THE SCBANTON TMtiUNE MONDAY MOENTNG, MAY 21, 1894; ...w ..f. GORMAN'S BRAND DEPOT Bummer Has Returned S has the rlsins wnTS of prosper ity. Wo launch our snip laden with ilv fint display of beautiful, seao ousblo ami reliable good ever slowu iu thin vicinity. Every Department Hub tnkon Oil II BSW look sum mery look. Tb'W who will soon he leaving for Siimtuer Resorts we bnve cepecially looned out for. Sou Do Not Know What yon want Mil you see what Is tho "Litest" what Fash Ion has seen fit to siuilo upon. Tin s-' havo beeu eelected from the market very early. Wo havo railed the choicost. Oor store is fillud with Novelties aud many inorc are arriving daily. Writing an Advertisement Is like building a housg. You must have the foundation and frame work rleht or the trimmings will fail. Wo Vase our It COM on the correct foundation. V sell the most and the best goods for tho least money. A Coral Reef Is not built up in a dav, neither is a business reputation. The Great Quantities Of goods we sell show that we have the confidence of the buying pub lie. We must advance. We can not stand still nor we will not recede. Ladies Who Always Trade with ns know the truth of our statements. Others we ad vertise to have a chance to con vince. Come and See Us Tent onr offerings. We shall al ways have yi nr trad. No spring "tired feeling" is apparent in the mmigemen. of rur store. Plenty of he'.v. treatment. No Misrepresentations And an interest on the part of each salesperson to have yon get just what you want at jnst what you can afford to pav. Dress from Our Store For 9'.yl Brighten ycur home and you will kaow that you have be-n relieved of the least money for tne ts: merchandise that can be f und on sale. OLYPHANT. The Browns of this place defeated tho strong Youne Men's Christian asso ciation teim of Soranton on Saturday in a well pUyei game, bv a score of 11 to A train consisting of an engine and five crs to into an opon switch on the New York. Suo,nehanns and Western rai'road uear Johnson's br-aker. Sat urday mori.i&. and waa thrown dawn ik etotp embankment, totally demolish ing the cars and damaging the engine to torn" extent. A wrecking crew wai tent for and had the track cleared for trafih by evening John R. Nealy, formerly of thu place but now a rji nt or 1 svlor, mcnlated among friends here .Satur day E. J. Bnrke, of Green Ridge, called on bis many acquaintances in town Satordiv J. L. Knaj,p, of the West Side, at tended the excursion to New York Batorday CoDuciIman E E RobatbAn, of the West Hide. Soranton, waa a visitor in town Saturday evening. Lizzie, daughter of Joseph and (irso II .... aged C years, died at her home on Lackawanna street Saturday night at 8 80 o'clock. Interment will b made in St. Patrick's cemetery on Monday afternoon C. P. O'Malley, of Scrnnton, an 1 sis ter, Miss Mamie, of this place, went with the Press club's excursion to New York Saturday. Mines Agoes and Mary Hull, stu dents of Keystone Acadurny, are home on a visit. Miss Edith Evans, of Lackawanna street, waa a caller at Scranton Satur day. John Kwannick, of Upper DaiBOr street, died of a paralytic Stroke San day morning at 1 80 o'clock, lie was CS years of age and apparently In Rood health up to last everting, and was about town as latt as 9 o'clock. D -ceaaed la survived by a large family. Bueklen'e Arnlaa Ba'.ve. The nest snlve la the world for'tati Brnlses, Bores, Ulcere, BeltJlbeam. Ferer titn. Totter, (.hupped Hands. Chilblains, torus and all Skiu Eruptions, and posi tively cures Pllea, or no pay rtmli edT It la guaranteed to glvo ported satisfaction or money refunded. Price Its cents per box. For aaln by Matthew Uroa. HALLSTEAD. John A Millune Is in Scranton to. day. Mrs. Then. Hayes was In Binghatn- ton, Hatnru