2 THE SCRAINTON TlilHUJQC-TU JCNDAT MOUNTS. MAT L9, 1894. BASE BALL Rain Plays Sad Havoc with the State League Games. NOT A SINGLE ONE WAS PLAYED Game at Wilkes-Barre Was Also Knocked Out Rain Undoubtedly Prevented the Scranton Club from Increasing Its Percentage Player Phelan Will Not Be Here Until the End of the Week. I A IN prevented all of ' TOW the btate league Karnes scheduled for yesterday from v being played ami lyVVVv there was WDM Ijf hi QtWntiy no chance r 5 w x in the tttandinir of tho clubs. The elements alto prevented the came that wag to have been playei' at Wilkes Bnrro yesterday butweeu the team that represents that city and tlio Syracuse club. The following table gives the per centages of the clnbs.togotuer with the number of games won and lost by each and their standing i:i the championship race: Won ...it) Lost. 4 (I II 11 11 10 18 10 Por C't. .SOU .07" .MO .450 .M3 .;i.')0 .S33 Hnrrlsbnri;.... Allen town Hnzloton Altnotia Kaxton Heading Bcnuton Pottiville .11 . i . A '. 7 . 5 ICltKDVUi f'Jn TODAY. Poitsviiie, Ht Scranton, Betiding at Hazleton Alloona at Easton. Harrisburg at Allentown. i R-IN PREVENTED THE GAME. Scranton rrevontod from Fattecinrr Its Averaco at Pottsvlllc'j Expenoo. Fate Bsema to bo against the Scran ton Base Ball club. Yesterdav when it was scheduled to play Potfsville and there was every ronton to believe that it wonld win, the elements conspired against it and a game could not lis played. Thifl afternoon with Pottarillt but one ganiu will bo played. Manager Bwift foars it might have an injurious eiTect on tho players, to have two gumes, us they will be compelled to jilny two games on Wednesday. Of the ten games to bo played at home Manager Swift believes the club will win eight. The wretched weather of the last ten days nus had a bad effect on tho men. Mawey, Wetzel and r.Uoheu have the Charley -horse so bad that it is very difficult for than to ruu bases, nud all the men are more or less I Stiffened: A tc!gram was received yesterday ! from Dick Phelan, at Now Orleans, tating that ho has not yet received the ticket sent to him. As soon as it ar- rival ho will begin the journey to this city, but will not arrive here" before tho end of the week. Manager Swift is confident that he will provo a very valuable man ut this time. He will heid tho battiug list and act as captain. Oama llaytd Yssterday. NATIONAL LKAQUB, Soston 1 10 0 0 0 0 4 x 1K Washington.. .0 8 I 4 0 .1 1 0 113 Hits Boston, 14; Washington, 13. Er rorsBoston, 9; Washington, 7. BatterieB -Staley and Conuoughtoa, Petty and Mc Guiie. Umpire Stage. At PittsLurg--First game Pittsburg 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 x 4 Louisville 1 0010000 08 H iff Pittsburg, 8; Lonisville, 9. Errors Pittsburg, 1; Louisville, I, Batteries (iutnbert and Mack, Menefoe and Grim. Umpire Email. Second (lame Pittsburg 1 3 0 C 0 0 7 0 x 11 IiOUtlTille ....103 11 000 00 Hits-Pittsburg, la; Louisville. 11. Er-rors-Pittsburg, i; Loalaville, 3. Batteriea Killen and Mack; Kilroy, Stratlon, Men e fee and Karle. I'mpire Powors. Other games postponed, raiu. EASTERN I.KAGUE All the Eastern league baso ball games were postponed on account of rain and cold weather. GLINTS FR1M THE OlflMDNO. The Batton papers speak in enthusiastic ;ornis of the umpiring of Dave Corcoran The Young American B. B, C. of Jlin- toka, ohaBenge any club In the county under 18 years of :;ge. A. J. O'Hara, cap- tain. The Actives of Green Iiidga challenge tho Union Stars of Dnnmore for a game of ball on Johnson lake grounds for Mbv ;td at, 2 o'clock. McDoaal, manager. The Stnrs of Minooka challenge the ' Athletics, of