The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 25, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Ladies' Shirt Waists
The large assortment of La
dies' Waists wo are showing
is attracting much attention.
The garments are unsur
passed In Quality and Fit
In Variety of Design
In Tasteful Colorings
In Workmanship & Finish
In Moderation of Prices
and cannot fail to appeal to
every taste and purse.
Tailor-Made Suits
From the most renowned cus
tom taiiors. Our ability to
obtain tho proper styles,
cloths and shapes are un
equalled. Chenille Table Cover
Excellent quality.
One and a half yards square,
Heavy ball fringe,
AT $1.19 EACH
It is almost Incredible that
Such goods can bo offered at the
Herr Dowj Dsaiss ThHt tho Cuirass Con
tains Either Iron or SteeL
London, May IU The Times, com
menting ou yesterday's test of Dowe's
lulioi-proot ' C0ftt,snid that Ilerr Dowe's
man.iKer Ueniert that the cuirass con
taiutd eithr iron or stool plutes. Tb
qucutiou, however, remains unsolved
whether a soldier could not be iljored
and seriously injured by the impact if
luo cuirass was iu uetnal contact with
bis body. Yrsterday's exhibition es
tablished beyond a doubt the good
faith of all concerned, but whether the
Invcutiou is of real value can only be
proved by long and careful experiments
conducted in the naim of militaiy
The present weight of twelve pounds,
or even the reilucd weight of nine
pounds, is prohibitive at all events for
cavalry and infantry, unless it justifies
the supplanting of a portion of the
present equipment. How far it will
serve as a shield for field guns will buve
to be considered.
Bays of Old Sol GludUsn tho Hearts of
the Quaksrk.
Philadelphia, May 24. The rain
ceased at.ont 2 o'clock this afternoon
and a 'little later the snn showed itself
for the first time in Ave days. The
wind was shifted to westerly aud there
is every indication that the great storm
is now over.
Kindo Friday 6.81 inches of rain has
fill",, in this city, and of this amount
1.15 inches fell today jip to noon. The
urextuit previous record was 5 83 indies
in 1873, and tlia next greatest 5. 0(5 lu
The average rain full for May in a
number of years has been 3 inches. Iu
the past six days it will be noun the fall
has been creator than that of the whole
mouth iu any previous year.
Miss Irwin, a Oroat-Qranddaufrhtor of
Franklin, Accepts the Dautishlp.
Philadlphia, May 24 It is an
nounced by friends of Miss Agnes Ir
win that sne has accepted the doausbip
of Radcliffe college, as the Harvard
annex is called.
Miss Irwin is a very learned wom.'in.
She ia a good Anglo-Saxon scholar and
in accomplished linguist. She is tho
great-granddaughter of Benjamin
Franklin. Her father at one time was
minister from this government to Din
A Farmnr and a Strange Old Found
Murdered and tho Hou FUvd.
Guthekie, 0. T., May 24 A few
right ago settlers in the Sac and Fox
county discovered the body of John
O'Connor sitting in a chair at (he sup
l er tablo witb his skull crushed in,
nud by bis side the dead b&dy of a
strange girl about 10 years old with
lior throat cut.
The building had been firod and the
pockets of the dead man rifled. The
presence of the dead girl makes the af
fair a deeper mystery.
Bnmuel Con over Shit His Three
Erothere-ln-Lnw Full of Halts.
CAMBELLViLLE,Ky.,May 24 Quincy,
Josepb aud Jumes Tnlman waylaid and
shot at Samuel Conover and his wife
as they drove along tho .road from
Conover returned the fire and fatally
wonnded Josepb and Quincy Tulmaii
aud dangerously wounded Jaiue. Con
over's wife is a sister of the Tulmans.
Tbey did not live peaceably together
and a feud developed.
Highest of all in Leavening Tower Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Yesterday morning at 5 39 o'clock
occurred the death of George W.
Mang, the son of Mr. and Mrs Peter
Slant:, of South Main street, Deceased
was 24 years of age. Mr. Mang had
been eouiplaining for two years, but
for the pat t three weeks had boon con
fined to his be 1 suffering from appen
dicitis. About a week ago an opera
tion was performed from which he
rallied, but since grew worse until
death came to end hi j sufferings. He
was u member of the Mozart bund.
