The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 22, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE SmAltWX TRmtfJTE-TTTESDAT MOHSffiSfS-",' WAT 22, 1894.
.Tpturaed Waving; Ilolr Thrown the Bon
Beta More Off tlio gmc Wtau, Coarse,
I Rough and Satlu StrawB Aro All In Fash
Ion Ornament For Coiffure.
The owners of small, oval faces gain
by the undulating mode of dressing tho
hair. Tho undulating modo means cleop,
heavy waves throughout tho ontiro
thickness of tho hair, so that a compar
atively small quantity niakoB quite a
pcspectahlo busk This is thrown hack
loosely from tho face and sometimes is
xnisod over small cushions. Of courso
tho undulating process is a tedious one.
When tho victim cannot afford a hair
dresser but then it need not bo done
of toner than onco a week on most heads,
and 0HOB waved tho hair may be said to
dnss itself. A quick upward twist
around tho ball of tho thumb, an up
standing loop of hair around which the
rest is coiled, tho whole fixed in place
with three pins of golden tortoise shell,
aud the matter is ended
With such a coiffure tho latest orna
ment is a solitaire placed in the billow
ing waves of hair a little above the fore
head, from which springs two curved
and tremulous golden wires ending each
in the "eye" of a peacock's foathor, tho j
colors being represented by different !
precious stones. A hair ornament sug-
gested hy an eminent French authority
for evening wear consists of black lace
quills and a small osprey. This can I
hardly fail to bo becoming to any face.
A studied disarray is tho keynote of the
Jiairdressiug now in vogue. Tho waved
Hair tumbles over the ear? and is so
loosely gathered up at the nape of tho
neck that it seems as if it would escape
its pius at every movement.
Of courso so distinct a change in hair
dressing must affect tho hats and bon
nets that, as it were, complete tho ar
tittle handiwork of tho coiftVnr. Tho
upturned hair of necessity throws tho j
hats more off tho face, and everything
points to their becoming larger and more j
capricious in shape) as tho summer ap- j
proaches. The New York Herald say3:
"Wide brims of variegated fancy straws,
undulating in almost as many waves as
tho hair thoy partially cover, crowned
with nodding plumes, some of which lie j
on the hair behind tho ears at either
side or with spreading bowl of moire
relieved by upstanding knots of flowers 1
or aigri'ts sparkling with jet, are to be
found in the salons of the milliners who
tune tho orchestra of fashion. Even the
hats that have come down to us in tho
hardly moro vast and capricious in de
tail than those with which lovely wom
an apparently intends to crown herself
this year. And with the fashionable I
coiffuro hats and bonnets will be diffi- !
cult to wear, for big hats will not bo !
tho only wear, and there will bo quito
a ran on toques, which will sit moro
closely on tho head. Spring flowers hold
an appropriate sway. "
There aro fine straws and courso
straws, rough straws and satin straws, I
round straws and flat straws, brown I
straws and gold straws, without men- j
HI t
tioning "copeaux" or wood shavings
and other various varieties plaited in
with real stuff. Tho era of "crin" Sesmi
to bo reappearing, and the prettiest hats
recently seen are of black crinoline,
spangled either with jet or steel and
trimmed with tnfts of frosted feathers
or bunches of spring flowers.
A stylish hat in black lae with groan
ntraw crown trimmed with lace, butter
fly bow and two tips in front and three
behind, has a vandean under the brim, i
with a bunch of flowers. A bonnet hat,
with its strings resting on a rouleau of I
velvet, which raises it teoomingly from
tno hair, is trimmed witti an upstaua-
ing osprey and ostrich plume, a rosette
of laoo over tho forehead, the brim be
ing covered beneath with plaited black
lace. A charming touuo is edged with
feather trimming and is trimmed with
a satin bow and bunch of violets.
An In.Mrmal Knterliiinmcnt at Whieh Eaoh :
Quest ftepMMaSi Koine llnok.
