The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 23, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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All Things Musical
134 Wyoming Ave.
See the Shaw Piano from
the World's Fair in our
A Foe to Dyspepsia
i ' 0
And always have
Good Bread.
The Weston ill Co
Punch Cigars
G., B. & Co,
Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's.
II.; ... IM.I ;t. -Ui A..1-
si' vusr.
I TO 11. SO AM.
Genornl Manager C. W. AIcKinney Is in
Hew lork on business.
w. J. liyrne, or Oirbondnle, Is serving
on the graud jury this week.
Miss Sweet is serioi-dy ill at the home
of her parents on Maple street.
Mm Horence Kichmond will give an
oriiau concert in tiie ueur future.
DniKKist John Loltus, of Wyoming ave
nuo. 1ms returned from a trip to New
Mrs. M. A. Bailoy and son. Aubrey, of
f,ev York street, are visiting friends at
"Skip" McDonald, of Carbondnle, was
finikin Lands with his numerous Scrauton
friends yesterday.
County Tre asurer D. W. Powell left ye.
iruay lor llnrri.tDurg. where he will at
tend the Republican state convention.
1. J. ranning, of Carbondale, accom
panicd by his mother and Bister Katie,
were in Scrantoii yesterdny afternoon.
Peter F. Lalley will take charge of the
Kendliatn phnimacv next VVednesJay
having received the highest honor con
lerred by the state examining board for
met It.
Ecranton's Buiin.a. Interests.
1HK litiRL'NH will soon publish a care
fully compiled and classified list of the
lending wholesale, banking, manufactur
ing and professional interests of Scranton
and vicinity. The edition will bo bound
in book form, beautifully Illustrated with
photogravure views of Our pnblic build
ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together
with portraits oS loading citizens. No
similar work has ever given an equal rep
recantation of Scrautou's man indna
tries. It will be an invaluable exposition
of our business resources. Sent to
persons outside the city, copies of
this handsome work will attract
new comers and be an unequnlled
advertisement of the city, lhe clrcn
lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good
results to those concerned as well as the city
t large. Kepreentativesof Sum IRIulwb
will call upon those WHOM names
re dksirki) in this edition and explain
its nature more fully.
Those desiring views of their residences
in this edition will please it ave notice at
the office.
Dry A'r Friar Rrfrlg-erator.
The nbove refrigerator is sold only in
this city by Thomas F. Leonard, 005 Lack
wnuna avenue. As a preserver or rood
has no superior, and for economy of ice
has no enual. It Ib charcoal filled and zinc
lined. Tho refrieeintors are built In liar
wood, finished in antique.and pine, grained
in oak and walnut colors. We also have
a large lino of Bideboard refrigerators.
They are all made in a thorough manner,
constructed so that they are self ventilnt
ing dry air-free from any taint, or odor.
Come and see our Btock before you bny.
We are sure wo will please you.
Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!!
Mrs. Winslow's Soothiug Syrup has been
used for over fifty years by millions of
mothers for their children while teething,
with perfect success. It soolhes the child,
softens the gums, allays all pain; cures
wind colic and is the best remedy for di
arrhoea, Sold bydiuggnts in every part
of tho world. Bo sure and ask for "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup," aud take no
no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bot
tle. Muslo Boxes Exclusively.
Best mads. Play any desired number of
tunes. Gautscbi & Sons., manufacturers,
11:30 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won
derful orchestrial organs, only 16 and $10.
Specialty i Old uTusic boxes carefully re
paired and improved with new tunes.
Stenographer Furnished.
We are prepared to furnish business men
with flrst-clnes stenographer by the day
or honr. Expert bookkeeping a specialty.
Scranton Commercial Association, Lim
ited, 426 Spruce street.