ty. William Brown, while coupling oars in the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western yard, at thla place, bad the misfortune to have his hand canzht be tween the bumper He is doing as well as could be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lane, of El mint, are visiting in town. The Misses Tracy and Mary Connor are visiting friends in Scranton. Eugene Lowo and Bert Boise, of Blngbamton, were visiting in town the rust or the wook A Million Friends A friend in need is a friend Indeed, and mit less than one million people havo found just such a friend In Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Cougaa and Colds, If von have never used tbie Qreat Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lunirs. Each bottle Is guaranteed to do all that is olninied or money will Be refunded. Trial bottles free at Mathews Bros', drug store. Large bottles 6oa and IL0O. Highest of all in Leavening Power Powier ABSOLUTELY PURE PITTSTON. Tho attachment for contempt of court issii"d a ftiw davs ago against Burgesa Malonoy an I which was eet down for trial Saturday proved u bugs lizzie, l'aul J. BhOrWOod, attorney for Broad Pros., having discovered that his proceeding wore prc-euiptlorv. Tho funeral o( l'oter Stroh, who ni"l a tragic death Saturday, occurred yes terday afternoon. Ititermout wiih made in West Pittston oemotery. The funeral of JututH Hewitt, who died Friday evening, occurred frOUl Ills home on Bearla street yesterday aft ernoon. baturd :: morning James lieiliy. age Itl years, a section boss on the Wilkes Lliirre Eastern road, was fatally hurt by being struck by u train at Jenkins station. He stepped otT oue track out of the way of oue traiu ouly to be strut k by a traiu on the Other track The engine passed over his right leg bi low thu knee, severing it. ami ho wan otberwiaa Injured, Ha was removed to the hospital lor treatment John Jordan, justice of the peace of Upper Pittston, who, with his oonnsol, J. T. Leuaban, of Wilkes-Baire, went to Harnabur last Thursday, for the purpose of layiug before the governor and attoruHy-peuersd argument: wby ins commission as justice of the peace, should be issued to bun, preceedeil in his minion aud baa notified his m my ffienda that he has sscnrtd the much prized sheepskin Mrs. J. Moiaii, aged year, of Oregon, who has been ill for some time, died at the hospital Saturday morning, whither she wus removed a week ngo for private treatment. The remains were removed to the family home, ffoa which place the funeral will oc cur thia morning. Interment in Mar ket Street cetueterv. The funeral of J nines Clark, who was killel Friday eventng by a fall of roof in the Steveus shop, will occur this maniac The St. Aloysius society met yester day afternoon at 2 80 and elected dele gates to the annual state convention to be held it benaudoah next moutb. The Fifth Legislative convention to nominate a Democratic candidate for the legislatnre, will be held at Burke's hotel, Port Griffith, on Monday, June 1 lv at 10.80 o'clock in the moruing, and the delegato elections will be held on Saturday afternoon, June 0, between the hours of 4 and 7 o'clock. "A Daughter of Dixie," by Daniel L Haft, will be presented at Music Hall next Thursday for the first time. The fact of "Dan" being so intimately ac quainted in this place and thai his lat est effort is considered to bo bis master blSOS, is a guarantee that a packed house will greet both tbe author and play on this occasiou. Mrs. Op pea betas, of New York city, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Meyer Schlos', of William str et. Mrs. Furlong, of Providence. R. I , is the guest of Mrs. Langao, of Pine street. Tne following persons from this place were in attendance at the funeral of the late Mrs. M O'Malley. sister of Rv. Father Coroner, wr;cu occurred -xrenton this Doming! Y ry It-; v. J Finnen, Rev. J F. Ureve, Thomas Meloney, Thomas Maugan, C Don nelly. M. W. (j'Bo)Ie, Mark McD.n nell. P Loftns, Mrs M p. Mrs A. McNamara, Mrs U. Con way, Mr-. J. Ford, Mrs. J. L'oegr.v. Mrs M. Oal l0'ber, Mrs. M. O'Malley, Miss Jennie Conway and Miss B. 