Silver Hill, to a gamo on tbo I brick ynrd grounds in Minooka. John O'Neill, captain. Answer through the TftlBUXW Pitcher Nolan has licon releaied by Manager Swift, fail work did not seem to warrant bis bring kept on the pay roll. He will probably sign eithar with Al'toona or Ilnrri-burg. The work of center fielder liogan is ! being watched with interest by tho mana gers of several National League clubs. Manager Ootnmiaky, of Cincinnati, is re- i ported II being Very anxious to socuro tbe erViCH of the young man. William Heine, a center fielder, and George Ileckmau, a shortstop, have been signed by t'o Blnghatnton elnb. Heck- i lean covered third hauo for the Murray Hills when that club played exhibition games in thin city at tbe beginning of the season. John Tigbe, of this city, first baseman' of the Pottsville Base Ball club, la in the city with that club. Tigho is making a fine record on the initial hag, is hitting the bnll often and hard, and is one of tbe most popular members of tbo team with the people of Pottsville. Easton hns a jewel in Mark Mnran if bis work in yesterkay's game is a sample of his ability as a ball player. He is a fast runner, a good fielder and a bard bitter. He mado a single, a two bagger ncu a three bogger off Sprogel. Easton Free Press. Mm .in is the young Scranton boy whom King Kelly released. Pitcher John Doran was lined S10 by Manager Swift last week for excessive In dolgencn in intoxicants and was cautioned not to repeat the offense, but forgot the warning and loaded up again Saturday night. Yostorday ho wns fined $50 and if ho fails to report in proper shape to pitch today ho will probably be suspended. The Active uase Ball club, of the North End, will give an eutertainmout and social in Turner and Chappel'a hall this (Tues day) evening. Tho Active'a have re-organized this soason, and with the proceeds of this entertainment will pnrchaso uniforms. Tho uniforms nrrived In town yesterday, und will be on exhibition in tbe hall al ter the entertaiumont this evening. In order that all may attend, tho admission fee has been placed at the vory nominal sum of llfteeu (IS) cents. Some of the best liter ary nnd musical talent in this oity will participate. Onk dime gets oue part of the beautiful "America'' portfolio. Twenty dimes get twenty part:i. No coupon necessary. They're too bothersome Btamp9 or cash. r.v-1 II J I SPORTS OF ALL KINDS. Billy Plimmer is very anxious to meet (Irorgo Dickson, featherweight champion, and lius offered to flght htm for the entire (.ate receipts and $5,000 a side. Tbatsouuds ns if ho was m earnest. In addition Plitu iner offers to concede Dixon live pounds in weight. Pugilist James J. Corbott, who is now in London, when Questioned as to the Na tional Spurting club offer of a purse of 115,000 for a light between him and Peter JackHou, said he had received no ofllcial notice of the offer, but was glad to hear of It from any source. He thought tho Nn- nonai sporting ciuds oiror would to a cer i t vin extent bo intiifactory to Jackson. Ho himself would rather fight In tho south of the United States. I The iliueoka Sporting club, recently or ganized, held a meeting la-it Friday night at Cailory's hali to make nrrauguuiuntH for the coming toot race betweou Michael I Joyce, a member of the club, and BdWkrd ilcLauglin, of Taylor, which will take 1 place on Decoration Day for a purse of Tf50. The club comprises some of tho best ! shooter, sprinters and light weight pu cilints in tho count)'. Tho members have 1 decided to match John L'oyuo against any body in Lackawanna county, barring one, ai:d will put up Mike Duddy as a boxer ' who will light any mau in tho comity un der l'J5 pounds. They will also match Joyce against any runner of his chins in tho county. Thomas Murray is presi dont of the club, and M. J. Cusick. secre tary. FINANCIAL ANlTC0MMERCIAL. Stocks and Bonds. Tiib following oompiste table stitnYinir the i ilfty'f fluctuations in active stocks is supplii"! ana revised dully by LiiUar 6i Fuller, stuck I brokers, 121 Wyoming avenue: Open- llU'h- Low CIoh inc. est. est. lug. Am. Cot. Oil est. lUl'ii 9 I08M mQ ml ISM B5N j,2 4(1 HSU 274 ml i us '5 isM 4 U 86M lii'i m& to Am SnRiir. KKrtj luiy USJf, m A. 1. O. I '.I II S S s m m 37 1UI ISUj m ft) KG m ml can bo, .. wh m aft On. K. J. ('hie ft N. W lUtSJ Q.. U. & y 7s Cbic. (las. "..' V . I'. (.'. A Ht. I,.... 117 I0H4 77Hi 71 :i7 18BM lllll -:iiH i I'M 117:1, SUM :i7.i, SSj n: UK i ii om 7fs 11 fill col.. Book.VaL & T. : . A H im m BSII m m m m 1)., L. A W.. ' D.AC. V.... , rio it. E. Co Luku Shore., !.. A N M:uihHttim... ; Miss. Pao.... Nat. I."Hd I N. Y. .V N. E.. X. Y. Central. "6 N. Y.. O. A W Ui N. Y..S. A W U. B. C. Co ! North Puc i North Pao, pt,, , Omaha , i'ue. .Vail Beadloa i 11 4 14 H Koek Inland tisW B. T IHh Bt, Paul bm T C A 1 Tuxhh A: l'ae.... L'uionPaHllR 1 16M MM i8 Wabash V 1 m II Western L'nioii (-ID W. A I ij II W. a U E. pf tm I1M Chlcaao Orafi and Provisions. Si n AN TOR, May in. The followinj quota tions aro supplied aud eorreted dally by La Bar & Fuller, stock hrokors.121 Wyoming ave nue. W0EAT, Opening... May. 54 i. 51 MM 87M ml mi nrwK MM KM 1170 llsii 117') 11S0 BD Wi fl-ll (Ml 612 BU 1113 013 Julv. MM 5HM Sent. 57 Wi !W tm m nti mi au m 26M lllgnoht Lowest, Closing CORN. ( i ulng Hlghoet Lowest Oloalng OATS. Opening Highest Lowest Cloaioa PORK, Opening Hiuhost Lowest Closini; LARD. ipentng Rlgheai Lowest ( losing SHOUT HIES. Opening Highest Lowest Closing 7M m m m sm SIM 1172 7 1172 lis? lii'i (til tu U72 mo uia wo 612 I1M IMS lias iiH 075 I Ml II, "D 6N0 fill) 612 6111 612 New York Produo Market. Nrw Yohk. May 2b. Flouii-DuII, oasy. Whkat-Du.I, firmer; No. 2 red. store aud elevator, 57,Vc; afloat, ,"i7"a57.Vc. : f. o. b , .VaiDc. ; ungruded red, 55a57c. ; No. 1. northern, t;tic. ; options. No. 2, red, May, 57XC,: June, .'iijc; July, 58c; August 5XC September, OOJfo. ; Decem ber, tllc. corn Dull, firmer; No. 2. 42;'l-1'n43Hc. ; elevator, iViai'.'fc.. afloat; options dull, May, 43c.: June, IIJc; July, 4Ac Oats Quiet, tinner: Mav. 41&e.; June, WWc.) July, 38n:ic; No. 2 white, Juno, 4SKC. Buck Dull, steady.; family, ?!2al4; ex tra mess, tHso.60, TtxROKn Bei'.k null. Cut iiKArs CJulet, steady; middles nomina'. LiAROQpJet, easy; western steam, closed at 17,17) City, fijc. ; Mny, 7.85; July, I7J8; rclined, dull; continent $7.85; South America, 17,90) compound, 5'aOc. PoBK Qnlot, easy. Butter Pair doniadl. steady; state dairy, 18al6)fc.; do. creamery, ;i4al7o. ; Oelinsvlvniiln tin. 14:il7c Bal9c; do. creamery, Ual7c: do. factory) ! .nine.; eiguis, lie; imitation creamery, 10al8Jjo. Cmkksk Q'lict, weaker: state llargo, BIaOKe.) do. fancy, lJalc.; statu small, S.alOc; part skims, 9fiu)(c. IM kinn, SaBft dcranton WhoUsale Markut Scranton, May 28. Fruit and Pro duce Dried apples por pouiid,0a7c. : evap orated apples, llal lc. per pound; Turkish prunes, 5n5Jc. : English enrrauts, 3a8!a'c.; layer raisius, fl.75al.S0; muscatels, f 1.00a 1.4 ) per box; new Valencies, 7a7c. por pound. Beans Marrow-fats, ?C.0,)a2.75 per bushel; modinms, $1.75al.90. 