The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 26, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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The.members of the New York Coal
fxclmngp, who arrived in thin city
Thursday night on a tight-seeing xrje
oMtion, enjoyed a ride over the Moosic
mountain to Honesdale yesterday nnd,
although thu weather was far from
pleasant, the visitors expressed thein
pelven as deliKhted with the tfrwid
weep of mountain and valley, clothed
in the deepest Kroni which wag pre
sented to their view as the cars sped
over the mountains on the trip to and
from the lovely capital of Wayne.
The discomfitures caused by the threat
ening skies and raw atmosphere were
forgotten in contemplatiou of the mn
jtsiio sweep of landscape that met the
iaze at every turn. The party left
this city on its sppcial train
at 8 a. m. and at Carbondalo was
transferred to tho cravity cars.
Mr. McMullen, of the Delaware and
Hudson oomp&ny, there took charge of
the excursionists and accompanied
them to Honesdule and return. At
Farview, 0:1 the rstnrn trip, lunch
was served by Caterer Until"?. At
Mayfield many of the New Yorkers
topped off to visit the Glenwood coll
iery of the Hillside Coal and Iron com
pany. Their experience at Vilknu
Barre had net destroyed their curiosity.
The remainder of the party arrived in
this city at !i o'clock. The next two
hours were employed iu examining the
plant of the Dickson Manufacturing
company, and other industries of the
oity. At 9 p. in. the visitors left for
home overitbe Central railroad of New
In it8 8erieof descriptions of hand
some snmmer homes, the Elm hurst
.Signal of this week devotes space to a
Dlasihn narration of the beauties of
Kingsbury place, the commodious
Elmhurst property of Mr. E. P. Kings
bury. Says the Signal: "There are
two acres in the grounds of KiugBbury
place. To the north a commanding
view is had of the valley, taking iu
Roaring brook, which winds as a silver
thread in a bed of green foliage. Off
to the south you get the full sweep of
the placid waters of Lake Worth.
From the front poroh, looking east,
the ground slopes in natural ter
races to Maple avenue, and the
view from here is very pretty. Maple
avenue is the front thoroughfare on the
easterly side of the Scboonmaker plot,
nnd it is also the westerly line of Elm
wood park, which comprises thirty-five
ucres. It extends along the whole front
of the plot from Spring lino to where
the new Presbyterian manse is built.
This park will also giv-s the residents
on the hill an cpju view to the east,
north and south. The tract has been
set aside for a publio park, and the
grounds have been beautified with hun
dreds of shrubs and trees, Toward the
west you look upon the higher bills
that stand as a barrier between the eity
of Scranton and it smoke, and the cool,
bracing, health-giving air of Elmhurst.
This season KtDusbury place is occupied
by Mr. W. L. Hon wood and family, of
The National Association of Veterans
of tbe Mexioan War held its annual
meeting at Mauch Chunk, Thursday
and yesterday visitod Wil Wee-Bar re
and Pittston. At West Pittston they
were entertained in the morning by
Major Joseph Hileman, a member of
the association, and in the afternoon
they were tendered a banquet in the
Wyoming Valley Hotel at Wilkes
Barre at which Captain Alfred Dirte
wm chairman, Those present were:
Dr. K N. Banks, Wilket-Barre; Joseph
Hileman and J. R. Ehret, Pittston;
Francis Clark and Josenh Evans
Newark, N. J.; Jacob Adler, John
Kritzer, George Moore, L 'wis Raph
ael. Patriek McDonald. Gsoree H.
Westacott, Casper Otenweller, B. D
Bernbard, Elwin L, Hitman, Robert
C. Weer, Thomas Magee, Samuel
Price an . Jacob Klinger, Philadel
phia; Louis F, Buhler and W. J. Jen
kins. Baltimore, Md. ; Jacob R Riley,
New York; Charles Cutler, Edewood,
N. J.; Charles N. Coombs, Wilming
ton, Del. ; Colonel J. G. Frick, Colonel
D. Nagle, William S Ngle, G, W.
Garrett and William Colmar, Potto
viile; Frederiek G. Kline. South Bath
lehein, and William Wilhelm and
Robert Klotz, Mauch Chunk.
