THE TIM H TO BID FOR AUTUMN TRADE IS WHEN THK SUMMER IS YOUNG. BUSINESS IS READY TO REVIVE; IT JUST NEEDS THE QUICKENING TOUCH. EIGHT lAGEo--olf &OLUMNS. SCRANTON. PA.. WEDNESDAY MORNING. MAY 23, 1894. TWO CENTS A COfY. THE TRIBUNE HAS A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION AMONC SCRANTON BUSINESS MEN THAN ANY OTHER MORNING PAPER ON EVE OF THE CONVENTION Preliminary Work of the Gathering Is Briefly Outlined. HARMONY IN ALL DELIBERATIONS The Storm Bound Scrantonians Reach the Mocca of Tleir Pilgrimage Af ter Unpleasant Experiences in a Special Train An Outlino of the Proceedings of Today Major Ev erett Warren Selected as One of the Orators of the Convention Other Prominent Speakers. Edi'orial Correstwndene Scranton Tribune. Hahrisbuko, Pa., May 22. T WAS noon before tue belated Scranton visitors to the state con vention got out of storm-bound Banbury, a special train having bein'Becnred for them by arrangement from Hurrisburg. Before leaving ban bury tb party was reinforced by the Wilkes-Barre continuant, which had come oyer the Reck Glen cut-off from OittitwIiM to Sonbnry, This train ploughed through water three feet d' ep and a man was required on the pilot of the engine to clear a path through the floating logs. Among those who joined the original party from this train ware Herbert L Taylor and John J. David, of Hyde Park; Representative Moore, of Brad ford; James Thomat, County Treasurer Reed and ex-Sheriff Robinson, of Wiikts Barre; Representative Harvey, of Shickahiuny; County Controller Abenzjr Reese, Thos. Jones; Dr. Brutidage, of Hazleton; Editor Jus. P. Taylor, of Montrose; Dr. Walton, o( StrouJsburg, and Representative W. K. Breck, of the Third Lackawanna district. On tho later trains tonight came Delegates Alex A.Ikman,of Prov idence; E B Harden bergh, of Wayne; Col. W. J. Harvey, of Wiikes-Barre; Representative Liughrey, of Luzerne; Postmaster Howard Armstrong, of Plymouth, and Justice Jaiuus R.Ebret, of West Pittston. A J. Colborn, jr , F. H. demons, Engene D Fellows, Gr. W. Watson, George B. Carson, T. J. Reynolds, Dr. J. J. Roberts, D. M. Jones, Richard Protheroe. Daniel Phillips, J. H. Wil liams, Dr. W. A. Payne, Walter Briggs, Rev. E. R. Lewis, W. J. Schubmehl, and Robert Adams, comprised a party of additional Scrantonians who ar rived on a late train. Tomorrow's convention will be not abld more for the absence of storm bound veterans than for any exciting features. Governor Beaver will pres ent General l isting's name and the nomination will be seconded by Charles Eiuory Smith. VValter Lyons' name will be presented by Chris Magoe and seconded by Genera! Frank Reader. District Attorney Scbaefer, of Dela mater, will do the oratorical honors for Jack Robinson. District Attorney Graham, of Philadelphia, will name General Luttu for secretary of internal affairs, an I the seconding speech will bu made by Mj r Evorott Warren, of Scranton Colonol Frank Ejhlcman, of Berk?, will nominate ex-Senator Mylin and tnere will be no opposition, Giles D. Price, of Erie, having withdrawn his name. The other nomination speeches have not been decided upon, but it u prob able that the name of Mai r McDow ell for congressman at large will not be presented. Strong pressure has le'n brought to bear on the Robinson fores to secure a withdrawal of t!:e Media congressman's candidacy. Bat up to 10 o'clock he remained obdurate, claiming sixty solid votes on as many ballots as may ba taken. Colonel Stewart's name, except in a oomptlmetitary sense, will not be pre sented. One of tho Robinson nrtifkes was evidenced in the calling of a sac ret caucus of delegates from the an thracite eouolies for the purpose of forming a permanent sectional union, bnt this was rendered futile through the refusal of delegates favorable to Lyon to have part in the move. eobinson's Fate sealed. The fate of the Robinson candidacy was sealed at 10 o'clock tonight, when a canens of the Lyon foroes mustered 198 out of 264 delegates, insuring bis nomination overwhelmingly on the first ballot, Robinson declares be will fight to the last and go down with colors flying. General Wagner, of Philadel phis, will be temporary