6 THE SCRANTOK TBIBUJSE TUESDAY MORNING. MAY 22, 181)4. flip Om down of Um nnoiM JO HANN HOFPS MALT K TRACT gtvtl M much stimuli ami uounslmu'tit as a cask, of alo, without K'tus lutoucatuii;. It highly Unto tidal for MO at HMoi titue Rat ivuvuUwoutH, wouk ohil lUvu ami tacUeS, and 10, a MQOOOl touk' tor the w eak ami ildiiitateil lusixt upon ton iteuuiu,.. JlH Uok'k which uiwe ba thosiKiuturu el "Jl'll VNN Uy'ir" on tbe awl !itv) i Swaer oc Meadeleua Co, Set Agvuts, New TitfE GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES Tba iitul' sal of the charter uJ fraaobisee ol '.bij jahib au I Kisteru Railroad company luat week open up n chapter iu tbe bietory j rail -road waiou aaa been in course of con struction for ueitrly o.l( a century, bat b.i uuvitr bee,i built Iu it 7trouUburs dispatch to tbe New York Sun. n in trtiag 'History Jt tbe load a i:i Tbe exaeceeil .-oniim. al tne Erie road into tho 4C;ite at -.id Pt'te couuty vll 1h(j of: M.iEiiuioriia. opposite t'ort Jtr i, bad jiTiiu certain influential oieu ia that MH of the Delaware valley an niSDintcion. TUey woaid build a rail road from Milford to Matainoraa to eonuecc wn.'i the Erie, and tone hitch .he outside worid squarely ou to Pike oouacy jo ia itiey tfot a charter fur ;hs Hilfocd und ilat.i RtM Railroad company. Waso ih- Sne dt'culnd oa the change of roate .ieo ;uduu:ii mm declared that tue Er'e maot cruse tue Delaware a: MftfcV murne or aowbere. Tbe Pennsylvania .Kieiatare agreed them and refused to oh:ii;u tbe Erie ) route. Aid thero :ae Erie road wonid Jve mopped for to am, perbape, if tae uompaay aad uoi pr pused t .'uiiipromiM with the 11.1 ford aud iLicamori company, waico HM agreed to. Ihia wae that in eon uderatiou if the Erie building a com bined Tuii;a and rulr-iad bridge across the Delaware at Uatamorns. inaiutain ing tu lauii) ;'orr, aad 'jtiTiair lha Hilfnrd ind tfatMBOlM railroad, bv that bridne, oonaectiou with the Eru at Port Jerf-.s, the Chang of route would ba ranted. Tbia waa in 18513. Tbe HUM and ilatHnioraa Railroad couipaay, whecaer it had grown i tike warm in its enter priae or wae mad aeeaaaa 'he Erie bad worried it jo, and coiiHeqnently wm determined :o puatsQ tae E-. by fa fminit to bniM road from ifilforl to iionneat with r. sat down and did nothing. In 1878 or wae actually abont to be begun. Then tbe bridg" 'nmbled down. Ch Erie Railrna' aompany waa than Fink and Gtonld They made :io move "oward building a new bridge, aud dually a leputati on if wlid aitizitna repr menting tUe Mil f ir l ami Matamoraa railnad vnt to M r York and aekad tbarn about it. The were blandly raoatfad by Col. Jim Itata who inforuiail hem tnat the Ene ImI llapnaed if ita intereata in the hriiige to tha La .Vfonta Coal and Mining com pany, permiaaiou bavina been grant'"! ny the Pennsy'.Tinia .ogialatare. The delegation if r.ii 1 nitiz na ta tiirnart to Pennsylvania. An ag.in: wae aent to Harrmbnrg to look up tne lngiilation Pink had apolren of. rl fonnd it. It waa on th reuorl all right, paaaad and sinned. Rut who In troduced the bill, whan he iid it, and how, wn not on record. So one in aone, senate, or fWeOKiflS ohamhor could give any information nbont If Hon W H. Dimmick wlio represented Pike oounty in the house that year was interrogated Fla was sni ized at th tracsention He threw them into mors mn m 11 only this wss burden d with jov.hy announcing that he had nimaelf secnrd to the treasury -f the Milford and Matamora Railroad com pany, for ninety -nine years, by an set that had pasaed th legislature and hid Keen signed by the governor, the I0, 000 annual bonus paid to the stale hy the Erie Railway company for right of way through the state With high hopes a rsorganlzitlon Tis riaolvsd npon. Then it wss learned that Representative Dimmick had r.ought r,t controlled nr;r all of th r.rnpariy's stock and that oa wss vir tually the company to which At ft ft, 000 wsa to ha paid for -,,.. yrs. Tnls didn't saern to please IIM of to I fdder aViekholdsrs, who wre prseti rally frov.an ont of the OTfAOtMtioo, snd thay plucked np lonraae Mi pfll things In tba way of th company's pi sos All tha same, tlM, w In bofida of tha Mllfordand UtMrnttlM ksilroad company were isaned, nl f,linsl J M laV.rshoad, of Msw Vork, loot th c ntrsct to hnild the road Oradlng of the railroad was tgnn, injnnotlons flW to m4 fro; work MM t,f the log tractor's liX)rsrs dnring the dy w .old e undone at night r tha opponent of the rosd Hcorss of lawsuits, civil tod criminal, grew ont of th IfOttMff '( t Krle waa dragged into the trouble hy a salt to forfeit It charter or cornpil It to balld a new bridge. Thaoppononta of the railroad placed tha facta before Governor Ury, ami whan the legielatnro net the firat ofTl. olal act the aovernor did was to de stand, by special message, the rpal of tbe tot appropriating the Erlo f 10,000 hono to