2 THE SCEAKTON TRIBTOE -WEDNESDAY MORNING. MAY 80, 1894. BASE ALL Results of the Contests Flayed od tbe Dia mond Yesterday. SCRANTON WALLOPES P0TTSV1LLE King Kelly's Aggregation No Match for the Men of Harrisburg Hazle ton and Altoona Also Winners Scores of the National and Eastern League Games Schedule of the City Base Ball League Interesting Cycling Notes Sports of All Sorts. f&RRISBURQ, Hnz leton, Altoona and Scranton were the victors yesterday in the bune bull con testa of the State leniiuo. Harris bnrc for the third ? mY time defeated King Wt"1'"1 - K e 1 1 y's coming oHampiOOl (t), Ilzleton presented Heading with a total ieore vc utmbliug 0. Altoona made tbe Es tonians drop into the lust pluce but one in the uv.r.igi column, and Scran ion well, thoy "Knocked the stufiia" out of Pottsville, going into sixth posi tion and coming within eight points of tiuing ltcadiug for fifth place. The following table gives the psr cetitnges of tbe club, together with tbo number of games won and lost by each Bad their standing in tbe championship luce ! Won. List. Per C't. Hnrriobnrir 17 4 ,819 Allentown 13 7 .0.13 Hazleton 13 t .571 Altoona 10 11 .47(1 Reading 7 n .899 Brranton 8 18 .;wi Huston 0 18 .MS Pottsville 5 11 .313 SCnKDULI roit today. Hcranton at Hnzlotou, o. m. Hasletou stScraoton, p. in. K -oiling at Pottsville, a. m. PottaviTle at Bending, p. in. Easton at Allentown, a. m. Allentown at Eustou, p. ni. Harrisburg at Altoona. PQTTSVUI.H wt.S VERY EASY. Ecracton Had no Troubl In Defoatlnz tha Schuylkill Boys. Phenomenal Smith's uuu had a very narrow escape from being shut out by Scrunton yesterday. Hudson was in the box for the homo team and pitched in splendid form. II struck ont ten TO'n and thofour hits that the visitors wound were widely separated. Yes terday'i victory allowed Scranton to take pofsession of sixth place. Up to tbo beginning of the ninth inning the visitors had only succeeded in getting one player as far as third. That was gabby .Mr. Nyco who ancom plisbod that feaf in the fiwt iuning. In the ninth when the crowd had be gun to disperse, confident that Potts ville would be shnt out, Golden, who had distinguished himself by striking cut during the previous three timeB at hat, succeeded in making a scratch hit that enabled him by virtue of a close decision to reach first. Potts followed with a short drive to Hodson und Golden was retired at si-coud. HOW THE RUN WAS SCORED. Tigho was Und a prssent of a base by Pitcher Hodson, and Diggins fol lowed with a bit on which Captain Potts icored the only run that the vis itors secured. Fonlkrod struck out and Diggir.s was retired at second on Hiil's hit. Pitcher Fox was a very easy mark for the Scranton sluggers in the first and fifth innings. During tbe re mainder of the game he pitched a very good article of hall. A total of twelve hits whs made elf of him. Aside from liia erratie pitching he made two wild throws to bases, ouo of wbioh allowed two Scranton players to neore. WON tK THE FIRST. BogU, the first batter, was retired at first, Wetzel next making a hit that netted one base. Patehen followed with a drive iuto right that Fielder Hill allowed to pass at express train iptftd. The ball went out to the fence and Wttiel scored. Patehen go ing to third and following VWtzel's example o:i Roger's base hit. Staltz found tho ball for a single and both runtiTS advanced a bus on a wild pitch by Mr. Fox. Massey struck out and then Wetzel took- a turn at the