THE 8CKANTON TBIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING. MAY 20, 18i4. 3 Lacisum All Things Musical STELLE&SEELEY 134 Wyoming Ave. HIGH GNAOLO P WEBEB, SHAW, BMKK10N, OT1IICK MAKES ALL rnicis Sco the Shaw Piano from the World's Fair in our window. GOOD BREAD -USE THE FLOUR And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOB SALE TO 'HIE TRADE BY The Weston 111 Co, EE! ARB OF COUNTERFEITS ! THE RFWUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G.. B. & Co., Imprinted nn Enoh O'lW. Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. LUUIi'l HIIUMi MJt, A kK. DR. H. B. WARE RPRCtAMrVX. EYE, EAB, NOSE AND THROAT. 35 Wyoming AVE. TOMORROW'S CHURCH SERVICES. Saint poke's Church Roy. Ropers Israel rector. First Suuday after Trinity: Holy Communion, 8 n. m.; service and ser mon, 10.80 a. m.; Sunday school and Bible class, 8.80 p. m. ; evening prayr and sermon, 7.U0 p. m. Nursery open at 10 a. m. at 325 Washington avenue, where chil dren will be kindly cared for while par ents attend service. Saint Luke's Dujcmore Mission Rov. A. L. Urban in charge. Sunday school 8 p. m.; evening prayer aud sermon, 4 p. m. Simpson Methodist Episcopal Church Preaching morning and evening by the pastor, Rev. L. C. Floyd. Sabbath school at M m., Epworth and Junior leagues at 630. At all the servicos all tho scats are free. Strangers welcome. CnuRcn of Christ, Scientist Spencer building, 519 Adams avenue. Bible lesson at 10:30 a. m. and church service at 7:30 p. m. D. N. McKee, speaker. All are wel come. Seats free. All Souls' Cnuncn-Pine stroet near Adams avenue Rev. George W. Powell pastor. Service tomorrow at 10.30 a. m ' theme. "Our Honest Belief in the Exist ence, Sympathy and Help of the Angels " 7.30 p. m., theme, "The Glorious Hope of Immortality as Preached by Jesus and Demonstrated." All doubters invited Free seats. First Presbyterian CHUBCE, Washing, ton avenue Preaching morning and even, ing by the pastor, Rev. James McLeod D D. Lieutenant Ezra S. Griffin Post, No 139, Grand Army of the Rpublic, will be present in the evening, and the servicos will be appropriate to the occasion. All old soldiera will bo heartily welcome. Green Ridoe Presbyterian Church Preaching at 10.30 a. m. and 7.45 p. rn by the pastor, Rev. N. F. Stnhl. Bible school at li o'clock. Christian Endeavor meeting at 6.45 p. m. Dunsiore Baptist Church -A. B O'Neal, pastor. Services at 10.30 a. in. and 7.45 p.m. Morning subject, "The Lord's Supper;" ovening, "Forgotten Dreams-" Communion at the close of the morning service. All members of the church are requested to be present. Penn Avenue Baptist Ciiincii Rov. Warren G. Partridge, pastor. 8ei vices at 10.80 a. m. and 7.80 p. m. Subject in the morning. "Tho Religious Affections;" in theevening, address appropriate for Deco ration day before Colonel Monies Post, Grand Army Republio All arewoicomo. Calvary Reformed CnuRcn -Corner of Monroe avenue aud Gibson street. Pastor, W. H. Stubblobine. SorviceB 10.30 a. m., when tho Lord's supper will be ad miuiKtered; Sunday school at 2.30 p.m.; Christian Endeavor. 6.30; evening servlco at 7.10 p.m.,when Rev. Mr. Williard, D.D. L.L.D.ex-president Heidleburg University of Lancaster, Pa., wiil have charge of services. All welcome- Second Presbyterian Church-Rot. Charles K Robinson, D. D., pastor Ser vices 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m, The pastor will preach In the evening a second sermon on "Woman's Suffrage from the Christian Standpoint." All seats free in the evening. All welcome at all services. Elm Park Methodist Episcopal Church -Rov. W. H. Pearce, pastor' Services 10.30 a. m. and 7.45 p. m. Morn ing subject, "The Supremacy of Right Over Wrong." Praise service in the even ing. Quartetta and full chorus. Grace Reformed Episcopal Church Morning prayer and sermon, 10.30 a m Subject. "Tho Third Pillar of the Church" Prayer," Acts ii, 42. Evening prayer aud