the Milford and Matamors Railroad eompany, and tha act waa promptly repealed. That knocked all the pinning from under the railroad. The bonds became worthless, there waa no bridge, and th Irate old stockholders would paniit in tearing np tha road bed. So tbe Milford and Matomoraa railroad died again. The laat chapter in Its history waa when Colonel Moor head, tba contractor, made tbe state Isy $08 000 of bondi which ba bad ao espted in payment for work. Boon after th ccUapae tbe Ltblgb and East ern It iil road company bought the fran chise of tho Millord and Matumoraa railroad, and atiirted to bnild it as a link in ila line. Then it beonino bank rupt. Next th Pongbktnpaie and Delaware railroad was going to build it, but didn't. Later tbe Ldblgh and Kustrru begun a struggle for life. It wtu this etruuttlt1 that it gave np I i-i week iu this villugo when Sheriff Kret-ge sold the cotnpiuiya franohlsas Thy were purchased by Llddoa Kllca, J. B. BhtiDaf and J. B, lJrry, Wilkss -Uiirro oapitalisls. What is to M done with tbetn DO one knows, Hut tbe purchaser sav tlwv intend to build a railroad up the Delaware, mid SOU) plete at lust, as one link of It, t at lont-efoiight -'vei. lw(UtliataQ vnt, and long-legulated over Milford and MataiuoiU!) rathoad The Canadian I'.u-ltie attiatuer I'm press ol China bfioga Information tbni Japanese oorfl is attraeim; OOQlldet i ! in attention, a recent ihlpineul In Bom ba) wan found KStlsfnoloi v, and It is announced that lelegrapbto initrnd UOM have been laeeivsd lot Its lbip meat tn KugUndL Thii i literally "taking nsls to New.-astln," but dl'anee e-al l ueailv BO "" abaapN than VUh ooa) landed at tiouibav, aud IU t'oii.uiiibtlon It only ipil S; per oent tucher BlkCa i'laiuo id the new coal and freight docks of tbe Sew Vork.Sunin.'liatiiia and Watt eru Uaitroad OOWpauy, whian are sltu itsd at BJgewater, N. J , will open tor business t.diy. 'the new purs ate equipped Willi all modern appliance ami couvuuueea for tbe qnlok liand- Big sod dlapoAing of ootl and freight, and will hav a eapaoity of shipping UUW toua of the former daily, the new treight terminals, round house, etc , of the company are also lltttaled tt this point, the cUbrated tunnel tlie toad, which mu from a p -int uear Kairview t Edgewater, N J . a lislauoe of o.OiO feet, will also be opened, the compauv la now prepared i io handle their iaoreaslug business with dispatch. Captain Rookell and Messrs Wight oaau appear to have a BAMMS u the Mlddletowu aud (.Kvsheu Street rail road. Thua far they have been able :o attend to all bueiuees of the road without accident, the ears have made trips wi' h regularity aud the patron ise baa beeu eucoaragiug from the b-i glnniae ALMOST TOO EXUBERANT. Judivt'holK-t l'hluks 11 o . tn. I UuiiutU .ire Bvltuwert-il Hvyuutt Keason. The llortkl OeWeWttnM QMd on hats this year are almost too exuberant In both quantity and variety. Thrtv or (our ditfer eni; kinds ol dowers amhiateNd together on one hat. and unless the grouping is very skillfully done the effect is not pleas ing. The little auriculas iu various colors are much used, and tfieso compact little bunches ar- interspersed with slender aprays of other varieties of blossoms, giv ing a result which Is unsatisfactory to the I eye, however up to date it may be. Jetted dps are a prettier trimming, although they I are of short lived beauty, as the (littering ! fnsjc drops off very quickly and loaves the j feathers in a too evidently dismantled con dition. All headgear intended for women swear aeeru :o be of an ephemeral character, meant 'inly for the quieti-stof sunny days. The severe simplicity and ugliness of a man's hats permit him to appear at an equal advantage in all weathers, but worn- STRAW AN'D LACE 1TAT. en, unless they adept masruline styles, find it, difficult to keep from looking morn or less herlrastgled in times of Imd wi ntrier. To women who havo no DOOMfcni to i?o out of doors exeept.f.n bright days this Is of no consequence, hut to thn many others who do go out it. is a srrent. annoyaneo U e-rpt-rienee thn farts that velvet and ribbon are MOtted by rain, lare wilts and ostrich feathers look as if they were ptuelNtd ffOWJ a wet, hen. There ie a pertain gfglW Of WMolntloil in knowing that a man, In spit of his sufieriority in convenience of costume, undergoes an etnet y similar vet atlon when his now silk hat. is Upqtjd to an iineTpected shower A favorite trimming for Ince hate Is a largo g.irlnnd of rrises or perhaps mere buds and foliage This Includes severnl sprays licsidea three or four long roblx-r sterns set. with thorns and tiny hods or leaflets A transparent hat, thus decorated neerls no other garniture, (trie or two of the sprays are allowed ti stand erc t, while the restaro laid along the brim rind round the crown, one Mng permitted to drop npon thn hair. Thn sketch given