The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 23, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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To Make One Requires Nimble Fingers and
the Exercise of Unod Tasto Decorate
With Pen and Ink Sketch or a Water
Color Design.
Nowadays much good mattor is con
tained iu tho cheap paper covered books.
When these arc well printed and worth
preserving, why not ruako a cover of
heavy, rough parchiuentliko paper, the
rougher tho surface tho better? Country
Gentleman furnishes a sketch showing
how tho cover is made and folded, and
also its appearaucn when completed, with
a neat lining of tho same paper applied
to it, covering tho inside and running in
under tho flap on either side.
But beforo lining it an oval opening
Is made in one comer of tho front cover
and a dainty little water color design in-
ertod, or a sketch in pen and ink, if one
prefers, or in oils. Of course this sup
poses ono to bo an artist, or a seminrtist
anyway, accustomed to tho uso of tho
brush. If not, soino substitute for an
original design may b6 found, or it may
bo omitted altogother. But tho tiny pic
ture in tho corner can ill be spared with
out Spoiling much of the dainty effect
of tho whole. If tho water color design
boused, a thin sheet of transparent mica
should bo put over it, in lien of a glass,
and the edge of tho oval opening might
be slightly gilded. Tho lettering in the
opposite corner of the cover should bo
careless and quaint and outlined in gold,
With faint touches of red.
Tho narrow ribbon, whioh serves as
the only "binding," passes through the
book somewhere near its center and up
tho whole length of tho back of tho cov
er, tying in a careless littlo bow at tho
top. Tii3 wholo effect is dainty in tho
Tho took may of courso bo chosen to
Buit one's literary tastes or the tastes of
ono's friend, bnt it should bo printed on
Rood paper, and if it possess artistic il
lustrations so much tho better. Such a
book inclosed in a cover designed by a
friendly hand furnishes n gift that would
bovalnod by many recipients high above
a moro expensively bound book fresh
from tho publisher's hands.
Lemon Jelly Cake.
Ono cupful of whito sugar, 8 tablo
ipoonfuls of melted butter, yolks of 2
eggs, a cupful of milk, 2 cupfuls of
flour, 2 teaspoonfnls of baking powder.
Bake in layers. To mako a filling to
place between tho layers, tako 3 eggs
well beaten, a cupful of white sugar, a
tablospoonfnl of butter, juice and a lit
tlo of tho grated rind of 1 y; lemons.
When thoroughly beaten together, cook
like boiled custard until done, stirring
Time For Outdoor Exercise.
About midaf tcrnoon, says an exchange,
noting autlwrity, is tho best time for
goutlo outdoor exorcise. Thoso who do
light in anto'oreakf ast walks or gymnas
tics aro warned, too, that "early morn
ing exercise" is as much to bo avoided as
early mental labor, because at that time
vitality is at its lowest ebb and needs
stimulation rather than further taxing.
Nono but the gentlest exercise should bo
taken until tho exhausted system has
been supplied with abundant iiourish
meut. In the early afternoon, especially if a
noonday dinner be taken, the results of
mental labor aro not, as a rule, satis
factory, becanso digestion tnd sound
thought cannot proceed together. This
fact is a well recognized ono by all
brain workers, and there arottmoenftu'
Blasts who think it the height of cruelty
to pupils and teachers alike that sehool
should bo in session in the afternoon,
from noon until after 'J o'clock there is
A perceptible disinclination to work.
The comparative absenco of electricity
from tho atmosphoio makes tho head
heavy .and induces drowsiness. The i ams
condition prevails again botweeu 9 or 10
o'clock at night and sunrise. There is
littlo question of tho fact that atmos
pheric electricity affects the quality of
mental lalior. When it is in excess, from
6 o'clock in tho morning until noon, tho
best work is done, all other conditions
being favorable. A;;ain, from about C
o'clock in the evening it rises nnd is
maintained for somo three hours. In re
gard to season, there is less atmospheric
electricity tt midsummer than at mid
Man j TjMfM Hints For Those Who Contcm
plate This Important l.n-ni .
