THE SCRAlON TRlBTOE-FtttbAT MOftttlttG, MAT 23, 1894. DRESS AND FASHION. THE LATEST STYLES IN BONNETS, GOWNS AND MANTLES. The Complexion Veil Startling Shapes In Millinery Sunburned Ktrnws Populari ty of Checked Silks and Moire Antique. Rome of the Smart Summer Wraps. Tho comnlexion veil ia a novelty you Wtiy not have head unont. It is of pale J)iuk Russian net, sprinkled with bluek epots and very becoming to a pule com plexion. There menu to be a groat f iincy for white' spots and hico borders just now, but all black veils are much pret tier. For wearing with largo hats the double width Froneh nets, which are gathered under tho chin, aro very Smart Some of the new bonnets have A BTY1I8H KBW II.vT. immensely wide st rings cd;id with laep, which, when tied, form the fashionable ecarf. A new model hail brood green moiro strings and black ros' S under the brim. On nearly everything everything in tho shape of a bonnet, that is docs ono Bee tho glint and sparkle of spangles. A charming totrae was of black net epangled in given, trimmed at ono side with a saucy bow to match and a cou ple of pink roses. Roses aro shown in very odd shades this time, some of them having that dull faded look which the natural ones have after standing in wa ter for several days. Another pretty toque was of gold embroidery trimmed vith two upstanding loops of pale, blue Spangled moire ribbon and a clump of faded roses. Tho arrangement of the flowers this spring is scarcely so pretty ns ono could Wish. Tho small tranches of black violets, wired to stand upright, look like miniature trees. "Sunburned straw" seoais to bo popular, in spite of tho fact that it is decidedly trying to tho average complexion. Borne of the shapes aro positively startling. A particularly stylish new hnt is a modification of tho Duchess of Devon Shire shape, trimmed with four black plumes and a black moiro antiquo bow. Tho flowers Underneath the brim aro violets and pink roses. Coming to gowns, tho latest fancy is for checked silks, taffetas or slightly heavier grosgroins, which an some times watered nnd aro always glaco. The ground may bo shirt in two colors, as pale green and white, with lino lino crossbars of two colors, usually black and WbitefOI else it has small blocks a third of an inch square of several col ors. Tiieso silks aro made into carriage costumes for spring, completed by a lit tle bolero of cloth when In the street, while for the house they aro charming ly trimmed with a collarette or fichu of embroidered mull. Mirror moiro antiquo is perhaps tho most beautiful of tho many novelties in silks for evening wear, Its coloring is so delicate, and it has such a rich sheen. An example of this material is in pale green, shot With heliotrope. Shot Bilks nro every bit ns popular as they were this timo hist year and much prettier. Tho new colors aro very soft a'Td attract ive. Satin is fashionable, of course, and brocade too. Tho new brocades show no very striking effects. A novel feature about a now evening dress is tho sleeve which droops on tiro shoulder, thus disclosing tho prettiest part of tho arm. Tho bodico is of whito satin, with Jet trimmings and shoulder straps of tho same. Tho black satin skirt is striped With jet. Moiro antiquo or moiro and com fTro tho materials of which everything smart in tho shapo of a wrap seems to bo mado this spring. Laco with deep Vandyke points is tho newest of tho new trimmings. Charming littlo moiro an- n mm sr AN EVENING! DKESS. tiqne mantles are trimmed with it. It borders tho little full shouldered capo and also edges the bafiquo, Tho prettiest mantle is a sort of sleeveless Jacket, close fitting and with a foil basque and ehort capo. Another becoming model is a triple capo, with long ends in front, reaching nearly to the edge of the dress. Each capo is borderad with narrow cream lace. Many of the dressy little 6ilk coata have lapels or rovers of laco land a long lftco edged silk scarf. These Iscarfs appear on many of tho now cloaks and blouBos. They aro immeusdy pepa l;ir at tho moment. A PAPER WEDDING. In Commemoration of tho First Annlre7 aory of Wedded Life. Tho invitations aro simple announce ments, which may read as follows: "Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burroughs do eire tho pleasure of your company at tlio first anniversary of tieir marriage, Wed nesday ovoning, March twenty-eighth, 1R94." Thoso announcements may bo either engrnvod or written and sent by mail. If tho hostess has but oven a moderate amount of tasto and ingonnity, it will m in Sim bo possibio for her to prepare surprises for her priests in tho way of decorations which will bo unique, and give an add ed charm to the entertainment. For her assistance are lu re reproduced somo sug gestions from Tho Household: In tho parlors, halls, dining room and dressing rooms decorate as far as possible with paper. Bureau scarfs, ta ble covers, lambrequins, window drapor ies and portieres can bo easily fashioned from this material. Each gentleman is presented in tho dressing room with a buttonhole bouquet of paper flowers, and each lady with a tiny basket, made by crocheting narrow rolled strips of white tissue paper. Then aro filled with small flowers, either violets, buttercups, pink or white daisies, and aro dainty little souvenirs of tho occasion. The supper table may bo spread with white damask doth, ovor winch is laid another cover of white crape tissue, the seams of which uro neatly joined and covered with a trailing vino of paper Bmilax Candles, with paper shades, aro used for lighting tho table. The plates maybe made of white pasteboard cut in circular shape and decorated around tho edge with tissue paper fringe. Hmall memorandum pads, with covers of heavy water eolor paper, painted with landscapes or (lowers, or whero this is Hot possible lettered in gilt, with a motto and date of tho occasion, make pretty favors when tho number of gnests is limited so that they may be seated at the table. Tho following is a list of pretty and inexpensive gilts suited to the occasion; Paixr candle shades, bonbon D0X6B, pa per frames, photograph stands, engage ment tablet, bookmarks, memorandum books in sets of three, including ad dresses, engagements and letter regis ters; Blotters, visiting cards, stationery, pAper baskets, fans, lamp screens, sub scriptions to papers and magazines, and many useful kitchen nrticles such as Water pails, bdWU, etc., which are made from paper. For the nearer friends and relatives there is no hick of expensive gifts which would give happiness to tho youthful coup'o if economy need not bo consid eredchecks, bankbills, pictures, books, and many costly tilings in which paper figures largely. Coffee ns a Deodorizer. One of the best of deodorizers is burn ing coffee. Throw a teaspoon of ground coffee upon the oookstovo to do away with any disagreeable odor in thekitch- m mA put mmll quantity m fow ooala upon a uro shovel to carry to any distant part ' of tho house. It will re movo any mnsty odors from closets or closed rooms. Cui Mm, Cover. A tasteful cover for a sofa cushion il lustrated in Tho Delineator is com posed of crocheted feather edge braid. The wheels that compete the center of LACE COVKIt FOR Cl'SIIION. the cushion aro artistically joined, and between them is a nniqueofoobetwork, while the lacelike attachment to tho border is very effective. Tho border is simply crocheted iuil serves as a foil to tho more elaborate center. Wearing Apparel. All garments should bo thoroughly aired after wearing. Under no circvim Stances should they bo hung up in clos ets or folded away in drawers until they have had every opportunity of drying and purifying by exposuro to tho open Window if nothing more. Even a bon net or a pair of gloves should not bo set away at once, after the fashion of tho overfastidious, who cannot boar to sec an article out of place for a moment How to Mateo Nut liars. Peanuts, almonds, English walnuts or pecans may bo used for this candy. Prepare the nuts by removing the inner covering nnd chopping them. GteaM tho bottom and sides of a broad shallow tin pan with fresh butter and put tho nnts into it, spreading them evenly. Put a pound of granulated sugar, with half a teacup of water and a pinch of cqcani Of tartar, into a kettle and boil until thick, but not too brittle. Pour tho simp over tho nuts and 6ft aside to cool. When dightly stiff, mark off into wido bars with n sharp knife, and let stand several days, when it will become soft and delicious. Selection of Colors. Oar apparol may bo either kind or Cruel, according (is we choose nnd eom bino its colors, those in headgear being most important. If ono has a polo com plexion, the most trying tints are tho light grays and tans, which impart a sallow, yellow tingo to tho faca If, however, ono of these shades must be chosen in tho hat to match a coat or gown, the brim should be lined with velvet In somo becoming dark eolor. Household Hints. When milk is used in tumblers, wash them first in cold water; afterward rinso in hot water. A littlo flow dredged over a cako be fore icing it will keep tho icing from spreading and running off. Onions, turnips and carrots should bo cut across the fiber, as it makes thorn moro tender when cooked. A eonplo of wintergroeu creams or dove oandies eaten before leaving tho table will removo tho taste of food from tho mouth nnd neutralize tho smell of Vina Hut few trials will bo needed to con vince, you that an ottoman mado of a covered wooden box upholstered with denim or somo other strong, washable fabric is an indispensable ki.'c.hen com fort you family loso their nppetito for potatoes occ.isionally omit them from dinner atod .servo hot boilod rico with tho roast Tho rico will bo better still if it is cooked nearly tender and then put in tli" pan with tho r, 'astro brown in tho juices of tho moat A NURSERY CONVENIENCE. It Is a Safety Pin Holder of Cheap but Pleasing Construction. Thero aro all styles and shapes of pin cushions, from tho practical, old fash ioned square design to tho latter day bit of giddiness frills and ruftlcs and rib bons. Horseshoes, tambourines, cres cents, four leaf clovers, triple bolsters and a dozen different fancies aro to be een In gowns of satin, overlaid with foamy frills of lace. With such a varied choice, is it any wonder that tho most elegant conceit in silver pintrays fails to banish tin cushion from my lady's dressing table? A nursery belonging most attractive in its way is tho safety pin holder. This consists of several circular layers of bright tinted flannel, pinked at the edges and topped by a circular piece of celluloid, the whole ln ing fastened to (ether in tho middle bv a few strong stitches. In letters of gold you read upon the celluloid cover tho hint to m Tho decapitated head of a Chineso doll is fastened in the center of tho cel luloid. Another homo for safety pins is of fered in the hanging lengths of ribbon, half a dozen strips of satin ribbon about 1 1., inches wido and a quarter of a yard long, joined together at tho top, whero they aro tipped with a doll baby's hend set m a clown frill of laco or gauze. This pinholder is snspended by several loops of bebo ribbon. Tho foregoing suggestions were mado by a contributor to Golden Davs. Short Circular Capes. Fascinating littlo capes of black vel vet or moire reach only to the dhow, yet nro so full that When spread out flatly they are found to lie in a perfect circle. Those, says Harper's Bazar, nro un trimmed along the outer edge and have light linings of rich brocade of pale yellow or pink of becoming shade. Their trimming is all nt the top, in spangles or sequins, describing a yoke deeply curved twico in front and in tho back, and once on each shoulder. To outline this yoke and give fullness about the neck aro fluffy ruffles of black chiffon doubled and fluted diagonally, tho whole producing u charming effect This circular cape is a good model for a wrap to givo slight protection about tho shoulders to those dressing in mourn ing. It should be made of black crepe do chine lined with silk, the edges un trimmed, but tho shoulders covered with English Cjipo and bordered at neck and below with a thick ruclio of the English crape doubled. Sachet For Gloves. For thoso who can afford to pay the prico there are elaborate gloveboxes of various makes and materials in all the stores devoted to fancy goods. Thoso boxes furnish n convenient receptado for gloves new and old, provided they aro lung enough to accommodato the A C1LOVE SACHET Of PLUSH. gloves without folding. It is this point that favoro tho glove sachot mado at homo and therefore of oxactly tho pro portions desired. Tho folding sachet is a popnlnr style, and it may bo mado of plush or velvet. Tho lining is of wadded silk well per fumed, and a finish is given by silk or silk and tinsel cord set on in loons nt the comers. Tho upper side is beauti fully decorated with a panel of ivory satin painted with watteau figures in delicate tints. If ono cannot paint, ono of Prang's sat in art prints may bo used. Tho Baohet is tied shut with ribbon. Previous to placing gloves in either box or sachet pull them into shapo and let lie for a littlo timo exposed to tho air. This advice refers, of course, to gloves that aro being worn. Quite new gloves ought to bo wrapped in white tissue paper, each pair being wrapped separately. Worth Knowing. Nothing is better for cleaning dusty nnd greasy garments than soap bark. However, it cannot bo used for light lined garments, ns it possesses just enougn coloring to darken delicato tints. It, is quite inexpensive and may bo pur chased at any drug storo. A carpet with small figures not only wears nctter man ono with large, but makes a small room seem larger than it is. When tho end of a seam is reached in stitching by machine, tho easiest and neatest way of fastening tho threads is to turn tho work around and restitch for a short distance. A drop of oil and a feather will do away with tho creaking in a door or a creaking chair. Pillowslips should bo ironed length wise instead of crosswiso if one wishes to iron wrinkles out instead of in. Burns frum steam aim scams snould bo fronted tho same as thoso causod by dry heat. For a slight burn that simply reddens tho surface apply a thick layer of cooking soda wet to a paste. Cover with a bandage mado of old cloth and keep it wet with cold vater. When the pain subsides, removo t"ho soda dressing, and if anything moro is required use TKlHllI). In Brittany if tho wife hopes to runs sue must take euro that tho ring, when placed upou her finger, .shall slip ut ouco to its pilot without stopping at tho large second joint. Tlfo marriage license clerii Bl Washing ton reports that seldom is he asked to Issue a licenso un Friday. He attributes this to a vory generally respected superstition as to ill luck that attends any enterprise be gun on Friday. Diamonds aro found along the eastern slope of tho Allegheuies It 001 Virginia to Georgia and ulso in northern California nnd in southern Oregon, but there ure not enough of them of sizo to puy for mining. For simple hoarseness tako a fresh egg, beat it and thicken with pulverized sugar. Eat freely of it and the hoarseness will soon be relieved. is depleted blood. Tho blood lacks richness and tho cheeks lack' color. Tho wholo sys tem lacks tho nourishment of Scott's Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver Oil. This nourishing, palatable food restores a healthy color, enriches tho blood and tones up the wholo system. Phy sicians, the world over, en dorse it. Dsn't Se deceit by Substitutes! Pmoarod t Boot! A noma, H v. All draaiiti REGISTERED, ;i wo! I Man of IHDAPO llll. UUKAT HtWOOO REMEDY rrtOlH'CKrlTIIE AltcVK ItKsl'LTS hi 110 ItWA. t'nrti ttllVsk perroiu uiHawi, railing unon, I'lirual, Hli'fili'ftt.u''t . Nintlv Kmh- llOtU. ttOnOtatod I))- ptit-t utmwri, fpTfl vigor unit fzc nfthrankolorflnuMCutl quickly tmt mi rely ronton' I, tint MuHhomi in 'ii or voting. KitHilvcfin lid hi v i,t pocket. PrlM$l.O0 npackAfe. six for $M6 with a n rid t ii giiiim litre to cure or mmny rrfuniU'il. 1 1 u'l let niiv QlprlnclploiJ ilnitriri-t MI you any ktml oj 'iri'on. Innl it on h im IMIAPO - none other. ll ho mi not got it, ire ill Homi It bv mail upon nMetpl ofpriot rSmpbioj tu mmUm onrelopi freoi Aaarvi Oriental Medh-nl Co , l'rtnM Uilrt.'O, II,, orotic agmti. SOLD ly Ilros., Wholesale nnd Utt;.il Drnists, SCKANTuN, PA., and other Lead ing J ):..,',! , CoffipiGn fressrved DR. HEBRA'S m i Romoye.i Frsclda, Plmp!;i, Liver Moles ClacHoidt, Stinhun and Ten, and rc 6toics tht) ctln to lis oh'tI nal mnntn producing o 5 cienr nun mania corn-19 Inn KiiYu.rlrtP ,.- oil f I -n W jiropfiratlomi cml penectn linrmlcsa. At nil G'tuiajisu.ormalk'a for SOcta. Buid lor Clrculur. VIOUV 8KIN SOAP I' flmply InnmiiiirtMo u n skin purlMtiK 3op, uarquti.vt hr ttio I'M and without a rival luf tlio MilMI. MM lad delicaW Dwdl riiM. At MMh Prico 2i C-:it. C. C. BITTNER 4, CO., Toledo, O. For bhIo by Mittthows Broa.,MorgauKro9.ttntl Moi'ifittt & Co. Every Womai Somctimi's needs a reli nblo monthly regulatin, medicine. Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Aro prompt, safe nnd certain In result. Tho iron : " i 'Dr. Peal's) never disappoint. Sent anywheu "0. Pool Medicine do . PI 'TSlaod.Oi PoM by JOHN n. PHULPS Pharmacist corner yomini; avenuo unit Spruco btroot Bcranton. I'a. 1 i !1 -v i! --A SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The above brand? of flour can be had at any of the followlni? merchants who will accept Thk TmnuNit flour, covpon of 25 on eaoh one hundred nouud,' of flour or 50 on each barrel of flour. Srranton-F P. Frico. Washington avouu.l Gold Medal Drand. Duninoro-F. P. Price, Gold Modal Brand. Dunmors-F. D. Manisy, Buperlativo Urnnd. Ilyde l,rk-Cnrw)it& Uavis, Washburn St. Gold Medal llraud; J. soph A. Moars.Maiu avenuo, Huporlatlvo llraud. Green HMge--A.I,.Spoiicor.Ui,ld Medal Brand. J. T. Me Hale, Suporlntivo. Irovldenco-Fennor & ChappollN' Main avo- nuo, Superlative lirand;C. J Glllesplo, W. Mai kot street, Hold Medal llrnnd. Olyphant-Jaraes Jordan, Suporlatlvo Tlrand PeoivlUs shatfiT A Kifcw Huperlatlvs Jermyn-C, O. Winters tiCo. buporalativo ArcliliaM Jooes, H ntpson . Bold Modal Qtrbondale B, S. Clark, Gold Medal Brand llonesdalo -I. .V. Fostor & Oo. Gold Medal Minoiika M. H. Lavelle. . .-,l,.m T. siiiiiptlonorlnsanlty. ,liy ranll prepaid. With Li ?iinc (Ijin sctiouciVTi' ,, ?'' ""'""f- Ireular tree. Hold hy all ilruclsts. Ask for It, toko Uric Aril) AFTER US utlior. AiMn-n ruvk irriwn ,.,., !, ......;.,.". waauuiu 1VWVH, vail.UV.IU) tor SalelaSoranton i, Pa.,byH.C. SANPERSON, PrOCgtA cnr. Washington RESTORED MWOOD in i m7; , , Tr, IILI'OIIU AMJ Al-Tl-.ll US1N0. ,. u , . , . ...... lor Halo hjV. M. ll.Mt;.l -., ljn,BBi,t, CURKS Bad Blood. CURKS Bad Blood. CURES Bad Blood. I havo been iifTarlng ten yenr with Erysiiatiui. Hava tnlion doctors medicines and patent ruodlclnos of most all Kinds, hut nono siicmod to dc mo any frucd. I Dually mad up my mind to try Burdook Illond Hittiirs. Havo used four bottle of 11. 