V THE SOU ANTON TKIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. MAY 23, 1894. e sScranfon CrtBune Publish eo daily in Scranton, Pa., by The Tribune Publishing Company. E. P. KINGSBURY, GCNCHAL MANlaC New York Ornc Giur, Manaccr. TRI.UNK BUILDINtt. FRANK S. INTIRID AT THK PCOTOfFICt AT .CRANTON, A.., AS CCONO-CLAa. MAIL MAT ir R 6SRANT0N, WAY 23, lblW. AliTKlSBSRtUR, tho ii.'ud wbo mur dered his sweetheart, Katie Rupp, has already ccmmoncBil rohugrsnU fof tha Inun rolo. Fortunately AltenberRer will be tried down in New Jorney v!itr juries are not so easily iuflu eiicid by trickery uud mawkish sauti mont as ia Northeastern Pennsylvania, and it is probnblo that b will receive justice at bis trial. David P. Thomas. Tho IrioT announcement death of Divid P. Thomas The TRIBUNE of yesterday ot the m&do in morning was received with universal regret by his many friends about th city. As an oxniiipta of true and earnest man hood with fined principles and hi(;h nmbitions, the deceased bad few eqaals In our midst. His open-haniled charities and unswerving fidelity to frieuds could not help but win tha respect of nil rejardless of differences of eenti inont tbat might exist upon other mat. tri, David P. Thomas was numbered Rtimng the ideals of the slf-mademan. Doru in Waits 44 years ago, ho was thrown upon his own resource when a mre lad, and went to sea. After an experience of several years ou ship board ho drilled to this country an 1 settled in the Riiti'raeite r:rio:i. Ata- rrftiousaud energetic, he tool: an activp pnrt in po'litics and soon became oae'of tlin recognised leaders. In tha days of tho Labor Reform purl lui was one of the most promi nent and euthnai'istic supporters of the cans', and wai a stockholder In the lalinr publication known as the Labor Advocate. Since the collapse of the labor movement Mr. Thomas has boun an out and out Republican and has ac complished koo 1 work for the organi zation whenever Liu services were Deeded. Mr. Tbomaa was probably best known 01 tiio proprietor of the Blade, a paper devoted to tho interests of the Welsh citizens of Lackawanna county and a journal that ba assisted materially in furthering Republican ism in this city. The deceased was u raetnbir of the Scrauton Board of control, represent in the Second ward for six years and also served tho board as secretary for two ye.irs in an acceptable manner. Mr. Thomas at the time of his death was national secretary of the Ivorits Society of America. He was intru mental in establishing the American branch of the society and has been one of tbo most successful of Ivorito uec retaiies. Upon his visit to" the old country last suumu r Secretary Thomas was accorded the highest honors thut could ifc bestowed by the society. Mr.' Thomas elao took groat interest in mu-ical matters and wa3 vice-president of the Curabro American society and ono of the earnest supporters of all musical enterprises in the vnlloy of the Lackawanna, In daily life tha deceased was pleas ant and companionable. Generous al most to a fault, bis purse was always op-n to charity, bis heart went out to tho i.fllictei in every walk of life, aud supplication for relief never failed to receive a hearty response. Honest and npright in all dealings; generous, brave and true, unswerving in fidelity to friend, David P. Thomas furnished an exnmplo of life worth of emulation. An amusing illustrmion of the wide shots at the target of fame is given In t:ie rueo of one George Griffiths, of London, who has accomplished the feat' of traveling around the world in less tiros than was consumed by the famous corresrjondent, Nellie Bly. Griffiths sneceoded in making the trip around the world in sixty days. While Nfdlie Btys exploit attracted much attention an.1 was describsd in column upon column of newspaper gnsb, .Griffiths' trip has boon told in a ten-line dispatch to tho country papers, and the ambitious elobo trotter has dropped as completely out of sight as a Tammany politician in the hour of defeat. Globe trotters are not the fad this year. Senator Hill's Future. Althangh,aR a matter of course, there