The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 23, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Summer Has Returned
So buB tbc rising wave of prosper
ity, We launch our aiiip ludenwith
tio fiueit (liapluy of beautiful, teas
onalile nnd reliable goods ever
shown in tbi vicinity.
Every Department
Has taken on n now look a sum
mery look. Thoa i who will noon
be leaving for Summer Itesorts, we
have (tpecially looked out (or.
You Do Not Know
What yon want till you seo what
is the "Litest" what Dame Fash
ion has seen fit to smile upon.
These have been selected from tbc
market very early. We have
culled the choicest. Our Btore is
filled with NoveltieB and many
more are arriving daily.
Writing an Advertisement
Is like building a house. You must
have the foundation and frame
work right or the trimmings will
fail. Wo baso our success on the
correct foundation. We sell the
most and tbe best goods for tho
least money.
A Coral Reef
Is not built up in a day, neither iu
a business reputation.
The Great Quantities
Of goods we sell show that we have
tbe confidence of the buying pub
lic. We must advance. We can
not stand still nor wo will not
Ladies Who Always
Trade with us know the truth of
our statements. Others we ad
vertise to have a chance to con
vince. Come and See Us
Test onr offerings. We shall al
ways have ymir trade. No spring
"tired feeling" is appareut in tbe
management of our store. Plenty
of belli, courteous treatment.
No Misreprssentations
And in interest on the part of each
salesperson to have you get just
what you want at just what you
can afford to pay.
Dre33 from Our Store
For Btyh Brighten ycur home
nnd yon will know that you have
been relioved of the last money
for the best merchandise that can
be found on ssle.
Miles Langan has fonnd his horse.
The animal had evidently been led
from the barn bysonw person, as a new
halter was also missing. It was after
wards found in an alley near the barn
while the tqnine was found galloping
madiy through the woods. Extra pre
cautions haV4 been tuken by most of
cur business men and a warm recep
tion awaits tho next midnight marau
der who attempts to ply hia nefairoue
business in this locality.
T. W. Loftusrnd El ward Williams.
Olyphant registered at the Central yes
terday, There will be an amateur alley ball
handicap at O'Conuor's court on Sat
urday i.ext. Over tweuty five entries
l;av already been mado and the affair
promises to be a very enjoyable one.
Matthew McPheraon, general man-a:;i-r
of Richmond's store, made n buii
lies trip to Scranton yesterday,
Very little work has b?en done at the
rifle range during the inclement
Thorn m Maaon, of Bethlehem, is tbc
gnest of fii -,iU in Dickson.
Fresh, Pure Water, Electric Light,
Street Car Service at the door,
Churches and Schools. This is what
Fair View Land Company offer.
JOHN A. MEARS, President.
BENJAMIN HUGHES, Vica President.
JOHN T. RICHARDS, Treasurer.
Call and see the map. Lots at Low
Prices. Take the Taylor or Eynon
street cars and view the city from
this most delightful spot.
Office: Price Building
Highest of all in Leavening Posvci. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
The Venius social club have issued
invitations for a social to oscur in
Keystone hall on Tuesday evening,
May !!!.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fox ami assist
ants arrived in this city yesterday
morning to arrange for the opening of
Hotel Anthracite.
Miss Mae Hollock, of Gilbtrt street
left yesterday afternoon to visit Min
I ira Tyler at Forest City.
H. P Johns, of Forrast City, nvide a
business trip to this city yesterday.
Tbe sum of sj:S25 was realized from
the home talent opera, "Pirates of
Penzance." It will be given to aid tha
Carbondale Emergency hospital.
Hev. J. V. Hussie left on Monday
evening for bis new ohargf.
Thomas Allen has pnrcnaaad of J. B
Shanuon bis hon-ej an 1 lot on Baliuotit
street. Consideration, $1,500.
A beautiful hydrangea has beon
stolen from the porch of Mr. and Mid.
S. W. Beach of Wyomitiiug street.
The Ladies Aid society, of tho Pres
byterian church will hold a dime en
tertainment iu theobaptl of the church
this evoning, wheu the following uro
gramuio will be rendered: Violin
duet, Messrs. Crane and Smith; Orphe
ous quartette, Mrr. Lcounrd, Misses
Birs, Snyder, Jonos; zither solo,
"Nearer My God to Theo," Professor
J. F. Crowell; vocal solo, Mr. Welles
Lowry; recitation, Miss Maybert Hun
ter; Imperial quartette, Messrs. Crane,
Shephard, ltawlson, Yarrlugton; vocal
solo, Miss Ella Hubbard; cornet solo,
Mr. Gramer; vocal solo. Bert Hall;
reoltatlen, S. S. Jews; vocal solo, Miss
Anna Hiynolds, of Scranton.