1-kas ureeu, Jl.15al.20 per bniheljspllt, t2.,riiia2.fi0; luntels,5 to 8c. per ponnd. Potatoes 70 to 85c. per bushel ONIONB-Bermudus. rrate, J2.15a2,25. Butter-ltio. to iSa per lb. CUKKsa 10al2o. per in. EdUH Kri.ali r'Lta t!to. Poultry Ciiickuus, drosscd, 12 tolCc: turkeys, 12 to lBc. MtATs-HnniP, lie; small hams, lllc; skinned bams, 0a.; California hams, H?c: shoulderH,84'c.;bellies, 8c; smoked breakfast bacon, 11c. SMOKED llKE-Outsides, lljc. ; sets, UKo.1 Insidee and knuckles, 15o. Pork Mess at 115; short cut, $16. I aud l eaf In tierses at 0e. ; In tubs, 0Ve. in 10-ponnd pal 9Jc: In tt-pound pails, !'.('.; D-pound pails, lbs. per pound. Hhef Choice sugar cured, sraoksd beef, 14c. Flour Minnesota patsnt, per barrel. f4.20n. 40; Ohio and Indiana amber, at t3.Gl); Oraham at (3.60; rye Qour, at (3.00. BucKWtiEAT Floor t2. 70 per cwi. Feed Mixed, per cwt, at 95c. (iMAiK -Pre, 0Ss.;oorn, 47 to 49s. t oats, 48afi0e. per bushel Eye f-TRAW Por ton $'3al5. llAY-15to$l7. TttiRn and True is tho verdict of people who take Hood's Sarsnparilla. Tho good effects of each medicine nre soou felt in nerve strength restored, appetito created and health given. Hoon's Pills do ndt wenkon, but aid digestion and tone the stomach. Try thein. Jure for Readaohe. Asa remedy for all forms of Headache Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procuro a bottlo and give this remedy a fnir trial. In cases of habitunl constipation Electric Bitters cures by giv ing the needed tone to the bowels, and fow rates long resist the use of this medicine. Try It once. Large bottles only Fifty cents at Matthews Bros', drug store, ALL THE STHKNGTII and virtue has sometimes "dried out," when you got pills in leaky wooden or paste board lioxes. Por that reason, Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are sealed up in little glass vials, just tlio sizo and shape to carry about with you. Then, when you feel bilious or constipated, have a fit of indigestion after dinner, or feel a cold coming on, they're always ready for you. They're the smallest, ' the plensnniest to take, and tho most thoroughly natural rem edy. With Sick or Bilious Headaches, Sour fcStomach, Dyspeiwia, Jaundice, Dizziness, and all derangements of the Liver, Stomach, and Bowels, they give you u lastina cure. Headache; obstruction Of nose; discharges falling Into throat; eyes weak; ringing In cars; offensive breath smell and tasto im pair, d, u!id general debility these are some of the symptoms of Catarrh. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy hoi cured thousands of the worst CAMS, WU cure yoii. A Word. ffants of all kinds cost that mnch, en rrpl Situation Wauttd,which are insert rase. Situations Wanted. (SITUATION WANTED BY A MIDDLF 1.1 ;tff"d ninn. willi fair ideeatiin: Wi.uld 1 lil o taking care of oflloo r or B rounds, and restdenoe ol some gentleman: is erll log and can mnki.- blmtelf useful at any Und ol work. Address. K. I ,. QABLICK. ;CI7 KpHng court. Providence, Pa. VJITI'ATIiN WANTED 11Y A YOUNC1 n lady, oletking or writing Inofflce. who is a good writer. Acldreia, J. K , box 74, Min ka. Pa. TXJ ANTED BITUATIOM BY A WIDOW ! V witii unn child as housekeeper, cr to do plain sewing. Addle. s "M," Tribune i ANTED - SITUATION Ati MDUKK V keeper by a widow with one child. Ad dress "N, " Ti ibuno offlOA W'A.vTKD A POSITION AT ONCE BY A ' ilry goods elei ft with first elnss referen ces. Ten rears' experience. Address, Clerk, Trlbnae omen. (SITUATION WANTED BY A YOONQ I' lady ,n shoo store. Address L. M., Scran ton Tribune. ClTL'ATION WANTED BY A BOY 14 0 years ut tga at any kind of honeat work. Address I). K., Trioune olllro. BOOOKKBBPgR AN D ST ENTltlKAPIlEK of three years' experience would like a position; salary no object "D. L.," Tribune Oiilce, , Acsi Estate. Ir vol are XI BED ok cannot