V THE SCTt ANTON TBtBDNJfl-WEDNESDAY MOKN1NO. MAY 23. 18!)4. 5 FOR ONE WEEK Wc will sell our enliro stock of New and Stylish TRIMMED HATS at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Come and see ibein at NEWMAN' 303 SPRUCE STREET. DON'T TJavo your COI.I.AKS starehed In the old way, when yon can have thorn dune with port, pliable Buttonholes for TWO CENTS EACH. Lackawanna THE LAUNDRY NorrmanA Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue We are showing new designs in printed IRISH LAWNS, JACONET, DIMITY and PONGEE. 415 Lacka. Avenue. CARPETS BARGAIN NO 3, We Will Offer for a Few Days ' BMI. II Fine Moquette Rugs at $2 00. These Rugs Have Never Been Sold for less Than $3.00. Williams k IMnult; 127 Wyoming Ave. CITY NOTES. A aturaerv Rhvme n&rhv wan iriron hv the Yonng Woman's Christian association last evening to members and guests. Chairman Dickie, of the Nationnl Pro hibition committee, will deliver an ad dress at the Frothingham theatre Friday aight. The May party of the pupils of flt. Ce cilia's academy has been postponed until May 29 on account of the inclement weather. It jvas to have takon place to day. John Coyne, of Minooka, has made a standing offer;to shoot a pigeon match with any men in Lackawanna county, barring Clem Marsh, for any amount of money. The amusement season at the Acndomy of Music will close on May 30. Mrs. John Drew and her company has been billed as the olosiug attraction. Thoy will be at the house on May 29 and 30. "Annetta, the Dancing Girl," was given at the Academy of Musio lant night by the Minnie Lester company to a delighted audience. It will be repeated this after noon as a matinee. Tonight "Roso of Kil larney" will bo given. Marriago lioonses were granted by the clerk of the courts yesto day to Ezra H. Wiggins, of Plymouth, aud Mabsln Neg hart, of Factoryville; Geqrge Hmolok and Kuzlns Wulya, of Blnghamton; Michael Bcohill and Annio Rainey, city. On account of the small attendance of members of the councils commltin. 1., rules those present at last night's meeting "n.mru m nujuiu u vo meet rriuay evon Ing without taking defiuito action on any of the proposed changes in rules. Court yosterday made an order to show cause wny tno capnis should not be otiatod In the case of Julius F.etzuoM, whom Mrs. jjenia Peck had arrested on Monday for -1 1 r 1 . . 1 , ... wiiuiior. jnr. J-.ciz.lloiu noma tlllit 1IH ar rest was most unjust. The matter will be hoard at argument court. Daniel L. Hart's play, ' A Daughter of Dixie," was repeated at the Frothingham meatre last night oetore a good sized audi ence and made another pronouncod hit The beautiful sconery, sparkling dialogue nna nnisnea acting of the company quite wiyuvmeu me nuaionce. DAUGHTER OF DIXIE REPEATED. An Enthusiastic Audienoa Witnesses tba Seoond Performance. The second production of Daniel L. Hart'e new play. "A Daughter of Diile," at the Frothingham last even log waa attended by a gond-iized and enthnsiastio audience. The many ex cellent features of the piece were lib erally applauded and the presentation of the play was better than on Monday evening. Mr. Hart waa called upon foraepsechat the end of the second aot and responded in a happy and graceful manner. One of tho homelike features of tbo first act was the Appearance of Duke, the splendid St. Bernard belonging to Editor Sam W. Boyd, of tho Wilkei Barre News Dealer. Dnke attracted considerable attention upon the streets during the day, and there waa hardly a dog fancier of the city who did not admire the beautiful animal. Tonight "A Daughter of Dixio" will be presented at Carbondale under the auspices of the Mozart Band, Open All Night at Lohman'e Spruce street. They "lavs Gone Down That is prieea at Guernsey Brothers, FROM DEBT Providence Presbyterian Cburch Does Some Great Financiering. D. B. ATHERTON'S UNIQUE SCHEME Year Afro the Church Was $10,000 in Debt But Now It Doesn't Owe a Doilar A Trustee's Impractical Plan Proves to Be Practical Mort gage Burned With Pleasuro Prop erty Is Worth $60,000. Tbo annual meotin-; held last night of the congregation nnd offhera of the ProviJenca Prosbytorian church was interrsting in that it revealed the suc cessful culmination f u roally groat Qnanoial ohnroh work. Ouo year ago yesterday the