William Seorle, of West Pittstou.
called on Carbondale friends last even
ing. Miss Millie Ulmer and D. L. Crane
have been elected delegates to repre
sent the First Presbyterian ohnrch
Christian Eudeavor society at tho con
vention of tbe organization in Hydo
Para on Friday.
On Monday and Tn . slay evening of
next week Palmer Cox's cantata, "Tbe
Brownies in Fairyland," will be pre
sented at the optra house under the
auspices of the Lidies' Guild, of Trin
ity church. Reserved seats for tho
''Brownies" will be placed on sale Fii
day morning at U o'clock ut Reynold's
drug store. Tho cast is as tollowd:
Prince Aldebtrati, ruler of (he
Brownie band, Joe Jenkins; Chollie
Boutonniere, tho Brownie exquisite,
Frank Kilpatrick; Chauncey Qaoter,
familiar with tho po"t. George Avery;
Major Telloff, of the Lirowuie war of
ficr, Lyon Hiuo; Patrolman Moveon,
the Brownie police force, Manricu
Reynolds; Billy Tackabout, who has
weathered many a gale, Willie Swi
gert, Tutti and Frutti, the Brownie
twins, Brooks and Charlie Kafka;
Uncle Sam of the Land of the Free,
Sllaa McMullen; John Bnll,from"Lun
non," Manrice Blocksblg-; Irsbman,
Rujsiau, German, Indian Chief. Ei
kimau, otc. ; Q leun Flora, goddess of
flowers, Hilda McMullen; Toddlekins,
Tippytoes, wee attendants of queen,
Lois Smith, Grace Rettew; A stbetica,
with a love for the beautiful, Lottie
Janawick ; fairies, Indies in waiting to
the queen, etc.
As balmy Juno approaches thero is a
noticeable increase in marriage an
nouncements. Last June we bad nine
marriages here and this year, while
we may not have so many there need
be uo fear that we will not have
enough to sustain tho well-earned
marital reputation of the town. Tbe
first aunouncemeut wa have tho pleas
ure of recording now u the marriage
of Miss Maggie Duffy, of tbe East
Side to Mr. John F. Boland, of Main
strest. The ceremony will be per
formed iu St. Thomas' church on
Thursday, June 14. Both aro well
known and highly esteemed young
JjMiss Hattie Myers, of South Main
street, will succeed Mist Duffy as sales
1 ti)v in tliA ill v rrnmla . I i . , rl m .. t . t nt
Jones & Simpson's store. Miss Myers
Kohb on u tu v touay.
Miss Bridget Brennan, of tbe East
Side, called on friends iu Scranton yes
terday. John Navarra, a teamster at the
Riverside, was kicked in tho face by a
liorHe veHtardav. Mr. 'Wiiviirrft' noae
was broken and some of bis teoth were
knocked out.
Minn Jennie McAndrew. of Silem
street, was in Scranton yesterday.
Miss Annia Manley, who has been
ill for several days, is improving.
ine memners or tru hose company
have received their new badge, They
are made of celluloid with satin trim
ming and contain tho name of tbe
company iu gilded letters. Tliey ari
very nont.
Fannie Simmrell has return edbome
after a pleasant visit with frieuds in
New York city.
Frank Shallue and John McDonald,
of Bingharaton, spnt Sunday at the
residence of John Pike on Main street,
Mr. Shores and family, of Albany,
N. Y,, hava moved to this placo.
Lonxfellow's beautiful poem "Evan
peline" will be produced on Saturday
evening, May 25, in Kistler ball, under
the direction of Air. and Mrs. Koden
baujfh, of Boston, for tbe benefit of
Grace church.
Tho Women's Christian union will
meet at the homo of Mrs E. E, Tuttle,
on Pine street, on Thursday at 3 p. m.
Mrs. Lyle Amy, of Norwich, N. Y.,
is visiting her parents, Sir. aud Mrs.
llenrv Millard, in this place.
J. A. Wesley. N O. Major. Mr. and
Mrs. William Day. A. E Coyne and
Thomas Snmmerton, left yesterday
morning for a wckit' visit with friend
in Pittsburg, Washington, Old Point
L. G. Simmons and ions, Milton and
Claudge. visited Scrantou friends yes
terday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Simpson, of
Stroudsburg, are visiting old friends in
Mrs. George Stone, ot Elmira, who
has been visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. McCreary, of Main street,
has returned home.