The novel idea of a party at which;
tjvery fuenv 13 injuni:;!! 10 L'OIIIO repro
sonting some well known book is worthy
V nmwm'i milium. 4i-uiuin me
best way to make thu kind of ntertain
ment quito plain is to reproduce the de
scription of a library party as reported
for Tho Household:
"Tho Newcomcs" A young lady
with several now Wuo combs fastened in
hor hair. Tho bright idea of tho now
combs was thought to bo tho best effort
of tho ovoning.
"Ivanhoo" (I'vo an O) By a man
i a in r ii on n ore:iKr,
"Middlemarch" Lady with a card
asteneu to nor aress, on wnicn was
J A 3 I- , ft
"Fern Leaves" An elderly man with
i. i i . ,
i.iom noiM uuuiiMML i i lei ii n v v
"Lamplighter" by a man with stop.
nnr ant! tancrs re.:uiv ior n.
"The Light That Failed" was well
hown up by a young lady who carried
canoie wnicn was louuuuauy going
"Helen's Babies" A young lady,
Helen by name, carried around three
dolls of assorted sizes.
"In Silk Attiro" By a lady in a silk
"The Pathfinder" A lady with a
guidebook in her hand.
"Alice In Wonderland" A lady,
whoso name was Alice, was in a chron
ic state of wonder and surpriso at every
thing she saw.
"My Mother and I" Represented by
a mother and daughter walking around
"My Wife and I" A man and hie
wife walking arm in arm.
Each guest was provided with a card
on which could be written tho names
of the books he could make out A prize
was given to the person who guessed
the greatest number, and also to the one
who guessed tho least.' A prize was
awarded to the one who made the best
representation of a book.
Many other subjects may bo found by
studying a cataloguo of books, as,
"Roughing It," "Dust," "Hard Cash,"
"Dollars and Cents" "Five Little Pep
pers," "Watch and Wait" and many
lbiby's Cot yuiit.
It is simply made, this pretty cover
let, beneath which baby is nestled in
such a bewitching fashion, and it may
be either elegant or inexpensive, as fan
cy und means dictate. Spotted muslin
the kind with largo snowy wafers
sprinkled over a sheer Burfaoe is cho
sen for its making. The coverlet, to be
attractive, should have a lining of silk
or sateen, cut the size and shajio requir
ed. Over this the flaky mnsliu is laid,
securely tacked and finished about the
edge with a ruffle pf white lace. Tin.
decoration for this quilt is given by
using each spot as a center for a daisy
or star, which is worked in ookned
Bilks. A fluff of Tom Thumb ribbon
added hero aud there gives the quilt a
still more festive air. Embroidery silks
and ribbons should of courso match
the tint of the lining. Soft flannel cot
quilts, with pretty pink edges and seal
Ions, aro W&Rn and snug, and elaborate
fancies in white satin sheeting, frilled
around with embroidered white silk
ruffles, aro most effective, says OOldeii
EMhtanf In i loves.
The fancy for light gloves continues.
Pearl gray nndroniod kid gloves lightly
stitched with black and fastened by font
buttons are woru at afternoon recep
tions, day weddings, for calling and at
the theater. White gloves aro preferred
lor evening wear, let many hnd these '
light colors unbecoming, :is they make
the hands look larger, and they use in
stead tan or gray sued" gloves both foi
day and evening and with drosses of all
colors. Mousquetairo gloves aro best
till I in soft suede and aro also used
in long gloves of dressed white or pearl
colored kid. For shopping, traveling
and general wear in the morning the
preference is still for heavy kid gloves
of reddish tan or oak color, fastened by
four largo buttons. Outing gloves of
white wash leather Will be worn again
iu tho summer, made in sack shape,
lnoso on tiie wrists, or olso closely bat
tened, says Harper's Bazar. ,
The Triumph Olmlr.
Modern Priscilla tells how ono wom
an fitted up a very comfortable chair,
which was so greatly admired that it
fame to bo called a "triumph chair. "
Tab' a strong pieco of ticking for the
background of a sizo largo enough tc
throw over a chair like the one shown
here an old steamer chair, or any
chair, in fact, that litis become shabby.