hare bran prorap; donlals, it neverthe less rt mains possible and oven plausible that at the laajt moment Senator Hill will introduce a proactive tariff bill with the in.come tax eliminated, move Its substitution for the economio wbnt-is-it now before the senate, resign his toga if outvoted, and, going back to New York ntate, take the guber natorial nomination on this as an issue and mako his appeal. Conkllng like, to the people for a vindication. There aro several reasons why this course le a possibility. In the first pkice, New York will otherwiao cer tainly elect a Republican governor. Flow er knows this, and it is common rumor that only by the strongest party prusAure can he be induced to put up the $125,000 necessary to give his can didacy for rc-nomlnation so much as the ghost of a show for success. A second reason, of equal importance, is that unless by iom such bokd, adroit and dramatic surprise. Senator Hill can rally again to tha Democratic sup port that peculiar and desperate popn lar enthusiasm which has always been his greater-t political resource, it will be necessary for the magnificent state political machine which Hill, Mnrphy and Croker built up to lay by for re pairs, in doing which it takes many chances of becoming rusty and out of date. Already the Trojan senator has notified his Elmira colleagne of his intention, for presidential reasons, to resign the state chairmanship and get under political cover. The personal odium, t' o icdivldnal ohnoxionsneaa tbat pertains to Edward Murphy, jr., doeB not disqualify David B. Hill from again taking active and peraonal part in the management of the atate cam paign, lb fact, with Crooker fheing, tneehan in diagraee and Murphy atardlng on the ragued edge of a priniod and loaded political volcano, Bill ia practically the only executive genius left to inspire onfidenoe among the demoralized purty workers. Against these argumvnts are sot the improbability of Hill's relinquishing a safe berth in tho senati) in favor of so dubious a prospect as tbat which now confronts the Empire state Democ racy. If the ssuator worn wedded to the senatorial customs uud t'.ilt thor oughly at eaeo in his present role this might possibly persuade him to re main. It ia to be remembered, how ever, that all his lift he has been en gaged in rapid and incessant political warfare. He is tricky, bold and strat egic With him it is the unexpected that happens. Although intellectually fitted for it, one cau with difficulty im agine a less euitable aud congenial placo for David B. Hill than in the United States aeuate. When ho no cepted the Beat ho now occupies it was in a manher that surprised and even startled the country. It will not be long before this indefatigable man will n;:ain be at his old tricks. Any calcu lation bearing on the politics of the coming few mouth's wilt be incomplete unless it provides for bold aud daring Rtrokcs br this master strategist lu the Democratic party. Wheat is Chicago last week dropped to S3 j cents, it cout kwer than in July, 1861. It goes without saying that ttie western farmers are delighted with these renewed evidences of Democratic good times. Tho State Convention. With the loaders and tho masses in substantial accord all along the line, today's Republican convention will be more of tho nature of a ratification than a battle. Through painful expe rience the Republican leaders of Penn sylvania have been guided to tbo point where they can look over into the promised land of restored harmony and party zeal, admission to which is freely (hairs upon the aiuglo conditi&n that, tun will of the peopio shall not need lessly be ignorod. They aro iti a mood to comply with this reasonable requi site, and today will witness the sealing of tho compact. It is fortunate for tho leaders and also fortuuato for tho party tbat this happy understanding should be reach ed ut this particular tiiu -. The mo ment is almost providentially oppor tune. It arrives with the party recov ering from au awful disaster, and with the people kindly disposed to rectify that regrsttahlo blunder From ocean to ocean the