con tinue paying installments on your liuild in,' lots, write to ine; I want to buy two or three. "P.," this office. Agents Wanted. pENERAL AObHTB WANTED SELI ' I lug now articles to dealers; exclusive ter ritory, no eomps ition, do capital required; am to 80 Cper cent, profit Columbia chem ical CO., K) and 71 Dearborn slroot, Chi oagOi III tJALESMBN WANTED TO SELL OUR kJ (roods by sniuplo to tho Wholesale and re. tail trade; sollon sight to every business man or firm; liberal islary abd expenses paid po sition permanent, lor terms address with stamp, CENTENNIAL at'F'Q Co.. Milwau- k. , Wis. l.l.r ANTED- MAN WITH LIKE AND PIKE insurance experience as solicitor iu Lackawanna county; good iu'lucouieiits to right man. Abbess 1125-20 Bit, building, Philadelphia, Pa. Help Wanted Male. Tan'teij-maiTta1a office at PhUadelpkbH t alary l,0O0 year; $6U0 i ath and refetenoe required, Oora iu rcial ret ereaes furnished. Bneli as stamp. 536 lv mi it restt room 81 2t Beading Pennaylvanla. llr ANTED IF YOU ARE A CATHOLIC Unemployed and will work tor yds per week, write MaeOonneU Bios., II FrankTin street, Boston, Ma.-s. UrANTED-AN ENEKOET1C MAN WITH about I11U. Can get au agency which will pay 25 a week and expenses. a. a. itAKNEs, Conway House I7 ANTED iioDD WHEELWRIGHT. V? QOihool's Carriage works, corner Lack- nwrnna avenue ( ad Beveath street- Wanted. U'AN'l KK-LADIKS AM) (I EN CLEMEN make from 83.00 to 14.00 per d y fold ing, nddressing cireu'ars, and corresponding for mo at Ihi ir homes. i erm,iunt position; for reply send self addrcssid Stamped en velope to .1. W. KELLER, Misra uka, Ind. An IhST of "Hounds and Hares." 2t U; ANTED TO BUY COMMON PIUEON.V. will give :t"i cents a pair. Call at room ;, i rlos Building, IM Wssblngton avenue, or address letters to l ost Ofbe'd Box 804, boran- ton. Pa, For Rent. IVOR PENT SPITE OP BOOMS ON J Lackawanna avenue, also basement ST - ranged for wholesale purposes, call at Wood s College. POB KENT SIX BOOM HOUSE, NO. (!15 1 Ey. ion street. Inquire T, McNnlty, M Hampton Htreut, r?0R RBNtVfdrn ished house and J garden in country, for summer. House largo; running sprim; water; plenty of shade; Iseiutiful lake full ol gamt) llsh u few rods from door. 52!i per month. D. W. BROWN, attorney, 5oK Bpruoe street I'Olt LENT IJOHT. WELL ITKNIHUED J rooms; delight! ul location. 044 Washing Ion avenue. fPO LET FOB A J. Part i l -vyi. i mm wfl laug nr nil ef t',,., hi,.,. 1 f... i ,.t ,, I room nlong railroad. Api4y at IMIVauklin svenos. 'I'D KENT STOKE 2.ijiVI OB EL'KNISllED J hall on Ornun Kldge atreot. Very desira oln location aud on reasonable terms. Apply to K. i NP.TTi.KTON wUS, WOODKUKP. Lrpuhlli'an LulMing. For Sals. 1OB SALE TIIOKOUUHLY EQUIPPED J1 Photogrnph Oallo.y. Will sell at one- h.df tho value on account of other business. Apply to D. K. BKAM AN, Forest City, Pa. L'OR SALE KAUM 110 ACRES; HO ACRES .r improved Two c-oml honses.rannlng spring water at hotb,ttiregcs)d hariis.yonngorhrard. Locuted invlllagoof Forest Lako,SiWUolianua county. Only a few riHis to school, church, pi'stolnee, oto. Beautiful lake ell stock i d with game fish. Terms easy. Apply to D. VV. BKOWN, attorney. Ms Spruce street.. T'OR SALE-AN IDEAL COCNTKY HOME, i 7ticrcaof land, line large bouse, mod ra lmprovemetita Easy diitanre from Koran ton. Also 7 d esir hi inillrihiir lots in (ountry. D. W. BROWN. Att'y, BOg Spruce street. TXVK SALE -A FARM OK EIOHTY ACKLS, V on and one-half miles Irom Dalton 011 tho Delaware, Lacknwanna and Western railroad. First class farm house with a never tailing spring nearoTl two barns, good land and gocsl orchard. Will m sold cheap. Terms UT. Address B. P. VON STOHCH or ISAAi; ELLIS, oxocutors, Dalton, Lackawanna county. Pa. T70R SALE OK KXCHANOE FOR 8CRAN X. ton property A bearing orango grove increasing In production and value yearly in tho ornngn unction in Klorlds. Addres E L. NETTLKTON. Lakollelon, Florida Special Notices B MEALS FoK tl.00. 