Constable Is
Rudely Called
Friends and Relations of Wnliam
James Tend Him a Celebration in
Honor of His Twenty-First Birth
dayWill Attend the Pittston Eisteddfod-Interesting
News Notes
and Personals.
rThe West Side offlco of the Scranton
1H1MNE is located at 1040 Jackson street,
where subscriptions, advertisements and
communications will receive prompt at
tention. Daring this week a gray whiskered
man with oue arm. accompanied by a
lanky individual whose aesdy appear
ance denotes the broken down stags
actor, have been holding nightly meet-
ugs on the corner of Main avenue and
Jackson street. At this place the gos
pel was dished out in large quantities
atid the large crowd earnestly requested
to be followers of Christ. All went
smoothly until last evening, when Con
stable Uurschel walked up to the
peaker and told liiui in a strong Qsr-
tnan acoent to move on, tue
treet was no plnce for such
proceeding. The oue armed mau
took in the situation at a glance, and
with his usual bland tone said, that if
he was in a beer garden it would be
out of place, but the street is just tho
place. At this junoture Officer Kidge-
way placed his strou g hand on the con
stable's shoulder und led liiui from the
scene, uurscnei ier, reeling ueepiy
humiliated, with a jeeriug crowd, und
the one-armed mau praying for his
speedy deliverance.
Kicked by a Mule.
Ebenezer Hughes, a young man re
siding with his parents in Dickson
court, was painfully injured yesterday
morning wnila at work. Hughes is
employed as a driver in the Diamond
mines, and while endeavoring to un
hitch the mule after t emo ning's labor,
the animal who is pceseseeu of a rather
v'cioua nature, turned suddenly upon
the young man and kicked him in the
neck. The blow caused a deep -gash
and blood fbwed freely. The young
man wa ahle to walk home with as
sistance. Modical aid was snmmonsd
and several stitches were placed in the
A Birtbdiy Celebration.
A Urge number of friends and rela
tives gathered at the home ot Mrs.
Marv James, of 8040 Jaekson street, on
Monday evening, the occasion being to
celebrate the attainment of hir son
William's twenty-firm birthday. The
West Side band, under the leadorshio
of Walter Jone. was ID attendance
und discoursed gome choice music dur
ing the eveuing, us well as furnished
music for dancing, iwnicn was indulged
in by the young folks and kept up until
i late hour. An excellent grippal- was
served, which was thoroughly enjoyed
by the gaests.
PlttBton Eisteddfod.
This evening a grand rehearsal of the
Harmonic Choral soeiety will be held
in the First Welsh Utptist chnrch oti
South Main avenue, Every mrabar is
quested to attend. The Pittstou
eisteddfod, tor wtncu tne socieiv is
nreDaring, takes piace one week from
today. Deside the Harmonic, two fa
male parties and a male party will
participate. Tho proce"dings Will no
louht be interesting, xnc entuusiasm
disi)lnvd on this side s!iows that the
West Side attendance at tne eisteuatoa
will be vory large.
N.wa Netes and Personals.
The members of the Jackson Street
Baptist church will run an excursion to
Mountain Park ou June 15.
ElwnrdA. Edwards, of Backstreet
is suffering from the effects of having
run a 10 penny nail in his foot.
Alfred J. Lewis, or iiamptou street,
is seriously ill.
T. G. Thomas, of North Carfiel('
avenue: Rev. W. S. Jones and wife
Benjamin Htubes, mine stiDerintei.d
ant. and J. J. Evans, of South Main
avenue, returned yesterday from Mi
neisville, where tiny attended us dele
gates the convention of the Baptist
William Sant, of Jackson street, is
erecting an irou fenee of a 12o foot
f routagH on the property ot li t rney
Slocum, situited on S.iuliAuin ave
William A. Jones, of Friuk stre et, i
erecting a block of houses on Jackson
Mrs. N. H. Connors and diughter
Marie, who have been spending some
time with Mrs. P. J. Daffy, ou Pleas
ant street, have returned to their home
in Philadelphia.
The members of Robert Morris lodge,
No. 5b. Order ot American True ivor-
ites, will meet tit their h'all on Sout
Main avenue at 1 o clock tomorrow
afternoon to attend the funeral of th
late D. P. Thomas In a body. Every
member is urgently request, u to attend.
Iwo special street cars will leave the
corner of Main avenue and Jackson
street at 1.30 o'clock, to convey the
members to tho residence of the de
eeased in Providence.
Messrs. Roberts, of Now Orleans, are
guests at the home of Undertaker
William A Price, of South Maiti ave
nue. Attorney E H, House, of South
Main avenue, has returned fcroin PniU
delphii. Fred Shaw, of Moscow, is visiting
Bennie Swetzsr, of Price street.
John Kelly and James Munley, two
labornrs at No. 1 shaft of the Pennsyl
vania Conl company, were hurt by n
roof shot yesterday afternoon at 5
o'clock. Both were badly cut about the
face and breast, and owing to the close
proximity of the charge it is miraclous
that both were uot killed instantly.
They had placed a charge in a hole
which they had bored in the roof and
were tamping it with a bar used for
that purpose, when by some unknown
mean it went off and both wer
burled to the floor of the chamber with
the debris. Tii ey were conveyed to
their homes, where Dr. Oarney at
tended them. At last report both were
in a comfortable condition and hopes
of their recovery are entertained.
Dr. Murphy has beon appointed
health officer for Throop borough.
Owing to trains being (relayed by
flood we hud no strawberries yester
day, but will have today. Palmers.
A reunion of tho oamps of the Patri
otic Order Sons of America, of Soran
ton, Carbondale and Dnnmore will be
held at the Odd Fellows hall under th
auspice of Washington Camp No. 220
on Tuesday evening, May 29, com
mencing at 8 o'clock Tnis place is
making elaborate preparations for the
reception of the visiting posts.
J.eeph Su'tii p. n ur wti beltir
Alderman llov in 1st evening, lur'iin atiotti-r Pol" named
John Sutula. Several witness- were
ixsroinel, and testified to mi tula com
mitting the theft The parlies bail
from that peaceful portiou of the citv
known as Lloyd strati The lef-nd-SUt
Stated 'bath" prosecutor's fatuer
owed him 250 rouble in Poland and
took the novel method of picking the
pockets of the son of his debtor to re
imburse himself. Th-. party admiUad
the theft aud in ule itvetinra for a set
tlement which were accepted,
Daniel Dvine, a weak minded in li
vidual, of thiaplaee, has a stran h il
lucination. 1U imagines that William
McAmlrew, is relentl -ssiy persecuting
him Theoth-rday Divine went to
the house of MoAndreW, and learning
that ho was not at horn , left a letter
for him coucho 1 in lhe most obscene
and violent language. Deviuo has
been an inmate of the insane depart
ment of tho Hillside home some time
IT'mler this heading short letters of Interest
will be iuiibstid when accompanied, for pub
lication, by the writer's name. THlTBIBI HI
will net Be held responsible for opinions hero
expressed. 1
Tnk I-sus wi h Dr. Robinson.
Editor f Tiik T
Dear Sin: Iu the sermon which the
Rev. U. K. Robinson prenrhed on Sunday
evening last, ou woman suffrage, he views
the question iiB men iu alt psst ages nave
done, viz.; from tne conditions Which man
himself has made. Did tho same circum
stances surround all women us cuvirou
tbo favored few who make np the large
portion of the reverend gentleman s con
gregation, there might be uo reason why
the mbject should be considered in uuy
other light.
But do men always, even lti tho house
hold, do the digging and the delving? Are
women civeu ouly that work tor winch
they are best fitted I Iu tho household
ecouomy ot the laboring or lower classes
are women always given the lighter aud
easier tasks i Aud pray who instituted
the division of labor which has been the
rule through tho past nces f Iln not man
always taken unto himself that portion of
work which be chose and which pleased
him and left to woman whatever he
miiiht not care to be troubled with? Has
this distribution of labor always been tue
same iu all countries ? To-duy iu some
narts of Germany and South Africa you
may see tne woman nnrncsseu to toe piow
aloui: side or the horse or ox. UOCS mau
there consider her the weaker vessel
'the delicate, exquisite vase which may be
mined by careless or rough Handling r
Woman has mannged the home and
renred the children, because she could do
that best, but does it tollow that she
would perform these woiniiuly duties less
faithfully had she a voice in the making of
tho conditions of government un
der which she and hor chil
drea must live.? ould i.ho not rather
feel more pride and pleasure iu the per
formance of those homely duties, knowing
that suo bad it in her power to aid in
making all tho conditions outside of that
home such as would insure its i-afety and
protection ? Would not her ruspon.ibllitics
really no lessened, uue-uaii tne energy
expended in striving to overcome the ex
ecrable conditions under which "man
made laws" have plaoed her would enable
her to cast a ballot at every eluction. read
all the debates in both houses of congress,
find out all about the Wilson bill, tne in
come tax aud the Samoa and Hawaiian
situation, and still have pleuty of
time left to do fancy woik aud gossip with
her neighbors, so that she may be iu no
danger of unsexing herself or losing her
"Bweet womanliness."
