THE SCRAN TON TBI JUNE Til Ult W DA iT MORNING, MAY L4, FOR ONE WEEK We will sell our entiro stock of New and Stylish TRIMMED HATS at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Come and see them at NEWMAN 303 SPRUCE STREET. DON'T TIavo your COIXABI Btnrc hcd in ttio old way, when you can havo donfl wltli soft, pliable Buttonholes for TWO CENTS BAOR Lackawanna THE LAUNDRY Norrmanfi Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming; Avenue We are showing new designs in printed IRISfi LAWNS, JACONET, DIMITY and PONGEE. 415 Lacka. Avenue. CARPETS BARGAIN NO 3. We Will Offer for a Few Days Fine Moquette Rugs at $2 00. These Hugs Have Never Been Sold for Less Than S3. 00. I I 127 Wyoming Ave. CITY NOTES. "The Silver Ledgo" will be the matinee nt the Academy or Music this afternoon. The lliuh School Alumni ansociation will hold tholr annual banquet June 20 In Ei- coisior nan. The grand jury will present its first ro turn to court this morning. It expects to uni,n its worK this woeK. Casper Abata yesterday bogan an action in tresuass to recover damages from Fred Munch. He U represented by Attorneys Watson and Zimmerman. The new officers of the Epworth league of the Elm Park church will be installed tonight in tho church parlors, A social will follow tho installation. Tho construction gan;; of tho Penn Bridge company, of Boavor Palls, arrived In the city yesterday and will immediately begiu work on tho Parker street bridge. Colonel Monies post, Ormid Army of the Republic, will attend the Peon Avonuo Baptist church in a body Sunday evening, to be addressed by Rov. Warren O. Part ridge. Ihe Violet club, au association of juven iles, will give an entertainment at the res idence of P. W. ilazznrd, 688 Pino street, this evening for the Benefit of the Summor Home nt Dnlton. An admission of 23 cunts will be charged. Exceptions wero yesterday filed to tho opinion of the court in tho case of Marga ret Mezey against the Liiekawnnnn Iron and Steel company. That is a preliminary step in order that the case may be carried to the supreme court. Bauer's band, of thirty nieces, will leave this morning on the 7. 15 Delaware ami Hudson train for Wilbes-Uarro. The band will accompany the Jolly Ten club of that place to Lehighton, to participate in tho firemen's parade there today. Minnie Lester and her company pro duced "Annette, the Dancing Olrl," nt the Academy of Music yesterday Afterjoon, and the "Rose of Killarnoy" last night. There will bo another matinee this after noon, and tonight "Fauchon" will be given. Rev. John Cavnanph, of Dover, N. J., assisted by Rev. John Wintsch.of Waverly, is holding services evory evening this week in Beer's hall, 8ul North Main avenue. Mr. Cavnaugh Is a traveling evangelist and holds open air meetings every evoning at 7 o'clock. Marriage licenses wero granted by tho clerk of tho courts yesterday to' Wil liam R. Jones, of Scranton, and Maggie W. Reese, of Taylor; Milford Vnrnoy and Jennie Barnes, of Scranton; John Schlld and Catherine Ott, of Taylor; Vincont Mronsczuskl and Rosalia Figul, of Scran ton. Opn AU Nlfht at Lonman's Spruce street, Action Against the Cltv. Mrs. Julia Walsh yesterday brought sn It through Attorney I. II. Burns to rocover t"),000 damages; from the city of Scranton. Mrs. Walsh is the owner of a property at Phelps street and Washington avenuo which she nays has beon damaged to tho extent of $6,000 by the overflowing of tho Fonrth district maiu sewer on a number of occasions. The Advantage of Using- Riming Bifocal Is very groat, as It combines diBtnnt and near glasses in one pair and gives the greatest comfort to tho wearor. Made only by Dr. SnuniEuo, 305 Spruce street. Db. A. E. burnt, haviug opened his of fices in tho Burr building, Wnsbiugtou avenue, will resume tho practloo of his Erofession, where he will be glad to serve is old