church was $10,000 in debt. Daring the your the amount was raised and also a snm BUffloient to pay the running expenses of ihe church. On Monday Ilia last dollar of the mortgage was paid to .Samuel S Ciilburt. of Gilhertsvillo. N. Y., and as a fitting culmination of the cancelling ot tha obligation the mort gage was burnod last night in too pretence of the congregation. D. 15. Atberton, president; Charles Von Storch, troasurer. and II. II Mc- Keeban were re-aleeted to oontinna ou the board cf trustees. W. J Lewis and B D. Athertoti continue to servo on the board. HOW IT WAS DOXE. It is lntiTostititr to know how the feat of clearing the church from debt 11 feat Becond cnly perhaps to t!io grat bin t ark church work was accoui plUhed. The fact of a debt whs 1 irouoiegomo n:ct 10 tile trustees, iniiiiy oi wnom aro wen Known DtMinefi men President D. B. Athrrion oama forth with n icbame, utiiuuo in iia wuv, which at the start was looked upon by tuo ooartl as itntiractical. ihe plan of Mr. Atherion was to as sess eacu member of th ) congregatiou ono-tenth of his iuoomo. At the start 11 whs 11 on kuowh wiiut Bsiariei or iu- comes belonged to the members, nor was it known how many would con sent to tho Scriptural authority to give tliutr tithes, however, 111 a few days lollowlng the announcement of the idea, the various resources of the indi viduals of the congregation were very accurately ascertainud uud nil agreed 10 luriusn the amonut assessed thorn. Ihe mouey was all paid 111 May l,tha mortgage paia later, and, very prop erly, this iitinouuueinent was made formally at last night's meeting. Remark wero mado by Rsv. George E. Guild, W. J. Lewis, D. D. Athertou and F. M. Vandiing. The sentiments expressed were a source of gratification to those present, who knew that during a few years, with comparatively little to commence with, the church has now a property valued at $03,000, in cluliug the parsonage adjoining tha church on North Main avouue. A GIANT HAS ARISEN. Thseo fficts ore presented in detail for the reason that many residents who are wrapped up in cnurch work of the central city have lost sight of tha fact that a church giant has arisen in Providence. Mr. Guild, the pastor, in his remarks was disposed to placo the credit of the great work upon the trustees, and thoy in turn very modestly were disposed to nttriboto much of the great success to tiie pastor; but the fact remains that the feat has been accomplished and the church is willing that the world should know it. O. P. THOMAS' SUDDEN DEATH. Announcemont a Painful Surprise to His Kany Friend?. The announcement in The Tribune yesterday morning of the death of D. P. Thomas, of Church avenue, Provi dence, created a profound sonaktion throughout the city. He whs a gonial, whole-aouied man and had hundreds of warm personal friends throughout the city. Mr. Thomas was a master painter and hud been until about a year ago the owner of the Blade, a paper de voted to tho interest of the Cymric race in this region. He was apparently aa well na usual Monday night until nn hour before his death, when ho was stricken with apoplexy. Mr. Thomas was u member of the True American Ivoritea and Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows. II was one of the organizsra of the Cambro-Ainer-ican choir and a member of tho Scran ton Press club. In politics Mr. Thomas was a Republican and did much activo service for the party. ihe luneral will take nlaco on Thurs day afternoon at 2 o'clock from his late residence. The remains at 2 30 will bo eonveyed to the Providence Presbyterian church, where services will ho conducted by the Rev. G. E Guild. Interraont will be made at Forest Hill cemetery. Common Conncilraan P. II. Golden has been appointed chairman of a com mittee of Irish American citizens of this city who desire to express the es teem in which the late D. P. Thomas of Providonce was held by them. As the representative of that com mittee Mr. Golden yesterday gave an order for a floral offering to be placed on Mr. Thomaa' casket It will bo a broken column five feet in height and contain this inscription: "A man who knew no distinction of race." CONNECTING THE LINES. Work Will Begin at Nlnlh Street and Main Avonue Today. This morning the Scranton Traction company will begin the work of con necting lines at Ninth street and Main avenno with the rails that run up Lackawanna avenuo bill, As soon as the. work ia completed and the road ready for operation, ears will be rnn from Eynon atreet to the end of the South Side line, paaaing through the center of the city on Lackawanna avenue. Cars will alao run from the end of tho Taylor line to the end of the Greenwood line for a single trip. MORE APPLICATIONS FOR WORK. Board of Aesrctated Charities Decides to Grant Them. The Board of Associated Charitlea held n meeting nt tho city hall last night nt which n report from Treasurer W. T. binith was road, showing that on May 15 there was a balance ou hand of f3S3 40 Since then Ijl was received for membership tickets, making the amount on hand last night frlSfi.4tt Mr. Smltn reported that in addition to tho above ho had received $311. SO from tho ladiea' auxiliary of tho board rep resenting the aale of 250 membership tickets, Mr. Moore, of the relief oommittoe. reported that thoro continues to be a ilein md for work, nn l on motion of Mr. Cohen it wnB decided to uive em ployment to twenty men. At tho suggestion of the members, Jacob Cohen waa lnstrnoted 10 com municate with Mayor Stuart, of Pnila delphia, and ask him to recommend a goutleinan from that oity who would consent to come to Scrauton and de liver au address on the subject of "Charity." The addreso, if Mayor Stuart pro cures a speaker, will be delivered at a puhlio meeting in this city, the date of which will be deoidod upon later. Min. Dugcan reported that she mado twanty-fonr visits and found out of that nombet seven unworthy appeals. She also dwelt on a condition of de pravity existing In the slums of the city, where children aro being reared amid a baneful atmosphere. Tho mut ter was referred to the child saving committee. FELL OFF A BICYTIE. Little Daisy Attainder feuirars a Pain- ful I'jury. Little Daisy Alexander, daughter of George S, Alexander, fell off a bicycle on Washington a Venae yesterday uoou ami sustained serious injuries. At first it was thought that ono of her legs was broken. Slie was carried into the office of Dr. W. W. Ives and an examination revealed that no bones wero broken, bnt that the caild had Buffered a very bad sprain. She was mado as comfortable as possible before being removed to hor home. SUICIDE. IN PROVIDENCE WOODS. The Body of Josjp Newikawijs, Polander, Found Hanging to a Tree. Patrick O'Neill, of the North End wont hunting yesterday and in th woods a few hundred yards west of keyaer nvetiua ho found the body of man whose aupoarauoe indicated him to be either a Polauder or a Bohemian hanging to a tree. 1110 sulci. is was a muscular man over six feet tall and apnarentlv abou 25 yean old. In his pocke ts wore found a lew articles ot trivial value. J. ne name josep iNewikawiis was found 011 some newspapers in tho pockets. Lieutenant Speilraan met tho man suiiuay nigni on wortn Main avenuo wnuOeriug around in nn aimless manner. Alderman Aoon, of the Third ward ordered the body taken down yoster day. Coroner Kelly will view the body to day and empanel a jnry. MR. VOSBURG'S CANDIDACY. Tha Northwest Republicans Desire Eim for District Attorney. The people or the northwestern por tion of the touuty are asking for repre sentafion upon the Republican ticke and have united upon Alton A.Vosburg. esq, aa their candidate for district attorney. In tbia request they are heartily joined by hia many frionda in the North ii.nd, where he now residoa Mr. Vosburg can well be said to repre sent this section of the county, as he was born in Scotl township in 1803. and resided there for many years. He at tended Keystone Academv at Factory ville aud the National University at Lebanon, Ohio, at whteh latter nlaco he also studied law in tha law depart ment connected with that institution He then entered the office of Gunster & Wells, and after tha usual courae of tudy waa admitted to the bar at the age of twenty one. Sincj that time ho ma ooan engaged in the practico of his profession in this city and with what success Is shown by tho following quo tation irom tne scranton TimeB: A young mnn who is achieving fame and inciueutiiiiy accumulating wealth 1 Mr. osburg, of the firm of Ilulslunder & Vus burg, the lawyers. There are few young men who nuvo iorge i uneau so admirably in the law as he. He is an imnressivo pleader, a porsisteat worker und withal a most modest young man. lit uover in ilulges in agouy, uovor rants over trille.-i. iiu i euoi, conuct.'u ami ievel-he:Kled 111 all his work, ilo aud Mr. Halalander make tin admirable team, and while nei thor of thoin Book admiration, their clever work is winning it for them overv my. Mr. Vosburg has not yat consented to become a candidate, but it is be 11 .l 1 . . ,,,;. ,. .. tieveu mat no win yield to tho wishes of his friends. TO INVESTIGATE M' NAMARA'S DEATH. Coronoi's Jury Will Go Into the Mines Today. Coroner Kelly yesterday emmnellol a jury to hold an inquest on the deatb of Patrick McNamnru, the young man who was killed in the Mnnville inino Monday. The coroner will conduot the inquest at the rraaeitof Mine Is sp.jctor Blewitt. Ihu jury which will aro into the mine today to examino the acsno of tho acci- lent are Anthonv Loftus. Patrick Me- Nish, Domonick Evans, Thorn ia Mau- ev, Thomas C. Barrett and A. T. .)'Boyle. Thy will hoar evidence on is case Friday night la the arbitration cm at the court houte. McNainsra waa killed while driving r, itiulo attached to a trip of cars up an incline when a loaded trip came crush ing down and In the collision McNaui nra and tho mule were both killed iu stuntly. MEMORIAL DlY PARADE. Official Announcement of the Line of Kerch Tho parade on Memorial day will start from the intersection of Adam's avenue and Spruce street at 2 p. m. ; an invitation is extended to all societies of tho city and vicinity to participate. Acceptances should "bo addressed to E. W. Pearce, secretary of Memorial day committee of Lioutenaut Ezra S. Grlfila Post, Grand Army Republic Formation nnd lino of march will be nnnnnnced later. LOOKED THE CITY OU.R. Wilkes-Barre Boholara and Prlnolpal Viilt Eeranton. Principal McConuough and a party of pupils from tho Wilkes-Btrro H.tn cock Street school, mado a pleasure jaunt about thia city yesterday. The party visited the municipal Inn! Img, court honse and other pnblio buildings, ro le about the auburbs ou the electric cars and generally enjoyed themselves until late in the day, when they returned home. Balls Entered Yesterday. Tho following defendants entered bail before Judge Arcbbald yesterday for their appearnnre at court: Adam Pesco, charged with aggravated assault and battory, 3U0 bail, William Morrison, surety; Paul Jndkvoitb and others, tobbery, 11,000 bail, Bolomnn Fineberg, surety; Theodore Ales Dovltob, robbery, 11,000 bail, Dr. G. E. Koos, surety. Going to tha Penitentiary. Sheriff Fahey and a number of doputiis will take the following prisoners 10 the Lantern penitentiary this morning: An tonio Ferro. convicted of felonious wound ing, live years; Ganges Blackmore, bur glary, two years; Ira Fox, rape, three years; Clomatiua Scott, felonl .u wouud- ng, one year: Jotepn Judge.uiaiislnuuliier. six ycarif. OFFICE BUILDING It Will Occupy tbo Hot at Washington Ave nue and Spruce Street. IT WILL BE TEN STORIES HIGH Price Paid for the Land and Buildings Purchased from Harvey and Dean Eighty Thousand Dollars Thoy Made a Handsomo Profit by tho Salo Different Haads Through Which It Has Passed. The purchuB) from Harvey & D -an by John A. M-ars Monday of the J)r. Gates property on Washington avenne adjoining the Spruce street corner, also thw row on Sprue atrest facing tho square by -Mr. Mean and U'v. J. B. Whelan, ox outer of the John Fly on estate, is the iutent I ig realty deal which will develop Into the tuilding of 0:10 o.' tee finest and largest 0 fit OS buildings In tho state The price paid was 80,000 for tho two properties. However, Air. Mean would not discuss the financial part of the sale yesterday. He said it was a private matter and seemed indignant when qqettioned about it. Harvey and D'an made $9,000 'mm the two deals They receive 5 000 for the Spruce street prop-rty an , (3 ),- 000 for the Gates lot. c. Parker Davidson comes in for $1,030 for nego tiating the I ile. He seemed the option for live days last Wednesday and con Humiliated the sale on the. fifth lay, who ouiniNAi. owners wjmi, Originally the four (ectiini9 of the Spruce street buildings running from the alloy toward Washington avenue wero owned by C Parker Davidson, Arthur D an, II. N. Patrick and An drew Pi Bedford 08 the names appear. Alfred iiar voy, tim oiik manufacturer, purehased the Patrick and Bedford se Hons lor 28, ouu, Arthur Djan pur cnasou Ilia uaviiisou section, tho row costing thorn UBS than $10,000. When John A. Hears plans for erecting an nilice building at the. 01- nor of Spruce street und Wnshinuto uvenuo were known, Harvey & D inn secure I the (iates property waich ran alongside of the southern portion of Mr. Mears lot. They paid $33,030 for it which made the two properties cost thm ST4.000. Tho now Mears property has an 80- toot frontage on Washington avonue and extends 150 feet back to Loe court. Ihe original idea to build a ton-itory effua structure has not been changed except to conform to the new and larger dimensions of the plot. Tue tiuuaing win exteuu io teoc uacit trom Washington avouue, which ineludes 15 feet iu tha rear of the Spruce street buildings. SPLENDID OFFICE BUILDING. On the plot of land he hns secured Mr. Mears intends to erjct the fiuost office building in thia part of the state It will bd ten stories in height end wil be constructed of atone, brick and steel It will have seventy-two sets of offijoj, which will be reached by two elevators The total cost of the building will he $200,000. A company consisting of J. W. Peek J. A. Mears, Attorney J. Alton Davis and C. P. Davidsou have purchased the home of Justice Hand on Washington avenno for $74,000. Business buildings will be orocted on it. TREMENDOUS ATTRACTIONS. With tin Barnum Cz iluiloy Show This Year. Have tho children by all moans see the grand Ethnological Congress o strange and savage tribes when Bar num oc uaneys ureateei Blow on Earth cornea here Thursday it is just possible that no bosks in the world will convey one hundred!! as much actual information nbiuttlie curiona raoea of human bdings Inhab iting this earth as an hour sp nt in viewing them in the circus. Here, too. may be soon tbo wives, daughters and sobs of these people, together with their curious huUnud touts, o ld weap ons of war aud the clmse bark an 1 akin cu noes, bow und arrows, lauei s assagais, poiionol darts, crud-j agri cultural implements and ancient tools. queer nnd outlandish costumes some almost nude quaint musloal iustrti ments, oud all the isvsge paraph -r- nslla belonging to barbarous and semi- vir.Z9d races. Here are asqalmanx, Hindus, Todas, Singhulose, Amazons, Algerinn, Burmese, Nubians. Austral ians, Papuans. New Z inlanders, Can nibals, Javanese, Klings, Nepmlese, Malays, Moors, Arabs, Hon lanese, Jap anese and many other amazing group 1. In tho same tout Qmay he seen also Chiko oud Johanna, those two remark- ahlo giant male and female gorillas, which have beootue fatuous from being loaned to the loologloel garden at Con tral Park, New York, by Mr. Bailey, and where thoy exjit.nl tba wonder 0 thousands daily. These aro the only live gorillas at prosent in captivity in the worl.l, und tho only male nn I fe male ever seen together at anytime. nnd atill more wonderful. Ihey area pair of giant 1. A veritable mid-way will b found n the double menagerie tent, where there are fifty cages of tho rarest and costliest specimens of wild beasts from all over tbo world. The new free street parade also ia a w-nd-rf:il nffiiir, in which the military uniforms of all n 1- 10ns are shown, as wjII as r.-nrotent utives of tho pre tout rulers of the world, civilizid and barbsroai, MORE SABBATH VIOLATION. Rev. Dir. Dony Ew.-are Out Warrant for Three Persons. Rsv. Mr. Dony appeared yosterday betorn Alderman Post and swore out warrants (accusing Druggist John 11. Pbelpf, W. II McGirrali and Cigar Dealer Moata with violating the pro visions of the Sunday regulating act of 1704 The warrants are made return ahlvat 3 p. m. Thursday, Mr. Dony insists that persons who persist in defying the law by keeping heir places of business op m ou Sun lav- will find It very expensive, as there is no intention of letting up in the fight for a proper observation of the day of rest in Scranton. It is said Ithat several central city lruugista went before Aldermnn Fitz- sunuious Monday morning, complain d of themselves mid paid the flue which the law imposes. It remains to be seen whether this action will constitute a bar to proaeeution. Further arrests, i t is aaid, will follow. HIS FIRST MARRIAGE CEREMONY. Eighth Watd Alderman Uoi'eo a Loving Couple. Alderman John Fitziimmona per formed his firs; marriage ceremony yosterday and did it gracefully too. At about 10 o'clock in the moruiug a couple past th prim? or life entered Mr. Fitsiuimons' office They were too old to be bashful, and as both had been married before, it did not take them long to inform tho bachelor alderman of their desire to be united in matri mony. The ceromony waa thereupon I erformed With all tho aolemuity neces sary. The conplo nnitad were Esra Wig gins, of Plymouth, and Mrs. Martha Newhart, of Fuctoryville. It is Mr. Wigfin'l third matrimonial adventure. His first wife died S- pt. 20, 1854, and his second Dec. 1, 1880. He is a one armed man and follows the occupation of a watchman. His wife had been married but once previously. Her hus band died 011 Feb. 12, 1803. The man ia 05 years of age nnd tho woman 00. ARTISTS AT THE CITY HALL. Th .y Take Flash L glit Ticturas of the Several OfS:s. The various officials about the city hell were thrown into a llutter of ox otteraent yesterday by the appearance ot a conple of traveling amsts who desired to take fl tab light pioturei of tim vnriouj department!. Of conrsa there was no objeotioa, but a good deal of polling down of collars uud brushing ot hair Wi.h indulged In pre paratory to too lightning stroke that was to enable the artists to portray tho surroundings as well as the features of ihn varlom ocoapante of tne diffirent olllCeS. When the curtains wore pulled down and the various rooms properly dark ened overyemnloyo assumed a strained audeerlona look, aud thou in an Instaut a Hash of Unlit Illuminated the sur rouudiotfa and all wee over. In only on - department was there anytronl.de and that was Oauaed by the inability of one of the ladies to keep hor lace hlrnicht. liui Tin; TBtBOSH will not di vnlge the secret, The pictures, when linishtd, will reveal it all. SLIPPED AWAY mm Circucman Caroy Hiard That tho Gerryitcs Were Alter Him and Jumped to This City. O. S Ciroy & Co.'s. now all-foature show, museum, and trained animal ex hibition and circus of novel tiet, opona this afternoon on Linden street oppo site the court house nnd will give af ternoon and evening performances nil of the w-'ek ' Today's matinee performance) will be attended by the inmates of the Home of tho Friendless and St. Patrick's Orphan asylum. The invitation has been tendered thom free of charge by Mr. Carey. Tho circus was exhibilod here from May 1 to May 5 and the general large Attendance during those days testify to the merit of the entertainment. The show returns ucr from New York slate owing t threatened prosecntlon against Mr. Carey by the Mohawk Val loy Humane society for allowing the bicycle riding exhibition of Master Livingston, a tot of 0 yeurs. After the show had exhibited four days in New York state, tho manage ment made iuols liablo to a 500 fine undor tho provisions of the Gerry aot for e'ich peformsnoe of Master Liv ingston. Mr. Carey was to have been arrested Monday morning at Albauy, where tbo show was being given, but the plan of the prosecuting society was known nnd Sunday the show waa transported from Albany by a special train 10 this city. Young Livingston is really a rrodigy In his line, ami his acrobatic feats on a bicycle have ustouishcd the spectators here in Scran tou and wherever else the s'.iow has been seen. Hin mother and father an also irick bicycle riders und appear wilh tho little follow. The child is well eared for uud is in the custody of his purents. The clergy of all denominations are invited to attend the show free of charge tu witness nny performance. 'Ihbd Lrpl.lutive Dlst.-lot. In m-ordance with n resolution of the Republican htunding committee of the Third legislative district of Lackawanna connty, notice la hereby civen of a con vention to bo held on Tuesday, June 8, 1804. In the arbitration room of the court house. BcrantOU, nt 2 o'clock p. m. for tho pnrpi se 01 nominating one candidate for lepl-ihiuve distinction and for tho imi-. formance of ineb other business as may properly nnd legally como before it. Hie base-, oi vepiv entntion . hall be for every llltv votosoast . for tho highest office at the last precoding general election." Extraocfrom rule V of Code of Boles. The primaries for tho election of d,.ln- gatea will bo held nt the 'evernl pollintr places on tsaturday, Janet; 1801, between the hours ot 1 and 7 p. 111. Tho rosnertlr,. election districts are entitled to ropresen- 11011 in the convoutiou as follows, to wit; itoa " 1 Lob tali Clifton 1 Madison " l oVIi.Jton 1 Newton... 8 enburn 1 1 North AUortan, Ghinldebaro 1 Old Corse Two Hreonflelil. 1 Rtistldli LaoLuwiiuna I'wp Second dls . "" Nor'h di-) 4 Third din ... B into M 1 Poarthdls.., ... test ale 1 Bai s no west din 2 tScott " Northeast dls i ttbAblagton.',','! Hoathwetl dtS 1 1 Mnrina Rhms La Plume 1 WuVeilv vigilance coiniuit 1 008 will take pmim.w. n ........ ...1 ..... I .. , ue . .i.,m nu 111 ii' i-iior'ni'i1 ueiewi 11 3. E V Ai-Kixa. Chairman. B J. Honuvp, ttecretarr, Scranton, I'a., May HI, 1884, Have You S.en Them. Fancy stripe and figured taffeta uiii... worth tl.36 and S1.60: or.r mice 10 nan. ., long as they la , t. Mkaius St Uaqen. Wonderful Are the works of a wheelbar row. It should bo oiled onoc year. HOW ABOUT YOUR WATCH ? It is a much finer pieoo of mechanism nnd should bo cleaned and oiled every year, lo keep it in good order. Have it done by W. W. Berrv The Jeweler Who has had years' experience, find him at twenty -five You will 417 Lacka. Avenue. Best SetsofTeeth,$s.oo JnclndltiR th rmhilPiw extracting cl leeth by an intireljr new pro asaa S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. Attention! Ladlee. The remaindor of my trimmed pattern hats and bonnets will bo sold ut a grout re duction. Ladies wishing to purchase a stylish hat made of tho lluest materials will save money by calling at Opp. Court House. 6! 4 Spruce street. UllllllllllllllllllllliilllllligilHUIHHUII i Plumbing AND Tinning) CAREFUL WORKMEN, PROMPT SERVICE, POPULAR PRICES. 1 HENRY BATTIN & CO. I 25 tno rjSHH AVKNl.K, GARBAGE CANS Aa ordered by Board of Health. jg HOUSEHOLD SPECIALTIES. 9 """""""""mw B "A hit of o From a llsli ry thing und"r tho sun, liook to a Uatllnir un. " lalllllllllllllSIIIiniNIUiit OSLAND'S 128 Wyoming Ave. Wc aro now displaying a lino line of Hosiery In COTTON, BILK and LISLE TIIKEAD. GRAND ARMY J5 Decoration Day draws near, and we are ready with the clothing needed to fit you for the inter esting occasion. Full GRAND ARMY SUITS at $6.50 and upwards. Single and Double Ereast ed, Square and Round Cornered Coat3. The Coats and vests are made with eyelets and two sets of Buttons go with each Suit. Full Suits or Single Garments as may be desired. OUR WHITE VEST STOCK is a large and complete one and we can supply you for from 65c. up. - Every purchaser of $1 worth or over receives a chance on tho Ecautiful PARLOR SUIT. PIN CLOTHING k SIDE HOUSE 137 AND 139 PENN AVENUE, Complete Outfitters, SCRANTON, PA. S. L. GALLEN. ONE OF OUR STRONG POINTS BANISTER'S mm The Busy Little Bee Is all tht time saving something for a rainy day. Tho proprietor of BROWN'S BEE HIVE is always saving something for every one that gives him a chanco. It will be money in your pocket to give him a chance. His stock of MILLINERY, HATS, LADIES' AND MISSES' SUITS, CAPES, SHIRT WAISTS, VESTS, MEN'S NECKWEAR, MEN'S AND BOY'S STRAW HATS, ETC., Are tho finest you ever saw for the money. Agency for Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary Woolen Goods. BROWN'S 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. DID YOU SEE THEM? A $1.50 Leghorn Hat for 79c. Como and get ono before thoy are all gone. HOW IS THIS? $4 Cape for $1.98 in all shades. Ladies' Tailor made Suit for $4.98 They are beauties. A A Furs bTORED and INSURED IP ALTERED BY US, FREE OF CHARGE During tho Summer. sJ. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. next dime: bank. Is Our Children's Shoes yE CAN truly say that no 0110 can show you CHIL DREN'S shoes that look and wear as well as ours. Why? Be cause wo inako CHILDREN'S shoes a special study aud are al ways trying to get something bet ter than we already have. We can save you money on CHILDREN'S shoes. Wouldn't it be wise for you to try us. Cor. Lackawanna and Wvomlns Inn or SCRANTON, 'PA. BEE HIVE SUTS