Mrs. Frank Lawrence was in Bing
hamton yesterday.
Mrs. Uenry Millard is visiting friends
in Norwich.
Mrs A. H. Chichester and Mrs
Bert Mayuard are visiting friends in
Mrs. Alfred Allen, of Binghamtou,
is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John
Eucfelen'a Arnica Salv-.
The best salve in the world for Cut s
Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains,
Corna nnd nil Skin Eruptions, and posU
lively cures Piles; or no pay required. It
ik guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price cents per
box. For sale by Matthews liroa,
Supervisor Michael Gibbon left this
morning for Philadelnhi i on a business
trip and will bo absent until Fri lav.
Tbe basket picnic which was to have
taken piece at Mountain Like U! Sun
day and was postponed or. account of
rain will be given at Ftisihold's hall
tonight. The elite of Minooka and the
South Side will be present.
The wedding of Jams Thornton to
Mis3 Katie Brown, both of this place,
will occur this afternoon at St. Joseph's
The residents of Greenwood have
been considering tho purpose of build
ing a new Preabyterian church In that
place. Two lots have been purchased
near the No. 4 school, and it is ex
pected that operations will commence
this summer. The church when com
plete will be of the utmost convenience
to the paople of Greenwood who were
obliged to go great distances to church.
Now that tho plica is rapidly increas
ing in population, it will be of great
servic?. Lots arc being purchased and
a number of buildings will go up this
summer. Only seven more lots re
main unsold between the store aud the
school house. Iu a fw years it will
bo one of the nicest towns in the val
ley, Burroundcd by numerous indus
try ". Superintendent John J. L vr
Ing svtys that their is enough coal in
Greenwood mines for to last for the
next thirty years.
The secret nrt of beauty lies not iu cos
metics, but. is only in pure blood, and a
healthy performance of the vital functions,
to be obtained by uing I '.unlock Blood
Tho Thirty-second Annual fair of the
Wayne County Agricultural society
will take place at the fair ground
Sept. 20. 27, 28 The fair this year
will exceed airy ever bofore held In
Wayne county. An entiroly new and
revised premium list will bo issued.
Many applicants are in the Held for
the Honesdalo post office. Among those
whom we have heard mentioned aro
William Ham. Mist Mainte Gerrity,
Hon. John Kuhback and M. J. Han
Ion. J. Kirk Rose made a call on Port
Jorvis friends Tuesday morning.
Charles Petersoti received $343 for
duinagCB on his stock at the late fire.
Damages on the buildiug will be set
tled by appraisers.
Tbe committee appointed at the re
cent meetiug of the Clork's association
of ftonesdale have called upon all the
businessmen, receiving mnchenoonr
ngement in regard to tbe early olosing
movement. A meeting was held at
the town hull Tuesday night to devise
ways and means of carrying the meas
ure into effect, a report of which will
appear in tomorrow's paper.
Hon. E. B Hardenberg, W.W.Wood.
W. E. Beuuett and N. E Bigelow are
attending the Republican state con
vention at Harnsbnrg.
A new bicycle club for Honesdalo i
being organized.
When Daliy was slefc, we gave her Castorla.
When si i.' was n Child, she cried for Castorla,
When aha became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When si io hod Children, the gave them Castorla.
Edward Corey, of Unioudale, was
ooking after his business interest iu
this place vesterdav.
Mies Mary Biggio, of New York city,
who has been visiting hor brother,John
Biggio during the put two weeks re
tured home yesterday.
Contain Montrose Rarnard. of Scran
ton, was a Forojt City visitor yester
I he severe rainstorm of the past few
days did not do much damage in this
place. Two smoke stacks ut the Clif
lord boiler bus3 and oue at No. 2
Bhaft were blowu down.
Tbe firm of Jobus & Max-y have dis
solved partnership, Mr, Maxey retir-
iug. on. tiouua win coimuuu uusiuess
at the lame stand,
Frank Carlucci, of Scranton, was in
toil place Monday.
The grand cantata "Jephtba and Hi
Daughter" promises to be one of the
heat musical treats ever produced in
Forest City. It will bo rendered May
il'l t y n strong compauy of local sing
wis, under the leadership of Prof John
L. Morgan for the benefit of Enterprise
Hose company.
