The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 30, 1894, Image 1

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EIGHT PAGES--56 COI" &wqyi W
t6 5 V
I ' 1 1 "' "
Reports from Various Districts Affected by
the Great Strikes.
Industries Paralyzed in Many Locali
ties for the Want of Fuel Troops
Ordered to the Scene of the West
Virginia Troubles Strikers Cap
ture Coal Trains A Cannon in
Readiness to Be Used Upon Im
ported Workmen at McKeesport.
Notes from Other Localities.
Terue Haute, Ind., May 29.
Hawkins went to Lyford this
inoming with the officials of
the Chicago anil Eastern Illinois
toad nnd h snecial train crew to move
th thirtv curs of coal which the strik
ers had captured. President Dankerly
of tbe Stnte Miners' union last night
nude the strikers understand th eri
omnees of a conflict with the United
States authorities and they allowed the
i rain to proceed. It is the first coal
shipment over the road in two weeks
Tiiers is more Kentuoky coal her
which was sent north today nnd to-nii.-ht.
KlTTANNIHO, Pa., May 29. The
.Apollo strikers, convicted last March
of unlawful assembly and assault and
hattory, were sentenced today by Judge
Savidge. Ben Fiscus. Samuel Wilson.
Addison Wierel and Divid Kelly re
ceived $30 line, costs of prosecution and
thirty days in jail. Charles Kirkwood,
$20 fine, costs and fifteen days, Eurl
K maley, John Wilson, William Bnrns
and Jtsse Walton escaped with $30 and
costs. All are members of the Amal
gamated association.
Huntinuton, W. Vs., May 29. Com
pi'.cies I ami ii. State militia of this
cUy, received word this morning to get
ready and proceed to the Camden mines
on the Ohio River road, where an at
tempt is being made to stop the work
ing coal diggers by Ohio minora. In
forty minutes the two companies wore
ready and on a special train to proceed.
One of the companies carries a gatllng
McKeesport, Ph., May 29 This
morning it was discovered that a can
non had been placed at tho McKees
port approach of the Pennsylvania
railroad bridge, and if the attempt
bid been made Sunday night to bring
men into places of the strikers at the
Nationul 'lube works, the gun would
lmvti been usod. Tho cannon has boen
securely locked up and the strike re
mains unchanged.
Bradhock, Pa., May 29. Braddoclt
is suffering much from the coke and
coal sirike. The entire Edgar Thomp
son Stl works are practically closed,
and 8,500 men are idle, The two blast
furnaces and lo0 coke ovens of the
Carrie Furnace company at Rankin
are shut down and 600 men are out of
work there. The Pittsburg Wire
works employing 550 men are shut
down tight for lack of coal. The Du
qmsne forgp, at Rankin, employing
200 men has suspended operations fof
the same reason.
Brazil, Ind., May 29. About one
hundred miners took possession of the
Vandalin yards at Knightsville, near
here, Inst night to prevent tho passage
of coal to the west. At an early hour
this morning two trains of twenty car
each ran the gauntlet by putting on a
lull head of steam and pushing through
the yards at a speed of thirty miles an
hour. The feeling is very ngly, and
the strikers threaten to wreck any
trains that may repeat the attempt.
Denver, Col., May 89. AH is omin
ously quiet at Cripple Creek today.
The night was one of intense excite
ment. During the enrly hours bands of
mounted miners roamed through the
town, breaking into butcher shops and
groceries to cet provisions, and search
ing for arms, Theii treatraont of
men found out of the limits of
tho town is shameful and the
Indignities perpetrated many in
stances, too revolting to be mentioned.
Babideau, the man who was killed be
fore bo could secure bis coveted re
venge, was treated in so disgusting a
manner last month by these miners
that the atrocities of Indians in the
early ways was civilized in comparison.
The bankers and merchants are se
creting their valuables, ex pec tin ar that
pillage and carnage will break forth at
anr moment. The armed bands of
lawless drfpredntora attempted last
night to surprise the deputies at Divide,
bot failed and withdrew without
bringing on a conflict. Tne governor to
day was engaged in writing some moro
speeches or addresses and awaits the
fnll report of his private secretary who
is still at Cripple Creek.