'on way. R-v. Abel Parry, D D., an eminent preacner of Wales, who has been at tending the Eastern Pennsvlvanla Welsh Baptist conference at Miners ville. la annonnced to preach in the Welsh Baptist church hre on May BI Satnrlay morning Peter Strnh, a well known resident of this place, was struck by passenger train i'J on the Valley road, dne at the Larkawauna aid Moomabaffl junction at H :i0 o'clock Mil so badly li.jared that he died tw iionra later. Thu unfortunate man wa-. walking along toward the station and when on the eaat side of tho bridge, hearing the east DOBod train approach ing, ho st'pp-d to the west bouno track. Just then the local passenger train on the West Pittston branch bav ing discharged ita passengers, was backing out of the way of an incoming train. Tbe rear coach of this train struck Stroh and knocking him over on the east bonnd tra k, in front of the approaching train. The engine struck nun on tbe head, crush!"!; his skull. Stroh waa aged about 70 yars He rted during the war ua a member of On A lUil rsgtfnsnt, Pennsylvania Volunteers. Joseph Hilvman, P. I) rshlnier and Thomas Mangan, eommiisionura ap poinUd to misess damages arising out nf tha borongb using portion of the Waddell prop rty on William street, as a public street, heard testimony in thecaaent the town h ill Satur lay uf lernoon, O. S Ferria represents the Vad I'd I estate, aud 0 F. llohan the hoiongh. After liatouiag to tho testi i ii " n v offered, the commissioners dn- i ltd that us the property stands at preaent It la worth $l,4h0 To vacate i tie portion asked for in ordjr to widen the atreet. thny de.-iiii d the damage ifOOO. leaving the property worth 1800 To make uji tbe amount of damage they tax?d nach lot from Depot atrext to Fulton atroot $10 each, and from Fulton street running east to tho rail road, f a lot. The fifteenth aemi-.innnal conven tion of the Luzt-rue. Lackawanna and Wyoming County Christian Endeavor nulon will in 'et at the Plymouth Con trregntlonal church Friday May 2ft at 10 h. m , evening meeting at the Jack son Street Buulist church. The pro gramme will iuolnde noma of the moat prominent Christian workers in tin country one of whom will be Major I). W. WTiii He the well knoWn (Vange list also a prominent singer. The pro- gratiiine will Interest ev ry msmber of ilm society, Sunday school otlicxra, tenchera and every Christian worker, mluletora and members or all young peoples societies are Invited to uttend the convention, PRICBBURG. The borough council is now getting down to business. I3y the appoint ment of Charles Pickering for super visor wo are sure of having our streets kept in good condition. The reappointment, of Peter Mtinly for chief police waa satisfactory to everybody, he having fulfilled tho du ties appertaining to hie office in a very creditable manner last year. He will Latest U. S. Gov't Report sell ct his men uud present their names to the council nt tho next meeting fur their approval. V. J. swift, of BcrantouiB V, Hill, of Blnghamion, and A. E Wallaoa, of Green Grove, were Ltuetiia at the Ciin t r ill during the week. Miss Nellie ( lilnmi I in, of Honesdale, ia the gUOtt of fri"iida iu town. Martin Faery, of Soranton, haa ac oopted a position with the Empire brewery, of this place. At the last meeting of tho Central Republican club, Thomas Peaob, Wil 1 1 it in Sayera and