Mips Georgia Miotilsr was married
to David Richards, jr., Thursday even
ing at the borne of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. N. D. Michler, 822 Mulberry
street The ceremony was performed
by Rev. Dr. W. H. Pearce, of tho Elm
Park church, in tbe parlor which for
the time being bad boen transformed
into a bower of tropioal lovlinois by
the art of the florist. The ceremony
was performed at 9 o'clock, Miss E.
Nleoe, of Ashley, rendering Mendels
sohn's VVodding march as the bridtl
party entered the parlor. Miss Miehler
wnn attired in a gown of cream silk
with pearl and lack trimmings. Her
neice, Lois Bellden.was flower girl nnd
headed the bridal procession. The
ushers were Pryce Thomas, of Scran
ton, and Claude Askoy, of Williams
port. Miss Mattie Willi. hum, of Corn
ing. N. Y, and Miss Ella Hess, or this
city, were the bridesmaids. A reception
followed the marriage and at 1.00 a. m.
Mr. and Mrs. Richards lsft on a wed-
I,.,.. I..,.- H.L1.U 11 1 I.J. - I . ; .
.'lug ."Ul.nuiCU Will 1UC1UI1U a VI II to
New York, Albany and other points.
Upon their retnrn they will reside at
4.55 North Main avenue. Mr. Riuhards
is a member of the firm of Richards &
Co., of West Lackawanna avenue.
One of yesterday's visitors in Saran-
ton was Alderman J. F. Donohue, of
Wilkss-Barre, a veteran magistrate
whose period of active service as u dis
penser of ward justice covers a span of
two-score years. He is, in faot, the
oldest alderman in Lnzerne county and
could, if he would, unfold a narrative
or personal biokerings, neighborly dis-
jurromnnnta uiwl Individual umvn,...)
ness that wonld, if published, severely
t1u1.1L bun li 1 i ii'r 11 H i . urrj
ocihiv. il ih rortnnuLA tnur. nu aim.n
nerease in tbe social upheavals that
onohna is a model of official diners-
io$, and has.during his long tenure of
ine his walls.
By all accounts that popular summer
esort, Crystal Lake, will experience a
. ! l T . r,L J O t
he first a Sorantonlan, have bad the
hore of the lake surveyed with the
urpose or constructing a oouiovarrl. or
riveway, around the lake to be twen
ty-five feet wido and three miles long.
It will be used as a pleasure drive and
for tho speeding of some of tho fine
horses owned there. A. J. Bendrift,
proprietor of the Lake House, expects
to build a half mile race track opposite
the grove. Those two improvements,
with the electric road from Cartiondale
and Forsst City, will give Crystal Lake
the greatest boom it has had iu some
On Tuesday evening Miss Catherine
Parker will make her dpbut before a
Scranton audience at Young Meu's
Christian Association hall. Miss
Parker's entertaiuraent witl be inter
esting not only to her many friends in
this city but to all lovers of artistic
elocution and music. MissParker will
bo assisted by Mrs. Helen Boice-Hun-sicker.
who is well known in the mus
ical circles of this city ns one or the
best dramatic sopranos of the times.
Mrs. Boice-Hunsicker was for a loug
time a pupil of Madame (Jlarierre
Zioker the world renowned soprano of
Miss. Bessie Unruly, violinist, and
Miss Kate Hull Bnmly, pianist, will
also assist Miss Porker, Thu Misses
Bnudy though hut young are fast
nchieving a sterling reputation as ar
tists of most brilliant promise. Tuos
day evening's entertainment will be a
more interesting stop in Miss Parker'.-?
career. Hr natural abilities have
been strengthened by long Btudr in
Philadelphia under one of the most
thorough instructors of this couutry,
and a sincere interest is conseuuently
manifested among the many culturod
circles of this city iu the coming enter
tainment. Ferguson Kiple, of Sornnton, was in
the city yesterday. Fergneon we.s for
merly proprietor of the Keystone hotol
which occupied the site of L ir kin &
Duffy's present store and also of tho
Harrison House. Ho has considerable
experience in the hotel business. He
realizes that among the outside world
a town is largely kuown by the charac
ter of it-s hotels and he belinves that
this city will be given a great boom
by the new hrstelries nbont to be op
ened to the public. He inspected the
Anthracite yesterday afternoon and
said it was one of the most complete
hotels he had ever seen. Curbondulo
A very pleasant euchre party was
Ltiven Thursday night at the rosidenco
of Mr. and Mrs. Blackraan, of Main
iivouue. It proved a very enjoyable
event. Among those present were Miss
Nettie Coons.Mins Vsuus Mott, Mrs. J.