Cover it on tho hack with dark muslin
and on the front with a piece of velvet,
velveteen or plush, preferably of black
or very dark blue or green.
On this arrango your bits of silk, vel
vet or ribbon, imd in applying them nso
up nil odds and ends of gold braid, tin
sel and embroidery silks
Fasten some
bits on with chnin stitch, herringbone
or buttonhole, or couch around the edges
with tinsel or gold braid. Let tho nieces
bo of as great a variety of shapes and
colors as possible. The dark background
showing through gives a very rich effect,
different from the ordinary patchwork.
A piece of cheap or old velveteen can bo
nsed as a background for the center
Stripe and a bett er quality for tho sides.
Hreivd Soup For Children.
Place over tho fire a sufficient quan
tity of milk to fill a largo dish. Let it
come to a l)il nnd then pour into the
dish in whieh you havo previously bro
ken np scraps of partially dry bread, with
sufficient pepper and salt to season. Let
it stand a few minutes before serving.
The best way of treating a stovo
which has not been blacked for some
time is to rub it well with a newspa
per, adding a littlo clean grease of some
kind. It will soon take a polish after a
few treatments of this sort.
Fashion Buboes,
After the tea gown tho blouso is (he
most picturesqui i garment worn by wom
en. It is said that a red parasol destroys
j in a great mea-wo tho actinic power of
t he sun, and must therefore keep tho
skin from Booklet.
Taste seems to ho against draperies.
Bone of the) newest, gowns, however, are
sot in broad box plaits at tho sido.
The new Mazer is short, falling only
hoot 10 inches Mow the waist in the
back and pointing longer in the front.
To wear with blazer snits are shirt
Waists of cotton cheviot, plain or in
stripes, made precisely as they were last
year, bnt moro often finished by a very
stylish standing sjoilar, which is to bo
broken over slightly below the throat.
The turnod over collars oro still shown
for thoso who prefer them.
Pine wool crepons havo come to stay
and will continuo to rival all othor thin
fabrics for spring and summer gowns,
Tho French manufacturers show a de
cided preference for lightly woven stuffs,
and indeed for very thin fabrics.
From an Old Chest or Drawers to a Modern
Is thcro an old chest of drawers in
your attic? If so, and you desire a buffet
for your dining room at the smallest
possiblo expense, convert tho old piece
of furniture into the uow ono desired by
following theso directions from Tho
Decorator and Furnisher:
The middle drawers aro re moved and
a curtain to run on a rod nibstituted,
putting a bottom over the remaining
lilMSd ltOOM BCvntT,
drawers. A board of pine or popl&r
stained to match woodwork aud finish
ed with shellac should be made to over
hang six or eight inches on either end,
thus adding that much to available
The upper shelves may bo of pino
stained and should bo in width about
half that of tho top of case. Should this
bo 20 inches from back to front, make
the shelves 10 inches. The upright turn
ed posts muy bo of 1 inch or 1 ). inch
poles, which come already finished, cut
ting to the neoossniy lengths, A mirror
in a plain frame way be procured, or
India silk can be shirred on brass rods
to form a very nice background. Com
mon silkolino miikes a very good sub
stitute for the silk.
Another very good background is
formed by covering a board with mus
lin and afterward pasting some pretty
wall paper over it, the Japanese leather
paper with bronze figures being espe
cially effective, To thoso who have tho
talent for painting on tapestry or burlap
it will not bo necessary to do moro than
suggest tho back of such a buffet as a
suitable subject for such experiments.
Of course, after all is said, nothing can
equal the reflective qualities of a mir-
Latest In Menn Cards.
Quito tho latest thing in table and
menu cards is a plain wood shaving
l"""1 W
tho menn. Japanese or Chinese porce-
lain will furnish many designs for these
cards, althongh a clever worker will be
at no loss for pretty imaginings. The
girl who paints in water colors or draws
with pen and ink need never be without
unique menu cards.