Thomas King wore all ola I delegates to the coming county convention. CARBONDALE. On Saturday Contractor man erected a 11 Ig pole on Kid'iitMon's the S u on Avenue uroiimis. John Morgan, the Baleis avenut mirobant, spent Sunday in Ssrsntou, Mrs A 0 Lown Is visiting ralativsa in riaSI N ludsor. Miss Lillian Baker or Qhnrob stre..t, is visiting friends in Brooklyn! N. Y. (i S, Milliu and Thomas Bitel re turned borne to Jersey City Batorday afteinoon, after visltiug filonJs In this city. Jesse Wagner, who Is a medioal stu I' nt in a Philadelphia college, is home for a fi nr moiitiis' vacation. The luueral of J. S Jadwiu occ tired on Saturday itfiernoon aud wis largely BiieuueOi (wrvioas over ins remalni were conducted by Ueve. CbarleS Las and P. J. ll ilsley. Music was reudere I by it qii'irtett" composed of Mivs Lillian Jones. Ella Hubbard. A. J Wells uud A K. Jones The pall bearers were us follows: U H. Jiulwin, or Nv rk oltTtB A. Jadwin, 11 il Jadwin. 0 E I'ix. Will Hathawnv. of this city, und U. H. Jadwin, of Scranton. There mains were interred iu Mapluwood eemeterv. Miss Francis Rockwell, of Pottsville Is a Sliest at the home of J. S. Betry, of Canaan street Mr, and Mrs. John Fox and Miss Grace Smith, of Garti Id avenue, an on a visit to New York city. Tne anniversary social and ontei talnmant of Progress lodge, No. 20 which is an adjunct of the Brother lo 1 ' f I. (".'motive Firemen, was held in the W. W, watt building on Friday evening nud proved a gran 1 success. Crl Iclilnff a T.'Ung Lady. "She would ho a pretty girl for but one thing." "What's thatf asked Charley. George Her face u nlwayscovcred with rurri!" ami red blotches. Charley On, that's easily enough dis posed or. Used to OS the ame wav my self, but 1 caught ou to the trouble one day, and got rid of it in no tune, (ieorge What was it? i barley Simplr bl ""1 eruption'. Took a snort coarse of P. P. P, ! tan yon, it's the .-., tl . l corrector. Theg-ivernor had rheumatism so ba t that you could hear bin holler clear across the country everv tune h moved. II" tried it. and you know what nu athleti" old cent be b tow. It si inelKnty would give Miss Daisy a pointer, she would tnank them after ward'. All tne drug stores sell it. H0NESDALE. The fnneral of Mrs. Patrick Gibney look place at in a. m. Siturday. Tin- body uf Mrs. Linbach, formerly .miss ismma uroner, or mu place, was brought her from Reeding for inter uu nt 1 ri lav evening. During the wowk a lively contest has t een going on betwe"n th" dilf-rent lances for bann-rs olrered Persons itten ling tho kirin-is', piving.1 emits and voting for their favorite dance Among the young people the banner was carried away hv the BoTOpipi dancers. 1 tie Harvest dancers cap tured the other bannor, which thoy highly merited. The insurance on the property of the Exchange club, which was damaged b In lire 1' rid iv morning has been aet tied for "O. fjii.V) on gnneral lurniture and i'.'dO on tin. I ool and billiard tallies. Hurry Bkeels, "f Carb iiidale, att"iid- sd the kirmess, S , nr. lav. Miss Mains Feeley drew the (5 on tl'.e door ticket, Friday evening. Saturday was Carbnndalo day nt the kirmess. A number of people from that city was in attandanoe. Lawrence Atkinson, or llawley, was n visitor in town, Saturday sties Bertna Jenkins, of scranton, is the g Ileal or her enllsin, .Miss Stln Jon kins Misa, of Scranton, is viail lug llon'-hdal" rel .tlvea. Will Fasney, of Port Jervia, ia visit log I lone d ile Incnds - Till", secret art of bemitv Ilea not In cm- inetlrR, bat Is only in pare blond, iuhI a henllhy iierfru in on e of the vual fin clion to he obtained by ll-itig llurdock IIIikmI Hitters. JERHYN. Tim officers of ih l Keg Fund ssanncla- tion for the ensuing year nra Qeorgl