chairman and ex-Congressman Flood, of Erie, per manent chairman. Lackawanna's rep resentatlon on the state committee has not yet been decided upon. One ballot in each oase is expected to nominate and the platform, it is de clared, will make no concessions to the free silver fallacy. L. S, R SHOT BY AN ITALIAN. William McCarthy, at Laokawanna Hos pital, Not Badlr Hnrt. William McCarthy, 38 years of aire. cf Sonth Washington avenne, who was sbot In the bead by an Italian at Old Forge Monday evening, was taken to tbe Lackawanna hospital last night. McCarthy's wound is not sorloui rio professes ignorance of any motive for the act nothing is known of the case at police headquarters. SHOCKING FATE OF THE MONK. Falls Into the Cast, of Lions and la D- vourad New York. May 22 -While the trainers in the "London Zoo,"animi tation of Hagc-nback's show, in Harri son, N. J., near Newark, were feeding the animals late yesterday afternoon, hree moukeys escaped, iwo got out of the tent, but tbe third, chased by the trainers, dashed itself against the bars of a cage containing two Nubian lions, Victoria and Nero. Tn e lioness caught the monkey in her right paw, and despite the shouts and blows of the men, dragged it into tbe cage and then leisurely tore it into sbreils and devoured it. Oae of tbe other monkeys was oaught near the tent. Tho other got away and remained at large until this morning. Last night when the woman who Iihs trained the lions, Mademorselle Beatrice, attempted to enter the cage ns is her custom at the evening per formance. Victoria sprang at her, and but for prompt aid the womau uiigut have been;killed. STEDEKER LOCATED. The Brooklyn Handicap Welctt.r Is at the House, Toronto. Toronto, Ont., May 23 Leon Sted- ekar, the bookmaker who welohed im mediately after tbe Brooklyn handicap, is now iu this city. He is staying at the Ross.ln House. He says he had too many Dr. Rice winter tickets out at long odds. He declares be did not take in a great amount, bnt added: ''it does not rs many winners at 50 to 1 against the books to bankrupt a man. lie expects to be able shortly to re turn to the turf. He is accompanied by his wifo. PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY. Refusal to Act on a Resolution Re garding the Morality of Con gressmenHome Missions. Saratoga. N. Y., May 22 The ser vice at the opening of the general as sembly this morning was devoted to the Mil' j ct of home missions It wub led by Mr. Buchanan, of New York. Tbe committee on bills and overtures presented a psrtial report. An over ture had been received from the Pres bytecy of New Albany asking the general assembly to memorialize con gress to enact such regulations with reference to the personal iife of its members as will prevent the presence in the national council of men of im moral and dissolute habits. Tbe rec ommendation that no action be taken pou the suljjct was adopted by a mall positive vote, but with no oppo sition. Tho Presbytery of Rochester had sent an overture to the assembly saying that it "views with apprehension the attempt of the general assembly to make new dentations or dogma oy de liverance and by judicial decision, and expressing the view that "no doc trinai statement which is not ex plicitly contained in the confes sion of faith and catechisms of the church is binding on our office bearers." In reply the following action was taken: "The general as sembly has never undertaken to make new definitions of dogma either by de liverance or judicial decision, and wo hope that this declaration of former assemblies, repeated by this genoral assembly, will allay the apprehensions of our worthy brethren of this presby tery. Dr. Brown, of Portland, chairman ot the committee, on home missions, pre sented a report on that subject. He said that the church must raise $1,. 