Isof n large bat of fan cy straw of the natural color The brim ll covered with white I 00, which drops over the edge In front Is aelmt r f fOHfMiOt tips, held tignther try a tight, buruli of pink roses A little to the right of the bar k are three full blown pink roses Jumrj (iiioi.i.B Th ailk ln.lfi.try. AMOKIptl have Iteeii made ti raise t he silkworm in thn United State,, hut, not with marked success, fleforn thn Kevnlo tionsry war thn silkworm was Introdutpil Inti Virginia, North and South Carolina and finorgia, hut the Industry died out completely duririi! IM Ucvoluljoi, and hue not, MM NMIflMQ tO nny consldnrabln ex tent, lint thn silk manufactures of thin country form an Important partof Itsbnsl linas. i!y thn ennsus of H) It appeared that there wnrnlBfi! factif In, with a capital of ti!r,l2.",ann, employing t,Wi hands and turning out 1 14 (,in preceding yeaf HI, M'a, Z worth of good. Kt. LOOitOIOM Demtr crat. The earliest, mention of holly In connec tion with flhrlstmim embelllslinient is a carol In Its prolan, written altoul I IV), and pmw rvod in the llarleian maiiUM-Tlpta INDIFFEHENCE. Kow that my hopeless spirit boats no more Agafct tha portals of thn Iron gate, ItoUInn whoan bars dwell thn rnlnntlnss Fates Nor darwl I hope to win frotn Joy's deep storo A ught that Is good i stand at Fortune's door And watch tho throng that good and evil waits, Ajfd sinllo to think how plrasurn satiates, And patn Is healed wlmn the first thrill Is o'nr. Since all thn gods have npent their wrath, and now They nor the Furloj have no worse to give, Nor biles, may longer set my soul alamo, Uneliaaging qulot rests upon my brow; Let whatioe'ar will come 01; peas, I II vo In certain nalm eternally the same. --May -fcwapjln. itoitfla TranacrljiV THE WAY INDIANS FISH. DESCRIPTION OF THEIR CURIOUS METHODS AND TACKLE. They Ollnu I" III Ways of Their Pure- I fullmrs llonks of Shell, Lines of llmh .inl Nuts of VogOlftpIO Klher -They Also I I'lllbs nod Npeui-s. When the ftrtlltlO. gnglox "tiiiula at the head of tin- pool olaaplDg in nil hand a lour mid 11 hall ounce nplll bamboo rod. mount ed with bands of (irriimn lUvoTi a reel lo match OOnteJnlQg the I) 001 ol line hllk, Darefulis breJlled line, and casta furl h I luce daintj Qlea attach ed bo lender or Bpaotah gut, it i- not itraoge tiiat his thought! go back to tin- Unit what) the Indian orept Hlonlhn MUna atfeani and lilpped out line t mill from thn same pool. A glance at his complete outAl o( modern nnitke, full) iii keeping with the olvlluuitlan of the day, leads to aPOQtlhiUoO as to thn Mteklothe origtnhl owner of the hllle and t,( reams Bead In KHUrlUg his Ulh dluuer riio tici is I hat tbe ivdtin waa a vary able angler He did not do hit t.-n,-1 i spoil, bill to gftlu (001I, and be did It BeJ Some Idea Of the primitive lac kin and rAethodaoi the eaiijilas of the country call lie gained frail! the Indians of the noftAWOIt coast, eho are slow to adopt modem apparatus, and VU mot make little itthatitution for the tnokie of intn rennngo except m aooepting Iron imrim for the early books of shell or bone The Indians (if the earlier period had lo do mostly i'Ii salt water Bab, and depending largely upon flah (or food were obliged to develop the pUcatortai an and make la oatehee, Vo put ont a hutairod si t books and Kaln a like UUinbor of llsh Has a mat lor of eoiiiuioii occuirence with them The sue of the 1UI1 did not hot her them, and tbey safely landed immouo halibut weigh iu as much aa lao ponnda, Salmon ereie M 000)0100 111 various parts of the coast l ivers and at reams that a fish (rap was often used Sometimes they used spears at narrow passages In (he river. 0U PAIHIOHXD TACK LK. Iu (he BnithaoniM lustitutlou report for IM is an account of the customs and habits of the tribes along tho coast all the way to Alaska, and tome slab incuts are made as to their llsheriee While not, of course, showing the evolution of modern tackle w hich is th outgrowth Of the pisca torial tendencies of the seacoast inhabit ants of the Old World, these, statements prove how efficient even buui;liii( tackle can be made. The Indians did uot catch tteh for pleasure any mom than lliu pygmies 111 Africa do now. The Kjt-yptiaiis did, if the pictures found iu the historic ruins are properly Interpreted. Indued, it is thought that the Egyptians were very successful anglers, and came pretty uear becoming dy casters. The Indians of the northwest coast re tain their old tackle to this day. The big hooks obtained from the whites are used for gullhooka and aa spearheads. The hooks are traded as other merchandise. A primitive style of hook used by the llaida tribe of the northwest coast is a straiyht piece of boue, the shank a straight piece of wood, and tho snood or suell a piece of whalebone, the snell being attached to tho shank by lashings of bark. In another