A surprise party was given to Misi
Retia Pentecost Mouday evening by a
large number of her frieuds, it being
iu honor of her 18th birthday. A ploas
ant thno was had.
E D. Caryl, of Scranton, mado a
business visit to this place yesterday.
Miss Flo Allen is tbe guest of Scran
ton friends.
Mrs. J. L. Westgate roturned yester
day from a visit with Ciibson relatives.
Rev. Father Coffjy, of Carbondale,
made a visit at Rev. Coroner's residence
in this placo Tuesday.
Charles Lyden, Erie operator at
Thompson, vnited his cousin James
Cunningham, the popular Erie opera
tor iu this borough Monday.
Miss Viuuie Hyatt and Miss Lizzie
Melvln were visitiug in Carbondale
A cow owued by William Gesford
was killed by a New York and Ontario
train nt Deckers bridge last Sunday
John Tidley, a miner at the River
Side shaft, received a severe cut in the
forehead yesterday morning by going
back to a hole that he supposed bad
missed lire.
Mrs. James Madison and two child
ren, of Dunmore, spent Sunday with
her paronls, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Sny
der at Scott Road.
James Dolph Is beautifying his home
with an elegant uew porch.
A twin daughter of Mr. and Mr.
Murray, of Bell Place, was buried at
the Olyphant cemetery last Monday.
Mrs. Frank Felter. of Herrick Cen
ter, is visiting her eister, Mrs. James
Criticising a Young Lady.
"Sho would be a pretty girl for but one
"What's thatr asked Charley.
George Her face is always covered with
purple aud red blotches.
Charley Oh, that's easily enough dis
posed of. Used to bj the same way my
Felf, but I caught on to the troublo ono
day. and got rid of it in no time.
Georgo What was it?
t barley Simply blood eruptions. Took
a short course of P. P. P. I tell you, it's
the boss blood corrector. The governor
had rheumatism so bad that you could
bear him holler clear acrots tho country
every time he moved. Ho tried it, and
you know what an nthlotic old eent he is
now. If somebody would givo Miss Daisy
a pointer, she would thank them after
ward. All the drug stores sell iL
The lady friends of the Juvoni club
tendered the members a complimen
tary hop last evening.
The cas of Collins vs. Lynch on
trial at Wilkes-Barre for the past few
days was given to the jury yesterday
The horse stolen from tho barn of
Thomas Romau, of Scotch hill, is still
in I sa in g.
It was reported on the street last
evouing that all the works of the Penn
sylvania Coal company were to go on
full time some time this week, but in
veitifratton failed to confirm it.
Tho river, which has been very high
owing to thn recent raini, is receding
about as rapidly as it rose.
Joseph Z.igler, of Mill Hill, who re
ceived a fractured skull by being
kicked by a fractious mule, died of bis
injuries yetterday morning. His fun
eral will occur tomorrow afternoon.
In another department of The
IHIBUNH will be found tho official pro
gramme and conditions governing the
eisteddrod to be given here Decoration
day, May 30 by the Carnbrc-Amorican
club of this plaoe.
The diagram for Dan Hart's latest
succest, "Daughter of Dixie," opened
at the Music Hall book store yesterday
morning aud Witnessed a large ad
vance sale of seat. When the hour
for the curtain to roll up arrive to
morrow evening the indications are
seats will bo at u premium.
We have received the gratifying in-
His Enemy
Dyspepsia Causes Much
Pains and Distress After Eating Re
lioved by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
"C. t, Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
" I must praise Hood's Baruyartlla for the
good It has done me. I was troubled with dj s
uepila. I had severe pains In my heart, and the
swelling of my stomach and distress after cat
Ini! caused mu much sullei im;. I tried different
remedle without getting rate. Finally I de
Idi'd to give Hood's Barsapariltn a trial, being
llio llrst one In town to lake It. After taking
Bvo bottles, I felt perfectly well and Imvo enjoyed
KOOd health ever since. Many of the towns
.looplo have asked me about the success of
Hood's Sarsaparilla, and I have clieerfnlly rec
inimendcd It fretlng Indeed gratcftilfor the good
it has done me. Friends and relatives have also
taken Hood's Sarsaparilla with good results."
MiLLAitn A. STniNF., Htrlnestown, Pa.
Hood's Pills care liver Ills, constipation,
biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, hidlgestloi.
Suffered, Scratched, ami Bled. Doc
tors No Kclief. Cured by Two
Sets Cutlcura Remedies.