238.341 40 duriug the coming year in zrdi r to pay the present indebtedness of tbe board, and to enable it to prosecute its work for the twelve months. During the year $900,000 has been received, whilo a d. bt of noarly $'.:;3,UUU is r. ported, due to a falling off in legacies. The wo men s DMsaionery societies have con tribute! $208,000. Under commission from tbe ooard are 1,021 ministers and 3G8 teachers. - STRIKE AT BRADEN VILLE. Mob of Two Thousand Miners Threatens Violence to Blaok Sheep. Bradenville, Pa., May 22 This town was surruunded by a mob of 200 striking coal miners this morning and only thirty non union miners were allowed to go to woric at the Derry plant Tho mob fired four shots into a bouse where sime ot the ''black sheep" had taken refuge, bat it is uot known if any one was injured or not as the mob has surronnded tho home and will not allow imprisoned men to come out. This ovening the strikers have been reinforced and fully 2.000 strikers have snrronnded the town. Superintendent E. F. Sixman, of Derry plant, arrived this afternoon with twenty deputies, and if any at tempt is made to operate the plant serious trouble will result as tho strikers are armed and declare they will not al low the non-union men to enter the mines, The citizens of this village will pass a sleepless night tonight as one word from either side will canse blood to flow freely. TELLS CONFLICTING TALES Victor Bukosh la Be Tiled for tht Mur dtr of His Wife. Su amok IN, Ps., May 22. Mrs, Viotor Rnkosh was found dead in her home this afternoon by Superintendent Ken nedy, of the Street railroad. He heard a revolver shot and saw tbe woman's husband leave for a doctor, to whom be said that his 2-year-old son had ac cidentally shot his mother with a 38 calibre revolver. He has been arrested and tells con flicting stories. WASHINGTON NOTES. Friends of state bank tax repeal are very liopotul oi success. The neneral treasury balance showed a slight improvement today, and stood at 1180,181, IB. Senator Kyle says that 50 per cent, of tbe Indian claims which be bus investi gated are fraudulent. A favorable report will be made today in tbe bouse on tbe proposed Carnegie armor fraud investigation. Paul J. Sorg, the newly-elected repre sentative from tbe Third Uhlo district, was sworn In by Speaker Crisp Monday anna applause on the Democratic side. Ex-Letter Carrier blater, of tbe Fortte Wayne (Ind.) post office, has appealed to toe postmaster general against his re moval by Postmaster Rockbill, and will Lave a bearing. ANGRY WATERS ARE RECEDING Sad Scenes of Desolation In the Wake of the WILLIAIffSPORT'S CAUSE FOR WOE Loss of Over $3,000,000 in Logs and Lumber That Floated Down the Susquehanna Easton Damaged $20,000 - Crops Will Need to Be Re-planted in Many Sections Gen eral Notes tf the Flood. Williamspout, Pa., May 22. ILL1AMSPORT today emerged from Unenforced isolation and begun to calculate tbe damage done by its immersion by the tl ioci. The rain in this isection began last Thursday morning, with frequent heavy showers that have only ceased this morning. The west branch rose rapidly all day Sunday, and at 10 o'clock that night the water com menced to flood the lower portion of the city. At 4 o'clock yesterday after noon the flood hud reached its height here and registered thirty-two feet above low watsr mark, and two feet lees than on Jnne 1, 1880. The flood is now gradually receding, but iu the business section of the town there is yet twenty-seven feet of water. Williamsport and tbe entire West Brunch valley presents a sorry sight in deed. The people prepared for the worst all day Sunday, so the losses in many instances will not be so great as five years ago. A careful estimate of the financial losi for Williamsport and Lvconiing county at this lime is $10, 000,000. This city sustained its greatest loss in tbe wreck of the Snsquebanna boom and the loss of 175,000,000 feet of logs held in it. At 1 o'clock yesterday af ternoon the boom burst and the logs went floating down the river. These logs in their rough condition were worth on an averuue of teu dollars per thousand feet. Manufactured here they would have been worth twice that sum. In consequence the loss to the lumbermen alone will foot up over $3, 000,000. Added to this tho loss occas sioued by wrecked bridges, tbe Btock of merchandise, household effects, dam ages to crop, etc., will easily bring tbe damage up to $10,000,000. BRIDGES SWEPT AWAY. A number of drowning accidents have beou reported, but as