GOOD SERVICE For a good rate is tho motto guiding sensible bus iness men. Cannot impede r.hc rising popularity of THE TRIB UNE as au advertising medium. EIGHT PAGES 5G COLUMNS. SCRAN TON. PA.. FBI DAY MOltNING. MAY 2J5, 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. FHE TRIBUNE HAS A LARGER BONA FID AMONG SCRANTON BUSINESS MEN THAN ANY OTHER MORNING PAPER E CIRCULATION 1 STICKLE HOLLOW RIOT tattle Was Not Oae-Sidcd as First Reported, But All Were Armed. MINGS OF STRIKERS ELSEWHERE ,1 Is Claimed That the First Shot Was Fired by a Deputy This Was Fol lowed by Volley Upon Volley From Both Sides-Strikers Were Obliged to Retreat on Account of Lack of Ammunition Trouble at Odin and Other Points in Illinois. UsioxtowS, Pa , May 24. FIGHT ut Stickle Hollew was nut a one-sided battle, us ut first re ported, bat iru fought with - mauy i;un on one side us on the 1'iner and with us much firiug by the Striki-re M by the depntU'S. Auioiik the wounded are three deputies, while the killed lire all strikers. When tbt workmen cam to the atrikers in the pnblic road lhy waro asked to ko home. The workmen were about to comply with the rrqoest when the deputies nulled into tliu midst of tl.e mun, got possession oi the workmen ami escorted tiiem to the pit. In this rmrt of the performance a deputy flierffl fired a shot, which opened up a tattle in which therti wan volley after volley Brad by each side nt close ranxe. The strikers stood their groaii'l while their comrades were fulliui;, but their mninutiitioD save out and they Wire forced to give up . the field and fl. e to escape the rain of bullets from the Winchester rifl s. D! PCTTE8 ('PES FIIlE. It la eald that the strikers were ad TaDOillg on the line of deputies when the latter fired the first shot. Many who hud (juris in tlieir ponoailOU were nrrested by the deputies Bnd will be lr night to jail here. Lutst news from the scene of the trouble says that the strikers have nil gouo und that the situation now is more peuceable. The workmen have not none to work, bu! are willing to do so as soon as the ex'.'iteiuent stiDiloea. It has been learn ed that one of the men killed in named Shannon and that he lived at Wood's Ran. John Foy, of Fayette City, is among lbs wouodod, being shot in the leg. DUQI.'OIN STRIKERS DISPERSED. ODIN, Hi., May 24. The Duqnoin strikers who wrecked the plant of the Feltinger and Davis mine at Centraliu this morning, reached here ut 2 o'clock tins afternoon, They were met ut the railway depot by Sheriff Helm and his deputies with a ljr.: number of local militia. The sheriff appealed to the strikors to disperse peaceably and re turned to Duquoin. i'hey refused and in usted on marching to tho mines and driving ont the men at work there. The sheriff ordered Lis dopnties to charge on the mob. Witli fixed bayo nets the deputies advanced on thi stfikers, who fled in every direction. A few minutes later they congregated in the western part of the village and prepared to give battle to the deputies, borne desultory firing is heard in that vicinity, but it is believed it is caused by the deputy sheriff's firing into the air with a view of intimidating the strikers. The men at work in the mines are armed und offer to asuist the sheriff in driving away the strikers. Tu. vil lage is wild with excitement, and us the feeling of a great many of the vil lagers is in sympathy with the strik ers, it feared blood will How bofore niiiht. The sheriff lias succeeded i;i captur ing several ol the riug leaders of the strikers, bu; uthers have been selected to take their place, und the discipline is maintained. ALTGKLE REFUSES TItonj Sheriff Helm telegraphed Governor Altg'-hl this afternoon asking for troops to assist the deputy sheriff's in reMsting the striken. A reply was re ceived ironi the govaruor this after noon iu which the latter refused to or der out the state troops, bnt agreed to furnish arms and ammunition to the sheriff. Trie governor claimed he was not satisfied that Sheriff Helm had ex hausted his means to overcome tho tnoo and advised that more deputies be sworn in. bPBlNOnUD.IU., May 31 The Pana Coal company telegraphed Governor Altgeld this morning asking that troops be sent to their mines at Pana to protect them from an