THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MOUNINGr. MAT ii6, 1894. BASE BALL "Our Pets" Have Relumed from Their Swing Arouud tiie Circle. SWIFT IS STILL IN COMMAND After Listening to His Explanation of What Had Occurred on the Trip, the Stockholders Tell Him to Go Ahead and Strengthen the Club. Scranton Again Goes to the Foot of the List. Mart Swift and bis sturdy tombs, who carry iiflont, or at least attempt to carry aloft, the colon of Scrnnton ID the bate ball world returned to tbia eity yesterday after their tint swing arouud the circle. Brass bands did not proclaim their return nor did the populace hani; gar lands of roses about the necks of the returning warriois. Not a flowor was strewn in their pathway. They came unheralded and unsung and at once retired to the peaceful seclusion of their boarding placfs. After Manager Swift had been inter viewed by several directors concerning the somewhat hazy work of the club -while absent from the city be was found by a TRIBUNE reporter. "Well, the poor showing we made on the trip can be attributed to a variety of causes," said Mr. Swift. "We had onr share of bard luck, but I don't nian to blame all our defeats on that much abused term. Onr pitohera ware all right, but the team failed to bat behind them and at critioa! momeuta the iufield teemed to go to pieces. That's the way we lost the games." "Do you intend to strengthen yout Inn?" "At ono?,'' replied Mr. Swift. "J have telegraphed Dick 1'helan of New Orleans to come on at ouce, Ho is an oid player but a good one and I think will be a valuable adjnuot to the club. Other stopn will also be taken tr strengthen the team." The directors of the association met last night and it was a somewhat turbulent session. There was a dis position before the meeting was called to ask for Mr. Swift's resignation, but after his statement of eveuts that Iran spired on the trip were heard the stockholders decided to allow him to continue at the bead of the organiza tion. He declared that within ten days he would have the club in firtt alass shape. Bad weather prevented yesterday's game and this afternoon two games will be played with Reading for a single admission. The first game will l-o called at 2 o'clock. Doran and Rogers will be the Soranton battery. STATE LEAGUE. The grnne of ball between Easton and Hiirrisburg was the only one ou the State league schedule which was Hot prevented by Jupiter Plavsus yes terday. Harritburg for tbe second time was compelled to bow tha knee to the aggregation from Easton, thereby lowering the percentage of the former and allowing the latter to step gracf fully out of its position at the tail end and permitting Scranton to once again occupy its seemingly coveted station as the rear guard of the State league procession. The following table gives the per centages of tho clubs, together with the number of games won and lost by each and their standing in the championship race: Won. Lost. Per C't. Harrisburg 17 8 .850 Allentown 10 li .65 Hazleton 10 .MM Altoona 9 .5110 Reading 7 8 .407 Pottsville 5 1) .857 Easton 5 11 .I1IB Scranton 5 13 .277 SCHKDUL1 FOR TODAY. Reading at Scrantou. Altoona at Allentown. Harrisburg at Easton. Pottsville at Hazleton. Gamss Played Yesterday. STATE LEAOOT2. At Easton Easton 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 2-11 Harrisburg .. 