HeMler'l orchestra and Franklin lodge,
Junior American Protestant associa
tion, The funeral will occur at the
home on Saturday afternoon nt 3
o'clock. ilev. Charles of the First
Presbyterian ohurch, will ofTi date.
The solemn ceremonies attending the
reception of uovici'S and the profession
of final vows, which brluiri full mem
bership in the order of Sisters of the
Itnmacnluto Heart, took place at St
Hose's convent in this city at 3 o'cloek
yesterday afternoon. The following
young ladies took tbfl initial vows an I
received the while veil: Mi3s Agnes
Droderick, of Arc!) bald, Pa., lu re
ligion, bister Mary Dolorosa; Miss
Elizabeth Person, of Mayfield, Pa., in
religion, Sister Mary Visitation; Mis.--'
Mary blennbergh, of HdWley, Pa., in
religion, Sister Mary Isabel; Miss
Mary Weir, of Honesdale, Pa., in n
ligiou, Sister Mary Mariana; Miss
Mary McCanti, of Carbondale,
in religion, Sistor Mary Alice;
Miss Mary KolUy, of Pleasant Mount,
Pa., in religion, slater Mary Henry;
Miss Cecilia Gallagher, of Sot an ton, Pa,
in religion, sister Mary Paulina; Miss
Catharine Dully, ot Frreland Pa., iu
religion, sister Mary Juatlue; and tin
folKwing made their find profession
and were given the habit of the black
Veil,Slttff Mary James.of Green Ridge
Pa ;Siter Mary Jnlia.of FreeIand,Pj. ;
Sister Mary Si-xtu.?, of Freeland, Pa. ;
Sistor Mary S;lom, of Duryea, Pa.
Bishop O'Hajra officiated nt to cere
monies, and Father Tbammel, of Now
York city, acted us master of care
monies. Among tho clergymen pros
eut were Fathers Golden, of the
Bcranton cathedral; P, F. Broderick.
oi Bntrinebannai A. F. Broderick, of
WI)kesBarre; Judge, of FJuwley, and
Coffey, Currau ami Nealon, of this
At a meeting held yesterday morn
ing by the) stockholders of the Sperl
Heater company, the following board
ol directors were elected: E. E. Hen
dricH, A. P. Trantwein, 0. E Rettew,
E Iward Clarkiton. E. W. Jackson and
Thomas McDonald. Tho last two
gentlemen named are Susquehanna
Several young men from this city
went to Strautou Inst evening and at
tended Barutim's circus
The drug utore of J. J. Jauswick, on
Belmont street, was entered during
Wednesday night by parties who did
not leave their address, and robbed of
ii vera! articles of value, also some
money. Among the missing articles
wre several razors. Tho entrance was
effected through the front door.
Airs. C. P. Hall, ck is visitiug Wilkes
Burro frtends and relatives.
Mrs. iVilip Bifrrytnan and daughter
leave this morning for a visit with
friends in Scranton and Pittston.
Mr. Robert Bpsulding, of Wilker the guest of Mrs. J. J. O'Boylf,
of ttivor street.
Tiie remains of the infant child ot
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Bak.r, of Forest
Ci t j. who died Wednesday morning,
will be brought to this city this morn
ing nn the "Erie Flyer" and interred In
St. Rose cemeiety,
Owing to the death of George Many,
who w;m a member of the band, the
open air concert which was to be ren
dered this evening by the Mozart band,
has boon indefinitely postponed.
Cri'iclalng a Yean? L-i.Iv.
"Sho would be a pretty girl for but ono
"What's thatr nn!;o1 Charloy.
George Her face is always covered with
purple and red blotches.
Charley Oh, that's easily enough dis
posed of. Used to btt the same wav my
self, but. I cau:bt on to the trouble one
day, nnd got rid of it iu no titno.
George What was it?
( hurley Simply blood eruption. Took
a short coarse of P. P. P. I tell yon, it's
tho bos3 blood corrector. The governor
bad rheumatism so bad that yon could
bear him holier clear across theeonntr
every time he moved. He tried it, ned
you know what an athletic old cent hn ;f..
now. If somebody wonid give Miss Daisy
s pointer, she would thank them after
ward-i. All the drug stores sell it.
Agreeable to the wishes of many of
his friends, Jam -s H. Feeley, of this
place, bus became n canilidate for tho
Democratic nominution for represi'ti
tativo fiom tho Fourth district. Mr.
Feeley has been mentioned for the of
fice heretofore, but whatever was said
merely expressed the wishes of his
idmirers rather tbau the desires of
h'mself, When questioned about the
matter yesterday Mr. Feeley udmittod
that he was in the field and said be
would remain in until the day of the
convontiou. Mr. Feeley is capable of
filling the exalted office to which be
aspires with credit to himself and
benefit to the district, There is no
doubt whatever but that be will make
an interesting campaign, for be has
hosts of friends all over the district
who will be glad to have an opportun
ity for him.
At the convent of St. Rose of
Luna, in Carbondale yesterday,
Miss Aggie Broderick, formerly of ibis
place, received the white veil of sister
hood. Her brothers, Ruv, A. T. Brod
erick, of Wilkes-Baire, and Rev. P. F.
Broderick, of Susquehanna, beside
many of ber friends from hero uud
elsewhere were at the ceremony.
Rev. A. T. Broderick, of Wilkes
Burre, stopped oil here to vi-'it his
mother for a few hours yesterday.
The East Side baud have already
made arrangements for an excursion
to Farvlew on Monday. The members
of the band will leave nothing undoue
to muko it enjoyable.
lu h fight on the ridge on Tuesday,
evening a Hnngarian was stabbed iu
the breast and abdomen by some of his
countrymen. His wounds are not con
sidered dangerous. He was taken to a
hospital iu Scranton.
Tiik secret art of beauty lies not In cos
metics, but Is only in pure blood, and a
healthy performance of the vital functions,
to be obtained by uUug Burdock Blood
Bitters. m
If present interest Is any criterion,
the Eisteddfod heid under the auspices
of St. Mary's congregation at Laki
Ariel on July 4 will be one of the
greatest musical events of the season.
The entries for competition are com
ing iu rapidly and those in whose
charge the arrangements Imv been
placed nre k''pt busy answering com
munications from all tide!, The sec
retary, Rev. M, B, Donlau, baa decided
that the date on which applications
will elcno will be June 15 and none will
be receiv.-d alter that date. Following
is a list of the prizes and the. choruses,
solo, etc:
CboniS, "O, Father Whose Almighty
Power" (Judas Maccabeus) HandeL
To Choirs not less tbau sixty voices.
Prize $300
Halo chorus Not less than sixteen
nor move than twenty voices.
"Comrades in Arms," Adulph
Adam, Prize 0
Soprano solo "Longing," Harrison
-Millard. Prize i0
Alto solo "Hegrot," Blumenthal.
Prizo 10
Tenor solo "How So Fair," Flotow
(Opera Martini). Prize 10
Bass or baritone solo ''Toreador
Song," Carmen. Prize 10
A concert will be given hy tho ladies
of the congregation at the Baptist
Obnroh this evening, Tho programme
is an excellent ono and embracos execu
tors of much talent.
Squire Plum, of Hawloy, has been
visiting friends at this place for the
past week.
Miss Jetsie Brydon left today for a
woek's visit with Miss Grace Bates, of
William Miller, of Mt, Cobb, visited
his daughter, Mrs. E. H Krause, yes
terday. The Blessed Virgin's sodality of St.
Mary's church will hold a recepl'ion
nt xt Snmlav evening.
Loo Smith is visiting his father at
Lake Ariel.
Professor Kirwiu, of 01ypbant,called
on friends Wednesday evening.
A concert will be given under ttw
auspices of the choir, in tbo Baptist
church on Friday evening, May 2o
The programme is as follows:
Piano duet Mrs. nud Miss Pinkuoy
Soprano olo Mrs. A. AckersOO
Trio First and second violin and piauo
Mr. Preun, Miss Pmkney, Miss Drey.
Tenor eolo Mr. Manu
Duet, banjo and guitar,
Messrs, Bheninger and shafer
Soprano 6olo, (violin obliyato, Miss
Pinkney) Miss Wert
Trio, violin, Onto and piano
Mr. Pittaok, Miss Pinkney, Jli&s Drey.
Quartette Male voices
Soprano m1o Miss Hnycook
Duet, Pan jo and piano,'
Messrs. Shafer and Smith
Duet Misses Wert nnd Drey
Piano solo Mr. Void Smith
"Tho Confederate Spy" was given on
Wednesday night at Weber's rink be
fore a large and appreciative audi
ence, by homo taltfnt. Tho audience
was a critical one, but siiowjd its ap
preciation by the rounds of applause,
The scene of the drams iB laid in Vir
ginia and Pennsylvania, The moral of
the drama is goo I, and it csa b truly
said that the performance was far
above expectations.
John Evan?, in the role of Philip
Bradley, a confederate py, carried tuo
audience with him aud showed himself
worthy of praise. John Conoly, as
George Waterman, a young uuionist,
who enlisted todu battle for the north
against the utU ; and David Owens, as
Fred Aiusley, as a rebel from Jackson's
lines, wvoke'l mnch applause. Lockery
Bobneldjebecker, George J. Powell,
kept the au livnco in n continuous roar
of laughter by his mischievous con
duct. Susie Harris, Rhodn Davis and
Mrs. Bessie Couloy took their parts
in cultured sty lu and won much ap
plaute. Arrangements are being tn ide to
have it repeated for the benefit of the
Price Library ossoolatioo,
The members of the Taylor orchestra
acquitted themselves with credit at
the production of "Confederate Spy"
on Wednesday night, aud won much
deserving applause. Prof. Thomas
Da via ia tho leader of tho new orchestra
anil must undoubtedly feol highly
pleased for the warm r-jceplion given
uim und bis ustoolsWa.
Our streets nre out of light.
A horde and wagon was struck bv an
electric car at the upper end of town
yesterday. Luckily no serioui damagj
Was done.
Tho wet weather has compelled our
Amateur gardeners to hang up the
shovel and the hof.
Mrs. Matthew McPherson and .Mrs.
Thomna Barrett, of Dickson, called on
Mrs. Dr. A. A. Lindabury, of Hyde
Park, on Wed n. s lay.
The Young Men's institute of this
place will give a eociui to their lady
friends each week.
Thomas W. Casey, of Patterson, N
J is staying witb relatives here,
Pricehurir oan lay oluim to being the
town of churches in n few months
more, We have two Catholic ohuroheS,
a Primitive Methodist, two in course of
erection; the Ueruian E,)iicopal nnd
Presbyterian. A Welsh Baptist ch urch
will ba the next.
Eucklor.'s Arnloa Salvn.
The heat salvo in the world for Outs
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum. Fever
Sores, Tetter, ( happed Hands, Chilblains,
Corns aud all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively t urea Piles, or no pay required. It
it guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or monoy refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sole by Matthews Bros.
Over 2,000 Kn Out of Work on Account
of Lack of Fuel.
BttADDocic, May 24 The Edgar
Thompson steel works closed down this
morning in all departments but one
and that will likely close today or
tomorrow. The causo is lack of iron
and coke. Tho scarcity of iron results
from the shutting down of so many
The blowing out of so many furnaces
aud the consequent scarcity of iron
may cause a hut down of the Carnegie
plants at Daqtiesue, Pittsburg and
Bsaver Falls, throwing over 20,000
men out of employment, Over 2,500
nre now idle,
The many friends of John Tonay,
tho well known pouengef engineer,
who previous to the strike on the Val
ley road, made a reputation as a man
ipulator of the throttle, will be
pleased to learn that he has a position
on the Didaware, Sasquhanu:i and
Schuylkill railroad, owned aid opsr
ated by Ecklev B. Coxe & Co.
The residence of H. Oliver on Swal
low otreot was entered Wednesday
oveniug during tho absence of the
family by sneak thieve Tne robbery
whs not discovered n itil Mn. Oliver's
return from towu between 9 and 10
o'clock. Th thieves broke open a
trunk belonging to Mr. Hughes, Mrs.
Oliver's who lives with
them, and took from it a tin box, in
which Mr. Hughes kept his valuables.
They took $5'Z in bills, but left the
papers undidturbed. Tuey gained en
trance at tho rear, by stepping from an
embankment to the porch over the
kitahen, and railing a window of Mr.
Hughes' room. They did not visit any
other apartments of the house.
Kev. A. N. Wylie, until recently a
resident of Scranton, hut at presoiit as
sistant p istor of the Luz tho Avenue
Congregational churaii, had a narrow
escape from death yesterday hy being
knocked down and severely injured by
a runaway horse while he was return
ing from the fnnoral of Mrs. Williams.
Ilow serious his injuries are at this
writing cannot be stated.
Twenty-seven members of tho Eagle
Hose company left this morning ou the
Central Railroad of New Jersoy for
Lehightou to participate iu the fire
men's parade there this afternoon At
Wilkes-Barre they were joined hy the
Jolly Ten club and Fire cotup my No. 1.
Lehigh Valley train at 11 "8 a.m. aud
S 45 p, m, will connect at Avoc with
train to Scranton today ou Central
railroad for the Christtan Eudwavor
On Tuesday evening last tho stock
holders ot the Pittston Knitting com
pany met nt the office of George D
Ferris, in the First Nationa'l bunk
building, for the purpose of winding
up tho affairs of the company. About
thirty of tho stockholders were pros
eut, and Wm. Aobott, appjintod re
coivor for tho company, by the court,
wns directed to proceed to collect the
moneys the court decreed should be
contributed, to equalize among the
stockholders their pro rata Bhare of the
company'.! debts. Tho decree of court
was in pursuance of the finding of tht)
master, J. S. Strause. Mr, Abhott hus
given bond iu the sum ot iJiOJO, whiol)
una been filed iu court, and upon Its
approval, he will proceed with the
work iu naud. Gazette.
Upon the failure of D. M. Stinson,
of New York, who was the general
manager up the tbo time of the closing
down of tho Works, to pay $i 204 05
with interest from Jan. 23, 1800, the
court bal decreed that tUe receiver
shall invoke tue remedies provided for
puon oases in tho tribunals of New
York state, or wherever sarvices of
process cau bo obtained upju said Stin
son, At a meeting of the Christian ESa
deavor society of the Broad Street
Methodist Episcopal church, Mr.
Charles Oliver and Misi Clara He! wig
were chouen delegates to the tri-county
convention at Scranton.
A tuneless piuno at Moosic so de
tracted Frank Bonstsiu's horse Wed
nesday as to cause it to break away
from its fastenings in front of McDou
gall'ii store and run away. It never
stopped uutil it reached West Pittston,
where discordant sounds uuver disturb
the gentle reveries of man or beast.
Among the p isaengen on board tho
Steamship City of Paris, which nearly
collided in mid-nVoan with tho Majes
tic, were Miss Olive Smith and Mls3
Sarah Drury, of this place.
Postmaster J. II. Molliu was a vis
itor iu Wilkes-Barre yesterday.
Charles Pdntchley and wife, of Bing
hnmton, are visiting at the residence of
L. T. Travis, on CIiiisj avenue.
Mrs. L. W. Church, who has been
visiting friends in North Eastou, Mass,
and New London, Conn., has returned
Stephen Sprngne has moved to the
upper floor of the house occupied by
,1 route Jonep, on Chase avium
Frankio Be-eiier, aged 20 years, died
at the residence of ber mother on Chaso
avenue this morning at 2 o'clock. Tho
funeral will bn held on Saturday. In
ternNbt will bo at St. Lawrence ceme
tery, Maud Millor, of Courtland, who has
been visiting Miss Marion Church, of
this villnge, ha returned home.
J. li. Couipton, of Dunmore, is visit
ing his sou, J. J. Cooiptou, ot this vil
lage. Frank Carlton, of Scranton, is visit
ing nt the residence of Oeorge Wilcott,
on C base avenue.
He Wfdded Three Womtn, nod One of
Them on Threo Occions.
Commm-s, O., May 24 B. F. Con
rad, a ccnvlct, nnd twice a bigamist,
was married for the third time in the
ptato' prison lust evening to Emma
Ebfirlc for the purpose of legitimizing
their children,
Conrad married Miss Eberle ten
years ngo, having then u wife living.
His illegal wife forgave him nud he
got a Minnesota divorce from wife No.
1, and reluming to Ohio married Miss
Eberle a teoond time. She subsequent
ly learned that Conrad had married a
Milwaukee girl just after Securing his
divorce, and that be was a second time
a bigamist. Then she had him arrest
ed for the crime und he is serving a
lona seuteuce.
Wife No, 2 has now procured n di
vorce and Conrad bus a third time mar
ried Miss liberie, aud this tuno the
marriage gocB.
Ontirs Grunting Leaves of Abe ni
Iau d lom Hi Blq iartare.
HAURISBtruo, May 24 Orders have
1 1 en leaned from headquarters National
Guards granting leuva of absence to
Colonel John Biddle Porter, Sicond
regiment, from May 21 until Juuh 21,
1804 Lieutenant Colonel Thomas
H. Maginnis, Third regimant, June
1 until July 81, with permission to
go beyond the sou; First Lieutenant
Henry Hand Stewart, jr., inspector of
rfl-practice, Sixth regiment. May 14
until Aug. 1, with permission to go be
yond the stus, and Lieutenant Alouzo
Uartly, First battalion, State Naval
militia, May 10 uutil Nov. 10.
Mnjor Eugene Townsend, commis
sary First brigade, having tendered bis
resiguatiou, is honorably discharged.
WTien Tlnliy v. ns sir-!.-, wo gave her rastorte.
When sho wns a CU1UI, sheycrled for Castorla.
When sho became Miss, she clung to Castoris.
When sho had C'hildronShe govothem Costorta,
Owing to the refusal of one psrty to
sign the agreement, early closing in a
failure, aud all merchants will pursue
a go-as-you-please policy and close
when they get ready.
The li -d Men hare issued invita
tions to some of the palcfacod brethren
to join them ut a social uud smoke the
pipe oi ;ioace on Saturday evening.
Willuu Huuter post, Grand Army
of the Bepublle, will attend services in
St. Mary's church and listen to a ser
mon by Rev. Father Snuday
The funeral of Patrick Powers, who
was killed Tuesday, took place this
afternoon and was attended hy a large
number of frieuds and relatives. The
interment was in Mayfield Catholic
C. L Bell returned last evening from
a ten days' vitit in Noith Carolina aud
Tire picnic of the Methodist Episco
pal Sunday school wtil take place July
18, and not Juue 13, as was stutoJ yes
lord ay.
H. H. Hathaway, of Binglminton ; F.
Heukman, of Scrantou, and J. B. Carr,
of Wilkes-B.'irre, were Jermyn visitors
The E Igerton Coal company is work
ing full time at present.
"Mine Host" Avery is erecting a
hitching post and stone steps wiiich ure
the nicest of anything in this vicinity.
Atlloboro TJulveraulUts Give an Objtct
Leuou In 1 ci ml Kitrhte.
ATTLtitiono, Muse.. May 24 It is an
nounced that the Universalis! church
at Mansfield has called u wouiau
preacher to take charge of the parish,
and that she accepted!
She was chosen at a secret meeting
of the church, and the members refuse
to disclose hor mono lor the present.
She Is said to be quite yeung.
Hr. 1). Bt&rlino MZltzcl
Wlnterstown. Pa.
Nerves and Blood
Strengthened and Purified
by Mood's Sarsaparilla
Scrofula Humor and Diotioso In
tho Stomach Cured.
The following testimonial cornea from Mr. r.
Sterling Mttzel of Wlnterstown, Pa., who con
ducts a printing office and collecting agency and
is the youngest justice of the peace in the state:
"0. 1. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mass.:
" Hood's BamparlUa is a wonderful health;
restorer, nerve StrSUgthener anil blood purifier
for tho last four or five years I have been
troubled "iih humor and scrofula In the blood,
breaking out all ever ray body, which eiiuseii
Itching and kept me from rest at night, 1 was
also, at the same time, trmihkil with a
Sour Stomach,
which was anything but pleasant. I enuM not
even take a IWOllOW of water hut what 1 sut
fered front distress and acidity. I did not enjoy
a good meal until niter I oontmeneed to use
Hood's BarsaparUla. I eouM see the goni et-
fects after tho lirst few doses. I continued to
nse the medicine until now I liavo taken Ave
lint ties and feel entirely cured." I).