yet these rumors bavo not been, confirmed. The Market street bridge went out at 11 o'clock yesterday morning and tbe Maynard street bridge followed at S o'clock in the afternoon. These bridges were of iron and were replaced after the 1889 flood, each costing about $70,000 One. small span of tbe Penn sylvania railroad bridge at its eastern end in Montgomery was damaged, while the double track Iron bridge of the Reading railroad and the new county iron bridgo at Money uro a to tal loss. Ine bridge of the Reading company cost $150,000 nod has been in use a little over lour years. The Pennsylvania railroad bridge at tho eastern end of this city, and their Linden bridge wore loaded down with coal cars and bravely withstood the great slraiu to wnich they were sub jected. Hi two iron bridges here col lapsed. All the bridges on the North eru Central rnilway between here and Elmiru, as well as the roudwav, are re ported all right. By reason of the hich wator the plants of the two electrio light com panies ana ine gas comnany were drowned ont yesterday and the city was in total daruness. lho lower por tion of tbe city is without water by reason of tbe mains of the city watpr works having broken. The lower or business Dortion of the city presents a sail sp' ctaci ino main streets are full or floating logs, board walks, wreckage an 'debbris of all descriptions. Steam and row boats nnd even piecss of boards are used in tbe main thoroughfares in go ing from place to place. Thousands of persons fled for sifetv and shelter to higher grounds. These refugees have been very kindly cared for and the people of Williamsport are doing everything in their power to help them selves in their present doplorable ca lamity. No newspapers were issued from any of the oflic'-B here yesterday, us tbe plants of all were drowns-1 oui, Tbe total losses here, s estimated by conservative insn, are $3,000 000. This includes $1,500,000 in log, $250,000 on sawed lumber and the balance on prop erty throughout the city. The boom held 170,000,000 feet of logs. Eatton Is Catnngsd to the Extant of $20,000. Eapton, Ph., May 21 Tho flood at this place is subsiding. Tbe Labigb and Delaware rivors have fallen con siderably last night and this morning. Tbe damage done is large, especially to the Lehigh Coal and Navigation oom pany, whose large basin gave way last evening. At first the duuiago was placed at $10,000, but it will now ex coed $20,000. A coffer dam will have to be con structed before the basin can be re built. This will serve to supply tbe Delaware division canal with water and will enable boats to pass at this point. It twill require ut least three months' work before transportation to New York and Philadelphia via the Morris and Delaware division canals can be resumed. B dlofonts Is Isolatsd as In 1889 Dsath from Exposure. BkllefonTe, Pa., May 28. The wa tsrs here are going down slowly, bat Bellefonte Is as much isolated as it was In 1889. Of tbe five railroads pass ing through tbe town and esatering Bert the only train servlea available Is the local from Tyrone. There has been no through service east or west, nor is there likely to be for several days, owing to washouts and missing bridges. Tbe damage done through out tbe farming distrloa of this nor tion of the county alone will foot up fully $100,000. '1 he only fatality recorded here was the death from exposure of a onild of Daniel Delaney, which was lost in tbe storm. The water in the west branch from t 'leai field was at it highest point list night. All through the vllv the water was higher than in 1889, al though the destruction was not so great. The press room of tire Daily News and Watchman office were under water. Three bridges and manv thou sand feet of lumbar from Critie'n lum ber yard were swept uway. At Spring Mill tbe railroad bridge and a couple of othors wore carried off by the waters Central City has been flooded and fences and bridges have been swept away, all down the Bald Eagle valley. The Lower Portion of Lock Hivn Is Submeiaed Crop Destroyed. Lock Haven. May 82 Another great flood has swept the West Branch valley, causing greut loss on the low lands. Tbe rain began falling in this section last Thursday nigbt, continu ing until this morning. In up the river districts tbe rain was much heavier than here, and all the streams overflowed their banks. At Clearfield the flood was only four feet below the high water mark of 1889. Before the water reached Its height, the booms ut this place broke, and 20,000,000 feet of s:tw logs went adrift. lho lower portion ;of Lock Ilavuu whs submerged, but aside from the lots of logs and lumber the damage is noth ing like that of five years ago, as the merchants had uiup'e time to remove their goods. No loss of life has occur red in Clinton county bo far as can bu learned, Tbe farmers are heavy losers on account of their crops being de stroyed. An Engine Stuck in the Mud on the Bald Eag-le Valley Road. Pittsbuiiu, Pa., May 22 The waters in both rivers are subsiding. No further dimage is reported. Beyond the inconvenience and annoyances the flood caused little ruin here. The highest point reached by tbe Allegheny river was 25 feet six inches. Tho Mon ongahelu stood at 22 feet six inches. On Sunday night a passenger train sent nut from Altoona on tbe Bald Eagle Valley road to Lock Haven, stuck in the mud at Millhall. Ths trainmen and passengers were rescued iu boats. This morning nothing but tbe smokestack on the engine is visible above tbe debris. The Middle division of tho Pennsyl vania railroad is again open to traffic, The Altoona i ffisialg uf tho Pennsylva nia Riilroad company do uot think that traffic on the Pittsburg division will be restored before tbe end of the week owing to the extensive washout at Miueral Point AS THE BRITISH I IEW US. English Comment Upon the Commer cial Standing of the United States of America. London. May 22 The Times in leading article on the depletiou of gold iu tbe United btates treasury, Suys: "The symptoms are curiously like those of last year. We need uot ap prehend such a serious crisis, however, because business prices in the United States are already ho low that they can not be much lower. The drain of gold is a reminder that tho United States, in spite of its vast potential re sources, is a relatively poor country, dependent tor 11 ating capital on the older Eiropean countries. ''Tiie United States is in tbo position of a pushing manufacturer with a busi ness continually developing with money borrowed from his bankers, Those who finance bim fin i it prudent to keep a watchful eye on any deeline in his prosperity, and still more on any signs of bis entering upou rush courses. "Tbe secret of tbo continned par alysis is the uncertainty regarding the future of silver and tbe tariff It is certain that tbo worst set that congress is capable of passing, and it has considerable capacity In that direc tion, could not harm American indus try so much us the state of nncertainty that tbe country has beeu Kept in since tbe Democrats came Into power. The descent of the United States from its high position of a few years ago iu commerce and finance, shows how sen sitive a plant is commercial pros perity." HENRY DIED UF FRIGHT. It is ThbUfrht the Anaichist was Dead Btfor the Knit- Fll TAitia. May 22. Dr. Bernoit, ono of the faculty of the Ecole de Medicine, after u thorough examination of tbo body of Emile Huury, the anarchist who wus beheaded yesterday morniug, expresses his Opinion that Henry was already dead when tbe knife fell. Dr. Benolt believes that the anarchist died from syncope dm to intense excite ment before the knife was released. The Sltvle says the prefect has re fused to hand the body of iUnry over to bis mother, but will have tbe body cremated. This action is taken to pre vent a repetition of the atiarshist mani festations ou the occasion of the bnrial of Valllant CONDENSED STATE NEWS. Welsh Baptists are holding a big con ference at Miuersvilfe. William isvaaneoi, or namDurg, was arrested for bold car burglaries at Schuyl kill Haven. William Stevenson, his wife and throe daughters, ot Pottsville, are all myste riously sick trom poisoning. Disappointment in love drove Samuel Spencer, a Grand Army of the Republic veteran, near Sharon, to sulcldu by hang ing. Tho weekly crop report of