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 05 Hits Easton, 13; Hnrrisbnrg, 8. Errors Easton, 4; Harrisburg, 7. Batteries Gillen and AVeute; Hpiogel and Huston. Hazleton PottavlUe, Alen(own-Altoona, Jjci anton-lileiidliig games postponed DO ac count of rain. NATIONAL LEAGUE, At Brooklyn Brooklyn 0 8021 000'0 6 New York 2 0 0 0 4 1 11) 1-12 Hits-Brooklyn, 10; New York, 14. Er rors Brooklyn, 5; New York, 2. Batteries Kennedy and Kinsiow, Rusie and Par rel I Umpire Hurst. At Boston Boston 0 1 1 2 0 2 4 0 x-10 Washington... 0 0 0000200 8 Hits Boston, 111; Washington, 7. Er rorsBoston, "; Washington, 7. Batteries Nichols aud Ryan, Maul aud McGuire. Umpire Stagn. At Cleveland. Cleveland ....0 0000122 0-5 PittHburg 0 0000001 1-2 Hits Cleveland, Bj Pittsburg, C. Er rors Cleveland, jj; Pittsburg, 2. Batter ies Clarkson and O'Connor; Killen and Mack. Umpire Emslie. At Philadelphia The Philadelphia-Baltimore game was postponed, rain. EASTERN LEAGUE. At Buffalo Providence. ...4 0 2.0 u j o 11 Buffalo 003020100 6 Hits Providence-, i!4; Buffalo, 10. Errors Providence, 2; Buffalo, 5. Batteries Sullivan and;Dixon- PsU and Utnnhnrt. Umpire Hunt At Buffalo Buffalo. 6: Providence. 11. At, Wilkes-Barre SVilkes-Barre- Syra cuse, no game: rain. At Binghnmton Binghamton-Troy, no game; rain. At Erie Game postponed; rain. GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. Manager Kelly is on the look-out for an other pitcher. Ted Larkin has been released by Allen town aud Costello will play right field hereafter. St. Thomas Collego and School 86 play tbis morning at 10 o'elock on the James Boys' ground. The directors of tbe Scranton club challenge the directors of the Wilkes-Barre club to a game of ball. Thayer Torreyson and his Reading braves attended the performance at the Academy of Music Inst night. The rain and consequent wet grounds prevented tbe game between Reading aud Bcrauton in this city yesterday. Al. Lukens, of last year's Allontown team who signed with the Pittsburg Na tional league team, Is now pitohlng for the Sioux city, Iowa. club. Scranton is again holding the tail end position. The defeat of Harrisburg by Button yesterday enabled tbe latter to climb abend of "our pets." Sam Winslow, tbe veteran coach, has taken tbe Harvard base ball team in band and tbe hopes of the Cambridge men have rlsm greatly. Window and Clarence Smith, both of Harvard's craek nine of 't5 will coach the team until the big games. The Activos, of Green Ridge, will accept tbe challenge from the Peun Avenue store for a game of ball at Johnson's Lake for May 30. McDonald, Manager. Ruckle has beou signed by Pottsvillo end will join the team May 8C. when he will pitch his first game against Reading. He played last year with Uinghamton. Up until yesterday Manlove has done good work, but some of his docisiona wero in connection with tho phosphate works outside tho grounds. Harrisbtirg Patriot. Tho HlgU School Daso Ball club .8 re quested to meet, at the Delaware and Lack awanna depot at 12 o'clock a. m. today for the purpose of going to Factory ville. E F. wuittkmokk, Manager. Pitcher Crane has reaibed about the last ditch. From the National league to the Eastern last year, from the Eastern to the New Euglaud league tbis year, aud now Haverhili has released him for indifferent work. Tho Philadelphia club owners have written to Nick Younc asking him to give peremtpory orders to umpires to prevent rowdy acting on the ball field by finiug and romiving from tho game offending plavers. Tbe total attendance at Wilkes Barre for the first thirteen ctiarapionship games this season is given out as 8,105 at the gnto aud 8,656 in the grand staud. Last year in tie same number of games the at tendance was 4,77a at