The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 26, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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n St
Hip $ V 11
PJd standby
Oao dozen of the genuine JO
IKACT Rives as mucli strength
ind nourishment as :i cask of alo,
without being intoxicating. It is
highly bene fieial tor use at meal
time lor convalescents, weak chil
dren and ladies, and as a general
tonic for the weak and debilitated.
Iimiat upon the genuine JOIIANN Horr'a.
which must have tho signature of "JOUA.NN
Holt" on tho neck lubol.
Eisner & Mendolson Co., Solo Agonts, Now
Tretly ntlci In Which Artistic Xeedls
work Furnishes the Decoration.
A pieco of pink f.uriih 17 inches
square, buttonholed with silk of a slight
ly darker pink and worked with sprays
of forguttumots in old bluo with olivo
leaves, is a quickly made and beautiful
lamp shade that was originally designed
for Tho Modern PriaoilUk Repeat tho
design around the center holoaud finish
With a fall of lace, if it is desirable to
Tnnko it larger, in which case add a
standing frill of hico at tho neck. Let
tho pattern bo very lightind graceful
raid do the work with filoselle and a fow
inotal threads.
Another of 10 deeply scalloped divi
sions is cut from whito silk, which is
then sewed in chain stitch on tullo and
afterward embroidered. The outer leaves
are worked in two shades of olives, and
tho flowers in palo pink and yellow,
with red or yellow knots for the cen
ters. The laco or tullo edgo is sewed on
with ovcrstitohei of Chinese gold
thread. Tho hole lit the top is button
holed around with whito silk. Tho
whole when completed is nearly 27
inches in diameter, mid thrown over a
wire frame is an excellent imitation of
a colored glass globe, mellowing the
light within.
, Pique Gowns For Summer.
Widely ribbed pique is ono of tho cot
ton fabrics French modistes are using
for summer ijowns. This is in various
colors, yellow, robin's egg blue and
pink, as well as white. Instead of fol
lowing simple and severe tailor models,
Harper's Bazar tells the dressmak
ers make very fanciful dresses of piquo
mounted over silk and trimmed with
heavy laco and ribbon. Thus a palo yel
w piqr.o skirt is plaited in eight gored
hreadths over a yellow silk petticoat
md is trimmed with six points of
creamy guipure lace hanging from tho
3elt of black satin ribbon amid the plaits
on tho back and sides. A round piquo
waist gathered on a fitted lining of yel
low taffeta is decorated with a largo
bertha of guipure and has largo mutton
leg sleeves, also a collar and wristbands
of blaok satin ribbon. Vests of yellow
piquo are in beautiful crepon gowns, as
ono of dark green crepon, with yellow
vest out low, and the crepon skirt draped
to show yellow pique at the foot trim
med with heavy insertion.
Stewed Kidney.
This Is a very popular breakfast dish
in various localities and is prepared as
follows: Soak tho kidney for threo hours
in cold water, changing the water
whenever it becomes discolored four
or fivo changes will usually bo suffi
cient. Place the kidney on tho firo in
cold water, and just as tho water begins
to boil ohango it for fresh cold water.
Chango tho water also when it begins
to boil, and in tho third water cook tho
kidnoy slowly for an hour. This chang
ing of tho water and tho previous soak
ing aro necessary to removo the strong
tusto peculiar to the meat. This part of
tho work should bo done tho day beforo
tho stow is to bo eaten, and tho cooked
kidney should bo set away in a cool
place. When ready to proparo tho stow,
separate all the cords and voins from
tho meat, out tho lean part in small
pieces and stow as directed in tho pro
ceding recipe, doubling all tho quanti
ties mentioned for a kidney that will
yield threo cupfnls of meat.
Tfio Uculthful Salud.
A most delicious mixed salad of frosh
vegetables is mado of equal quantities
of sliced cucumbers, sliced tomatoes and
bloachod lottuco loaves or. esearole.
These aro tossed in a French dressing
composed of a salad spoonful of vinegar
and 1 of oil, with a seasoning of salt
and pepper. As a varioty one-fourth
quantity of new potatoes of the waxy
firm kind used by Germans for their
famous salad may be added to this mix
ture of fresh vegetables. Wo do not
make enough uso in this country of the
bitter salad herhs, some of which aro
a delicious tonio to the appetite if cor
rectly proparod. The most familiar of
these is tho dandelion salad.
A Million Friends
A friend in need is a friend indeed, and
not less than one million people have
found just auch a friend in Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, If yon have never used this Qreat
Cough Medicine, one trial will convince
you that it baa wonderful curative powers
in all diseases of Throat, ('boat and Lanf.
Each bottle la guaranteed to do all that ia
olalmed or money will be refunded. Trial
bottles free at Mathews Broa'. drag store
Large bottles 5oc. and IL 00. '
' i i ' n
R. Q. Dan & Co. 'g weekly review of
trade will say tomorrow: Storms iind
floods, prolonged strikes, and Urge ex
ports of gold, hart done their utmost
this wevk to give business a vacation.