willow. Ha was riven a base on bulls. When General Higcinswent to tbo plate the bases were filled, and the cranks prayed for aliomernn. It did not come but n beautiful single did, that bronght Ko gersand Staltz home. Westhko was retired at the plate and the homo team went into the field with four runs to its credit. Nyce was the first of the visiting players to face Pitcher Hodson. He mado a bit and stole second. Golden struck ont and on Potts' sacrifice Nyce was advanced to third. John Tighe whs the next batter and was greeted by a hearty rrmnd of applause. His reception apparently unnerved him for he struck out. MORE TROUHEE IN TnE FIFTH. Iii the second Hogan was given a base on balls, stole second, went to third on a wild throw and scored on Wetzel's sacrifice. In the third and fonrth the home team failed to score, but In the fifth Hogan opened with a Tingle and scored on WctseTa two base hit. Patehen raudo a short hit, which Pitcher Fox threw wild to first, allowing Wetzel and Patehen to score. Staltz made a hit for three bases and scored on Massey'e sacrifice. The sixth inning was unproductive of runs for the borne team, and in the seventh with bases filled and two men out, Hodson went to the bat and i truck ont, and tbe anticipated rune did not materialize During the re mainder of the game Pitcher Fox did Mich vffective work that Scranton was unable to add to its score. Details of tbe struggle: SCRANTON. R. H. O. A. E. Hogan. c. f 3 3 3 0 o Wetzel, k h 3 3 3 8 0 Patehen, c 3 1 11 8 o Rogers, r. f 1 1 0 0 0 Waltz, Li 3 2 1 0 0 Jfaiaey. 1st b 0 s 6 o i West lake, 3rd b 0 0 8 1 0 Hlgginx, 3d b 0 3 4 l o Hodson, p 0 0 0 1 o Totals !) 13 37 8 1 POTTSVILLK. H. n. O. A. K. Nyce, ss o 1 1 8 o Hidden, of 0 18 0 1 Potts, If 1 I) 1 0 0 Tiglie, lb 0 0 13 1 0 Digginc o 0 1 0 1 0 Fonlkrod, 8b 0 1 1 8 1 Hill, rf 0 0 8 0 0 Delaney, 8b 0 0 2 4 0 Fox, p 0 0 0 8 2 Total 1 4 37 15 4 Scranton 4 10040000 t) Pottsville 0 0000000 11 Earned runs Scranton, 0, Two-base hits Wetzel, Massoy. Three-base hits Patehen, Staltz. Sacrifice hits VV. it L Mansey. Stolen bases Hogan, Wetzel, Nyce, Potts, Foulkrod, 2. Struck out lly Hodson, 10; by Fox, 4. First base on balls-By Hodson, 8; by Fox, 4 Wild pitcheB-Fox, L Time 1.45. Umpire Riun. OTHER STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. At Allentown Allentown. ...0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 03 Harrisburg... 0 0003 3 00 x 4 liita Allentown, 8; Harrisburg, 0. Er rors Allentown, 8; Harrisburg, 2. Bat teries Baldwin and Milligaa; Jdeany and Btnink. At Easton Easton 80010000 14 Altoona 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 x 6 Hits Easton, 10; Altoona, 4. Errors Eastou, 7; Altoona, fi. Batteries Hughes aud Weute; West and Cote. At llazleton Hazleton 0 2280010 18 Reading 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Bitt Hazleton, 0; Heading, 4. Errors Hazleton, 1; Reading, 0. Batteries Fee, Moore aud Laud, Kimmel and tioudliard. NATIONAL LEAGUE, At Brooklyn Brooklyn 2 0 8 0000088 St. Louis 0 0081880091 Bit Brooklyn, 10: St. Lonis, 13. Ei- rors Brooklyn, 4; St. Louis, 5. Batteiie-. Kennedy and Dailey; Breitonstoiu and Buckley. Umpire Euislio. At New York New York.... 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 8 Cleveland 0 00000000 U Hits Now Yorlr, C; Cleveland, 8. Br rorN New York, 2; Cleveland, 2. Bat teries Meekin and Farrell; Young and Ziiuiaer. Umpire Lynch. At Philadelphia Philadelphia..! 