expected at tack by the striking miners. Governor All geld replied that ho could not f ur nisn troops unless assured that thw sinkers had overpowered the sheriff and depn'ies. A jntaut General Or andorf DM a battalion of troops ready to start at a moment's notice. Ihoy will be ordered to any point the gov ernor feels justified in sending them. MINKRS FORCED TO STOP WORK. New Kensington, Ph., May 21 At 1 o'cloek thi morning 100 striking miners murched from Leeuhbnrg to J. b. Smith's coal works nt Kelly's Sta tion and forced the thirty miners to step work. This cuts off the fuel sup ply of the Allegheny Valley railway and the PitUturg Plate Glass com pany The strikers Were verv orderly. QOKNELMVlLUe, Pa May 24 At 1 o'clock this afternoon mill strikers marched through this plaoa on their way to Jimlowu, four miles north, witii the determination to force cu the men who work thero. They were unarmed, bat more trouble is feared. U KEEK BUBO, Pa., May 34 The BtfarA ut the Stricklnr worki on the Sewlokley branch jvero waited on this morning by several hundred strikers Htid forced to come oat Whether they will roturn to work when the strikers lctive is not known. TRAINM&IM ON FIRE. E inmUablo ..oculent In the Cab of a Kn t i a-.aenKT Train. Galesbirg, III.. Mav 24 A fast train on the Chioago, liuriington and Quincy, when four miles east of Kewa- nee todav and running at the rate of fifty miles per hour, hud an unusual accident. The glass in the lubricator can broke and instantly thf)o quarts o! keroseno was spilled by steam pressure through the cab. Striking thF hot boilerbear, the oil was "ignited and the next moment the whole interior of the Cab was in l! mi 1 . The fireman, Edward Martin, was standing in front of the lubricator, aud his clothes, saturated with oil, were quickly ablaze, He rolled on tne cab floor to extinguish the flames The engineer, F. B. Giddiim, tbmst oue arm aud leg and his body from the cab window, and with the foot set the bruke und brought the train to a standstill. Martin, before the traiti stopped, .lumped from the floor, aud, with the flames streaming from his clothes, rushed to the water tank, raised the cover and jumped in, extinguishing tho fiinies. Giddins leaped from bi i engine und rolled around in the wet grass. Martin was put ou a freight traiu and brought lioiuQ. His clothes, save his undershirt, had been destroyed by the fire. He was horribly burned aud is iu a precarious condition, Gid dins' left hand was badly burned and his clothes burned off. THE BOILER EXPLODED. Remarkable Escape of Four Firemen in an Accident at No. 5 Shaft, Wilkes-3arre. WiLKBS-BaBBB, Pa., May 31. The oxplosion of a nest of boilers at No. 5 shaft at South Wilkes Cairo Hub morn ing, operated by tho LjhigU and Wilkss-Barre Cj.i1 company, cansod intense excitement and it was not known until late in the afternoon that it imperiled the lives of m my human beings, yet no ono was injured. The boilers were eighteen in number, built iu nests of four, and without warning one of the nests burst with a terrible forcd blowing the boiler houso in all directions, and carrying the smoke stack nearly 000 yards away, lauding it on the main track of the Lebigh Valley railroad, delaying traffic for nearly an hour. The head of one cf the boilers crashed through a car of coal on the track, demolishing it and throwing threo other oars off tho track. A party of the New York retail coal dealers hero on u tour arrived at the shaft about u half hoar before the explosion occurred and some thirty of them descended tho shaft jnst Lefore the accident took place. The fan was stopped and the en gineer could not hoist the mine carriage again, but they managed to escape by climbing up the ladders a distance of some fifty feet and were landed on the surface in safety. There were no loss than 300 men at work in the pit at Ul timo the explosion took place, but they escaped through the various gangways to a place of b tfety and were finally all saved by mesas of ladders that run from the bottom to the top, while others walked out through the open ings in other parts -f the inino. Among the New Yorkers who ds cender the mines were: John Had dock; C. P. Friend, Robert Btinis, F. Bunke, John Golla, William Brennan, Patftok Cartes, Arthur Rice, 1J. L Rsfforty, Herman Tigue, T. F. Farreli, W. J. Canninu'liutf', A, A. Rice, H. L. Luque, H. Linge, W. F. Mileu and John Mayfortb. The caase of tho explosion is not known, but it is believed that the water Meatus low in tho boilers and that they exploded when cold water was forced into them. There were four fireraon attending to the boilers at tiie time and their escape from be ing killed is marvelous, WANTS MILLIONAIRES KILLED. Wild Harangue of an Indiana Populist la Heartily Applauded, Indianapolis, Iud., May 24 Tlia Popuiisl Stute convention met here today with about :W0 delegates present. Leroy Templeton was made chairman. In his speech of acceptance he de nounced tho old parties, and said that he hoped to see tho day whon there would not bo u millionaire alive. He was wildly cheered. Much of the forenoon session was taken up by the reading and adoption of numerous resulntions, one of which favors tho holding of a labor congress iu Washington June 20 to force upon congress the passage of immediate remedial lnoasures. Another denounces the treatment accorled Coxey aud his followers at tho Capitol and praises Congressman Johnson for his action in their defense. HILL WCNT H N G PRETTY. So the Board of Patd.mi Again Inter-ffri-o with Juetloe. HarrisihJtmi, May 24. A regular meeting of the board of pardons was held today. The case of Hill, the Pitts burg muMerer. was considered. He is nuder sentence of death, but the wound in bis neck caused by a recent attempt at suicide will make hanging a horrible spectacle, aud life imprisonment is asked. The board decided to order a respite for four months pending consideration of the case. Statements were made in support of the application and the board wants these statements In writ ing before taking further action. IN OUR OWN COMMONWEALTH. Fireman Cornelius K uioh has not been seen for two days in Heading and it is sup posed he Was drowned iu the flood. The borse ridden by Charles Wright, of Morrisville, Jumped into tho Delaware caual and both Were nearly drowned. To compensate his employes, who are Idle two days a Week, S. A. Crozer, of Up land, will reduce house rents oue-tnird. Piersnn W. Huckman, foreman of the famous Wallace liurt jury at Doylnstown had a narrow escape from Injury yester day in a runaway. Captain J. E. Meredith, an engineer for merly in' the employ of the United States goreiumeut, yesterday shot hiimel; to death at Pittsburg. 'fho export of gold has reduced tho so called roservo to a little above 480,000,(100, and ull the Information reoelved at the treirsnry U to the effect that with (Satur day's expected shipments it will bo brought close to t"5. 0011,000. Tho net bul ance, which was !5,000,000 ou May 1, has fallen toflI0,000,00U. FAIR DEGREE OF PROGRESS List of Articles on TarlD Cill Disposed or by Senate, THE APPROPRIATIONS CONSIDERED The House Spends the Day in Ar ranging Salaries for Clerks and Various Officials A Yea and Nay Vote Taken on tho Amendment Offered by Mr. Enloe, Striking Out the Appropriation for the Salaries of Civil Service Commissioners and Clerks. Washington, May 24. OT WITHSTANDING the fact that then was a constant stream ol talk kepVUp in the ssuule to day, there w-is a very fair de gree of progress made in the eonsidwt tiod of the turiif bill. Tho day'e luovi ment was from page 2.) to 33 and it covered tweoty-two paragraph!). Tho one on which the principal portion of tho debate took place was tho tin plate paragraph, and the result was to leave tho duty on tin plate 115 cents per pound, the same as in the house bill. The rate under the mining law 18 2 1-5 cents a pound. A less extf nsivo discussion took place over an am mdnvnt offwad by Mr Allen (Pop. , Neb.), to put barbed fenco wire on the free litt. Tbil amendmeut was accepted by Mr. Jones, of Arkau sas, on behalf of tho finance committee and was incorporated in tho bill with the understanding that it will be framed hereafter by the committo in such language as will admit ail fenos wire on the same terms. The follovftng were among the para graphs disposal) of today: Paragraph 122 ai to steel ingots, die blocks, bilb-ts and bars, shafts, shafting, otc, was amen led by striking out of tliehou bill the rate of 25 per ciut. ad valorem ami inserting us follows: All of tho above value 1 at 1 cent per pouud or less, three-tenth cents p pound, valued above 1 coat per pound and not above ore and four-tetitns cents per pound, four-tenths cents per pound, six-'.enths cents per pound, valuol above one aud eigut-tenths cent- and not above two and two-tenths. The paragraph 125 prohibiting an al lowance or reduction of duties by par tial loss or damage, by rait or dis coloration, on Iron or steel or any ar ticle of iron or steel, was agreed to, as in tho house bill. Daring the morning hour there was a discussion of the resolution offered by Mr. Kyle (Pop., S. D.) on Wednesday, announcing a policy of non-interterenod in the politi cal affairs of Hawaii. The resolution went over Without action. Tho senate adjourned at G p. in. HOUSE CONSIDERS APPROPRIATIONS. Consideration of tbe legislative, ex ecutive and judicial appropriation bill at the present iilagi of legislation W is finally concluded iu tho house today. But few changes were made in the text of the last three p;ges, und the diicun sion was devoid ol more than.passing interest. When reported to tlio house by the committee of the whole, the changes made had increased tne total of appropriations carried by the sum of lt),!i34. This wan exclusive of the ap propriation for the puyment of the sul ories of members and clerks of the civil service eommisfion, amonotiug to ijiliy.Uld, widen the committee ordered to be stricken out. That made the amount carried hy the bill $21,11.5,247. When the reuding of the Dili was concluded it was reported to the house with the nmundmeuts. All of thole ou which separate votes were not demanded was agreed to. Tue first amendment on which a vote was asked was that by Mr. Hayes (Dtin ,1.) deelaring Section 40, revised statutes, providiug for deducting the pay of membsrs for timo absent, except on account of sickness, to have been re pealed. The yeas and nays were called resulting: yeas, 104; nays, 127. The amendment was therefore lost. A yoa and nay v te was taken nn the amendment offered by Mr.Enloe (Dem., Tenn.), striking out the appropriation for the iularies of the civil service commissioners and clerks, which the committee Of the whole adopted by a decisive vote. It resulted: Yeas, 30; nays, IDS. The bill was then passed, The bouse nt 5 o'clock adjourned. WOMEN FIGHT BRECKENRIDGE. Will Not Soorats Soldlsrs' Gravos Ua le; Veterans Expjl Ulm. Lexington, Ky., May 24. The Breckinridge question reared its hoad iu sensatidbal fashion at tho meetiug last night of the Confederate Veterans' association and its auxiliary to arrange for the decoration of the Confedoratss graves. The women declared they would not place flowers on the graye of a siugle Confederate soldier unless the associa tion expelled the congressman. The Offioers' association say they cannot expel bim. The meeting adjourned in confusion. SHOT FOR A BURGLAR. Tho Fatal Ending cf Patar Young's Liatla 8pre. West Chester, Pa., May 24. Peter Young, a well known resident of East Whiteland township, was shot and killed last night, being mistaken for a burglar. Lewis Frame was aroused after mid night by the noise of some walking about tho yard fronting his house. He got up, raised the window, and balled the man. No response was given and he shut. An investigation proved tbut tne man was a neighbor of Frame's, and was Intoxicated. TALMAGE F.SCAPES AGAIN. H Narrowly Mlum doing Through a Bridga on a Train. Pueblo, Col., May 24 The Mis souri Pacific pissonger train from the east, which arrived in Pueblo this morniug, narrowly escaped going through a bridge thirty mllsi east. iUv. T. DoWitt Talmage, ol Brooklyn, wasonn of the p 'sseugors. Hi said he was awakened by the j-rkingof the sleeping car, and looking OUt found the ear off the traok it ih" middle of the bridge, which was rapidly sinkings Fortunately the engine conld pull the cars up the incline, bnt as soon its tbe lust car gained tho aolld grourrfl thi structure sank Into the water. The high water had undermined the founda tion. COWARDLY FATHER CONFESSES. Admits That He and Not tha Child Killfd lis Mothar. Shamokin, Pa., May 21 Vincent Hokosh confessed to the district attor ney today that ho shot his wife yeUr day, instead of tne 2-year-old child ho accused. The three were at the dinner I able and he thrust the revolver Lack of hiB wife's our and pulled tho trigger. Now hu says he did not know the weapon was loaded. A witness testified that Rokosh put four cartridges iu the revolver two liours before tho shooting. Ho will be tried lor murder. His wife was in a delicate condition AN EXTENSIVE GAVE. It Occur in tho Yaid of R?idnco of S. Morris. An txtonsivo cuvo occurred in the yard in front of thi? residence of S Morris, at Washington avonue and Oiivo street, last night. The oave-ln is about twenty feet wide aud extends from the fonce to the houso It is thirty feet in depth. Tbe sidewalk loading to the hous disap peared. Thero is water to the depth of fifteen feet iu the cave. Mr, Ford's Recollection of Some of the Events Preceding the Tracedy of 1865. Bai.timoi'.e, May 21 Junes R. Ford, brother of the late John T. Fori), who sent tho theater tickets to President Lincoln on the morning of the aesaiS iaation and called on Mayor Richard Wallaeb to quell th" riot in the theater afler tho shot was fired, has made the following statement : About U o'clock ou the morning of tho Assassination Mr. Lincoln's messenger came to the theater, as was almost his weekly custom, and asked Mr. Ford lor tickets for Mr. Lincoln, Mrs. Lincoln und General Urant. At 10 o'clock Mr. Ford told a thea ter attache to write notices for the af ternoon papers, announcing that the president aud party would Loattbo theater thut night. At 11 o'clock John Wilkes Booth, in a black coat and high nilk hat, and carrying a gold headed cane, was seen leisurely ap proaching the (heater for his morning mail. Hurry Ford, adlrossing J.uuej R. Ford, romarked: "Hern oomel th handsoinxst mm In Washington." Booth opened a stack of letters, many of which were from female admirers, Harry Ford told the news of Lee'a surrender to Booth. Booth replied ; "He should never h ivo givn up that sword." narry Ford began to twit him, and said that Lee, handcuffed, would bo in oue of the boxis that night and Liueolu uud Grant in the opposite box. James Ford said this was tho first Intimation Booth had that the presi dent would be at the theater that nigbt Following the conversation James Ford and Booth walked out to getber. Mr. Ford was bound to the Treasury department to get flsgl to decorate the prssidimt's box. This was the last he saw of Booth. UPU XPiCTEO LIBERALITY. Washington Citizens Snpplv Coxeyitea with a t- qaare Meal. Washington, D. C, May 21. It be camo known today tint the Coxeyites in their camp near Highlands, Md., bad for the past three days had no other food thnn bread and water. The sull'uring was borne for the ntost part without a murmur. During this time there have been but few desertions. Their pitiable condition was relieved this afternoon by a greater variety of supplies furniahed by citizens of Wash ington than the commonwenlers have had nt any previous time siuce leaving Massillon. When the supply wagons rssched the camp and their contents btcame known the hungry mon ex pressed their gratitude iu cheers. WASHINGTON GOSSIP. President Clovoland and party arrived homo last night. Washington society is quite interested in the salo of the effects of Mr. Sousa Rosa, the retiring Portuguese minister. Mrs. John A. Logan will give large garden purty at her colonial homa on tho Hoights, near Washington, noxt Friduy. The anthracite blast furuace at Habo sonla is blowing out because of scarcity of coke. This Is the largest stack iu lantern Pennsylvania. producing 1,000 toss a week. The question whether the Makah In dians of Washington state can legnlly use schooners la tbe Bearing sea while sealing has been brought to the attention of tho treasury department. John L. Hill, a member of the bulldiugs commission, died yesterday at Pftiladol putii, after a brief illness, aged Cfi ysars. Air. Hill was a ilopublican and was on of the best known politicians in Philadelphia. United States Consul Oenorul Crawford, at St. Petersburg, considers the new Si berian railroad, connecting the Pacific wlih European Russia, a project of fitting magnitude to cloo tats century of great engineering achievements. The mystery surrounding the disappear ance of Cornelius Ranch at Reuding on Monday night was cleared up yestardny. While grappling in tbe canal near the terra cotta Works late this afteruoon, his dead was body was brought to the ssrface, he having been drowned while going to a fire. The civil service commission will hold an examination oa Juae '42 far the offlccB of lnsptctors and assistant Inspectors in the bureau of animal Industry, depart ment of agriculture. The salaries of the assistant inspectors will be $1,300, aud of Inspector $1,400. Only graduntas of some recognized veterinary college are eligible. SUGAR TRUST The Investigating Committee of the Senate M?k?s Inqii LITTLE INFORMATION IS GAINED Various Newspaper Correspondents Examined Refuse to Disclose Their Source of Knowledge in the Matter. A Wire Manufacturer Heard a Con ference at the Arlington Between Senators and Suf;ar Men. Washington, d. c, May 24 TlIEsenute bribery investigating committee today bedcun the in quiry into tho collection of the sugar trust with the turiif legis lation. E. J. Edwards, the author of the "Holland" letter in tho Philadelphia Press, was btfnry the committee. Mr. Edwards decliued to stutn his uutliority for the information coutaiued iu his letter to tho eff.ct that ijecraturv Car lisle bud appeared before the taillf sub committee before the original senate bill whs reported, aud hu 1 lusuted that sug-ir bo given protection becauss of tho purty pledges mida previom to election, or for the statement that Mr. Carlisle himself had revised aud writ ten the iii schedule. Mr. Edwards stated that much of his information was what wouid be called in a court of justico hears ly and that while ho conelderod it reliable it was probably not juit what tho eommlttee wantod. He also emphasized the fact hat he had charged no personal cor ruption against any cfneiul, and he aaid ho knew no facts that would 1m ileute anyone in that way and that all ho had heard and written reftrrasl only to tho influence of the sugar treats in Democratic politics. Mr. Edwards finally gavo to the com mi'.teo tha names of persons who had told him that tlu Sugar Trust had con tributod to tho Doifcouratic campaign fuud, but the committee failed signally at the afteruooa session iu an endeavor to obtain from him the name of his iu foruiutit abi ut too alleged so-called Carlisle conference. The next witness was John S. Sbriver, the Washington correspondent of the New York Mail and Express, who was examined iu regard to u dispatch which appeared in his paper ou May 19 heeded "How the Conference Leaked Out," iu which it was stated that a certain "wiro manufacturer' stayiDg at the Arlington hud overheard a conference between Democratic son. store and tht sugar trmt representa tive. Mr. Shriver said the story had Been told hira by a congressman but he must dceline to give his name or tho name of tbo wiro manufacturer. IN RBfgBINOI TO BOUItKU COCKUAN. Tbe last wituoss was Mr. Harry Walker, the Washington correspondent of the New Yerk Daily America. Iiis attention was called ton dispatch from Washington in tho Daiiy Anerioa lant January in whicu it was stutod that Congrehsmau Lionrke Cochran, a mem ber of tbe ways and BUMM committee widen was then engaged in making up the tarill Still, was the uttoruey of the sugar trust and would endeavor to have a duty put on sugai und furthermore that he would not, vote for the bill if sugar was not sulliiAUy protected. Mr. WulkMraclsnowPsdised thut hwas the author of tho UiopuKiii and he laid tnat two members of tho ways and meuns commute ' constituted his au thority. Mr. Cookran sjid tue witness ctuae to Bee hlwi auotil tue allegatioui made aud iu the explanation which the congressman made ho gave Mr. Walker information ou which he based a dispatch Intimating that the pfetident and a cabinet ohlcsr had stated that tiie Demo cratic party was under obligations to the sugar trust. Mr. Walker said tuat Mr. Cockrau had told him that the president and a cabinet officer had made this statsment. Mr. Cockran did not mention the naino of the cabinet officer, but the witness said he suhss ausntly ascertained that Mr. Carlisle was meant. The witnesses who were before the committee today will be called tChior row and tbe committee will try to force them