L. Benton, Clark Swayz.', P. Mott and
Mr. Green.
The excursions or the Homo for the
Friendless are always among the most
delightful of tbe season. List year tho
p ttrons had a bad day. The past week's
rain will probably insure a fair day for
this annual event, whioh will tiki
place June 7 with Binghamtou as the
The Young Women's Christian asso
ciation will furnish lucches for 25 cents
to all excursionists who are not pro
vided with lunches next Thursday.
Look out for the menu on Monday.
Movements of People:
Joseph Piinmerle, of South Main avenue,
and illiam Trostel, of JacU6on street,
have returned from a fishing excursion to
Auburn, Susquehanna county. They re
port a Inigo catch, and brought baclc in
their basket an 8-pouud eel.
Misses Kathrynn llaggerty, Mame Duffy,
Minnie Uawley and Hary Duffy, of tho
West Hide, attended a social given by a
number of the young society pooplo or
Pittston at the Juvenis club house on
Tuesday evening.
Common Councilman Robert Uobinsou
and family, of the Eleventh ward, started
yesterday on a pleasure tour that will in
elude visits to Philadelphia, Ualtimore.
Washington, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and
other points.
Tne Scranton Heptasophs who attended
the convention held in Wilkes-Burro
Thursday, were: H. E. Paine. W. V. Han
drick, Id. M. Bennett, Attorney C. C.
Donovan, llenry Collins and J. T. Miller.
J. S. Tilden, of the Black Diamond, or
New York, one of the authorities on tho
anthracito coal trade, was ia tho city yes
terday along witn tho retail coal dealers.
Miss Maude Capwell, formerly of Fac
toryville, who has beeu residing in South
ern California tho past three year9, is vis
iting friends In this city.
Police Officer William Matthews has re
sumed duty after his annual vacation. Of
ficer John It, Costlott, of Chestnut street,
is now on a vacation.
Eugene J. Fleury, representing the Buf
falo Express, wns in the city yesterday
looking after the interests of that excel
lent journal.
Messrs. White and Derring, or Pittsburg
and Altoona, respectively, lightning rod
men, ura stopping at Fnirchild'i hotel,
West Side.
Editor McKoo, or Towanda, has boon in
the city the past weok arranging for the
publication of his new ovoning paper, the
Among the guests at tho Wyoming yes
terday were Miss Y. S. Olmsfoad, of Ilnrt
ford, and Miss J. B. Sherman, or New
Mrs. W, S.Muirord and daughter Marg.t
ret, or Montrose, will return home today
from a week's visit with frionds in the
Samuel Lamborn, of Philadelphia, rep
rosentim: the well known house of Craig,
Finley & Co., lithographers, is In the oity.
A party of New York friends are being
entertsinedby Mr. and Mr. S. 8. Spruks,
at their palatial home on Pittston a,venuo.
Mr. and Mrs. James Davenport and son,
Willie, or Shamokin, are visiting Mrs.
Davenport's mother on Breck street.
Judge Jossnp and ramilv, of Groen
Ridge, will remove to their Montrose
summer home about Juno 1.
Elias Hughes, fntlior of Joseph Hughes
proprietor of Fairchild's hotol, is very 111
at his home in Pittston.
T. Wontworth Higgins, or South .'Main
avenue, leav.-s today Tor a woek'a nngling
tour in Carbon county.
Mrs. Booth, exponent or the Prang draw
ing system in tho public schools, spent tho
past wctslc at Hazleton,
Mr. nnd Mrs. John T. Porter will sail
from Now or k today for an extended
tour through Europe.
Mrs. Mame Palmer, or Dolawaro street
has returned homo from a sojourn with
friends at Brooklyn.