1). R, and thin mysolf nntiroly cured. Mks. N. J. McOATLT. Sorvico, Beaver Co., Pr. Purifies The BLOOD. E. Robinson's Sods' Lager Beer Brewery Jtannfactnrors of tho Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Por Annum. Maloney Oil and Manufac turing Company Have removed their office to their "vv'areroonis, NUMBERS 141, 143,145, 147, 149, 151 MERIDIAN ST. TELEPHONE NUMBER, 8C82. Hotel Waverly Knropean Plan. FirKt-clnsi Par attnohM. liepot for Bergnor & lingers Tannhiouaer Beer. IE Cor, 15th and Filbert to,, Philadi Jlost dcHiraiil ) for resident! of N.E. renn' rylvanla. All conreiiiencos lor travelers to mill from Eroad Street station and tho 1 v. elf th i nnd Varkot BtNet ftatlou. Do, lirablo for visititiR iSorantoniaua and duo lluintbuAnthracito Uegion. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. Dr. Shimberg's New Rimless Bifocal (lives the greatest comfort to the woaror, ns It combines distant nnd near glasses in ono lalr, as lopros, ntod in this cut. Furnished in all Styles of Spoctacloi and Eyo Glasses Lyes examined froa BOB BPRUCfl BTRBHT, ' ' o ' A". 1'. IWotms, Aou. , ISOi The Flour Awards "CniCAGO, Oct. 81. Fhs first oCkwl annonncement of World's Fair di plomas on floor has been made. A medal has been awarded by the World's Fair juileos to the flour manii factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co , in tho groat Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports tbe flour strong nnd pure, and entitles It to rank as flret-clasa patsnt flour for family and bakers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL WH.OUUALB A011NTS. Taylor-Judgo & Co., Gold Modal; Athorton iV Co., buperlativo. rjuryoa-bawronce storo Co., Gold ModaL Mooslc John Mct'rindle, Geld Modal l'ittston-M. W. O'Boylo, Gold Modal. C ark s Groon-Frace & Parker, Suporlatlvo. Clark s Summit -P. M. Young, Gold Modal. Dalton-a. h. l inn & Son, Gold Modal Brand. NlihoNon-J. li. Harding. Wavcrly-M. W, Bliss St Son, Hold ModaL I'm turyville-Charlos Gardner, Gold Modal. Hopholtom -N. M. Finn & Son, Gold Medal Tobylmiina-T.ibyhanna ft Lshlgh Lumbjr Co , Gold Modal Brnnd. Gouldsboro-8 A. Adams. Gold Modal Brand 01 "w-Gaigo & Clements, Gold Modal. Lako Ariel-James A. Bortroo, Gold Modal. Forest Oity-J. U Morgan & Co., Gold Moda l-NERVESEEOB. Thl, B.ilnl huh). , " J!? " v."'v' i'iour, ..ess hi urnin rowsr usaaaone, VYakerulneil i.itMnnhood.Nlglitly BmlulniiB, Korvouone.w.alldralnaand loss nf power in t,ou, ratt vo Orfiati. of either hot caused by over exertion, youllif ill error.. O.YOOtilVO use of t'lbltceo. Onlllin or .tlnmlnnftf. wlilrh IimiH to t,,tr.tti. Can lie carrlod I n vest pooiiet. HI perboi, for S, a SO ordor we s-lve a written triiiirontee to euro DR. MOTT'S NKBVKUINK DEI I O i?a0mIiJSS.0Ll2?!S??i l,r"klntlt,n and all nervousdlseases of mL ' ,V ' ".''Y".' r:l"!',l,f "''her sex. such as Nervous I'rostriitli ti. Knll- i ,,, . " '" ""Piueiii 'T, wtKiitiy Hiiilsslons.Vontliftil Hrrors. ) !S ,' w"r7ioxee"loiuw.of Tt.boet oertim.wi,i,. ufiSXl '.'