The llread and i latter Hato.
When a bread and butter plate is set
at tho left hand, either with or without
a knife npon it, it is intended to receivo
tho butter. Bread or a roll is laid upon
it when tho tablo is set This littlo
plate is a somewhat modern accession
to the scrvico of tho breakfast, lunch
eon and tea tablo and is a dainty con
venience, though not an essential. Salt
ed almonds and the liko aro often laid
upon it, and it may bo drawn in front
of ono to receive tho cheese when this
is served as a courso with celory or hot
or cold wafers.
Butter is seldom placed upon the din
ner tablo on ceremonious occasions,
gravies and sauces usually taking its
A Good Bean Soup.
Soak a pint of white beans in soft,
lukewarm water overnight Put them
in a kettle tho next morning with 8
quarts of cold water and a pound of salt
pork. Boil slowly three hours, keeping
the kettle well covered. Add a littlo
celery and cayonno pepper. Simmer
hnlf fin honr lnricrer nnH urroin thr,iiffh a
, colander and servo.
How to Make liread Cake.
Two cupfuls of light bread dongh,
1 i oupf nls of sugar, half a cupful of
butter, it tablespoonfnls of sour milk in
which has been dissolved half a tea
spoonful of aoda, a cupful of raisins
chopped and floured, nutmeg and cin
namon. Stir well, adding fruit lastly.
Let rise and bako in a moderato oven.
Household Brevities.
Colonial papers and colonial furnish
ings of all kinds remain in form.
Do not forget that a teaspoonful of
li terine in half a glass of water used
1 as a wash and gargle after meals is ex
I uellenl It sweetens the mouth aud is a
Valuable antiseptic, destroying promptly
j nil odors from diseased gums and tooth.
Tn eernnioTiirma Ivnnoe i.. ..... ,.l o .j
provided upon which to place Iwuen and
other inedible parts of food.
Ono teaspoonful of cornstarch to a
cup of table salt will keep it from get
ting hard in tho salt shakers.
Baking is ono of tho cheapest and
most oonvenient modes of preparing a
kaeal In small families.
A bag filled with salt and heated is a
great relief to any ono suffering from
Tlie Doctor's Sharp I'raetlee.
nr. Pafsons got buck tiome Monday from
tliftt great duck hunt nt Corpus Cbrlstl,
but didn't bring its tho duck n.s be prom
ised. All tho doctor killed was a goose, n
b.iwk and nn owl. The good doctor nto
the goose and gnve w our choice of the
hawk and the owl, but bo could not tempt
us from our straight diet of bacon and hoe
cake with that kind of "game." Korrville
(Tex.) Paper.
A JuuUun Pil.nds
. A Irieud lu nead is s friend indeed, and
not less thn one million people have
f i tinil just such a friend in Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs aud
Colds, it yon have never used thli Great
Cough Medicine, one trial will convince
von that it bat wonderful ourative powers
in all diseases of Throat, Cheat aud Lanirs.
Kuril bottle Is guaranteed to do all that la
olaimed or money will be refunded. Trial
bottle trei at Mathews Bro'. drug store,
tiarge bottles 6oo. aud IL 00. '
WEAK MEN your attention
i jo i .i.i n in j mm
Gray's SpeciQc Medicine
nsTKM anu van. "- vima nu
bility, WsolrnesB of Body and Mind, Sperma
torrhea, and lmuotency, and all diseases that
fiiso from ovor-ludulgeuce nd elf -uliuue, as
Loss of Mf mory and Tower, Dimness of Vis
ion, Premature Old Aeo aud many otber dis
eases that lead to Insanity or Uinsumpttou
and an early grave, writ l'ur a pamphlet.
..Kress AfiAY MEDICINE CO., Buffalo.
K,X, Tho fiiieclflo Medlelno Is sold by all
ragalsts at 8 per package, or six packages
ur 5,or sent by msll on receipt of money.and
with overy 15.00 order WE GUARAMTEE
a cure or money refunded. wwBBnBw
ISTOn aocount of counterfeits wo havs
adopted tho Yellow Wrapper, the only genu
ine. Bold In Scratiton hv J!aithof8 Bros.