When spring renovating is contem
plated, commonoo at tho top of tho house
and work down to tho bottom. Tho first
onset should bo tho spare room. Clean
out the grate if thore has been a flro in
it. With your oldest dustpan tako out
the loose soot which has collected dur
ing the blowy days iu winter. Tho next
move should bo for tho closet Empty
out orery article, wash tho shelves and
dust the walla Then put it in order.
The winter clothes pack away. Follow
ing thia clean 'out the bureau drawers
nnd into them deposit all tho fixings ol
the dressing table, Boarfg; pincushions,
ota, whioh tho dirt and dust will affect.
Turn jour noxt attention to tho heavy
curtains and portieres. After shaking
them carefully fold them, mid between
each fold place some tor balls of cam-
phor. Wrap them in newspapers and
givo them a place on. tho shelf which
has just been cleaned. With a clean O0t
tun cloth wipe down yonr wn!ls; da I
well your picture. If the carpet oeedi
renovating, send it to the cleaner's. II
not, swoen it vigorously with salt.
When tlio dust is disposed of, Iv.gin
with tho furniture, which should iivsl
be rubbed with a silk cloth ami after
ward polished. If it is mahogany, there
is a preparation which comes for th
purpose. If Walnut or ash, kerosene can
bo. used sparingly with a woolen rag.
This will extract tho dirt mid dust und
remove all mark Itemove your inside
curtains and in their place put up green
linen shades. If your chairs arc uphol
stered, cover them with striped linen,
bound with a gay binding. Always let
your rooms look cool and airy during
spring and summer. Empty every
trunk and gripsack. Remove all sum
mer clothes which havo been packed
away for six months and in their stead
fold carefully your winter costumes,
which Should be brushed Well. In every
trunk uso a good quantity of tar cam
phor. When packed, place over tho top
a clean cloth, a list of its contents.
In tho servants' room let your vigi
lanco bo unceasing. Tho place most
dreaded is the Idtcheu, which should be
superintended by tho mistress at thil
season of tho year.
Tho fltst point to bo gained is the
kitchen closet, that "opening" which
collects everything useless or useful in
ono season. Every article should be
taken out and all the shelves washed.
Narrow oilcloth for shelves can be pur
chased at any household store for 10
cents a yard. If the walls are painted,
strong soapsuds and a sponge will cleanse
them nicely. The dresses, which" to all
women are an ambition, should be
cleaned aud the narrow oilcloth will de
admirably there.
Now, the floor of tho kitchen is a
probhm. Oilcloths are desirable if ol
the best quality, but linoleum is better.
Rag oarpotl are good if the houso wom
an does her own work, but for servants
tho painted or stained floor or tho floot
pure and simple is tho best. Now comes
tho cellar, that dark holo which in
housekeeping is very Important, Cleat
it out and bring in the ealeiminer. Let
him give it a good coat of whitewash,
which is not only a cleanser, but a dis
infectant, according to a writer in the
New York Herald, the authority for the
Hominy Piiildlnc.
Ono cupful of cold boiled hominy, 2
cupfuls of milk, a tablesixxmful of but
ter, 2 tabh-spooufuls of sugar, 2 egg
and a pinch of salt. Rub the hominy
smooth with tho bowl of a spoon, work
the butter and sugar together, stir in the
milk, eggs-and salt, pour into a buttered
ptldding dish mid bake.
Kreipe For .Iiilirnnc Soup,
The preparation of tho vegetables is
tho most important point in this favorite
tonp. Take one-fourth of a pound each
of carrot mid turnip, half an ounco at
celery and 2 ounces each of leek and
onion. Cat theso in thin shreds and fry
them in butter until they are brown.
Drain off tho butter, cover tho Vegeta
bles with broth or stock and let them
boil about two minutes; then add them
to 8 quarts of good soup took and boil
gently for two hours.
An Evening Iiodlce.
A low cut bodico for an evening dress
that is especially adapted to youthful
figures and fresh complexions is mado in
turquoise hi no velvet This bodice and
tho balloon sleeves are adorned with a
bertha in white ninslin, edged along tho
Vandyked front and the scalloped eptu
lets with frilling displaying at each
angle a rosette bow. Two small ones
catch down at tho waist a box plait
drapery which extends an loose BJKH on
the skirt.