.t: U" ev'r orii"r wo ,v "Itlen guar- '--Mwaiiwii viovoiuau, onto. 1X1 1'cuii Avenuo. Good Men Deserve Good Clothes . so . DO GOOD BOOKS ONE of the strong points of The Trib une's equipment as a iirst-class printing es tablishment is the fact that it has a superb Bindery, thoroughly supplied with up-to-date machinery and managed by skilled workmen. For neat work promptly done and at prices that are fair and square, it has no superior in North eastern Pennsylvania. Preserve Those Pic tures Don't Spoil Those Hnl ticflromes Have Them Neatly Bound The Trirune will promptly preserve any oi the art series pur chased by its readers at prices especially moderate. I twill make special rates on the binding of any or all parts of the World's Fair Series America Illustrated Series Moltichrome Series Or Any Other Series And do the work so thoroughly that you will simply be de lighted. FOR ALL KINDS OF BINDING, STITCHING, RULING AND OTHER WORK OF SIMILAR CHARACTER, FRY THE TRIBUNE BINDERY FOR PRICES YES OR NO A We!l-Known Physician.Who, Among Other Things, Is Noted for His Frankness. No one ever heard Dr. R Grower use the phrase "I think" In his practice. The doctor Is one of those frank, fenrlesB,bon est, positive meu who never hositnte to fay yes or no, as the case may require. '1 can onre you" or "I cannot euro you " is his invariable decision after examina tion, and to this foot fact is attributable his remarkable record without failures. But it would be strange indeed if the doc tor wero not u more than usually success ful prsctitionor. He has boen surgeon-in-chief in moro than ono of the largest hos pitals of this country, was lately Demon strator of Physiolosy and Surgary at the Medico-ChirurBk'al Collego in Philadel phia, has boon electod an honorary mem ber of the Medico-Chirurgical Association, is a graduate of the University of Penn sylvania, etc., aud Ib still a close student. A man with such a rocord could not fall to bo a successful physician under any circumstances, but whon backed by cautious, conservatism in expression, or, to use a more popular phrase, the "bo-eure-you're-rigbt-tlion-go-nhoad" system. It would bo more than straucs if failure overtook him. You can consult Dr. Grower any day at Rooms 5 and 8, Temple Court Building ait SPRUCE ST., from 9 a. m. till 9 p. in. Consultations free. Those suffering from Nervous Diseases aro guaranteed a cure. Por such there is the choering word "Ye."," as failure is un known in the doctor's treatment. Third National Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, $200,000 SURPLUS, - $250,000 This tmnlc offers to depositor rTerv facility warranted by their balances, brui-iii-s. and respoiiKllillity. Hpecial attention i.-ivcn to business ac counts. Interest paid on time deposits. WILLIAM OOmnttL rrcsldrnt. UVO. II. t'ATMN, Vice-President WILLIAM II. PUCK, Casltlen DIBEOTOB& William romietl, QeorVfl If. Catlln, Alfred Hand. Juttict Areltbiild, Henry Ilelln, Jr., Wlllliini T. Smith, Lntlter Keller. Til TRADERS National Baak of Scranton CUGAN1ZKD 1SSWL CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. FA MI.T I. niNKS.IPresMnnt W. W. WATSON. Vice President A. a WILLIAMS, Cashier. mnrcTons. BAMrr.r, niNns, jamhs M- rvr.nit.nT, InriKO A. Fincti, PiEnrn K Finutr, Joseph J. Jkhiiyn, si. h. Kkvi ur.iu. Cuas,P. Matthews, John T. Pouted. W. W. Watson. PROMPT, ENLRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank invites the patronage of business men and Arms gcnurally. Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. DKITKR RQOK CO., Ino'p. Capital. 81,000,000. rkst sun:: in tug wokli. UA Aoilar attved i a dollar earned." , ThlsI.ndloH'Hnlid French Don,rola Kid nut-to-: I toot delivered frco itnynhore In tho U.S., Oa nonptoit. iiBn, Munoy uraer, or rotul Noto (or fl.."ui. lCqtmls ovory wny tho boots cold In nil retail (lores for (-2.S0. Wo mneo this boot otirselx-cs, thereforo wo guar' antee tlio jit, style and wear, aud If any ono Is not natlslleit we will rctuno tno money orseuiinnotlierpalr. opera ,100 or Lnmmon nenpe, wlilths (', II. K, K r.K, 1 to 8 and halt . SendytmrtUe; u'tll fit you. HIiKtrntrd Cata logue FREE Dexter Shoe TON. SLASS. apetfit term ie i'taier. What Is More Attractive Than a pretty face with a fresh, bright complexion? For it, uso Pozzoni's Powder.