215 Franklin avenne. T) L A N K BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAO A H zlnos, etc., bound or rnbouud at Tiik TltiuiiNE ouico. V'iuci; wois. nonsotial ill prlcos. VfEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 141. iiA corner Spruro street and Franklin avn 1 nnc. Twenty meal tlcgets for J8.6a Uood i table board. him Money to Loan. MONEY TO L AN. J5,llilo, 83,000 and $2, 01X1 on city flrst morlg.igoi, BKOWN. attoin.y, .vis si rues Niroot Strayed, O'l BAYED FROM PASTURE NEAR 11 Moses Tnvlv hanlf1 I I , I hiefor, black and white, soot on shoulder, white on under part of body and on end of tail. Reward for return or information that will fludhor. JOHN A. MEAKS, O rner Washington and Vine. Boarding. CUMMER BOAKD D able psrsoni en DINO -FOUR KESI'ECT an find first class lxiard lo la ML nirv hlHMA. Hot wiui small lamily lid cold baths. Preo carriaufi to dpiiot anil church Three-quarters of a mile from sta tical, lleallliy locality. Addr ss box 3.Clarks' summit. Legal, IN Till; CllCI!'!' III.' I'nMMllV IT. UAH IIV Lackawanna County, No. 122, March term, Margaret. I'eppard, nv her next friend etc., is wilhum I!. Peppjrd, to William H. Pop pird, respondent; You will please take notice that the court las granted a ruletoshow 0ause.it any you liave.wliy Margaret Pej para should not bo divorced from the bonds of mntrimOby entered into with you, according to the prayer ol' tho petition died in said court. Bum returnable to noxt Argument I 'on -f Publlcatl m of this notice ia made because p. laouai service cannot be had uiion von. john H. Harris, Attorney for LlbsUanl 1 N RE: INS( ILVENI Y OP DAVID KANE. In the Court of Common Pleai of Laoka wanna county, No. Ut, May term, ISM Notice la hereby given that Monday, Juno j-ith, ism, at ii o'clock, a. in., in open court, has be n fixed as tho time and place for final bearing of n bo vo named petitioner's applica tion for discharge as an Insolvent debtor. ES.C NEWCoMB, Attorney. RE: INSOLVENCY OF 1UVV11I Woods. In tbo ( i.acKawanna county, No. 7 Mav term, lll'JI. Notice iu hereby given that Monday, June 2.ith, ism, ut!l o'clis k a. m , ill open court, has been fixed as tho time r.nu place for hearing above named petitioner s application fir final Uncharge as an insolvent debtor. L. O NEWCoMB, Attorney. IN THE COURT F COMMON Pleas por the county of Luclnuvaiiiin. In the matter of the diiKobition of the South Lincoln Coal company, No. 2. Mav term, IS'.U. Notice Is hereby given that tho South Lin coln Coal Company filed its petition in tho Court of Common Pleas of Lackawanna coun ty on the gtttfa day of March, 1804, praying for a decree of dissolution, and that the court has fixed April 2:;, lsin, at'J o'clock a. m. for hearing such application for dissolution, when nnd where all persons interested can attend If they deem it expedient and show cause against tho granting of tho prayer of said petitioner. JAMEs' W. OAKFOBD. Solicitor for Petitioner. Ordinance. T'oTTcETlEirE is" penIdino" nTsEL XV net Council of the city of Scranton, Pa., un nrdinnncn entitled "Au ordinance provid ing for the paving of Pine streut from Wash ington avenue to Clay avenue: providing for tin' setting or re settin,' of curb stono where neoestary on snid street; directing manner of assessing and collecting costs of said improve ments; providing manner of paving contrac tor and appropriating funds to defray tho ex penso of the samo. The following is n copy of the petition for said Improvement! To tho Honorable, the Select nnd Common Councils of the city of Bcraoton: Tho undersigned owners of property, abut ting on Pine street, between Washington 'ave nue and Clay avenue, reapeotfttllf petition your honorable bodies that said street be tween the points named may Is- paved with street asphalt pavement on a concrete base, except the block between Jefferson nnd Madi son avenues, which shall be paved with West Mountain stone blocks, or vitrified brick; that the same be set with curb stones solar as nec essary; that the cost of said improvement bo assesseil against abutting owners according to the feet froutrulo; that said assessment be made payable in live equal annual install ments; and that the portion of said street ik cuplod by the trucks and sidinvs of the street railway be deducted h orn said assos ments against abutting owners and collected from said street railway company, and your peti tioners will ever pray, etc. F. I.. Full. r bid feet A. It. Hunt 80 feet F- K. Sancton , so fuot Adam Th eupson .-ii (,.,.( (t. F. Welts (get Ad Souii UnlverssUst Church, by m. J. Wilson, Pres. ex-Hoard 51 feet Franc T. Vail 411 feet E. O. Courseii so iv-t Att'y Miller, by J. s. Miller ITU feet Lnthur Keller 1.1 feet A. K. Adams f,-j foot J. B. Corcoran 7,1 fen Elizabeth Walsh 75 feet A E. Brack, by Charles De I'ontBreck 100 feet Frederick Council ':, fa t Kllen Jones, per E. II. Jones SO feet Sarah Qrlffin Si) foot Jones Bros 31 sect 11 nry Frev .is feet J unes w. Guernsey 125 feet lbs estate of Ira Tripp, deceased, by Ezra II. Ripple, Everett Warron, trustees A. II V nrnum 51 feat Samuel Koos W. H. Stanton SB feet The forego ng hi published in pursuance of provisions of resolution of City Councils. Approved May 2(i, IstU. H.T. LAVELLE City Clerk. Scranton, Pa. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. An Unexpected Dramatic Event. Positively last appearance in scranton of tho famous and accomplished actress, MRS. JOHN DREW TUESDAY, MAY '.0 Mrs. Drow ns MRS. HALAPROP In Sheridan's great com edy, in three acts, T H EC RIVALS WEDNESDAY, MAY :XI-Tliomas Holcroft's comedy in four acts, written In 1781, The Road to Ruin Pries SI. 7P, AO and 23c. S-ats 011 salo Sat urday, May M. Hotel Wavsrly Enroponn Plan. FirstolaHs Bar attaoruVI. Depot for Berguor A Engel'a Tannhiouaor Pour. H, E. Cor. 15tti indFiltortdtJ, Pfiilafla. Mot dcslrahla for restAsatS of N.E. rnnn tylvnnia. All eosvanlsncss lor travelers to aixl from Hnmd Street station and tbi Twelfth nnd Markot Stroet station. D lirable for visiting Sorantoiilans and po lib in tho Antkructto Kegion. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR Spring Ginghams.. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, ae what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON. PA. Connolly &, FOUR GREAT SPECIALS That Will Bring Business for Us and Give Satisfaction to Our Customers. NO. 1. Fifty dozen Ladies' Silk ITo, in following colors: Black, Cream White, Nile Green, Canary, Orange, Pink, Lavender, Light Blue, Tans aud Browns. 