the gate and 1,540 in the graud staud. The first game of the City School Lcnguo was to bavo been played yesterday after noon at 4 o'clock between Wood's and St. Thomas baso ball toams, but the former did not appear on the diamond at tho spe cified time, so Umpire Fitzgerald gave the gamo to St. Thomas' College by a score of 1) to 0. "Yale" Murphy is (piotod as saying that the recent faliiug oft in his playing is due to his inability to stand the physical and nervous strain Incidental to playing cham pionship baseball every day, at which the Now York Sun calls for the permanent substitution of Fuller at shortstop. The managers of the Eatton and Potts ville teams are engaged in a wrangle over tbe signing of Foulkrod, a third baseman. Mrs. Foulkrod, who does most of tho cor responding for her hnsbaud, on Thursday evening oC last week accepted Eaxton's terms for her husband, aud on Friday morning Pottsvllle signed him. It is ex pected a compromise will be made by giv ing one of Easton's pitchors for the re linquishment of Pottsville's claim on Fuulkrod. The Entrance G:e to Politiot. Ptttibwrg Chruiiicln 'i ehiiraih. "What is the gate to success in politics?" asked the horse editor. "Popularity, I suppose," replied the snake editor. "Guess again." ;'Give it up." "The delegato." The blood is the source of health. Koep it pure by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which is peculiar to Itself, and superior iu strength, economy and medicinal merit. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, care fully prepared from tho best ingredients. Twonty-Uve cents. Plaasa Do I've a secret in my heart Sweet Marie, A secret I'd impart Now to thee: You are getting (mite passe, So 1 wish you'd go the way Of "Comrades'' and "Some Day," Sweet Mario I Brook in Eagle. Hexrv Sciioexhals, foreman Henry Krug Packing Co., St. Joseph, Mo., uses Dr. Thomas' Eckctric Oil with his men for sprains, cuts, bruises, chapped hands, etc. It is tuu nest. " FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Stocks and Bonds. New York, May 25. Tbe railway and miscellaneous speculation wns character ized by firmness today. At intervals the bears endeavored to raid the list for tho uurpose of getting back their contracts. but finally they concluded that stocks were too well bold to be Bhaken out by the or dinary methods and they sent tboir brokers into the board with orders to cover at tbe market. At one time they did succeed in forcing Sugar down to !l.'l Chicago Gas to 88 Cordage to 23 and General Electric to 84K. Very little stock came out. As far as the railway list is concorned the bears hammered away without making any impression. Prices advanced - to 2 from the lowest point of the morning and 282,000 shares changed hands. The largest advances were Chi cago Gas2;, St. Paul 1?, Rock island IK, Burlington Northwest 1, Electric 1, Sugar 4K. Louisville and Nasliville li, Missouri Pacific New York Central y. Western Union 1. Tne market closed Strong at about the best figures of the day. Net changes show gains of ( to 2. The following complete table stiowmfr tne day's fluctuations in active stocks is supplied sua rev I dally by LnBir Fuller, stock brokers, 121 Wyoming avenue: Open- HUta- Low Clos ing, est. est. big. Am. Cot. Oil Am Sugar 100W 10BM ASK lflSU A.T.&S.P m '.M W, U Can. So 4H-M 4U94 4l 4:y ten. N. J Chic Si N. W W wa KM y.. B. A Q 77 Q 77 V,J Chin. Gas. 70 71$g list 7I C. .C.C & St. h.... 37W 3S (70 88 Col.. Hock.Val. A T. bi9i 17 IBM 17 U. &H vm Utyf 18(32 13V D. ,L. AW D. A C. F 23Js 21 iH(i rtrle 14 14 I8H 14Vd a. K. Co DIM Wii M 3d Uko Shore 131 131 Ml. II I,. A N 48 4"14 45 411 Manhattan W4 H"H lit) 1B Hlns. Pao IBM zSU aiu itfU Nat. Lead 3VH, !I7!