style a narrow block of wood Is used with a spike of bone, shell or Iron, aud a snood of spruce root or whalebone. Iu Alaska large halibut hooks are also used. At lirst these were barbed with bone, but now they are with iron. They are made in two pieces, each lushed ut the joint with cellar bark, tho shanks mado In different designs, supposed to give good luck to tho tishermeu. Some are made from tho forked branches of trees, yew and spruco being generally used. In the wood Is set the bone, shell or iron barb. The bait Is lashed to that arm of tho hook which carries tba barb, and placed just under it. These are very strong, and halibut weighing aa much as lifty pounds are caught on them. By steaming and bending a tough piece of yew branch various shaped hooks are made. Odo variety la twisted just as though tbe shank of a long weakflsh hook were bent in an oval shape and brought back so as to leave a little space between the point of tbe barbate! the long spaceshank, anil across it a strip of steel is placed upon which to tie a piece of btiit. the hook DnOBtUlD, The hook that Is used in catching cod and flounders, constructed with the special purpose of preventing fouling, Is descrii-ed by Judge ,1. li. Swan as follows: "They nrn made of knots of hemlock limhscut out from old decayed logs. These are split In pieces of suitable size and whit tled to tho rerjuircd shape, and bent by be ing steamed Into the fonn which In tho skil honk resembles the longitudinal sec tion of a goose egg. The lower portion of these hooka are turned inward to form a barb, and vahen not In use the two ends of the hook arn fastened together by a piece of twine, which is also used to tie on the bait. I'lin two parts of the hook arn sepa rated oy means of a stick or peg, which (he flsh knocks out when he takes the bait, and the two ends of the hook close to gether and hold him fast. The peg Hunts to the surface and indicates to the Indian that he has caught a lish. "The sinker is another Ingenious contri vance. It Is a large stone weighing from twelve to liftnen pounds and a smaller one to servo as a tripping stone. Thn line is wound around UMM stones many tarns and a bight, or loop tucked under one of thn parts in thn same manner A signal nfTlcer rolls up a flag in a ball and tucks a bight of a halliard under a turn which, when pulled out, sets the (lag free. So when the Indian flshermsii thinks from the bOfnbir of floating pegs that he bus enough lish, he pulls out the loop of his line, the stones become loosened and fall out, and he hauls In his lino relieved of thn weights, "Thn llaldns frequently' put on Mm books to a line, which ai t like n traw l, and so plentiful are the black ood that often from fifty lo seveni y llvn arn hauled In M one time. Thn bait, used seems to lie unit long handv, an I he skll Is a greedy feeder and will take either fresh herring, sipild or a Itfip Of white akin from g halibut's belly. The Indinn, however, has enemies to con tend with, one of the must formidable be lug l bs gronndllsh, or nuirellsh, as I lie sailors call them, which will eat ofT thn bodies of 11 long line of llsh, leaving only their hinds. There in also a small sculpiu variety, which will etenl the bait Dogfish also urn at, limns vnry troublesome. When nvnr thn Indian Is sum of the pieseni e of these pests hn pons to another place to llsh. "-New York Time. ( hareeal in Weodi A pii7.?,le In lien growth Is how to ne ponnl, for the charcoal, which forms the main part, of thn Ht.r11rt.11rr. Mvery botan ist knows that, the lending component "f n tree trunk Is charcoal. All that Is Inn tree It has to get from thn atmosphere. This at mosphere OODtaiul OWbOOtf aold gas, which la a compound of oxygen and car bon It Is known that the leaves kbtOfb this OJkfbonls "' id gas, 11 lid that III soma WW It fal decomposed it Is believed by the action of light. The carbon which wn popu larly term charcoal Is retained, while the oxygen I sent back ngnln Into tho atmos phere. We know that something of this kind must ln, la-cause we find tho ehurcoal there, but In endeavoring to conceive of the process by which this Is brought about wo are aa much at a loss, as wo aro In dis cussing how the world was made. If the separation of tho oxygen from tho carbon oconra.ln tho green of the leaf we have to regard the solid carbon descending through the whole avstem to tbe uttermost ends of tho roots, which Is not In nccord with any a priori reasoning, nor has there been any observation whatevor to sustain such a view of the ciue. One the other hand, If we are to regard each young cell as the unit of plant life, through which till the operations for the Perpetuation "f the Individual aro trans acted, thtN Is no method known by which the oxygen is sent back to the leaves from Miumi cell Individuals Whichever way we turn on this clian oal qUeetiOOi wo are met Willi equal diffieultlMi and nil the OOUMlntlOtW biologist, can say about It is, "1 do imt know," Many a llni" Mm0 OlfUM book has sell led thn whole ipieallon; bat few .ne 'hi 1 lotted) and It eoiues up continu ally lor a uew miIiiI Ion.