to give the names of their authorities. Judge Dittenhoeff er, couusel for Mr. Elwards, will prob ably make an urgumeut before tho committee on this matter. LASALLE RON BY A HOB. Sheriff Taylor Seriously Wounded In Battle with Strlkan. Lasallk, III.. May 24, This city is tonight In the hands of a mob of strikiug min-ri. All day long (hey have had things their own way and wheu Sheriff Taylor aud his handful of deputies son.'ht to put a remain ing hand upou their actions, they turned upon him and gave battle. Not one of th deputies escaped injury aud Shsrlfl Taylor and Dsputlss Wsl ters, Houlihan add Derere Were dan gerously if act fatally iujursd. To night when another force of deputies arrested three of the ringleaders the j all wa$ entered by the iufurlnWd horde sad the release of the mun no complishsd. About t o'clock this afternoon the striksrs held a meeting and an hour later matched to the Lasulle shaft, where, without cause, rioting was somuitneed by the Poles and Italians. The foreigners were armud with all kiuds of deadly weapons and oucrUd armifull of rocks and clubs, attacked the sheriff ah(l his pune of forty depu ties. Tile st filters opened fire and it was returned by the sheriff and depn ties, the latter holding their own until all their emmnnitinu wus ued, when they were forced to fly for safety. It is not known how uiaoy of thr striken Were injured. Some of tbsta II is though? Were fatally shot, bnt thsy wsre carried away by their friends. Sheriff Taylor is dangerously wounded. Deputy Thom-ts Walters may die. Deputy Thomas Houlihan hvas shot in tho calf of tho leg. Deputy John uorere wus thrown into a cellar and his spine badly injured. All tbe other deputies were more or lees bruised with rocks and cluhs, not one of them i-seuping injury. Sheriff Tuylor displayed wonderful nerve. When all tho deputies had been forced baelc irom lack of ammunition, the sheriff stood hia ground against 5'JO manaics. With u r-volv-?r in each hand he poured lead into tho mob until no hud been knocked dowu twice and i very inch of his body bruised. He wan rescned by friends and hid in a neafby house. MEDICAL I X.".MlNATIONS. Dates and Locntlnna Fixd Upon by Members cf Various Schoole. HaBBIBBURO, Pa., May 24 The State Medical OOUncii has decided that iho examinations of applicants for li censes to praotice medicine and sur gery hali bo examined Juno 11, 12. 13 and 14 as follows: Before the Allo pathic examining board ut Pittsburg in the council chamber and in Philadelphia ut the lobool of applied art, Broad and Vino streets, homeopsthifl board in Philadelphia ; normal school building on Sergeant street, and eclectric board in tho su preme court room this city. Applications must be filed with Col on -I Tbomss J. Stewart, secretary of '.he medical council, at thw department of internal affairs a week before tbe examinations. THE SMITH HERESY CASE. Hearing in the Anneal Begun Before the Presbyterian General As sembly at Saratoga. Sauatooa, May 21 The interest in tho case of tho appeal of Professor Smith from the findings of the Cincin nati presuyt"ry and the Ohio synod on charges of heresy was early manifested this morning by a larg attendance of apectators at tho meeting of tbo i'r s bvteriun General AsFcmbly, Tho jnlicial committee asked to have ibeir report on the case returned to them for slight change. This was granted, and taj proposed change was made, eflsoting the rule for the hearing of members of the Assembly. It was provid d that tho assembly shall be heard upon roll call, threo minutes being granted to each mem ber. Dr, Young, the former modera tor, protested such waste of lime. He stated that this rule of last year cans d tho assembly to lose a whole day and halt Despite this ol j c:oa the ruin wul adopted. Hotieswaa read that the hoars givsn to the sy"uod of Ohio hud been appor tioned as follows: To the R v. Charles Tow:ieud, of Cleveland, seven min utes; to the Rev. G.