patrons ami public lu goneral. They Hnv Gone Down That Is prices at Quornsev Brother UEtDGI Williams McAnulty I, ill ARRESTED Ex-General Master Workman Powderly Pre fers Charge of Lib BAIL IS ENTERED BY ACCUSED He Says Ho Is Surprised at His Re ception in This City Another Con ference Held with Local Knight of Labor Officers Last Night Martin Will Tell His Story on the Witness Stand. T. V. Powderly, ex general master workman of tho Knights of Labor, yet terdny afternoon gave information be fore Alderman John PltllimmODI ngninst H. E Martin, of Indianapolis, a member OI the general executive board of the Knights of Labor, charging him with criminal utiel. The complaint is based on an inter view with Mr. Martin. pablishod in yes tonlays hcranton 'Irutb, in which it was nlleged that Mr. Powderlv had neen siispenciea irom membership 111 tho Knights of Labor because be. bad refused to turn over to his successor in tho olnco of master workman certain hooka and papsrs MODaiofl to the or- ner. ilie Information made by Mr. l'owdeily, is couohed in tho following language: On this twenty-third day of Mnv, lffli, bofnro me, an alderman of tho Eighth ward, of the city of Scranton, nppcured T. V. foyrderly who being duly nworn, doth depose and say; That ho is a citizou of Boranton, Pennsylvania, and held the of fice of general master workman of the or der of Knights of Labor for upwards of fourteen years until hU resignation in No vember, IWJ3; that on or about Dec. 0, 1895, deponent forwarded to his successor In office, namely, J. R. Sovereign, all books, ilocumeuts nnd property whatso ever 111 deponent's possession or control bo longing to the order ot KuighU of Labor, and tho said J. R Sovereign acknowledged the receipt of same; thut notwithstanding the premises one 11. B. Martin, claiming to bo n member of the executive board of paid Knights ot Labor, 00 the twenty-third day of May, 180s, In the city of Scranton afore said, did unlawfully, wilfully and malic iously publisu and cause to bo published ami printed In a dally newspaper of largo Circulation, to wit, the Scranton Truth, published at Scranton, Pennsylvania, a certain false, malicious and defamatory libol tending to blacken the roputation of deponent and thereby expose him to pub lic hatred, contempt and ridicule, which said false nud malicious libol u in th-) fol lowing words; TflE LIBELOUS WOflDS "Mr. Powderly has been suspended for refusal to turn over to bus successor in rfik-o, the property of the order in his charge. This pharaphernalia relates to tho secret work of tho organization, books, documents and other nrtieles, all of which are specified in the correspondence which has passed, demanding that the property be handed over." And in answer to tho ciuestion, "What answer was made to these demands," the said Martin replied: "I don't remember now," snid Mr. Mar tin, "but thoy wero not good reasons for iu overy office of the organization tho law explicitly says that a retiring officer shall turn over to his successor all tho proporty of the ordor," meaning theroby this de ponent, and that deponent was suspended from membership in the Kuights of Labor because he unlawfully and wrongfully withheld and refused to surrender prop erty in his possession belonging to said order. Deponent avers that ho is not now, and to his knowledge has not since Doc. 0. 18M, had in his possession or control any property whatsoever, owned or belonging to said order of Knignts of Labor which he wrongfully withheld or refused to sur render, or turn over, nnd that th said publication was maliciously made by the said 11. B. Martin with intent to defame deponent in manner and form as aforesaid, nud contrary to the act of general assem bly of the commonwealth ot Pennsylvania iu such case made and provided, and against the pence ana dignity of tho com mouwealth. Tho information was sworn to before Alderman John Fitzsimmons and hears Mr. I'owderly's woll-known and fa miliar signature, Mr. Martin was nrmted at the St. Charles by Constable P. F. Ryan last evening and taken before the alderman, Where no waived a hearing nnd gave bail in the Bum of $1,000 for his appear nnce nt tho next term of court, D. J Campbell and P. McNully beooining bis ooniismtn. Mr. Marlin took bis arrest very cooly. He did not appear to be in the least excited, but stated to a TitiBUNE reporter tbui his reception hera had been n great surprise. Ho declared that ho had answered the Trnth ro porter'n questions without auy intent of malice and that personally he had nothing against Mr. Powderly. ANOTHER CONTKUENCE HELD. After leaving tho alderman's ofiloo Mr. Martin returned to tho St, Charles hotel, wliero another secret conference was hold with several Knights of La bor in room 48 The conference was for the pnrpose of considering tho amtt of Mr. Martin by c x-CKmersl Master Workman Pow derly on the chargo of libel. Tho de liberations wero secret, but it was fer reted out by a Tkhiunh reporter that thoreisan awakening in favor of Mr. Powderly. and that the action of tho executive .board has not mot with endorsement. After the meeting broke npMr. Mar tin, in nn interview, stated that he came here with no intention of using auy malign it lluence agoinst Mr. Pow dorly. He was surprised when tho vRrrant was read to him. Ho said that when Mr. Powderly went abroad a 1 rass band was at tho depot to meet him instead of an officer with sum mons. However, when tho time comes he will tell hia story on tho witnsas stand. ANNUAL MAY HOP F EXCELSIORS. Erj iyed in ths Sp.ct Ua Club Room la Boston Store Kali Last Nlffht. Tho regular annual Mav social of the Excelsior Athlotic club took place last tight in the rooms in Boston Store ball. At 0 clock the wall lighted ball room was filled with pleasure seekers, nnd from that hour till 11 o'clock danc ing was enjoyed. lhen a programme of vocal and in strnmenthl music was given, in which ftlissas bellna Moon, Katie Gnrdoa, and Messrs. Shaffer, Roderick. Sheninrer Coar, Kelloy, Walsh and Poland took part. At midnight refreshments were fur- nishod by the club, after which danc ing was resumed. Professor Johnson ftidaled nt the piano; A. J. Langan was prompter, and Richard Eaver mnstor of coromonien. INSINUATION OF OFFICERS. It Will Tek P!ae Tonight at Elm Park Church. The Epworth league of the Elm Park church has arranged for a very pleas ant una entertaining service this even ing in 1 tie lecture room of the Elm Park church, consisting of installation into office of newly elected officers, conducted by the es-preaidents of the oagne, mem hem of the ofiicial board Rev. Dr. Pearce. Rsv. Richard Hiorns and others; presenting of diplomas to tbo class of twelve, "young ladies and gontlemon, who graduate I from the Junior league 0.1 May 13. Scvorul interesting Mimical and lit erary numbers will be rendered, the exercises closing with a social, A oor dial invitation is extended to every body to attend. SCRANTON IANS GRATEFUL. Will Pres.nt Testimonials to Parties Who Assisted 'Jheir PUg-i image. At a meeting at the Loohiel House of tho Scrantouians who were delayed Monday afternoon at Neseonoek and afterward so hospitably entertained at the bt. Lharlos hotel in Bwwlok. Pro thonotary CUrouco Prvor was chosen chairman und L. S. Richard secretury Upon motion of S. W. Bardwell. of Tunklmunock, it was unanimously agreed to present written testimonials ot thanks to the landlord of the SI Charles hotel, to General Manager W F. llallstead, of the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western Railroad com pany, tor kindly presenting tho party with transportation over his road from Berwick to Northumberland: to the division euporintendent of tho Penii sylvania railroad ut Banbury and also to (general Daniel 11. Unstlnga for ac tive efforts in getting a special train through from Sunbnry to Ilarrisburg for the benefit of the storm-bound delegation from the northeastern conn lies. The kindness of Captain John C Delaney in this nnd other rlutlons also came iu for grateful remembrance. MOTHER AND CHILD SEPARATED. Touching Sccno at the County Jai When Mrs. Scott Was Taken to Penitentiary. A scene of unnsuitl sadness wns wit nessed at the county jail yesterday morning prior to the removal of Mrs Cletnutiua Scott to the Eastern Peni tentiary. Mrs. Scott is mi Italian woman aud resided at Did Forge where several months ago alio stabbod and seriously wounded an Italian girl. She was convicted and seutonced to spend oiii year in the Listorn penitentiary. Mrs. Scoit is tho mother of a 1-year old boy who has boon with her during the time she has beeu in tho county jail. When she learned that she would uo separated from her chill when s went to the penitentiury alio made the corridors of the j til resound with her lamentations. She continued to hope, however, that she might be allowtd to tako bar boy witn tier, and whn thoy wero sonar atod yesterday morning the scene was most touching. She pressed her child passionately to her bosom and rained kisses on his face. When the keepers kindly led her to tho door of the jail the twice broko away from them and rush id back to her cell for a final euress of her child. It was necessary to forcibly take her irom the jail to the van that was waiting to carry th prisoners to the depot, ller child wont to St. Joseph's Foundling Home. lliose who were tai.on to the peni tentiary with Mrs. bcott wer6: An tonio Ferro, convicted of felonious wounding, fivoyenrs: Ganges Llnck- more, burglary, two years: Ira Fox, rape, three years; Joseph Judge, inao eluuuhter, six years. Shenli John J. 1'iihev was assisted bv the following deputies in taking tho prisoners to Philadelphia: Mr. Ban- uerman, South bide; J. P. Kolly. Sixth ward; 1 nomas Cisgrova and James MoCormack, Weat Side. EISTEDDFOD AT PITTSTON. It Promises to Ee a Most Successful Event. Judging from the programme nnd preparations 111 progress, tho coming eisteddfod of the Cam bro American so ciety at Pittston on Memorial Day will be very successful. Tlie attendance of singers will bo larger than first expected. It ia not unlikely that nearly all towns from Scranton to Wilkes-Barro will bo rep icsenttd. This city will send several choirs and as many ns twelve solo singers, Recent additions to the programtne announced areas follows: Presidents for the day Hon. Toeo, S'rong. oi West Pittston; George S Ferris, of West Pittston; Hon. M. B.Williams, of Wilkes Barre. Conductors George A. Edwards, of Wilkea-Burre, and Hon. II. M. Edwards, of Scranton. Adjudi catorsmusic, Prof, Edward Broomo, of Brockviile, Canada; recitations, Prof. Robert Hhiel, of Pittston. Soloist Miss Sadie Kaisor, of Wilkos-Barre. Accompanist Miss Amelia Bochtold, of Pittston. N. H. SHAFER'S DEPOSITION. He DirIo that Ha Wan Responsible for th.9 of Janitor HUWr. N. H. Shafer, form-rly of this city and now at Montrose, has tilod in the office of Prothonotary Pryor through Attorney L. B. Prico deposition in the chs of riarry Hiller nguinat Chief of Police Simpson, W. H. Shafer and EL C. Shafer. The suit in to recover $10, 000 for six days alleged false imprison ment 011 a eharg of having causod several mysterious fires in the Odd Fellows building sovi ral years ago of which Mr. Hiller was janitor. Mr. Shafer denies having caused BIN lers arrest and claims that his first in timation of the fact came to him through tho Pinkertou Detective agency. He claims be did not oven suggest the arrest and only give testi mony iu the case because the Pinker ton detective requested him to do so. PROCEEDINGS ALL VACATED. Aotlon of Court with Regard to Dun- more Gswer. Court made an ordor yosterday va cating the appointment of viewers for tho proposed sewer in the Sixth ward of Duumore, revoking the final eon iirmatiou of the report of said viewers nud declaring the assessment made null and void. This action was taken because the or- diuance providing for the construction of tho sewer was not properly tran scribed or signed by the burgess after being transcribed, nud for the further 10880U that the official publication of the ordinance was mado in a Sunday paper. Lecture by Samuel Dickie. Tomorrow evoning Scrantouians will have a chanco to hear what the loadlne: Prohibitionist of America has to say about "Obstacles to Reform." Professor Samuel Dickie, chulrmnn of the Prohibition Na tional eommitteo, will speak at the Frothlnghnm theater. Mr. Dickie is said to be a splendid orator and an able man generally. 11" Is undoubtedly ono of the low who honestly aim to improve riolitirnl coudltions.and will undoubtedly begreoted oy a largo uuuionce tomorrow evening. Two Eond Approved. The bond of Horton Gardner, tax col lector of Scott township, was approved by tho court yosterday. It is iu thesnm of $10, 000 and has the following sureties: Qeorge O Vail, Eugene Vail, O. P. Vail aud N. 13. Htoue. The bond of . I. D. llopkins,tnx col lector of Newtou township, iu the sum of 5,00fl was also approved. Ills bondsmen are: Peter HopkinB, Chnrlei II. Dio.iocker nud J'osoph Kiicbor. AREPUSHINCTHE WORK Shoriden Monument Association Is Moating witn Success. THE PLANS FOR THE FUTURE Sub-Committees Are to Be Appointod in Districts Throughout the County Public Meetine;3 Will Be Held at Which Popular Subscriptions Will Be Asked For Special Committee to Take Charge in This City. That the Sheridan monument move ment is to be a success has already been evidenced by the personnel of the ways nnd means committee of twenty five member, but the positive suecess of tho proi -ot is assured bv tho busl- iie8-like report of the plan-of-cainpaign committee presented at last night's meeting in tho board of trade rooms. Captain P. Di'Luoy. chairman of the ways and meant committee, presided nt tho meeting, llio report of the plan of campaign committee, which is camposnd of John E. Roche, Sainuo Samter, John Gibbons, Captain P. De Laoy, M. J. Kelly, outline tho way the project will bo carried out, which is as follows: Varions snb-committees are to bs np pointed in districts throughout tho county. Each will hold a public meet iug at ns early a date as possible at which subscriptions will bo Invited Every person paying $1 or more will b mtitled to membership iu tho organi zation. At theue meetings tho Bilt, committooB arj to bo organized to serve permanently. POWERS Of THE COMMITTEES. Tiiey nro to hnv 1 ch irgo of their own affairs iu conducting n money raisin:: campaign and are not to be reslricte except in reporting once n month ti tho secretary of the association nt Scranton and ut tho sam i time nini any amount over $1(1. Whenever any iirisistanco or encouragement is neces eary, it is to bo given by tho ways and iicana committee of twenty five mem hers. It will be aimod especially to secure th nseistanco of the prom. A motion was adopted to have the chair appoint n special committee to have charge ot the movement 111 this city. llio resolutions of tho plan 01 cam paign committee for the chair to up point the countv snr-jouimitteo and vpecial committea for Scranton were adopted. A aut-committeo for press work will be appointed. 