the weather bureau: Pennsylvania Extent of damage by washouts aud stOfU beatings unknown, otherwise reports generally favorable. HEARD OVER THE CABLE. St. Nazal, France, la Infected with cholera. Italy and Persia have fallen out over a commercial dispute. London's Royal Navy club will dine the cruiser Chicago's officers, John Dillon, antl-Parnellite member of parliament, has appealed to the Irish peo ple to sustain Rosebcry's government, SESSION EIGHT HOURS i Required by tbe Senate to Make Progress on tbe Tariff Bill. IRON ORE ON THE DUTIABLE LIST The Item Had Been Discussed the Greater Part of Two Days Rate Fixed at 40 Cents Many Bitter Re marks Exchanged Mr. Teller Dis countenances the Practice of Taunt ing Democratic Senators Civil Service in the House. Washington, May 22. PURING the eight hours' session of tbe senate today eialit items of tbe metal scbudui were dis posed of, the most Important of tbein being that which puts iron ore on tbe dutiable list ut tbe rate of 40 cents a ton. Tbii item bud bsen dis cussed for the greater part of two dayB and was eventually agreed to, without a division, and by a practically unani mous vote, a proposition to make the rate sixty eents a ton having bsen laid on ths table 82 to 21. TlUs result wus not reuched until ufter a couple of hours discussion, in wblcb a good many bitter remarks were exohauge d between the opposite sides of tbe ehumbef, The most noticeable speech of tbe day wus one made by Mr. Teller, Col- orudo, in which he discountenanced the practice of taunting Dmorstic senators with inconsistency. They had explain-d. he said, the cause of thtir inconsistency, end their defense was absolute and perfect. He declared that he would join them tn putting the nui turougn, iu tue nsst possiuesbape, that the bill was ample for the pro tection of American industries, and that it was a tetter bill Uuu he had ex pected, or thau any which the Repub lican side, of toe chamber had hoped to get. the senate adjourned at b 10, DEBATE ON CIVIL SEKVICE. By a vote ot 109 to 71 tun bouse, in committee of the whole, today, at the eud of a three hours' debate ou the subject of civil service, declared that It would strike ont the paragraph in the legislative, executive and judicial appropriation bill, providing for the payment of salaries to the members and employes of the civil service commission. The com mission and the law under which it operates were attacked In s number of vigorous speeches on the Democratic side or tbe house aud defended by Republicans, aided by Messrs Everett, Msesacbtisvlti, and Grain, Texas. But five pages of the bill had ueeo disposed oi as tne r suit ot iO(U- s session when the house udjournsd at 5 o'clock The bouse paused the resolution re port froio the committee on rules pro viding for the investigation by the naval committee or the alleged armor plate frauds by Carnegie, Phipps com pany at Homstead. RAMPANT SILVLRITtS. Alarmins Talk Lefors h Fan-Amorlcan ftlmetalllc Lsnirus. Washington. May 83. Loss than fifty person were present at the Grand Army mil today when Mr. A. C Fik. of Denver, the president of the Pan-American Bimetallic Leugtv called the third convention of that body to order. Repessututive Bill of Colorado, Knm of Nebraska and Boeu of Minnesot i were present. President Fislce, in opening the con ventlon, declared that for thirty years the legislation of the country, If not dictated by foreign powers, had been largely under 'the Influence of the money power ot the world. Ou the advent of the prcssnt administration the creditor classes bad succeeded in inducing the secretary of tbe treasury to issue an order directing that nil silver and sliver csrtincates be re deemed in gold. This hud dvmonetizsd silver, and to it Mr. Fiske attributed tbe present bnsiaess depression. He bolieved a revolution wonld come unless some relief camo from free coin age or other favorable monoy leglsla tion. At the conclusion of Mr. Pisks's speesh General Stephen M. Field, of Virdnla, Populist candidate for vic president in the last national eleotton wus chosen chairman of the conven lion. THEY CENSURE JENKINS. The Hoiuo Judiciary Committee Adopts the