Nothing like Cuticciia UEsjEorES was ever
mamttactured. For three years have I suffered
With a sore head. I would break out all over my
heudvvith uiiiiules which would
lurm a watery matter, and I
would have to scratch untU I
vim, i blued. Alter doctoring
with two i toe tun for three
years, more or le, I ilimliy
made up luy muid to try your
cutiuuua Rnraora, wttb
result entirely satisfactory to
me. After tuiug two sets I
um entirely cured. I have rec
ommended your remedies to
several persons, ana mey uu
tell mo they aro Ho. 1 . Our druggist Is dolug a
nice business In Cuticuha RSMKhlX, since my
cure. 1 nave given him the privilege or using
my uatue a proot or their elncletu y
1 enclose
lay portrait.
A. F. (JltAM.M,
rhotoprapher, Mt. lloreb,
My wifo has been trou bled with tho salt rheum
for four years. During this thno doctors of
Wisconsin, Illinois, ami the most eminent of
Chicago, failed to givo relief. I bought the
Ci ticcIia ItEMCUiKs.and she used onlvonohox
of CcricritA, ono eako of GUTICDBA BOAF, and
linn a bottle of COTIOCBA 1vL.soi.vext, and
these have cured her completely.
C. 31. STONE, 141 State St., Chicago, 111.
There is no doubt that the OtTTIOOBA Hkme
dies daily perforin more wonderful cures than
all other skin and blood remedies combined.
They Instantly relieve and speedily cure every
humor of the skin, sealp, and blood, with loss
of hair, from infancy to age, from pimples to
scrofula, when the best physicians fail.
Bold throughout the world. Trice, CrTicrnA,
60c; Soap, 'J5c ; IUmvlvent, $1. 1'ottek Ultuii
AND CUEM. Colli' , Sole Proprietors, Boston.
43" How to Cure 8km Diseases," mailed free.
l'LK8, blackheads, red, rough, chapped, uud
ouy SKiti cureu by uuticuba boap.
Rack Ache, Kidney l'ains, and Weak
ness, Soreness, Lameness, Strains, and
l'ains relieved in one minute by the
Cutlcura Antl-l'aln Plaster.
formation that the Ellerthorp Knitt
ing mill on the West Side has orders
enouh on hand to keep it running
twenty-four hours every day nntu the
1st of November. Business ha o in
creased that it will be necessary for
the mill to double its capacity. Tbls
is a hopeful sign of better time and
there is no question but that all Indus
tries hereabouts will shortly be work
ing on full time.
Aniens those who participated in the
programme of the dedication of the
new Father Mathew Total Abstinence
hall nt Olyphant lust evening wa Miss
Leila Loughney of this place.
The Central passenger train which
ieaves Scranton at 11 p. m. strnck and
instantly killed Dennis Connor, aged
45, near Lafliu, Tuesday night. Con
nor, accompanied by Martin Carey,
with whom he boarded, was returning
from Mill Creek. The engine strnck
him on the head and knocked him a
distance of oight feot to the
north bound track. The train
was stopped and Connor picked
up by the passengers, most of whom
were members of Dan Hart's "Daugh
ter of Dixie' couipmy, returning from
Scranton. Connor's Bknll was frac
tured and he expired in a few minutes
Tbe body was taken from the train ai
Mill Creek and removed to hi board
ing house. The passenger say Cnrey
draggod Connor oil tbe track but that
he stepped en again.
By direction of Mr. Moody the serin
of evangelical meetings hem will be
commenced this evening at 7:39 o'clock
and continue on Thursday and Friday
evening of this week in the West Side
Methodist Episeopul church. Word
ha been received that the tent was
shipped Tuesday, but it is possible that
it arrival here may be delayed by the
flood in tho western part of the state.
The meetings this week will be led b)
Hev. E. W. Bliss and Mr. Jacobs, who
will look after the musical part of tht
The Black Diamond Llook and Lad
der company.accompanied by the Loek
Cornet band, will go to Luztrne Bor
orongh on tbd electric road this even
ing to attend tbe firemen's fair being
held at that place.
There are at present sixteen patients
undergoing treatment in tbe hospital.
Workmen ore actively engaged in
beanti fying the grounds about the
hospital by terracing, sodding, etc.
V hen completed it will no doubt pre
sent a beautiful appearance.
Tbe members of the Eagle Hose com
pany aro to hBve uew uniforms. M F.
Gilroy ha been awarded tho contract.
Charle Thoma. of the West Side,
bad a valuable mandolin stolen yester
day morning. Harry Owens, of Tank
bannock, wa visiting Mr. Thomas for
tbe past week. Yesterday morning
about 11 o'clock Mr. Thomas went to
get hi mandolin, but it was gone and
so was Mr. Owens, Mr. Thoma ha
notified the police in Tunkbannock
Captain Edward Gibbon and wife,nl
Philadelphia, who were here in attend
ance at tho funeral of the latter's
brother, which occurred Saturday, re
turned home yesterday.
Delegate Justices of the Peace Janu s
R. Ehret aud William Loughrey. from
the Second and Fifth legislative dis
tricts, to the Republican state conven
tion, left yeaterday morning for Har
riabnrg. Tbe special meeting of tbe aobool
board called for ibis eveuing it i al
leged i for the purpose of rAleeuiinir
fo.OuO worth of school bond held by
Thomas Molousv.
creasing the indebtedness of tho borough
of Pittsten.
Whereas, The enrt orato authorities doemlt
ndvisallu to mtiko cortain Improvements, but
aro tumble to do so without tho asswnt ol tho
electors, thoreforo
Section I, Bo it ordained by tho Burgess and
Town Council of the Borough of l'lltston, In
Town Council assembled, that they hereby
skniify n desiro to increnso tho indebtedness
of said borough in tho sum of J:tS,0t' for the
purpOM of laying sewers nnd paving stroots
tin rein with modern oavement; and that tho
secretary shall give notice during at least
thirty days, by weekly advertisements iu tn
Qaielte, of a public 'election, which is her. by
ordered, to bo hold at. the usual places of
holding the borough eloetions in said borough,
on Monduy, the L'd day of July, A. V. ISM Tor
the pin of ootnintng tee assent of the
electors thereof to sacb increase of indebted
ness. Passed finally In Council tho 21st day of
May, A. D. 18'JI.
JullN J. MANGAN, President
Attest: J. K. llUMPSKY. Bcc'y.
Approvod ttd day of May, A. D. ISM.
1 HUM AS M ALONE Y. Burgoss.
law and the for dam ordinance which is
mndo apart licfTof, notice is horoby givou ot
fiubllc el c'tion to be held at the usual places
of holding tho borough eloetions In tho
borough of Pitts ton, on Monday, the 2nd day
of July, A. U. IHtU. from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m , for
tho purpose of obtaining tbe assent of the elec
tors thereof to an increase of the Indebtodhess
or said borough In the sum of JoVkhi. for the
purposo of Inying sewers and paving streets
therein with modern pavement.
Amount of last assessed valuation.. $7011,524 On
Amount of existing debt U.OUO 00
Amount of proposed increase :w,00o 00
1'or'tRgo of propositi increase al out 6 per
(a) Tho $18,000 bonded debt, tho original of
which was incurred prior to (ho adoption of
our new constitution and before the 7 per
cent, limit nt ion went into effect, is not (and
ought not be) included In the existing debt
8ii,.ora. J. E. DEMPSEY,
Borough Secretary.
. m
EverythingFOH Everybody
The Fair
400402 Lacka. Ave.
2,500 Ladies' Ribbed Vests, never sold less
than j 5c. each.
Sale Price, 3 for 25c.
120 dozen Ladies' Black Silk Mitts, good
quality, for 25c. a pair.
Sale Price, only 15c.
Our entire stock of Cape's and Jackets selling
at $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 each.
To Close Out, only $2.00.
$7.00, $8.00, $9.00 AND $10.00 EACH,
Visit Our Millinery
Wholesalers and
Largest Retailers of
Straw Mattings
from China and Japan.
One entire room
devoted to
Oriental aud Domestic
Rugs and Art Squares.
i "Jot These
Prices on Your
With $50 purchases or over we give
an Onyx Finished Clock.
With $75 purchases or over a 100
piece Dinner Set.
The Finest in Scranton.
Leading House for
Oil Cloths, Linoleums,
Lace Curtains
aud Upholstery Goods.
406 and 408
Lack a. Avenue
We make a specialty of
Window Shades,
Awnings and
Will purchase an elegant
furnished Bedroom.includ
ing Bedding and Carpet.
Will furnish a fine Parlor
with Silk Plush Suit, Brus
sels Carpet, Table, &c.
Will buy a large, well
made Baby Carriage.
Will buy a roll of Heavy
Matting (40 yards).