Lost ManM
and vlf?or qulekly
rost area. Varicocele,
iiiL'htlv an.thkliinu
Mtr i hi .-lv 1'iirt'd 1)V
fiTii'fiv With ur llr:
written ruarutettiueu'r. Hold by
I K l 4 iVsa .1...
JiATTHEWd BKOS., Drugrflbt
oorttawn, I'a.
m& MM
The nbovo brand? of flour can be had at any of the following merchants,
who will accept Tun Tribune flour coupon of !35 on esoh one hundred ponnds
f flour or 00 on each barrel of flour.
tcrnnton P. P. Priei, Washington aveuuo I
Gold Jlwlal Brand.
Dnnmore Y. P. Price, Hold Modal Brand.
Dunmore P. I. Ulauloy. Superlatiro I '.ran I.
Hyde Park Carson & Dnvia, Wu-hburn St.
Gold Medal brand; J. neph A. Mears.Main
avenue, Snporlative Brand.
Oreeu Kidce A.L.Speneor.Uold Medal Brand.
J. T.Mellalo, Superlative.
Providence Kenner ii Chaiipoll. N' Main ave
nue. Superlative Uran(P,U J Glllespla, W.
Market street, Odd Mwbil Brand.
Ohphant -James Jordan, Superlative Brand.
Peekvilie Sh.tif 'r tt KillW Superlativa.
Jcnnyn -C, U. Winters Co. Suporalatlvo
Arelrbald Jones, BimpSOu A Co . U.ild Med'il.
Carlwndale-B. S. Clark, Gold Medal Brand.
Honiwdalo-I N. PuKtor & Co. Goli Medal.
Minooka-M. H. Lavelle.
Zz Hakes
Marvelous Cures
2z in Blood Poison
EE Rheumatism
and Scrofula
9 P. P. P. purifies the blood, bofldsnp
gm tho weak and lebllltiito3t (rives
ntrenffth to weakeued nerves, expels
tm patient heulth and
gOf - happlni'Mf? whoro nlcknoss, gloomy
icfiiiiv" und lansltudo flrkt prevailed.
gmf -'ooiidnry and lorthry
T syphifis, tor blood polfmnln, mereu-fls--
rial potnon, malaria, dyspi'pMin, and
sflto In nil blood nnd akin 1 - . liko
blotches, plmplos, old chronic-ulcers,
1 ' tettefs scald heal, holls, nryxlpelas.
ammm enema- we ;uay aay, w ithout tVar of
mmmm contradiction, tnnt P. P. P. ISthebett
fcl blood purtfltT In the world,and makes
positive, speedy ano permaneut cures
mm ' in all cases.
Ladles whono systems aro poluned
nnd whoso bloodls In nn impure oondl
tton, due to menstrual lrrerulnrltled,
are peculiarly benefited by tho won
derful tonic find blood oleunslm? DTOD"
orti(sof p. P. P. Prickly Ash, Poke
Root and Potasslam.
Bprinofibld, Mo., Aug. Utfi. 1893.
I can Hpeak In the highest terms of
your medicine from my .wn personal
KDOwlodjro. I was affected with heart
di.sease, plenriy and rheumatism for
3r years, was treated by the very best)
physicians and spent hundreds nf dol
lars, tried every known remedy with
out bnalUg relief, I have only takoa
one bottle of your P. P. P.. and can
cheerfully say It baa dimo me moro
ooj tnan anvininK 1 uavoevuriaKeu,
abui rwominnnd vonr medicine to all
euQerers of the abovo dlbeasos.
pr Jgfleld, Green County. Mo.
v.uMe time,
' rpecitlc. tn..
you aasverythliifcT Is plain and simple. All 1 ask
remedy IBMI or me, nu reai ror hhdui ntny 00
I . h Ifcrt
New mncoTery.