But the wants nnsstiafiod during tho
past year, belated and much lessened,
und yet greater than those of any other
uMioQ, have caused a volume of trade
quite large for the season. The strikes
do not appear near ao end, ar.d while
violonoouud bloodshed hnvo occurred
at a few points, mauy of the oporators
are making no effort to work their
mines. The lack of ooal Las crippled
many establishments of groat
variety betwoen the Hudson und
th Mississippi, and even the
water works of a few west
em cities. U lilrosd trafflo is as yet
affected little. Gold xuffrtl do not
abate but have been fcl.SOO.OOO this
weolc. Prices of great staples show
bow limited is the foreign demand, and
imports of conds tnnch restricted at
present, would naturally inertnss after
the penning change of duties. The
$28,000,000 gold shipped abroad this
month has been largely drawn from
the treasury and the reserve remaining
for that purpose ha teen reduced to
about $80,000,000. Hence there are
anticipations of some change in the
money murks t, and although currency
still comes higher from the interior
and bauks hold enormons supply of
idle money, long loans are more diffi
cult to negotiate.
Prices of products still tend down
ward without much speculation.
Wheat recovered a little at tho end of
last week, but went down ng.iin with
decidedly favorable prospects for the
coming yield. Corn has been stronger,
Cotton has recovered a shade though
receipts for the week wero nearly as
large as last year and exports much
smaller. Pork products ull defined
with heavy receipts, and coffee is also
lower. The nstoiiisliiusr cheapness ot
wheat and cotton will effect the rapid
ity of movement in the fall, and also
will directly lessen the amount of
mousy required in moving the crops.
While the iron industry especially,
and many others to some extent, have
been restricted hy scarcity of coil and
coke, the number of works resuming
has been greater than tho number stop
ping from other cans-s. But it is a
syinpton not to b overlook 1 that tho
demand for mannfactured products,
instead of incroasint', appmirs for th.
moment rather smaller thun before,
and indiif.;rence ot buyers is siiowu in
cancellation of orders hituorto given.
It is a waiting season, but the disposi
tion to wait is this year much iiitensi
fled. Works in operation are fairly
busy In closing up orders for
a belated spring demand, b r
there is even more shrinkage iu orders
for the future than was noticed last
year as the precursor of coming dull
ness. The demand for iron and stoel
products, in view of the stoppig! of a
largo proportion of the works, might bo
expected to improve materially, aud
prices aro In fact held at tho advance
recently noted, but there is DOW Observ
ed much indiff -rence among large con
tuners, and the i-Tlisooe of an enlarg
ing demand seem to be less satisfactory
than before the strike.
A speculative movement lifts 1 stocks
early in the. week, but there has since
been constant augging.SO that the aver
"ire for the week is unlv 2:1 cents per
$100 higher for railway shares and $1 35
i or the trnsts. Failures diminish In
importance, the number for th'j week is
183 in the United States against 269
last year, and in Canada 23 against 11
last year, and again there aro noted
scarcely any of importance.
There has, according to the Stock
holder, been a slight improvement iu
the anthracite trade during the pas;
week, though only a small part of it
can be attributed to tho bituminous
coal strike. There has been a some
what better demand for certain siz -p
from fuimer soft coal users. Broke U
and the small ste.un sizes have been
selling fairly well at points along the
line between the mini s and tide-water
aud this city. Thure is no particular
activity in domestic sizjs. howover, if
we may e.-opt a somewhat freer move
ment to N''W England points, where
dealers seem to have about made up
their minds that prices as woll as
rates are now resting on rock-bottom,
and any chango that may be made will
be toward a higher lovel. In
consequ men of this conviction they
are now sending in their usual
spring orders, but tho demand has not
been sufficiently urgent as yet to effect
the general situation
extent, except that it has induced the
producing companies to agree to r
larger output, and eolllertwi have boan
run tbo past wsek to GO per eent. of
their theoretical oipieity. Thsre is
still talk of an advance on interior and
tide-water tonnage for Jun'', but this
will not be decide ! upon until the 29. h
instant, when the coal sales agents will
meet in New York. Their action will
depend largely upon the condition of
trade at the time, anil the situation as
regards the soft coal miners' strike will
also have weight in the oonsidoration
of an advance.
The Philadelphia Stockholder chron
icles a report that the Scrantou Trac
tion company coutoraplates listing the
0 per cent, first mortgage bonds of the
company in the Philadelphia Stock
Exchange at an early date. Ihoy are
not, howevor, likely to develop any
Ip-elal activity, owing to tbo fact that
tuey are hold by investors who regard
them with exceptional favor. The per
centage of surplus earnings of the
company over interest charges is very
large, aud they sr said to be increas
ing right along.
The Rending Coal nud Iron company,
rvc--"nf nennle who vlfilt tho Invalids'
T Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buf-
"i aru mnny who 1110 sent
there, by those who have already,, from
personal cxporlciioo, learned of tho great
Triumph In Conservative surgery
achieved by tho Surgeons of tbat famed insti
tution. Little heroic, or outtlug surgery is
found necessary. For instance,
THMflDQ Ovarian, Fibroid (Uterine) end
iWBnnv many other, are removed by
Eloctrolyals and other oonscrvutlvo means and
thereby tho pcrlla of cutting operations
PILE TUMORS howovcr Jarge. Fistula
rlLL lUinvnO, and other diseases of tho
lower bowel, are permanently oured without
pain or resort to the knife.
RUPTURE OT Breach (Hernia) is radically
liw l iuiil, our0(1 wltuot the knlfo and
without naiu. Trusses can bo thrown awayl
S TOME m thl' '"adder, no matter how
VI will, large, is crushed, pulverized, wash
ed out and wifely removed without outtlug.
STRICTURES ot Urinary Passage aro nl
inmivntOw removed without cut
ting In hundreds ot case.
For Pamphlets, numerous references and all
particulars, send ten cents (In stamps) to
World's Dispensary Medical Association, SHU
Main Street, Buffalo, N. V .
secordinir to Philadlphia advice, have,
been compelled to rot use to accept any
more orders fir th loading of anthra
cite coal. Vic President Voorheos
says iu nn interview: ''The floods have
interfered greatly with our authracito
business, but the trouble is oulv tem
porary. The mines have been flooded
and work was impossible. Out of the
Ufty mines operated by the road only
about twelve or fourteen were not
fbodod and sorao work could be prosj
cuted. I expect that within the
next forty-eight hours things will
be in their usual shape again."
Mr. Voorhees was then asked bow
many tons of anthracite was being
mined. Hoanswersd: "Yesterday the
road succeeded In getting about 7.500
tons of anthracite, and today it was
better. It will be still better. Ordina
rily 25,000 tons are iniu-d daily. It
will bo but a very short time before all
the orders for loading will be accept
ed." In regard to tbo condition of tho
coal trade of tho Lehigh Valley, Presi
dent Wilbur was informed two days
aso tbat the mines were flooded. In
side of four or five days the mines will
be cleared of the water and the men
will be able to resmne work. The Li
high Valley had some coal stored when
the freshet came, and consequently the
titorm did not catch the company in a
very bad way.
The bituminous coal la still in
a very perplexing condition, abd there
is nothing like tiie amount mined which
is necessary to till the orders. This con
dition Of affairs is duo largely to tho
strike of the bituminous coal miners.
Very high prices are being asked for
the coal, and it is stated that steam
ships, rather than pay tho rates ufked,
are clearing for Europe via. St. John,
N. 13., where they will take on board
the necessary fuel to make tho voyage.
A bituminous coal man said last night:
''Bituminous coal is in grent demand,
aud only a small amount is being
mined, owing to the strike. Next week
the bituminous coal men will bold a
meeting aud will discuss the situation.
Using unable to (get bitumiuons coal
here insufficient quantities certain par
ties aro importing from England 100,
000 tons, which will bo here shortly."
Minor Industrial Tomes
Over 2,000 men wore mado idle by the
closing of the Edgar Thompson Steel
works, at Draddock.
Two Philadelphia divers put into oper
ation pumps in llHZle mine, at Huzletou,
that were 70 foet under water.
Illiits Concerning Corsets Two Charming
Te Jackets The Latest Whim.
Rodiu, the great French Bculptor, ad
mires the figure which generations of
corset wearing have produced in wom
an. Sarah Grand says that "the waist
is an infallible index to the moral worth
of a woman. Very little of the hitter
survives the pressure of a tightened cor
set." Well, there is comparatively lit
tle tight hieing nowadays. An abnor
mally long not a tight waist is what
is cultivated. It is a pity fashionable
women do nottake more interest in statu
ary. They wonld then realize that a too
long waist is the most hideous thing
there is. The proportions of a well built
woman of average height are: Bust,
34; waist, 2-1; hips, 40 inches.
Tho French corset is not becoming to
English Women. It makes tho iiguro bo
tween the bust and waist look so square
and long. Shot coutille, if seems, is tho
newest material for stays, The kind of
stays which make one's figure look less
"staysy" than any other kind aro made
chiefly of a perforated elastic material
which gives with every movement of the
figure. They aro just the; thing to wear
with a tea gown. Good stays are expen
sive, but cheap ones, liko cheap gloves,
are false economy.
Tho mention of tea gowns brings to
mind a novel French tea jacket in strip
ed moiro antique seen recently. Beforo
describing this jacket idfrmay be well to
explain that tliero is ufl the ditl'urcnce
11' I :
in tho world between moire antiqno and
moire. Striped moiro antique is very
pretty stnlf. Tho ground color of the silk
employed in tho jacket is yellow, and
tho stripes are of black, palo bluo and
mauve. The trimmings aro chiefly oream
laco and pale blue and heliotropo rib
bons. Tho jacket has a short basque at
tho back.
Another pretty tea jacket was mado
of satin brocade, with enormons sleeves,
having a pink front and large rovers of
blue satin lined with pink, a great deal
of rich laee in the front. The sleeves
were of the sling order, apparently hold
ing up the elbow, but widening exten
sively at the shoulders.
Tho latest whim is to wear a black
moiro ribbon about an inch wide round
tho neck, about a yard and a quarter
long, to which a watch or jewel is sus
pended. It is fastened round tho throat
with a little gold or jeweled slide It
will be much worn with light colored
dresses. Tho jewelers are busy inventing
some trinket to wear thus, in which the
favorito perfume can ho placed.
An Unaatls.'uctni-y Theory.
Scientist The yellow dot on a straw
berry is found, under the microscope, to
be a perfect straw. Did yon know thntf
Layman No, but I knew that strawber
ries were named before microscopes were
Invented. New York Weekly.
1 see the chicken In the tree
When the day bus faded bluo and spo.4.
And there she sits contentedly
Among the apples red.
I see tho whito dnek down the hill
A-waddlliig till the pond Is found.
And diving 'neath Its bosom still.
And splashing round and round.
Tho duck yearns not to mount the tree
And perch upon the cradled. limb,
Tho hoa care not to plunge In gUx
Into the pond to swim.
Tho' each contented seems to me,
And more than happy llh her luok.
I don't know whioh I'd rather be,
A chlokea or a duok.
I'M ! a
What Thomas Harrison, of North Dakota, Owes
to Paine' s Celery Compound.
The world has had in all just 15 de
cisive battles.
lint cvry mnn has in his lifetime
more decisive battles than this.
The important epochs in man's life
that settle for him wealth, position,
aud ofleu life itself, come without
Weakness, indecision and lack ol
nerve forct nt these turning points U
fatal. In long and doubtful sicknes,
when life itself treinbleo In the bal
ance, a little more strength and power
of resistance to disease makes the dif
ference between life and death.
Thin people with depleted, diseased
blood run big rinks. Careful men and
women all over the country are build
ing an their systems and storing the
nerve centers with energy now it is
spring. They are taking that remark
able blood purifier and nerve food,
Paine's celery compound.
It cannot be repeated too often that
the blood is the fountain which sup
plies everv part of the body. If thh
lil'i -giving medium lacks vigor and
richness, corves, br.tin, heart, kidneys
and lungs immediately suitor. The
weakest spot will give way first,
If you find yourself growing thin,
nervru, without nppjtlte look out.
Yon are starving som important or
gan through inappropriate nytrltioa.
Thomas HfjrrllOU is th proprietor of
b Wm fill
t'UHliS AND PBBVtfN'fa
Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat,
Inflammation, Bronchitis,
Pneumonia, Asthma,
Difficult Breathing,
Rhiumatism, Neurolgin, Sciatica, But..
bngo, Swelling of the Joints, Pains
in Back, Chest or Limbs.
Tho application of the READY RELIEF to
the part or parts whoro tho difficulty or pain
exists will iilTurd eain and comfort.
It was tho lirst anil is tho only pain remedy
that instantly stops the most oxcruclatini;
pains, allays iiiflHinmatlouii and
Congestion, whether of tbo Luagt, Stomach,
'Bowols or otlior glands or organ?.
Dr. Hailway &Co , Gentlemen: Ihaveusod
your Heady Relief for more than twenty-five
years with much Mtlsfaottoa have used It
for La Grippe, Pnonraonla. P'eurlsy and all
sorts of aches and pains and havo found it un
i (ailing overy time. Respectfully.
81 Onectnt St., Mlddletowu, Conn.
1 January 18, 1894.
1 . . Asiikville, N. C.
This Is to certify that in Habmury. ISM. I
had a severe attack of "La Grippo," and ourod
imysolf In twenty-fonr hours by the uso of!
;Rndway's Ready Relief and R.dway'a Mbs.
,Ihsd another attack of thn samo dreadful
! uumusu in jnnrcn, invi.anu ustxi the samo rem
it ,1 w'tn tDe Rm0 r.sult. I do not know
Radway & Co., the parties who manufacture
i ;theso medicines, ant I havo always put very
i little faith in "Almanac Certificates, " but If
tliaen fart. 1... ....II I . ... . . . ..
... n.. ,wn i'e will uuiy lUMIIf'O SOinO fllllloriPg
oue uso tho abovo remedy I will tool amply
repaid for writing what I havn.
KesthctfuUr. E. t. Ri:OWN
J. W. BREWER, Aahhurn, Plko Co., Mo.
"Ono bottle of lUmAw l;,.i,,f ...,,i ...
"" j -u ".IU Li ' M
Rsdway's Pu carod five in ray family of that
terrible complaint. "L Grlnna." nr flnnu
RADWA V's PILLS, Is the quickest and most
I effectual euro for
Price, OOc. per bottle. Sold by Druggisti.
Pnmlv Vniratahln mlU
- i i.iitj mm VSUUU1HV. ..IIS"
rtnioi uiffdHiioii. i ompieta nbHorption imd
healthful rofpilftrffy. Fnr th cur of all jBk
hi il ! to nf Hi., si T mm B ,, . .
.. i - in i. j,nri, Win(lI-
neyn, mm. Hit, isorvoim IUhumoh, Lou of
Anittiilfai f 1 .. is .'. n nlt ( .. ,i l I I .... t
ilTfmtSC, IndlROKtlnn. DllloiiBnenK, Fovor.
siihwiiiuimiiuii ui imim i-is, l ilt's una
fill tlernnirnuiPiiU of tin- Internal VlMMM.