In the states where women have had
the franchise for years, have wuuien in
any class of society become loss womauly,
have not homes been as well cared for ana
children ns carefully reared as before
Aud do uot "g" 1 men iu these states
bold the humblest aud poorest woman iu
just as true revereuce ? We point the
reverend geutleiuiiu to the history of y
oming a id .Nertli Dakota for an answer
But then all uion are not good ineu and
just because of this comes m the reul nn
cesbity for woman snnrage. woman
needs pidtectiou much more thau adora
If the ballot in tho hands of a man is
protectiou to Mm against evil men and
unjust laws, would u uot effect a like
purpose fbr the woman had she the right
to its use? Will the sons of sucn mothers
us may be able to leach theii children in
regard to the political, as well as the so
cial problems of the day, be worse citizens
because thojr have received their politica
mailing nt the bauds of a pure, true
woman : Should not such training be In
uuitely prererred to that which tsgivou
by debiguiug demagogues und politicians
What does Mrs. Humphfey Ward mean
when she says: "We are convinced that
the puisuit of a mere outward equality
with men is not ouly vain but OeUoruI
izing?" By "outwaid equality" does she
mean the doumug of male attire, th
smokibg of cigms, or the hundred und oi
manly loibles which males are wont l
indulge in.- it this is what sho mean
then we quite agiee that it is not only
"vain but demoralizing," and that it
would "It nd to a total misconception of
Woman true dignity and special mission.
If she means that the power to cast hoi
vote into the ballot box would so uusex
her us to leave her no longer the form and
likouess of a woman, we take as much ex
ceptlons to her statement as tho reverend
gentleman would probably do to her the
ology. Mns. A. V. Vost.
Rreoill'ionfl of thanks.
Resolutions adopted by Lieutenant Kzra
S. t ; r i ill ii 1'ost, iNo, liiU.tirai.d Army of lb
Whereas, Tho following named citizen
of b'cianton, Pa., to wit: lion. R. W
Archbald, Hon. Earn 11. Ri;ipl. W
tsitnpsnn, J. u. HiiuniiH, a. t,. llunt.Jeiiu
B' Uore, Herman O tliuiH, (', L. Boyi r S
W. Roberts, II. C. Siindeisoti, i. Ells
worth Oavies, F. M. Vaud lug, Fruuk
nndiing, Frank CarloooL George Brown
James Moir. lion. W. L. Connell, William
T. Smith, Hon. L. A. Wnire". George
DIcksan.Hon. John li uidlev.U G. Brooke
lion. Allred Hand, Wlllinn Onunelfj Jauies
r. Dickson, A. vv. uickson, u. i. Archil
V. II. ('lemons, E. L. Fuller, Frank W
Martin, John A. Hears and James McAu
uulty have, in a spirit of generosity and
patriotism, presented to Lacntennnl lizra
s. Grifliu Post. -o, 189, Department of
Pennsylvania, Grand Army ot lhe H-pub
lie, a beatilllul and most Itle-liKe brotiz
statue of our martyred president, Abra
ham Lincoln, "The Soldiers' Friend," np
propnaloly mounted upon a pedestal, and
placed in the post roooin; therefore, it iii
by the said po t
Resolved, That in accepting this statue,
the Post gratefully re -o-nized the patrl
olic wisdom which has erected in the Post
room an ot ject of deep nud unfailin ' inter
est, which will constantly stimulate tho
lot-ally both ol the old soldiers iheuin-lve
and of that order so dear to them, the Sol
of Veteran", of which or-.l 'r Scratrton
Camp No. H has its headquarters iu this
PoBt room. And it is further
Resolved, That the most I earty nod ap
piecialivo thiuiKaol the 1'ost, and ot ev
ery old soldier thereof be, and hereby is,
teuneied to tuo-o citizen", our public spir
ited and patriotic men-is, tho donors.
Resolved further, That the post udiut
nut be instructed to forward a copy of
these resolutions to the Hon. R. W. Arch
bald, who so felicltlously made the pre
sehtatlon address; as representing Uie
donors, nud be further instructed to cause
the publication of this actum of the post,
rj. v . ii
N. Y. Stahi,,
F. L. Hitchcock,
Committee on Resolutions
For rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia,
cramp and colic there is no remedy su
perior to tin- geuuiue Dr. Thomas' Eclcctrio
D Bf ck, Tailor,
Carries a full line of samples, foreign and
domestic, lor spring aim summer suiting
and trousorlngs. tiivo him a call at 631
Linden street.
gr;cmj of lb) C3ac;rt of 8'. Imt
Church Utfir M loidy NlgbL
Mrs. William Wyandt ot Hickory
Street Died Yesterday After a Short
Illness Entertainment of St. Pat
rick's Total Abstiance Benovelance
Society Marriage of Kate Brown
and James Thornton Personals.
Tho following programme has been
rraugod by Professor Ii iL. Soutu-
orth for the couc-.rt ot at. jouus
choir uext Tuesday night:
Glorin Concone
Duet, "Life's Dream Is O'er"
Miss B. F. MoTk:Iio and Thos. Needham
Solo, "Say Au Reeoir" Kounedy
Miss Maggie Curran.
O Salutaris,".S do and Chorus. .. .Coucone
Miss Winifred Melviu and Choir.
Beau Ideal March," for Piano Nora
Misses A. Coyne aud J. Donnelly.
Solo, "Waiting" Millard
illSS BUSle Little.
Solo, "They All Uve Jack".. John Kitnck
Jaclt Frost" -au
Martha," from Flnnto Choir
iimo, t'our Hands,
Misses Kate Roardou and Annie McDon-
Wo Hall the Glad Spring Time"....Auber
Violin Solo, "Urandpa's Favorite,"
4. r . iroy.
Solo nnd Chorus,
"The Owl and tho Pusiy Cat,"
Miss Kate F, Reiby end Miss Iugraham.
Ha ! Ha! We've Stemmed the Stream,". .
Double Ounrtette, "Spring Song.". .Piusuti
Misses Little, McTighe, Coyne and Mc-
Tighe; Messrs. Needham, Burns, Keu
ley und Ketrick.
Recitation, "The Irish Phdosopher"
Jliss w inured imrKin.
The Three Chafers," Solo and Chorus,
Mr. J. J. Rellley and Choir.
Duet, "Oh Tell Us Merry Birds,"
Misses Kutio and Jbizziu coyne.
Dih of DSrs. William Wyandt.
The death of Mrs. William Wyandt,
ged 88 years, occurred at 412 Hickory
'reet yesterday. Hor illness was short
nd painful. She loaves a husband and
six children to mourn her loss. She
was a faithful member of the German
Methodist Episcopal church on Pros
pect avenue. The funeral will take
place Friday after noon at 2 o'clock.
the burial services will be read at the
ouse by Rav. J. Suter. after which
lhe remains will bu taken to the church,
where-R-v. Mr. Suter wiil again offi
ciate. Interment will be in For
est Hill cemetery.
Gntertalnmint of St. Patikk'a T. A. B.
The St. Patrick's Total Abstidtenee
Benevolent society will give an enter
tainment tomorrow night iu St. John's
hall, This society is composed of in
fluential aud prominent citizens of the
South Side, aud their object lnnrrnng
itig entertainments is not exactly for
the financial benefit, but to arouse en
tliusiusm iu the oause of temperance
The committee in charge bns promised
a programme which will doubly com
pensate the price of admission.
Shorter Paragraph.
Joseph Huis, god 10 years, a son of
Peter Huss, of Cedar avenue, fell from
the branches ofl the overturned tree at
the excavation Xor the now Robinson
building. His head canw in contact
with a stone and rendered him insonsi
ble for it short time.
Under the auspices of the
Cambro -
American Society,
Wednesday, May 30, '94.
1. Chorus, "And the Glory of the Lord."
ei-om UnnutL's Messiah
Choirs to bp' not less than 40 voices.
Frizt- :JJO.OO
llalos Chorus. "The Spartan BtTOM,"
V- I'rutheiot
For not less than 2) voices.
Frlzn ;,n un
8. Fema o Chorus. "Coral Cavos of Ocean. "
Jit niy Smart
To be led by female.
Prize 8X..00
Quartette, soprano, alto, tenor and bass-
'1 lie. Radiant Morn" 7'. J Imv a
Prize jilo.oi
Duet, ult, and barltons ' Come Whero
the Lindens Hloom ' F. U duei
l'rize JUL Oil
Duet, tenor aud bass-"Tlie Two Hards,"
J. IV . fartoiitt Prtfit
Prize SlO.uu
7. f-'opr.iuo Solo-"For All etornlty."
Prize jaotl
&. Contralto Solo - "Sing Me to Rest,"
). K Knight
Prize 8n iill
Tenor Solo-"Tho Light House,"
J. W. I'arsin Ptlot
Prlz" SS.O0
Diritono Solo "The Hero." dtlze by
Jo Hams, of Plymouth ,D. l iot' eroe
Prize J10.0U
Huss Solo' Hybrias tho Creton "
J. W. F.'Hnt
Prize $8 OU
n uai. i ornet roio. witu piano ac-onipiuii-ment
"sparkling Dow Drops"
Arranged by Hnriy
Mm mo mi
Fir t nnd second maud lin du-'t, with
guitar accompaniment 'iGoeoai ut
Dance" Andrew Herman
Prize $12.01
Piano Solo "Marcho Aux Flambeau,"
.'cuf.Min I'Ltrke
Prize I8.CJ
Recitation for males -"Murder Will Out.'
Feiino's Favorites, No. 8,
. , . Piize 86.CM
Reetatlon for females -"Turn's Little
istiir. From blioenviKer selections,
lo. 7.
Prize Jfi.00
17. BOOltltlon -''SoUloqnjr, The Workman
Cut of Employment " For males.
Ar.i. O. n: Powvi i for f it do")
Prize tKI.011
Can be had by calling o,n Mr. William
Jones. 40 Oak street. Pittston. Prim oe.
All musio ut N A. Hulbert's, Wyoming
avenue, tciiiuton, Pa.
1. Names of all competitors must be In
hands of secretory on or boforo Saturday,
Ma' 0. '01.
!i Adjudicators mny divide or withhold
I'l l.-. according to merit.
"Competitors must slug with an anviim-m
ist eitnvr tnoir own or tn
ho one furnished by
tin' committee.
. Mnsiral lustructora are forbid deu to ap
pear on the platform with any competitor,
oxccDt aa piano accompaniit.
5. Ouly lluvo competitors will bo allowed
on the stage fur vocal sobs and duota; ou in
trumeiftal music anil recitations, oniy two.
The Competitors will be divided aa follows for
preliminary examination: Recitatlou,"oUlo
quy Tho Workingmau Out of Eraploymeut,"
at V.3U ii.iii.. iu Cambro-Aniorlcan Kvoma:
tenor solo, baritone and alto duut, and B Hal
cornet solo, V.30 a m.. In St. Aloyslua' Hall;
recitattoo, "Tom's Little Star," 1.80 p. in , In
ht Aloyaiut' BaU;duet, tenor and bass, so-
grano solo nnd baritone solo, at e.SU fi m , in
t. Aluyatus' Hull; recitation. ''Murder Will
Out," at 030 p. m., In Cambro-American
Box 484, Pittstou, Pa.
Don't lose sight of the
fact that we will sell you
a good
for less money than you
can buy it elsewhere.
We have made many ad
ditions to our
They are choice and
make a beautiful present
with a Silk or Lace
We NEVER allow our
stock of
Tea or Toilet Sets
to run low. You know
the quality. Come in
and we will give you the
116 Wyoming Avenue.
One Coat Makes
Them Look Like Ne"
XTE REFER to Camubgll's VaroiBh Stains.
" tllo Vorv best thine In thn Hi.irW.t fr.r
touching up and flnluhini Furtilturo, Oardiui
ur furcii CUuirs, Baby Carriages, otc, utc.
With Pino irplic:itip.i Stain and Varnish and
transform tbvm into beautiful imitation of
Cherry, Mahogany,
Oak, Rosewood, Walnut,
Vermillion and Ebony
Fut up in Fint and Half Fint Cans.