rermon at 7.80 p. in. Subjeot, "The Third Commandment," Exodus xx, 7. Sabbath school at tho close of the morning service Youug People's Society of Christian En deavor every Sabbath evening at 6,80 Strangers welcomed at all services. Seuts free. Pastor, Rev. O. L. Alrloh. Christian's Chapcl Penn avenue. Green Ridge. Services conducted by Samuel Wilson, of Rahway, N. J., at 10.30 a. m., and 7.80 p. m. Subject, at 7.80, "Second Coming of Christ." Sunday school at 9.45 for Bible study. Seats free. All are welcome. AIMS A Foe to Dyspepsia mm CONVENTION Concluded from Page I, Fourrowsof ssats extending across tbeehuroh bad been reserved for occo panoy by the juniors during their rally. But when they filed into the edifice tit 4.30 o'clock 400 atronir, the space re served for them was found to be far from ad' uuite. At the suKgestiou of Presidont Chandler that probably many of tb older members ware tired from sitting, a couple of hundred dele gutoB and others arose and ranged themselves along the walls uud aisles to make room for the younger ones. The circumstance was one highly gratify ing to the convention; it showed the force the union had to draw upon. The junior sooioties represented were: Washburn Street Presbyterian, Second Presbyterian, Greon Ridge Presby terian, Providence Christian, Oraca Reformed Episcopal, Plymouth Con gregational aud First Welsh Congrega tionul church. The young people were under the general ohsrge of Mrs. D. W. Skellen ger nnd Miss M. E. Dunbar, The for mer announced that the exercises would be conducted by AIater Arthur Phillips, of South Hyde Park avenue. The meeting opened by tho singing of two Endeavor seleutious.after which Muster Phillips announced a .r-:ninute period of spontaneous prayer. It was a remarkable exhibition of ready thoughtful and fervent invoca tions, which even startled some of the older people who had not followed the work of the younger order. A responsive reading of John 14, 119, fo'.lowed the prayers. Master Phillips, in discussing the lesson, said it was ono of the most beautiful nnd encouraging thoughts mentioned in the Bible. The promise and thought of leaniog on the ever lasting arm of Jesus is a beacon for the sinner and a guide for the Christiun. In the midst of a testimonial poriod when scores of misses and boys were bobbing up all over the church eager to speak for the Maker, a flood of sun shine broke through the misty atmos phere and shed its bright gleams ou the scene. rUAYINO IN CONCERT. A few moments of senteuce prayer was concluded by tho repeating of the Lord's prayer in concert. Master Ray Sanderson read a paper on "Why should we have a junior league." When he finished he was greeted by a volume of applause. Muster Sanderson contended that the young.'r organization is essentially an educator for the proper carrying on of the work when the members be come older. Then they will not have trouble in getting committees to meet, will not forget to carry their Bibles to meetings, will not have back-seat gigglorx snd the meetings will be full of interest. A vocal solo was rendered very ac ceptably by Master Ralph Allen, of the Second Presbyterian church. Miss Ollie Williams read a paper en titled "The Pledge." Mabel Boldry, Lois B'oker. Rhoda Elias, Nettie Davis and Maud Chalmers comprised a quintette of Misses who sang "Our Christian Band." Muster Arthur Hull delivered a con cise nnd helpful talk on how to improve committee work. Tho exercises of the Jnniors were shortened owing to the lateness of the hour, and after saying the Mizpah ben ediction they filed from the church while singing, "Ciward Christian Sol dier." REMAINDER OF PROGRAMME. After the departnrs or' the Juniors the schedule programme of the conven tion was resumed in the receiving of reports and an election of officers. The convention committee reported recommendations that conventions be held twice a year during May and No