The postal wire is working to Cripple
Creek and at noon matters remained
quiet The desperadoes have a line of
pickets from Bull hill to Midland and
citiz-ns in camp are subject to rigid
quarantine within the town limits, It
is a complete reign of terror. Five
hundred citizens have secretly organ
ized to prevent destruction of property
iu town.
Ottawa, 01., May 29. Four of the
Spring Valley strikers who were ar
restee by the militia at Peru Saturday,
pleaded guilty to a charge of carrvicg
concealed weapons and they were each
fined $100 by Judge Weeks this after
noon. The men did not have any
money nnd were taken to jail.
Huntington, W. Va., May 20.
When the order oalling out the militia
to Camden was received here today,
most of Company O refused to go, not
having been paid or doing duty be
fore. Tin y will r prosecuted by the
state military aut. titles. Tbey seem
to s-. m;mthiz with die eoal strikers.
CluiiLBSTOM, W. Va., May 29.
Throughout the Kanawaba, New river
and Long creek mining districts tb
miners are gradually returning to
work. It ia believed here that within
ten days all mines will be running full
blast The report that trouble is ox
pected at Camden is pronounced falso
by Adjutant General Holler, who re
turned from that place this evening.
Thev are not needod ther.
Uniontown, May 29. Fifty six
strikors arrested at Stickle Hollow dur
ing the battle at the Washington Coal
company mine on the 24th were given
a hearing this evening. Fifty five were
held for court and one discharged.
About twenty witnesses were exam
ined, the majority agreeing that the
first shot was fired by a strikor in the
public road.
Chlcaroana Invent Another Substitute
for the Dairy Product
Chicago, May 29 William H. Lee
and Fred C. Laird of Laird & Lee, the
publishers, aud Alexander W. Winter
have secured patents on a process for
combining mineral and vegetable oils,
which, it is claimed, will revolutionize)
the manufacture of butttrine. oleomar
garine, compound lard, and other imi
tation products of the packing houses.
It is expected that the now oil will
enter into competition with cottonseed
oil. The owors of the patent say they
retired au offer of $2,000,000 for their
Pattison Sends Telegrams to the
Strikers of Central
Harriseuro, May 29 Whether the
result of the conference between Gov
ernor Pattison nnd the coal opera
tors of central Pennsylvania accom
plishes anythiug remains to ho soen.
Tonight J. L. Mitchell, of Tyrone;
Edward J. B-rwiud, of NdW York,
and J. C. Scott, of Philadelphia,
all large operators, called ou the gov
ernor and had a consultation that
lasted until almost midnight. At the
close the governor made public to the
newspaper men a telegram that he had
written to James White, ono of the
strike leaders in the Clearfield region,
and which said ambodied the result of
the conference. It is as follows :
To James White, Iloutzdale, Pa.:
After a conference with the operators of
ceutral Pennsylvania, I And they are
willing and offer to pay tho highest wages
paid iu competitive districts In the United
States, and to conduct their business with
the miners of Pennsylvania on that basis.
Robert E. Pattison.
The governor considers this a con
cession becansi it really Is nil the op
eratore can piy ar.d compete with
those in the sunt business who ship to
the same points. Ila said the oper
ators were in friendly mood, and
very anxious to hav.? a settlement.
Should the miners agree to the propo
sition the strike will be broken.
The operators were seen by the
United Pross correspondent on their
return from the executive mansion,
hut they declined to give the result of
the conference on the ground that
whatever was to be given out would
bo given by the governor.
The Members of the "Ck-'t Rich Quick"
Society OIU; hit . at the Wake.
Pittsburg, May 29 The Order of
Solou was dissolved yesterday by a
meeting of the Supreme Lodge, which
passed a resolution not to appeal from
the decision of the Dauphin county
court of last woek, which ordered a
writ of ouster nnd appointed n receiver
to wind up tho affairs of tho order.