- Thomas Meet. an iu Philadelphia Uedgen a Queer Onabe ' lgbt , delegate to the Baptist aaaoolation told tin follow lug snake atorj i Be nod his um le Were hilling by a elei k side, III the slale of Kentucky, llnhiug, and wem surprised by seeing a blai l.niiako dash nut of a ffill ki t, ami running to a weed standing near then bile a leaf from It and ipilekly return. '1 bis he did scleral limes, when, I heir club oelty being osalted, they followed him to sue w hat he meant by such hliaugn con duct, and found him engaged in a fearful light with u nooowdn aevaraJ time bin own ana. As ofteu as Ids antagonist succeeded in biting him bo ran to tba weed forbUaoti dole, and WM al him again. At length ihn iinole pulled up and removed tbe wood to sen what the snake would do. ile soon cainu again, aud, llndiiig bin remedy gone, ho looked eagerly from side to side, a pi t feel picture qi despair, and loll ItOMUead on I he spot. The, mOOOaain, already badly disabled, they dispatched, line, told ((ia.) Herald. n the formation of a single looomotive team engine there am nearly 0,000 pineal to bo put together, and these rcipujo lo be ns eoourgtoij edjurted m the works of a Watch niK VERY tiii.su tat; cmuiukn Doctor Pierce' I'leaoltlll IVIIcts. They're so liny, so easily taken, so Muy ,oii natural In thn way tiny mi no disturb ance, no impious I III I lie no rcuc tion uttciiwuril. S8hfc ttitli 1 1 1 I I bill lo sSflNMHp tinted vegetable extracts sugara-i sited. One of them at a d! is a corrective, a regulutor, u gentle laxative. When von feel "a touch of biliousness" or indigestion, take one of these little Pellets. They go right to tho spot. They absolutely and permanently cure Constipation, Hour Stomach, I)uziniis, Siek or liilious Headaches, and every derange ment of tlie liver, btomuch, und bowels. Aliiw.it nerer does Pr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy fail to cure the very worst OM0J of chronic Catarrh. You can judge of the chances of it from the makers' oiler. They'll on. n ii - ,', i it in every case. E. Robinson's Sons1 Lager Beer Brewery llanufactnrers of tbe Celobratel PlLSENER Lager Beer C APA CITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, B. B. B. Burdock Blood Bitters Is a purely vegetable compound, possessing perfect regulating Dowers over sll the or gan-, of the s stern, snd controlling tbeli' secretion. It also pui ills the blood that t Cures All Wood humors snd diseases, from a IHN mon pimple to tba worst icroraloui or, and tills comhineii with Its unrivalled re- enisling, cleansing smi purifying itifin-i enca on th seereli ma of the livr, kldlisys bowell and skin, render it unequalled a a rure for all disease of thn Skin From one to two bottles will cere bolls, pimples, i, ' i. I, mu nettle rsh,oruf,tet I r, ami all the ni in (il forma of skin dinns. from two to fuer bottles will cure salt i hnuni or erssma shingles, eryslinilas, ul cers, si is, m, i iinmiia sore um) nil skin' sruptloOi, It l iintlceahle that suherr fron skin Diseases Ar nearly nlwars aggrsva'e-l br ItttolOfs itehlng, but till- quleklv subsides on tha removal of tbe dieetee by h n .it. ps- IngOB lo graver yet prevalent dlsnssnii, IttOh ns leiiiiuloiin swellings, htttUON and Scrofula Wn have ttOdeubled proof that from three tO (it bullies md Internally and bv oiit- wsni apptlontlnn (diluted ir timskin i let! til th nlTnctiil psrtn, will effsct, a vare The great mission . . r B it n u to reglileln the liver, kidney, bowels atirf blood, to coned acidity and wrong notion bf the t0OMObl nd Ml open the slulee waye of tlimiysUin to tearry off all cloggnd sad Impure leofetlontj allowing nature thus tn ahl loroverv and rmnv without fell Bad Blood l.lver OOBtplalnt, bllioiisneM, dyspepsia, slnlc hsnilncih, dropsy, rheamatlsm, and every IMelet of disease arising Otim dta-; nrdtrtri liver, kldnoya loinaoh, bowels aid bloou. Ws g aarsiitse every bottle of 11 13. 1). hhould aav person be dtaiuilll risd alter using the first hot tin, w will r f ami the mminv on application pcrannally er by letter. W will elio be ghtd to end' testtmonlels end information proving the nffeol of n p. B. In the above named dl ieM. on apullcstlon to TOBTBR. Mu.BURN tt CO.. Dufalo,K. . A Handsome Complexion la ono of tho greatest ohirm a woman can posses. Poiaoai'e CoxrLazioN Powoaa gives it. Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finpr Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than nvctr before, are what will recommend them to our patront GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTBTON, PA. N. A. HULBERT'S City Musio Store, BTB1NWAT koi DIM IKBR MKO'I llKKt. um HKANKIJI A HAi;i4 etnaw hi I i.J . at i:il.K PIANOS ajm i . - suicic or eriirfliM ORGANS MI HICAI. MKItCUAMIlblb DUPONT'S IlINIKQ, BLAHT1NO AND BPOBTI.NO POWDER Manufactured at tbe Wapwallopen MUJa l. xcrse conntr Pa., and at Wil mington, Lttlmror. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Aent for the Wyoming District, 1 18 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa. Third National Bank Building. AnKN-rirs. THOS. FORD. Pittston. Pa. JOHN B BMITH f-ON ; Plymouth. Ta E. W MULLIGAN. Wilkes-Bsrre, Pa. Airent tor the lb-pauno Cbemioal Cum tsny's High Explosive. B RICK DRAIN TILE. FRONT, WIRE CUT. HOLLOW. VITRIFIED. 1 1K1 A N D COMMON B R I C K Best in tho market. Brandt Clay PtoduciCo Ol I tCBi IMiiRhamton. N.I 1'At TOHY Htnnilt. Pa Rooms 1 and ! CMIinnlte W SI ItANTOV, V. MINING ami BLASTING POWDER Made at the MOOStO and ROSU DAtJt VVOIUDa i, i niin A EUnd PowdM iv ORANGE OUN POWDER Blteirlt Betterlee. Fuan tw eipiai inK iiiastn, uexely rse end KepeunoChcmiral Co. 'a High Exploalvee MT. PLEASANT AT Itl.TAlU (Vainf the st nnslltjr fjr domestlo nscand of sll slim, delWrd Iu nr Part of th city t lowest prto. Orders left at my office. MX, um. WYOMING AVKNITR, Hear room, flrt floor, Third National Bank, or sent by mall or telephone to the mine, will reoivo prompt attntion. i-piH-lsl eontraet will be made for th al and delivery of Buckwheat C'oaL WM. T. SMITH. MOOS! POWDER CO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL I HVMll IAMM A.JJ M lil.- us. OB. O. KUQAR DEaN lit removed to U16 tinrucu struet. .- . I'u. , i, m liosito couri-liouso Wijuare) J) ll A J. CUNNKI.L. OBIw -il WimliiUKtun j- . iiiijdj nirur.e hum I, uvi!r I' I 111 1 1 ' I. i' h lini'J st.Pi. Ij mMi,.u Mm mk pfleeboarei iObtt telle, m. ud tui anu s JU U. 7..) p. m Huiiday, it Iu I p. m. )H w ii ALLEN, uflko er. lank. i and Wliliiiflon uvis : uvor Le)n aril shis. stun-; oltn-u hours, 10 to U a. iu. ml V" I ft in ; evculug at ruiiilouu dU N Wanlili,gtin .. v.-. I) It C. L. hllvV, I'i'acllu IiuiIUhI tu Ul ilih'n'if Hi,, I 9.mm ..... 'I. 'a, Ul Wroflungara ' BttidVntm m vu )lt I. M UATEB. 126 Washington Avuuiu. utiii: in.uis. si., us.iu. i;io .1 and ' " " ltld.mw! m Mill-'ii avvno (OHM I. WKMX1S, A U Ufllow .ud il LWUwqerealta belldlllfl raaidnno 711 m MUooarei efloe bean tetolftltoi 1 w I BwyeMPta i wMlasstl reiMeev a li lll BUM of nimuscs jf tin. eye, car, uiw MM tBrOal snd gyii.s,lu. LA M KUt M U JtAMUK h Law and UuileeUM of fill,. Nil ,117 Kuril. l... .1 Huk. fciuMMi, Pa.; colkeUou epeeUlt llii,i.ili,iui I'siii.i ylvsulsi riiblo wruiwuil nils in enry .ouuiy. I fcDMJl',-! 6l tt a J Una St Luw WksiiiiitfUiu av a. AMeeueee aad CoeiwerV UauiLoowtaltli boil i i H Jk.um HOBACa E lUsn W H Jaaeur, Jk. I ' II.I.AIill WiUUII s' vu .uu ... . ," i'isnd iuuiwiuf, ai i.w BepebUeee iuiidii. WMblnyto av Sciootou. P. ItAVtUUUtl ti WJLi,iyA, Aluiiu..-ys mm J O-ujisciJ.r. al J law , um..g ( tui IU urui y iuildlug. hcrauwn, Pa ftpewait ii PAtTMaos William A. Vii:i,x A LKUKLUANL wILi.UM J HANUAl Viruuyt ad ';unisll,i Coujuiuiiwuaitb build I ni, IlLnuia la. 20 uud 21 IA If. IJ'iVLE, y iiomi) a' L K,Jt lv unu ' 20, liuu building, wasniugWii t.i-ni UENHY A BBEL1 U offlcM Is frioi A J building, ly, Washington avenue. L'UANK J OK. LL, Attonwy l li livjin -I h. (;,J I'.xi-bange hifaniju. pa. MJL'JOA W IAjWbV, itfy.. m Waebing II V ON bToK'.Jl (tonaV. (. H jjueS IJiULn W OAKroKD, Attorney at Law, roemej, Htai , Common wool tb b'l g UAMUKL w. lU jah. Attorney i U IJOrau.., 1)17 boi uiient.. HiTantua. 1 fc. A WAl'RIih, Attorney at Law, Civ LarksHaiiua aut. hiranon l'a L) Y. t-.WITK i.uauaolior at Law jtli.j M . t'jumt U. Wi W, Culiiinunwwi.tl. m .,- i: I ' it. rllXttCU Attorney ut L-,Loib- -...j...pi ni iu, ,i. Mm. L. 1 jMLOVb d2lMiruce t. t 15 lii'.i'LOOl.K Aii..r,.., i .... J-', tiated un zeal Htat.L, s,-,if,ii aiv K....,w... TkILLa!, Attomv-aVLaw, 1 Wy omitigarvtiie, Birantou. HAVE YOL'H DEEbl A Nil MOBTUAUt writtAB aud ackuowlaoged by J W BlOWlfOtO, Attorney and Kotary Whim. A Loinini'imeaJth Buiidln. M BOOfj- OCHOOLOK THE LACEA WANNA, bcran I J ton. lJa . Lreparoe boys and girls for ooliem or buuineaa thoroughly ti auu oung chiluren Catalogue al jeuutbi Rrv Thomas M Cakb. WALTEII H. BtTEI.L. IfUC WOKOSstTSBK KINDLKGiAHTLN -VI aud hciiool. Ill Aaamt avenue yupu received at all limes Next term wtU oneL April K " C.LADBACH. biugoon Dentin. Mu ill . Wyotuing ave. h M. sThATf'tK. ofBoB Cm) Exrlsng LOANS 1""HE REPVBL1C Saving and Loan Aaso eitiou rill loan jou money ol eaier te-nn ana pay you better ol Investment that, env other ssw-lation C1W1 on 8. K. CAi-Li-N-DEK. Ii me Bai.t buildinc eEI lis. GE. CLARK 4 CO.. eedmn rinrist- end Nnrserymen. tore lib aauinpt m avenue; green house.iil&C North Main erenufl Ptnre teli'pbone 7s.. TEAS. OKANLi VN10.N TEA CO.. Jones Br WIU s RKKMb. 