Itecipc For srnpic 0 reams.
Take one-half as much water as maple
sugar, cook without stirring, and when
almost done put in a snmll piece of but
ter. When i! begins to harden, take it
fcff the fire and stir rapidly until it lie
comes a waxen substance; then divido
it into balls and InoloM each ball be
tween two halves of English walnuts or
other nuts and put on a greased plato
to cool.
Unite 11 Chops With Lemon.
Wipe the chops; then dry them nnd
placo them in tlio oveu about four min
utes. Hub the bars of the gridiron with
butter nnd broil them over hot coals.
When they are done, place on a dish and
season highly with salt and pepper ""'l
baste them with melted butler. Peel and
slice a lemon very thin, laying a slico on
each chop, and send to the' tablo,
ncmsohold if ints.
Denim continues to be a favorite mate
rial in house decorations.
Chlorido of lime in tho proportion of
si ounces to the gallon of water is a
good disinfectant for wooden vessels.
Sheets folded across, bringing tho wide
and narrow hems together, then folded
again, then ironed across both sides, are
finished quickly and look as well as if
moro time was spent on them.
Clothes when brought in should be
separated and folded at once. If allowed
to lie together, many wrinkles accumu
late. An iron weighing seven pounds does
better work by passing it over the
clothes onco with a firm, steady pres
sure tlum a lighter iron hurriedly passed
over tho clothes two or throe times.
In tho matter of cooking, wo can havo
lightweight kettles of granite or other
ware, Instead of the old back breaking
i I i .... .
DRE88 TMtylNQjft
Ptj-lWi tlariiiinrrs Tln.t M.y He Vw!;)rijl
in Kolru unu Satin.
Tho home dressmaker ia dependent
often upon ber own Ingenuity for tho
trimming of her gowns. Many dainty
effects may bo obtained by the applica
tion of handmade garnitures developed
Dy aextorous angers, roiiov. jng uro do-
soriptions of trimmings made in moiro
and satin, from Tho Delineator, which
will doubtless furnish welcome sugges
tions to prospective dressmakers:
No. 1 is a simple yet effective deco
ration In black satin. Tho trimming is
arranged in waved outline by t iny plaits
laid alternately at tho top and bottom,
tho plaits being tacked under groups of
tbrco j t beads.
No. 2 is a tiulqno trimming mado of
black moire silk that is caught together
to form tabs at intervals, aud each tub
is ontlint d with jet. A small cabochon
is set over tlm joining of tho tab:? and
adds greatly to tho beauty of tho doco
ratlon. A very attractive trimming is No. 3,
tho material being black satin. Tho
folds aro arranged in sharp points, as il
lustrated, and the points are decorated
for somo distance with jet bonds.
No. 4 furnishes a deeply waved trim
ming of satin. The fold is plaited for
somo distance at tho inner edge at inter
vals to form curves and is hold in place
by small jet beads.
The Die of the Pedal.
An important point In piano playing
is tho knov.'ledgo of tho pedals, which
seldom forms part of tha initial train
ing. Tho sustaining power of tho loud
pedal is unknown or uuealeulated and
is often roughly used by many who know
tho uso of it. Tho study of tho pedals
ought to begin as early as tho ago of
tho pupil will allow. It must becomo
as a third hand, to bo carefully practiced
together with tho other two. It is told
in ThoEtndo that the pedal is an essen
tial part of tho pinoo and must grow
with it It is an art which becomes
habit, and which must bo felt and di
vined more than taught after tho gen
eral rule is known of holding tho podul
down as long as notes belonging to tho
samo chord arc struck.
Chopin has tec n the greatest of all
in tho use of tho pedals. Ho know with
the utmost perfection all the resources
of them. Tho manner ho has marked
them iu his works shows how much ho
wanted to impress us with tho necessity
of a constant practice of them, changing
tho pedal almost at every note.
In tho best editions of Schumann's
work-; the pedal is left out almost en
tirely. That is because ono ought to
know how to use it, being moro a mat
ter of feeling than of technical knowl
edge. The soft pedal may be used occasion
ally aud with great discrimination; oth
erwise tho off oct becomes vulgar and
pretentions as an artilieial lightness of
touch. Bad tastes in this ease may go
very far. Tho fingers must bo educated
to the ntmost delicacy of touch, so as to
make use of tho second pedal only'in
order to obtain sonic peculiar effects of
shade on a background of BemidarknoBB,
In fact, the clumsy handling of this ped
al makes such an alteration in the qual
ity of sound that only a finished artist
knows Its real value and may venture to
employ it at all.
The Can- of Sponge,
Among the thousand and ono things
over whioh tho housewife must keep n
watchful eye is the bath sponge. It is
nn expensive article, to begin with, if
ono buys the best, nnd only tho best aro
worth buying. When once a sponge has
become malodorous from want of care,
repeated scalding will often fail to make
it sweet, but try tho ounco of preven
tion in tho first place, Fteo it from
soapsuds each time after using anil hang
it Whore it will dry, and yen will never
have a sour sponge. In summer dry in
the bright snnshino; in winter hong noor
a stove or register. A wire basket placed
near tho bathtub and at the name time
near an Open window is tho best recep
tacle. Iimv to Hake a Welsh Itabblt,
One-half pint of gTatul soft cream
cheeso nnd one-half cupful of cream
melted togeth r In a saucepan. Add n
little salt, mustard, cnyeuno popper, a
tea.'.poonful of batter, an egg or yolks
of two. Htir until smooth mid pour over
tho toast. Ale can bo used if liked in
stead of oreatn.
Illreet Proof,
fav wife has l.oen troubled
Willi Liver Cnmplaint ami Pal-
piintion e tae neart ror ovr
year. Her ease kifli'd tbnakill
of our Ik st physician. After
anus tares nouns of your
Burdock Blood Bitters -.ho Is sl-
most entirely well. We truly
recommend your medicine.
(lEnmii W. HiiAWLI.
Montpnlier, Williams Co., 0
illii UUU1
IM-in.M In 00 I A vs. Cuitb all
NlTVoNB DlriuuiOI, I'ulUnL' M - 1 1 " i .
Hlmiiilin:atiOt4i. Ntlfllttv l ull:'
toii ntc. cii!t)d by past hUuiwh, gives tIkoi" undnlet
tn riiu-unWi-n organa, and quickly mit auruly rcBtorfti
i.omt Munhwod in old oryoiintr. EaKllrrnri iiwilB vent
porki't. rrfio$1.00 apuokafro. Six for MMM with 11
Wtltltl uuiinint i" I fiirr in mH4'y r.-1 11 . ,t . I 1 1 (
lot unv uniirlmtlplctl drumtlHt ifll von any kind cj
Imitation, lnsldton hRvinelNWAIMI-noiiootlior. 1.
he 1,1.1 got ft. vrewIM ncml It hy mall upon roreipf
of prloo. Ptimihlet in wmled tnvelopu fret. AddreM
OrlvnUl Modlonl Co.. Prop. , Ckltiffo, IU. , or our tgr uu
SOLD by Matthiws Brot., Wbolcuale and Rotail
DrugRitts, SCKANTUN, PA., and otbor Lead
iux Dr uggiita.
4k 4 h A A A
mlm, liiFsdsj, May
n -
hi pDn"JH m
Elverything Just as Advertised
New Performances, Now People, Now Attractions.
Chiko ANDHIS BKIDE Johanna
ONLY PA IK OF M ALU AND FEMALF. OOltlLLAS ever seen together slneo tb erontlon,
nud positively the only GIANT AND UlANTESH SPECIMENS iu w or ever in enptirity
in the history or the world. MUST HUMAN-LIKE ANIMALS KNOWN, attracting
IM.OUU people daily to t on tr:. 1 Park, N. Y., when loaned By thi'fo shows to that zo
ological garden. Thu wonder of tho Newspaper and Sci-'iitillc Worlds.
Grand Ethnological Congress of Strangfl and Savage People
Curious Human Beings With queer reUllons und eeromonloj. Pagans, Idolatoi-s. Heathen.
Mohan; rnedans, QmMdsU, Vlshnat, BuddliiHtH, CoDtaolsns, Hlndixii, Chriltianj
and ATtinSfthSi whole familioH of savage people, with their huts, weapons,
implement. musical iUhtruinoutHlrites,eeruinouies,daucis ami u-. . i . -
Great EQUESTRIAN Tournament
Leaping, Tumblinj and Acrobatic Displays.
12 Of the World's Greatest Circus Champions 12
Unrivaled Equeitria i Feats by a dozen male and fomalo ridors.
All tho Groat Athletes, Gymnasts and Acrobats.
Sensational Animal Exhibition
Lions, Tigers, Slioep, Dogs, Panthers, Elsphants and Ilorsss, portormlaa at one time,
in harmony togothor, in a OO&OSBAL bl'EEL-BAHltl'.D AliENA
3 Cirous Compnnios in 3 Rinrjs, 2 Elevated Stages. Racing Track and Animal - rena.
SHilits NSTEB BKBM BBFOBB THIS BBA80N and only to bo witnessed In thore
shows, 2 Herds of Elephants, 'I Droves of Camels, Olsnt and I lgmy Animals, 2 Monager
ios of Trained and Wild Buasts, 20 Old-time, Modern an.i Pantomimic Clowns.
Two Performances Daily at 2 and 8 P. M.
Admission to everything 50c. Children half price.
Reserved seat! at regular price and admission tickets at usual advance at
Thompson & Pratt's Book Store, 312 Lackawanna Avenue.
Mighty New Free Street Parade JSteTAV? wlrt
military uniforms and music of all nations at 0 A. Si. on day ot show.
Will Exhibit in WILKES-BARRE MAY 23.
v Mf Mm A
lbe nhuvs brands of flonf ran bs linil at any of tiu- following merchants
who will accept TlIK TuiBUNB fi.ouu OOPPON ot '-'5 on each 0:10 hundred pound,
of (lour nt 80 on each barrel ot Hour.
l-rrnt"0 F. P. Prion. Waslilnte'i ovl-huiI
Go d Atoda 111. 111 1.
PD&more-F. P. I'rta Gold Mod.d Bran.1
PUBntoJhi F. D. Mauley hlunerlatlTa Uraol
Hyde ParkCarson Darli, Wasjibarn St.
iold .VIed.d Ui-iui'l: .1 i-eph A. Me:trs,Maiu
avonne, Sii,oi-lativii Braud.
Green RWse A UDp.-uber.GolJ Kedal Brand.
J. r.Mcll. lo, Sup- r Mla
l iov di-neu Fennn S. Uhappell. N' Muln ave
nue, Supi-rl:ir.v.- .raud:C .1 G.lii-pii, Vv.
Market street. QOld M d il ilinud.
01)rpUant James Jordan, Bnporlatlvo iiranl.
Pevkvilla lhanVral K ls-r Sup rlattv,i.
Jenny n '. i). Wli t-rs Co Sup u a utivo
Arohlintd Jouaa, s mna ia a; 1 In . 1 hiltl Me 1 ii.
Carl.ondalu n. 8. Clark, Uold MedaJ Brand.
Bonesdale-l N. Foster Co Gol I Mo.l i:.
Slnooka-'M. B. ItreUe.
j.n.-t Mini hood, Niitiitiy
licit u M'oi.k Meit
i f
vi : r.3k j vvi
' oJtffrUMTo upi cf tohaoco. ori'tlnmlnnts, wblt-h U'fil to lull
V-i'iI'Mon or JnKRi.ltr. Can bocmhudln vest pocknt. VI pt bui
any until propnM. With i VSfiorrt.T we give u wrltMm gunrnnt
a. ... , u.. .... ( t , . .. v nil ' A I.
IFTtR USING. uootliur. AdurcssKKiSVK BBtlnCO.! Musonlo itmvlc, CUKAQO.IU.
For Snlo in Scranton, Pn.,byH. C. SANDEKSON, Drujjvist, cot-. Washington
inrl S onion tstroi-td.
mi otf.uu. arsa
I or Sale hyV. M. 11. Kills. I)i ii;ul.t.
Eureka Laundry Go.
Ccr. Linden St and Adams Ave.
All kinds of Lanndry work gnarantoed
tns best,
bob a Him
ra vi j. r.i r '.-j i
Doors open an hour earlier.
J i om Ma Ar. . Tribune, Aor. 1 , HPS
The Flour
"CincAno, Oct 81. Fhe first ofQcin'
announcement of World's Fair di
plomas on flour has been miulo.
modal hns been awarded by tb
World's Fair judcei to tlio flour mann
facturod by tho Washburn, Crosby Co ,
in the preat Washburn Flour Mills,
Minnfapolts, The commutes report
the flour stronp; and pur?, and entitle
it to rank as first-class patent fluur foi'
lamily aud bakcfs' uso."
Taylnr-.TudRO A Co.. Gold Medal; Atherton
& Co., Superlative,
puryaa Lawreuoa storo Oo,, (5oid Medal.
Moo-ie-J -liii MoOrludlo, Me lot
nttstnn -at W. O'Boyltt, Oolil Modal.
Clin k's Green Fraco A Parker, BupOTlsUn
t'lark'l Summit -F. M, lmv, Gold Medal.
Ualloii-H. 1C. Finn Gold .Mo.hi. liiau I
Skholwn-J. K. Hardlns.
Wawrlr-ll. . BUaa A Bon, tioM Medal
Knetury villo ( lharlus G.tidnor, (lold Medal.
Uopboltoni If, m. nan A Bon, Gold atadai
Tobyhanna Tobyhauni Lihlih l,uralnr
Co.. Gold Meial Brand.
Gouldsboro-8 A. Adajna, QoU M-iHl Brand.
Moaeow Qabra .tt Clements Gold Modal.
Lake Ariel Jaines A, Bortrce, Gold Medal,
Forest City-J. L. Morffan H Co., Gold Med a
J M ) V L IS J. " 1 rrinruy j
VIIVIP nutiTiltDrotsalllicrtnoa
; in : -
a .111.
BtnlMtong) NervouBn0Hgtl diiiaaudioitoi power
aLthorMixoauaedby ovorow Ttwn.youihful error.
..... 1 ., . ' lli'iiln I'.in'fiv 1 l..u l'i..i. 1'. L:.luii,.
1 1111 1 in 1 .. , yy
V, CI lor t -.i-
tn i-nri
Oil I o
r !S.L0
on fJmmj
Tho preat remedy fornorrous proftratlon nnil allnorvotisdlnciises of
tlioKenerative orcans of oltlior sax. suclicx NervoiiK I'roniratU n. Kail
liiierljoiit Aiunlii od, Inipoteney. NU'htly KmliiHioim.Vt.iiilifiii Errers,
Mental Wun-y.oxeesHlvo use of Tolmet-o or Opium, which leud to Con
Miiupiton and Insanity. With overy H!i order wo t-lve a written Ruur
autee to eolS or re fund the money. Sold lit ISl.OO per box, O boxes
ewa aTvaawaavAJjvaati vievetuau. uaie.
til I'enli Avenue,
I 111 AKVI mAKdAU i-imwirutlyc
IgXIVv onoar lunoty, btckod by wj,wjm..m.
tama prools nnd lOO rscf, b.ok. illnstrttnl from I
I Ithfn.m peTltoured,frMby mill. Whn tli.t Spriiifs I
lind Hitreurynul, Our MflKlO Remedy will I
l panumy eare. ivui uKfiKiii m tiN. in.
ieod Men
. so .
NE of the strong
' points of The Trib
une s equipment as a
irst-class printino- es
tablishment is the fact
that it has a superb
Bindery, thoroughly
supplied with up-to-
date machinery and
managed by skilled
workmen. For neat
work promptly done
and at prices that are
fair and square, it has
no superior in North
eastern Pennsylvania.
Preserve Those Pic
tores Don't Spoil Those Mnl
tichromes Have
The Tribune will
promptly preserve any
of the art series pur
chased by its readers
at prices especially
moderate. I twill make
special rates on the
binding of any or all
parts of the
World's Fair Series
America Illustrated
Kultichrome Series
Or Any Other Series
And do the work so
thoroughly that you
will simply be de
lighted. FOR ALL KINDS
Good Clothes
A We'l-Known Physician,Who,
Among Other Things, Is
Noted for His Frankness.
No ono ever hoard Dr. E. Grewernne
the utirase "I think" In his nraeiina Tha
doctor is one of those frank, fearless, hon
est, poaitive men who never hesitate to
fay yes or no, as the case mav reauirp.
"1 cau enro you" or "I cannot cure you,"
is his invariable decision ufter cxaminv
liou, nml to this fuot fact ia attributable
his remarkable record without failures,
liut it. would be strange indeed if the doc
tor were uot a more l.ban usually aucceas
ful practitioner. Ho has bonn suiffeon-in-cblaf
in moro than one or the largest hos
pitals of this country, was lately Demon
strator of l'hysiolugy and Hurpery at the
Medioo-Chirurgical College iu Philadel
phia, has been elected an honorary mem
imrof the Medico-Chirunjical Association,
Is a graduate of tne Unlvoroity of Penn
yWsnis, no., and is Btill a close Btudent.
A iiiau with such a record could not fail
to bo n succossfnl phvaicinn under any
clronfflstsnots, but when backed by
cautious, conservatism in expression, or,
to use a more popular phrase, the "bo-sure-you're-rigbt-theu-go-ahead"
it wtfnlrt bo mote than strange if failure
overtook him.
You can conanlt Dr. Grower any day at
Rooms 5 nnd 8,
Temple Court Building
8 1 1 Sl'HUCE ST.,
from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Consultations fres.
Those suffering from Nervoua Diseases
are guaranteed a cure. For such there is
tho cheering word "Yes," as failure is un
known in tho doctor's treatment.
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
CAPITAL, - $200,000
SURPLUS, $250,000
This liank offtM-s to depoaiton eTflry
fauillty warranted by their balanoea, basU
ncss anil rcHiiiiMlbility.
Special attention vi-n to business aa
counts, liitorest iald on time deposits.
GEO. n. CATLIN, Vice-President.
William ronimll, Geora IT. Catlln,
Alfred Hand. Jumea Archbald, Ilenir
ltelln, Jr., WUILiui T. Smith, Lutbar
Seeds and
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
Lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
Scientific Eye Testing Frea
By Dr. Shimberg,
Tho Specialist on tlio Eyo. Headaches and
Ncrvoafinens rcllove.1. Latest and Improved
Stylo ot Eyo Ulassiis and Spoctacloa at tha
Lowest Prices. Le.t Artilieial Eyas luaorted
for Jo.
305 SPRUCE ST., op. Old Post Officav
BI ATKB SKCK CO.. InoW Capital, 61.000,000.
DSSf sM.r.o siior: in thk woki.d.
"I doUiir Ritved U a dollar tarnfd."
ThLiLmllea' Solid French Dongola Kid Tint
ton Kent dollvcrrd freo anywhait in tho U.S., on
recciia on.,nn'j. Money urucr,
or Postal Note for 11 ..10.
ICqiints every way tho boots
mid in all rrtnil stores for
$J..'i0. Wo uiuko this boot
llllimliai. then-fore wo guar
antH llio fit, strife and icear.
ami if any ono is not sntlatled
v.-o will r l .nil tlio money
or send another pair. Opera
1 iTlfTlV X w'oths C, D, E, & EB,
i-4V -l ! . r.- 1 to 8 and half
Wi . ,i 1 l 'I 'ifS Arizen. Send your
Dexter Shoe 8o SSSLSi'
Apt'ftt: ifrtnn to i ;,
K4ol Waverly
t. jan Plan. Firnt-olass Mar attsebed.
lli-lioi ior Berguor Euirol'a Tannhiouaol
I i Cor, Ifitt find Filbert Philada.
ilost desirabln for residents of X.E. PonnJ
lylvaula. All cnnvi'iiiencaa for travolora
to and from Broad Street station and tha
Twelfth nnd Market Street statiou. Do
lirahle for viBiting HeraiitoniaLU and peo
tie in the Anthraelte Koglon.
What Is More Attractive
Than a pretty faco with a fresh, bright
complexion? For it, uso Pouoni'a Powder.