1 be various committees will Oa an nounced by the cbuirmun at the next meeting, which will bo held in the board of trade rooms Wednesday even ing, June 0. HOW M'CeRTHY WAS SHOT. Ho Was Suddenly Attacked Without Warnlne by an Unknown Italian. William C, McCarthy, living in tho roar of 130 River street, who was shot in the head by an unkown Italian on the Barbertown road Sunday evening. aud who is now at the Lackawanna hospital, is not seriously iniured. A TRIBUNE repottor visited the man I homo yesterday and learned the parti eulars of tho shooting. Last Sunday McCarthy and his sister-in-law, Miss Rebecca Vandyke, wont to Barbertown to attend a birthday party at the house of a rolative. At a o clock they started for home, and when thoy arrived at a eluded part of tho road, between Sib ley and Mndtown, a man whom thoy behove to be an Italian walk.-d nut b foro them from the bulge and inquired where they wero bound tor. They ro plied that they wero going home. whereupon ho brandished a revolver, firing three shots in the air and two nt McCarthy and Alias Vandyke, Gne of tho charges took effect in M Cirthy'a head, inflicting only a scalp wound, which, however, stunned him. The other bullet went through tho rlui of Mill Vandyke's hat. Tno assailant then ran away nnd bai not since been captured. Glacera art fter him. CIRCUS C00DS REPLEVIED. Almaro J. W 'bb Eay ; the Caroy Pjro- phrna!ia Belong to Hvr. Almoni J. Webb yost. rday obtained a writ of replevin, through Attorney Goorgo W. Be ale, to rooover posso.iioii of canvass and circus paraphernalia which it is alleged are tinl..w'u!l' hold by G. 8. Caroy, who ia now exhibition his circus in this city. Gn May 11, 180:i, Alton J. Webb, of Glen Falls, N. Y., ut that time pro prietor of a circus, gave a chattel mortgage for $1,000 to Alraera J. Webb on the proporty. Subsequently it was sold for SHOO to satisfy claims against Mr. Webb and Carey became the purchaser. It is con tended that with the property covered y n chattel mortgage tne sale w.i il- legal, Preparations were Doing made to have the goods rvplovined at Albany on Monday, but Mr. Gary uiovod his eir- iis out of the state to prevent a prose cution by tho Gerryitea. Mr. Webb at nee followed the cir jua to this city. It ia probable that the difficulty will be amicably nrraugod between tho parties. ACTION ON DEATH OF D. P. THOMAS. Members of Press Club Will Attend Fuaeral Thin Afrirncon. At a meeting of the Scranton Pross club hold yesterday afternoon a com mittee consisting of L. J. Lynett and James O'Connor was appointed to draft suitable resolutions on the death of D. Thomas. It was also deoided that the club should attend tho funeral in a body. and all aotive and honorary inmb"ia are requested to meet at the club rooms on Spruce street this afternoon at 1 80 for that purpose. The funcraj will tako place at 2 o'clock, nnd nt 2.110 services will be conducted in Providenoo Presbyterian hurcb. The Pirstoflht f-Vannn. A day at Farview and the dellehtful rido on tho "Gravity Road," with a free enter tainment iu tho pavilion at 4 p. in., will reuder the excursion on May ill a nloasiuit one for all; and Indeed tbe fact that tho ladles of tho Young Women's Christian as sociation are planning it, assures a success ful nfrair. Lunch will bo served for 25 cents, and fruits, icea and homo mado con fectionery will bo for sale. Morning train will stop at Green Hidgo and Providonce. Tickets 7ft cents, adults; 10 cents, children under 14 years, can bo obtained at Sander son's, Siolle & Seeloy's laud Young Wom en's Christian association rooms. Cool Pino for n Hnp. IInrrv Jonos, a teamster, living at 202 North Ninth Bt root, called at E Robinson's brewery yesterday while Intoxicated and asked for beer. He wns refused but went into tho ico house for a nap. Jones abused the employes when ejected was arrested and paid a flno of f4 Imposed by Alderman Fuller iu yesterday's police court. NEW VORK COAL DEAtERS. Thsy Will Be In the City Sight Saeln ThU Evening. One hundred and fifty New Yorkers, numbers of the New York Retail Cool Dealer's association, will reach this city tonight at 7 o'clock via tbe