THE SCTtANTON T1UKIJ.NE -TUESDAY M0KN1JNO, MAY a)8, 1WW4. FOR ONE WEEK "Wo will sell our entire stock of New and Stylish TRIMMED HAT8 it GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Come ami sea them at NEWMAN' 803 SFRUCE STREET. DON'T Ttsvo your CPI.I.AHS stur.-tiisl In tho nhl way, wtu'U you h hv thorn iloue with sod, Dt!aU HutU'iihotu for TWO CKN I S KAi'U. Lackawanna THE LAUNDRY Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue We are showing new designs in printed IRISH LAWNS, JACONET, DIMITY and PONGEE. 415 Lacka. Avenue. CARPETS BARGAIN HO & We Offer for a e Oays Fin Moquette auijs Jt $J oo. Thee Huge Have Never Set Sold for .sa Than I3. 00. '27 Wyoming Av. CITY XOTS. Thtrtonn burial parmita wira ;asniit from Mia board if health cfflcn esterday. The joint auditing commits of coun cil mat lat vniaif. The committee on role will convene tonight. The John R. Pordham Prohibition leagnn will me tins evening at the Seward House. Green Ridge afreet. The May prayer meeting of the Xorth End Christian Endeavor anion, to he held in the Providence Prsoytrian chorah this evening, will be ied by E. Boyd Wetv M The Thomas Temp bell who pleaded guilty in :onrt liwf. weelj to a charge nf negligence ly haiiee was not Thomae D. Campbell, driver for the Phnix Ho company A meeting wM he held at 4 r. ra. this afternoon in the Vonng Women'' ' r ItM Association rooms of the latliea ha" teg membership tickets for the Associated Charities and all other ladles .nternted in the worlf. Jack Hordocic, sgeii g jtm, a Hungar ian, met with an arcldenr. in the Bine Biilge mine 7"-terday sffernoon wnleh resulted In a broken arm and severe acalp wounds. He wh removed to the Lacka wanna hospital. The member of Profssser Rork't lass, Elm Park crmreh Sunday sahool. will h .M IMM at f he home of Mis .fesxie Will iam, Elmhnnt, Friday vsnmg, May 2H Train will leave DaUwur, Ixckawatina and Western station an'.. ID p. m. Attorney John M. Harri;ysterdav filed a Mil in equity for the borough of Taylor asking court to direct the township nf Old Forge to give an acenmt of its indttd neae so that the new borough nf 'i syier will know what portion of said debt It will have to pay. At an entertainment given by children at the residence of Alfred Hand for the benefit of the Koran ton free Kindergarten association, a neat nn wm realized Miss Rath Hand, the three Visnnn Moore, Mis Archt.all and Matr Bay Handerton presented ithe enferf nim.. This evening at the Yonng Women's Christian association rooms thommbr and their frien-U will meii for a social . i . ."i . .,' If Ktlli - ' ' 1 IUH HVfnill) will be a "Narsery Rhyme Pnrty." ff yon don't know what that Is go and find oot: if yoo do know, yon will be sure to ko and Join In the fnn. Mnsi': nnd jne will he enjoyed. Every girl and yotvig woman Is cordially Invited. Hlnce Actinf)snfral Manairar lleotem of the Heranton Traction company, ha been in the city he has given special atten tion to a plan for oqnlpplng cars with safs ty fenders. For some time ha hns been awaiting the result of fender testa in Iirooklyn. In that city the company op erating the Atlantic BVIflflO lino Is nperi tnenting with seven different styles of fenders. Several .hnvo proved impracti cal. Open All Might at Lehman Spruce streot DEATH OF J. C. MILLER. vii ad own Ai nam ox fmrsrmrir Paiaea Away. John Charles Mlller.a prominent Pet- Ixty-fonrth yeiir. Ha ii aarrired by a ntlifhur end tvn anna The funeral will be 1 eld at 2 o'clock omorrow from his lato residence. Her- mn win luiiuiT nil iuv i HiemiMir he deceased was an officer. Bare You Sren Them. Fancy stripe aud figured taffeta ilk" . orth $1.2r and (1. CO; oar price 79 cents as ng aa they laat Meaks & Haqen. Williams k MM CITY IS