Parfot HI croat ion will ka ......i.i.j
by taking Ritrtway'ii 1MIU. By no doing
Sick Hctkachr, foul Stomach, Billons
ness will bn avoided, and the food tlmt Is
enten contribute Its nourishing properties,
fnr the support of the natural waste of the'
PffObBorve the following symptoms fol
lowing from disease o tbe digestive orgsns:
Constipation, Inward piles, fulness ot the
blood In the head, scldlty of the siotnaeh.naa
sea, heartburn, disgust of food, fulness or
weight In the stomanh, sour eruotattons, sink
ing or fluttering of the han't, choking or snf
fonstlng sensations whan In a lying posture,
dimness of vision, dot! or webs before the
sight, fever and dull pain m tho head, defliv
lency of perspiration, yellowness of the skin
and eyes, pnln in tho side, cheat, limbs, and
sodden flushes of heat, burning in the flesh.
A few doses of RAD WAY'S PILLS will free
the system of the above-named disorders.
Prlee SBc. a I)oX. Hold by Druggists.
Send to Hit RADWAY A CO., Mo. 82 War
a 8.. Hew York, for Book of Advlos.
ihofamons Harrison farms of North
Dakota. He holds the office of notary
nublio and is coroner of Traill county.
He writes from Blanchard, North Da
kota :
"Two years ago, when tbe grip was
prevalent in this countrv, I suffered
very mnch from this trouble. The
disease lingercn with me until it de
veloped into catarrh of the head For
his loathesome trouble I tried many
remedios advertised for catarrh with
out any permanent relief, and while
spending the winter of 02-93 m Los
Angeles I was treated by a specialist
without nnv better results. Seeing
l'aiue's celery componnd advortiied 1
tried it, not expecting much relief, as
I thought tbat I could not be cured. I
used one bottle as directed and was
entirely and permanently cured. This
was ovor six months ago, and I have
not experienced a retnrn of any of the
svmptoms, though I have been exposed
to the inclemont weather in North Da
kota and have not caught tbe least
cold this wintor, when had I been
troubled with the catarrh I would have
old after cold all winter. I will oheer
fuliy answer any inquiries as to the
correctness of my statements. Many
around here nre using tbe compond on
the strength of my rocommendation.
It makes people welL "
E. Robinson's Sons1
Manufacturers of the Celebrated
100,000 Bbls. Per Annum,
Hotel Wayerly
European Plan. First-class Dar attached.
Dipot for Berguer A KugM's Tanuhasuser
N. E Cor, 15th and Fieri Us,, Mifa
Most di-slrable for residents of N.E. fenn;
tylvsula. All cor.veuloncos lor travelers
to and from Broad Street station and the
Twelfth and Market Street station. De
trablo for visiting Sorantonlaus and poo
lie In the Anthracite Region.
Maloney Oil and Manufac
turing Company
Ilavc removed their oflicc to tUeir
141, 143,145, 147, 149, 151
Ortttof the best quality fjr domestic use, and
ot all sizes, delivered In any part of tbs city
st lowest prios.
Ordors loft at my offlne.
Rear room, first floor. Third National Bank,
or sent by mail or telephone to the mine, will
receive prompt attention.
l-pocial eoutraots will be made for the sale
and delivery of Buckwheat CoaL
I'tlYStl A.-l M IUU.ONs
1 R. U. KDUAlt DEAN has removed to 616
Spruoe street, Scrantou, Po. (Just op
I osite couri-bouse Square.)
T)K. A J. CONNKLL, Office aa Washington
r- w corner oprucs stniet, ovor
i taiicke Bdrug stora Kesldonco, M Vino at.
2? 3?" I" to 12 s. m. and to 4 aud
S'LP- 5l ounuayj s to J p. m,
II'- a. ALLttti. Otdca cor. Lacks-
- WUTliit AtiH W.,l . r
ard suoe store; offioo hours, 10 to 12 a. in, and
oto in m , .., . mi
W asbij gtou eye.
I ) It C. L. KllliY, Practlou limltod to Dl
"J1). 1" Wyoming avo. Kesidence, W Vino
1 )KV,'i,M GATES. 126 Washington Avenuj.
y Olllco hours, 8 to U a.m., l.UU to U aud !
lolijiin. Katldonua Ui9 Madison avi'nue
It'HiM L. WENi'2, M. U, Otilces 62 iind 41
" t ommonwenlllt l,ll,lln, ....... 711
Madlsonavo; office hours, Wto 12, 2 to i, 7 to
2 bydav 2 30 to L evenings at reaidonco. A
spcoialtv IllHfl , nf ..... . ,... ...... nnH
alia throat and gynecology.
M 0, BAKOK S Law and Collection of
g. lice to. 817 Spruco St., opposlto Forest
House. Bcranton, fa,; collections a specialty
cuts in evory couu ty.
.Viy 3 ft40' , Attorneys and COUUHt
,;?". ' oeinionwealth tullJliiA
Washington avu. w. H. JEsst:r,
Houacc i. Hand,
w. u. Jtssup. Jit.
VyiLt-ARD WAMtllN S K.N AW, Alt .r
bnlMinVw" VJ!elort Law, Kepublican
"iii.iKM'uave.. Mn.inton. I'il
UATTJBaWN & WILCOX. Attornoy.1 ami
X Couiisedur nt T.b,, , , u r
building. Bcranton, Pa.
HpsWEHi H. PATTltlSoe.
w 11.I.1AM .. WILCOX.
I I A V I l
(Hiibiiiii;. KooniH ill, Mian 1 i
VV 'v.St'YLK, Attoruiy.nt-Law,No5.HI
JJ 20, Burr biiilding, Wnsbiimtoii avsn
EMBY M, 8EELY Law ollires in Price
hiiildmg, 120 Washington avunue.
KAN K T OK..I.L. Attorney at Law. Itooui
L ft. I , .i " ,1 C a i,
MILTON W i (iwmv . a .... n
I AUKS W. OAKi oKD, Attorney al Law
lLi!JJu&mnionwii;jlth b'l'g,
L ' A MIIKI. W k-l,.i.n ... ,
... Mt..,vv,kt ;,,iui IIV)
Mmieo, 1)17 Spruce st Scranton. fa.
A WA'I'lili'.i. a... i.
Li. Lackawanna auo.. S.rnnton. Pa.
IJ P. SMITH, (.oniisellor at Law. Office,
I . rooms 54, Vi, M Commonwealtli building.
' It. r-UX'llEH. Attorney nt Law, Com-
iimnwealtli linllaiug. Buranton, I'a.
Mi;uYs, Kl HnrnM st.
I "l .KKt'LOULK, Attornoy-Lonns no,-o-L
tlatod on real estate Bceurity.lth Spruce.
BR KILLAM, Attornev'ttt-Law, liw Wy-
oming avenue, Serantou.
"ou.u nuu avauowiesina ov j w.
BKOWNINQ. Attorney and Notary Public
; 'urn mi. .M u-,. . If I, In,-,.; o. .
I ' ton Pn I,,-..., . -..-, I ,., ., . , .1 ..I I.. . - 1 1
- 1" , wj o i.itu kii tn 1U1 uuiiogj
or businoss: thoroughly trains young children.
va,Miug a, lUlueU.
Rev. TrtoMAs M. cans;
Waltkii II. Buei.l.
IU and Fcbool, 412 Adams avenue. Pupil
recdved at all tlmos. Neit torm will onen
April 9.
C. LAUBACH, burgeon Dentist, No, Hi
Wyoming ave.
R. M. sTWAT'foy, nfflee Cost Bxchne.
THE REPUBLIC Saviugs and Loau Asso
ciation will loon you monoyon oafior terms
and pny you better on Investment than any
other association. Call on S. N. CAlLI.N
DEft. Dime Bank building
Git. CLARK & CO., Soetlsmon, Florists
and Nursorymen; store 14(1 Washington
avenue; green houso.liiiJ North Main uvonue;
Ftorw telephone 782.
BRAND UNION TEA Co.. .tones Bros
I OS. KUETTEL, 5i5 Lackawanna ovonua
Srranton. Pa., niannf'r of Wire Screens
'I'HE WESTMINSTER, 217-211) Wyoming
1 avn. Rooms heated with stoam: all mod
ern Improvements. C. M. Tiilmaii, Prop
rpHE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 Franklin avo
X nue. Rates reasonable.
P. Zikqlek. Proprietor.
y W. G. SCHENCK, Manager.
Sixteenth street, one block east of Broadway.
at Union Sqaaro, Now York.
American plan, $l6per day and upward.
(o M. HOUSE. European plan; Igood
J rooms. Open day ana night. Bar 'sup
plied with tbe best.
P. n. COYNE. Proprietor.
JCRANTON HOUSE, near D., L. & W. pas-
senger Qepot. Lxinuucteil on the r.uropean
plau. Victor Koch, Proprietor.
RAND CENTRAL. The largest and tio.u'
JI eaiUnnel h
t'iand I2.M per day
muppet hotel iu &uentowu, r... ratal
VlCTon D. BAnNF.n, Proprietor.
AltOil lTKCtS.
AVIS & HOUPT, Arobltects, Booms H
25 und 2fi ('oinmonwealth O'ld'g. Scranton.
71 L. WALTER, Architect, Llbrury build
li ing, Wvomintr avenue, Scranton.
L. BROWN. Arrh B. Architoct, Price
hiiliding.120 Washington Ave., Scranton.
balls, picnics, parties, receptloas. wed
dings and ooncert work furnished. For torms
address It, ,!. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming
eve., over Hulbert's music Btore.
lumber, b and V Dime Bank building,
Scranton. Pa.
supplies, envelopes, papor bags, twine.
Warehouse. 130 Washington ave., Scranton,
F COTE'S LIVERY. 1533 Capouse avenue.
First class carriaeoe. D. L. FOOTE, Agt.
Funeral Director and Bmhalmer.
salo dealers In Woodwsro, Cordatjo and
Oil Cloth, 720 W. Lackawanna avenue.
I."ZRA FINN & SONS, builders and controe
li tors. Yards: Corner Olive st. and Adams
ave ; corner Ash st and Penn ave., Scranton.
IS THE BEST. Get prices end
lee the t tinmen and be con
vinced. A full line of HEAT
ERS, Appello and Gauze Door
Tim ninicnni r. a a
int. UIV'v'v "
m II T n 1 , ,
Locomotives ana siaaonarv Mines, coiiers
Anthracite coal asod exclusively, Insuring
cleanliness and comfort.
Trains louve Scranton for Pittston, Wilkes.
Barro, etc , at 8.2U, 11.15, 11.30 a. m.. 12.5a 2.0Q.
8.30, 5.0U, 7.25. 11.05 p. m. Sundays, 8.00 a. nt,
1.00, 2.15, 7.10 p. m.
For Atlantic Clty8.20 a, m.
For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.20
(oxin eas; a. m 12.50 (expross with Buffet
parlor car), 3.30 (express) p. m. Sunday, 2.15
p. m.
Fon MAticn Chunk, ali.entown, Betiilr
if"'1'0 aud Piiiladelpiiia, 8.S0 a. m..
1150. 180, 4,00 (except Philadelphia) p. in.
Sunday, 2.15 p. m.
Tat Lono lin in, ii, Ocean Ouove, otc st
8.20s. in., 12,,'Xln. m.
aii r'uadlK' Lebanon and Harrisburg, via
Allentown, 8.20 a. m., 1250, 5.00, p.m. Bunday.
,10 p. m.
For Pottsvillc, 8.2(1 a. m., 12.f,0 p. m.
lteturning, leave New York, foot of Libortj
fWSVffift rlver' at ul (express) iu m..
Lie, 1.30, 4..JI (expross with Ballot parlor car)
p. m. bunday, 4.30 a. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, 9.00
ft, m., 200 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday, 6.27 a. ir
I hrough tickets to all points at lowost ratos
may be had on application in advonco to the
, ,. . ki,iu ill my Slallou.
Oi n Pass. Agent
Pen. Snpt
Commencing May 20, 1802,
trains will run as follows:
Trains leavo Bridge Stroot
Station. Scranton, for Pitta-
'F T f Pl"'J' " "sos-Harre, otc, nil,
mm My'"'. !, iu.i-jo, m., 12.10,
W B m m 1,25, 238, 4.10. 5.16, 11A UlLS
JfP r and 11.35 p. m.
Ay For New York and Phlla-
, ... .., delphia, 8 00 a. fli., 1210, 1.2
2 38. 4.10 and ILK) p. va
For Honcsdaio(rrom Delaware, Lackawanna
and western depot), 7.00, 8.30, 10.10 Mix)
ni.. 2. 17, 5.10 p. m.
For Cai bondalo and Intermediate stations.
6.4U, 7 00, ,s.hO, 10.10 a. m.. 1200 m. ,2 17, 8.2.,5 111,
B.S0 aud 0 35 p m.j from Bridge Street DiipoL
2.03 a. m., 2.l7and 11 36 p. m. v
Fast express to Albany, Saratoga, the Adi
rondack Mountains, Boston and New England
points, 6,40 a. m., arriving at Albany 12.45.
Saratoga 2.20 p. iu., and leaving Scranton at 3
p. m., arriving at Albany at 4.60 p. in., Sara
toga, 12.55 a, ra , and B iston, 7.00 a. m.
The only direct route between the coal floldi
and Boston. "The Leading Tourists' Route
of America" to tbo Adirondack Mountain re
sorts, Lakes (icorge and Cbamplaln, Montreal,
Tlmo tables showing local and through train
service between stations on all divisions Dela
ware und Hudsou system, may bo obtained at
all Delaware and Hudson ticket ofllces.
Second Vice President. Gen. Pass. Agt
MAY 13. 18U4.
Train loaves Scranton for Philadelphia ami
New York via, D. & II. R R. at 8 a.m.. 12. KL
2.88 and 11.36 p. m. via D., L. & W. R. R., 0.00,
8.08,11.20 a. in., and 1.30 p. m.
Leave Scranton for Pittston and Wllkss
Barro via D.. L. Si W. R. K , 0.00, 8,08, 11 2t)
a. m., 1.30, 3.60. (1.07. x.Mi p. in.
Leavo Scranton for Whito Haven, Hazleton,
Pottsvillc and all points on the Beavor
Meadow and Pottsvillo bronchos, via E. & W.
V.. 0 4(1 a.m.. v.a D. Sc IL R. R. at 8 a.m., 12.10,
2.38, 4.10 p.m., via D., I,. & W. R. R 0.00, 8.08,
ll.'Ain.m., 1.30. 3.5H p.m.
Leavo Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton.
Iiemllng, Harrisburg and all intermedlatii
points via D. & H. R. It., 8 a. m , 12. 10, 2.38. 11.33
p.m., via D., L. & W. R. R.,0.00,8.08, 11.20 a. m..
1.30 p.m.
Loave Scranton forTuukhannock, Towanlm
Elmira. Ithaca, Geneva and all intorinodi ite
points via D. & H. R.It.,H.07 a m.,12 10 and 11.33
p. m.,via D. L. & W. R. R., H.Oi a.m., 1.30 p. in.
Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Ni
agara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all points
west via D. & H. R. RU.07 a.m.,12.10,!U5,ll.
p. m.. via I). L. & W. R. R. and Pittston
Junction, s .08 a m., 1J0, 8. ju p. m., via E. & W.
R.R., 3.41 p. m.
For Elmira and tho west via Sahminoi. via
D. A H. R. R. 9.07 a.m.. 1210,0.15 p. m.. via D
L. & W. B.R., ,8.08,1. in., 1.30 and 0.07 p. m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair
cars on all trains between L. & B. Junction or
Wilkes-Barro and New York, Philadelphia,
Buffalo and Suspension Bridge.
ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Geu. Supt. East Div.
CHAS. S, LEE. Gen. Pass. Ag't Phila.,Pa.
A.W.NoNNEMACHER.Ass't Oon Poss. Ag't
South Bothldhoin. Pa.
Trains leave Scranton as follows: Express
for Now York and all points East. 1.50, 2.50,
6.15, 8.00 and 0.65 a. m. ; 12.65 and 3.50 p, m.
Express for Easton, Tronton, Phllodolphln
and tho South, 615, 8.00 and 9.5 j a. m.; 12.53
and 3.50 p. m.
Washington and way stations, 3.55 p. ra,
Tobyhanna accommodation, 0.10 p. in.
Expr bs for Binghamton, Oswogo, Elmira,
Corning, Bath. Dansville, Mount Morris ana
Buffalo, 12.10, 215 a. in. and 1.24 p. in., making
close connections at Buffalo to all points in thd
West, Northwest and Southwest.
Bath accommodation, U a. m.
Blnghninton and way stations, 12.37 p. m.
Nicholson and way stations, 5.45 p. in.
Niclro.on accommudutiou, at 4 p. m. and
0 D m.
Blngharatou and Elmira Expross, 0 05 p, ra.
FIxpress for Cortland, Syracuso, Oswego,
Utica and Richfield Springs, 2.15 a. m. aud 1.21
p. in.
Ithuca. 2.15 and Bath s' a. m. and 1.21 p. in
For Northumberlaud.Pittston, Wilkes-Barre,
Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Danville, making;
close connections nt Northumberland for
Williamsport, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Wasn
lngton and the South.
Northumberland and Intermediate stations,
0 00, 9.50 a. m. and 1.30 and 0.07 p. m.
Nunticoko and intormediato stations, 8.0S
and 11.20 a. m Plymouth and intormodlatJ
stations, 3io and 9.33 p. m.
Pullman parlor and slooping coaches on all
expross trains. . . . ,
For detailed Information, pockot tlm i tahlos,
etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city tickot office,
;tH Lackawannaavenuo, or dopot tickot omco.
( 1 1: ANT. in IIIVISION.
In EfTect January ZStli, 1SOI.
Norih Hound.
HOUItl Bdiliirt,
20T 205
. lb.
M 'Ml 90S
3 D9 1V1
I S S M (Trains, Dally, Kr-;- o S J
J. 7h L. A el i .
I m Arrive Leave
1 M
7 5(1
8 00
7 25 N. Y. KraiiKIln
7 10 West iid street
7 oo weenawken
r u
r m Arrive i.oave
r m
8 Wi
1 lMlancock Junction
6C ....
6 18, ....
25 ....
6 31' ....
04i ....
6 45 ....
0 56; ....
2 24
3 03
S trj
8 0
Preston park
Pleasant Mt
Forsct City
White Bridge
Olvi hnut
Turk Placo
7 61
7 38
n 19
7 08
12 47
12 82
IU 25
12 18
ffiW ....
V in . ..
r v
1 1 M'
3 l'J
6 51
b sal ii 4i
7 l'4'i 9 4 8 84
7 27 9 4R 13 31
5 27 (1140
a a
L" : f9 ,M U 48
5 20 1 1 ;
31, 0 6(1.1 46
t 85
ii aa
10:10 (8
8 61
3 84
3 59
ii -.'I
ii it
7 (3 10 05
6 071
7 48 10 10
7 52 10 15
4 6r
II 16
11 13
7 M 10 17
6 16
f6 13
7 60-10 20i
8 00110 24
4 IT
it irt
f4 m
8 (12 10 a;
8 05 ltl 30
a m Leave
Arrive Ia m n
All (rains run dully except Sunday.
t slguincs that tralOB stop on signal for pas
Additional trains leave Carbondaie for Sorarw
ton and tl.15 p. m . arriving at scranton l.M
end 7.oo.
Leave scranton for Carbondaie 6.50 and 8.M
arrivimr nt i tnrhondala at ; :10 and p. m.
i-ecurc rates via Ontario a Western before
nnrchaslng tickets and savo money. Day and
MingtKiprosgtothc west.
J,C. Anderson, Oon. Pass. Agt
t. ratorott, Dlv. Pass, Agt. scinnton, Pa.
Trains leavo Scranton for Now York and in-
,n ,,,.1 1 ! M try Alao fnr ITr.nnuilale
8.24 p.m.
from Bon sen ale,
I.alfn Arinl nf ft 'It n In. anil nrriviw nt. sterftn,
ton rrom the L ike at e iu a m ana p.m.
Trains leavo lor w uaos-uarro at a.
1 and 3. il p. m.
r 1 1 1 a nT i ni air rr
w-w ' 1
V V t
General Office. SCRANTON, Rfc