vember and that 5 cents be an annual fee from each member to support the expenses. Seoretary Manning, Rev. C. W. Har vey, Rev. D. W, Skellenger and others opposed the semi-annual recommenda tion. After debate the report was voted to be received and the committee was discharged. The motion was offered to adopt the recommendation of .'ue committee to hold the tri-county convention semi annually, and upon a rising vote Presi dent Chandler announced that he was was unable to count the voters. He decided to let the mitter pass, conse quently conventions will be held semi annually as in the past and according to the constitution. The officrs pressnted by the nomi nating committee were uuauiimusly elected as follows: Thomas F. Wells, Seranton, presi dent; Qoorge Beale, Seranton, rice president; J. C. Manning, Pittston, secretary; J. J. Purkhnrst. Wilkes Barre, treasurer. Many of the members after ad journment remained in the church to enjoy a social and supper provided by Plymouth society. THE EVENING EXERCISES. Address by E. W. Bllst, of Chloago. Resolutions Adopted. The Jackson Stroet Baptist church was taxed to its utmost seating capac ity when the evening session began at 8 o'clock. The meeting wss proceeded by devotional exercises and a song praise service. An overture was rendered by the orchestra of the Sunday school of the Second Presbytsrian ohurch. Rev. R G. Jones, of the Sumner Avenue Pres byterian church, read a selection from the Scripture. Prayer was offered by Rav. D C Hughes. D. D., pastor of the church. The report of the resolutions com mittee was read by Secretary Manning and adopted as follows: RESOLUTIONS APPROVED. The union desires first of all to express its very sincore appreciation of the de lightful hospitnlity so freely extended to the delegates by the good people of the city of Seranton and tho Plymouth Con gregational and other West Side churches; also to the rommittee of arrangements, the ushers and tho executive committee for their faithful and efficient service. They would muke special mention of the courtesy of the Jackson Street Baptist church exhibited in their extending the use of their church building for au even ing service. Secondly, we rejoice in the continued friendship of the daily press to the En deavor movement, and expross our good wi'l to the papers which havo helpod us, and we trust themselves and the pnblic by reporting the proceedings. Thirdly, with roirnrd to the future work of the Tri-County union, we desire to lay special stress upon one certain line of work, on of the three suggested by Dr. Clark In Montreal in July last, viz; the movement toward christian citizenship. We would suggest to oar societies that in these three counties there is special and pressing need for the application of Christ's teaching to political matters. We need hotter Jaws, and the good laws now on our statute books should bo enforced. Hence we need good men and true chris tian mtn in all publlo offices. Lat the so cieties consider the matter and by fervent prayer nnd earnest effort do what tbey can to forward the good work. Charles I. Jenkins, Chairman. A. C. Smith. SOCIETIES ADMITTED. St. John's Reformed ohurch, of Free land, Pa., and the Jenkins Memorial Congregational church, of Jermyn, Pa., Christian Endeavor societies, hav ing furnished satisfactory credentials were admitted to the Union. Ex-President Chandler announced President Wells and introduced him to the an Hence. Mr. Wells said facetiously that the union must be in bad stress when it had to select an old stage ho;s like himself to be its presiding officii'. After briefly speaking of tho purposes and growth of the organization be asked what meant all the commotion caused thereby. It is "Jesus of Naz areth passing by." Mr. Beale, the newly elected vice president, was nut present to udlress the meeting. Secretary J. C. Manning said he thanked the union for the honor again