FULL OF CIS Board of Trade Wants the Mayor to Abolish the Nuisance A. W. DICKSON: IS TIRED OF THEM Mrptinf; I :nu-.h ; About tho Bovlnei but Considers tho Mattor Seri ously -Several New Industries May Locate Horn Early Hour Sleeping Accommodations Secured Iroin the D. L. & W. Read Street Clean ing Experiments. The cow imwt o At last Diyhfi m-tinir ot the botr4 Of trs.lo a V. Dloktoa doeUrttd that the bovine, wuethdr hornod or "uiul loy, m list OOnfln her iiieaiulotluua to pastures INHW ami not 0Qv bor on. 1 oa front doorstep. The 00 w iiuestlon oi'vnme.l idl ol -Mr. ltekou's eiiergiei at a provlou turetingof the board, but tils remarks lust nlgQl WW partieulav Iv warm, and while tlie uiembers were at Ural duposed to sen only thu humor Ml -ide of the OOiW, tliey tliully wut. ; around to t:ie other sidi of her an t de puted sUo must tie. Bat ttio cow iiueetiou did not iblOtQ otner matter ot inteisst at the ineel lug. lap rttil report wer. submitted by the iniimfHOturera', atreeta and bridges and transportation oomiint tee. lb mitiufaoturer' committee, tlirou'ti Lu:brr Keller, ohairmau. te IK'rtod adversely ou the proposition of the laAMttMtiMv Claj S ick eoinpauy, ihd therefore lid not ticommeud it for cvusideration by the bord. UKMUM vk a Ml The Peerless t'iinu WtaWIMf. of 1'at MMI, N. J., employiu,' J.H) hand. 4-i per iuut of whom are wouieu, have bid a representative here looking; for u suitable locatiou for a plant. The matter hss been referred to parties Mffa desirable sites for sle, aud it is uot nulikely UtaJ ih industry will lo cate here. A represstitativ of th Sterling Silk company, also ! Faterson, will be here toJay. The Augusta Si.k company another Patersou eouceru, has written for in fortuatiou, iud Mr. Drown, wbo is tb rtptmatattv of all the Patersou drill ta.-ntioaed. is expected here lolay. Mr. MiUtinaay. of Scriutoa, patentee of the Millbaaserauti-friotioa bearing, desire to oranie a coiupauy and pat tbe article ou tiie market. Tae ooin-trii'.'s- recommends the article, the uia:iur Uajlaga of which would prove a pajbUj invesimjut. Teats we. rueutiou td which tue bfjuiaaj bad t'cen s-verely subjected ou uiauy of the railroads coBtfaar iato 8oraatoo. lir MUlhamr va wnalBMadri to aay wao had itioyey to invest. During toe 'tat month as many a Mvefl respcnsibl concerns have sought indacementa to come here. The com mittee announced their opinion that any or all ot the concerns mentioned above could, be secured. THAT HRIDOS tjUBSTlO.T E H. Pond, .hnirmiin of tho commit tee on trents and bridges reDorted on :iie legalitv and fai bility of changing the location of t.H proposed Linden street bridge to .Malberry street. Ti committee ascertained by an opinion from the city solicitor that the location cannot) be legally changed without having another vote taken. The commitlee ar of the opinion that ander trie circumstances the change a aggs' : i not feasible. As to a letter method of cleaning the Ureeta the matter has been carefully coisidernl. The committee is of the opinion that by employing from one to two men on each block constantly the street can be kept perfectly clean at a cost to each store frontage of not more 'lar. aO per month 00 Lackawanna arenne. On other street it coold be done for a proportionate amount. The recommendatton of the commit tee that a jpeeia! committee of three be appointed ;.. canvass amon; Lacka wanna avenne mercbanta and seenre their support for an exp?riinmt on that thoroogiifar was adopted The transportation committee re ported that throng!) Osneral Manager VV. F. Hallatoad the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western Fliilrowi companv will side-'.raok a sleeping car at the sta tion every evening at ;) 30 o