The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 29, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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Published daily in Scranton, Pa., by The
Tribune Publishing Company.
New Yobh Omcc :
For (invcrnor:
Ml' obxtbb,
Sbr ZAtuteMni ',' vtnwrt
WAll BB i.YON,
l or Auditor tirnernl:
'or Stcrelnrii of lh r,tal Affairs:
or rini.Aur.i.rillA,
Tor ('o'!(,r. SM7ft-arptf
Election Time. Not. fi
Kit. FoWDERtiT is once more a pri -vate
citizen and could, without impro
priety, run for any elective office
within tho people's gift. But that is
not saying he has over manifested such
water-logged judgment as would lead
him to aspire to election this year on
the Democratic ticket.
For Home Protection.
One of the frequent complaint! heard
by those whose duties take them
among the merchants oT our city is
that it has become a habit among many
Hcrantoninns to do much of their pur
chasing in Philadelphia or New York,
thus sending away money which would
be of decided value to all classes if kept
nteadily In home circulation; and by
that extent crippling the prosperity of
tho community in which they live.
The following remark was made not
long ago by a loeal manufacturer who
spoke with some bitt-r.'iess. Inasmuch
as he was not expecting to be quoted,
we feel obligated to vvithold his name:
I could tell you of members of. tho board
of trade, some even prominent in the ef
forts of that organization to induce now
uinntifucture.-i to establish hero, who have
not for years patronized several branches
of home industry already established. One
buys his carriages ami harness in Now
York, and send-i his old vehicles there to
Ve repaired. Another purchases bit clothes
ih'-re, anil a third has not tur mahr years
I ml a new piece of fnrniiuro in his eletrant
home that did not, reach liim through norao
dealer in the metropolis. Aud so on,
through the lit. We merchants get the
trade if those who cannot afford to go to
New York to do their buying; and a trood
bit ot this tiade wo have to carry along on
credit. But those who have tho money to
pay cash for what they heed frequently
Ignore us altogether, and wo notice it, 1
tell you, when we eoino to balance our
books at the end of the year.
Is it possible that this view of the
case is somewhat exaggerated; but
there is undoubtedly an element of
truth in it. No doubt the habit of
which complaint is made is due largely
to thoughtlessuess. In few instances
would we like to beliovo that it is re
peated deiibeintely. While there may,
upon occasions, be a superfical gain in
the purchasing of goods far away from
home, as a general rul tlii.s supposed
economy in the long run defeats itself.
A community liko onr own, when spec
ially favored with certain natural re
sources that comprise practicilly an
exclusivs item of wealth, stands in
much the same relation toward distant
communities not thus favored that ob
tains between the United States as a
whole, and less favored countries in
Europe, We protect our American
iabor nnd American capi
tal ty interposing such tar
iff laws between this country
and those countries as will preserve to
both our sreat national home market.
Whilo it is not feasible to duplicate
thru tariff laws in the smaller sub
divisions of onr coram on country, it is
at least feasible fr-r each community,
?o far as it can without actual injus
tice, to care for its own'interests first.
Tho thirty or forty square miles of
which Scranton la the logical trading
center would enjoy abetter prosperity
It there were less diversion of active
capital to distant places except in the
jpuccnase oi w.ioiesiie atocKs or raw
materials which we do not manufac
ture or proncce in mis vaiioy. Phis
would give to all of us a mutual gain!
which is the secret and esienco of in
dependent citizenship, national pros
perity and advancing civilization.
By snch an application of the protec
tionist theory it is not meant to dis
criminate against any other section or
elate; but simply to apply, in practice,
the Scriptural theory that "bo who
will not provide for bis own family
hath denied the faith and is worse
than an infidel." Tho Scrantonian who
votes for national protection to home
industries and then proceeds to neglect
the industries of his own honv, hath,
it seems to us, consciously or nncon
eciously "denied the faith" and is
worse than a Democrat.
"What has the Democratic con
cress doner is the question that
reaches us in an esteemed contempor
ary. It has not, perhap, done as much
ps it might, and yet it has practically
finished some parts or the job that was
interrupted at Appomattox.
Mr. Dickie's Banter.