hopes of the Republicans are in the Mbeadaifit aud recognised leadership is exercising caution and conciliation. All that is needed to cement these various factors into a grand and sweoping victory is the kuowledge among the peopio that Re publicanism rostored would not mean bossism grown nrrogant, but rather prescient organization enlightened as to its proper function and the confi dence of tho nation invitod ba ok to its old rulers. Pennsylvania, as the first groat com monwealth to hold a majority state convention, should modulate its utter Knees an l fashion its conduct so that a wholosome example may bo set for the guidance of the party in other states. Unanimity and enthusiasm, tuleraace and conservatism, frank re gard for the welfaro of the whole party and cordial recognition of the fair right of the majority should be the Ceynotes. The platform, particularly, should be studied with care and clothed in language befitting the key stone -stats of protection to horn) in dustries. Thero should be, no yielding up of principle, no effort to placate ig norance, no sacrifice of moral prestige. In the swift fate of tho recently tri umphant Democracy, plunged withiu a twelvemonth from unparal leled ex il lation to unprecedented dejection aud hopeless chaos, we may perceive the fruite of demagogiim made pructlcal. Republicans want none of that in their', Fortunately, at the dawning of con vention day everything was auspicious. The will of the peopfe had secured ex pression in a gubernatorial candidacy that was nowhere even opposed ; and in two candidacies for congressmen-at-large in which rare personal fitnesss were suitably yoked with expedient geographical location. Tha two chief centers of Republican strength had won for themselves recognition, one in a candidacy for the lieutenant gover norship and the other in iho acceptance of lt choice for the secretary of inter nal affairs. With the auditor general ship seemingly certain lo go to one of the banner centers of Republican rural strength, there is completed what in common parlance is sailed a "slate" of exceptional merit, ability and wise distribution. Although not a creation of the leaders, it is as accsptable to tbem as t the masses, und will have at the polls the heartioit support of both. A Lesson for Anarchists. Monday was a day fraught with ad monition for tho bomb throwing au arcbists. The exrention of seven of their bretharn ought to have convoyed an impressive lesson to the life-dostroy-ing plotters. Brail Henry, the devil ish author of tho explosion in the cafe ofvthe Hotel Termllius, in Paris, was guillotined, aud at Barcelona six of the wretched conspirators against the life of General Martinez da Campjs were shot to death as a penalty for their crime. There is no place In the civile d world for the murderous wretches who seek to overthrow Jaw and order by the commission of the foulest of crimes. Murder never righted any wrong. Whatever evils' arise from misgoveru tnent or existing social conditions, the remedy is,not to be found In the reck lesB methods of the assassin whose very existence ia a menace to the conditions under whioh the peaoe and prosperity of mankind can alono reach their high est state of perfection. It is a singular trait, though, of the reckless characters who have banded themselves together as bomb throwers, that they look upon those of their unto ber who expiate theft crimes by death, as klmving beeu martyrs to a jnst cause. It is therefore useless to hope that the reformation of any of the ilk oan be effected by tho example which vindi cated law now and thou furnishes. Hut frrquont executions cannot fail to IrUvu a salutary effect, as the results will bf9 to deter from the commission of crime. Tho anarchist cannot be rt formeJ, but he may be gradually annihilated, Ravages of tho Storm. Tho extent or the damage caused In various sections of the country by the lato storm ia aorious, but foftuuatoly thero has been comparatively stnull loss of life. The destruction of prop erty, however, will aggregate a vast sum, and must inovitably add to the prestige of the