1 II A HA S i :; t.O ' Ult
Dcfort 'nl Ah. L . . . .
oiiU r fj Kuc a viiu.
weak m
mm , .f ' m
DRVfiaa. AT A'L.
Fjrsale by JOHN U. PHELPS, Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Ave. and tprnceSt.,
kTnnton, Pa.
.suinoftmi or Insanity.
tijr .tint 1 prepaid. With
ImmIWuI lh ninnrir.
UtrUnilKll AFTER USiNG.i'Ootbur. AdUrtai '.t'HVf: hi in so., Maaonlo 'rompio, uurcAOU. all.
For Sale in Scpftnton, Pa., by H. O. SANDERSON, Drqgtrist, Wwhlngtotl
and Snri:cfi ut rooK
k for DR. MOSTT'8 PBJnfYBOTAL PILOT and take no other.
7" Send tar clroulcjr. VrU 81,00 per box. C DOZM for 15.00,
SJH. MOTT'8 CIIKIVIIOAL. CO., - Clovclancl, Olilo.
l or Mule byC. II. UAUIUS, Ui mitl.t,
DEXTER SHOE CO., Inc'p. Capftn!, $1,000,000.
A dollar nateJ is a dollar earned.'
ThtflLndioft' Solid French Donpoln Kid But
ton Boot deltvored free nnywhoro In the U.S., on
rami 01 UMBt Money wrucr,
or I WhI Note (or $1.50.
Kquali ovory way tho boot
sold In all n 1 ttorot for
92.60. Wo inula thU boot
ournelveti, thovoforo wo guar
antee tho Jit, ttule ana wear,
i. i ! If nriy ono ih not uatlstlca
'.vo will rtfUOd tho money
orHondmoUierpuIr. Optra
Too or Common peine,
k vtdthi ft IV K. & LUL
&lfVlzu 1 to 8 atnl hulf
IT--i?Mueii. bent' your site;
JPtf' r Htt
flruTCD xunc
Spsrtnl term to VeuUr:
Ladies Who Value
A refined complexion must nop Pozzoni'n VawA
der. It produces a soft and beautiful skin.
rium ihtX. i rntnine, Jou.J, MM
The Flour
"Chicago, Oct. 31. Fhe first offloisl
announcement of World's Fair ill
plotnus on iloar has been made. A
medal has been swarded by the
World'B Fair judges to the (lour manu
factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co,
In the great Washburn Flour Mills,
Minneapolis. The committee reports
the flour strong and pure, and entitles
It to rank as urst-clas putout flour for
family aud bakers' use."
Taylor Jurigo & Co., Gold Modal; Atherton
ft Co., Suporlatlvj.
Duryea La'rence Storo Co., Gold Medal.
Mooii. John McCrindlu, Quid Modal.
Pittston M. V. O'Boyle, Gold Modal.
Clark's Green Fraco & Parkor, Superlative.
Clark's Summit -K. M. Younu, Gold Mortal.
Palton-S. E. Finn & Son, Gold Medal Brand.
Nii Uolion-J. E. Hardin,;.
Wavirly-M. W. Bliss & Son, Gold Modal.
Factory ville Charlos Gardner, Gold Medal.
Hophottom-N. M. 1'inn & Son, Gold Modal
Tobyhanna TiibytiRiina ft LchiKli Lumbar
Co . Gold Medal Brand
Gouldsbaro - S A. Adams. Gold Kads) Bran d.
Moscow Gaipe & Clements, Gold Medal.
Lake Ariel Jamos A. Bortree, Gold Medal.
Forest City J. L. Morgan ft Co., Gold Med a
Pimples, Blotches
and Old Sores
Catarrh, Malaria
and Kidney Troubles
ti..l .1.1.- A.h ... 1 , .,,.1 T t j.
Blum, the ifreatent blood purlfler on
ilttDin, O. . July 21, 191.