We are told that the eloquent gentle-
mnn who recently expounded Third v
Partyism in our city, Mr. Dickit, grew
generous at ono point in his address
and rashly offered a ten-dollar gold
piece to any auditor who shonld prove
nble to convince him of the difference
between tho Democratic and Republi
can parties. Without knowing how
much argument or evidence it would
take to convince a professional partisan
whoso mission would cease the moment
the attempt should be successfnl, we
venturo to suggest that Mr. Dickie's
banter could bo modified so as to be
come "an easy one." Let him substi
tute, in place of himself, nny number
of impartial and disinterested men,
capable of understanding facts, appre
ciating logic and discerning truth, and
we should not much hesitate to go in
for that gold eagle ourselves.
However frequently individual
leaders in the two parties may at times
fall Into identical paths; and however
much the inevitable abuses of politics
nt understood in this country may
similarly outcrop in both parties, the
difference between Republicanism nnd
Democracy is fundamental. It is like-
wiso eternal. It is the difference bo-
tween positive nnd negative carrente
of thought and impulse, between pro
gress and obstruction, between tho eagle
nnd the buzzud. Democracy, in this
country, as expressive of the underly
ing aims and temlsncles of a political
organization, means the woakening and
1 the crippling of jjovernmeut through
the attenuation of government and
tiirongh cowardice in its administra
tion. Republicanism mean govern
ment's invigoration through manly and
: tfiuare-toed centralization up to the
furthest notch consistent with the best
interests of the governed. The Demo
cratic party is a party of noeation, of
opposition, of dissolution. The It 'pub
lican party is a party of assertion, of
progreis, of upbuilding. The Republi
can party is tbo party that, whatever
i its early title, has ever insisted upon
setting the pace. The Democratic
party that is, whatever its former
designations, has from the becinning
lioen the party that at first sullenly op
posed, next grew violently hostile and
ended up by following aftor the vic-
i torious Bepnblioan procession, far in
' tho rear and at a serio-comic jog trot.
Th illustration of Gahisha A. Grow
at Ilarrisburg is nptand pointed. Dsm
j o;racy io tho lone passenger Id the last
I car, whose back is toward the Republi
i can eugine and who never sees auy-
thing until it has patttd.
But it was probably fat from Mr.
1 Dickie's infantum to have his proposi
tion takun scrioutly. lie is at liberty
to keep the f 10 and fall back on the
plea that assertion is not proof. The
history of legislation is crammed to
the covers with detailed evidences sup
;ortlng our claims; but Third party
orators very naturally do not w ait to
admit it. They prefer to think that
bec.irno in a national surfeit of mate
rial prosperity which aroso as a result
of Republican legislation guarding and
fostering our natural opportunities,
certain individual Republican leaders
got careless or grow corrupt, tue grand
old party itself has ceased to have vital
force. We conl.l not deprive him of
tliH idea if we would, and wo
would not If we could. Ho is not the
first man to get principles oonfuasd
with men. A majority of bit fallow
countrymen fell into the samo error
two yean ago, and are literally pining
to get aMiuire chance to make amende
for that frightful miatalvn.
The tendency of our esteemed con
temporaries in Troy to prolong the
talk about Mnrpliyism and municipal
reform should not lead them to over
look the incidental fact that there is
likewiae occasion for work.
The Sunday Problem.
In a letter printed elsewhere;, Rsv.
John Davy dissents to the position here
tuforo taken by The Triiiun'e with ref
erence to the Sunday law of 1701. Wo
do not concur in all that Air. Davy sayt
in his letter: but we are glad to give
any and ull sides of any proper issue,
and welcome a free interchange of
opinions by our renders.
Onr idea of the duty of the state in
legislating with reference to Sunday
observance- is, as wo novo said, that it
rests upon u civil basis; not because
our's ie an irreligions government, but
because it has baen agreed by common
consent to leave questions of a religj
iom significance to the consciences of
men, rathor than to use tlie coercive
method called law. Mr. Davy's opin
ion appeare to be that wo should have
more religion in our laws, which
Would be a good thing if the majority
would accept it.
'ibis tioiut, however, is somewhat
aside from the main question. A cer
tain law oxists. It is baing violated.