Boatnor K' p at. Washington, May 22 The bongo committee on judiciary today indorsed the rvpoit of the liostner sub -commit tee, which investigated the matter of tho injuuetloo by Judge Jenkins in ths court fer tbe IvuWrn district of Wisconsin against the employe or the jNoritieru racinr. a rsio lut'on and two kills will be reported to tb house to provide for curryiug ou ths committer's repat, Ths resolution will set forth thai the house dlsau proved of the action of Jenkins and holds that be "xceedtm Dia power in en joining tbe railrAtd men from striking 1 here was but one vote against th udoption ot tne report, nna that was tfnst by Representative R.iy of New York. A NEGRO ITNCHED. Taken from Jail by a Mob and Hang-ad Another Kesro in Danger. Arlington, Ga., May 2.2 News has reached here of the lynching of a uvgro in Miller county. Near Colquitt lives a family named Smith, in which is a 14-year-old daughter, who attends a Sunday sshool four miles from bur heme. On Monday while returnlug borne saw was Intercepted by a negro who attempted aa assault. After desperate resistance Iwr assailant drew a knife and etaabed hsr U tbe side. The father then appeared, and tbe negro tired several shots Ipto his body iron a revolver, wounsnnc aim badly that he will probatly die. The sfieritf captured tbe negro, who ) was identified by tbe girl and her father Yesterday morning a crowd ot about fifty men took tbe negro from the jail to tbe woods, banged bim to a tree and riddled his body with bullets. Huhlinuto.n, N. C. May 83. Miss Phillips, 16 years old, while on her way to ; unilav school last Sunday, was as saulted by a negro. The entire com munity is greatly excited, and the uf sailant will probably bo lynched as Boon as he is captured. COXEY'S SACRED BLOOD. Liki the Blood of Other Martyrs. It ' ul: i (or VenceaDOD. Pueblo. Col.. May 22. Governor Waite, iu an udureos here last night, issed Congressman Bland, whom ho claims sold cut silver iu 1878, with Voorhees and Carlisle, in their surren der to the to.. ot He udvocuted c jioiug Mi xican dol- are to be used as legul tender in Colo- ado, and expressed the hope, that the ballot would soon overthrow the domination of Wall streot. "But," auid be, ''if tbe ballot is uot successful, the man who will not bear his breast to bullets Is not a man I" Adjutnnl Geueral Tarsney said that unless something was done, the blood spilled when Coxev's mu were clubbed u Washington would be the first in a new revolution. MISSION OF MR. MARTIN. It Is One of the Mysteries That Puzzle the Inquiring Public Stormy Session Last Evening. H. B. Mnrtin, of Indianapolis, a member of the exoeutive board of tho Knights of Labor, arrived iu the city yesterday afternoon and took up his quarters at the St. Charles. He comes as he last evetring stated to a Tum- UN2 reporter, "on missions connected with tbe good of the order iu this sec tion and to get the lost! a.-semblies iu good working order." It 11 known, however, that Mr. Mai- tin is here for the purpose of innniriniz into certain dill Tetices that havo arisen between tho executive board and District Assembly No. 10 and certain of the local assemblies. Just wbut they are Is not u matter of which the general public has any rnrticular knowledge, but certain resolutions pissed by the district assembly con cerning tbe past treatment reoeived by Mr. fowderly is seppjsed to be one of the bones of contention. At 8 o'clock last evening ntveral of ficers of District Assembly, No. 10, und the local ussemblivs mot Mr. Martin at the hotel. They wero introduced to him by D J. Campbell nnd then all adjourned to the gentleman's room on the third fluor, where a slorr.iy meeting wus held. Just what went on there could not be ascertained, but the meet ing was for from beiug of a pleasout nature. Some of tho gentlemen representing the local organizations were Inclined to question tbe authority of Mr, Martin to proceed, us he desired on the ground that they licked iissurancd of his right to do so. Many of tho gentleman's statements were strongly contended igalnst und the meeting was brought to a close amid treat confusion. Loud and npgry words were used and at