Dr. J. J. Walsh, of the South Side Is
entertaining his rather, Patrick Walsb'or
Miss SnePyle nnd Miss Nnnk, or Moi
cow, arc guests of Mrs. Woed, or Adams
Mrs. Fred E. Steven, or Adams avenue
is sponding the day with her parents nt
Mrs. C. B. Parker, of Sprnee street, has
Miss Leafy Morshon, of Waverly, for a
Mr. and Mrs. David Smith, of Newton,
called on West Side friends yesterday.
Mrs. E. H. Davis-of Adams avenue, Is
visiting relatives in Wllkos-Barre.
Miss Lottie Hufford, of Stroudsburg, Is
visiting friends on tho Wost Side.
Rov. E. L Santee and wife, of Cedar ave
nue, are visiting in Wilkos-Barre.
Miss Annie Bowen, f Syracuse, is visit
ing friend on tho West Side.
Wellard Walker is the guest of bis
father at Olenwood.
Sheriff John J. Fahey will return from
Philadelphia today.
Charles liitchner, of Bunbury.was in the
city yesterday.
K. Moses and daughter are visiting in
New York.
In a room in a London house tho walls
were of ashen gray, with the decorations
and panel frnme3 brought out in silver,
accentuated by touches ot reddish bronze,
which latter coloring relieved tbe room or
its ghastly pallor. Tho furniture covering
wus in deep rose nnd silver and deep tones
of garnet, and the woodwork mahogany.
Around tho freize was an interlacing of
flornl work in old rose, nnd the coramio
ware was all of a delicate rose character.
The curtains were old rose and brown, and
ash-color cords and tossels.
T .. 1, ......... ,.f IhanKnnnnf Ttnn ffiUMR llM
in uir inm v. ..iuhu.j... . ...
large painting, "Tile Return of Spring,"
- ... MT . ........ i .. t I . ... nf
Onanist lilU llt-Hli'lU Alb nsaui.iiii.iuii nv
Omaha, tho curious dofeuco set up is that
tho damago done to the painting increased
It. .1.. . na a .n,'- H . llul fhflt. nftnr till'
crank, Cnroy Warburton, threw a chair
through it because H was -immoral" mo
picture was mended at Omsha, and has
ilmwn ernivdn nf visitors, who Dftid a t'ott
to gaze at it. The case, which was brought
by the foreign SyDOiOBie wno owns mu
picture, is for 180.000 damages, and was
brought in New York, but will probably
bo tranferred to Omaha bocause so many
witnesses are accessiblo there.
A well known artist in Now York ad
vertised not long Bines for a model and had
many applicants from women who hnd
never posed before, but who were appar
ently iu love witli their own figure aud
had no thought of posing for money.
Wl-ile engraving a matrimonial invita
tion u New York artist made a curious
blunder. The invitation read thus : "Mr.
aud Mrs. Johnson have the pleasure tore
quest your preseuts nt tho marriage of
their doughter."
Madame Marches!, or Paris, is the most
famous vocal teacher in tho world, ste
has trained nearly all tho great singers of
thiB generation, including Molba, Calve
aud Enmcs.
Cbioaao'a Laurels in Dancer.
If Bacon is in Shakespeare found,
Pork packing was an art
Two hundred years or more before
Chicago got her start.
Detroit free Pit.
Season at Band.
'Tis time again for the dry goods clerk
His wnht in a sash to wrap.
And take the streetcar down to work,
Wearing a yachting cap.
rottn Topic.
It'a Hnid, but Lot'.! all Trs.
When you've got n thing to say,
Kay it ! Don't tako half a day.
When your tnle's got little iu it,
Crowi the whole thing in a minntol
Life is short a fleeting vapor
D in't you fill the whole blame paper.
Withatttle, which, at a pinch,
Could be cornered in nn inch I
Boil her down until sho simmers;
Polish her until she glimmers.
When you'vo got a thing to sav,
Say it ! Don't take half a day !
IManfir Constitution.
City Music Store,
K i Oil inh A.. 80IIANT0&
I : lirgs Mock or Crst-oUs
Atlantic Refining Go.
Manufacturers and Dealers iu
Illuminating and Lubricating
Linseed Oil, Napthas and Gaso
linos of all grades. Axle Grease,
Pinion Grease and Colliery Com
pound ; also, a largo lino of Par
raifiue Wux Candles.