It should not bo violated. The law
may not suit us, but so long as it is ou
tho statute book, by the consent of the
majority, it dessrves to be enforced.
The liberal citizen is at all times will
ing, in questions of law, to subordi
nate his personal preferences to tho
will of the majority. In doing that he
fulfill the functions of an American
citizm. To refuse to bow to that will
would be to assume an attitude of in
subordination, which is counter to
;.il wise teaching, both oivil and re
ligions. It is said that the quickest way to
repoal a bad law is to enforce it. The
law of 1791 has not, for many years.
been enforced. If 111 itfl Oil !,),',. tnont
ueon entorc
objectionable f eatnres should disclose
themselves, the force of public senti
ment will soon be sufficient to elimin
ate these features. While tho law ex
ists, it is incumbent upon good citizens
to obey it. They should not wait to lo
compelled to do this. They should vol
unteer to do it, (rutting in the general
good sense of their fellow citizons to
right any minor errors and repair any
technical defects.
Tin: Tbibuni is for law onrorcemont
under all circumstances. At the same
time, it reserves the right to suggest
amendments to the law, and to point
I out defects, or what it thinks to be de
fects. It is for principle, rather than
fur particular phrases. The former
are eternal. The latter cm be changed
whenever the majority so decree,
Tit.. -i wiieie ior iwo ami one-ua r years
rn de', h y" "T" " j Ma.lam Viardot Garcia directed he
ment of despatches in reference to dy- ! ,.adie.. As an interpreter of Schu
ing catfish in Northern Pennsylvania j bert's songs Miss Dreager has few
waters is a little ahead of time, this equals and her singing of Bich's pas-
year, in spue oi mo minions that (!io :
I each season the stock of catfish still
holds out for other years and affords
the fish correspondent ample opportun-
1,'es for "ne work. The spectacle of
forest fires; mine cave-ins and dying
fish that Northeastern Pennsylvania
presents Jo the outer world through its
enterprising presB correspondents
would indeed be startling but for the
regularity of appearance which enables
readers to look upon the tales with a
measure of unconcern that familiarity
is apt to produce.
The Common Sense of It.
The decision of tho court yesterday
in the Hughes-Collins contest, although
dissented from in one place by Judge
Gunster, will in its general purport re
assure those who had feared the new
ballot law, 'by its technical difficulties,
might operate to disfranchise a propor
tion of vottrs. Divested of non-esson-tials,
the decision ie to tho effect that
whoro the intont of the vo.torflls plain
beyond adoubt, his vote shall be count
ed. Similar decisioni have heretofore
been reached in the lower court of this
commonwealth; end also dissenting
ones. It would seem to be desirable to
j have the issue reviewed by tlie supreme
court; and an appeal from some one of
the various -ocurring instances of liti
gation involving this point would till a
long-felt want. A ballot law cannot
be too closely and explicitly under
stood. Lord Roskbeuy has not yet sncceeded
in giving Ireland home rule. But he
i has done the next best thing. He has
succeeded in convincing 'Squire G. W.
i Smalley that he is a bona lido homo
Since candidate McDowell got all
i the laughter and applause; and Candi
' date Huff all the votes, we see no rea
son why thesj two amiable gentlemen
should not cordially shake, bunds and
call tho thing squaro.
The Democratic papers are again
saving General Hastings a deal of
; trouble in the formation of a cabinet;
' nnd incidentally revealing how little
' they expect party success themselves.
Notiiinu has developed since our last
diagnosis to indicate that a Democratic
candidate for congross in this district
this fall would serve any other purpose
than that of an awful example.
Ai.thouoh several days havo elapsed
since the New York Sun named its can
didate for we have failed to dis
cern any signs of a spontaneous upris
ing in behalf of Newt Twitt.
There are some featuros about this
latest held-npbyfootpad-ln-thecen-ter-of-the-city
story that border on the
improbable, but they are uot the fea
tures of a policeman.
In his more recent outings the presi
dent's artistic avoidance of the Wbil
neys and the Benedicts wonld seem to
give color to ths suspicion that ho has
had enough sugar in his.
Tin; Democratic senato committee
seeing now to bo carrying the war into
Our cold water friends appiar to be
sweeping the country six months too
and Musicians.
Manager Maokey of the Mackey
Kenney opera company arrived in the
city Saturday evening in advance of
the troupe. The rest of the company
will probably reach Bcrnnton today
from JobnttOWn where they filled sn
engagement latt week. The present week
will be spent in this city in drilling
new members who have been recently
added to the chorus and in making
other preparation! for the opening of
an engagement at the jrfothlnitbam
theater, where tfioy will produce dur
lug their stay in Scranton nearly all of
tiiewoll known operai, Hie llackuy-
Kenucy compauy has received favor
able criticism everywhere and the
strengthening of the chorus by tho
adlitionof new members will maka
the tronpo better than over. Lovers of
comic opera in tlicity will be afforded
an opportunity of enjoying tin o itchy
music, brilliant costumes and harmless
i'iu that character! Z3s lighter musical
worKS to iiu-ir Hearts content, (luring
tho season that will open on .Monday
next, under most favorable conditions.
The arrangements for ventilation arc
such that managers of the Frothing
ham can justly claim that they have
one of the coolest, if not the coolest
theatre in America.
The first reiienrsal of the Babylonian
chorus of the "Fall of Bibylon" in the
various marches which will occur in
the rendition of the oratorio took place
ou the stage of the Frothingham under
supervision of lallle Morgan on Satur
day afternoon. I he young ladies,
about 200 In number, acquitted thorn
selves creditably, both in marching and
in the singing of tho tuneful choruses
Rehearsals will occur nt freqnmt in
tervals until tho public rendition of
tho oratorio, which will take place iu
about two weeke.
Seven different niiisioians filed appli
cations for the position of organist at
the First Presbyterian church during
ttio coming summer months, over tiio
period which Miss Seymour intends to
remain in Lurope. The unoxneeted
resignation of Miss Seymour, there
fore, found mauy Hspirant-i for the
plac. An organist will probably be
selected this week to fill Miss Sey
mour's plnce.
Mrs. Hunsickor, the soprano who is
to sing at Miss Parker's eutortaiuiuent
this evening at the Young Man's Chris
t an Association hall, is a singor of su
perior accomplishments. It is by hoar
such artists that art is advanced in
Ella Marie Dreager, the contralto
engaged for Llui Park Methodist Epis
copal church, will not begin her en
gagement nntil Juno 15. Mrs, Alfred
Conueli, whose services hav i given
suoh universal satisfaction, sang for
the last time on Sunday. Therefore
the trio, Mrs, O'Brien, Mr. Thomas
and Mr Wooler, will render tho music
nntil the arrival of Miss Dreager. Miss
Dreager will he warmly welcomed by
Scranton musicians. For three years
her stuiies were carried on in Boston,
after which she j mraeved to Paris.
lor two anil
"ion iuuhio win prove an inspiration
In addition to her Accomplishments as
a musician Miss Dreager is also an
artist of much ability with the brush
and is a line French and German
Begiunlug June 17, the quartette will
render the vooal mnsio at Elm Park
church, the chorus ohoir having been
disbanded. Mr. George B. Carter will
hereafter have charge of the choir and
has already in view, the ronderlng of
the "Messiah." Whilo preparing this
great work, Mr. Carter txpocts to have
the quartette ting several Bible stories
less pretentious aud more familiar such
as ' tiueen Esther," "Joseph in Bond
age," etc. Mr. Carter's ability to ar
range any thing lie undertake! is not
doubted, and the public tan expeot
tome interesting musical events during
the year.
Miss Florence Richmond, the accom
plished organist at Peon Avonne Bap
tist church, has completed arrange
monts for an organ recital, which will
be given at the ehuroh on June 5. Mist
Richmond will be assisted by Mrs.
Kate Crossin-O'Brien and T. M. Rip
bard, the well known 'oelloist of
Wllkes-Barre. Miss Richmond is one
of the belt known tocompanists in
Scranton and hss assisted materially
in the suecess of many concerts that
have been givou in this vicinity in the
past, and there is no doubt that her
Drat recital will be attended l ynn au
dience that will attest her popularity
as a representative Serunton musician.
It will be of interest to musicians to
hear that Mrs. Carl Alves made the
hit of the aeaeon at tho celebrated
musical festival held last week at Cin
cinnati. The other artists comprised
the famous soloist, Madam Emnis, Ben
Davit and Watkin Mills, but Mrs.
Alves far outclassed them. Mrs. Alves
was the contralto at tho second concert
at the opening or Elm Park Methodist
Epltoopal church.
Next Saturday ovening the first of
tho summer concerts will occur at the
Youni Men's Christian association
roorun, when music will bo rendered by
the Lawrence Bund, the large ohorns
choir of the First Presbyterian chnrch,
the Yonng Men's Christian Association
Glet club and one or two well known
soloists. The meeting will be of a so
cial nature and both ladies and gentle
men are invited. Admission will be
onlv bv ticket, which can be had fret
at tho Young Men's Christian associy
ation office. These Saturday evening
concerts will undoubtedly prove rer-
Miscellaneous Notes:
L. B. Powell & Co.. of tbla citv. havo
offered a cash prize of $15 for the best ex
hibition of sight reading given by pianists
at the Pittatou oisteddfod uu Memorial
i. Fred Whittemoreis preparing a flno
mntloal programme to bo rendered at Elm
Park church ou Children's Day, June 10.
Oeorgo Carter has been engaged for
another year as organist at the Elm Park
Methodist Espiscopal chureh.
The Simpson llethodilt Espiscopal
church chorus choir h rendering excellent
music at present under leadership of Pro
fessor W. W. dones.
'Tint Fack of Rorrnkei.."
EEill &
131 and 133
N. Washington Ave.
JtWttt'S Tntent Charcoal Filled
Water Filters, Coolers and
Also ft full lino of CHINA, CltOtKEKV
& Co.
Meat Market
The Finest io the City,
Tho latest unproved fur
nisliinRi anil apparatus for
koepiiig meat, buttor anil egfs.
S2II Wyoming Avo.
W COF tiimlnsr mill Holderinu nil ilono away
With liv till! nun of HAHTMAN'H I IT.
KNT TAINT, which tOBtlStl Ot lntrudl ntn
Well-known to nil It. eim lie itonlleTl to tin
falvaiilzod tin, shoet iron roofs, niao to brick
dwelllnaa, which will pniveut absolutely any
prambUat, araakiag or breaking- of the
brick. It will Outlast tlnutiiK ol any kind by
Innny yenrx.and it'n cost docs not exceed one
flftb that of die cost of Unnlnir. Ti olrl h
tho job or pound. Contractu taken by
i.miimo HAHTMAnN. 417 HirchSt.
WANT a Piano or Organ Cheap?
An extra flno Honry P. Miller Square
' ino ji,:,
A n extra due "( :iilckerii)K''Sniare I'iano ITS
A toed Baiett BroMMTs Bqaart Piano... 100
A (,'ood Meyer Ilrothers k (juaro Piano..., 00
A Kood Klrth & Pond Square I'iano 75
A good Piuphonia Square Piano (U
A voryaood Boston Piano Co. Walnut
fJDYlffbl 11m
A very c I Wlieelock t'urlirht Piano.. 180
A vo ry nood Wheelock Uprlht Piano.. 150
1 lnu a
It is about time that business and the weather struck a regular gait instead of a roirular flood Go far this
past week the earth seems to have been hobnobbing with Jupiter PhW Tho old Song may btma do to read!
"Oh, hand me down my cough drops,
And umbrella right away,
Ror I'm to be Queen of the May, mother,
I'm to be Queen of the May."
We can't make weathor, but wo can make prizes.
Ia Ocr Basement
Now Dress Gingham; o'd tariff, 10c,
now tariff, All of the best maket
of Calicoet; old tariff, 7c, new tariff,
5c. Oood quality Outing Flannels;
Old tariff, lflc, new tariff, Oo. Yard
wide Bleached JIuidiu; old tarill' Be,
now tariff Oc. Ladies' Jersey Ribbed
Vests, all bikob: old tariff 10c, new
tariff Sc.