10S KUETTEI-, 5ifi Lackawanna avonu t' Nrrsntim I'h . TTiqr,pf'r nf Vire sc-eeDi HOTELS AM ReHrTAOIUUtT ri-HE WEbTMINSTEB, 217 210 Tym.i, I ave Rooms heated with Hteum: al. ni ern improvement t M TBI uak I'm; THE ELK CAFF., li.1. and 127 Franklin ave nue Kate reasonable. P Zieoler. Proprietor. II k,M'..ibTER HO 1 FL ' IV SiTHENt, Mnnsew bixteenth street, one block east of Broadway, at I'nion Square. New York. Arrcricar, plan. !ifkiper dav and upward CSOTXI HOV'bK. Enropnan plan; good ronma Open day and night Bar sup plied with the best P. H. OOTWK, PronrlatoT. OCRANTON HOCHE. near D, L A W. raw (3 engnr depot. Conducted on the Knropeat plan. Vii-toh Korn Ptoprletoi i kiMl CENTRAL 'Hie largest and bet 1 1 roiiif ri hotel to Allet. wn. Pa . rstei 2 and f2..w per dav. VirTAiR r PARKrn. rroprletnr. AKfHITI l IS AVIS AVHOV'I'T. Archiiccta Rooms 111 ?fi ami 2d l,,,mmonwes ili I M e Scranton L 11 Al I KK. Arehlteet Library unHd inc. M'vomtne a'pnle Scranton. I) BROWN Arch B Architect Price Mltatl:, IM sshincton Ave.,Scranton. SS( I 11 (Mill S ACER'S ORCHESTRA MtsIC FOR lalla, picnic. names, receptions. we,i dings and eoncei I work fnrr ihd For terms ailitres n, J. Bsucr. conductor. 117 Wyoming nvo . oeer RaJeieeVi music Mere nOltfoN K gXVAKTs "VVHOLF.SALR lumber. I and Pim" Bank bmldine. Scranton. Pa. MEQAltUBK BROTHERS FRINT1 KS snpplte. envi'lope, psMr bags Iwtna Warehouse. ISP W ashington ave.. Scranton, Pa I'm TE s I IV l RY iilJ rapeqee sveew I Flint class carriaifoi 11 1, I OOTE, Agt Funeral Oirc-tor ami BnbenM, FvRANK r phown a co, WttOLI I ssle i'isVi-ln Woodwam, Cordape and oi, Ctotb. T-.ti W Leeaawaatw svenne XSZH. KiNS Si iN S. builders and onnlrac ij tors Vs;-.ls Corner Olive al. and AAams ave eerner Ash at. and Pcnn ave., Scranton Tin-: Thatcher IS 1HF. BIST. Oet prices ami iff the lurnaoe ami bl MM vineed. A dill line of HI' A 1' I lls, Ai.riollo ami tlaiia lor Rangej, CONLAN'SlillDWARE PITTCTOM PA. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. ECRANTON AMD WILKG8-BARRE. l'A.. MANUFACTURERS 07 Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office. SCRANTON, PA, CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. J, LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insuring cleaulinoHfl and comfort T1MK TAnLE IN EFKK1TT MAY 20, 1H0I. Trains lT Hi.Tsnton for Pittston, Wllke. Barro, etc , ate.ai, lt.15, 11.30 a. nx, 12.W. 2 00, .30, 8.00, 7.25, 11.06 p. m. buuday, V.U0 a. m, l"r Ailnntic City. 8.10 a. m. For New York, Newark und Elizabeth, 8.20 fexi.ri.'ssj a. in., 12. V) texprow with Buffat parlor car;, tw (exprew) p. m. Sunday. IU p. in. roil MAl'l II CllL'NK, Am.entown, Betiii.i iikm, Easto uud l'iiii.Alii.l.l-HIA, 8.2(1 a.m. 2 m 8.80. 6.IW fexcopt l'blladlplit p. ia. hunday, 2 Ir, p m. l"'r f.i.Nii fliiAm ii, OCSAI Oh'ive, etc., at iw. bj , a 7, p IH yr Keadina, Lelmuon and Harrlsburg, vl Alluntowii, i!.20a. m., 12..rXI, 8.00, p.m. Hunday. Kor I'uttsvllle, f.o. ni., 12ip m. Il' turnlng. leave New York, foot of Liberty f "", I'!11 rh"r W feipr-ie) a. ul, l l'i, LV, i.-tt (etpre wltb Duffel parlor car; p. m. Hunday, i i m l ave I'bliadelpbiu. Headliiif Terminal . u. in .:.it i und 1 p hunday . 27 a in. ibroiiil. UeketatoaU liinlsat lowest rate BH !" SPpUeattae le advanoe to tbe Hi kot agonl at il,; ti.iion. II P I1ALLW1N, 1 ll 0L8AVSSV. A',ut Osjg Supt. DILAWAM ANU JiffJ hjK IIAILROAO. lruinenciug May . 1SW. trains will run ae follows: Train leave Bridge Mieet but on bcranton, for I'itte- VlsVel - wiixes uari el MM Mil W W of m J j r r and li Hi p in fit i vi N i oi i' &!.; PI u delphl. t 00 a ui, UiJ. IM 18 and IIJIjl m wot Jioneadalvfirou Ielnwre Lackawanna and wesUrn dep'jt;, 7 WV, ISl M lu k ui l"M 111.. X 17, 0 10 p. in. For ('Bi bo idale aud IntormaxUeA nation t.0, 7.00. :.tJ 10.10 a in . 12.00m ,2 .17. 8.Ji.8 10, I 2l.i nd V E j. in ; Iroiu Bridge blreel Dtiot tOa. m.. k.lieud llsS). iu. kel exprees to AlbaH) lieretMa. the Adi rondack Mouniainfc, B-jton add New hi r 'A po nU. 8.10 a m. irnvn; at Albany 12.46. t-araVga 2.2ij p. in , aud le-aviuv bcrauun at! p m . arriving al Albany atr.C p ul, hara toga 12.00 a. ui . and Bsieu IM a m Tin- only dirocl route between tbi tSMl&ete and Bmton. "The Leading TouriBle' Lout of America' to the Adirondack Moutitaiu re eiii'it. Laaei- tjeorge and (Jnauiplain. Montreal, etc. Time table atowiny local and tbrougb train hei vice bet w een htatlona ou all di SWOBS Lela ware and HuGti ev'Btem. may bt- obtained at iilJ Ijeiawai e aud Hudhou ticket ofticeB. H ii YOU NO. J. W BUKU1CK. Lecond Vict PieHineiii Pen. I mn AgU I LUHiH VALLEY KAiLROAU J tm ii, i;. 1 raiu leuvee bcianton lor Phlludolphi and New fort via. L a: ii B K. at t a.m.. 12.111. i. and 11 Jt p. iu via L . L. 4. W. H. E., D UO, t.OS.HJKJa m .and l.Xi p. m. Jjouh hciuuion lor PittBt-jL and Wilks burre via L . L j W K K., t.OU, b.OB, 11JJJ a. ui . LSI' b-bti. t.UT, t.!o, p. m. Leave bcranton tor White Haven, Hazleton. PuttevUie aud all poiuw on the Beaver Meud-.