50a 14 tho new price. They were $1, INO. 2. Created Underwear Btrgtin of tin an for gaablemn, Bitbriggan Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, 25o. per garment. Compare thorn wit'i those you have usually bought at 50c. NO. 3. One hundred Ladies' Changeable Silk Umbrellas, colors ai follows: Urown, Navy, Garnet and Green. Special price, 83 each. Universally sold at St. Trimmed with the iiucst Natural Handles. NO. 4. One case of Cotton ttuck lot 10 c. CONNOLLY & OF OH SALE BEGINS THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 31, 1894. It will last until the entire stock is disposed of. We offer no baits, no flyers, but the whole stock of Honest Bargains of New and Fresh and Seasonable Merchandise at RIDICULOUS LOW PRICES to convert them at once into cash. We do this for the. glory there is in it. THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT, consisting of Ladies Trimmed and Un trimmed Hats, Flowers, Feathers, and the Gents' and Boys' Straw and Felt Hats and' Caps, Miners' Caps, Clothing, etc., is not in our line, and space is too valuable to keep them; therefore we are compelled to slaughter them at once. REIINl EMBER Figures speak louder than word?, and we guarantee to' save you 50 cents on every dollar you spend with us. Let prices talk. Let reason guide you. Let your better judgment prevail. GROSS, FOSTER & We're Interested And wo want to interest yon in our as touiahini;ly eompleto lino of goods suit able for Witlding Tresouts. Suuposo wo bein with SILVERWARE the other ttOTSS tint together, anil we liothor thm sorely when they try to competo with us In jirico. PTTTT PPV L'niimo ileBignR, lingers' Uiuuai attd otlor famous rank- ers' goods. Prices bolow niannt'.iotur ors' wtiulenle ilgurcj. PT fiPTTCl Anything from an We. Niek KUJJl.Q ,. Alarm to tho .'hoioost ;r tisttc I rawing linom mnlcos or the stutely and anofont Uraudlatlior S-day Clock. BRONZES, ETC i?BBrr2T'oi0i Crystal, etc., onr stock Is too well kie wn to rciiuiro aught but a passing roferi nee. Our now Cab System has lowered prices allnlon,- tbu lino. FREEMAN, Dealer in Diamond Watchet. Jowolry, Sto, Cor.reun in, and Fprnce St. AT THE Driving Park Scranton, JULY 4th $2,000 worth of Dinmonds to be given away as prizes. the bast known racing men in tho country will coinpeto. Grand Parado of Wheelmen in tho morning. Excursion rates on all roads. Bicycl Towels (largo size). Tin pric3 WALLACE 209 S0METHJH6 MEW This Beautiful Bed Speaks for Itself It yon need a Child's Bed, dun't buy until you bavo seen this one. You will regret it if you do. When folded takes bnt little more room than a chair. Strong and durable. Made of Oak and Natural Mspio Vhuy 1TNE rub finish. Holds all tbo Bedding when folded. Length, 0 feet. With, .'10 and .10 inches PRICE VERY L.OW WE ARE ItKTAIMNG AT PAO TOHY PRICKS. BTThrroaro no Weights or Springs in tho Folding Mechanism of this Bed. WILL uni.K FOLD BY LIFTING. THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO. CORNER LACKAWANNA ADAMS AVES. IKIUDt O PORMPHREY & MORION, AT GROSS, CO., 316 and 318 YOU KNOW? That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, cf your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at ercereau 1507 LACKAWANNA AVE NTT K. WHY NOT See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Onk Bedroom Set? We sell Fnrnituro as cheap as any house in the country that in tends to give honest value for the mouey. Try us. Hull w ud io? I NORWAY IRON BLACK DIAMOND SILVER EXTRA SPECIAL SANDERSON'S ENGLISH .IESSOP'8 ENGLISH CAST STISEL HORSE SHOES TOR CALK '11 It I MACHINERY SPRING SOFT STEEL ANVILS BULDOWS HORSE NAILS WILEY & RUSSELL AND WELLS BROS CUTTING MACHINERY. Bittenbender&Co.,Scranton, Wholesale and retail dealers' in Wagon makers' and Blacksmiths' Walia ce don't pay for tho raw cotton. Four WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. AND Lackawanna Avenue. & Connell & Co. nmm m. WAGON WHBEL9 AXIiFS SPRINGS HUBS SPOKES KIMS STEItL SKEINS R. K. SPIKES SCREW "took FOSTER & CO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers