( THE SUKAWTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. MAY SJjJ, 1S4. BASE BALL Wo- Glide Craccfuly Up Out of lie IgnomM ous Tail End Position. MRRISBURG WINS AND LOSES Thanks to the Faulty Work of the Al toona Infield, Mart Swift's Men Are Enabled to Move Forward a Stride in the Race for the Pennant Rain Interferes with Scheduled Games in Several Places The Programme for Today. Hi: wet eefuou yes terday hnd another HmbarriiBiufr tftVc tioa nntioual pus time. Only tUreo Karnes were plny.il ; two at Harrislrari,' nnd onn lit Altoona, la the former, Manager i union of Hazleton, manusel ; in the latter, errors by th hoine team enabled Murt Swift's visiting Bcriintonians to pull a nicely contested game out of tho fire. "We have by this means moved np a peg, Eitstou trading with ns for tail end honors. The other standing aro Hot ulfocted. The following table gives tho per centages of tho ulubs, together with the number of games won and lost by each Hiul their standing in the championship race: Won. Lost. Per (7t Unrriabnrir 17 2 .81)5 Allen town 10 Ihizloton 10 Altooim 9 Beading 7 PotttvUM 5 Bcranton 5 Kuston 4 (i .on I) .Mil it ,800 H ti ll . 13 .277 U .207 BCHkDDLl FOR today. Heading nt Scrunt.in. Altoona at Allantown. Hsrritbara nt Enston. Potu-vlllu at llnzloton. BUTTER FINGER'S' ERRORS. Ecranton Profits f.ir Oioa Tar tin Mufflnff of Their Opponents, fjiccial to the Scranton Tribune. Altoona, l'a., May 84. It was a bat' tin royal betwoon the opposing pitch ers In today's game; but the home num's in-tioUi had nutter on its fingers and their errors invariably proved costly. WeetiakVa apptaranoe at the bat was tho signal each time for ap plause. Ti!B score in detail: ALTOONA. it. n. o. A. E. Bnttermore, 2 b.... i 0 4 o a Walters, c. f 0 1 1 0 0 Yoaflgman, r. f l 0 o o o Cote, c 0 0 1 1 Miller, s. s 1 0 0 1 4 narttnen, 3 b 8 l 0 0 IlKK'nn, 1 b 0 2 0 0 0 Dohdhne, L t ) 0 8 0 0 Hcbelble, p o l o 3 : Totula 4 5 24 B 9 SCRANTON. U. It. O. A. E. ITognn, c. f 0 0 i o ti Wetiei, . s l l 0 4 u Patchen, c l 0 ;i l o Rogers, r. f l l 8 o o Maatejr, 1st b o o 11 0 1 Btalt,Lf l l l 0 u WeAlaJte, 3rd b 1 0 4 l o HipgiUH, 2d b 2 1 3 4 I) lioUaun, p 0 10 2 0 Totals 7 5 27 12 1 Altoeua 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 34 bcrautoa 0 1200 2 02 s 7 First bano on balls Off Scheible, 4; off Hndson, 4. Two base hits Hogan,Kogof3, Hod eon, Bit by pifMier wettel Wild pitcheh Scheiblo, Passed balls Pntchen, Umpire Ketrick. Time of game 2.05. OTHER STATE LUAQUF. RESULTS. At llarrisburg First game Harriburg....O 000000184 Bltleton o 4100000 X 5 Hit? llarrisburg, 7: Ilnzleton, 5. Er rors llarrisburg, 2: Baaleton, 2. Ilattor ies Arrustroiig and Sinink; Feo nud Moore, Second game llarrisburg.... 0 0 0 0 3 4 5 0 113 llazieton 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2-5 Hits llarrisburg, 12: llnzloton, 9. Er rors llarrisburg, ; BaHetoni 7. Batter ies Ueeney and Smink jordau and lUooro. Umpire Manlove. At Hearting Heading-Easton game post poned oiMiccuuat of rain. At Pottsvillo Pottsville-AUentown gnmo postponed on account of rain. national i.BAciuii, At Chicago Chlrago 2 0000001 03 tit. Louis 0 0010000 0-1 lilts-Chicago TJ St. Louis 8. Errors Chicago 6: St. Louis :i; riafterios Hutch inson and KittfTMgo; llreitunatein and Peitz. Umpire-Stf:irtWood. At Cleveland Cleveland 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 05 PttteWtrg, l 0001022 x 0 Hits - Cleveland, 8; Pittaburg, 10. Er rorsCleveland, 4; Pittsburg, 3' llattor-ics-Young ifhd O'Connor, Ehrot, Killon and .liack, Umrire Eiusho. At Cbuisvillo- LoUisville 0 0 04020000 t hiciunatl 0 000000000 Hits Louisville, 10; Cincinnati, 7, Er rors, Louisville, 1; Cincinnati, 2. Battor is Moneleo ,apd Oiim; Parrott and Vangbn. Umpire Mc(,)iindo. Tho other National leagno games wore postponod on account of rain. EASTERN LBAAUE AtfErio Erie, s. Providence, 8; (10 inn ings); called ou nccount of rain. All other Eastern league games post poned on uccouut of rain. MISCM.LANIEOUS At rhiladelgnia Pennnylvania-Prince-ton game pustponod-rJwot grounds, ' l - STOCKHOLDERS ARE DISGUSTED. Thire Will Probably B a Llvsly Shak ing Up of Scranton Club. "I'd like to know what's the matter with onr clnb," said President W. A. 8t- John, of the Scranton Base Bali Assoelation yesterdny, in a manner which showed that ho was truly exas peratod at the work the club has been doing. "I'm so anxious to know what the cause or an most defeats is that J m willing to pay $25 to anyone who can tell me. In almost every game sinoe onr boys havo ben away they have fielded well, made few errors and batted the ball hardor than jlhe oppos ing toara, nud yet they lose. There have been many men left on bseee and little base stealing bae been done, but nevertheless all of thsio defeats are incomprehensible to me. It's nV eu tlrely the fault of our pitchers, for we lfavo fonr as good as there are in the league, if they receive proper support. "When Manager Swift returns he may be able to throw stams light on this mysterv," Concluded Mr. St. Jobu in a disconsolate way. It is very evident that tbo first meet ing between the stockholders, players and manager today Will not bo a love feast. The members of the association - disgnied and it is among the prob- to break even nt.jlltien that a lively sacking up of the team will take place. .Much dissat isfsction is now being expressed con cerning Manager Swift's method of handling the club and he may bn despoted unlets he can sat isfy the stockholders that the long string of defeats tin club has sustained were the result of cir cumstances over which ho had uo con trol. GLINTS FROM THI DIAMONO. Pitcher Araistrong, lata of Pottsvllle, has been aigusd by llarrisburg. Washington has lost fourteen straight gamoa. Scranton la tryiug to emulate its example. Pitcher llarnot, of Hinghamton.hns been reinstated at the request of the otber players of tho team. Pottsvllle has oltorod a good pricn for Hughes, ono of Easton's pitchers, but the latter is not anxious to let him go. ' Scranton's disastrous trip is ovor and, weather permitting, "our pets" will moot lJehding at Hogun park this alteruoon. Kid Madden, who did offectlve work In the box for Boston several years ago, is playing lb the outfield tot Haverhill, of the New England league. Kucklo has been signed by Pottsvillo and will join tho team Slay 30, when ho will pitch his Unit game against Heading. Ho played last year with Binghamtoin. Chicago will make overy effort noxt yenr to secure a return to May 1 for the open ing of tho championship season. It is claimed that tho Western clubs lost $23,000 this year through early opening. Phil Kiug has organized u collogo team to plsy at. Cape May this summer. Among the players will bo Ounster and Aultman, of Priucetou, and Coogaa, Boa well, lltakely, Thomas and House, of tho Uni versity of Peuusylvauia team. Captain Haymond of Diughamton, is one of tho few professionals who plays ball under a uom do plume. Ills real name is Truman. He said ho inado the change ar the request of his parents, who are well-to-reeidentsof Uttca. For various reasons they had objections to the national game. Tho visitors are all awaro of Gnlvin's great skill of catchiug players on llrst base, and you will not see them tlireu test I rem it whil be has the ball in' his hands. Did viu watches the bases in wonderful style. Probably tho shortest halt tuning ever played hero was witnessed on the honio grounds yesterdny. Ualvin pitched three balls in succession to three men and each went out; one on a fly to Collins, another to Urauby and tho third hit to Stearns. It was a remarkable short half. Buffalo News. 1 HE LEFT HAND, its Claims Arc FrenjWntly Wnglrnileil) Espe- ially In l'luyiifg the l i It is often found that the boss part is neglected tn n very larfjti extent in pianoforte music, except in those cases where it is to bo taken with tho right hiuid, anil nlrhnuh neglected when convenient it is sometimes n resonrco if danger ii at hand. When an effective and brilliant pajaage is be'iiiR exeontod by the lihl hand, tho clnimsof the left b ind aro frequently overlooked, yet if this snmo brilliant passago is jirngress l&g With less desirable interest, anil thcro is danger of faillTro, resort is taken te tho left hand, which is sudden ly brought out with onmoi mutable prom inence in the hope that it nmy com pensato the dcileiencirtjiof its liss 'fortu nate neighbor. How often also docs n student hold on a chord in tho lift bund With a ti'ht gmp three times longer thtm its coiTci't value if an awkward and difficult pasaage in the right hand has to bo overcome? By doing so they feel that there is something to eotae hold of in thil calamity ai it has an" in clination to give a feeling of steadiness to tin; right hand. Such resources should bo strictly avoided. Chopin said that tho left hand ought to serve as a "chef d'-ochestro to the right hand," hr which ho probably meant that tho left hand should beat time regularly in spito of the liliorties taken with tho right. On no other iinitTuinent of mnsio is tho inequality of tho strength of tho hands more apparent than upon the pi ano. The left band of tho players upon stringed instruments Ens to do tho greater share of the work, and in wind instruments tho amount of tone pro duced must necessarily bo tho samo in both hands?-When chords are played on the organ, either forte or piano, tho de gree of sound produced (Hot tho char acter of sound) is the samo in both hands, and in all lonfl and brilliant pitrts the passages for tho left hand aro of tho stuno strength and brilliancy as those for the right. Likewise, in a good string quartet, the effects of light and shade, tone and expression, are nnanimona one part does not overbalance nor over rido another, Hut it'll unite to produce the results indicated by tho notes tuid signs of expression. The majority of amateur pianists ntako their creseendos and diminuendos, where ' they aro marked conjointly for both' hands, With their right hand only, although thoy havo tho intention to carry them out with both and aro even under the impression that they aro suc ceeding. In the samo way, all the tfthcr marks of expression, phrasing and stylo marks nrb carefully carried out in thn right hand When marked conjointly for both, but far less so, or not nt all, in tho left hand. It is unity in production of expression fliht forms brilliancy. There are of course portions in all mnsio where certain parts dominate over oth cra On tho pianoforto this can only bo accomplished by using tho groatist dis cretion, especially when tho prominent part and an accompaniment havo to bo executed by ono handi If tho parts tiro not properly balanced throughout, it' niters their progression, which results in Bon fusion, Should thfro bo only ono prominent part tt be played, whether in tho right of tho left hand, tho other parts may bo subdued nfl when accom panying a singer; but, ns a rule, the sub duing of the. accompaniment is too much exaggerated In btth cases, and the beau tiful harmonics of tho bass, sometimes the fhftst parts hi tho composition, aro niged over indifferently, thereby oinit ting to support fho voico or instrnmont. If support is given with discretiem, it is more advantageous than an exaggerated ly fnbdned accompaniment, according to Tho Etudo. Tablo Linen. Tho tablecloths run full size, in 72 ilich width, also in 00 inch width. Blenched tablo linen by tho yard corfies from 58 inches to 72 inches wide; nn bleaohed aild half bleached goods from 4H inches to 72 inches wido. Fringed lun'o.h cloths ui white-, unbleached and tints with borders show sumciont vari ety for ono to choose from. Dinner nap kins three-fourths width, and tho eStro size, soveu-oighths, aro found in the sarno patterns as the hig)lor priced table cloth. Smaller dinner napkins to match lower priced cldths aro also shown. IIfniit He hornh a lb, foreman Henry Krng Packing Co., Ht. Joseph, Mo,, uses Dr. ThorfJss' Eclectrlc Oil with his men for sprains, cuts, bruises, chapped nana, etc. It is the test. FINANCIAL AND COMMtRCIA! Stocks and Bondi. Nxw Youk, May 24. Liquidation of American t-ugsr iftid the heaviness of Inew York Central were the two prominent features of tho day'a speculation at the Stock exchange, Sugar opoued at lOUitj , Jampod to 104jjf and clossd at lOtijj. The dealings in the ttock amounted to 03,0110 and tho lowest llaures of tho clav were Lnmde at or near the close. New York Cen tral figured for 11.500. It opened at IT, moved up to ) and foil and closed at 05W, Among other rumors it waB said that the soft coal strike was bearing pai trcularbr heavy on theX'onipany, tliat a reduction in wages was contemplated; that the dividend would bo cut and lb.it Lon don was getting out but little credence is given to them in well Informed circles. Chicago Has closed lower. The general market opened (lrm and higher, but later dc'lilied H to IJi per cont. Manhattan, Lnke Shore, St. Paul, Burlington, Louis ville and Nashville, Missouri PaciAr,Atch laon, Northern Hacific, preferred, Western Union ami Union Pacific leading, The market left off steadier in tone). Net changes show losses of to 2,' j por cent. Total sales were 237,500 shares. Tho following complete tahln showinc the day's fluctuation tn aetfvu atnelia lit supplied and revised dully by Laltar A Fuller, utook brokeVs, 121 Wyoming avouue: Open- UA- Low Clos ing, est. est. Inc. Am. Cot. Oil IM DM KH ! Am Kuitur. leau lolls leu t4 A. T.&8. F !'?S Utt 1 Can. So. 48)i i -! (t M Ceu. N. J Ohil ft N. V 108U h!4 llrtfj I08M if.. 11. It (j 7M fs 7ts 77 Chic. (Ihh, Wli THi 70 C. C.O. - fit. L.... 87M tim m 87A Col., Itoel.Val. AT. ItiVi, VM V'-H D. & U vml 1SM2 IN 1KM i)., L. & W ii)t vm mm iw4 D. 0. F kiss BS 8m p rlrte MU H l. Vl'H B, E. Co 34 Jit; avi 3IU Lake Shore 1:1114 Willi IMff U. Hll 4.Vt 40 44M 15 Maahattau liny ll'M lis lis Miss, l'ac -H'4 7 2.V) 2ft Nati Lead. ...A 37.VJ 17 87U im N. N. I: IVs 4M 4U 4U N. Y. Central OTM H7W fUZ KM N.Y., O. &V I5M lei 1M8 l.V? N. Y.. S. W iM 111! 14H l!li V. S. C. Co 2Pj 2114 23 21 North Pao North Pao. pf ItSw MM 14 MM tauaha 117 117 KM 85M Pie. Mail 18 IS IS 1") ReadinB MH 17 mm h!M Keck Island IW 0714 H B.T im 1114 la 11 St. Paul ftjij I14 djM Ist4 Texas A Pac 7j 7J4 Union Pacific 16 HI Wl ,i-h p i:u 1514 15 1.114 I5K HSU western TTnlon mw COi KM H W. AL.1 10M u ION II W. ii L. E. pf 4Wj 16U 44(4 46?8 Chicago Grain and Provlatnn?. BcnAKTOM, May 21, The following quota lit nsare supplied uu-l corrctl daily by I.u Bat A Fifljer, stock brokers, l'-ll Wyoming ave nue. WHEAT. (Icnmg Hubust Lowest, Cv Ina CORK. Oi e-iing Hli:!icst Lowest Closing i A1 B. Opentaig Hlirhcst It w jt Closing PORK, Opening Highest Lowest Closing LA BO. Opening Highest Lowest f., Cltesilltf HHiiKT H1I1S. Opening Highest Lowest Closing UTav. ,Tt-.'v. Sent. fitW tUK f7 uq tm nH Mm B6M STjj wm im MM Rsis K MM nj4 8M 7sH ml ml 7i iHi nR 3411! SIV4 2,'4ij m nu m w til', a;aj St Blfl a;)4 1190 I1M una 11I11 2K 1212 &M 11N7 1IH2 urn lite 1205 M r,fO 6K7 7ai Bn Ils7 M I77 CSi) 700 US2 U7 01S fi'20 (80 HO k: r,2f (115 1.20 (il7 li2U C20 020 New York Produce Market. New Youk. May 24. Flouh Steady, dull. Wiwat Moderately active, firmer; No. 2. red store and eleviftor, 57,a57';)i'c.; afloat, .: f. 0. b., 58XaS8Jic. No. 1. north ern, OCilie. joptious closed btendy at ,'ac. over yesterday. No. 3, red, May, S'lc, : June, 57$c.; July, Me.; August, OOjgtt) September, 61,Vc.; December, tMc. Ooiin Dull, tirmer; No. 2. 480.1 ele vator, 48)40. afloat; options dull, lirmer; May, 42V,c. ; July, 43c; August, 44c; September, 44J4c. Oats Quiet, tlrmor; options dull, steady; May. 40c.; Juue. :S;'c; July, US)4c.; No. I white June, 43c; July, i'Jc: spot pricos No. k, 40)e. No. 2 white, 4 IJc. ; No. 2, Chicago, 41c: No. 8, !)!)J4c.j Wo. 8. white, 434e.; mixed western. 4la42)4c.; white do. and white state, 43a47c Bur Inactive, steady. TiBHoan Bibf Qaiet) easier; city extra India mess, (18alB, Ci t UkATB (Juiot, unchanged. LAiinbteady, quiot; westorn steam, 7.il7)4; city, O'aliJCc; May, .?7. 35; July, 17.22; refined, quiet; continent $7t75; South America, fS..15; compound, BJiiibc. Pork Dnll, unchusiged. BCTTIR fair demand, steady; state dairy, 12al(!ic.; do. creamery, 14al7e.: feunsvlvnuia do., 14:wl7c: western dairy, Bal9b. do. creamery, 13al7c: do. factory, Salic; clgins, 17c; imitation creamery, 10a He. CtiEKHK Quiet, uncbangod. 1:1.0s Quiet, weak etate and Pennsyl vania, 12,c; western frosh, llalUc. Philadelphia Tallow Markst. Pnii.ADKLPUiA, May 2l.-Thllow was dull at former rates. Priues were: City pritno in hogsheads, 4c: country prime, in barrels, 4;ic ; do. dark In bar rels, 40. ; cakes Sc.; gTease, 4o. Prevention Is bettor than cure, and you may pre vent that tirnd feeling by taking Hood's SnrRapalllla, which will keop your blood pure and froo from acid taint and germs of disense. Hoon's Tills firipe, but act cfiiciontly. 25c. do not purge, pain or promptly, easily and Those Qirtt. Detroit Frcv Prna. Clara I wish I could got something for my face. Maudo Why don't you try a mask! Four fitir Succoiissi, Having tin needed merit to mcrro than make good all the advoftiuing clairnod for them, tho following four romefllos havo reached a phonomonal sale. Dr. Kiuu's New Discovery for Consumption, Conghs and Cfilds, each bottlo guaranteed Elec tric Hitters, tho groat remedy for Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Bucklen'a Arnica Salvo, tho best in the world, and Dr. King's Now Life Pills, which aro a perfett pill. All those remedies are guaranteed to do jusC what la claimed for them and the dipalefVhose namo is attached .herewith will bo glad to toll you more of tkonh Sold byMattliowsdlros'. drug atbro. An Antl-Pathtlc Look. New TorlrWtirid. Photographer Look ploasant, ploase. Sitter Not much. This picture is(for the frontispiece of my book ou "Tho Evils of Poker." Dytpoplla and Indlgeetlan In their worst forms are cured by the nse of P. P. P. If you are debilitated and run down, or If you need a tonio to regain fle-sh and lost appetite, strength and vigor, tnk P. P. P., and you will be atrong ami healthy, Jbor shattered constitutions nnd lost mSnhond P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root arid Potassium) is the king of all medlclnos. P. P. P. is the greatest blood purifier in the world. For sale by all druggists. Not Burprlied Chicago nfef-tkvan. Qontleman (in cablo oar) Will ytm take my seat, madam I Lady That was my intention, but I'm glad yon gave it up without trouble. la thousands of oases the euro of a cough ln"tue preventive of consumption, The Btireltt cough medicino in tho world is Dr. Wood's Norway Pins Syrup, bold by all dealers ou a guarantee of satisfaction. : CEHTConnollv 8c Wallace A Word. JTnnfii of all Midi rosf fftat mtirTI, en etpt'' Situations lranfcd.uAicA are nutria fUKE. Situations Wanted. BOOOKKKL'Pr.K AMD 8T1NOOBAPHHB of three, ratra' i-X!ierlcu,-o Wtinld like a Dosition: iilni-v nnnhlAnh "1. L.." Tritmno offloe. CITUATION WANTED BY A YoUNIt O man 2(i rears "f a ;o; ns I s fair Sdasal ion; would aeeoiit matt anethtnir. Can airs host of reference. Address P, Bi 3to Noi tii Tt,-- hecea avenue, city. WANTLK A I'l-SliluN A boY. Ifi years ot age, s sa apprenWob to a bar trer. Address I. .1 Tt-iliioi!. VOUNU MAN r.XI'KiTINU TO EHTBB medical e illono nett f.dl wants iiosltlon with doctor wtuTe hajoan devote lostts time to i gen en r:j.. I part expenses Address lis N. ILiiii avenue. e w I r c I 1 er1. iM u", 'i'i.ti VnlVO ....w ,vj,,,.i,l. l.t . v.- w . . v. lady ns clerk. Three years experience In l'hiladelollia. Ohn i i ,- i I rcli-reliees. Ad dress a. J., frtbaaa otn Rest Estate. F LrATtTrTlHICU OB CANNOT l"0- lii'uo paying InitwlnttetS on your build in; lota, write to me; 1 w;mt to buy tWoor throe. "K," tliisollicn Agents Wanted; ualeh74e1PwaneiTt() SELL our vj goods by Sample to the wholesale and re tail trade; soil on siirht to every business man dr Una, liberal salary sad espouses paid; po sition permanent, Por terms address with ttuim. CKHTKMSIAt. M'lO'U ( Milwau kee, Wis. ANTED- MAN ITU LITE AND PIKE insurance exnerienco as solicitor In Lackawanna county; piod inducninouts to right man. Address uCVM !; t.. building; Philadelphia, l'a. Help Wanted Male. POSITION JUST VACATED MUST BE I Iffled at Caimblivman monthly. QUI today. liuUdlu;;' u 11. M. TUUMAS, Library ANTED AN V;N'I:UHI;TTC MAN WITH abovtaUOl Can k'et an agency which vV'ill pay $a week and i vpi iisos, iVd 1 A. A. IIAH.1 L.-i, l cmway limine. VL ANTED '- HUiid" WilEliLWUIOHT. V? liil.hool's Carriage works, corner Lack awanna nvoriiie mhI Seventh st'eet. Waated-To Buy. UTANTED TO BUY COMMON PIOEONrt; will bIto Dtf cents a pain Call at room r, Price Bulldiui;, l"il WasltlnfttUn aveliue, or a ldTess letters to Post Otlice Box ii04, s.eran- ton, Pa. For Kent. .'OR KENT SIX KOOM HOUSE, NO. Bynon streot. Inquire T. McNnlty, Hampton street, nOB RIO NT A NEW DOUBLE HOUSE, I corner Oreen Kidge strdbt una Madison avenue, will rent cheap to desirable tenants. JOHS WALTER. PUK KENT ECRNISIIED lloCS'E AND ti i t. ii.... - e.ll'l' II III ...,L1 .. IUI III. i. I. ' . " large; rumilng spring Water; plenty of shade; is'alllliui uiKe luu oe Kaoei iimih ie, niw from door. S:' j v r month. D. W. BBOWN, uttorhey, 5Hs spruce street. pyjB KENT-FURNISHED ROOM, SUIT J. able for two, with board or without, P!2 Adams avenue. UOR RENT LIUHT, WELL EURNISIfED V romns; delightful location. DM Washlng lon ave'nne. PO LET 1 Part i T FOR A TERM OF YEARS or nil ef t.hree hnmlrod foot of vard ronm along railroad. Apply at 240 Franklin avenue. 'I0 RENT -STORE 2osli0 OU FURNISntCD 1 hall on flroen Bidgn atreot Very desira nle location nnd on reasonable terms. Apply to F. E. NETTLETON or C. b. WOODBUiK BepanUeaa JmUdtog. For Sale. I 'OR SAIlE-A (HIOD MILCH COW; 1N qnlretlOJ North Main avenue. OA K tlUBBB LO t J ult SALE-SEVEN-ty-flve aero-i, heavily tlmtierod with white onk end some hickory, within three-qtuwters of mile of D.. L. ,fc w. nud IV( miles of Erie railways; lovel ruud. Por prlee, terms, etc., addresser call on E, M. I.OWM.VN, Exr. Est. Jacob Lowmant Lowmnii, Chemung Co., N. Y. f'OR SALE FARM 110 ACRES; SO ACRES Improved. Two good houses, running spring wnter at botajthree good barns, young orhcard. Located in vill.igeof Forest Lako.SnMiuehanna eountv. Only a lew rods to school, church, poetoAoe, etd, Peaatifsl lake wall stocked with game llsti. Terms oasy. tppbtoD.W. BROWN, attorney UiH Sprnce -itreet. lOlt SALE-AN IDEAL COUNTRY HOME, A 7 acres or land. Hue largo house, mod m ttnprovetteata Easy diitanea from .sicran ton. Also desir IbU) oulidlug lots in country. V. W. DivOWri, Att'y, 608 Bprnee street. l.iOK SALE -A FARM OP EIGHTY ACRES, V one ailil one-half miles from Dalton on the Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western rnltrond. f irst class farm houso with a never fiiilinir soring tieirbv: two barn's, lcood land and goisi orchard will be "old cheap. Terms easv. Adores., u. t. nn.iiu.ii or isaao ELLIS, executors, Daltoa. L.ickiiwunna rnntilv Pa. V OR SALE OR EXCllAN.OE FOR SCRAN ton nronerfv A bearing ornnge ktovo Increasing in tiroductioa and value yearly in the orango section In norma. Adores t . iv NETTLETON, Lake Helen, Florida Money to Loan. Qxiw?AND e,rJO0 T( I U IAN ON CENTRAL (J) , itv real estate. D. B, REPLOPLE, attor ney, IQprneeBtreeU Boarding. QUMMEB BOARDING FOUR RESPECT ti nblo p rsons can II. id first class board with small family in huge, airy house. Hot and BOkV Laths. Free carriage to depot and rlihi'ch Three 'luarters of a mile from sta tioii. Healthy locality. Addr 's's box Hl.Clarks' Summit. Special Noticca. BLANK ROOKS, PAMl'flLETS MAO A lines, etc., bound or roluund at Tnt: TiuncNK oiiico. yuick work. Reasonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BK HAD AT 111, corner Spruco street nnd Franklin nvo nn. Twenty meal tickets for JiifcU. liood tnbln board. Legal. "INSTATE OF PATRICK J. CRANE, LATE lid of the boroligh of Tayhir. deceased. Let ters of Administration upon the above estnte having been granted to the undersigned, nH pot-sons hnvOig claims or demands against tho said estate, will present them for payment, and theiso Indebted thereto will pleaae malto Immediate payment to, HANNAH CRANE, Administratrix. Tnylor, Pa. fOHN M. HABRI8, Attornoy for Estate. ."'STATE OF EZRA DE W1TT.DECEASED. J Nidlei' is In rcby g ven that a rulo hns n nanten to phew nnse why .Inno L. Di Witt, oxocutrlx of tho last will nnd testament of safd decedent, shall not be ilutchaxgeil iron tho duties and liabilities of her nppouitment be diiicliared from AiipUeation will be made to have snld rule mado absolute nnd tho executrix discharged, July 2, 1801. S B. PRICE, Attorney for executrix. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. An Unoxpeoted Dramatlo Event. Positively last appearance In Sbr an ton of tho famous and accomplished antroas, MRS. JOHN DUEW TUESDAY, MAY iO-Mr. Drew as MBS. MaLAPRoP in Sheridan's great com edy, In throo acts, THfct RIVALS WEDKESDAY, MAiY 110-Thomas Holcroft's comody In four acts, written In 1,01, The Road to Ruin Prices fl.JS, 60 and 23o. Boats on salo Sat u r day,. May !!. FOUR GREAT SPECIALS That Will Bring Business for Us and Give Satisfaction to Our Customers. NO. 1. Fifty dozen mdies' Silk r... t:i. t j .. wwhjo, i-lik, jivenuer, were $1, NO. 2. NO. 3. Greatest