We also handle the Famous CROWN
ACME OIL, the only family safety
burning oil in tho market.
Office: Coal Exchange Wyoming Av&
Works at Pine Brook
Rooms 1 and 2 Commonwsalth Bld'g,
Hade at the MOOSIC and RUSU
Lnfflln & Band Powder Co.'s
Electrlo Batteries, Fuse) for explol
ing blasts. Safety Fuse and
RepaunoChemicaU Co.'s High Explosives
To those branchos I devote espoclal atten
tion ovory afternoon.
Offloo and forge at the BLUME CARRIAGE
Graduate of the American Veterinary Cot
itJiAn. mnii CA,.,,KI) TO TIIE
Ureat English Hemedy,
Gray's Specific Medicine
AthtW. Sik. IC Villi SIIPFFR from NVr
BliWtTl.lM. ajtu lutim 5,
bility, Weakness of Body and Mind, Sperma
torrhea, iiud lmpotoni:'. and all dioeascti that
arlso from over-indulgence nd sclf-uliuao, m
Lous of Memory and fowor, Diinnesj of Vis
ion, l'remiiture Old Aire uud ninny other dis
eases that lead to Insanity or Consumption
and an ourly ijravo, write for a pamphlet.
Address ORAY MKDK'INE CO., HulTalo,
N. Y. The Speoiflc llediclno is sold by all
druttaisU at $ per package, or six packages
for $S,or Rent by mail nn receipt of money.and
with ovory JS.00 order WE GUARANTEE
a cure or money refunded. i
fcjVOn account of counterfeits wo have
adopted tbe Yellow Wrapper, the only genu
ine, hold In Scranton bv Matthews Bros.
Lost Manhood
atrouhy. etc. surely cun-il y 1NIAH. the tm-nt
llln. I" i Remedy. Wit h i-lnn ffnniMitfMocm. Sold by
HAiTHUWS . I,-1-. I 'i .. . i Scranton, ta.
H "x -"r.
Tho abovo brands of flour can be had at any of the following merchants,
who will accept The Tribune flour coupon of 25 on each o;ie hundred pounds
of flour or 50 on each bairel of flour.
bcranton-F. P. Price, Washington avonuo I
Gold Modal Brand.
Dunuioro P. Prioe, Gold Medal Brand.
DnmniTo-F. D. Manley. Superlative Brand.
Hyde Park Carson & Davis, Washburn st.
Gold Medal Brand; J. seiih a. Mean, Main
avonuo. Superlative Brand.
Green Kidgo- A.L.Spencor.Uold Medal Brand.
.i. i . .hi mm, nuiieriauvo.
Providence Fennor & ChninielUN- Main avo
nuo, Superlative lir.ind;c;. J, Gllluspia, W. i
Mur, . . :,. M...ll I :. . 1
Olypbant- JameS Jordan. Superlative Brand.
Peckvllle ahaffer & K ls-r Superlative.
Jenny n-C, I). Winters Co. Supnralatlve
Arclinald .Tones, S inns-ni i: Oo . Hold atedaL
Carbondale E 8, Clark, Gold Medal Brand.
ii'iiiesiiaie i. rosier e t.o. uoi.i jiodal.
Minooka-M. II. L.velle.
gr Makes
: BSarvelous Cures
in Blood Poison
srand Scrofula
P. P. P. pnrlflea tho blood, bnHrtunp
the weutc and uebltltiitoil, gives
ntrongth to weakened nerves, oxpete
dlHetiHos.Btvlnff the pntlent health and
haiInop?, where nlcknesH, Klnomy
lueuuKu unu iHHsivQue urac prnVHUd.
Vr primary, m condnry and tttrtlary
syphilis, forulood poisoning, mercu
rial polaon, malaria. dyKpopaln, nnd
lo all blood and skin disoaua, ilko
blotches, pinpliM, old chronic nleers,
tottvr, scald head, bolls, erysipelas,
ecrema wo may say, without fear of
Contradiction, that P. P. P. Is the best
blood purifier In the world, and makes
poslMvo, Hpeedy und permaaont euros
in all cases.