Delaware and Hudson from Wilkos-Barre, where thoy visited numerous collieries yester day. While in Scranton they will be quartered at tho Wyoming, and will be piloted nbont the city by J. D. Swisher, division passengor agent of the Jersey Central railroad, At Wilkcs-Barre the party wero in chargo of Lehigh and Wilkes Bane Coal Company officials, and visited South Wilkes-Barre, No. 5; Notting ham, No 15; Wanamie, No. 18, and Empire, No. 4, collieries. Various collieries in and about Scranton will lie inspected, but partic ular attention will be bestowed upon the Steel works. ONE FARE WITHIN THE CITY. Mr. Beetem 3,,n Wishss of Council Will Bo Rnpfctsd. Acting General Manager Baetem, of the Scranton Tricttou company, whs asked by a Tkiiiiknh reporter last night what action the company proposed to take following then-solution of coun cils directing the company to charge but ono faro on its lines within the city limits. "Our intention," said Mr. Beetem, "is to abide by the provisions of tho ordinance, We are now nt work pre paring a new schedule and arranging onr reglatry system h that the obanga to a 5-cent fare can be made without confusion. '' DEATH DUE TO AN ACCIDENT. That Was tho F-'inding of the Coroner's Jury in tho Case of Henry Peol, of Prouiclcncc. An iliqneet on the death of Henry ?eeL a mine laborer killed in thn Cuv. uga mine Friday morning Inst, was conducted in tho arbitration room at the court house last niniit by Coronet Kelloy and the following inrvmoa: J.itnei Gil bride, John Farrell. John Brown, ati'ihaol Ford, Steven GalU- gherand William Murphy. A verdict was rendorod to the that Peel oamo to hia death by lining struck on tho head with a initio prop, tho fall of which was cansed bv a blast Considerable interest was attached to the caso by reason of rumored trou bio between the deceased and his minor. William E arlov. owinr to the fact of another laborer being employed by tho latter in Peel's stead for beveral days preceding tho accident. EarlejP was iu-.:seut nt laiit i-, innneit and mads a voluntary statement to tho jury, though Coroner Kelley told him no was not ounged to testily. Earlv stated that his relations wit), the deceused bad been friendly and on tho morning or tho accident ho told Peol be was willing for him to return to work, although the new laborer had already commenced wrk i:i Early's chamber, iau i,l,.tei::ent wuu sub stantiated by Patrick Bennett,a miner j. no inriiier testimony of Luis Jones, fire boss, mil a score of wit nesses showed that Early and Poel had betu at work in the chamber nrennrinw a blast. When ra ly to fire, Early told reel to remove tho tools and se-k a place of safety. Peel left tho chamber and Earlv nnnlied the match. Af'i.r tho explosion Poel was found by Early lying near a prop wuu ins skull lrac tiireu. no uveu nut a lew momenta, iffc'tlrov Is in a Bad Bta'e. Joseph McF.lroy. tho Green Ridnn class blower who wns arrested Tuesday while kneeling on Lackawannn vhn and violently beating his head ngninst a scone, pcrtormcu tm snmo act 111 Green Ridge yesterday afternoon and was n.'ain locked in 11 polico cell. Police Surgeon Fulton prescribed for HcElroy, who is evi dently alllioled with deltrlnm tremens, Ho imagines nnils nre being driven into every portion of bis body. His case will be heard in today's polico court. Third LcgUlativs Di3trlot. In accordance with a resolution of tho Republican standing committee of tho ilnrd legislative district of Lackawanna county, notice is hereby givon of a con vention to be held on Tuesday. June 5 1804, iu tho arbitration room of tho Court bouse, Beranton, at 2 o'clock i. m. for tho purpose of nominating ono candidate for legislative distinction nnd for tho ner- formauce of such other business ni may properly and legally como beforo it. Toe basis of representation . . lhall be for every flftv votes cast . for tho highest office at the last preceding general election." Extract from rule V of Code of Rules. Tim primaries for the election of dnlo- gates will bo held at the several polling places on Saturday, Juno 2, 1801, between tho hours or 4 nnd 7 p. m. Tho resnectivn election distiicts nr.