UndofAvear Bargain of tha ao, for gaatlem9a BJlbrigjan Shirts arid Drawers, all sizes, 25c. per garment Compare them with those you have usually bought at 50c. One hundred Ladles' Ohangeafth Silk Umbrellas, colora as follows: Brown, Navy, Garnet and Green. Special price, each. Universally sold at $1. Trimmed with the finest Natural Handles. Ono case of Cotton Huck Towels (largo size). Thi pries don't pay for the raw cotton. Four for 15 c. NO. 4. CONNOLLY & A RING The most anciont of nil personal ornament... nnd in overy age nu l country the distinguishing murk of freedom, birth, rank and honor Freeman's Rings Tell tbnir own story. They pos sess all the boauty that art enn give them, and overy worthy new fad and fancy that fashion e'utf gpsts at ontto rinds a place in his stock. Renl Diamond Kings frfim $1 00 up. Thousands of Gem Kings to select from. Weddins Rines Solid lSkarat gold, of course, all the weights and sizes. By the wsy, we Ssll all plain gold rings hy nctualjvpiijlit. This means a big saving to buyers. FREEMAN, Denlor in 1 liainondu, Watchoi Jewelry, E.o. Cor.Fenn Am and Eprnce St. 1 AT THE Driving Park Scranton, JULY 4th $2,000 worth of lMainonds to be given away as prizes. All the beat known racing men in the country will compete. Grand Parade of Wheelmen in the morning. Excursion rate? on all roads, O.S.Cary&Co.'s All-Feature Show RETURN ENGAGEMENT COMMENCING Tuesday Night, May 21 For 4 Days OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE Admission, 10 and 20 Cents. DOORS OPEN AT 2 AND 7 P.M. cycl a Hose, iu followiug colors: Black, t ...... uxxa uiuo, Tans aacl Browns. WALLACE 309 SOMETHING NEW This Beautiful Bed Speaks for Itself. It yon need a Child's Bed, don't buy until you have seen tuis one. You will regret it If you do. When folded tabes but little more room than n chair. Strrtng nnd durable. Made of Oak and Natural Maple Very fine HUD finish. Holds all tho Dedding when folded. Leugtb, B fset With, HO and 40 inches. PRICE VERY lOW WE ARF RETAILING AT PAO TORY PRICKS. Rr Thero aro no Weights or Springs in the Folding Mechanism of this Bod. WILL ONLY FOLD BTf LIFTING. THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO. CORNER LACKAWANNA AND ADAMS A VI DSD YOU KNOW? That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight,ounc8 for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at ercereau S07 LACKAWANNA AVBNUH WHY See our FIFTEEN DOLLAE Solid Oak Bedroom Sett i We sell Furniture as cheap as f any house in tho country that in tends to givo honest value for the money. Try us. Hull & Co. 205 MID 207 WOIIING AYE. IRON and STEEL NORWAY IRON BLACK DIAMOND filfiVKIt EXTKA SPECIAli SANDERSON'S ENGLISH JESSOl-S ENGLISH CAST STEEL HORSE SHOES TOR CALK TIRE MACHINERY sruiNa ROET STEEL ANVILS RKLLOWS HORSE NAILS WILEY & RUSSELL AND WELLS RROS. CUTTING MACHINERY. Bsttenbender & Co., Scranton, Wholesale and retail dealers' in WaponTnaken' and Blacksmith!" HOW TO MAKE There aro hundreds of young men and young women In rhh country who have splendid ability, but they have nover been wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been an inspiration to hundreds of young people. If yoa aro tired of inactivity and want to do something tangibly como to tho College. coMMONiaNOnsii couitsa BUSINESS OOURSB, SHORTHAND COURSE. QQjj Proprietor. "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF THE RICHARDS LUMBER CO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. Croam White, Nilo Green Canary. - ' ' ' 50d. U tho new price They "SSffE 4Vt & ConneES NOT WAGON WHEELS AXLES SPRINGS nuns fW'OKRS 1UMB STEEL SKEINS 11 R. SPIKES SCREW MONEY