Mitzkl, Justice ot Peace, wlnterstown, Pa,
Hood's Pills act easily, yet iironiitly and
efUelciitly. on the liver aud bowels. 2Cc.
The GENUINE Now Haven
MMathushek" Pianos
New York Warerooma No. so
Fifth Avenue.
Sole dealers iu this section.
OFFICK 121 Adams Ave, Telephone BTd'g
To these branches I devote csyiccial atten
tion every afternoon.
Cfllco nivl force nt tho Ttt.UMfi CAHUIAGE
Graduato of tho American Voterinar" Col
Ioro. Enreka Laundry Co.
Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave,
couui House tiQt'Aao.
All kinds oi Laundry work Rufirnntl
the best,
Ehdoboio bt MS JlNMtST MtDieni. Autmokitiis
IN1IA1.FR Will ouro yoj. A
TTOiulcrfiit tonn to BUfltorSCI
rrnm.ita, Horcl'hrout,
Illflnclr:.. ttrnnchWU.
OniilMSSMfnlC. Ancttlrlonl
mmi'ilv ninfunlnnt t.i n.rr
In pocket, rondy to ntn on first tndlcsUoti of colli,
f'ontlnned Uo Ijl.rli I'erlnanent 1iro.
auuTSSHoa sriairantccj or money reranotd. Price,
BO c. 'lrhit frcn nt Drusclsts. Itcclstcrod mail.
U) cents. II. D. CUSESiK, Kfr., Ihrea Kivtri, shea., D. S. 1
MFNTrini 1'h0 r.iircrt nnd sntcst remedy tor
J""" nuu nilnklndlsciisee. Kcicins, Itch.Bnlt
Iiheacijeii Bores. Burns, cms. Wonderful rem
r'lvf.rrlPu.KK. J'l-lcr. t;r, et. Kt Itrnc- rj ft I S
g1;t-i or 1- i;i!ill prcpmii. Artdjenajiihoye. PWIVHi
For enlu br Matthows Bros. , Moritan Bros.sud
ulori:uii Ai t'o.
IOay, onilor KUir.nlr. tmfM'l ty .nw,ww I
Posfttv. progl. aud 100-ppi b-k. ittuitrmltd Irom I
lifrfr(tmp(.pleeureil,fretr mill IVhcnIIntSriioin I
d Mc-rtaryf.ii, Our Mnalo Remndy will I
I pxiUnly nn. runs SHSn m.. iMt.. in.
For Delicacy,
Forpurlty, and for Improvement of tho com
plexion, nothing equals Pozzoni's Powdor.
vwi 1
1 .,
mmmmmm ltlllI9RUHn!!it,!ErEgE!ui!ae!!Iir3llignSEIt!lsr:
400402 Lacka. Ave.
2,500 Ladies' Ribbed Vests, never sold less
than J5c. each.
Sale Price, 3 for 25c.
120 dozen Ladies' Black Silk Mitts, good
quality, for 25c. a pair.
Sale Price, only 15c.
Our entire stock of Capes and Jackets selling
at $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 each.
To Close Out, only $2.00.
$7.00, $8.00, $9.00 AND $10.00 EACE
Visit Our Millinery
" 1 - I
o o o
Wholesalers and
Straw Mattings
from China and Japan.
One entire room
devoted to
Oriental and Domestic
Rngs and Art Squares.
"Jot These
Prices on Your
kJ $ made Baby Carriage.
dttVfl " a ro" Heavy
Psf Matting (40 yards).
With $50 purchases or over we give
an Onyx Finished Clock.
With $76 purchases or over a 100
piece Dinner Set.
The Finest in Scranton.
Leading House for
Oil Cloths, Linolenins,
Lace Certains
and upholstery Goods.
408 End 408
Lacka. Avenue
- 0
We make a specialty of
Window Shades,
Awnings and
. .
Will purchase an elegant
furnished Bedroom.includ
ing Bedding and Carpet
Will furnish a fine Parlor
with Silk Plush Suit, Brus
sels Carpet, Table, &c.