SWijj nsiMSajajiJHiiiiiaWnnnji
i ' ' . "i ! i ,i . ! i f urn i,iaiinni1
nnd whose blood is In an lmpur conili
tiou, duo to monstnial Irregularltlt s,
nro peculiarly benefited by tho won
dorful tonic and blood cleansing prop
erties of P. P. P. -Prickly Ash, Poke
Hoot and Potassium.
Springfield, Mo., Aug. 14th, 1HJ3.
I oan spoak In tho hltflu'tit terms of
yonrmedlclnft from my own personal
Knowledge. I wa:i aflected wlih hunrt
disease, plearlsy and rheumatism for
35 yearn, whs treatel by tho very best
phywlelans aim spent hundreds of dol
lars, tried every known remedy with
out tlndt.ig relief. I have only taken
one bottle of your P. P. P., and can
cheerfully say It has dono me mora
good than anything I have over taken,
i can roeommend your medlclno to all
sufferers of tho above diseases.
Bpr igfiold, Groen County. Mo.
-in . r'T., ".c2"'r'
Dufolu Mid ..i i Uuiy.
fff i MM.
For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS,, cor. VVj omine Ave. and Spruce St
inton, P. ,
hv W:uite limn,
Bf rOIUL Atran. iion h reo nl'i'lmr
ii - n 'VAnw
fbontlt. Any Rood druKKbtor lihyolcliincaj) put It up for you, as overyililnu b plain and nlmnlo. All
I ask In return Is that you will bnyaiimnllquiintlly of tho remedy from mo direct cr ndvho your
frlcndfl to do bo after you receive the rcclpoand wo tluv thcro Is no hnmtinn nordocentlon. Hnt yen
onn doau you please about this. (im'sputideiwoaMoUy oonfldonUttl. and ail IttMtj Bent In plain
eoaled onTelopoCncloB Tioi vrn ii,IK, ,,,.
CFOllE AMOAFTER USING. uo other. Addn.s. eijujo., jaaSwS Temple, Ouicaoo.iu.
ror Sale in Sorftriton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Driest, or. Washlngtot)
anrl SnrucH stroots.
i:Alk for DB. vmXVU nXimOTJLb VWM and take no other.
13X2. MOTT'H tlinc
lorSalo bya 91. lfAllltlS, trulf
Dr. Shimberg's New
Rimless Bifocal
Glvos tho grontnst comfort to tho wearer, us
It combines distant and near irlassrs In one
pair, ns represented in this cut. Furnished
In all stylos of Spaetaclos and Eyo Glasses.
Eyes examined free.
Enreka Laundry Co.
Cor. Linden St. and Adams Avs.
col m House SguAita.
All kinds of Laundry work guarantee 1
the best,
J inm l.eA'. F, IWMmt, A'OS.1, lifkV
The Flour
"CniCAno, Oct. 31. Fhe first offloial
finnonnccment ot World's Fair di
plomas on flour has been made. A
medal has boen awarded by the
World's Fair judges to the flour manu
factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co,
In tho great Washburn Flour Mills,
Minneapolis. The committee reports
tho flour strong and pun", and entitles
it to rank its iirst-class patent flour for
lumily 'ind lakers' use."
Taylor-JudRO & Co., Gold Medal; Athorton
&Co., Superlative.
riuryea-Lawrein o Storo Co., Cold ModaL
Moosic-Jolin McCrindle. Geld Modal.
Pittston -M W. O'Boyle, Gold Medal
Clark's Green Fraco tc Parker, Superlative.
Clark's summit-F. M. Young, Gold Modal.
Dalton-S. E. Finn & Son. Gold Modal Branl.
Nicholson J. E. Harding.
Waverly-M. W. Bliss & Son, Gold ModaL
K'letoryvillo Charles CUrdnor, (told Medal.
Hopliottom-N. M. Finn & Sou, Gold Medal
Xobylianna-T'iliylianna ft l.ohlgh Lumbjr
Co.. Gold Modal Brand.
Oouldsboro-S A. Adams, Gold Molnl Brand.
Moscow Galgo ft Clements, Gold Medal.
Lake Ariel-James A. Hortreo, Gold Modal
Forest City J. L. Morgan ft Co., Gold Meda
Pimples, Blotches
and Old Sores
Catarrh, Malaria
and Kidney Troubles
Are entirely removed by P.P.P.
