The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 25, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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All Things Musical
134 Wyoming Ave.
Seo the Shaw Piano from
the World's Fair in our
A Foe lo Dyspepsia
And always have
Good Bread.
The Weston 111 Co,
Punch Cigars
G. B. Se Co.
fmnri")"'' nn Eoh Clour-
Carney, Brown & Co. Mfr's.
J. W. G'jertiipv paid n business visit to
Nuw York yesterday.
Deputy Sheriff Prank Ryan is visiting
at his old homo lu Waymart,
F. Wi Graham, of fcicr;iiiton, transacted
biisiuoss in Pottsvillo Wednesday.
H. IT. Fordham, of Montrose, was en
gaged here yesterday on business.
Miss Jlame Charlcsivorth has returned
from a mouth's vi.- it with Honesdule
Dr. J. R. iMurphy, ot Dunmore, has boon
appointed health i.fficer of the borough of
Ei-Select Conncilmnn Ooorgo Farbor, of
the Tenth ward, loft Wednesday for a trip
to Germany.
According to the Philadelphia Inquirer,
F. A. Blssell, a well known railroad man
of Scranton, is at the Wind -or, in Phila
delphia. Theodore II. Dibble, of this city, visited
in Pottsville Weduesday. Mr. Dibbloisu
son-in-law of ex Judge Rollly, of Schuyl
kill county.
Mark A. Replogle, of Cedar Falls, Iowa,
who 1b the inventor of foveral modern ap
pliances for water power and electrical
railways has been spending a few days in
the city with his brother, D. D. Keplogle.
II. B. Jlartin, the member of the execu
tive board of the KnighW of Labor, whose
re uueo In the city thjs week proved a
lource of apitntic.11 to local members of
tne Knights of Labor, loft this morning
for Baltimore, w here he is to deliver an
mldrots this evening.
Among the pleasant callors at TriK
Tribune yesterday was llenjamin F.
Lewis, of Ctlca, N. Y., of Y Drych, the
celebrated WeNh American weekly jour
nal. Mr. Lewis is a practical newspaper
man with tWOaOore yenrV experience, and
his knowledge of men and events covers
au uncommonly wide range,
f rranto Business Intarssts.
Tiik TiimuNE will soon pubiih a care
fully compiled, and classilied list of the
leading wholesale, banking, manufactur
ing and professional interests of Scranton
and vicinity. Tho edition will be bound
in book form, beautifully illustrated with
photogravure views of our public build
ings, business blocks, streets, etc., toguther
with poriruits of lending citizens. No
tiniiUr work has ever given au equal rep
resentation of Scrauton's many indint
triee. It will be an invaluable exposition
of our business resources. Sent to
persons outside the city, copies of
this handsome work will attract
new coiners and be an unequalled
advertisement of the city. The circu
lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good
results to thoe concerned as well as the city
hi large. Representatives of Tiik Tuibunb
will call upon those wiiusk namks
are DKRinsn in this edition and explain
its nature more fully.
Those desiring viows of their residence
in tliis edition will please have notice at
the office.
Dry Air Polar E'friueratcjr.
The nbovo refrigerator is sold only in
this city by (Thomas F. Leonard, SOS Lack
wauna avenue. As a preserver of food It
has np superior, nnd for economy of ice it
has no equal. It is charcoal filled nnd zinc
lined. The refrigerators are built in hard
wood, finished in autiqne.and pine, grained
in oak nnd walnut colors. Wu also have
a large line of sideboard refrigerators.
They are all made in a thorough manner,
constructed so that they are self ventilat
ing dry sir, free from any taint or odor.
Como nnd see our stock before yon buy.
We are sure wo will please you.
Musio Boxes Exclusively.
Best made. Play any desired numbor of
tunes. Gautschi & Hons., manufacturers,
JU80 Chestnut stroat, Philadelphia. Won.
derful orrhestrlal organs, only tt and $10.
Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re
paired and improved with new tunes.
Death of Mrs, Hannah Jones After a Month's
It Was Tendered to P1rs. Mary An
thony and Daughter Prior to Their
Departure for California W. Haydn
Evans Taken III at Pittsburg Meet
ing of the Free Library Committee.
Other News Jottings.
The AVe-t Side otllca of the SOBAtfTON
llUDCNK is located at 1040 Jackson street,
where subscriptions, advertisements anil
roinumuicatious will receive prompt nt
toaiiou.J Mrs. Hannah Jones, relict of the late
Samuel Jones, who died about five
years u,,o, paused uway from thin earth
yesterday morning at her home on
Washburn slreet. She bad been ill for
nearly a month with a complication of
Uueiiscs. Mrs. Jones lias Iioju a resi
dnt of this sirl for the lust twenty-
live years and was a native of Wales,
she was a devout member of the Welsh
CalYnnistic Methodist church and was
one of the faithful workers of the
church. Mrs. Jones is survived by
three daughters and one sou. 'i'hoy
re Mary, 01 win, Gwladyi and Bert
Jones. She was widely known on this
side and much esteemed, Tne ehildren
are all young and have the sympathy
of many friend. Funeral notice later.
A Farowall Party.
A farewell reoeptlon Una tenierod
Mrs. Mary Anthony and daughter
Carrie, who left at a late hour on Wed
nesday evening for California, by tho
members of the Lftdiei Aid society of
the Jackson straet chnreh, at tile hoiU1)
of Mrs. D. O Tbomaa ou North R-iboo-ca
avenue. William II. Owen spoke in
bt half of tlm Bauday School, itfll pre
sented Mrs. Anthony and her dangliter
each with an Oxford liitde, and in the
mime of the Ladies' Aid society with a
silver cake basket and spoons. Mrs.
D.ivis then mud" the presentation of a
nutter knife, and Mrs. diaries lioberts
gave a silver card receiver. Alter re
treahmenta were S'rvd the party
broke up, all wishing Mrs. Autho.iy
and dauguter a pleasant journey to tho
BoTurnod from Uarrlabar
The following gentlemen of the
West Sid have return si from Harris,
burg, where they attande I the Repub
lic in state convention: John II. liiyu
olds, Hon. John R. Fair, Couutv Treas
urer D. W. Powell. Dr. J. J. Rinertd,
Councilman E. E. Robatban, Attorney
Herbert L. Taylor, 0orge CarHon,
Morgan Thomas, Daniel Phillips, James
A. Evans, Richard Protberoe, Attorney
E Fellows and Attorney Walter
Briggs. They report that n lively and
interesting couvaiition was held.
Taken 111 at Flttsbursr
On Motility lust '.V. ll.tyJn Ev.nn, of
Sonta Sumner avenue, left for Pitts
burg to attend the annual conclave of
the Knights Templar. While in the
city he was taken lil and had to return
home at once. Oa reaching SaoburV
lie was met by John H. Reynolds, of
this side, who was returninj from the
Harrissurg convention. O.i arriving
here be Was conveyed to his home ih a
cab. Dr. Gorge 13, Reynolds was
summoned and found that Mr. Evans
was suffering intens-ly from the burst
ing of h bioo 1 vessel iu the head He is
very i II.
Ccmuittoe Meetinf.
The library committer) of the Hyde
Park free library cohaintitn: of Boene
z-r P. Davi'-s, Sliarlos E. Daniels,
Henry P. Dvie an I D. C. Powell, met
on Wednesday evening In the rooma ot
the society on South Main avenue, Oa
account of the recant hard times tho
membership books, which wra to have
been given out, wore not distributed.
As It has always been customary to
close the library during tho samtnar
months they will proooi to do so now.
Tins will dispense with the member
ship cards for the present. The com
mittee then adjourned to meet 0:1
Jutie L
Tennlj Club Slnat.
The Scranton Field club met on
Wednesday evening and elected the
following officers: President, John R.
Edwards; 'vies president, Dr. P, F.
Struppler; secretary and treasurer,
Ck-orge Waters. The club has leased
the tt-nnis grounds on .joulU Hvda Park
avenue, and they will soon be liitsd up.
It ii proposed to enter tennis tourna
ments, and the club is already iu re
ceipt of iuvitations.