& 37U ,17W N.Y. AN.B 4!i i I 1 N. Y. Central Wi mi Ml fNlti N.Y..O.&W 10!$ U, 'o 15 N. Y..H. A W IJ. 8. C. Co 24K 23 24M North Pae 4 4 11 North Pac. pf 14 14 14 MM Omaha "m 37 WIU :i7 Pan. Mall Heading 1AH lil' 11116 IH! Rook Island l7W W4 ;u wu K.T 10?i 111$ 1UM V11 St. Paul rX bo BBH mU T., C. ft I 17 17 KIM 17K Texus A Pac HV Klfi HU KU Union Pactttc IMfl VAi VAi Vfo Wabash pr Hill ljU ISM l.lljj Western Union Kji j Mi.j si W, 4)11 lh'a 11M H 11 W W. A L. E. pf V 45 toft 40Ji Chicago Grain and Provisions. Scranton. Muy 25. The following quota, tions aro supplied and eorrnted daily by La Bar A Fuller, stock brokors.121 Wyoming ave nue. ' WHEAT. Mar. Jnlv. Sept. Opening U.-H tS &X Highest r.V f' .' 1 53 Lowest :..' biU .,: Closing U 67K CORN. Opening !K H 88 Highest 7J 11NW TO Lowst K7!4 87 HK Closing 911 . OATH. Opening 33 AIM MU Highest 84 2C,U Lowest 33M 30?2 Closing ' 83W 30$ KM I'OHK. Opening 11H0 11K7 1102 Hlghost UNO 11110 UK2 Lowest USD UNO 1102 Closing I IK) 1186 11 IKS LARD. Opening 700 75 8 Highest 700 CS0 CS5 Lowest m m em Closing 807 072 680 SHORT RIBS. Opening 015 1117 111 Highest 615 1117 (T.O Lowest 015 (112 U6 Closing 015 (12 (If. Scranton Wholtaala Market Scranton, May 25. Fruit and Pro duce Dried apples per pouud,6a7o. : evap orated apples, )U14c. per pound; Turkish prunes, SaBc: English currants, 2a!i,Vc; layer raisins, tl.76al.80; muscatels, II. 00a 1.40 per box; new Valencia, 7a7J$c. per pound. Beans Marrow-rats. 13.75 per bushel; mediums. (L75al.90. RESTING 1 STOMACH A Way Discvoered By Which ll Can Cer tainly B8 Done. EVEN WHEN TIRED OUT A Great Secret Which Solves the Pro blen of Health and Shows Ex actly How It Can Be Preserved. indigestion is caused oy a tired stomach just as n sore back after work ins is caused by tired musclet. The remedy is rest. Rest will cure any thing that is caused by overwork. But how to rest the stomach without starving? Not with drugs; drugs irive the stomach more, instead of lss work. In nine cases out of ten. they mak dys pepsia worse. To rest your stomach take food that it artificially digested. Take Paskolu, This gives the stomach no work at all. A short rest makes it well aud strong again. Tii wonderful secret of health and disease is hidden almost entirely in tbe food we eat. If we take care of our di gestion, if we eat proper food, the chances are that wo shall always be well. If we fall Blck wo should take all tbe more care of what we eat in or der to get well. Sicknoss can be cured by food more easily than mediclnct. Paskola is one of the most important of all foods. Every sick person who take Paskola, with proper care in other respects, is almost cartaiu to he ultimately cured. Tho words of two gratef ul ahow what Paskola is doing for people. testimonial. 413 Main St., Worcester, Mars. March 6, 1804. The Pre-Digested Food Co. 30 Reade St., New York. Gentlemen: Reoelviug much benefit Iriim your Paskola, felt it my duty to write you that you might know personally of its merits. For the last twenty-six year9 1 have been unable to use or partake of any meat or fish aud scarcely any vegetables, being un able to retain tho same. I have tried many doctors and countless patent medi cines. All were of no avail till 1 took Pas kola. I havo used threo large bottles and two half sized and it baa worked wonders. 