conferred; he accepted the office for a fourth time because be would be as sociated with Mr. Wells Ha also said the responsibility of each and every member was increased ou account of the great fenst of good things they had heard during the day. Ho urged tin individual uiemhnrs to stand by the officers and render them the service that will strengthen the movement. Treasurer Parkhurst spoke briefly. The enthusiasm of the union, he said, is an incentive sufficient to guide him in his work. The anthem "Prune, ye the Lord," was sung by the Plymouth church choir. ADDRESS OF MR. DL1SS, Mr. Chandler announced that Major White, who was to have addressed tho convention, was called away by the death of his son. His place would be acceptably filled by E. W. Bliss, of Chicago, one of the corps of workers selected by Mr. Moody to carry on the soining Lackawanna valley campaign. Mr. Bliss' remarks were from the verse, "Forgetting the things which are behind." People are much dis posed to live iu the past. They make a mistake in so doing and should in tho future profit by the errors of the past. Formerly, that is thirty or thirty-five years ago, people eumo to church without much urging. It was a duty then; now it is a custom. However, the last year of evangelistic work shows the greatest results of a like pe riod for several years. In your valley there is promise of a very soucessful season for Mr. Moody, The present is tho accepted time to reach forth and grasp iu the Master's name a great victory. Let every year be the best year. You show me a man who reaches forth for the beet and I'll show you that nothing but God's power can stand up before him. After reach ing forth, push, puah you're way for ward. Harness the spirit of the world's fair crowd, or, like the Chicago busi ness in in. you must keep up with the crowd or jump iuto the lake, THE DIFFERENCE IN OUR DAY. This rush is the din? ronce between our and our fathers' day; everything now is get, got, get along. We have to pross 00! way right up to the throne aud there plead our cause. To win, the battle must be pushed to the very gates. Let patience be a handmaiden in the sense of running a race with patience; never give up and don't swerve from the direct path. Like Burnside, Christian Endeavor have no second lino of defense; the enemy may turn your left or your right, but press on. A consecration service was conducted by Mr. Bliss after his address. The pledges came rnpidly nnd many persons were upon their feet simultaneously. It was soon found that the audience was almost unanimous in the desire to "push forward," eo Mr. Biiss expeditod the service by asking all to stund who would pledge themselves not to falter. The response was u general rising Prayer was offered by Rjv. N, F. Stub), of the Green Ridge Presbyterian church. The convention adjourned after re citing the Mizpah benediction. WEST SIDE. Mrs Knte Dnmbrosky,n woman well known in police circles, aud Mrs. Annie Gibsou, both residents of Robinson street, wore arrested yesterday after noon by Lieuten aut Davis and Offisers Jones nnd Lowry for fighting Tue woman got into an angry dispute, which soon led to blows. They will have a hearing this morning. Interred Yeetexdajr Afternoon. The funeral of Annie, the daughter of (ieorge bgiiumelptmnick, of Avenue B, who died on Wednesday last, oc- currsd yesterday afternoon from the parental home. Services of nn impres sive nr.turd wore held. Interment was made iu St. John's Catholic, meroetery. Tho pall bearers were Misses Bridget Harrison, Kate Sweeney, Katie Beck and Barbara Kotz. Left the Rails. Car No. 48 of the Hyde Park line left the rails while making a trip toward the central city last evening. The car got off on Robinson street and ran a short distance obliquely into the mud. The traffic was delayed for such a length of time that the passengers for the next trips mid to change cars. Nubs of Newj. The Hyde Park Literary and Debat ing soeiety will close for the summer on Monday evening. All members are particularly requested to be present at the olose of the exercises. Cake and ice cream will bo nerved. The sooiety will resume in Sspteraber. having last Monday ovening elected officers who will take chnrgs in the fall. The funeral of Mrs. Hannah Jones, of Washington street, who died on Thursday morning, will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home. Intermsnt will be made in the Washburn street cemetery. Company F will participate in the tiranu-Army or tne lie public parade on Memorial day. They will meet at noon. Henry E. Rees, a survivor of the Johnstown flood, will give a stsreopti ean entertainment in the Jackson street Baptist church on Monday even ing. The pupils of the Plymouth Congre gational church Sunday school, will give a cantata in the church on next Wednesday and Thursday evenings, Mrs. Levi Thomas, of Jackson street, is 111. The closing meeting of the Welsh Philosophical society will he held this evening in its rooms on South Main avenue. A report of the tri-county Christian Endeavor societies' convention in the Plymouth Congregational and Jackson Street Baptist ohurobes yesterday, will bo found in another column of this paper. The funeral of Willie Coleman, the son of Mrs. Martin Coleman, will oc enr tomorrow afternoon at 8 80 o'oloek from the family home on North Fill more avenue. NOTES BF1IH SI John Looncy, of Orchard Street, Injunl Is Pine Brook Shift. USE OF THE SIDEWALK Constable Woelker's Bicycle May Gi Him Into Trouble Coming Services at Young Men's Christian Associa tion Rooms Another Candidate for Jury Commissioner Exercises at No. 3 School on Decoration Day. Other Notes. John Looney, a married man living at 514 Orchatd street, and employed hv a miner in tho Pino Brook shaft of the Lackawanna linn and Coal company, was severely injured while at wort; yesterday afternoon. He was prep ;r ing to go home and had a blast tumped ready to set off. The tquib sputter- I and flickered nut and he went toward the fiioe of the ehitmber to relight it. When about 20 foot away from the charge, it e. odtd and burled him be neath u heap of coal. Ateistauce soon reached him and be was brought to hi home, win r Dr. Ivus wuo was called in found him bruuod iatornally and suffering from painful injuries ou both legs. Looney will recover. Tomorrow' Services at Y. W. O. A. The exercises at the South Side Young Woman's Christian association rooms will be hold at 3 45 tomorrow afternoon as usual. A song service lnstiug fiftoeu minutes will form a pre lude to the sermou of R jv. Richard Hioms, who has eotisentud to address the young ladies of the organization. It is an unusual occurence for a tnnle preacher to assume the leuding part in Young Women's Christian association services. Rov. Mr. Hiorn's has pro pared an interesting sermon for to morrow, and all who can should hear him. , Ou Monday evening the educational and Bible classes will have class day oxeroises, to which all of the current year's students are invited. Ou Tues day afternoon a May party will be tendered the junior department, be ginning at 4 o'clock, utter tchooi hours. The class exorcises on Monday night will terminate Bible studies for the season, aud they will not be re sumed until September. Constable Woelkers and His Bicycle. Guardian of the peace of the Eleventh wurd, Joseph F. Woelkera owns a hicy cle and uses it daily. Nobody objeots to that, But he occupies the sido walks more than out -half of the time, and there are a great many who do ob ject to that. It does not tnko mnoh argument to convince the people of tho South Side that Coustab e YVoolkers was some months ago one of the first to complain if be saw a bicyclist riding on the sidewalk. It is a violation of n city ordinance to occupy the sidewalk, and Woolksrs was the cause of arresting a local barber about a year ago for suc'i violation, A (prominent citizen of Cedar avenu was heard to remark iu tho presence of a Tribune reporter yesterday that the next time Joseph commits himself in this respect, n war runt will be read to him aud u dose of bis own medicine administered. Memorial Exirclses at No. 3 School. Next Tuesday afternoon commencing at 1.30 tho pupils of No. 8 preparatory school on River street will present an appropriate and well varied programme in houor of M mortal Day. Vocal and instrumental music and selocted reci tations of patriotic impulse will be reudered. The exercises will he held fn Mrs. D. L. Renniman's room, and under her instruction the pupils have prepared themselves very becomingly to celebrate the patriotic occasion. The school will be closed on Memorial Day. Shorter Paragraphs. Thefnneralof Genevieve, the 2-year-old daughter of John Murray, of 0CG South Wyoming avnnue. will bo held this afternoon at 2 o'oloek. Interment in Hydo Park cemotery. The new drug storo and residence of F. L. Terppe, at tho corner of Cedar avenue and Birch street, will be 35x50 and 2 stories high. It will be built of brick and when finished will be one of the finest buildings on the South Side. A young mail carrier arrived at the home of Joseph Shiel.o' Willow street, yesterday. The cigars were generously passed around iu honor of it. The South works will be idle today; but will resume operations Monday. Certain repuirs will be made. The eellar of the house of John Toole, of Prospect avenue, was soaked with water yesterday and much dam age done to the walls. Twelve chick ens were drowned. mothers! Illotbersll Mothers!!! Mrs.WinBlow'8 Soothiug Syrup has 1) en used for over fifty years by millions o mothers for their obildren while teething with perfect success. It soothes the child ho It (mis the gums, allays all pain; cnreB wind colic and is tho best remedy for di arrhoea. Sold by dtugglsts in overy j art of tho world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bot tle. REMEMBER there are hundreds of brands of White Lead (so called) on the market that are not White Lead, composed largely of Barytes and other cheap materials. But the number of brands of genuine Strictly Pure White Lead Is limited. The following brands are standard "Old Dutch" process, and just as good as they were when you or your father were boys : "Atlantic," " Beymer-Bauman," "Jewett," "Davis-Chambers," " Pahnestock," ' Armstrong 6 McKelvy." For Colors. National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound can to a 3j-pound keg of Lead and mix your own paints. Saves time and annoyance in matching shades, and Insures the best paint that It is possible to put on wood. Send us a postal card and get our book on paints and color-card, free; it will probably save you a good many dollars. NATIONAL LEAD CO., New York. Ladies Who Value A refined complexion mast use Pouonl 'a Pawl der. It produces a soft and beautiful skin, Pon't lose sight of the fact that we will sell you a good BABY CARRIAGE for less money than you can buy it elsewhere. ; jWe have made many ad ditions to our LAMP STOCK They are choice and make a beautiful present with a Silk or Lace Shade. We NEVER allow our stock of Tea or Toilet Sets to run low. You know the. quality. Come in and we will give you the prices. HALL 0 le) WEICHSL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenua. "One Goat Makes Them Look Like New" tXTE REFER to Campbell's Varnish Stainsi tho very best thine in the market for touch'ng up and flninhinfr Furniture, Garden or Torch (Jhuirs, (iaby Carriages, etc., etc. With ono application Stain and Varniith anc trnnsform them iuto bi-a.iti.ul imitation! of Cherry, Mahogany, Oak, Rosewood, Walnut, Vermillion and Ebony Put up In Pint and naif Pint Cans. OoBuroto get Campboll'H an I you will notbo disappointod. To Obtain Satisfactory Results with Ready-Mixed Paints USE THE LUCAS TINTED GLOSS This Paint has boon in constant uso for ovor fifteen yoars and we recommend it us bring ccrnomleal, convoniont and durabto, and tnudo from the bes: materials. The natlBfuction exprossod by our custom rr. accounts for our iucroaaoi trudo in thoso goods each season. Call or send for n samplo card showing co. ors and with full instructions as t- estimating cost of bouuiifying your hom3 and surround lugs. Matthews Bros. 320 Lackawanna Ave. Homestead CORN, PEAS, SUCCOTASH, LIMA BEANS, $1.50 Per Dozen HOME JERSEY CREAMER BJTTER In 3 aud 5 lb. Tails. Ejgs received Daily from the Homo Poultry Farm. C. DITCHBTJRN, 437 Lackawanna Ave. A. W. JURISCH 435 SPRUCE STREET BICYCLKS AND SPORTING GOOD8. Victor, Gendron, Eclipse, LovelL Diamont and Other Wheels. Another Advocate of testae ORS. BENWOOU & WARDELI.-. OENTLEHEN It affords rae great pleasure to state that your new proven of extracting teeth was a grand eueoeee is my oaee, anil I heartily roeoramend It t all. I sincerely hope that others will test Its merits. Yours respectfully, CA.PT. S. K. BRYANT, Seranton, Pa. Henwood k Wardell, DENTISTS, 816 Lackawanna Ave. Will on and after Mav 21 make a great redno tioa in the prices of plates. All work guar anteed first-class In every particular. MR. ALEI PHILLIPS Now has haschargo of tho KEYSTONE HO TEL, formerly oafled the Cross Keys, corner Bromley ave. and Swetlnnd. A full line of Liquors, Beer, Alo and lino Cigars will be kept in stock. Mr. Phillips will be nleasodt o irreet his tuunv frlondB who will favor him Nil- veer m m m m m m . with a oalL THE Hindoo Handkerchief Puzzle Now on sale for 25c. or g'ven away with purchase of every suit. Handsome line of Spring Overcoats and the Nobby "Bell" Cutaway Suits Martin & Delany Custom Tailors and Clothiers, Wyoming Avenue. lHIW.IB.ea.HB I the Fashion 3 At 308 Lackawanna Ave. ma A Few Specials for the Week: i a in Dress Goods Our 35c. Cashmere for ... Our 39c. Novelties for . k Our 75c Serges for .... In Wash s Our 18c. Russian Duck Our 25c Jaconets for . Our 8c. Challies for In Millinery Our $5 Trimmed Hats for b Our $7 Trimmed Hats for I Our $2. 98 Curtains for I Our 4.98 Curtains for Jackets and Capes at Your Prices. ntiHSiniemmiiiiiiiiHimiiim DUNLAP Straws Now Open AT Christian, the Hatter. It's a Great Shock fo tho folks who aro claiming they undersell .11 others to And that without the least (uss nr blunter we ore giving customers the ben- .a. ... ...v. ...,,.,. t... , ,H...i .a fhAua "lit IUUU vy yvt .iivv - A Strlctlv High Grade Light-weigh t Wheel, 1801 pattern, far SHO cash. pnttorn, wir wnctii, ior mio. . . a nn ... ..I ..... MO K 1, intf4 pattern, .iuv nri, .... e ineso prices ma so tno uusuieaa at uur swra FLOREY & HOLT V. M. C A. BUILDING. Bicycle Riders, Take Notice! CAPS Invented by a rider Something New CONRAD Has the Agency for them THE CELEBRATED SiHUER NOB ire it Present Mllar sis mrama by nans, Wxrsrcemi : OpposUs-Columhus Monument, mS"V'' BsaaaWsew 30PW rrtftgron Av. Seranton, Pa 21 Cents I 25 Cents a 49 Cents I I I 12 Cents a 15 Cents a 5 Cents a i Goods for . . ... $3.25 I . . . . 4.98 In Curtains a . . . $1,75 2.75 5 SPECIAL A Fine Diagonal Worsted Suit for Men, in colors black and blue, for 15 Clothiers, Matiltosnift S SERGE AID DUCK SUITS English, Wear Well Serge., Tuxedo Cout, Silk Lined, Skirt with docp hem. They are truly tailor- made, Navy or Black.' ONLY $10,50 DUCK SUITS Striped, Spot or Figured Effecta; Well made, cool to wear. ra rrn die nn $0.UV IV ipU.VV SHOULDER CAPES About IS difl'erent styles. Tourist Raymond or Tab Styles; the importer's expectation, $12. OUR PRICE, $6 WOMEN'lwACKETS You will need one for street , excursion or traveling. There's a fit to oun. THE PRICE, $6 TO $12 Furs Stored and Repaired. G. W. Owens & Co. Tnilm-fl, Clonk And Suit Malcnra m..A t- iw, nUU l'UU4UB v ji r 11 r 'M Hi iwrrxs WOMEN 508 BPRU B STREET, I Ul 111 1U)IS(. EtttfUAltJS '