1 0 0 3 1 0 3 2-14 Chicago 0 400 0 003 07 Hits Philadelphia, IS: Chicago, 10. Er rors Philadelphia, 0; Chicago, 7. Bat teriee Weyhing, Taylor aud Clements; Hutchinson and Schriver. Umpire O'Rourke. At Boston Boston-Cincinnati game postponed on account of wet grounds. At PittBburg Pittsburg 1 0001001 x 3 Baltimore 0 0100100 0-2 Hits Pittsburg, 7: Baltimore 10. Errors Pittsburg, 2; Baltimore, L Batteries Ehret aud Mack; McMahou and Uubiu son. Umpiro Mctjuaid. i At Washington j Washington... 3 0 8 0 0 O 1 8 x 12 Louisville..... 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0-3 Hits Washington, 17; Louisville, 2. Er rors Washington. 1; Louisville, 3. Bat- ! terie Mercer and Mcllnire; Hemming and Grim. Umpire Hurst. ' EASTERN LEAGUE. At Wilkes-Barro, Pa. Wilkes-Barre, 0; Syracuse, 0. Game forfeited on account of Syracuse not putting in nn appearance. At Springfield Providence.... 0 0 0 3 1 4 2 0 211 SpringUeld. ..40 8 1 0 8 0 0 8 0 8 Hits Providence, 13; Hringfleld, 12. Errors Providence.!: Sprinitleld, (i. Bat teries Eaqau and Dixon; Couj&lin and Leahy. Umpire GaiTaey. At Bingliamton BiDghamton...0 000011114 Troy 2 1 3 3 0 4 1 0 x-14 Hits Biuguamton. 10; Troy, 14. Errors Binghamton, 8 Troy, 1. Batteries Bamett and Lobeck; Meakin and Cahill. Umpire Snyder. CITY BASE Bill LEAGUE. Tin Schedule of Oamsa that Has Been Arranged. The following is tbo official schedule of the City Base Ball league recently organized: May 23, Wednesday Wood's vs. High School. May 25. Friday Wood's vs. St. Thomas'. May 20, Saturday St. TlioinaV vs. No. 20. May 88, Monday St, Thomas' vs. High School. May 9, Tuesday High School vs. No. 36. .May 31, Thursday Wood's vs. No. 30. Juue 1, Friday High School vs. No. 30. .luno 5,TuijJay Wood's v.. St. Thomas'. .June 7, Thursday High School vs. St. Thomas'. June1., Saturday No. 30 vs. St. Thomas'. June 12, Tuesday Wood's vs. No 80. Hide 14, Thursday Wood's vs. High School. June 10, Saturday St, Thomas' vs. High School. .luno 10, Tuesday No. 36 vs. Wood's. June 21, Thursday High School vs. Wood's. June 22, Friday St. Thomas' vs. No. 36. June 26, Tuesday St. Thomas' vs. Wood s. June 88, Thursday High School vs. No. 36. Juue 29, Fridsy-Wood's V3. No. 86. Juno 30, Saturday St. Thomas' vs. High School. Tbe games will be played at the Driving park at 4 p. in., on the dates above mentioned. BREVITIES ABOUT BASE BAIL. Hodson mado n splendid strike-out rec ord yesterday. Pitcher Nolan has signod with Altoona and will join tho club in this city Tnurc day. Center Fielder Golden, of the Pottsville club, struck out three times in yesterday's game. Tho mail carriers of Scranton and Wilkes-Baire will play a game at the ball park this afternoon. It will be called at 1 o'clock, and uromisos to bo umusiug if not sdcutitic. The Scranton club left for Hazleton last night, where it will play this morning. In the afternoon the Scranton aud Hazleton clubs will arrivo in the city at 3:35 and play at tho ball park at 4 o'clock. In tho ninth Inning Alassey made ouo of the longest bits of tho seat-on. Tho ball struck the fence to tho left of center, but, on account of his Charley-horse, Massey was unable to got farther than second. The Wilkes-Barre Business college base ball club will play Wood's Businoss col lege this morning at 0.80, The teams are well matched and a hot coutest is ex pected. Tho Driving park is being fixed Up and will be ia good shspo for tho game. When John Tigho stepped to tho plate in the first inning he was presented by Umpire Rinn with a cold headed cane on behalf of his Scranton admirers. John bowed his tbs&ks, but declined to malte a speech. A 1 it at that time meant n run for his club, and John took up the willow determined to make it. He could not find tho ball, howover. and had to disappoint bin Pottsville colleagues by striking out. He did not securo a hit during tho game. SPORTS OF ALL KINDS. There will be a livo bird shoot today at the grounds of tho Green Ridge Gun club. Shoot will commenco at 1 p. m. Tho fiht at Boston Monday night bo twoon George Godfrey, the colored boxer, mid Peter Maher, demonstrated that the colorod man hns passed his prime as a boxer, and that be is no match for tbe younger mon. He made a game fight, how ever, nnd there were many present who really believed he stood a Chance of win ning, despite his age, until he was knocked out ir. tho sixth round. TnsnEST mutual insurance policy ngainjt utt ack of sickness Is to be found in taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. If you are weak it will make you strong. Hood's nixs are the best after dinner pills, assist digestion, cure headaohe. Try i box, 25c Curo for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of Headacho Electric Hitters has proved to be tho very beet. It effects a permanent cure and tho most dreaded habitual Bick headaches yield to its influence. We urge all who nro afflicted to procure a bottle add give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual constipation Electric Bitters cures by giv ing iuo neeueu tone to tne Dowols,anu lew I rases long resist the use of this medicine. I rC. it ........ 1 n...r lin.,1. I .. I?lf... i. ' 11 unir uuvbitn uuij r iuj u.'lll ( I at Matthews Bros', drug store. ALL TBS YEAR HOUND, jusi nsinorouKuiy and us certainly at oin time as un other, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery purifies the blood. You don't need it at nny special season. But when any eruption appears, or you feel weari- naaa ntul 1(T1T'(:- sion that's a sign of impuro blood, then you ms'ii this medicine, and nothing else. Hie ordinary "Spring medicines" and blood- purlflers can't compare with it. The "Discovery" promotes every bodily function, puts on sound, healthy llesh, and cleanse;,, repairs and invigorates your whole system. In the most stubborn Skin Diseases, in every form of Serofuln oven in Con sumption (or Lung-scrofula) in its earlier stages and in every blood-taint und dis order, it is the only iuiiruufmi remedy. PIERCE CURE o:.i nsoxEY returned. CENT A Word. fronts of all kinds cost that much, Sfl trpt .Situations Yantcd,which art insert Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED - HY A MIDDLE O 11 god man. with fair idncatiin; wi uld Ilka tasingcars of ottos or of grounds, and residence ol some gentUmau; ii wil ing and can make liuiiscir nsefol at Sfl jr kind or work. Address. E. L. QARLIOK ;W Fpiing court, Providsnos, l'a. CITTJATION WANTED BY A YOUNG n lady, cloiklng or wrllin: i 110 Rice, who :u a good writer. Address, J. K., Box 71, Minoi ka, Pa. anteu-siti.atiom by a WIDOW VV with one child as housekeeper, crtodo plain sewing. Address "M,"Trlbune. U- "-ANTED KITt'A'l ION AS HOUSE keeper hv s widow with one child. Ad dress "N," Tribuno ottos, AV A.sTED - A POSITION AT ONCE BY A dry goods clerk with first class t-el'.-ren-ces. Ten years' experience. Address, Clerk, Trlbnns otBeei SITUATION WANTED BY A YOU NO ii lady iU shoo store. Address L. M., Bcr on ion Tr tonne, SITUATION WANTED BY A BOY 14 O years of agt at any kind of honest work. Address D. R.. Tribune office. BOOOK KEEPER AND ST BNOOBAPHEB of threo years' experience would like a position; salary no object. "D. L.," Tribune office. Real Estate. TF YOU ARE TIRED OR CANNOT CON X tleuo pay.ng installments on your build in lots w rite to me; 1 want to buy two or three. "E," thisolllea Agents Wanted. U-AN I'KH TWO olt THHEE A NO. 1 SSWing WSChino men in this territory. No coal itrike lure. Address "2a ana gar Singer Sewing Machine Co. , Wi Lake htreet, Elmlra, N. Y. OALKSMEN' WANTED TO SELL OUR Hoods by sampl e to the wholesale nnd re tail trade; sell on siirht to every business man or firm; liberal aalary and exponaes paid; po sition permanent, lor terms address with stamp. CENTENNIAL MTU Co.. Milwau kee, Wis. Ur ANTED MAN WIT 11 LIFE AND FIRE insurance experieneo as Kolicitor In Laekawanua county; k')d inducements to right man. Address liai-as Iteta buildintf, I'idladelphia, l'a. Help Wanted Male. W'NTEo-iiAN tTTm AlJiTifi'cn olllie nt Phtlsdelphlai alar JJI.OOti year; S'JilO ( ash and lofo.oni'o renuired. Com mercial reference furnished. End s 'stamp. Mil lvim stroet. room 81, 2t Reading pi nnsylrsnla. "lirANTED-AN ENERGETIC MAN I I II VV about 1160. Can gat an agency which will pay Slloa week and expenses, A. A. HARNES, Con way HOOSO, wTnted - good wheklwriuht. 1 QUlhool'a Carriage works, corner Lack awanna avenue i lid Seventh sticet. Wanted. UT ANTED LADIES AND GENTLEMEN V V make from 18.00 to t.00 par d y r.i.l in(?, sddrssfdng Qinmlars, and oorrsspo ndlng for mo nt lb ir homes, Pormnent position; for reply send self addreaied staiupsd on volopo to J. W. KELLER, Jllsl.a" akn, Ind. An thnr of "Hounds nnd Haros." lit TIT ANTED To BUY COMMON 1'IUEu.nIT; VV will alvo 88 cants pair. Call at mom t', Prloa Hull ling, W8 Waahlngton avenue, or address letters to Posljlilco Box IK'S, .-icrnn-ton, la. 1 for Rent. I 'OK RENT FURNISHED HOUBK AND I garden in country, for summer. HOBBS lar(je; running aprina water; plenty of shade; be.ditiful lake full ot .-.in tisli a few rods from door, iii per inoiitb. D. W. UHOWN. attorney, 80S .kpruco atreot. flOB RENT-LIGHT, WELL FURNISHED S: rooms; delightlul location. OU Wasbinir ton avi BBSi ru LET FOR A TERM OF YEARS 1 Part or all of three hundred feet of yard room alonu railroad. Apply at -Hi I 'rsuknn venue. 'TO BENT STORE 25x00 OR FUKNISIIEIJ J ball on Qrssa Ridge Btssat, very deairs Dbl location nnd on reasonable terms. Apply tol'. Ii. NETTLETON or C. S. WOODRUFF. KepBolloaB bnlldiBg Office for Rant. OFFICE FoU RENT OFFICE IN kl br ry 1 ntbllntr. Wyoming avenue, one flight only. Address Janitor or P, O. llox No. 808, ONE B aiwij OF ON ALE AT GROSS, FOSTER CO. SALE BEGINS It will last until the entire stock is disposed of. We offer no baits, no flyers, but the whole stock of Honest Bargains of New and Fresh and Seasonable Merchandise at RIDICULOUS LOW PRICES to convert them at once into cash. We do this for the glory there is in it. THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT, consisting of Ladies Trimmed and Un trimmed Hats, Flowers, Feathers, and the Gents' and Boys' Straw and Felt Hats and Caps, Miners' Caps, Clothing, etc., is not in our line, and space is too valuable to keep them; therefore we are compelled to slaughter them at once. REMEM E3E1R Figures speak louder than words, and we guarantee to save you 50 cents on every dollar you spend with us. Lut prices talk. ' Let reason guide you. Let your better judgment prevail. GROSS, FOSTER & For Snlc. I.OK SALE- TliOlt'lUUHLY KQUIPPED 1 Photograph Italic. y. Will sen lit one- U-t L .. ...... , , 11(111 LIIU VUlllt! Ull UCCI'llIII. Ol UIUIT h.; ..11. ..s. ApplytoU.lt. Bit AM AN, Forest City, Pa. X)B BALE- PARM HO ACRES; ho ACHES J. Improved. Two good houses, running spring water at iioth.tin-t'u good barnsorouBgorhcarS Located in village Of Ion st 1. like. Susquehanna county. Only a few rods 10 school, church, postofllco, otc. Beuntllul lake uoll stocked with garnu Ash. Terms1 easy. pplyioD. W. EKOW.N, attorney. BIS Spruce street. ,X)K SALE- AN IDEAL O iTJNTBY HOME X 7 acres of laud, line largo house, moil rn Improvements Easy dlltaSOS from Scran ton. Also 7 deslr lib nuililluir lots in country. D. W. BROWN, Att'y, WW Spruce strcot. yolt SALE A FARM OF EIGHTY A0RE8, I nns and onehait miles trom Ualton on the Delaware, Lackawanna snd Weatoru railroad. First-class luria houso with a never faiifnv snriui; nearbrj two barns, good land and gissl oreliai d. Mil be sold cheap. Terms case. Addrens B. F. VON BTOHCH or ISAAC ELLIS, executors, Ualtou, Liickawiuina county, Pa. IOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SCRAN X ton property A bearing orange grove Inereaslng in tiroduction and value yearly in the orange section in Florida, Addrss w. E. NE l'TLLTON, Luke Holen. Fiorina Special Notices. ATA MEET1NU OF T.1E DIRECTORS OF the Nay Aug Falls iiinl Elnihurst Boule vaid comiiaiiy it was resolved that a meoting of t lie stockholder be called to eonvono ut tile gnucral office of the company, room in, Republican DUttdingk on the fitli duv of Junu A. U. 1S1U, from A. 10 M. until ;l P. M. to take action on the approval or disapproval of tbo proposed increase of tho capital stock of Maid company from $'J0.IK)J to S'ii.HHl, and that tbe secretary la, and BS Is, hereby directed to give nottos thereof as re quired by law. T. U. WATK I MS, Secretary. MEALS FoirSLOO. 'J ZiS Franklin avenno. 13 LANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS MArtA XX 7.inea, etc., bound or rsoOQAa nt Tiir TRIBUMB ottos, luick work. Reasonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 144, corner Spruce i.treet and Franklin ave nue. Twenty uioal tickets for 83.5U Uood ta bio board. Strayed, QTBAYED FROM PASTURE NEAR 1' Moses Taylor hospital, twovear-old hlefsr, black and wlute. spot 011 shoulder, vdilto on under part of body nnd on end of tail. Reward for return or information that will find bur. JOHN A. MEAHS, C rner Washington and Vine. Boarding. QU11HEB BOAHDIKG -EOL'li BBSPEOT H able norwn can tlnd first elaaH board with muni! family In largo, airy house. Hot and cold baths. Preo carriage to depot and church Tbrss-qnartsrs of a mils from sta tion. Healthy locality. Addn ISS box .' ...i i. Summit. Charter Application. VOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN 1 spplleaiion will be made to tbo Court of Common Pleas of Lackawanna county, or one of the judges thereof, oil Monday, the 11th day June, A. Dm 18W, at D o'eloek a, in., under the ptOfimOBS of the Act of Assembly entitled, "An ait'to provide for tha Incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April liS, IsTI. and the supplements there'.o.for the charter of an Intended corporation to tm callod,rlhe Scranton Theatrical Mccha'dca' Association." the QBBractsr nnd object of Which is io establish und provide a fund for the bei.elit of its in nib i s by furnishing relief to nny member in case of sickness a u to their families in eBSO of death, out of the funds col lected therein, and for the promotion ot tho princlpleof benevolence; and for these pur poses to have, pot Hess and enjoy all lherith's, benefit! and privileges ci nlerred by the said Act of Asaemb y and Its supplements. Tim proposed ObsrtOr is now on file in the oltico of tho i rot lion stary of Lackawanna county to No. Gin May term. IW, MILTON W. LO WRY, Solicitor. Ordinance. NOTICE -THERE Is I'ENDIN'O IN MX eet Council of the c.ty of Scranton, Pa., nn ordinance entitled "An ordinance provid ing for tho paving of Pine street Irora Wash ington avenue to Clay avenue; providing for tho ssttisg or re-aettifllt of corn stons wears necessary on said street; directhiK manner of nsses-hiK and colleetiuK costs of said improve mouts; providing manner of paying contrac tor and appropriating funds to uefray the ex pense of the same. The following is B copy of tho potition for said Improvsmenti To tho Honorable, the Select and Common Councils of the ,-lty of Seianton: The undersigned owners of property, abut ting on Pine street, between Washington ave nuo and Clay avenue, respectfully petition your honorable bodies that said street be tween tho points named may be paved with street asphalt pavement on a concrete base, except the block between Jefferson and Madi son avenues, which shall be paved with West Mountain stone blin ks, or vitrified brick; that the same bo set with curb stonea so far as necessary; that the cost of said improvement be sussssd against abutting own, rs according to th, -feel front rule; that said assessment be made payable in live equal annual install. meats; and that the portion of said street oc cupied by the tracks and sidings of tho street railway be deducted from said asses-meiita against abutting Owners nnd collected from sild street railway company, aud your peti tioners will ever pray, etc. E. L. Fuller 160 feet A. 15. Hunt fig feet Ei K. Sancton so fi-et Adam Thompson si fast U. F. Weeks 2u feet All Soldi Univeisalist Church, by M. ,1. Wilson, Pres. OX Board .Hfeet Franc T. Vail 411 feet E. ti. Conrsen so feet Att'v Miller, by .1. S. Miller 171,, feet Lntliur Keller ill feet A. K. Adams Bl feet .1. Bi Corcoran 75 feet Elizabeth Walsh 7,-feet A. E. Ilrc k, by (Juries Do Pont Breck lf.1 feet Frederick Council 75 feet Ellen .lones, per E. H. Jones ID foot Sarah Orillin w foot .lones Bros 31 sect Henry Frcy an fest James w. Onsraseyi Uf8 f00t The estate of Ira Tripp, deceased, liy Ezra II. Ripple, Everett Wnrron, trustees ,tit A. b. warman 51 feet Samuel Boon W. II Stanton t ,15 feet Tha forego ng is publlthsd in pursuance of provisions of resolution of city Councils Approved May ill, lfiiU M. T. LAVELLE. Ciiy Clurk. Scranton. Pa. 1 PORHPHREV MORTON. THURSDAY MORNING, CO., 316 and 318 FOUR GREAT SPECIALS That Will Bring Business for Us and Give Satisfaction to Our Customers. NO. 1. Fifty dozon Ladies' Silk Hoo, in following color Black, Orange, Pink, Lavender, Light Blue, Tam aud Browns. were 81. NO. 2. Greatest Underwear Birgain of thoaj, for gaatlemm Btlbrigan Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, 25e. per garment. Compare thorn with those you have usually bought at 50c. NO. ,). One hundred Ladies' Changeable Silk Umbrellas, colors as follows: Brown, Navy, Garnet and Green. Special price, ( 3 each. Universally sold at St. Trimmed with the finest Natural Handles. NO. 4. One case of Cotton Iluck Towels (large) size). Tin pric3 don't pay for tho raw cotton. Four for 15 c. CONNOLLY & jd "g THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO 602 AND 604 LACKAWANNA AVE., COR. ADAMS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. An Unexpected Dr.imatio Event. Positively last appearance in Scranton of tbo famous and accomplished actress, MRS. JOHN DREW TUESDAY, MAY a-Mrs. Drow ss MRS. MALAPROP in Sheridan's great com edy, in three acts, THE RIVALS WEDNESDAY, MAY 80-thomas Holcroft'a comedy in four acts, written in 17i'l. The Road to Ruin Prices t, 7.'), 60 and i'je. Seats on SSlo Sat urday, .May ill THE rROTHINGHAM Mnr.kny-Konnoy C unio Open Oomia'y "f 33 ii'erfornicrfl, in a bhh m of sun m t Opurn, cninmtncinp Montl.iy, Juqui( Mondiiy, Tiicudi'y and AVil noHtlny KT6tt in. -t Biiil Bd 04 Bilny Mittltitrr, Girofle-Girofla. Thursday, Fi Iday and Hutnrdny r.v ni:... and Satofdty Matineo, Fra Diavolo. KvouliiK Vricofl 10a, 2"c. :t."ip,, ri(. Matinee iviv.t h...; lOv,, I5ei, U5 icycle s AT THE iving Park Scranton, JULY 4th $2,000 worth of Diamonds to lie given away as prizea. All the best known racing men in the country will compete. Grand Parade of Wheelmen in the morning, Excursion ratoi on all roath MAY 31, 1894. Lackawanna Avenne. Dr WALLACE 209 Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods. More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, ae what will recommend them to our patrona GLOBE WAREHOUSE. PITTST0N. PA. DID YOU KNOW? That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORES for an equal weijht, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at ercereau 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUli WHY NOT Sec our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Ilctlroom Set ! We sell Furniture as cheap sis any house in the country that in tends to give honest value for tho money. Try us. Hull 205 AND 207 Norway ibon BLiACK DIAMOND filLVKU EXTRA SPKCIATj SANDEIISON'S ENGLISH JKSKOP'8 ENGLISH CAST BVRRIi HOUSE SHOES TOR CALK TIKE MACHINERY SPKlAfO SOtfr STEEL ANVILS IS"- !, LOWS HOUSE NAILS WILEY & RuSBEIjL AND WELLS BROS. J CUTTING MACHINERY. ittenh6nder ft Oo.vScranton, Wholesale ana retail dealers' in Wagonmakera' and Blacksmith' 3,1 iSC Cream White, Nile Green, Canary, 50j. is the new price. They WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. Cribs, Cradles, Child's Beds, Brass and Iron Beds, Spring Mattresses. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. We're Interested And we want to intorest you In our as tonishingly complete lino of goods suit able for Weddint' Presonts. Suppose we begin with SILVERWARE p.5 & the other stores put together, and wo bother them sorely when they try to compote with us in price. nTTTT.F.T? V Uniiino dcslgna, I ogers1 ors' goods. Prices below muuufaotur ers' whoksale flgurea. nT-DnTTR Anything from an P5c. Nfck (. UUOa.0 t, ak .,, thoehoicest nr- tlstie Drawing Room makes or tho btntely aud ancient Grandfather 8-day Clock. BRONZES, ETC Crystal, etc., our stock is too well kn un to reiiuiru aught but a passinj refer, nci Our new Cash System has lowered prices all alonj the lino. FREEMAN, Dealer in Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, E10. Cor.renn Ave. and Spruce St. & Connell 4 Co YIYOKiHGXVB. WAGON WHEELS AXLES SPRINGS HUBS SPOKRS 'RIMS s 11:1 I. SKEINS R. It. SPIKES SCREW
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