1 now eat anything that is put on the table. To eat a meal now is a pleasure, heretofore it hrs been a torture. In four weeks 1 havo gained live pounds. I fi l l like a now man. I am recommend ing to my friends, aud still taking Paskola myself. : Wishing you success, 1 am gratefully yours, Chas. E. Isaac. P. S. I took Paskola at tho solicitation of Mr. Robert R. Siramonds, who heard of its merits in C. E. Fairbanks & Co. Emlenton, Venanoo Co., Pa. March 24, lbW. The Pre-Digcsted Food Co. 80 Reado St., Now York. Gentlemen: I deem It a duty 1 owe to tho publio generally, to add my testimon ial iu relation to the merits of jour Pas kola. I have been so weak and run down that I thought I would have to give up my busi ness. I could not eat or sleep, and I tried everything that was recommended for such nilmeuts, but all of no uso, until about threo weeks ano a friend of mine persuaded me to go to S. S. Myers' drng store and purchase a bottle of your Pasko la, which I did. To my surprise, I com menced to gain at once and 1 havo gained over fifteen pound iu less than three weeks, and I now like a new raau. Yours very respectfully, H. G. Mahood. Paskola may b? obtained of nny re putable druggist. A pamphlet on food and digestion will be mailed free on application to The Pre-Digested Food Co., 30 Reade St., N.w York. Pbas Green, tl.15al.20 per bniheljtpllt, $2.5(la2.60; lentsls,5 to 8c. per poand. Potatoes 70 to Mc. per bushel. Onions Bermudas, crates, J2.15a2.20. Butter ltic. to ISJfc. per lb. Cbxxhb 10al2c. per lb. Eoes Fresh. l2Ha 13c Poultry Chickens, dressed, 12 to 18c; turkeys, M to 13c. MKATS-Hams, lie; small hams, lHc; skinned hams, ii California hams, 8t'c: shouldcrsXc.jbellies, 8c; smoked breakfast bacon, lie. Smoked IJEEE-Outsides, llfc.; sets, 13$c.; insides and knuckles, 15o. Poke Mess at $15; short cut, $16. Lard Leaf iu tiers at Be.) In tnbs, ' '.; in 10-pound pails, ;;,: in 5-pound pails, Uj;c; 8-pound pails, lot. per pound. i;KEE Choice sugar cured, smoked beef, 14c. Floor Minnesota patent, per barrel. f4.'-os4.40; Ohio aud Indiana amber, at $3.50; Graham at 13.60; rye flour, al $8.25. BucEwiiEAT Flour $2.70 per cwt Feed Mixed, per cwf at 05c. Grain Rye, 66e.; corn, 47 to 40s.; oata, !550c. per butbel. Rye STRAW Per ton $8al5. Hay -$16 to $17. New York Produce Market New York, May 26. Flour-DuH, weak. Wiieat-DuI, weak, ac. lower; No. 2. red store and elevator, 57JsCc; afloat, 57Xc. : f. o. b., 5So. ; ungraded red, 55s!Hc ; No. l,northern, IWJfaflRKc. ; options were dull, closing steady at uc. under yes terday. No. 2, red, May. 57Kc: July, t90 . Peotember, (j(lc. ; December.tMc. corn Dull, Him; No. 2, 8Vo. ele vator, 43.kc. afloat; options dull, un changed: May, 42!c; August, 44c. Oats Dull, unchanged; options dull, lower, weak; Mav. 8vWo.j June, 8b)c.; Jnly, 33c; No. 2 white July, 42tfc; apot Drices, No. i, 40)Xc: No. 2 white, 44c; No. 2, Chicago, 41c.: No. 8, 3ojc.j Ho. 3, while, 43c; mixed westeru, 40a42Hc; whilo do., 43a47c, white state, 43aI7c Beee Dull, steady. TTBRCSD Peek Inactive, easy. Cut Meats (juiet, steady. Lard Dull, nominal, western steam $7.40; city, 0Wa6c.; May, $7.35; July, $7.17; refined, dull; continent $7.75; Sonth America, $8.15; compound, 54a6c. Pork Quiet, nominal. Butter Moderato deuiand.steady; state dairy, 13al6)c.; do. creamery, 14alo. : Pennsylvania do., 14al7c; western dairy, 0al2c; da creamery, 13al7c: do. faotory, Salic; elgins, 17c; imitation creamery, lOal.lKc Cheese Moderately active, ateady. Ecus Fair demand and steady, state and Pennsylvania, 12al3c; western fresh, Uaiac. Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia, May 25.-Tallow was dull at former rates. Prices were: City prime in hogsheads, 4c; country prime, in barrels, 4c. ; do. dark In bar rels, 4'4c; cakes 5c. 1 grease, 4o. Four Big Sucoessss, Having the needed merit to more than make good all tho advertising claimed for thorn, tbe following four remedies have reached a phenomenal sale. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, each bottle guaranteed Eleo tric Hitters, tbe great remedy for Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the beat in the world, and Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are a perfect Sill. All these remedies are guaranteed to o just what is claimed for them and the denier whose name is attached herewith will be glad to toll you more of them. Bold byilatthews Bros', drug store. In tmodsards of eases the onre of a cough is the preventive of comsoroption, Tbe surest cough medicine in the world is Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrnp. Bold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. A Word. fronts of all kind cost that much, ea rejjf Situations Wanted, which are insert Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG ij lady in sIkhj store. Address L. M., Bcrau ton Tribune. SITUATION WANTED BY A BOY 14 0 yMrs of ageat any kind of honest work. Address U. IL. Tribune office. HOOOKKKKPKK AND STENOGRAPHER of three years' experience would like a position; salary 80 object. "D. U," Tribune office. SITUATION wanted BY a young man 2il years vt omo; lias a fair eduoat ion; would accept mont anytliiin,'. Can give best of reference. Address V. S.. 3111 Nurth Ke becca avenue, city. U7ANTKI.) -A POSITION BY A BOY, 15 yean of age, :s an apprehtloe to a bar- her, Aiiili-oHs 1, .1.. Tribune. OUNGMANnrrxmmo""ENTKR medical college next fall wauta iionltioii with doctor where lie can devote some time to study and drive or nssitjt generally to mako part expenses. Address L. J , 73S N. M.iin avenue. Real Estate. IP YOU ARK Tl KKdT)? CANNOT CON tinue liaying installments on your build ins; lots, write to me; 1 wunt to buy two or three. "E," thiaorticB. Agents Wanted. 1 ENKRAL AGENTS WANTED BELL x' lng new articles to dealers; exclusive terrltorv, no coinr"i)tition. no capital required; UU lo BCD tier cent, profit. Columbia Chemi- j cal Co., d'J Dearborn It, OhloagO, III. DALESMEN WANTED To BELL OUB IT m,o(U by sanipl" to the wholesale and re tail trade; sell on sight to every business mau Or firm; liberal salary and expenses paid; po sition permanent. lor terms address with aamp. (. ree, wis. V7 ANTED MAN WITH LIFE AND Fl HE VV insurance experience as solicitor lu Lackawanna county; good Inducements to right num. Address lliVM lieta building, I'hllaileiphia. Pa, Help Wanted-Male. Waed-aITentIc man wri'H about $). Can get an agency wh-.oh will pay -j a weak anil expenses. A. A. BARN EH, Cpnway House. ' ANTED - OOOD WHE KLWRIOHT. V Olldiool's Carrtnge works, corner Lack fiwitnna avenue Mid &-venth stf eet HelD Wanted Females. niRL, WANTED TO DO GENERAL J housework. Apply at 50H Lackawanna Wanted To Buy. WANTED TO BUY COMMON PIUEONS; will give cents a pair. Call at room 2, I'rico Building. Il",i Washington avenue, or a IdresH letters to 1'ost Oftlco Box ,'WI, Scrnn ton, Pa. tmployment- LL KINDS OF HELP SUPPLIED. CALL li. or write. ID Spruce street, EMPLOY MEN r BCREAU. Dreasmaklng. WANTED -PUPILS TO L.EAKN THE best system of dress cutting and nmk inR, tilmmiuK. draping aud dosianini;. Thiirmiiih instruction given in all the branches of the art