Pemtr'i, prealdantj w, il. Lntay, sim rt tary , anil 1 Wom van. trnaaurer Tim mission f.ith 'rs cencludn then labors in Hi. alary 'a Catholic church to day. I tin Jerniyn UtllSsns hand have up Iill'id for a charter. R"V. W. Morris Davles, of Wales. oondnotod swrvicaa In the CongregH- lional church today. Owing t a pin breaking seven cirs ran ilown the plane In 1 lelaware and Huds-ui No. 1 Shaft Saturday, stopping work at noon, the cars were a total wrecg. Ira H. Hums has bnn appointed attorney fur tbe borough in plaoof George W II -lie. Rev. Mr, Howell has rented a bouse of John Parrel on lower Muin atreet and x pec t h to move In thli week. Professor VV. G. Trim and John Par ley ti , of Forest City, spent n few hours with Jcrinyu friends yesterday. Owing to not k lowing how to pro ceed. the borough oftiuials have (lone nothing aa vet in regard to aewers, but it is now exnerted that everything will be In shape by .lulv 1 When Hahy vr&n side, wo p.ive ln-r Castotla. When she srsssOhUd, sh" cried fur daataris. When She lii'i'oni" Miss, she clung to Clitoris. When she had Children, she gave theiu I'asturta, DnimncDi v mu i I I V M laf bllbi I ntruimu tvpf i i rn LAI LLLLU uoncludcU from K.130 i. but secretly investigated, and ni a conse ipiouce lettera wro ;mailed yesterday ad vising them or the charirei against tliein. and mat. if within tl.'lonn davs they did not make aallsfaeinrv answer to thu gen eral exueuttve board, they would Stand ex pelled, onlv NiibJ -ct, to appeal to thu gun eral assembly next fall. THU LAW IN THU CASK. The obargea against Powdsrly nud his oompauion 1 are oased " te loiiowmg laws of tlin Ivnghts, cnntaini'd iu article .11 of 111" CllllntllllLloU: Any me nbur of ihn order advocating Its disruption or the withdrawal of any local iiKHiniibh or other asssntblf from tin' order, shall by that act stand expelled from the older. The Un iii'iiini; unction was especially framed by Powderly wimu in power t ineei jOSt uch oaaSS as Ills own, where maloontaots advocated the withdrawal of trades assemblies and locals from the order, other sections ri a l: The general execu tive board shall, wbaO mitisfuctory hvi denoa Is presented to them, snspaoa any nicinliiT wlei at unv local, district, nation al trade r Ntate assembly advocates or sd- vl i" I Ik' to: niation of any club or other nssiiclatlou ii"t controlled by lh laws or the order, unless an alliance exists bo twee. i llns older and htich in L'Ktil.ntion. Any member "t tho order who khall malign any officer or Bomber and wlm .i.i fall to sustain Ills nsseriiou by preferring, Wltbln liftei n days, chargns n'.ini o said oilicer or lueuilnii', nud wh Khnllfail tu tiiuvn ll.o same, upon convic tion ol th" Offense shall be expelled. Whenever a member of tba order uses the public prci-s or takes to the public platfoim to name an officer or member iu mU' li a mamnir as to r. licet on 1 1 ... nam ractsr or reputation of that ofllcer or lie inber, upon siitisfiic.oi v proof of such act to the geueral executive board, said Im.iii I -li ,i declare the nffeiidiiig member expelled or iu such other penalty as tim inagniiudo of the olfensu may warrant, subject to appeal to the guueial nesi inhly. Withtlnao ectmnsor the eons'.ituno:i i a i, ins, Messrs, McGnlrOi Frenoh and Mai nu, c instituting a oiioi um of IbS gen ral cei ntive iKiard, m-t m Huston, and after an iuvusti ;ull .a of the charges, ex pellsd the thm.i rns rubers as stated. Uen -nil Secretary-tr.-.i-uivr llayes wan at once iiotilh'il and tie letters notifying the delinquent m-iiihers of their cx;.uision were at once mailed from this city. Meanwhile I'.iwdi i iv, no doubt aware that hlM actions and ulteraucea would ulti mately bring uh lit his expulsion, has been casting ub nit for a Held for his peculiar talents, and failing with the 1 ederati iii of Labor has hit up ni the 1 rohibiliou party In an time) -J published in the last Issue of the Voice he denounces high license, advo cuti s prohibition and flagellates the ealeou Keeper SS " habitual violator or tb" law, the door-Opener to arson, forgery and all manner ol crime, and the briber of the po lice, the municipal authorities aud the ministers of liod. DENIAL Off THE BMtPOBT. Mr. Powderly waa seen last night at his home on North Main avenue by a rsiDOHl reporter, who was the fitst to atry to him the reported action of px- petltnent by the new general executive mmittee. He pronounce 1 tlin report a fabrication. The luwe Binding the Knights of Labor," said Mr Pi wderljr, "say that 110 rutin ner snail ee uismissea irotn tne order without Brat bring aiven a trial at which to prove his innocjuc of the charges preferred Do these laws apply to any oaargo, he was asked? "They do, and I havs not been noti lied." When nsked what pert he played in the SO-CSlled snap conference held last month at 1 tula dxlpuia for the alleirel purpose of banding over at bi, Mr Powdorly's, Insttgatloa the Knights of 1 isbor organ tz it ion to the Federation of Labor, he said : 'Pursuant to a oall iaud by Joseph R. Buchanan of Nw York, a confer ence oi representatives or orgeats d labor met for the purpua of protn d- ing a better iin.Wslan ling and greater harmony in ncttoti btitwen the various organizations of labor thro-ighout the nntry. Ibis lOOfflcUl meeting wis officially reported us being attended by nearly all tho rec igtiiz -1 labor leaders, representing all branches of trades Did j on at that meeting advocate the ebsoroU in of the knights bv the Federation." nneetionad tba rsportart I did nut, nor did I prop iee our ulli- ai.c wiin any otti. r labor orgauizi- tion." It was snggcHt"! by the reporter that the obj .ct announced is the purpose of the April Philadelphia meeting "to promote vroatc r harm uiv, etc,, be tween labor oi ganizatlona -might be construed to mean just what ths ac onsstlous against nun, Mr Powderly, Impllsd, I'liat ia Impossible," li said, "be oanas the man present at that meeting know the views I -xpressd; they are n nutter or reooril, DIP NOT AliViK'ATR IHOIPIIQS). 'Win yon i throagb Tag Ttn i nk what refereiicu yon made nt the meeting regarding any affiliation or nb sorption of thu Knights of L ibor by another holy? 'I ssid nothing about iibaorbtloa.' '' quickly repli"! th" erstwhllo leaderi ''What did you sty. il oiao?'' "1 aiid the past was gone and it was not my i ni to re call il. Man is the only animal who cobbles up bis own spacl'S; t tits other divisions of th" ni. mi: il kingdom prey only upon other species 1 saw in this OOnferenoe the battle-marred vol Tans of thu labor mov oiieiit. and said It might pOSllbly bs true that II would be better to have the work of the oonfer ence curried op by the younger men who had been less idontlll 'd with fac tional l lie. "1 was there to build up both the Knights uf Labor and trade unions. So long as dual organisations exist, trou ble will ensue. Unity must no local llrat. There Is where most lights be gin. "Iliad Just relumed from Canada, where the members of District AsHsmbly, I'JiV bad been pre paring to In iv the order. 1 told them to stay in th order, to also have thatf crafstui"ti go Into the trad i unions where the aff lira of the trade could be better handled." 'I thnnahl no I a I vacated that It i Chest Pains Short breath, palpita tion, weak ami sore llun;r jdeuriay, coughs, I col IS,SSthlUS and bron chilis relieved in OnS MlNl'TK by the Cirri- cuRA Anti-Paik Piaster, the first and only instantaneous pain-killing plaster. For weak, painful kidneys, back ache, uterine p.iins and weakness, it is simply Wonderful ItSttsAsMtllS nervous forces, and henc e cures nervous p.iins and mus cular weakness when all others fail. Price: 2$c; five, $i.uo. At nil druggim or by mail. 1'oTran Unto and Cau.u. Cori ., Uouoa. would be possible to get a confedera tion of all the great central bo!i ?, and .id that when this idea of union was carried cut, general concentration of effort could te had in times of trouble. The union labels could receive a greater impetus, for m -n would work for the label in the hat instead of, as now, for tbe soalp under the hat, I was sure that Inspiration would ootne to tbe entire lubor movem.'Ut from the con- f eronge. DHIJHUNTLUU LOCAL ASSEMBLIES. 'Since tbe general assembly of last November I have received fully a thou sand letters from local assemblies ask ing if they should withdraw from tbe order. I replied invariably that if tbe order deserved their efforts in the past It deserved them now. In every case where I replied I urged the local as- aomhllcH to support and stand by the Knights of Labor with me ait of office the same aa they, lid when I was grand muster workman," To substantiate this, Mr. Powderly referred to bis letter copy nooks, from which he read excerpts conforming to the statement given above. When naked the meaning of tbe al leged co on to hitve himself an I two followers elected as delegates to iitPand the organised labor convention to be held at St, L ous June 11. Mr. Powder ly s ild ha had no knowledge of such a oonventioUi Referring again to tho now famous Phi ladelphlu conference, he said: "1 recommended tbe conference to tho grand assembly of the Knights of L ibor treatise I b lieved apeedy action a nsoessity I belie ved Ihe moral in- Qn inCS of delegates would greatly aid the result of a conference betwueu the Knights of L tbor and other organizi tlOOS which shoul 1 not have been de layed nor frustrated. Although I did not speak as thu head of the order, no man knew butt' r than I the ardent de sire of tho rank an 1 til" fur unity and harmony with the trade union move ment. II IH I'LHIXJE TU UOMI'ERS. "My pUdg" was given to work for this wild and in token thereof my hand was extended t" Prealdent Oouipra, of tha American Federation of Libor. " Regarding a past charge preferred against hlfn of having unlawfully re tained property belonging to the office f grand muster workmun of tbe Knights of Labor, Mr. Powderly said : "During service in my late office of master workman 1 went to tbe expense of building an addition to my bouse which was necessitated by the work in volved. 1 hud several typewriting ma chines iu use. purchased at my own ex pense, as well aa a groat many files, copy books and other requisites for which the expuusi was nm allowed to me. I very properly consider all these my own us my money paid for them, yet tne demand tor them is only on of the many matters brought up against me and is nu a similar scale with the matter on which 1 have conversed with you " FOREST CITY. Misses Grace an I Bva Whitney, of Susquehanna, a:. I Miss E iz heth Am inoruian, ot Carhou laid, am tha guests "f Miss lone Tyler, today, on KortD Maine street. Mis. F Iiallsrd, of Uoiondale, was vlsltlnS Mrs M Woodiiisnsae, in this place Thursday. P. GooolDgllsB, sr , is ill with an attack of rheumatism J.iuns Jol.ns, of Honeslale. visited his son, II. IJ. Johns, on Saturday. VaU'tliug, our thriving suburb, was in a statu of excitement yesterday nioruinit when it was laarned that an attempt ut robhury had baen made there. Tba pises seUcted by the would b rohbfrs was GhtOTgS Weleman's larue store. An ontrancs was neatly made at tho front door of tha store by prying the door and breaking pa.rt of the lock, Aftar tbe entrance was ef fected v. ik WSJ siarti d sjtiou thu safe Mra William Jonoa, wbo Uvea in a he use very near the store, light, d a lump about 1.80 a. in. to get soma rued lotos for an aching tooth. It is thought that this frighlenad the burglars away, as they left th ir woik uuGnisbel.biv ing drilled a bolt ab ut three luchss lung lilt" the safi Had the :ate been "tapped," alm: $100 coul.l have been taken A large pari of the motiev in the safe bl. jiged to Mrs. Jous Boas imsllOhSOfS in lbs money drawer WSI token, but nothing BSOrS. The work proved that it was i' by prof 'ssiou als. A Vt ry enjoyable and pleaaant even ing was apent this evening at th Meth odist ptlSMSfS, the event being a re ception tsudared to Uer. J. I' llogsn and family Maay hands had been husy all day preparing for the occasion. Two largo tallies had bei-n tsstefull) arrange I With a choice menu in the Kpivorth league room, iu the basemen I of the parsouago. Ice and other I sserts were alao ssrvtd. Between two snd three hundred SjSSStl were served. In a short lima all passenger trains that have their terminus at OstDOBdsIs at tho pfSSSOl lime will run to Foissl City and turn on the turn table in this place Thla will be a great accoinmo tion to the traveling public. .lira. I tin ii Psultoo, Weak Nerves Numb Spoils, Dyspopsia, Poor Blood Hood's Saraapnrllln Cavo Strength, Romovod That Tired Feeling. "0. I. flood II OO hOWSQ, Mass.: H QeOttSBMHt1 feel that 1 must say a te words i.hoat llotiil's Sarsaparllla, as 1 lliluk It l. (ho host mnhdno 1 have ever taken. I hail dys pepsin, and my nerves were weak, my bkwd also In t;nl OOUdttlOU, and I w;is ttOUblSd will iiumh spells when I would sit or Ile ftOWBj. I Was So Weak ;lmt I could hardly walk SSNSS the house vhn I lieitan to Uiko Hood's SrSSBSfUS. 1 liavs uiw used seven bottles of this medlolne and liavo gained In Strength, can do all my work Hood'ss?Cures ami not get thed, am over so much bet ter In every way." Mna. Amna Dekmers, PsottODi Pennsylvania. Hood's Pills Sol easily, yet promptly am,' sQlcleully, on the liter aud bowels, ifio. Boosts rs Pann. wniiniHiimiuigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiixigiUHHigaiiiiiiiiri EverythingFOR Everybody AT The Fair 400402 Lacka. Ave. A FEW SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK ! 2,500 Ladies' Ribbed Vests, never sold less than J5c. each. Sale Price, 3 for 25c. 120 dozon Ladies' Black Silk Mitts, good quality, for 25c. a pair. Sale Price, only 15c. BARGAINS IN CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Our entire stock of Capes and Jackets selling at $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 each. To Close Out, only $2.00. THOSE SELLING AT $7.00, $8.00, $9.00 AND $10.00 EACE YOUR CHOICE FOR $4.75 Visit Our Millinery niiiiiiiiBfiiiiiicitEiitniiiiiiiiiHiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiEiiiiii'iiiiiimfHiii'is? Wholesalers and Largest Retailers of Straw Mattings from China and Japan, -r9 KERR & Fine Carpetings LOWEST PRICES. One entire room devoted to Oriental and Domestic Rugs and Art Squares. m "Jot These Prices on Your Memory" fOA Will purchase an elegant O ssr furnished Bedroom. include iii; Bedding and Carpet. Will furnish a fine Parlor $ jU with Silk Pluth Suit. Brus sels Carpet, Table, etc. O Q rt Will buy a large, well sP O r w nude Baby Carriage. Matting (40 yards). With $50 purchases or over we give an Onyx Finished Clock. 1 Ka With $75 purchases or over a 100 piece Department, The Finest in Scranton. ?- Leading Boose for Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Lace Curtains and Upholstery Goods. 0- 406 end 408 Lack'a. Avenue LOWEST PRICES. We mike a specialty of Window Shades, Awnings and Draperies Dinner bet.