clock, tie- ginning next Monday. Tne car will be attached to the regular night train for tne period of one month and as long tnareafter as the patronage warrants. The resignation of FT. W. Kingbnry r"CMVd and accepted Attorney D P Keplojde, A. L. Collins, candy manufacturer, and F P. Christian, batter, wr nnanimonsly elected mem bers of the beefA Tho application for mmberibip of S, C. Snyder, deotiat, was received and fllod for one month according to rnle I O. K-rr, A. 7T Kramer and T. J KsUy were appointed by the chair a sp-ci il committe" on experiment! atrnet cleaning to canvass among th Lackawanna avenue msrehanta. L'nder thejorder of new bnsins A W Dickson atated that the wandering cow question rs of flOTfgb of ltriportance to warrant the board in taking definite action to have th nnlauic abated A lanh fnllowsd Mr Di-kaon's remark, not because the members did not real ize the real seriousness of the question, ?.nt hecanso it Is a wtdl known fact :n iMf, DletteM con 'iders the tourist cow a standing m'msoe to the city's metropolitan stri la. want ITOMAACM UkAAWb, Th cow did not coioprhe the whole of Mr Dickson's list ot nuisance. Jf complained of the crying of the newa boys on Handsy moriiiiigs. lie rnovd, threffire, that the row and news boy anlflflOM be toon tinned to t.b tn iyor with tfift r quet that tfiy bo nbolislied. 'I he Motion was put tn two section end Wits u ianiiiioiisly Carilad. .1 -. ph I. ri con!iniid tha hnrnor of the Beeilag Bf stating earnestlr Itbat the Till r tren tii-rsglmn t rolurn-froin-Honssdal' -it ; o'clock-1. in nuisano should also I'" ibolUhed, This slate inent set the meeting off info anolber gale of Itflf bier. tint Air. I.ivydid not the point and said tne 'laOlbtfl of the cilinens were distnrb"d by the nolte Of drums and ihf tramp or tbo men when tliey ri tiinied from their recent Hoaitd i trip. Homeone auggestrd that this matter also be referredlo Mayor Cannell.wlth Colonel Kijiplea an ndvisory, but the clinlr could uot se t a definite motion In tha complaint and the matter wa dropped. A vote of thnnks wna tendered Oen era! Manager W. F. Bftllllwd. of the Delaware, Lnckawannn and Western, and th trnusportation comtnittn for the improved aleeplng car accommoda tions. Mint File More Terfeot Alntr"t. Judge Edwards yesterday dlrecjKi Mr. Anule Melvin to file n more perfi.'tt ab stract In ejectment ngniust cx-.Ium John Handley end Julia A. Clenieur. t ''ecover possession of the Wonderland nrrty on Linden street. AN FX-CONSTABLE ARRESTED. Charge of Burglarf Prsfsrmd Against Him .. d Companion. Two men, supposed to bn burglars, were seen in the store of thu Famous Pauls company, ou Peuu avenue, at an early hour yesterday morning by Will lam Williams, of Tub Thimink.. and Qwm Kerl. of tho Conway House. Mr. Williams telephoned IMAlMMTtfJf to polios beadiiuartera, but ou the ar rival tr Otllunis T. Jones and Hell 1 ol h tbo i ialtsiueu had uiiulo thulr exit. A qnautlty of olotblng to tho value of nearly 100 was t omul in the store ready to be taken away. JtCBtl lveuuedv, an (-ooiintable of the Twenty Urst waid.aud John (.jut tin wont later found in the St. DtOOtl ho tel with baltOM b.louglug to tb 0N In tbeir pOEMMton They wern ar fflted, but al polio court later the Olotblng BIOpIo lufuied to proseoete them and they wove ntonOtlt hjt A' deriuun Fuller to pay a tins of fid oaoh or furnish bull for a further beating The tines will piobably bn paid to day ttTKUHcN WIIN KtMOHSE. . Janny Jons Anxtjue to Kittar a Rtist ml Dnisft OKI Uaiuiia iloua. Jenny JoQM tbo uufm luaato WOUIQ who KtteOipteu sulelds week by swallowing l.audenuui in a Oltltef street reorl and was afterward sue ceistuUv treated with pemtbngtnate ol pot tOlli UO) at the lotokawanua hoipl' at, 11 Sllll I 'alien I at lull I lot 1 1 lit I li Binoe her reception t the bospitul she has i -.'.'ii very leiuorsafnl and baa rXpnllld u desire to enter the Florence lillaalo'.i Sim will be dlsoharged today or tomorrow NO INCREASE FOR TEACHERS. School Controllers Think the Finan cial Condition ot School District W ill Not Warrant Such Action.. Tne adj lUrQld in sting of the board ( oontfOl held last evening for further consideration of the petition of the principals of grammar schools for en leoreaae of salary resulted unfavorably tor the underpaid teacher. All of the mem'oer of the board were piejent ex cept Mitahell, Schrlefer and Kvans. Principals Douahoe, Keaue, Hawker. QalnniQ and Jordan were interested spectators ot the pioceediugs. The teachers' and finanee committees to whom the matter wai referred at th last meeting, reported that they had given the subject due cousldora Uoa at a meeting held Friday evening, and that they rcomuieuded ths tdop Hon of the followimi reeoiatloa Whereas, The tax levy, as recommended by the tiuauce committee, will not allow ot an la the expenditures already provided for; therefore, be it Resolved, That the board deems it lnX ptdieut to increase any of the salaries ut the present time. Mr. Jennings moved that the report be divided, then withdrew hi motion and moved an amendmeut to the effect that the petition of the principals be referred tack to the teachers' i in uni te for farther consideration and that it be the tense of the board that an in crease in lalarie be granted, provided the appropriation warrants th same. This motion was also withdrawn and a vot? tuken on another, alio offered by Mr. Jenningi, in favor of adopting th report but laying the resolution over for further consideration. U was lost nays 10, yea & Mr. Jennings next moved that ths report be tabled. This w is lost by a vote of 0 yeas to 13 nays. Mr. N'otz offered a resolution appro priating 2,000 for an Increase of sal aries. It was seconded by Mr. O'Boyle, but was voted down 10 to S Mr. Walah voted against the resolution, but explained that he was in favor of increasing th pay of sneh principals a deserve more money, and said that he thought that the teachers' commit tee ougnt to determine who tbey are. The members voted as follows: Yeas H. J. O'Mallev. Mahi n. iJevanev. Conrad, O Boyle, .lenuings, Notz, o Mai ley. Nay Von Storeh, Carson, Wormser, Welsh, Watrons, Jacob9, Williams. Barker, Coar, Langstaff, Tbe building committee recommend -d that Davi and Honpt be employed as architects for tbe twelve-room building to be erected in the Fourth ward to take tlie place of No. 19 and that they be paid a commission of 5 per cent., but that they furnish a copy of the plans and specifications for the files of the board free of coit. Adopted, On motion of Mr. Wormser, it was de cided that the estimate of the archi tects ranst not exceed JH0 000. . TOSS OF A CENT DECIDED. M'lgants I and Rabbins SeltW Their blitpiit In an Raay Meaner A snit bronght before Alderman Wright yesterday was terminated in a peculiar manner. T. H. Jones snd J. J. Roberts for M, which ha claimed wn due him m nam rnr. The defendant said the barn was ranted by his son and that, th rent was ft a month Instead of f.1 A nonrlnslou could not be ranhed and the parties finally agreed to flip a ront to determine whether tho defendant ahonld pay 2 or 0 ' onatnbls Wilson threw up the cop per and It eme down In favor of the defendant. The Ir.ttor paid JQ for the rent of the building and R costs, end all departed in the beat of humor. . MEETING OF QUANO JURY. .fades Aifhbeld AopllOted Fldne7 Hen worl Korernen of 't. Tim grand jnry for tb June session met yesterday IftOfllOOfl in the inaln conrt room and was lntrntd as to tlie nature nf its duties by Jndg" Arobbtld h ippoioted W4nt Bett wo id. of Prnvld" nre, foreman, nnd dl reeled TtptHtafl Jacob Hitter to take i -barge of tne jury while It is In lob, "Theft are always e rases lo be disposed of at the Juri" term than any Other during the year," Dlstriet Altor ti"V Kelly said yestordar, "and this term will bo DOItOeptlOD M the rule " ' . , - TRIED TO BEIT Hit BRAIN3 OUT The Had flight nf e SufTsrnr from Al (lohrillarn. Teater.lny afternoon a man ernuohed In a kneling position 00 LUMWanna avenue while ou tbe Vefgl of dnlirluui treineus and bent bla bead against a stone until the blood II iwnd In stream from guibes in bis forehead. Km was taken to tlie police station liy Offloen Palmer and Flaherty, ilia condition Inst night was such that bis Dam could not he learned, but lie Ii supposed to b a (keen Hldge glaai blower. e FEHILV'S CONDITION SERIOUS. Ul Son, Who Btruok Him with an Aa, mil In Jail. John Pohlly, of Minooka, whom ion assaulted him with an nx Saturday, la till In a donbtfnl condition. I 'rain fever set In yesterday aud complicated the work of tbe physicians Who did not anticipate inch. The ycung man la still in jail UIT UTEST HUH A Daughter of Dlxlo Proves lo Be a Very Clever Dramatic Work. THE STORV IS VERY WELL TOLD Tho Author Essays Onn of tho Prin cipal Olinracters nnd Do so It Well. Called rtotoi'ii tlm Curtain at tho foil of Iho .SrLonil Act Pm-lorin-nin e Will ho li'niir.doil I oniji lit nt Frottiinnliiiin Tlmah r. "A Dlttfbttr r Dixie." the Utest work of Pinlll a Hail, tlm young ill.ea-ll Hie ( I .-. i and J mm mi. I 1st was given Its Oral production in tho ,uv at th, Prnthinghain tiiHuter I ail night uv a benefit for the Boranton i 'i - ii club Leal niL-hi's andienoe was oot as lurue as i: nlmul I have loon, lint it was a rvpreiintatlvi and toinawnal orltloal ouo That tb play won it umi oalleJ fo th round iiftm round or bartr ap lame is ivldeno that "A Paoghtif ol llait," baa qualities that uppeal strong ly to dUor Inilnettnii theater goert. The m . iio of tha drama D Lid In Kentucky mil ibe blue grail l l-o ol honor Agar ooniplonoutly In the m loguu There ti In tb drama a sug geitlon of Ho poetry end deltoioy of ibadlng o( "Alabatna'1 and thi if aoriuolng lieroiim that Ii ihe main prlng of "la Old Kontooky," and yet Mr. ilsrt's piny by no means follows tbe dlstlullvo lines of nf these drum is, Ilia is an origin il Ibeiu and it is tni.i in a manner which shows tiat Mi. Satt baa the draiuauu lustiuct well de veloped. f m htaiik RrPCOTI The drama in ol tbe reeltlllo MbO d, the opening 10000 being especially slroug iu that line. Aa tbe i mi lain rises u white walled snuitheru m inor house Is disclosed Oalheil In the noon light with vines partially concealing Ibe pillars that fringe the verandah In the woods tbe buds Eft Calling, lire tiles are llllliug hither aud thither uud the cionk of the bull lio, c nil as from tbo neighboring pond. it is a uueue ludnlentof the South and tbe others white not as elaborate are quite as beautiful. Tbe dialogue of the drama is bright and in many tuitnnces witty Sottl of the bantering between the rliaritetira ut times, however, almost degenerates into a tllppitucy that is out of time witii tha drains. Mr. Hart has been fortunate iu the Baiting cf the piece. Miss Marion Ballon made a splendid character of GHofl Ciayborue, u thoroughbred Ken tucky girl. As William Lewis, Eugeno Moore did some very clever work, as did John I lay Cassar, the Colonel Har vey who iutrodncss all tho vill any into he piece. Mr. Hart bimsvlf made a good impresxiou iu the ohuracier of Dick Long, a practical New Yorker, who is in tne south lor business pur poses only. CALLED BBIOSI THE CURTAIN, At the end of tbe sncoti 1 act there were repeated calls for Mr. Hart aud in response, to them he came before thu curtain and made a short speech of a humorous character, cloning by begging his auditors to givo him an honest ex pression of what they considered were the principle fliwa in "A Diogiiter of Dixie." Considering that it wa the third production of tho play the performance passed off iuot smoothly, it is a cleror drama, it pleased last night's audience and seems destined to win a warm place in the hearts of tbe theater goers of America. Tonight Scranton theater goers will have another opportunity of seeing "A Daughter of Dixie" and it should be greeted by a crowded house. K ft 10 NTS OF LABOR IN SESSION. ' Quarterly Convention Held Tsstsrday Behind Closed Door. A quarterly convention of the Knight of Labor of Lackawanna county was held yostorday afternoon and evening In tho rooms of District Assembly No 10, on Spruce street. The convention was composed of dele gates from the different assemblies of Knights of Labor, and tbe delibera tion! were secrot nnd not Intended for p ibllcation. However, a Tnim;Nr reporter learned hat ex-(Jsneral Master Workman 'owderly of the order was present and addressed thedelegitea and that reso lutions were adopted, signifying their continued confidence in Mr. l'nwderly's uprightness, nnd deploring the rash al temjft of his enemies iu their endeavor to etxpel him from the Knights of Labor. Tlie regular routine business of quarterly conventions of the order was also transacted. RETURNS OF (.UNSTABIES. Persons Who Ais Alleged to Be Viola tors of tb Lew. The constables of the county made their quarterly returns to court yester day. John M. Murk, formerly of tne First ward of Dickson (itv, but n off of the borough of Tbroop, was returned for keeping a tippling homo ny Cnn stable HlObard Perron John Hheirerk, nf Mil Forgf, was relumed for the sslno i.ff.oise. Luisrna atieet in the Pltteinth ward, Jos ph ilreet. nnd WotMtlf IVOBBI In tb" d'entb ward, and the 0adl in the tb ward of Carbntidnln were re tarnBd ns In bad lOBOlllOBi . ifrM m i, PaT RICK M'NAMARA KIllEO. Ml Dsath In a Collision In the TeB Rteleli nine. Patrlok lioNinara, agar 0 years, whs killed In the Von Htornh tninea yesterday innmlng about 10 p'alooh He wbe driving a mute attaobid to a trip of oars from the fool of the slmft In n oliniii tnr, when another trip of loaded cars rime down the Incline. A OOllUlOO followed mid both the mul and its driver were killed Instantly. MrNamnrn'a inn due ware nnuveyel in Iho homo of bin parents on West Market sire! Hi funeral Will OOOttf lomorroWi HARE ZOOLOGICAL SPiCIMENS. Wild BsattsTrom lbs Hsmolnst Parts of th World -two (slant Qorllla. Of tho Itanium oi llailey (Irotitint Show on ISarlh, which comes bare i bursday, It Is said that it own and x lit Eii tn mora foreign rare aniuiala and lard than any traveling xhlbltton In th world, and aside from the attrao lioniof the fine olrouses, double m i stim and hlppodromand the splendor of th aerial display, It ii worth many limea the adtnllllon fen to the show to inspect th zoological wonderit Using the most modest language mis- Ible, it is only truth to say that it Ii the best and most varied colleotlon of wild, rare and curious animals ever Men In theci.y Tb ennlmuli of the ruminant tribe tire particularly rare, and here are splendid specimen! of their kind. There li a rare specioa of the gnu, or homed horse, from the mountains of Africa, and dlffiront in many particulars frum the lowland gnus usually sen In captivity, btiug piubiild for one thing, wbll th (pedes ordinarily sunn Is black. A pair of un commonly line A f i lean porcupines ou cupy on cnge and an enormous wart hug from Abyasliiniu