o( millinery. For either conrseof lessons bsram raaaonable, wits. u. M. POWELL, JBFrliiiklln avenue. For Rent HOB KENT - SUITE OF ROOMS ON r Lackawaunn nviiimo, also basement ar ranged for wholesale purposes. Call at WoimI s College. IOR RENT SIX ROOM HOUSE. NO. Ulf, r Eynou street. Iuqulre T. McNulty, 681 Hamilton street, I 'OK KENT A NEW DOUBLE HOUSE, V corner On e n Ridge street und Madison avenue, will rent cheap to desirabl" tenants. john Walter ior kent ki unished house and J garden in country, for summer. House largo; running spring water; plenty of shade; beautiful lake full uf game fish a few rods from door. 820 per month. D. W. BROWN, attorney. 50,s Spruce hIi t. IOH RENT- FURNISHED ROOM, SUIT 1 able for two, with board or without, 1H2 Adams avenue. 1OR RENT LIGHT, WELL FUBNI8HED r rooms; delighttul location. Wl Washlug ton avenue. 'I'U LET FOR A TERM OK YEARS 1 Part or all of three hundred feet of yard room nloug railroad. Apply at 240 Franklin avenue. f PO RENT- STORE liWi OR FURNISHED 1 ball on (ireeu Ridge street. A ery doslra nlo looatlon and on rea-sonabln terms. Apply to F. E. NETTLETON or U S. WOODRUFF, lirpnbliean building. For Sale. IOR SALE A UOOD MILCH COW; IN 1 quire WW North M aln avenue. TOR SALE FARM 110 ACRES; 80 ACRE8 1 improved. Two good housos.running spring water at both, three good barnn, young orlicariL Located in village of Forest Lake,Susiuelianna county, Only a few rods to school, church, poetoffloe, etc. Beautiful lake ell Btucked with gatao fish. Terms oasy. Apply to D. W. BROWN, attorney. BOB Bpinoe street. IOR SALE - AN IDEAL COUNTRY HUM H, V 7 aci'CB of land, line large house, mod. rn iinprovemeiila Knsy dUftaUCe from Scran ton. Also J desir-ble ouihling lots in country. D. W. BROWN, Att'y, 5IIH Spruce street. 1OR SALE -A FARM OF EIGHTY ACRES, x one and one-hau miles from DhUdu on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad. First class farm house with a never tailing spring nearby: two bai ns, good land and good orchard. Will bo sold cheap. Terms enm . Address 11. ft VON STORCH or Is A Ac : ELLIS, executors, Dalton, Lackawanua county, Pa. TOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR 6CRAN JT ton pioperty-,A bearing orange grove increasing tu proilnctiob and value yoarly In Ihe orange section in Florida. Addrea F. li. NETTLETON, Lake Helen, Florida Boarding. ( L'MMER HOARDING-FOUR RESPECT O able persons can find lirst class board with small family In large, airy house. Hot nnd cold hat lis. Free carriage to depot and church Throe-quarters of a mile from sta tion. Healthy locality. Address box (i3,Clarks' Summit. Special Notices. MEALS FOR $1.0fX 215 Franklin avenne. BLANK BOOKR, PAMPHLETS. MAGA zinos, etc., bound or rebound at Tri Thibunu office. Quick work. Reasonable prices, MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 144, corner Spruce street and Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tickets for JH-50. Good table board. ACADEMY OF MUSIC An Unexpected Dramatio Event. Positively last appearance In Scranton uf the fsmous and accomplished actress, MRS. JOHN DREW TUESDAY, MAY 'J9-Mrs. Drew as MRS. MALAPROP In Sheridan's great Com edy, in throe acta, TH E RIVALS WEDNESDAY, MAY iJO-Thomas Holrroft's comedy in four acts, written In 1761, The Road to Ruin Prices -fl, 75, 50 and 25c. Seats on sale Sat urday, May 2a onno FOUR GREAT SPECIALS That Will Bring Business for Us and Give Satisfaction to Our Customers. NO. 1. Fifty dozen Ladies' Silk llose, ia following colors: Black, Cream White, Nile Green, Canary, Orange, Pink, Lavender, Light Blue, Tam aud Browns. 