Mnssns. Liptman Bros., Rnvunnah,
Ga. ! Dkar Hilts I bought a bottle of
your P.P. P. at Hot HpHnps,Ark.,and
it has done me moro jrood than three
months treatment at the Hot Springs.
8ond throe bottles 0. O. D.
Respectfully yours.
Aberdeen, Brown County, O.
apt. J. D. Johnalon.
To at! whom it may concern: I her
by testify to the wonderful properties
of P. P. P. for eruptions of the skin. I
suflered for several years with an un
sightly and dtoftCrtMblfl eruption on
my face. I tried every known nme
dy bur in vain, until P. P. P. was usod,
and am now entirely cured.
ifiignod by) J. D. JOHNSTON.
Savanoah, ia.
Nkla Cancer Cured.
Testimony from the Mayor of Scouin.TcX
8kq.uiw.Tbx., January U, 1R93.
Mehsrb. 11 ppm an BBOB.1 Savnnunh,
Gn. : (tentlt'mert I have tried your P.
P. P. for n disease of the skin, usually
known as skin cancer. of thirty years
standing, and found great relief; It
parities the blood and removes all Ir
rltntlon from the sent of the disease
end prevents any spreading of the
sores. I have taken flveor six bottles
nnd feel confident that anothor crturno
will effect a cure. It has also relieved
me from indlgentton and etomach
tro iblea. Yours truly.
CAPT. W. M. HUftT,
Attorney nt Law.
Book on Biooil Diseases Moiled Free.
Erlppman's Hloeb.MaTannnh,On
riu iev and tn-'Oth with "duelers" wiindi'ifnl
wh"ii 1 will -'inl you FHK11'. the pnscriptlon
imn ni i i r
IP.-. ' 3
tuui full pttftlculantof a nru certain remedy that fsftomiplete cure
!MTKNi:v IniiMnr -omik nnu Cures in TWO UKf lKS 1 sen.l
this Information ami preHi-rlption nttsolntely fr'Khh, and tliere la no I
humbiitr nor ndvnrtlsliiK oatoi about it. Any druittit Can put It UD tat I
In return is thai yuu will buy a small quantity 01 the
lli yuu nieiLse nimuimr:. n: I'-uers win
JLOCK SiO OOl.. irx 1 XMui , .v .trsii Tt 1 1, ..1C I
WiH brro you npln a week flo'd with WRlTi"
Nri V, ll'i Dili lit V. I.OBfl Of itUBal PiiWftr in allhm m,
InroluntorT Kmlailom (rum any cann-. If nefilertod, such truublos lead
OOUaumptlon or himn lly, si.ue por mi by mail, ft hewn fm ?v Wlih Mi r
n iwaatM to eura ir i jfuiul ihe uioutiv. A
Tats IjraaMnU rcsirilj gust
KiilrAil lo sure h 1 1 m-rtiius Cii-
easoi. t-urb nn Weak Memory. Lots Of Hrnln Power. Hnidarhe, Wa kef ulnrca.
liOHiM inhood. Nlubtly Emisalonii, NcrvonrnerfS.alldriUnsondlosaof Kner
l!i(iouoratlvetrwanaof eii her ;ox caused by over exertion, youth iule-rora.
Avniiiihrfl use of inharnn. urtuin orstlmutnntH. which lend to Inllrinlty, Con-
Clnbeoamedln veal pocket. HI per box, 6 lor.t
a if 5 order WQ five a written iriinrnntco tneiive
I Trfiitnr fron SnKl tiv ntl Hr'H'L'ISt. Ak fur It. tea h
llRift'ffar3i'T,''ryi agu?& Tho only safo, snro an3
ver offered to Ladies,
CBBoclally reoomtnond.
"H od to married Ladles.
1S7 I'viin Arcuuc.
Good Men
Good Clothes
. so .
ONE of the strong
nnmtt: nf Tut.' Tnin.
hWW Js 111 j M 1V1 LJ
unk's equipment as a
lirst-class printing; es
tablishment is the fact
that it has a superb
Bindery, thoroughly
supplied with up-to-date
machinery and
managed by skilled
workmen. For neat
work promptly done
and at prices that are
fair and square, it has
no superior in North
eastern Pennsylvania.
Preserve Those Pic
tures Don't Spoil Those Mnl
tichromes Have
The Tribune will
promptly preserve any
of the art series pur
chased by its readers
at prices especially
moderate. I twill make
special rates on the
binding of any or all
parts of the
World's Fair Series
America Illustrated
Multichrome Series
Or Any Other Series
And do the work so
thoroughly that you
will simply be de
lighted. FOR ALL KINDS
A Well-Known Physician.Who,
Among Other Things, Is
Noted for His Frankness.
No one ever honrd Dr. E. Greweruse
tho Dbrass "1 think" In nil nractice. Thn
doctor is ono of tUoBe (rank, fearless, hon
est, positive men who nevor hesitate to
my yes or no, as the case muy require.
"1 can enro yon" or "I cannot care you,"
Is blB invariable decision after examina
tion, and to this faot fact is attributable
his remarkable record without fuilures.
Hut it would be strange Indeed If the doc
tor were not u more than usually success
ful practitioner, lie has been surgeon-in-chief
in more than one of tho largest hos-
pitals of thiB country, was lately Demon
strator of Physiology and Surgery at the
Mtdlco-Chirurgical College iu Philadel
phia, has bi on elected an honorary mem-
uer 01 me sieaico-LMrurgicul Association,
is a graduate of tbe University of Penn
sylvania, etc., and Is still a olose stud. nt.
A mun with such a record could not fail
to bo a successful physician under any
circumstances, but when backed by
cautious, conservatism in XDrmlon. or.
use a more nonular nnrase. the "be-
.ure-you're-rignt-then-go-ahead" system,
it would lie mote than strange if failure
overtook him.
You can consult Dr. Grower any dav nt
Rooms 5 and 6,
Temple Court Building
81 1 SPRUCE ST.,
from 9 A.m. till 9 p.m. Consultations free.
Thobe suffering from Nervous Diseases
are guaranteed a cure. For such there is
the cheering word "Yes," ns failure Is un
known iu the doctor's treatment.
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
CAPITAL, - $200,000
SURPLUS, - $250,000
This bank nffors to depositors every
facility warrantrd'by their balances, busi
ness and responHlblllty.
I MMUUVI .'1. I ll IO UUMinfHS UO-
ouuts. Interest jiald on time deposits.
GEO. H. CATLIN, Vlce-rrenldont
William Connell, (ieorco II. fall In,
Alfred Hand. Jnuies Arclibnld, Hpnry
Belln, Jr., Willi. ,111 T. Smith, Luther
National Bank of Scranton.
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $25,000.
W.W. WATSON, Yico Prcsidont.
A. B. W1LX1AM4 Cashier.
Pamcth, HiNEK, jAMEX M' ErennAnT,
InvtNO A. PiNrn. PiEnrE R Finlet.
JosKrH J. .1 1 11 m vn. V. H. Kemeheb.,
t'UAb.1'. JlAiXiiEws. John T.Poutsu.
W. W. Watson.
Thie bank inritoa tho patronage of huaioaai
men nnd firms generally.
Seeds and
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
Lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
Scientific Eye Testing Free
By Dr. Shimberg,
The Spocinllat nn tbo Eyo. lloadaohM and
Ncrvouanoss relioveil. Latoat nnd Improved
Htylo of ' ) ' Ulassoa and SpocUdes at the
Iiowaet l'riooa. Beat Artificial Kyot Inaurtod
for $5.
SOS SPRUCE ST., op. Old Post Office.
I pvtouu-Dtlyoultd I
in 30 tn 0D ilan or I
I rot5nr, nod 106pf bnnk, illtlstrttftl fram I
I llfnffopi plf curd.fflby m.ll. ehonllctSprlnr. I
krnirynu, our MnsM Rmea wtll
I DQHlHmy fe-- M,"a i"sk W, (BKto. ill.