financial depression al ready weighing down upon the country. But small in proportion is such a calamity compared to the Johns town disaster, in which s many human lives were sacrificed. Still it is not pleasant to contemplate tho ruin wrought thui early in the season by ono of the most dangerous of the eb'tnents when it breaka beyond its natural barriers. At presont it la hard to determine just whore the loss is greatest. Wllliamiport, much of whose prosperty is dependent upon her saw injlls, will feel the effects keenly, 31 a fortune in logs was swept away. Great damugo to shipping has also re quited. The ravages of the flood along the Schuylkill rivar re severe, and many nullifies have been left h.mielesa. From other sections ahio come reports of destitution cained by the Hood, but it is useless to attempt a computation of either the suffering or damage that have resalted from the storm. The ensitiRt deduction iB the moral illus trating tho extreme helplossness of mail to resist the forces of uajturo when the dangers menace him. N REALM Of Pair Woman. Slerry maidens aro now collecting buckles. The prefer a now bncklo to i bt ?; of bonbons or a bunch of violet The dainty summer shirt waists are in a rifbaeure responsible for this bucltl craze, They require n belt, an 1 tha tvlt n quires a buoklo. The silver ,bucklua are tho IQOSt popular. They are !..: und narrow or round and much ornamented. Some are of fili gree, while others aro plain or oil 1 izud. Buckles of blaekjenamel, inlaid with silver or tjold, are effegtivo upon a delicately tinted ribbon belt. The gold hackles aro beautiful enough to warrant tho price at which they aro sold. One r. presents a gold hoop, around which a snake line twined its body The eyes are ululeninif m eralds. Plain isold buckha have the owuer's monogram engraved upon them, Anions Uio nowest silver bue.klcs an those inlaid with pale blue enamel. Delicate buckles of tortoise shell aro also seen this'year inlaid with gold or enamel. The buckles which adorn the tennis belt ere sure, some where, to Bhow a racquet A new buckle to be worn with a yachting gown is of Roman gold, shaped like an anchor, witb bronze cords coiled about it. A dainty bncklo attached to a white ribbon bolt was formed of u wreath of blue enamel forgef-me-nots. Jewel bosea made sept dally for buckles art) now being manufactured. Although the fashion makers ot Paris aud Loiidooagave promiso early in the spring oi a rciivuciiuienr. in me matter of skirts, these still continue their Hire, and indicate no intention of reefing in their fulness Tneir spread OfltUffj thrives in a manner that is quite as tonishing, in view of the general hck' leness ascribed to fashions and woman; and not only is it noticeable in petti coats, but in bodices and their trim mings, capes, jackets yea, in hate. The latter have wide Alsatian bows, the former has capes and other ar rangements by which the much-to-be-desired built-out effact is attained, like belts and throatlets set off with Uephistopholian horns of satin, velvet or orne contrasting material to that composing the gown. The newest and daintiest parasols have bandies of mother of pearl richly cut and chased. The very elegant ones havo whole handles of pearl, but tho K)?s rxnenstvo ones havo a bandlA i , i M 1 1 I .. I tvith a almrf lnntrf h .... , ft... ... ........ .iil.ui, lllllt L.H- knob tikes the form of the fruit of the passionflower. Smoked pearl is quite as fashionable as the white. Pink aud green crystal balls and the dumb-bell shapes in cluua are other fancy monnt iuLts aud three cannon balli of china supersede the oue ball of last yeas. The prettiest trimming for a satin par asol is cream antique point lace put on with tho plain edge against tha edge of the coveta and the piints standing. A new way of solving the curtain quostion tbat la certainly convenient and b.v.no means uely Is to have two sets of sash ourtains, one for the upper aud one for tho lower half of a-window. Bjlh aro hung on rods, and con siat of two parts, so that they can be parted ia the middle. The upper aet should be made long