50-. U tho new price. They were $1. NO. 2. Greatest Underwear Birgiin of thaae, for gaatlemsa Bilbrigrm Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, 25c. per garment. Compare them vit!i those you have usually bought at 50c. NO. 3. One hundred Ladies' Changeable Silk Umbrellas, colors at follows: Browu, Navy, Garnet and Green. Special price, $3 each. Universally sold at 8L Trimmed with the finest Natural Handles. NO. 4. One case of Cotton Huok Towels (larga size). Tin pric3 don't pay for tho raw cotton. Pom for 15c. CONNOLLY & A RING- The most ancient of all personal ornaments, and in every age and country the distinguishing mark of freedom, birth, rank and honor Freeman's Rings Tell their own story. They pos sess nil the bounty that art can give them, and every worthy new fad and fancy that fashion sug gests at once funis a plac9 in his stock. Real Diamond Kings from $1 00 up. Thousands of Gem Kings to select from. idinp; Rings Solid 18-karat gold, of course, all the weights and sizes. By the way. tve sell all plain gold rings by actual weight. Tbia means a big saving to buyers. FREEMAN, Dealer in Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, E.o. Cor.Pciro Ave. and rpruce St. AT ThL Iriving Park Scranton, JULY 4tti $2,000 worth of Diamonds to be given away as prizes. All the best known racing men in the country will compete. Grand Parade of AVhcelinen in the morning, Excursion rates on all roads. Bicycle Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTBTON, PA. v& Wall WALLACE 209 SOMETHING NEW I This Beautiful Bed Speaks for Itself. It yon need a Child's Bed, don't buy until you have teen this one. Yon will regret it it yon do. When folded takes bnt little more room than a chair Strong and durable. Made of Oak and Natural Maple. Very fine Run finish. Holds all the Bedding when folded. Length, 5 feet. With, .'!0 and 40 Inches. PRICE VERY LOW WE ARE RETAILING AT PAO TOR PHIObiS. E7"Tbore aro no Weights or SprlngB In the Folding Mechanism of this Bod. WILL ONLY FOLD BY LIFTING. THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO. CORNER LACKAWANNA AND ADAMS AVEsi. DID YOU KNOW? That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORES for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at ercereau 307 LACKAWANNA AVKNTJH WHY NOT See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom Sett We sell Furniture as cheap as any house in the country that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try ns. Mull ADD 207 IRON and STEEL NORWAY IRON nt,ACK DIAMOND 81L.V1CR. EXTRA SPECIAL SANDERSON'S ENGLISH JKSSOP'S ENGLISH CAS S I' l : 1,1, HORSE SHOKS TOE CALK TIRE . MACHINERY SPRING BOKT STEEL ANVILS BKLLOWS HORSE NAILS WILEY & RUSSELL AND WELLS EROS. CUTTING MACHINERY. Bjttenbender&Co.,$cranton, Wholesale and retail dealers' in Wagonraakers' and Blacksmiths' CUPPT.T HOW TO MAKE MONEY There are hundreds of young men and young women in Mill country who have splendid ability, but they havo never boea wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been an inspiration to hundreds of young people. If yoa ore tired of inactivity and want to do something tangiblo, come to tho College. COMMON ENGLISH COURSE BUSINESS COURSE shorthand course, p. "WOOD. Proprietor. "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OP THE RICHARDS LUMBER CO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. 1 AVE- & Connell WYOMING AVE. WAGON WHEELS AXLES SPRINGS HI 'MS Bl'OKRS RIMS STEKL SKEINS R. R. SPIKES SCREW