auothur. Hare spe cimens uf Alpine, and Asian an telopes are lOOWO, among tbnm an lUod) an oryx, a nylgaii and aalirlng boll. Til nil tin he bain jlllt betll I'M -0 tWO btlgl B0I Ilia's, main and female, the Itrgeii known ipieieg and Hi - only onus evil lii captivity, lloth rt-marliii-ble iiiiliniiK, the raieat mi mirth, mora nearly I esc milling man Iu every way then any oiio r kuuwn Their natnri tile now known nil nvur tbn wurlil toon being confined in iitial park ell last winter through th generosity of Mr. J A ll iiley, nnd wlimo tbuy woi vie lied by lolentlili, nitnraliit, and ito drills from every where Obiko and JobanOB iboold bn Men byeveiybody PIKE AT EV3ANV&LLE SHAFT. Hiiiuli eils ill Men anil Hoys I In oat- ened I jy Bmokl End I "id Air. All Make I In n EbOBDI Fir broke out ut h o'clock yiilerdaji morniug In tb Blr shaft lion of the Mnuvlllu l.realiai. I'oll'iwlng the ..I'll in hundiuila of in. aloha w uisli BOOked tO the slufl nod iuluuse ri olteutent piuvuilud until tb iuiur from nil the m.i kings rVBN Inoiigbt to Ihe surface on the cairlnge 01 tbo boifl log ' haft No uialiu wua SoUiidu I bf the city guugs, but tbo lonoroni wiutiauf th Vnn Btorob llODO brought llu (itiioral Phlnney. Liberty uud Hlagsra oompa ules lo Urn an he. 'J lie i.lty couipuiiles, asslstnd by Ilia ntleami of Water from thu breaker pipeo, boob bad the ilimi tiutli r eoutrul. Tbo lire tbroalBiind danger and dl nth to tne mliiais, IuImjkiis and buys at work, for it wus found necessary to stop the fun as soon ua tbo lire die euveied, else il would huve driven Hit tlaiuus and smoke down tbe thufl However, word Was s-ut at 0000 to th (uotmau, who immodulily sent tbe llarm througu all the workings. Many of the man lo rencu the cntilug had to puss beneath the uir ahalt. down wblub theimoke was pouring in cloud. Water wus directed upon tne court ei limber work of the shall tor sunietime after Ibe last veutagu of flams waa seen. Ibe fire did not tauKa ully in juru the tun. Tho lire was eansed by smooldering culm soaked with oil which bad Bath- red under th fan K0RT0TZ StRiOUSlV INJURED. He Would M -t hi Accep'ad at tbs H' use Wber U hoarded An unmarried Austrian, aged about 20 years, giving hit reildence as 405 South Washington avsnne, attempted to board n rapidly removing coai tralc on tho main line of the Delaware, Lscknwunna and Western railroad rt Tobybsnaa yesterday afternoon, fell under tbe wheels and bad a leg hor rlUf crushed. He wis brought to this city on the No. !? express at 0 o'clock, and removed in a baggage wagon to the address on South Wanlilngtou avenue mentioned above; but tbo people there refused to admit bim, nnd tbe injured man was then driven to the hospital. There he gave bis mime ns John Kortotz At a late bour last night Amputation had not been performed at the hospital owing to Kortolz's crititlcal condition. THE SILVER IEOGE. PrsaenUd b Minnls Listsi'a Company To t Evanlng. Minnie Lester and her company opened their locond week's engage ment at the Academy last evening by presenting "The Silver Ledge" to an appreciative audience. Miss Lester in the role of Ressie handsomely illustrated tbe part of an unbred girl and was Irtqipiitly p pl iulod by the spectators. The other members of the OBEtdid nlmost equally well. Tonight the company will present "Antiott. tho Dancing Girl," A poiv which affords excellent opportunities for the display of the very best quali ties possessel by Miss Lester The enmnanv has been minnlinnintaA h- the press elsewhere for its excellent presentation of the pleoe. . Fotenlnn'i FavntUe Phew. (. S. t'ary (Vs. All Keature Show, winch exhibited two week ago on the show grounds, opposite the court house, mid received ihe unbounded pinihe of both press and public, have relumed to play this week Opposite court bouse, commenc ing Tuesday evening, May M, end each afternOOn BBd evening during the week. Honrs open 1 and T p. in It is unnet essai y to say anything in praise nf this company. Kvery one who visits the ihow cnn rest as sured nf seeing a strictly first cUe pPr. formation in every particular Admission Id and 'jn cent. s 1 S June Widdtegs. invitattoM) annnttnrements, rhncb, CrtnOOy and reception cards, engraved and printed at Prtoe & u , got Washing ton avenue. The only ilace In the cltv where the woik i dnnenf the premises Thsy I'ave O-ine Down That Is prices EtGoOElBf Ihotliers, Won (erful A i o tho vTOrkl of WhtBlbeVf rotfi ii ihottld be olttd onoe your. HOW ABOUT YOUR WATCH ? II. Ih il mrjOD liner pitvo ol' iiiooliniilmi) umi ihooid Do olenned unit oitoti 8vry ygtVi t kotp ii in good order, I lino ii done b) W. W. Berry T h a Jeweler Who limn hid I won I y livo jtutf experlenoo, STon will thtd liim ul Lacka Avenue. Best Sets of Teeth, $3 qq Inolndlng the palnles extracting tf teeth by an entirely new pro- S. O. Snyder, D.D.S. 180 YVld.Ml.NO AVtu Attention I Ladle. Th remainder of my trimmed pattern hats and bonnets will be sold at a great re duction. Ladles wishing to purchase a stylish bat made of the tioest materials will sav money by calling nt , Mias J Fui.wcu'e, Opp. Court House, 6'4Kpruce stret. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHII I Plumbing AN 1 1 Tinning CAM FIJI WORKMEN, PROMPT BERVICr, POI'ULAR PRICES, HENRY BATTIN & CO. IM ratfH AVMOaT, garhaqe: CArvib i Aeorderel i " ' of tEaamk. HOUSEHOLD SPECIALTIE& "A lilt of in ryiblng under the sun, i inii, u Hal. leys to a 'jutliuu kuu. ' 7lllllllllllllilHttm OSLAND'S 128 Wyoming Ave. "CXT D,Me BA Wt an- now diKjilaying a Sue lint ol y mm N. Hosiery SemO 3 0- GRAND ARMY- Decoration Day draws near, and we are ready with the clothing needed to fit you for the inter esting occasion. Full GRAND ARMY HITS at $6.50 and upwards. Single and Double Ereast ed, Square and Rcund Cornered Coats. The Coats and vests are made with eyeless and t wo sets of Buttons go with each Suit. Full Suits or Single Garments as may be desired. OUR WHITE VEST STOCK is a large and complete one and we can supply you for from 65c. up. Frorr pnrchawr of 81 worth or ovor receives a Ciharice on the Beautiful PARLOB SVIT. IN 137 AND 139 Complete Outfitter. S. L, Q ONE OF OUR STRONG POINTS BANISTER'S. t The Busy Little Bee Is nil (he lime saving something for I rainy ilay. The proprietor of BROWN'S BUB HIVE is BlwAyi saving something for every one thai givee him I OhMOOi U will lx inoivey In your pOQetfjl to give him a chance. His stock Of MILLINERY, HATS, LADIES' AND MISSES' SUITS, CAPES, SHIRT WAISTS, VESTS, MEN'S NECKWEAR, MEN'S AND BOY'S STRAW HATS, ETC., Are (he finest you ever saw for the money. Agency for Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary Woolen Goods. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. DID YOD SEE THEM? A $1.50 Leghorn Hat for 79C. Dome and gel one lioforo they are nil ;oiio. HOW IS THIS? A $4 Cape for $1.98 in all shades. A Ladies' Tailor made Suit for $4.98 'JVy aie beauties. Furs ITOEED and VHDMMD It ALTBBED HY UB, FJ.J'-ii OF CiiAK'iE luritig the '-.-. :.!.;! J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. k mi son PENN AVENUE, SCRANTON PA. ALLEN, iiU 7 B CAN 1rnlv lav Ihsl no one can show von CHIL- DREFg shoe that looV an.l oar as well as ours. WhyT Be oanae wo nake CJTJLPRES shoe a spoeial sttidv nnd are al ways Irving o get something Ivt ter tlian we alreadj have We ean sa e yon ntimey on QHTMWBjPg ikoeaV Wonhin'l it le wise for you to In n, laciuwanna an3 H0m km SUTS
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