- entitled to represen tation 111 1 110 convention as lollows, to wit; I! 'nton Lehigh j Madison 2 Newton 1 North AbliiKton 4 Old Porgi Two KliHtJd's 2 Beeond dis Third dis 1 Fourth dis j Rai.Boni 1 Heott South Ablngton II Spring Brook I averly ; Clifton 'ovmgton Hen burn biiililsboro Ireenfleia Lackawanna Twp norm nis South dis Kant dis West ills Northeast ojs..., Southwest dis... a Plume Vigilance committees will tako couni. nnce und act in accordance horowith. iL a, WATKWB, Chairman. E. J. NoiiTiiur, Secretary. Scranton, Pa., May 21, 1WU. Wonderful Arc tho works of a wheelbar row. It should bo oiled onoe year. HOW ABOUT YOUR WATCH ? It is a much finer piece of mechanism nnd should be cleaned and oiled every year, to keep it in jrootl order. I lin e it done by W. W. Berry The Jeweler "Who has had twenty-five years' experlenco. You will find him at Lacka Avenue. Best Sew of Teeth, $5 OQ Including fne painless rxtrm-tln? ct teeth by tin tutirely new pro. less. S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. lj WO.U1Mj AVtc June Wcdding-i. Invitations, announcemonts, church, ceremony and roceptlou cards, ongravod and printod at Price & Roe's, 207 Washing ton avenue. Tho only place in the city where the work is done of the premises. iHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIt I Plumbing AND Tinning f CAREFUL WORKMEN, PROMPT SERVICE, POPULAR PRICES. I HENRY BATTIN & CO. I 12(i PKNN AVKNUi:. m GARBAGE CANS 2 As ordered by Board of lloalth. I HOUSEHOLD SPECIALTIES. , ' 8 S " h "A bit or evi ry thing under the sun, S Si I' rom a llsh hook to a Catling yun." St Imiimmimimummmumimmfi OSLAND'S 128 Wyoming Ave. Wo, are now displaying a lino line of In COTTON, BILK and LISLE T1IKKAD. O0 Decoration Day draws near, and we are ready with the clothing needed to fit you for the inter esting occasion. Full GRAND ARMY SUITS at $6.50 and upwards. Single and Doublo Breast ed, Square and Round Cornered Coats. Tho Coats and vests are made with eyelets and two sets of Buttons go with each Suit. Full Suits or Single Garments as may be desired. OUR WHITE VEST STOCK is a large and complete one and we can supply you for from 65c. up. Every purehaser of 81 worth or over receives a chance on the lleautiful PAELOB SUIT. I CLOTHING 137 AND 139 PENN AVENUE, Complete Outfitters, SCRANTON, PA. S. L. GALLEN. 0F OUR POaSMTS BANISTER'S The Busy Little Bee Is all the time saving something for a rainy day. Tho proprietor of BROWN'S BEE HIVE is always saving something for every ono that gives him a chanco. Tt will be money in your pocket to give him a chanco. His stock of MILLINERY, HATS, LADIES' AND MISSES' SUITS, CAPES, SHIRT WAISTS, VESTS, MEN'S NECKWEAR, MEN'S AND BOY'S STRAW HATS, ETC., Are tho finest you ever saw for the money. Agency for Dr, Jaeger's Sanitary Woolen Goods. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. DID Y00 SEE THEM? A $1.50 Leghorn Hat for 79c Como aud get one beforo thoy are all gone. HOW IS THIS? A $4 Cape for $1.98 in all shades. A Ladies' Tailor made Suit for $4.98 They are beauties. STORED nnd INSURED IF AIJEItED RY US, FREE OF CHARGE During tho Summer. 8 138 Wyoming Ave. NEXT DIME BANK. IW Is Onr Children's Sloes WE CAN truly say that no ono can show you CIIIL PTCEN'S shoes that look and wear as well as ours. Wliy? T!o cause wo niako CHILDREN'S shoos a special study and are al ways trying to get something let ter than wc already have. Wo can save you money on CHILDREN'S shoes. Wouldn't it bu wise for you to try us. Cor. Lackawanna and Wyoming taoes, For I SHOE HOUSE