Bosuroto got Campboll'H aalyou will notbs
To Obtain Satisfactory Results
with Ready-Mixed Paints
This Ftiiut has boon in constant U'-e for ovor
flftiou years and wo rucommund it as being
economical, cuuveai-.Tit aud durablo, and
nVide from tin- bust macri:il3.
The satisfaction expressed by our custom
ers accounts for our tuarcasbd trado In thoso
goods each season.
Call or send for a sample cird showing col
ors and with full instructions as t estimating
cost ot beautifying ybur homo and surround
ings. Matthews Bros.
320 Lackawanna Ave.
$1.50 per doz. I3 Cans.
FuU Weights.
We keep uo Sloppy Goods. Jor
sey Home Creamery Imttcr in 3
aud 5 lb. pails, 25c. per lb.
Egs received daily from the
ILomo Poultry farm.
427 Lackawanna Ave.
GOt) US.
Victor, Oondron, Eclipse, Lovell,
snd Other Wheels,
Another Advocate of
C1.M1IL.iilv it Kfforda me great
pleasure to stute that your new proces
of extracting teeth waa u grand success In
my case, and I lieurtl ty recommend It to
all. I slucoiely hope that other will
test Its merits.
Yours respectfully,
CAPT. I, B. VltYAMT, Soranton, Ta.
Henwood k Wardell,
316 Lackawanna Ave.
Will on and after Mav 21 mnko a great reduc
tiou in the prices of plates. AU work guar
antee! first-class In every particular.
Now has ho charge of tho KEYSTONE JIO
'1EL. fortuorbr mill nil thnrOrosS Cevs. corner
Rromlo are. and BweOand. A full line of
Liquors, Boor, Ale and Fin Cigars will be
kept In stook. Mr. Phillips will be nleasedt o
greet his many friends who will favor him
with a oau.
Hindoo K
Now on sale for 25C. or Slven
away with purchase of every suit
Handsome line of Spring Overcoats
and the Nobby "Bell" Cutaway Suits
Sartin & Delany
Custom Tailors and Clothiers,
Wyoming Avenue.
.isiflHiniiBiueE biec:
1 THE Fashion!
At 308 Lackawanna Ave.
Few Specials
In Dress Goods
I Our 33c. Cashmere for ...
1 Our 39c. Novelties for ...
Our 75c, Serges for .
In Wash
Our 18c. Russian Duck for
Our '25c. Jaconets for .
S Our 8c. Challies for .
In Millinery
a Our $5 Trimmed Hats for
a Our $7 Trimmed Hats for .
In Curtains
I Our $2.98 Curtains for
i Our 4.98 Curtains for .
Jackets and Capes
Now Open
It's a Great Shock
To the folks who are claiming they und.irsell
all others to Und that without the loast fuss
or Unoter wa are giving cut torn rs tho ben
efit of such opportunities as these.
A Miictlv lligli Crude I.l-lit-nilgli t
Mli.el, lSli-l pattern, f i .!!. oah.
185)3 paltatn, Sl."l Wheel, fur S75.
18'.it pattern, VlOO Wheel, tor C85 cash.
These prices make tho business at our store.
Bicycle Riders,
Take Notice!
CAPS Invented
by a rider
Something New
Has the Agency
for them
Ars at Present the Boit Popnlar and Preferred by
Leading- AHit
Warerooms: Opposite Columbus Monument,
206 Washington Av. Soranton.Pa.
andkerchief Puzzle
for the Week;
21 Cents
25 Cents
49 Cents
. . .
12 Cents
15 Cents
5 Cents j
$1.75 1
2.75 1
at Your Prices.
Worsted Suit
for Men,
in colors black
and blue, for
Clothiers, Marajfejiafo
English, Wear Well Sergo,
Tuxedo Coat, Silk Lined,
Skirt wilh deep hem.
They are truly tailor- made,
Navy or Black.
ONLY $10.50
Striped, Spot or Figured Effects,'
Well mado, cool to wear.
50 TO $5.00
About 15 different styles.
Tourist Raymond or Tab Styles;
the importer's expectation, $12.
You will need one for street,
excursion or traveling.
There's a fit to ours.
THE PRICE, $5 TO $12
Furs Stored and Repaired.
6. W. Owens & Co.
Tailors, Cloak and Suit Makers
and Furriers,
Only $