Prickly Ash, Poko Root and Potas
sium, th'o grcataut blood purlQor on
AnRRnEKjr, O., Jnly 21, TS01.
Mrssrh. Lii'I'man Bros. , Sar.mnnh.
Oo. : Dear hirs I tioucht u dottle of
your P.P. P. nt Hot8prlnps.Arlt..and
It bus dono me more pood thnn throo
znonths troatmeut at t he llut tiprlaga.
Hoiid thruo liottlcs 0. 0. D.
Boapectlully youra.
Abordoen, Ilrown County, 0.
Cnpt. J. D. Johnaton.
To all vhom it may concern: I bore
br todtlfy to the wonderful propp rttoa
of P. P. P. for eruptions of the f kin. I
SQffersa for several yoars with an un
nightly nnd alssnsesble oruption oa
my f:ico. I trleil every known reme
dy but In vnln, until P. P. P. m& used,
snd am now entirely cured.
(Slguudbyj J. D. JOHNSTON.
Savannah, u.
Skin Cnncor Carol.
TeiHmonyrom the Mayor of Scouin, Tex,
8KO.OIN, Tkx., January 14, 1P03.
Mkhsrs. Lipi'Man Bros.. Savannah, 1
Go. : Ucntlemcn 1 have tried your P.
P. P. for a disease of thockln, UMially
known as skin cancer, of thirty years ,
stamllni;. and found great relief: IC
IMil-ltioBthe hlood nDd removes all If- '
rltatlon from tho scut of tho disease
and prevents any snrendlni; of tho
Bores. I have takeh llveor six bottles
and feel confident that another courso
will effect a euro. It has also relieved
mo from IndlReBtton and Btoniaoh
troubles. Yours truly.
Attorney at LuTO,
Book on Blood Diseases Mailed Free.
Iilppmnn'a Ulock.Suvnnnnh, da
"'III crncn ynn nnln week Sn'd with VI " ITTF
Involuulurr EiiilMloinlVoai my chiis,.. If ne (!Prii d, suoh IraablH lead
mrnnfUoa ol iusnnlty, prr turn hy mail, A Iioscb for 5. With cv. r t
i l.M. UEDICINU 00 . Clu.laiid,Obio.
mnna anS hi.-iithwiti, Am3i JJESSTscE.
alia," BpccllliM, etc., when I will send FKliK the prescription of a
new and iiosillTr remedy for the prompt lasting cure of
Lost manhood, Mirlitly Kinlssions, Nervous Weakness In
old or yuunn man. urlcoeeli'. Imnoronrr. ami to en'., -...
ftnnted oriSM, Cures in Two Weeks. I Rend this BMMMnl
r(. nnitlhnMlirnh..nil.n4 ' .
U i. uii)i',-H,l roiurW rntr-
eawf. surh nn Weak Momnry, LOMQf Hmln rower. Hrntlnche, WakHfulno",
JiOrtt Manlioful, Nightly r-mlKAldiifi, Norvounnt'Up.ullrtratnBantl losiot powor
InOoiiorutlvoOririwiiofe ithor rtexrauAPdhyoveroxerilon.yonnifilrrrori,
er.-onlve iim of tobnueo. opium or stimulant, which lead lo lmlrraltr, fVm
j s 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 ' ii i ur ! n,'i;i iii f r . fan bo carried 1 n vont pnrkot. 1 per box, O for W,
Uy mull prtpald. With a V5 order we rive- n written un-:raitAv to cme
JhgrTirnPBrlTwg5 Tho only aafO, nre an& m . ' reliable Fomeln PTT.T.
over oC'ored to T.miina
oopoolnlly recommend-
- vririAT. - -Wr.i-.....i KCil
1)17 I'vun Avenuo.
Good Men
Good Clothes
. so .
ONE of the strong
points of The Trib
une's equipment as a
first-class printing es
tablishment is the fact
that it has a superb
Bindery, thoroughly
supplied with up-to-date
machinery and
managed by skilled
workmen. For neat
work promptly done
and at prices that are
fair and square, it has
no superior in North
eastern Pennsylvania.