It is believed that the assets, equnl to
$249,000, will give each of the 0,928
members about GO per cent, of what
they have paid in.
Fort Wayne Blue Coats Liave Their
Posts and Parade the Stroete.
Fort Wayne. Ind., May 29. The
streets of Fort Wayne were patrolled
last night by less than one-half the
usual police force, because twelve
patrolmen were slated for dismissal
from the force next Friday.
These men went on strike last night
and some of them are parading the
streets in uniform, but refuse to do po
lice duty.
Supposed Instigator of the Freeland
Trouble Is Looked Up.
Hazleton, May 29. Anthony Rude
wick, of Freeland, who is said to be
the leader of the Poles iu Freeland and
the instigator of tho Sunday's church
riot, was arrested this morning and
placed under $2. 000 bail.
Wholesale arrests are bting made
and an outbreak seoms imminent.
Great uneasiness prevails.
Residents Along the ! p kne River Re
tiring Before the Flood.
Spokane, Wash., May 29. The Snok
ane river continues to rise slowly.
The old Ross Park car bridge was car
ried away last night.
Moat of Bonner's Ferry is under
water, and the residents have taken to
the hills.
J, A. Millnne has been appointed fourth
clvss postmaster at Hallstead, Pp.
Michael Barrett, a foot tender In the
Maltby mine at. Wllkes-Uarre, was caught
under the carriage todnv while it was des
cending in the shaft. Ho was crushed to
Late last night a hoavy thunder storm
rased in Southern Chester county, and one
bolt of lightning struck and instantly
killed seven cows belonging to Joehua
Jacksoa, of London Britiau.
5,'r. Glen of the department of public In
ItrootiflP has just completed the compila
tion of tb share of tho public school ap
propriation for 1891 to which each county
and district ludjie state Is entitled.
In the United States court the motion of
the United States government to enjoin
the Gettysburg Eft-etric Railway company
from building a in iH"'1 trolley road on the
Gettysburg battlelle.O was dnied and the
motion dismissed.
The weather hurenr) cr0P bulletin for
the week ended yesterday shows the fol
lowing report: Pennsylvania Crops
along ennuis and in lowlands greatly
damar 1; much replA?1'0!? neoessary,
othe. wise lepoi ts generoW favorable.
Committee Makes a Report of the Result of
Their Labors.
Mr. Hill Doubts the Propriety of
Trying to Find Out Whether News
paper Men Can Tell the Truth The
Hawaiian Question Looms Up
Again Amendments Offered to the
Tariff Bill.
Wasiiinoton, May 29.
THE morning hour (or rather half
hour) in tho senate today was
consumed in au attempt to ob
tain aetion on the Hawaiian
resolution of Mr. Turpi (Dem., Ind.),
reported some months ago hy the com
mittee on foreign relations. Amend
ments to it were offered by Mr. Peffer
(Pop.. Kan.) and Mr. Vest (Dein., Mo.).
Mr. Vest's amendment declared iu
favor of letting the people of the Sand
wich islands choose their own form of
government and line of policy was laid
on the table by a vote of 38 to 18.
The tariff bill was taken up at 10 30
and a motion was made by Mr. Peffer
to lay it aside tomporarily and to re
sume consideration of the Hawaiian
resolution. This was defeated by a
party vote; yeas, 20; nays, 28. Tho
twonty-eight negative votes were cast
by the Democrats, and the twenty-six
affirmative votes by the Republicans,
and Messrs. Allen. Kyle and Peffer as
Bpaeobot in opposition to tho bill
were made by Senator Proctor, (Ver
mont), and Senator Pettigrow, (South
Dakota). At the close of Mr. Petti
grew's remarks Senator Gray, (Dela
ware), chairm in of the senate select
committee to investigate newspaper
statements as to senators speculating
in the stock of the Sugar Trust, made
a report that tho newspaper corres
pondents, on whoso statements the in
quiry had been ordered, had refused to
answer certain questions, aud had also
refused to r?veal the sources of their
information. Tho point was rsiied
and pressed by Mr. Hill, (Now York),
that tho report presented no question
of privilege.
mr. hill's argument.
Mr. Hill argued that tho senate had
a right to direct the presiding officor
not to proceed lurthor in the matter
until after further action of the senate.
He had no sort of Interest, personal or
etherwise, he said in the investigation.
It was proper enough that tho senate
should investigate the charge of brl b
ery. But the report on that question had
been presented and that portion of the
work had been substantially completed
He doubted the wisdom of tho other
proceeding. He doubted tho propriety
of endeavoring to find out whether
newspaper men always told the truth.
If the senate understood that great
work it would he !;ept busy the end of
time. Senators could speculate in sugar
stock, or iu silver, or In any other kind
of stock, and would violate no law In
doing go.
To a remark by Mr. Gray, Mr. Hill
replied that the senators referred to by
tue newspaper men could he placed
upon the stand.
"They are the accused parties," Mr.
Gray objected.
''They are not accused in any sense
of a crime in law," said Mr. Hill.
"This subject is being investigated for
the purpose of vindicating this senate
for tbe purpose of ascertaining the
truth. The best way if ynu desire to
go into the inquiry is to summon sena
tors. "
"How are we to ascertain," Mr. Al
len asked, "who they are, when the
witnesses refutie to disclose their names
or the sources of their information."
"Swear them all if yon have any
donbt about it," Mr. Hill replied with
snap, nnd tbe gallaries upplauded,
The discussion continued for some
time in the above strain but finally
Mr. Hill's opposition was overborne,
and a rnling made by the vice-president
that the question was ono of high
privilege, and that tho ronort required
no action on the purt of the eonate
the statute making it his duty to cer
tify the facts to the district attorney,
who is then to take action lu the prem
ises. And there the matter stood at
the adjournment with an additional
resolution offered by Mr. Dolph, Ore
gon, for the presentation of tho recal
citrant witnesses at the lnr of the een
ate for contempt of its authority.
The amendments that were offered
to the lumber schedule of tbe tariff
bill on Monday by Mr. Hale, Maine,
restoring the provisions of the existing
law as to sawed and dressed lumber,
and by Mr. Peffer, Kausas, to reduce
these dnlios by one hulf, and to place
undressed lumber on the free list, were
severally voted down, and an amend
ment by Mr. Allen, Nebraska, to put
logs, lumber, shingles nnd common
building materials on tbe free list, was
pending when the senate at 0,25 ad
journed until Thursday.
Rsllroad Work Cloatnir Down for Lack
of Goal Suppllee.
St. Louis, May 29 Specials from
rnilroad centers of Missouri, Kansas
and Arkansas indicate that business is
affected hy the scarcity of cosl.
At Sodalia the Missouri Pacific shops
have shut down for the remainder of
the month, and tbe shops of the Cen
tral Branch railroad at Atchison, Kan.,
have been closed down Indefinitely.
At Van Bnreu, Ark, the Missouri
Pacific road shops and roundhouse are
at a standstill.
Bis Opponent So Characterise Him In a
Public Oration.
Lexington, Ky., May 29 Colonel
Breckinridge was referred to by bit op
ponent, W. C. Owens, yesterday, as no
geutleman, the aconsatlon causing a
sensation among bis hearers. There
was the wildest kind of applause, nnd
it was several minutes before tbe
speaker could proceed. The speech was
delivered at Versailles.
He went on to say: "Breckinridge
draws lnrirn crowds because he is a
dime mnsrum moral frank, and morbid
curiosity seekers, as well as tho bread
and butter brigade, are anxious to har
and see him " Nearly 200 women wera
present, nnd many bouquets were seut
up to the platform by thein.
The Nfffroes Continue to Oimmlt Dpre
datinnn of ShoclclDs: Character.
Jacksonville, Pin., May 29 A spec
ial from Palatka says: Nogroes con
tinue to commit a series of outrages.
The pooplo of this section uro very
much excitel over the discovery of
a diabolical conspiracy among the
negroes to commit a series of
outrages upon white women. A negro
preacher by tho name of Burgia oame
to tho neighborhood of Putnam hall,
made dumaging remarks about the
daughter of a farmer living nearby,
and proposed to negroes that they
should seize this girl and several other
white womeu and carry them into tho
iwamp and inako them submit to their
It is understood that several nagroes
agreed to thu plan and that prepara
tions wero being mad to carry it into
effect. The white people secured evi
dence that such a conspiracy did exist
and they took steps to guard their
homes. The neurons learned that their
plan was known and secretly bogan to
leave the country. Burgis fled
lust In time to oscape from u number
of white men who had gone to secure
him. It was learned that he had gone
to Georgia nnd tho father of tho younir
lady whom he had slaudorud swore out
a warrant for bim.
Tne Georgia authorities were com
muuic.ued with and Burgis was ar
rested. A Florida officer returned with
the negro, and feariug a mob, stopood
off at a little, station called Newburg,
intending to secret the prisoner. He
was suddenly confronted by 100 men,
who took Burgis nud banged him.
Tne white pooplo ure wild with rage
aud it is believed that more lynchings
will follow.
Further Dttnlla of Hecents Discoveries
and Arrests Dvn.imitd In a Steamsr.
London, May 29 The correspond
ent of tho Daily News at Berlin sends
to his paper lurther details of the plot
discovered at St. Petersburg. He says
that fifty boxes of dynamite aud nu
merous bombs were discovered in the
coal bunkers of a steumsr. The resi
dence of tho Baroness Msrkoff was
searched nud a list of aristocratic wo
men nihilists wm found. .
A woman medical student, who was
omj of the suspects, was draggod half
dead i rem her bed by the police uud
taken toward the police station. She
escaped aud jumped into thu Nova and
was drowned. All the chefs at tho
imperial court have been dismissei,
owing to a fear that they would at
tempt to poison tbe food prepared tor
tho imperial family. A man named
Krapotkiue, a relative of Prince Kra
potklue, tbe nihilist writer, hue been
Its Mercbira Will Compete with the
1 harcpions of Ensland.
Nrw York, May 29 A special dis
patch to the Tribuue from New Haven
says: "It was today settled that a
Yalerack athlotic team would break
not only an intor-collegiato but
an American record by going to
England and Meeting Oxford, the
champion English tera, ou its own
grounds. Nearly all the details of the
meeting for thu first international in
ter collegiate championship over con
tested were today decided upon.
Only five athletes will compose the
Yale team. They will he George F.
Sauford, ebcrt distance runner; I. E.
Morgan, mile runner; William 0,
Hickok, cap ttiu of the team and Har
mer thrower and shot putter; E, II.
Cody, Hurdler and Louis P. Sheldon,
high broad jumper.
One Thousand Hobos Are Terrorizing
the City cf Denver.
Denver, Col., May 29 The indus
trial urmy now numbers 1,040 men and
additions are madn daily by struggling
bands irom tho west. They ure becom
ing inscieut in their manner and take a
cool view of their situation. They say
they will not attempt to steal a train,
but will wait until the influential citi
zens of tho state grow tlrod of them
and secure for them favorable rates
upon railroads.
Mennwhilo they expect to be fed by
tho public, nnd intimated that if food
is not brought to them they will have
to go about the city for it.
He Invites the Celostlal Four Hundred
of Chicago to a Christening.
Chicago, May 20 Cards have been
issued by Wang Kee. the Ward McAl
lister of Chinatown, for the christen
ing of his infant son next Monday
night. Tho event will be second only
to New Year with the Celestials.
It is the proud boast of Wang Kee
that his son will bo just as eligible to
the presidency of tbe United States as
any of the American boys,
The Heir to a Modest Little Fortune Dis
covered In Washington.
Port Townsknd, Wash., May 29
Frank C. McDil), a restaurant keeper,
lately of Port Angeles, has turned upas
a long lost heir to a'fortnne in Chatta
nooga, Tenn., valued at $50,000.
He has been absent from home for
fifteen years, and several thousands of
dollars have been spent iu vain en
deavors to ascertain his whereabout.
Lata Frasle Setpmelble for a Email Crop
cf Citrate Fruit.
San Francisco, May 2b Owing to
tbe late frost, the orange crop of Cali
fornia will be far below the average.
The total output from-Sontbern Cali
fornia will reach about 40.000 carloads,
of which over 8,000 will go East. Tbis
is 20 par cant below last season's crop.
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Different Associations Asked to Unite
on Legislative Lines-Judgo
Jenkins Condemned.
New York, May 29. The railroad
ers' convention nt this morning's ses
sion practically completed a platform.
Tho snbstuuee ef it was made public
as follows:
The con von lion voted in favor of n
compulsory advisory law. It voted in
favor of electing railway commission
ers by a direct vote of tho people in the
various states instead of their being
appointed as at present. The recent
decision of several federal judges on
questions of rights and liberties of the
wage earners and the railroads are de
nounced ns unjust, unconstitutional
and un-American. Disapproval is ex
pressed of Jndge Jenkins' docisiou and
unqualified approval to tho position
taken by Judge Culdwsll,
Tho committee reported Judgo .Tonk
in's net to be a gross ubuso of thu
federal power. The different railway
men's associations nre asked to unite on
legislative lines to ask for national and
state laws for redress of grievaucea.
The ndoption of laws guarantee
ing to employes injured in their
duties redress through tbe courts
is asked for on the grounds that tbe
men are performing public functions,
ane are in a meusnre public servants,
and that the public stionld look otter
its servants. The convention also ex
tends encouragement and indorsement
to the United Mine Workirs of Amer
ica in their struggle for fair nud de
cent conditions of life.
Postmaster Gen .ml Does Not Favor
Government Teletrraph.
Washington, May 29 Postmaster
General Biesell is opposed to tbe adop
tion of government telegraph in con -nectlou
with the postal service. His
views on tho subject beiug requested
by tho chairman of the honso commit
tee on rtitor-stato commerce to which
was referred several bills proposing a
telegraph system in connection with
the postul service.
The "postmaster general today sent to
Chairman Wise an elaborate reply
which closes ns follows: "I believe
the incorporation of tho postal tele
graph with the mail sorvioo of this
conntry would add enormously to tho
annual deficit without corresponding
advantage to the interests of the pub
lic, and it is therefore, my judgment
that the house bill ought not to be
come B law."
Sessions of the American Missionary
Union at Saratoga
Saratoga, N, Y.. May 29. -Tbe
morning session of the American Bap
list Missionary union was opuned with
prayer by the ltov. E. D. Manning, of
Detroit. The special committee on tho
place for holding the anniversary
meetings of 1895, reported that they
recommended that the next yeur's
meeting shall be in Portland, Oro.
Chairman Fuller, of the Finance
committee; reported its recommenda
tions that the same appropriations for
tho snpportof foreign missions he made
for the coming year as was appropri
ated last year, that there be no increase
of the work and no retrenchments, and
that no new missionaries be employed
except to fill vacancies as tbey may oc
cur. The rej ort was adoptod.
Several OnVars Are Honorably Dis
charged Eleotiona Ordnrtd
Harribbdho, Pn , May 3D. Orders
were iaeuod from headquarters Na
tional Guard tonight honorably die
charging Lleutetiant Colonel Jnuies R.
Hnnelrker, aid de rump resigned May
23 1804; Major Johu P. Albro, jndge
advocate Third bigade, resigned May
11, 1894; Colonel Morria J, Keek,
Ninth regiment, realgned May 21. 1894.
Brigadier General J. P. 8. Gohin,
Third bigade, la authorized to hold an
i lection to till the vnoanoy cauaad by
the discharge of Oolouel Keck.
.v..... TZ. IflTMTWO
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Gloomy Gathering at Philadelphia to
Discuss the Bituminous Strike
PiiiLADF.LrniA, May 28 A majority
of tho soft coal operators of Central
Pennsylvania se in to be congregated
in this city at preaeut. Most of them
today spent the time in visiting tho
offices of thu different bituminous
mines and exchanging views upon the
striko situation and the result of yes
terday's conference. With many of
ihom there is a hopo that tbe visit of
Mr. Per wind and Mr. Scott to Harris
Imrg to confer with Governor Patti
son upon the si tu ition, may result in
some measures ot mediation or arbitra
tion, Others again take a gloomy view of
the situation nnd relnctuntly admit
that they fear blood will be shod be
fore the striko will bi settled. If the
committee of throe authorized by the
conference yesterday to devise a plan
of action for the resumption of work
lias beou appointed, tboir names were
not made oublic today. It is nrobable,
bowovor, that Mr. Berwind, chairman
of tbe meeting, did not uppoiut tho
committee, but is awaiting the result
of bis meeting with tho governor be
fore he does so.
President McDride's plan of camp
aign, in not allowing the miners of uuy
one association to rotu.n to work where
an advance hud been offered, is con
sidered by the operators to b tho weak
f pot iu the mine union leaders other
wise admirably conducted s'ruggle.
The opyra tors contend that this uction
of McBrlde's will intivita'nly cause the
collapse of the strike. They argue that
the conditions are entirely different in
the various slates where bituminous
OO aj is mined, aud that a resumption of
work in Oiiio, for Instance, would not
effect the Puunsylvaniu market.
He Will Land 200,000 Woou-E7od Pis
tail, in iVIoxloo.
Montgomery, Ala.. May 29. Kim
Winsr, of Meridn, Max, is en rout" to
Hnnjf Kunir, whore hn goes to Ret 209, -000
of his couutryuien for colonizing in
They are to ha employed o:i coffee
nnd hemp plantations, which nre to be
operated by Winy.
The Pnnnmn railway employo, following
tho example or their brethren iu this
countrj-, nro about to Inaugurate a strike
for moro pny and shorter hours.
Oxford University, in June next, will
confer upon Captain Alfred T. Aliihnn,
commander of the United Htntes cruiser
Chicago, the honorary dogreo of D. C. L.
The opening services of tho Anglican
Missionary conference, wero hoid lu St,
PiuiK's church, London, yesterday. The
Bishop of Durham preached tho sermon.
Emperor William's third sou, Prince
Albert, will onto:- the Pint regiment,
foot guards, on Thursday next. Ho will
have attained his 10th birthday on July 14.
Tho Hungarian ministry has accidnd to
demand of tho Emperor Francis Joseph an
augmentation of the number of magnetos
should the house of magnates again reject
the civil marriage bill.
Senor Don Clnudio Vicunn, although tho
legally elected president of Chill, is a wnn
dorer over the face of tho enrtb, hnving
tust been banished for llftoen years for
daring to assert his prerogative.
Sir Edward Gray, under foreign secre
tary, stnted yesterday that the territory
leased under tho Anglo-Bolginn agreement
was entirely within the miliore us dfllDed
by the (lerman convention or 1890 and in
nowise affected the rigtita of France.
General Busttlhi, wlio dubs himself
"Duke;" tho Countess Saint Arunud ai.d
another person are to ho tried lu Paris for
defrauding credulous persons out of vari
ous sums, under pretext of raising a fuud
to "liberate the popo," which thoy repres
ented as a prisoner In the Vatican.
II 1 Washington, May 3( Forecast
CLOUDY for i'tw'cr' iVinisyd'anm, for
HVdiicsift): Partly vloudy, prob-
U 1 ably shoxoors, variable riuih.
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Four Great Specials
100 Dozen Ladies' Ini.
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anteed hand embroid
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100 dozen Sheer Linen,
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50 dozen assorted.scal
loned and hemstitchfid.
embroidered Handker
chiefs, reduced to
These four lines are tho
greatest value ever shown in
510 AND512
Maltese Cross
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Lewis, Reillj & Davies
In Russet Shoes.
114 Wyoming Avo.
We Examine Eyes
Free of charge If a doctor
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AH SILVERWARE and Damaged Coodt
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