enough to fall about an inch over tho top of the lower set. Thoy may ba made of mus lin, silk or any other fabric, with edges hemstitchod, frilled or trimmed with lace. Tho arrangement is a good one for small btd room or fo kitctian win dows. A olaver ol 1 lady whose fresh color ing and yonthf nl appearance are Among her many charms was asked how 4be had managed to lteop so young. The old lady lnughod as site replied : "Oh, its vefv siinnle easy !ioh. oaav cor sets and au easy otiiseieuoe," For young ladies the evonlng gown is uMiAlly of light, transparent stuff over a silk or satin skirt, but matrons are mora inclln d to employ the light and rich brocrfdes, hi admitting of a greater idegauoo of decoration and more richness in effaot. Q ves Satlifao'.lnn Abrond. Jliston Journal Secretary (Jleallum'il runni t nn S', tn, in bus given the same protbaud satlafactiou In Uerllo that bis report on Hawaii did in Loudon. This administration's foreigA l'OllCV HftfillH lo tlinoil'O mihOmi(1,,l .nlliii. slam abroad. A Ftnb-To"d Truth. Cd-njo 7fttuif. A little common biidsh leflnlntion In Ihn Interest of tho peopio would have b.ien the ltont effsctual quarantine against the Uoxoy disease. Thi Nd d B etorativj. Jnrlfannpolir Jmrtutl. What the kboidIm Wlllll. ia pjii-!nlntw and the RKHUrancti of flxitv in ImtuUn,,,, oa,,,. Is absolutely necessary to the restoration oi prosperity. Will Beonms Curlrn. Chicago Inter Octan. Those Who havo conla or tho hill mhlM. rondo Mr. Wilson sluk woald do well to preserve them as curios. "DAINT cracks It often costs more to prepare a house for repainting that has been painted in the first place with cheap ready-mixed paints, than it would to have painted it twice with strict ly pure white lead, ground in pure linseed oil. Strictly Pure White Lead forms a permanent base for repaint ing and never has to be burned or scraped oft" on account of scaling or cracking. It is always smooth and clean. To be sure of getting strictly pure white lead, purchase any of the following brands: "Atlantic," "Beymer-Bauman," "Jewett," "Davis-Chambers," "Fahnestock," " Armstrong & McKclvy." For Colors. National Lend Co.'s Pure White Lend Tinting Colors, a one-pound run to a .' ,- r.J key,' of Lead and fntx your own paints. Saves tints and annoyance in matching shades, and insures (utbcst paint thai it is pos libit to put on wood. Send,!!! a imstal card and set our book on paints uud color-card, free; it will probably save you a good many ilolltirs. National lead cu. New York. leby Carriages, Mrigerafors AND Mill & Connell 131 and 133 N. Washington Ave. Jowotfs ratent Charcoal Filled Water Filters, Coolers and Refrigerators Also n full linn of CHINA, CKOCKEIIY AMI I.I.AU 1KI. ! & Co. 422 LACKA. AVE. SCIENTIFIC HORSE SHOEING AND Till: TIIU ATMEN'T OF I.AM li KKSS OF t: i:-i - To theso branches I devote especial atten tion ovory nftcrnoon. Ofrkoanil tOMa nttlm IlLUME OABRIAOB WOBXB, 115 D)X COURT, SCRANTON.l'A. DOCTOR JOHN HAMLIN Graduate of the American Veterinary Col teie, AYLEG WORTH'S Meat Market The Finest in the City, Tito latest improved lur nlshinns and nppnraths for keeping meat, butter and egjs. BM Wyoming Ave. D COK tinninu end noldeilu nil dono away 4X with hv tlm use nf 11 A UTM AV'H I AT. RNT I'AVNT, whioh conslstn of uiKiedl nts well-known to nil. It can Da applied lo tin, galMnltsfl tin, Hhoet iron roola, also to brick awalUnM which will prevent absolutely nny eruinbliinr, cracking or nruakltnr of the brick. It will outbiHt tinning- ot any kind by many yeiiri,ninl It's cost (loos not uxenei una fifth that of I ha cost of liilnlnir. Is sold hv tho Job or pound. Contract.) takon by miONIO HAKl'MANN, tjR PJrch 8t. Seder Chests c CLEMONS WANT a Piano or Organ Cheap? LOOK AT THE LIST: A n exti-n fine Henry P. Mlllnr Squaro i inno A n extra lino "i:hleJti'r:nir"Scuarn Piano 17I 175 1 50 A RO'Ml Haines Brother Wimro Piano... A good Meyer Ilrotliers " quare Piano..., A ifoml Firth & Pom! Hquaro I'tano A Roml PloBhanla f antra Piano A vorvKood Boston Piano Co. Walnut t'T '.'.'HI A very good Whrelock I'd. Icht Piano.. in in in A ve ry irood Wheelock Upright Piano.. GUERNSEY BROTHERS' NEW STORE, Hants GOLDSMITH'S $ Thirty-six Inches Finished Laundry and Fast Color Are the special points contained in every one of the Shirts that you know see in our window for Men and Boys at 49c Genuine Balbriggan Two-threaded, Maco Yarn, Pearl Buttons in Shirts, with ribbed tails. Drawers with extension strap backs, patent cuffs and sus pender loops, only 49c. The Record Broken Swivel, Clipped and Bourette Scotch Ginghams, never be fore less than 35 cents. Special sale of only about 40 Pieces at 20 Cents Don't miss one of the best things that we have ever offered in Fine Wash Dress Goods. They cannot last long at this price. In Cloak and Suit Dept. Pine Tailor-made Jackets at Half Price. Beautiful Imported Capes at Half Price. Ladies' Duck Suits, neat patterns, at $1.98. Ladies' House Wrappers, 59 cents. With the New Valves Out of Sight Our new Bicycles are now to be seen at our 314 Lacka wanna avenue store. VICTORS, SPALDING, CREBENDA, GENDRONS, And a full line of Boys' and Girls' Wheels. We are mak ing extremely low prices Second-hand Wheels. on J I UI 314 Lacka. Ave. Fountain Pens Fountain Pens Fountain Pens SPECIAL FOR A FEW DAYS A Guaranteed Foun tain Pen, regular price $1.50, for 98 Cents Reynolds Bros. Stationers and Engraver. 817 LACKAWANNA AVE. Dr. Hill & Son Albany Dentists Pet tooth, 18.50; best set, 88: for ROW eI and troth without plates, called crown and bridgA work, call for prices and referonoea. TONALOlA, for extracting teeth without pain. No ether. No gas. OVER FIRST NATIONAL RANK. A very tood fchonlncer Upright Piano, f lta OKGANS. A Mason & Hamlln.nearly uow.hlgh top, double reed... 8 50 An A. H. Cliaeo, nearly now, high top, il in Me ivn.t 75 A Chicago Cottage. Hourly new, high top, double reed A Worcester, nearly new, high top, doublo rood 50 HO 224 nwiMIMUIQOQn UlLLIMIIUUm u and Organs at Wholesale and Retail, on Installments. Long, Ivory. THE : COLUMBIA . 224 Spruce St, Op. Tribune Office. offpT tho flnest hno of Whopls of " sold Pnrchasers tauirht to rido Open evenings. Hpeuial IiarainH in second-hand wheels. ciriT Will bear looking- into. The Alaska Refrigerator As well made Inside as out. Made for economy and made to last. WE HAVE MANY STYLES AND PRICES. Foote & Sliear Co. 513 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. giuiiHiiiiiiir S.!IIIIIISSeHllillltlHIIlCiSIHIlEJBillllB!i!l!llilllli:il!IUilllllg iiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiHBimgiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiij: Wedding Rings The best is none too good. Ours are 18-k. All sizes and weights. LL.0YD, JEWELER 423 Lackawanna Ave. Berries are arriving in very line condition aud prices low. Paucy Peas, Beans, Squash, Tomatoes, Asparagus, Beets, Cucumbers, etc. Pierce's Market PEN IM AVE. A Standard, nearly now.hlgh top.donblo reod 41) A i-honlnger, nearly new, high top, double reeu 85 And about 'JO other good second hand or gans, t?5 to fin Tho above collection of Second hand Insru muivtsareall in good order, fully gunran teod, tho greatest bargains ever offered in Huh city. Call and see them. Installments or discount lor cash. WYOMING AVENUE, SGRANTON. mwm BAZAAR BICYCLE : AGENCY ( Branch Store: 1 .114 u sshtogton Ave. nil grades and (junrant'o over? machine free of chaio. fall for cataWuo. IS IT NOT A BEAUTY? I THE if B GAITER mm Globe Shoe Store! 227 LACK A. AVE. Evans & Powell S FIRST MORTGAGE 6 BONDS OP THE FORTY FORT GOAL COMPANY. A limited number of tho above bonds aro for sale at par and ac crued interest by tho following parties, from whom copies of tho mortgage aud full information can bo obtained: E. W. IColUgFUL Cashier Second National Bank, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. W. L. Watson, Cashier First Na tional Bank, Pittston, Pa. J. L. Polcn, Cashier People's Savings Bank, Pittston, Pa. A. A. Bryden, President Miners' Savings Bank, Pittston, Pa. And by the Scrantou Savings Bank and Trust Company, Trustee under tho Mortgage. T. E Atherton, Counsel, W1LKES-BARRE, PA. Inserted in THE TRIBUNE t th i ate of ONE CENT A WORD. WANT ffi