tracted the attention of the passsrs by on tbo street. Tbe object of the con ference was not attained and another meetiug will be held this evening, Alter the close of the conference Mr. Martin was seen in his room by a Tri bune reporter, but the gentleman was very guarded in his answers to ail ques tions. He would give no definite in formation in regard to his mission In 'his city, but expressed himself us being pleased with the encouraging prospecti for the future of thu organ iz.itioa. ZACK TAYLOR'S GRANOSON. He Aereis to Mnrry Six D vr Women and Elopna by Himsslf. Denvek, May 22. Atiford Taylor, grandson of President Z.ichnry Taylor, who c lino to Drnver earlv in Msroh, ansuuiing the name of Patriot Me GrOWMI on account of having shot n man Ui Louisville, Kv . in a quarrel over a woman, has Aid from this city, luavlug behind aix women who claim that he promised to taafry them, His flight was hastened by an acci dental tui'fting and exchange of con fidences between two of tnu women . Each ot the six women ch;irg Taylor with having obtain..! monoy and j welry from her her after promising to murry her, FLASHED FROM THE WIRES. A sheriff having tied np the Chicago and Southeastern railroad for doht, at Van Dyke, Ind., lho company's officials bdilt new tracks around a guarded switch. Dank ofAViula at Arlington, Mass., re tuned to let Si-year-i'ld Stephen Bymmes draw jo.OUl) to" deal vi;h a gold brick swindler and the latter fled. Tbe chairman of tho Hepublicnn State Central committee has issued a rail tor a meeting of tbe committee in Little Hock, Ark., ou June C, when a state convention will bo hld. Mrs Josephine Von Atzlnger has gained arerdict for 5,000 daiuiigos ftgalnst tbe New York Central railroad, for ih doath of her nusbaud, who ms killed near the Hnvers:rw tunnel last August. There Is consi lerablo excitomont in Paul's Valley, 0. T., over the discovery of later gold iu paying qu.iulitles. A vointtu who formerly live.l m the placor region in California discovered gold, but )iVf)x the matter unlet and washed out sev eral hundreds of dollars' worth before the secret leaked out, The body of tho lato William T. Colo, niati arrive' at Wt. Louis from fan Frau-ci.-co yesterday and was placed iu the vault of the Page family at Belle Fontaine coiu etery. llr. Coleman was one of the weal thy men of San Francisco and married Miss Currio i'nge, duugtiter of the second mayor of S Louia, Senator Juel J. Hurt, of Caspar, Wyo., has just iibipued throe carloads of wool to Engluud, tie says he will top tho Ameri can market over 3 touts a pound. The cents commission charged by tile commission mou when they aro getting only 0 cents s poujid for Wyoming wool is looked upou as bttle loss than robbery. WEATHER FORECAST. Washington, Mbj 82. fhrteait for Sowtsrn Itntmylvania, fur Wednesday: Slwuert toniuht aid Wednesday. ri Fill rs Summer Silks The demand for silks for sum mer wear is constantly on the Increase) and never have the designs aud colorings been more dainty and attrac tive than this Beaaou. In ad dition to onr stock of CHENEY BROS.' INDIA SILKS (EXCLUSIVE STYLES) Wo have an endless variety of Fancy Weaves in latest de signs, iucluding lino of CHECK TAFFETAS Also WASH SILKS and FANCY' PONGEES for Waists. A SPECIAL BARGAIN IN WASH SILKS AT 49 Cents Elegant lino of Solid Black Bro cade India and Taffeta Silks. Three Great Specials 24-in. Black Taffeta, 75c 22-in. Black Faille, 69c AND THE BLACK LEVANT Which is positively guaranteed not to cut. FIHLEY'S THE S0T11 PERCHU RUBBER NI'FGUn FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSBL CHA3L A. SCHIEBEN & CO. '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIO And Oak-tanned Leather Belting, H. A. Kingsbury AGENT 813 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. lewis, Reilly & Davies A DRIVE In. Russet Shoes. LEWIS, REILLY & DAVIES 114 Wyoming Avo. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. We Examine Eyes Free of charge. If a doctor is needed you are promptly told so. We also guarantee a perfect fit. All SILVERWARE and Damaged Goods at Arcade Fire will be sold at 50 Per Cent. Below Coat The Jeweler, 408 Spruce Streot. I , mm