-w ant Potti. vil.i Lii-am-iiefc vu. L W. V.. 0 40 a.m.. via L. A? K. M h. al - a.m.. 12.10. U8. 4 18 p.tn via Ll. L ic W. R. R., 8.01, b.UB, 11.20 a.m., 1.8H. 8.8" p. m e Leave bcruutuL lot Bethlehem. Eastnu. Beadmg. Harrourp anil all intermedulte point via L A- li K. B., E a m.. 12.10. 2.ifc. U.lti i.m.,viaL L At W. R R.,t.00,b.ob, 1L u, m 1.80 p.m. Leave Hcruutor 1 jrTuukhaunock Tuwanda. Elmira. Ithaca. Uenevu uud all intermediate po.nl via b. H K B..V.UI a.m.. 12.10 and 11.81 p. in., via L L. A W h R.. e.ot- a.m.,1.80p. m. Loave bcrauiun tor Knchenter, Buffalo. Kl tgaru Kails, Lotroit. Chicago aud all points went via Li Ac H R. R. b.07 a.m..l2 lo.o.l.'i.ll p. in., via V. L. A W. K. R. and Pittstoo Junction, t Of a m.. 1JI0 V 86 p m.. vu. E A: W R R.. 8.41 p. tL. For Elur.ru and the west via balamaue i, via L. tUtb li.o: a.m.. liio.t.i,', p. m.. vm li.. L At W b u. .t- W a.m.. l.w and 8.07 p m. PuUman parior and Bleeping or L. v. chal" cart, un aU tram between L & L Junction or Wilkee Barre and New YorL PuiiadjlpalA Buffalo and bnnpi-nsioL Bridge BOLL1N H WlLBl'h Qeo .'upt East Div CHAh h. LKL 'wn Paei Ac t Pnila .P. A W.KONNEMACHEB.Aat't OenJ'sss. Agt. boutL Bethlehem Pa 1 11SLAW r HE. LACKAWANNA AND U W ESTER N RAli.ROAIi Trams leave Scrautun at. lollows: Express fm Nt-v York mid all mrirrtl Lust 1.50. 2.80, 8 If, 8. on and Ut a. m ; 12 M and Ml p. m. Express lor Luston. Trenton PlnlaQelphl suu iui' wuiii, o .-s d.uv auu u.j a. m. ; ia.ua and 8.80 p m Washington and way stations. Ul p m. Tobyhanna uc -i. i m (,.ll p. m. Expr Be lor Binghamton. Oswogo Elmira. fJerulie), Bath. Iiansville. Mount Mortal und Buffalo. 12.10. "15 a. tn. and 1.24 n. m.. making dose eemieottoM at Buffalo to all pointb in the West. Northwest and Southwest. Balb accommndation. v a m Binghamton ana way stations 12.87 n. m. Nicholson ana way gtatniiu. tM p m. Nicbosou accominodatiou. ai 4 p. m and t! v m Blnphamtor. am. TJmiru Fxp-esK f, On p m. Exproat, lor Cortland Syracuse, Cwweo. I'tica and Richfn-ld Springs. LU a m, and LSI p. m. Itliuna. 21f and Bath lam and 1JN p m For NorthumlMTland. Pittston. WilkeM-Barre, Plymouth. BiiMimMbnrg and rar."ille. making close ponnectioni. at Nortlmniiierlaud for WUlbunaport Harnaban Baltimore vriush ingtnn and the South. SorThumbei lanri snd Inte-medlate atations, 8Hn. li.fSi a m and LIU and li.07 p. m Kexittook and Intermediate stations, sob Itid ll.Vi a m Plymouth and Intermediate stations H Valid Mgjp, a PoUmaa pnrlor and sleeping coachns on sll upi eKi trains For driHilec iiiformfttiorL pocket tim - tanlos, etc., ppl t. Hi L. smith, city tioket otBna, ll i,a,-kK aniiiiaeenun. or depot ticket otH-e. rrtT;N inviMON. I 1'ffeci Jnnnari ?Sih 1S4. sjnrth Bonne. POO 90t OA axiiiih Boned. or ii4"as I! Stations a c i I Sj S 5 ,Trstns Tisllv. Ft-'i. " 3 H ,i ormi siinrtav 1 N ir AlTlvi leave , u 7 N Y Frankllr. s: ... 7 HI Weal S-.'nfl street ... tV WeehRwketi r Arrive Leave, i u 73b 7M ij " M : ns v n SS4 I '1 41 , tM t S W r v -.-ii f n : ss t ail . ff 7 Hr 1 l.Mlamvi-k JunoUOh Ho" l no Bsecock fi en !SN Sl ii rlti. hi i 6 If) i S9 Prest on Park li OTi iv 47 Como Povniclle rr-lnioiit riei.snl YIU 1 nlondalc Forsei Oily Caitvndav W hite BvldirP ta held Jem iv n Archibald W in ton Pocki llle uli i hanl DKkaea Thriiiip ri-.o idence Park Piaoe flJ I 4. I S 45 fi.VS n m s;' l IS S 119 3 IU will .'P 10 a II Mi Mt.M14i J4 Ut S 34 4! fiC f 1140. t . M (411 MM" S3 IK tt 14ll as, tt ?isrs3s fl XCr3S3fS4l I 31 ! 3fi 3 43 7 40 1C i IN 7 43 10 03 8 S4 7 S 1(1 1,1 3 7 .'I? lil 13 4 04 : MI017I 4fT 7 .'fi 101 4 ll. MVTll A f n 5 0:ill 17 11 li fi 1(1 4 V S U 4 M 4 14 ' J.' 417 M -4tt fm is ifi w pi 4Nn.ll ON sci snli it r it if vi M l eac qrnvvs n . Mr All trains run dall eveept Sunday. i itfeilee tbat tratna (top aa earaal for pa sencers. Aildiiiiial trains leave csrniindalc Mr Scran, ton l n' ami ii i.'- p. ni . arming l BoraatM !. : ,'. leac Si-rniitoii for CarNnidale 6 No and S.N errn lag si csi -beeaUle t ' s and 1.11 p. m Neeure rate ia Ontario Western bifiire imrchssliii. il.-l.cli and save neM liay and fciha't lipreeetoUw well 1,0, Anderson, Den. rsss Apt. T. rMtorvitt, Dlv, l ass, A 01 tk-ianton. Pa 17BIK NH WYoMlN.t VALLVV RAIL li ROAD Train- leave Scranton for New Y'ork snd In termediate points on the Frio radroad at rtV a. in ami ;tt'4 p m. Also for Hones, iale. Ilawlcv anil local poluta at S .13. 0.43 n. in . and 3 114 p m. All I lie nlvv nrc through trains to and from llonesilale. An additional train leaves Scrant rB for Lako Ariel at 111 p.m. snd rrlves at Scran ten from the Lake at S 10 a m and 7.33 o.m. Trslna leave for Wilkes Uarro at 6.40 a, m. aud 1141 p. m.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers