out from Wetzl to Rogers, and Moore and Conroy were retired on flies to Patohen and West lake. ONE, TW.O, THREE ORDER. Third Rogers flied out to Land, Btaliz struck out and Westlake was re tired on a line drive to first, Lund hit to Westlako and was thrown ont at first and Jordan flied out to Westlake. Ely reached first on a drive that passed Higgins and Hazen reached first on Staltz's muff of a fly ball. Moran was retired on a fly to Uogan, leaving two men on bases. Fourth Higgins, Swift and Hodson wont out on flies to Ely, Conroy and Bsasn , Clark retired from Wetzel to Rogers and Rotherinol from Hodson to Rogers. Moore made a base bit and on Roger's error, Conroy reached first. Land struck out. Fifth Hogan opened with a single and Wetzel saorificod. Patehen was sent to first on balls, and Rogers made a base hit, filling the bags. Staltz filled out to Moran and Hogan scored. Westlske wont to first on four balls, and on Hif gin's drive, which Rother mi 1 fumbled, Patehen scored. Swift Hied oat to Rothermel. Jordan went out from Welzel to Rogers, and on Roger's error, Ely reached the initial bag. Hazen popped Tip an infield fly which Westlake cap tured and threw Ely out at first, mak ing a doutile play. Sixth Hodson, Hogan and Wetzel went out on fly hits. Tne first named tfi Land nnd the last two to Clark. Moran was retired from Wetzel to RogerB, Clark reached first on four balls and Rotbernel and Moore flied ont to Westlake and Staltz. WBSTLAKE'8 timely hit, Hpventh Puto.hon hit to Pnnrrnr ftnil kwas thrown ont at first and Rogers was retired on a long drive to Clark. Staltz 3 sue a single ana scored on West- laic's doable. Higgins was retired from Hnzeu to Clark. Conroy and Jordan struck oat and Lind got hia qaietua on a foul fly to Patoben. EighthSwift was retired from Ho gan to Clark nnd Hodson got first on called balls but was retired from Roth ertnel to Con way 'at second on Ilogan's drive to short. Wetzel filed out to Clark. Ely opened Haileton'l half or the in ning with a two-base hit to right field. Hazen Hied out to Westlake and Moran to Patclien. Clark was given his base on balla and Rathermel died on a line drive to Roger. Ninth Patehen went out on n fly to Moor and Rogors followed with u bit which netted two basea Moore's phe nomonal rnnning catch of a foul fly re tired Btalta and Westlake went out from Hazjn to Clark. Moore made a single, but was put out from Patclieu to Higgins, while trying to steal second. Conroy lied out to digging and Land was rstirsd from Westlake to Rogers. The score: SCRANTON. u. n. o. 1 0 7 11 1 1 0 0 1 A. 0 5 l 0 0 c u 0 1 o Hogan, c. f Wetzel, s. s Patclien, c Rogers. 1 b Btalta, c. f Westlake, !1 b Biggins, 2 b Flanaghan, r. f ... Hodson, n Swift, r. f. Totals 0 12 3 HAZLETON. It. II. O. A. E. H. Ely, 1. f 0 2 1 0 0 Hazen, Sb 0 0 14 1 ilorau, c. f 0 0 1 (1 0 f'lark, lb 0 0 14 0 0 Rothermel, s. s o o 9 2 i Wo:re, c I) 2 4 II 1 Conroy, 2 b o o 2 H 0 Ei.nd, r. f 0 0 a 0 0 Jordan, p o o o l o Totals (I 4 27 10 8 Bcranton o 30oaoioo-o Bssleton o o o o o o o o o o Earned runs-Scranton 1, Two base hits Hogen, Rogers, Westlake, H. Ely. Sac rifice nits Wetael 8, fbr,'ois, Higcins, Ha zen Stolen bases Westlake. Double plavs Westlake to Rogers, struck out By godson 4, Jordan it. First on balls By Hodson 3, Jordan 6, l ime, 1.45. Umpire Ketrick, OTHER STATE LEfGUE RESULTS. MORNINII OAMES At Pottsville- ' Pottsville 2 n n 9 n n n n 1 s Beading 8 o l l o 3 a o x-io Ilitt. 