Preserve Those Pic
tores Don't Spoil Those Mil
tichromes Have
The Tribune will
promptly preserve any
ot the art series pur
chased by its readers
at prices especially
moderate. I twill make
special rates on the
binding of any or all
parts of the
World's Fair Series
America Illustrated
Mnltichrome Series
Or Any Other Series
And do the work so
thoroughly that you
will simply be de
lighted. FOR ALL KINDS
A Well-Known Physician.Who,
Among Other Things, Is
Noted for His Frankness.
No one ever hoard Dr. E. Grower use
tho Tlhr.RA OT tMnlr" In hi. ,., 'I'l. .
doctor in one of those (rank, fearless, hon
est, positive men wno never hesitate to
a juro ur uo, ns ine csso may require.
"1 can euro yon" or "I cannot cure you,"
is his Invariable decision after examina
tion, and to this faot faot is attributnblo
his remarkable record without failures.
But It wonld be strange indeed if the doc
tor were not H moro than usually Buccess-
lUl Dractitionor. Ho hnuhnan anmuA.,ln
chief in moro than one of tho largest hes-
Imibis oi tnw country, Waa lately Demon
strator of I'hy-Biology and Surgery at the
Medlco-Cliirurgical Collego in Philadel
phia, has been elected an honorary mom
lierof the Medico-Chirurgical Association,
Il a graduate of the University of Penn
sylvania, etc., and is still a close student.
A man with such n record could not fall
to bo n successful physician undor any
circumstances, but when backed by
cautions, conservatism in expression, or,
to use a moro popular phrase, the "be-sure-yoii're-right-thon-go-nhoad"
it would bo more than stranga if fuilura
overtook him.
if on can consult Dr. Grower any day at
Rooms 6 and G,
Temple Conrt Building
8 1 1 SPRUCE ST.,
from 9 a.m. till 0 am. Consultations f
Those sufforing from Nervous Diseases
are guaranteed a cure. For such thero ic
the cheering word "Yes," as failure Is un
known iu the doctor's treatment.
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
CAPITAL, - $200,000
SURPLUS, - $250,000
This bank offera to depositor erery
facility warranted by their balance, bual
ncsa aud responsibility.
Hpeclal at t. -nt Inn given to bualneu no
counta. Interest iuld on time deposits.
WILLIAM eomtRMt President.
UKO. II. CAT-UN, Vlce-Frealrtent
William, Goorce II. Catlln,
Alfred Itnnd. Jamoa Arehbald, Henry
Belln, Jr., Willi. ,m I Smith. Lntlicr
National Bank of Scranton
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $25,000.
FA HUE Li niNF.3,trroIdont.
W. W. WATSON, YiceProaidrofc
A. a WILLIAMS, Cashlor.
SAMrtr.t. HlNM,
Irvino A Fin or,
JOSKI'11 J. Jkumyn.
Pikbcf. R Fin let,
M. s. Kemgrer..
Ciias, P. BtATTRIWt
JonN T. Porteu.
W. W. Watson.
Thin bank invites tho patronage of businosti
men und firms generally.
Seeds and
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
Lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
OEXTKB BHOi: CO., Inc'p. rapttal, $1 .000,000.
"A dollar tared il a dollar earned." ,
This Liidlea' Solid I'rcncli Ilongola Kid Ttnf
ton Uont delivered free nny where In tho U.S., on
rocelit of Cash, Money Onler,
or Postal Koto for $1.60.
Equals every way tho boots
sold In nil retnll stores fir
$2.60. Wo niuUu this boot
ouraolves, thoreforo wo ncr-
antee uio jit, etyie ana wear,
and If any ono is not s.ituileil
wo will retunii mo nrnney
scn.ianotiierpair. opera
oo or common CM'tme,
widths O, 11 K, 8c EK.
zes 1 to 8 and hilt
alzos. Send tourelte;
ti unit m you.
nn. hi i' i
Dexter Shoe Co.,
Special termn to Denier.
A Handsome ComDiexlon
1 one of the (rrc.atcit chnrms a woman can
posse i'n. -iv.i'h Oomplbxiok PowDaB
gives it.
,i ,s;tx
BE Ha at Ami aOSS.JU.Sv
wi nn r f i ri m