Told In a Fw Lines.
Misses Minnie and Margaret La Rue,
of Mnyfield, i-p-nt yesterday with
friends on this side.
Iiart Johnson, of RsbeOOO avenue, wns
in Dnryea yesterday,
Robert Morris lodge, Order of Amer
ican True Ivorites, attoaded the fune
ral of D. P. Tnotuas at the North End
yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Perolval Johnson, of Buffalo, is
tho guest of friendh on this side.
Rev. John Cavanatigh, of Dover, N.
J , is conducting services in Tlser's hall
every evening this week. The public
is invited to attend.
Mis. W. E. Hughes and daughter,
Sadie, who have been visiting relatives
ou this side for several months, have
left lor their home in Iowa. They are
icoompanled by Mrs. David Anthony
and daughter, Carrie, who will spend
the summer in California.
Officer Gleason nnd family, hsve n
turuod from a visit with friends in
Schuylkill comity.
Miss Hannah Jenkins, of Danville,
is the guest of friends on North Sum
ner avenue.
Moliie, the young child of Mr. an 1
Mr. Daatel Mohn, of North Sumuer
iiventi', is ill.
The 7 year-old child of Mrs. Cole
man, widow of the lato Martin Oole
mnn, of Fillmore avenne, will be
buried today.
Tim Twilight Social club will hold a
a picnic at Weber's grove, June 2.
It Will Be Held Today in the Plymouth
Coniitrairatlonal Churoh
The fifteenth Bomi-annual conventi 011
of the Tri-Connty Christian Endeavor
union will open in the Plymouth Con
gregational church, Jackson street, at
10 o'clock this morning.
Tbe afternoon aession at 2 o'clock
will be held In the siuni church, but
the evening tueetiug wrll take place in
the Jackson Street Baptist church, one
block away. There will be a large
number of delegates and members
from the three counties present.
Visitors will tuke either tbe Taylor,
the Luzerne, the Washburn or the
Swetland street cars and get off at the
corner of Main avenue und Jackson
It Will Baffin on Jefferson Avenue on
June 1.
On June 1 the American Distrlet
Steam compnny will begin laying
steam pipes iu the streets for the Econ
omy Light, Heat, Steam and Power
company. Several car loads of ma
teriel for the wont is now iu the city.
The first pipes will be laid on Jetlxr
son avenue at Myrtle street nnd will
from that point be extended through
out the central part of the elty. liy
September 15 next the Economy com
pany will be prepared to heat buildings
anywhere in the central p;.rt of the
cily. The distributing plant for that
district will bo located on Jefferson
nvenuo between Myrtle and Ash streets
adjoining the Erie and Wyoming Val
ley tracks.
Barnum-Bailov Show Attracts Fair
Sized Audier.ces Notwithstand
ing tho Bad Vcathcr.
Yesterday wns circus day, and it
was anything but au ideal one.
The steady down pour prevented tho
Barnutn show from playing to paying
bnsiness, as tho audience at both the
afternoon and evening performances
were not lurge by any lnennr. And
yet more persons thronged out
to the Driving park and pnd
died about in the mud than anyone
thought tlioro would. The crowd
that eat beneath tlm water-soaked can
vass roof and dodged tho innumerable
rain dn pi was a good natnred assem
blage that had brave,: the stOrm deter
mined to see the "greatest on earth."
even if they riskeil their lives in the
attempt. The number of womon and
Children that was present was surpris
ingly large, considering the miseruble
The performances of yesterday wen
first-class in every respect, and were
fully up to Uio high Ii irnum-Biiiey
standard of excellence.
There wern namerottl now acts in
troduced The 111 st notable of which
was the uii'1-nir performance of the
Ergeues, whose feats were of the
startling order, and elicited much np
planes. They executed backward, for
ward and twisting somersaults while
firing through the air, and quick re
turns and tearless oatob 's In tuo hands,
under tho arms and by the feet. Tbe
ontirw exhibition of the Ergenes was by
far lbs mos: remarkable that has over
been given by any circus In Seranton.
The program me included exhibition!
of wild beasts iu a steel barred areua,
leaping and someeaulting coutret.1-',
uanug bareback riding by male and fe
male artists, drill of ponies and superb
horses, a series of thrilling ariel per
formances, wonderful acrobatic nov
eltiee, nots of high school horseman
ship, ground and lofty tumbling and
hippodrome race, which closed the per
formances, The exhibitions of animals in the
monugerie were vast and varied, and
were objects of considerable atUutio'i
from the large crowds. The ethnolo
gical congress consisted of many difl t
ent racs and queer types of human be
ings, with a great variety of religious
beliefs from far-away countries. Races
represented under the canvas were
Javanese, Burmese, Hindus, Todas,
Nepe.nlese, Eqnimnux, Australians,
Sikhs, Algerians, Copsacks, Japanese,
Dabouicyans, Amazons, Arabs, Sou
danese, Kabyles, Biakna Bednina, Sing
halese, Astouris, Klings, Malays, Siam
ese, and others, with their wives uud
The audiences were greatly ploaaed
with the Greatest on Earth, and bnt
very few regretted that they had vis
ited the canvass city, in spite of the
True and Ignor-d ! iils Presented to
Th grand jury made its first re
turn to court y-aterday morning when
the following true and ignored bills
were handed to Judge Arunbald by
foreman Sidney Hen wood 1
TSUI iulls.
John Cosher, felonious wounding; John
Dolan, pros.
John Drogdsok, John Stencko, Michael
Titneo, iiark Mott and Annie Ilarven,
felonious wounding! Max Koehler, pros.
Frederick ivek. aggravated nssault and
battery; Julius Betsuold, pros.
Thomas and Michael Coyne, aggravated
nssault and battery; Martin Coyne, pros.
Anthony Vailnliski, assault and battery;
Richard Peun, pros.
Kitheiino Uoruo, astMtS and battery;
Ellas Zung, pros.
Jonathan Venison, assault and battery;
Thotnns Veuisou, pros.
Daniel Williams and llenjamin Gilbert,
assault and battery; Lawreuco Rooney,
Qeorga B. Lutz, assault and battery; V.
R. Bbedd, proa.
Thomas Kavannn, assault and battery;
llnnnnh Kavannn, pros.
Michnel (libson, assault nnd battery;
Cecilia Welsh, prox.
Patrick Cain, n-sault and battory; Pat
rick Hopkins, pros.
Edward Conley, assault nnd battery;
Henry Loftus, pros.
Herman llacuman, nssault; Mary Dach
mau, prox.
Michael Flaherty nnd Mark Sullivan,
riot nnd assault; P. W, Gallagher, pros.
Thomas Miomire, malicious mischief;
Stephen .Mahey, pros.
David Williams, assault and attempt at
criminal assault; Storge Kalapila, pros.
Walter Smith, criminal assault; lindgot
Runne, pros.
Antonio Barbnro, carrying concealed
weapons; Nicolo PillaTO, pros.
William Desmond, burglary; W. H.
Bleak, pros.
f-'arali Collins, larceny nnd receiving.
Walter M. O Connor, proH.
Harvey Surglou, embezzlement; W. II.
Smith, pros.
MutteO Cainpnnella and Antonia Bsr
tiara, defrauding boarding house keeper;
Niccolo Pizzaro, pros.
Joirph (Jreuz. ttefrsuding bearding house
keeper; eosephina Willeudrith, prox.
Ferdinand Berkeley, nssault and battory;
John P, Fitter, pros., will pny the costs.
Lena Fitzer, assault and battory; Ferdi
nand Berkeley, pros., to pay tho costs.
John Lonte, iihsault and battaryi M.i-
ehael Lentee, pros., to pay costs.
Katharine and Johu Qerns, assault and
buttery; Mary, Schick, prox., to pay cOstt.
Herman and Delia Stone, assault ni.d
battery; Joseph Kurlenchick. roi,
Joseph and Jacob Kurleuchiclc, assault
auk bnttery, Herman Stone, pros., to pay
Dudn Shando and tfnwalla Stipp, ansanltS
and battery; Ueorge Zoutitchski pros., to
lay costo.
Micbaol Knee, assault audbattocy; Mary
Kneo, prox., to pny costs.
M. J. Neary, assault and battory; Mar
tin Noary, pros.; county to pay cost's..
Walter Conner, assault, and battory;
Bridgot Fallon, pros.; county to pay costs!
l am eiiiiKovuru anu tnendor e Ulezno-
vltch, robbery. George Z nlicui. pros
Martin F. Mciiale, embezzlement'
'.lemeut; John
J. Swift, pros
Michael Oiborne, adultery: Kdvirnr.i
Henry, pros., to pay costs.
L'avid Morgan, tsdootloui Margaret A.
Evnns, prox: county to pay costs.
David Jenkins, tippling house; Stophen
Horhej, pros,, to pay costs.
Charles F. Decker, larceny and roceiv
ing: Samuel Whitmore, pics.
John Priblom, larceny and receiving
Leon Czarpeson, pros.
Andrew S. Myors, larceuy and receivinc
W. P. Lotto, pros. "
Concert of St. John's Church Choir Will Be
Big Success.
The Father of the Little ttalian Girl
Whom Mr Mursch's Horso Killed
on Pittston Avenue Wanls to Re
cover Damages Serious Illness of
Miss Sarali Brown Persons and
Brief News Items.
As many tickets for tho concert next
Tuesday ni;;ht of the choir of St.
John's chinch have already been dis
posed of as to guarantee a large at
tetidanco. For the past two mouth's,
under the instruction of Professor E
E. Snnthwerth, tue m -rubers of the
choir hav been studiously rehearsing
the well prepared programme which
was published in Wednesday's Tltlli -VNK.
Tue paator, Rev. E. J. Melley,
will have the church ball improved for
tbe purpose of assistiug the acoustic
Damaaa Suit Arrainst Fred Murach
Gaspare Abate, the father of the lit
tie girl who w is trampled to death on
Pittston avenue by the runaway horse
owned by Fred Mursch, hua begun a
suit lor rlumuges for the death of his
daughter, The particulars of the ac
cident hardly rell-ct any blame on Mr.
Mursch. He got off his wagon to ad
just a part of the harness that h id be
come loose, and while ha was thus en
gaged the animal broke away from
him and in its msd eareer tbe life of
the little girl was taken, Those who
witnessed th a runaway say that it was
au unavoidable accident. After the ral Mr. Mursch sent for the child's
father and slid he was willing to rec
ompense him as far as it was In his
power. A compromise was not effeot
ed and the outcomo is the suit above
Daaih Hourly Expaotad.
List Saturday afternoon Milt Sarah
Brown, of Minooka, wasstriclieu very
suddenly with B s;vere pain in th 1
region of the heart. Dr. J. A. Mauley
was called aud found her suit ring
from an acute form of pnsUmonis,
winch he atatad had been developing
for at least a week. Her condition was
somewhat brighter lor the past few yesterday an aggravated form
of typhoid fever set in, and do itli at
the most U but a few days off. b:i,i is
a sister of John T. Brown, of The Tw
in, ne.
Bhortur Paragraphs.
The field drill of Company A, Patri
otic guards, will take place this even
ing In the South Side mse ball park ii
the wenthir is not Unfavorable and
the grounds too wet.
The picnic of Washington Drum
corps on May 30 promises to be very
The Lower Flats are fl loded by sur
face water on account of the late heavy
showers, aud the Cellars of nearly all
the houses are fUled with water. Pro
visions and other family snpulies were
spoiled und the total damago amounts
to n few thousand dollar.
Ralph, the 3-year-old eon of Mrs.
William Hums, died yesterday and Will
in buried this aftvrnooti at 2 o'clock in
Hyde Park cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. William Wyandt
oc, uis this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Ser
vice will ba conducted at tOto residence
of her brother-in-law and at the Ger
man Methodist Episcopal church on
Prospect avenue by Kev. J. Suter.
Interment in Pittston avenue cemt
tery. The new horse of tho William Cou
11 el t Hoso company, a big bayanimil
weighing 1, 6U0 pounds, arrived yester
day. In tne afternoon it was hitched
!o tho hose carriage and gave indica
tions of being an excellent animal.
Mooting of tho Union at Aifbury Iff. E.
Church Thta Evening.
Uiis evening at tho As bury Method
ist Eplsoopal church, Green Ridge,
will ocur tho first meeting of the Ep
worth League union which organized
seme time ago.
The object of the union is to bring
lo-ether tho languors of the city and
Dunmore, so that the work of onch
chapter may be presented, thereby
helping one another und helping to
carry out the great plan of the church.
In connection with the report from
eaoh chapter, there will be a musical
und literary programme, which has
been carefully arranged by the com
mittee in charge, and which will bt
rendered by some of the best talent df
the various leagues of the union.
In Conr.rq lonca Mr. Edmundi and Bis
Boras Wora lejund.
El ward Edmunds yesterday began
au action against tho borough of M.iy
field to recover $1,000 for injuries he
sustained on April 18 while crusting a
plauk bridge iu the borough.
He claims that ou account of the
negligence of the borough in failing
to have the bridge in proper condition
his horse stntnblod and fell nnd he was
thrown from his wagon. The InJtse
was permanently injured and Mr, Ed
munds sustained injuries which dis
abled hiui for a long piriod.
Mothers! Mothers!! IXothan!!
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has luen
used for over fifty years by millions of
mothers for their children while teathiog,
With perfect success. It Hoolhes ths child,
softens the gums, allays all pain; cures
wind colic and is the lest remedy for di
arrhOM. Sold bydiuggists ill every part
of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no
no other kind. Twenty-Bye cents a hot-tle-
Stenographers Furnished.
Wo ere prepared to furnish business men
with first-cbiHS stenographers by the day
or hour. Expert bookkeeping a specialty.
BorautOU Commercial Association, Lim
ited, 4-5 Spruce street.
Folt rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia,
crnnip and colic there is no remedy su
perior to the genuine Dr.Thomas' Eclectric
Dsftdleat.on ft Woer'( and Ballon tine's
Alt are the best. K. J. Vv auu, agent, at
Lackawanna avenne.
WUNN In Scranton, May 22, Mrs. Hr-
riet O. Mann, aged 75. Funeral services
will be held at. the late residence, L'll Oak
Wreet, at 7 o'clock ibis evening. The re
mains will be taken to Orange, N. J.,
nor interment.
MCoRAN Iu Si'ranton, May 24, Thomas
Morau of OIK Hamptoh street after h
long illness.
troy In Scranton, Mny 2, Mrs. Mat
thew Troy, sgi d U year', at hor home
at Willow street nnd Prosnoct avenue.
Mi" wns n daughter of Mr. aud Mrs.
Pon't lose sight of the
fact that we will sell you
a good
for less money than you
can buy it elsewhere.
Ve have made many ad
ditions to our
They are choice and
make a beautiful present
with a Silk or Lace
We NEVER allow our
stock of
Tea or Toilet Sets
to run low. You know
the quality. Come in
and we will give you the
116 Wyoming Avenun.
"One Coat Hakes
Thsni Look Like lUtf
V7V. nr.TF.n t- CampboU's Varnish stainsi
" ttao very best thing hi tlio ihiirlt,' t for
touebfng up and Bntsblng Pnralture,
ar Horob Onslrs, iJativ OarrtogM, etc, eto.
With one applioitlna stain and Varnish mi
transiorin them Into bi autiful iuiutioai of
Cherry, Mahogany,
Oak, Ro.:w3od, Walnut,
Vermillion and Ebony
Put np in Pint anil Half Pint Cans.
fla sure to got QsmpbeflM an 1 you will not bo
To Obtain Satisfactory Result?
with Ready-Mixed Paints
This Paint hnj been in ennstmt ire for over
fifteen veers ana we reoontm ind it as b lao
eeottontCali convenient and tturabia, and
ia: from thj boit naterialsi
The snti'.faetion e-prosflod by our custom
ers accounts for ,mr increaao 1 "tr.wlo in these
poo-Is each neason.
Call nr semi for a sample cird ahowtnr; en.
ors anil with full ihstru.'tinnii ns t estimating
cost of boautifyiiur your homo and surrouud
ings. tliews Bros.
320 Lackawanna Ave.
fijl.50 per doz. I3 Caus.
Full Weights.
We keep no Sloppy Goods. Jer
sey Homo Creamery Butter in
aud 5 lb. pails, 25c. per lb.
13j;gs received daily from His
Uome Poultry farm.
W Lackawanna Ave.
Victor, Qondron, Eclipse, LovolL DUunonb
and Other Wheels.
Another Advocate of
OENTLEMISN-It affords me Cr.'i
plpnnure to state thnt your new proceal
f extracting toath wns crane' am-ceaa Is
ni oaae, and I hitartily recommenil it ta
"Ii. I sincerely hopo that others will
test Ita merits.
Tuura reaprrtfillly,
CATT, B. E. HKV AM. Scranton, Pa.
Henwood k Wardell,
316 Lackawanna Ave.
Will on and after Mav 21 mrtka s rjroit redue
tlon lb tho prices of jilates. All work guur
suteed flrst-clas'i In overy particular,
Now has hnnrhnrzo of the KEYRTONE 1TO
'VSh, formerly esllod the Orons Keys, enrnar
llromley a?", nr-d Hwetluml. A full lino of
l.i'in,,rs, Heer, Alo nn," Fine (1gars will he
l( ; -t In utot-k. Mr. l'liilbps will lm plena -It o
liri-t Ins many Iricnds who wlj favor hiin
wl'-h n oiill.
Hindoo Handke
Now on sale for 25c. or given
away with purchase of every suit.
Handsome line of Spring Overcoats
and the Nobby "Bell" Cutaway Suits
Martin & JDelaiiy
Custom Tailors and Clothier
Wyoming Avenue.
At 308 Lackawanna Ave.
A Few Specials for the Week:
In Dress Goods
g Our 35c. Cashmere for ...
Our 39c. Novelties for .
I Our 75c. Serges for ...
In Wash Goods
Our 18c. Russian Duck for .
Cur 2iic. Jaconets for ....
I Our 8c. Challies for .
In Millirhery
j Our $5 Trimmed Hats for
1 Our $7 Trimmed Hats for .
In Curtains
a Our $2. 98 Curtains for
S Our 4.98 Curtains for .
Jackets and Capes at Your Prices.
Now Open
It's a Great Shock
fo tho folks who ore clalmlnT they underwit
ill others to find that with-'Ut the lo.sst fuss
nr blu.ti'T we are ciyIiiii cnat.un rs the lieu
flit of stich npportanltias as t iese.
A Sttlct'v nifh Orads Llght-welgh V
Hhani, ni 1 pattern, for i 10 rah.
1803 pattern, eir.n tVhci't, for S75.
1804 pattern, 8100 Wheel, for 8 oasl
Theao prices make tho business at our store.
Bicycle Riders,
Take Notice!
CAPS Invented
by a rider
Something New
Has the Agency
for them
X 1T O Si
rr m rreMttt the Mr. Pbptilsr and Preferrofl bf
t. .Iil'-
Warcrooffir 1 Cppoctts CclurAbut Monument,
r-'Wr.a'ilnion Ay.Scrantr,Pr
:.:.:;..-', ;
tfihief Puzzle
21 Cents
25 Cents
49 Cents
12 Cents
15 Cents
5 Cents
$1.75 I
2.75 I
A. Fine
Worsted Suit
for Men,
in colors black
and blue, for
Englisli, Wear Well Soro,
Tuxetlo Coat, Silk Lined,
Skirt with deep hem.
They are truly tailor made,
Navy or Black.
ONLY $10.50
Striped, Spot or Figured Effects.,
Well made, cool to wear.
$3.50 TO $5.00
About l" different styles.
Tourist Raymond or Tab Styles;
the importer's expectation, $12.
You will need one tor street,
excursion or traveling.
There's a lit to ours.
Furs Stored and Repaired.
G. W. Owens & Co.
Tailora, Cloak and Suit Mnkors
and Furriers,
Clothiers, feitemljfesfe