-orgo L. Kulb, D. D., of Bellefout nine, tea minutes; Thomas McDougall, Cincinnati, twen ty minutes; the U;v. William Powoll, of Athens, sevon minutes; tbe Itev Arthhr C. Ludlow, of Clsveland. six uiinutoa, and Thomas McDougall, ten minutes, At 10.10 tho ass mbly was consti tuted us a court and the reading of the records in the c;se proceeded with. These pap rs contain tho record of the synod, tiie notice of appeal and the ap peal of Professor Smith. After the reading of these pipers, the assembly began to euterlaiu the appeal, and argument was began by I'rofessor Smith. The rending of the full records was waived except so fur as they were going to le used in the urgumeut. Professor Smith slated that he proposed only to argue Bix of the grouuds of appeal instead of twelve, The argument at the stnrt concerned the existence of prejudice in the .mem bers of the Presbytery whioh originally trh d aim. Professor Smith sought to show that the records of the original trial proved thut the judicatory was prejudiced. Tiie doolriue oi the inspiration alleged in the charges, was contended to bo one not taught in Scripture or in the confession, nud iu fact to be contrary to the doetrrno of tfte confession of faith of tho church. Tho inerrancy of the original nulographs of Scrip ture was claimed to be entirely outside of ihe doctrine of inspiration and Independent of it. It was fur ther shown llut tho doctrine of inerr ancy has a tbelogloal origin, not a Biblical origin, and that the confession as it stands gives no support to the position of the prosecution. Professor Smith asserted that the Washington assembly evaded the issu raised by doctrine of the confession, in failing to declare that the t-criptures not only "are" the word of God, but "uru" in errant, GALVIN'S 5UB SEEKERS, Thny Are Now TrampheT 'be Baltimore Turnpike York, May 24. Galvin'e army, 125 strong, left hero this afternoon over the Baltimore turnpike enronte to Washington. They were fed by con tribution from ttio cit'.Z 'tis while here. They were given a polios escort to the ouiskirts ol the city, FLASHED FROM T Hi WIRES. John H. WuIIbcp, a society swell ot Ham ilton, 0 has been arrested in New York city, charge! witu forgery. Dedication of the Cnickumauga and Chattanooga Battlefield nark has been postponed till Ueptotnbur, I69S, In lighting her pip.', Mrs. .Surah Arms baugl), of West Unity, O., set her clothes afire and wai turned to a crisp. 'ihe family of Aotress Enehne Bovoridgo Coghlaa pr rse to make an example of bigauiohs husband by prosecution, While talking about death with frionds In a Qot Springs (Ar!;.) i-tore. Colonel U. U. Cook, of haiidii ky, ()., fell Over a corpse. Auti-Cntbolic cartoons aro being sent by the Amerxan Protective association to members of tho New York State Consti tutional couveuiiou. Crazed with gtiof nt a false rumor of the death of Wise Ada Lewis, her Uanooo, Silas Uilullan, of Green Hay, Ala., shot himself at her dour, and now she is uying. WEATHER FOKECAST. Washv.oton, Mny24.-Forocnsf for (.iera Aansvfmata, for Fri1iu: Bhmeert. tomnht. mo- ftWH I 1 crallv fair fH&ay, siiyhtly warmer, uvst winds, Ffcr UVstem PeiiiisiIenuia, f air preceded in nit early morning by sAoteerc borihtm portion, warmer in noi ljiern portion, wist winds. FINLEYS Summer Silks The demand for silks for sum mer wear is constantly on the increase, and never have the designs and colorings been moro dainty and attrac tive than this season. In ad dition to our stock of CHENEY BROS.' INDIA SILKS (EXCLUSIVE STYLES) We have an endless variety of Fancy "We.avcj in latest de signs, including line of CHECK TAFFETAS Also WASH SILKS and FANCY PONG IjES lor Waista. A SPECIAL BARGAIN IN WASH SILKS AT 49 Cents Elegant line of Solid Black Bro- cade India and Taffeta Silks. Three Great Specials 24-in. Black Taffeta, 75c 22-ln, Black Faille, 69c AXD THE BLACK LEVANT Which is positively guaranteed not to cut. FINLEY'S (IE filiTTl PERU & fiUBBEfl M'FfiCa'J FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSB. CHAa A. SCHIERT5N & CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIO And Oak-tanned Leather Bel tin H. A. Kingsbury AGENT 113 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. Lewis, Reilly & Davies A DRIVS In Russet Shoes. LEWIS, REILLY & DAVIES 114 Wyoming Avo. tTHOLESALE AND RETAIL. We Examine Ejes Free of ehargo. If a doctor ia needed you aro promptly told so. We also guarantee a perfect fit. All SILVERWARE and Dam?Ecd Goods at Arcade Fire will be sold at 50 Per Cent. Below Cost The Jeweler, 408 Spruce Street. i j. n i