Notion Counter
Curative and Sweet Pea Soap; old
tariff :25c, now tariff 17c Ladies'
Bilk darters with lUvtrized clasps;
old tariff 50c, new tariff '.tfc. La
dies' Leather Belts, various styles;
old tariff ''5c, now tariff 10c.
With the New Valves
Out of Sight
Our new Bicycles are now
to be seen at our 314 Lacka
wanna avenue store.
And a full line of Boys' and
Girls' Wheels. We are mak
ing extremely low prices on
Second-hand Wheels.
314 Lacka. Ave.
Fountain Pens
Fountain Pens
Fountain Pens
A Guaranteed Foun
tain Pen, regular
price $1.50, for
98 Cents
Reynolds Bros.
stationers and Engravers
Dr. Hill & Son
Pet tenth, SJi.50; best not, JS; for ROld rap
and teoth without plates, called crown and
bridue work, call for prleos and referenoes.
TONALQlA. tor extracting tcotn. without
pain. No uthur. No gia.
A vory good Shonlnirer Upright Piano.. 126
A Mason & Hamlin. nearly now.hlgh top,
double reed f 60
An A. U. CIuum, nearly now, high top,
double rood 76
A tSago Cottsgo.noarly now, high top,
doPlo reed 60
A Worcester, nearly new, high top,
donhloreod , 00
and OrganB at Wholesale and Betall, on Installments.
Cloak Department and Capes
Ladie'0 and Misses' Light Weight
Jackets; old tariff ?J.U(), now tnriff
1148, Ltd let' and Misses' Jackets
nnd t'npes; (dd tariff new tar
iff fa.US. Ladies' and Misses' Jackets
mid Capes; old tariff $10.00 now
tariff ?4.!.
Brothers &
11i Spruce St., Op. Tribune
yirr: offer the finest linn of Wheels of all grades and guarantee every machlnn
" MM Purdm.-yrs taught to ride free of charge. Call for catalogue.
Open evening. Special Bargains in second -hand whet In
513 Lsokswan
B 0
The best is none too
good. Ours are 18-k.
All sizes and weights.
423 Lackawanna Ave.
Berries arc arriving
in very line condition
And prices low.
Fancy Teas, Hcnns,
Bqnash, Tomutoqp,
Asparagus, Beets,
Ononmbers, etc.
Pierce's Market
A Standard, nearly new.hlgh top,doublo
A Mioninger, nearly now, high top,
double rood..
And about 1X1 other good second hand or
gans, f 26 to fa
The nbovo collection of Second hand Insrn
BMBttWttll In good order, fully guaran
teed, the greatest bargains eyir offered in
this city. Call and hoo them. Installments
or discount for cash.
At Domestic Counter
1'ine Printed Ponget) old tariff 18c,
mw Urifl 1SJ c. Hest French Rat
ines, dark grounds; old tariff 250,
new tariff 180. Printed liengalines
and Dimitiet; (dd tariff 85c, now tnr
ili 18a Beit Scotch Dimitiet, our
own importation; old tariff. 15c. nevr
ti.riff iiSc, Host Crotch Uingbams,
lace effects; old tnriff a"c. new &)c.
Curtain Department 2d Floor
Good Window Shades, mounted on
spring roller, 17o.
Cherry and Walnut Curtain Poles,
complete with brass fixtures, 14a
lirancli Store:
( oi l Villlili;toil Ave.
Ice Cream
& Slxear Co.
na 3 ve nuo.
Globe Shoe Store f
227 LACK A. AVE. f;
Evans & Powsii 2!
A limited number of flio above
bonds are for sale at par and ac
crued interest by tho following
parties, front whom copies of tho
mortgage and full information can
be obtained:
RW, Mulligan, Cashier Second
National Bank, "Wilkes -Barre, Pa.
W. L.Watson, Cashier First Na
tional Bank, Pittston, Pa.
J. L. Polen, Cashier People's
Savings Bank, Pittston, Pa.
A. A. Bryden, President Miners'
Savings Bank, Pittston, Pa.
And by the Scranton Savings
Bank and Trust Company, Trustee
under tho Mortgage.
T. a Athertoo, Counsel,
Inserted to THE TIUBUNE
i ate of ONE CENT A WORD.
f If ADS