1'oltSVllle. S- Itondinir I1.- I'.rrnri Pottsville. 6: Heading. 0. Batteri's-t'arr and DiL'CiUS: Klioa'dos and Cm rllmrt I'm. plre BTnn. At Allentown Allentown II 0. 1 A a A a 1 ni7 Easton 3 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 10 Hits Allentown. 17- Fusion 19' P Allentown, 2; Easton, 4. Batteries PoIli'lllM and SIllllL'm- liilh.ri Rnlfnaa nn.l Won to. At Altooua Altooua-Harrisburtr camos postnonod. rani. AFTERNOON OAMES. At Reading Readlna o i o l n n n 2 s s Pottsvillo 0 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 05 Hits Beadbue. 11 Pott-sville !) Errn?s Reading, 4j Pottsvillo, 5. Batteries Jones ami Uoocthart: Clare and Diggins. At Easton Easton 0 2 0 0 12 1 1 20 Allentown.... 7 1 0 1 5 3 0 0 X 17 llits-Eastou, 16; Allentown, 11. Errors Easton, 0; Allentown, 0. Batteries Wilson and Sharp; Kilroy and Millijau. NATIONAL LEAGUE. MORN1NU GAMES. At Wathington Washington... 1 0004200 17 Loumvlllo 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 03 Bits Washington, U; Louisville, 9, Errors Washington, 8; Louisville, 1. Bat teriesPetty an I Mcliuire; Kilroy and Earle. Umpire ilurst. At Philadelphia Philadelphia...! 0000030 04 Chicago 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 5 x 12 Bits Philadelphia,; Chicago, 14. Errors rnuaaeipnin, 4; unioago, 1. Batteries Haddock, C'allihan and Brady; Mcliill and Klttridge, Umpire- O'Kourke. At Brooklyn, Brooklyn .... 1 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 00 St Louis 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0-2 Hits, Brooklyn, 0; St. Liuis, 7. Errors Brooklyn, 4; St. Louis, 0. Batteries stein and Daily; CI irksoa and Buckley. Umpire Eiulio. A. New York New Vork....O 0001001 x 2 Cleveland 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 Hits, New York, 5; Cleveland, 3. Errors New Vork. 6; Cleveland, 1. Batteries Rnsia and Karrell; Cuppy and Zi miner. Umpire, Lynch At Boston Boston 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-13 Cincinnati 0 1 0 3 0 1 4 0 1 10 Hits Boston, 14; Cincinnati, 14. Er rorsBoston, 5; Cincinnati, 9, Batteries l.ovott and Uauzell; Parrott and Vaughn. Umpire Swartwood. At Pittsburg Pittsburg-Baltimore, both games postponed on accou.it, of rain. AFTERNOON QAJtm, At Brooklyn Brooklyn 0 0000000 x 5 St. Louis 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 II its -Brooklyn, 4; St. Louis, 4. Errors -Brooklyn, 2: St. Louis, 1. Batteries Daub r.nd Dailev; Hawley, Buckley and Peitz, Umpire Emslie. At Boston Boston 2 0 0 0 1 5 2 1 x 20 Cincinnati ....2 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 511 Hits Boston, 10; Cincinnati, 14. Errors Boston, 8; Cincinnati, 0 Batteries Nichols ami Ryan; Chamberlain and Vaughn. Umpire Swartwood. At Philadelphia Philadelphia ..2 000081 0 0 fl Chicago 0 0 3 0 5 1 0 3 012 Hits-Philadelphia, 10; Chicago, 10. Er rors-Philadelphta, 2; Chicago, 3. Batter ies Weyhiug, Haddock and Clements; (iriflith and Suliriver. Umpire O'Roui'Ke. At Washington Washington... 8 8 0 0 1 1 0 1 x 14 Louisville 2 0004100 20 Hits Washincton. 11: Louisville, in. Errors Washington, 4: Louisville, 1. Batteries Maul and McOuire; Kilroy, Pffeifer and Earle. Umpire Hurst. ' At New York- New York. ...0 0000020 02 Cleveland 2 0000000 13 Hits New York, 3: Cleveland. 7. Er rorsNew York, 5; Cleveland 2. Batteries (lorinnii and Earrcll, Clarkson aud Zim- iner. umpire Lynch. A LIGHT HEART, Strong nerves, bod ily comfort these eomo to a woman, with the nse of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. You can't" bo anything else but nervous and spiritless, as long as you suffer from uny womanly ills. The " Prescrip tion" relieves every such condition. It builds up your general health, too, bettor than any ordinary tonio P8EKCE CURE. can do nnd, by restoring the notuial func tions, it brings (jack health and strength. St. Matthew, Urangr.hwnh Co., S. O. Dr. R. V. Piancs: Dear Sir -For four months my wife tried your "Kavorite Pre scription," ami I am able to say that tt has rtoneall that It claims to do. Hhncan always praise this medicine for all wqmb troubles. Yours truly, EASTERN LEAGUE. Buffalo, 1; Erie, 5: Springfield, 5: Provi dence, 6. Afternoon game Providence,23; Spring field, 4. Troy, 5; Syracuse, 9. At Binglinmtoti Binuhamton-Wilkes-Barro game post poned, wot trounds. OTHER GAMES PLAYED. University of Pennsylvania, 0; Cor nell, 0. Harvard, 10; Princeton, 4. Lafayette, 14; Lehigh, 0. . GLINTS FROM THE OIAMONO. Chicago has rolonsed Pitcher Frank Don nelly. There was a large attondanoe of ladies at yesterday's game. The Healeton club has a valuable back utup in Catcher Mooro. Only thirty-five Hssleton men woroat bat in yesterday's ame. Scranton had nine men left on bases yes terday nnd Basletoa eight. Catcher Men itt. lately released by Bos ton, has been claimed by Baltimore. BlnghamtOU has signed James Hickman, a young player of the Murray Hills, to cover short field. Tho pnst ten days will go down into his tory as the worst ever experienced by baso ball pliyers, mauagers and backors. Pitcher Hodson was tho hero of yester day's game. Manager Swift showed good judgment in pitting him against Jordon, Thomas Ihvyor, a member of the Ket rick's Indians, of 1899, is playing right held for Hazleton under the name of Band. Hogan mnde a run ypsterday and batted in two others It is not wonderful that tho Youngstown boy is popular with the local rooters. Bonner's recent visit to Wilkes-Barre, prolonged beyond his leave of nb.-once, will osrn him a place on the bench. Beita will cover second for Baltimore, so Bays Hau lon. Umpire Ketrick adjudicated his first leaguo.ganie in this city yesterday. There were a number of close decisions and con sequent kicking, but whether or not Mr. Ketrick was always correct it was very evident that be meant to do exact justico between the players. Ho enforces the rules nnd keeps the game from dragging. Woll! Weill Weill It's time fur ter work with yer voices a spell, Watchiu' the players that dons it so slick; Wishin' the umpire was one yer could lick. Don't crre a cent for the blisterin' sun: Ont on the bleachers is whur ye havo fun, Qittin' worked up till ye jus' hafter yell, Well I Weill I Well ! ! I Well! Weill Weill This is a beautiful storv tor tell I Washington mskin' a beautiful race Chasin' Chicago ler get tho last place; New York a-doin' her best fur ter shine Ba the beacon sd"brigbt, at the end of the line. Every one cheerin' Bnd chasin' pell moll. Wei! Woll! I Well!!! Washington Star. OF INTEREST TO WHEELMEN. It is thought that 20,000 nersons will be attracted to Waltliam tod ly to see Sanger and Tyler, tho bicycle racors, try for new records. A turnpike company of Rochester, N. Y., collects a toll of S cents from every cyclist passing through the toll gate on the road. As over alio wheels pass thrdugh on pleasant days tho receipts are considera ble. Cyclists claim the toll is illegal, and propose to test tho matter in court. Tho Wilkes-ilarre programme involves a reception of visiting wheelmen and lan tern parade on the second, ending with an entertainment at tuocluO bouse; on tho third, prize races; and on the Fourth, a run to Scrantou, where many will parti cipate in the big races here ou that day. PbCVIHTLOH is hotter than cure, and you may prevent that tired feeling by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which will keep you blood pure and free from acid taint aud terms of disease. Hood's Pius, do not purge, pain or gripe, but act promptly, easily aud efficiently. 25c. . Cure for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of Uoadache Electric Bittcr6 has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent euro aud the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual constipation Electric Bitters cures by giv ing the needed tono to the bowels. and few nu-es long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only Fifty cents at Matthews Bros', drug store. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. An Unexpected Drnmatio Event. Positively last nppoaraaee In Scrantou of tho famous and accomplished actress, MRS. JOHN DREW TUESDAY, MAY '.'.I Mrs. Draw as MRS. MALArROP In Hberidan's treat com edy, in three acts, THE RIVALS WEDNESDAY, MAY ISO comedy In four acts, The Road -Thomas Holcroft's written in 17(11, to Ruin Prices-SI. 18) N and Sic. Seats on salo Sat nrday. May 'M. THE FROTH INGHAM MAWENNEY ISfOPEM COMPANY 35 ARTISTS 35 Monday, Tuedny and Wnrinenday Kven Iiiks and WedBeSdey Matinee, Girofle-Girofla. ThursriHy, I'rMny und Kutnrilny I v imhj; auil Saturday Matinee, Fra Diavolo. Hvcnlng Triers.. Mittlnee Prloes. . ,18e. 2io., 35c., r.oc 10c, loci, 'TlO Slo opens Friday at Powoll's Music Stora AT THE Driving Park Scranton, JULY 4th 82,000 worth of Diamonds to be given away as prizes. All the best known racing men in the country will compete Grand Parade of Wheelmen in the morningi Excursion rates on all roads. Bicycl A Word. Wants of all kinds cost that much, ea tpt Situations Wanted,which are inserta Situations Wanted. UUY 15 YEARS OF AUK. ONE YEAH EX perienre in barber shoe, wants to work with any barber to learn tho trado. AddnSI T. O. BjX to, (il, Korgj, l"a. SITUATION WANTED-BY A MIDDLE O nged man. with f:iir tdUOStlon! wmild 111.0 taking ears t of&os r of grounds, and reetaenoe of some geutli man; Is willing and can make, himself useful at any kind of work. Address B. L. QAKLIOK. hpi iiiK riMirt, I'rovideneo, I'n. jrn-A'l'lii WANTKD-BY A YOUNG lady, idoiking or writing fuofiiee, who is a guoJ wruor. Aadress, J. k., Bos 74, Mlno' ka, Pa. WANTED- SITUATION BY A WIDOW with 0110 child as housekeeper, or to do plain sewing. Address "M, "Tribune ANTED SITUATION AS ItTiUhET keeper bv a widow with one child. Ad drosB "N," Ti ibune olllcu. 1X7 AitTEDA POSITION AT ONOE.BY A dry goods clerk with first class referen ces. Ten ye ns' oxpui iencj. Adilress, Clerk, Tribune office. CITUATION V.NTKD BY A BOY 14 O years of age at any kind of honest work. Address d. it, Tribune office, HOOOKKEEPEH AND STENOOItAPllEK of threo years' ixperioncu wouhl like a position; salary 110 object. "D. L" Tribune OfllOSi Real Estate. If YOU Alii; Tl BED (lit CANNOT CON ti' AC paying installments on your build in? lute, write to me; 1 wunt to buy two or three. "E," thisoltico. Wanted. WANTED TO BUY COMMON PIOEONS; u ill .,, ... ......... 2, 1'rlco Bmldlag, lit Washington avenue, or a 1 dress letters to 1'ust Otlicu Box 304, Scran- son. i n. Agents Wanted. CAI.KSMEN WANTED TO SELL OUR I' goods by s.mipl) to the wholes lie and re. tail trade; sell on sight to every business mall or firm liberal salary and expenses paid; po sition permanent. For terms address with Stamp, CENTENNIAL M ET) Co.. Milwau kee, Wis. .yAaTED-MAN WITH LIFE AND FIKE ' insurance cxperlenco as solicitor in I sokawsnna county; good iuducoments to right man. Address lL'5'.ti Beta building, l'hilitdclphia. Pa. Help Wanted Male. WANTED-AN lHtJECATwiTH about $180. Can get an agency which will pay J'i") a week and expenses. A. A. BARN ICS, Conway House. tX7 ANTED aoOD WHEKLWKIOHT. Glllhool8 OarrfSgS works, corner Lack awanna avenue nnd Beventh street. For Rent. ?VK RENT -STOKE 511 LACKAWANNA Ave. Inquire of HENRY F.BY, 4-1 Lackawanna Ave. iOK KENT FURNISHED HOUSE AND V garden in country, for summer. House largo; running spring wsterj plenty of shade; beautiful lake foil of gams lish a few rods from door, per month. D. W. brown, attorney. 50fl Spruce street T?OS RENT LIGHT, WELL FURNI8HED J rooms; delightful location. 044 Washing ton avenue. rpo LIT r'l'U A TEKM (IF YEAHS 1 Tart or all of three huncireU fett of yard room along rilr oad. Apply at 1!4U rrsnUln avonno. rpo BENT STORE tDScOO OB ITJRNI8HED X hull on OreiMi Ri1jro 8tnot. Very desira olc location and on reasonable terms. Apply toF. F. NETTI.ETON or U S. WooDRUFl' Republicm I'.;::::.. Office for Rsnt. OFFICE FOR BENT OKFIOB IN LI br ry building, Wyoming sronas, mie HI vffli t only. Address Janitor or P. O. Box No. 5C5. For Sale. l.OB RALE THOBOUUHLY EQUIPPKD I PliotoKi-aph Qsllo.y. Will Hell at one half tho value on SOOonnt Of OtbST business. Apply to D. It. BBAMAN, Forest City, I'a. DOR BALE FARM 110 ACRES; B0 ACRES I Improved.Two good hoases,runnlng spring water at botb.tbrse good bsrni,yonngorhcara Located in village ol Forest Lsk e, H UAquthan na Oonnty, (inly a few rods to school, church, postoBos, tc. Bwntlral lak s ell stocked with L'ame fish. Terms easy. pplyloU. W. BROWN, attorney, las Bpruos street. COR SALE AN IDEAL 001 TRY HOME, 7 seres of land, fine Isrge bonse, mod. rn InprovementS Easy ItsUUloS from scran toil. Also 7 desir.ble tuiildiiu lots in toon try. Li. W. DROWN, Att'y. MM Spruce street. I.HiR SALE -A FAlt.M OF EIGHTY ACRES, I one and one-half miles from Daltun on th Delaware, Lackawanna anil Western railroad. First cbi.ss farm house wlthanovor i.nl IU in 111. DearUjfj two liarns. (jood land and good orchard. Will ho sold cheap. Terms easv. Address B. F. VON STOBCH or ISA Ai ) ELLIS, executor.!, Daltou, Lackawanna county. Pa. t'OR BALE OB EXCHANGE FOR SCRAN 1 ton property A boarinu orange grovo incroiisinK in pro'luetion and value yearly in the orange section In Florida. AddrSS F. E. NETTLETON, Lako Holou, Florida Special Notices MEALS Folt 11.00. " 21S Franklin avenne. 1) LANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAOA X) zinoa, etc., bound or rebound at 1'hb Inn. 1 sk ollico. tjiii:k work. Ruaiouablo prices. MEAL TICK ITS CAN PK HAD AT 144, corner Spruce street and Franklin avn lino. Twenty meal tickets for fS.50. Uood tablo board. afc, D3.I OF ON SALE AT GROSS, FOSTER A CO, SALE BEGINS THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 31, 1894 It will last until the entire stock is disposed of. We offer no baits, no flyers, but the whole stock of Honest Bargains of New and Fresh and Seasonable Merchandise at RIDICULOUS LOW PRICES to convert them at once into cash. We do this for the glory there is in it THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT, consisting of Ladies Trimmed and Un. trimmed Hats, Flowers, Feathers, and the Gents' and Boys' Straw and Felt Hats and Caps, Miners' Caps, Clothing, etc., is not in our line, and space is too valuable to keep them; therefore we arc compelled to slaughter them at once. REMEMBER Figures speak louder than words, and we guarantee to save you 50 cents on every guide you. Let your better GROSS, FOSTER & FOUR CHEAT SPECIALS That Will Bring Business for Us and Give Satisfaction to Our Customers. NO. 1. Fifty dozen Ladle' Silk Hose, in following colors: Black, Cream White, Nile Green, Canary, Orange, Pink, Lavender, Light nine, Tain and Browns. 50o. U the new price. They were 1. NO. 2. NO. 8. Greatest Underwear Birgin of thaaja, for gaafcleima. Blbrlgu Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, 25c per garment. Compare them with those you have usually bought at 50c. One hundred Ladies' Changeable Hilk Umbrella's, colors as follows: Brown, Navy, Garnet and Green. Special price, $3 each. Universally sold at $1. Trimmed with the finest Natural Handles. NO. 4. One case of Cotton Huok for 15c. CONNOLLY & THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO. 602 AND 604 LACKAWANNA AVE., COR. ADAMS. Strayed, OTKAYED FROM PASTURE NKAB 17 Moses Taylor hospital, two-year-old hlofor, black arid whitu. Biiot on shouIdST. whito on under part of body and on snd Oi tail. Howard for ruturn or informstloil that will flnd uor. JOHN A. JIKAKS. C. rnor WnshinBton anil Viuo. Boarding. Ul'MHKR IKiAhDlNU FOUR RESPECT I able persons can lind ilrst class board with Binall family in large, airy house. Hot and cold baths. Free carriage to depot and church Three (m iners of a mile from sta tion. Healtny locality. Address box OJ.CIai k.s' Summit. Ordinance NOTICE THERE Is PENDING IN BEL ect Council of tho city of Scrantou, Pa., an ordinance entitled "An ordinance provid ing for the paving of Pine street fr.'in Wash ington avenue to Clay avenne; providing for the setting or re -setting of curb atone where necessary on BaM street; directing manner of assessing and collecting costs of said improve ments; providing manner of paying contrac tor and appropriating funds to defray tho ex pense of tlie same. Tho following is a copy of the petition for said improvement: To tho Honorable, the Select nnd Common Councils of tho city of Scranton: The undersigned owners of property, abut ting on Pine street, between Washington uvu mie and Clay avenue, respectfully petition jour honorable bodies that said street lai tween the points named may be paved with street asphalt pavement on a coneroto base, except the block between Jefferson and Madi son avenues, which shall be paved with West Mountain stone blocks, or vitrified birlok; that the same bo set with curb stones so far as necessary; that thu cost of said improvement he assessed against abuttinc owners according to the feet front rule; that said assessment be Dade payable in llvo equal annual install-m-'iits; and that tho portion of said street oc cupied by tho tracks and sidings of the street railway lie deducted from said nssea-ments against abutting owners and collected from laid Street railway company, and your peti tioners will ever pl ay, etc. E. L. Fuller MO ftt A. K. limit 160 feet E. K. Sancton so r,.0t AdalTJ Thompson 80 feet 0, K. Weeks m feet All Souls Universalis! Church, liyM. J. Wilson, Pres. ex-Board ft) feet Franc. T. Vail 40 feet E. G. Coarsen SO feet Att'y Miller, by J. S. Miller 17 feet Lnthur Keller 4.1 feet A. K. Adams offset J. B. Corcoran 7f feet Elizabeth Walsh 75 eot A. E. Brook, by Charles Do Pont lireok 100 feet Frederick Connell 7.1 feet Ellen Jones, per E. II. Jones H0 est Sarah tirlllin 80 feet Jones Bros l sect Henry Frey Hi) feet James W. Guernsey I25 foot The estate of Ira Tripp, deceased, by Ezra H. Ripple, Everett Wnrreu, trustees A. B, Warman 51 foot Samuel Boos W. H. Stanton IB feet The foregoing is published In pursuance of provisions of resolution of City Councils. Approved May -0, IMI4. M. T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. Scranton. Pa. PORMPHREY & MORTON. dollar you spend with us. Let judgment prevail. CO., 316 and 318 Towels (larg3 size). Tha price don't pay for the raw cotton. Four WALLACE1"9 tSSE tVE WHY Soo our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom Set? We sell Furniture) as cheap as any house in the country that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. Hull 205 AUD 207 NORWAY IRON BLACK DIAMOND siiaki; EXTRA SPECIAL SANDERSON'S KNGLISn JBSSOP'S ENGLISH CAST STEEL HORSE SHOES TOE CALK TIKE MACHINERY GPKINO SOMT STEEL ANVILS BtiLLOWS HORSE NAILS WILEY & RUSSELL AND WELLS BEOS. CUTTING MACHINERY. Bitl8nknder&Co.,S Wholesale and retail dealers' in Wagonraakers' 'SUPPLIES. Hotel Waverly European Plan. First-otasa Bar attnehivV Depot tor Bergner A Eng-els Tannhamser Beer. li Cor, 15th enuFllburt.ti, Pbllads. Most dcslrahlo for residents of N.B. Penn rylvsula. All eor.veuienciw for travelers' to and from Broad Street etaUun aaa the Twelfth and Market Ktrota station, lie Irable for visiting .'erantouians and peo tie In the Authraotte Begloa T. J. VICTORY. PROPRIETOR prices talk. Let reason Lackawanna Avenue. Stock HsfclC Cribs, Cradles, Child's Beds, Brass and Iron Beds, Spring Mattresses. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. N & Co. YliOHiM AVE. WAGON WHEEL9 AXLES SPRINGS HUBS SI'OKGS RIMS STEEL SKEINS R. R. SPIKES SCREW cranton, and Blacksmiths' We're Interested And WO want to in forest you in our ns timlshingly complete line of goods suit abh.i for Wedding Presents. Suppose wo begin with SILVERWARE Wo curry a blR iror line I h;iu hslf tho other stores put together, and we liother them sorely when they try to com pole with us in price. HTTTT PPV PnlqUS designs 1'opers' V U A .UAjfb X an(j t,or fmao.is mak ers' goods. Prices liolow hianufaetur ers' wholesale figures. PT flfWO Anything from an 8S0. ITIok- V All.' VIVO at Alarm to the choicest ar tistic iirnwiug Room innkes or tho rtaiely aud auclcut Grandfather K-day Clock. BRONZES, ETC ftiE? Crystal, eto. , our stock Is too well known to roquire aught but a passing reference. Our new Unh SyMom has lowered pr Ices all alouj tho lino. FREEMAN, Dealer in Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Eio. Cor. Fenn Ave. and Spruce St. By Dr. Shimberg, The Specialist on tho Kye. Headaches an arvonsnoss relieved. Latest and Improved Stylo of Kye Glasses nnd Spectacles at the Lowest Prices. Best ArtlUcial Ryu inserted for $5. SOS SPRUCE ST.. op. Old Post OMlc. A Handsome Complexion Is one of tho greatest charms a woman can possess Fozsoni's Complexion l'owniai gives It. BT Scientific Eye Testing Free