6 THE SCI? AN TON TKIBUNE-MONDAY MORNING. MAY 21, 1894. HOW THE PUBLIC IS IMPOSED UPON BEWARE OF FRAUDS. For The Sake Of Profit They Will Sacrifice Principal, Health, Etc. Unscrupulous dealers are trying to soil or dinary (Hauler Salt or mixture of seidlitz Powder us "Artificial Carlsbad salt," "Spra l Bolt." "German suit," or "improved Cnrlsliad Salt," and undor other .similar names. Tlio Natural Remedies of Carlsbad oniuiot bo intimated. "Wimt Nature mnlrwiTinii cannot Improve." Artitkinl made wim s will doth replace the oattrrsl Juloe of the grapes. Neither can tho nkturel waters of Cerlebad, nor tiu Carlsbad BpradelBalt be repUoed by tho cheap eubeti tutoe offered to a guilelost public tor the asks (if the liu iter profit made thereon, b these 00 scrupulous dealers. Koouo would buy arttflotal wiSM knowing; ljr. R'hy buy the imitations of tho Carlsbad pfodsats, won row health is tt stake; The Carlsbad Bprudel Watsrs ere s. spucitio f or all diseases of tho stomach, livor ami kill nets, mid liavo bcou used with groat bouotlt by hundreds of thousands of people. Tho carlslmi Bprudel Salt, whioh is evaporated from the Bprudel Water at Carlabad, is an ox osllent Aperient. Laxative and Diarectio; is an alterative and olimltiatlvo remedy, whioh dlssolv, a tenacious bile, allays irritation, as most Mthertioj do. Tho summer months when plenty of out door eXOTOlM DM be had, are tho most rtntie.Nl for the "CarllDad Cure." I' so the Imported Otrlebad waters, or if It is not tvuvon cut to us.' tlio waters, or when a mere decided laxative effect is desired, use the Carlsbad Sprudol Salt. Insist upon tho genuine, which Is Imported direct from Carlsbad, and must have the sig nature of Eisner and Meiid.-lson Co. , Sole Atfonts for tho V. S. UI A ttt i'runkllii It, New York, on every bottle. The O'.cott plan for Ra ling re-or-srauication proposes that dlttatiffied boadhoUers should require, first, the payment of their interest In full, with interest ou their coupons; second, if the stockholders and other junior security holders do not arrange to pay such in tefMt, then that the committee will be prepared to reorganize the property The committee ssk that parties Inter ested lin the txvi lh dJera' ugreetneti: and return it to the Central Trust company. New York. Tup committee adds: "We are aware that the execu tion of these purposes iniy necessitate the foreclosure of the general mort gage. The obstacles in the way ol which have been fully consider;!, sa.l r.r convinced, difficulties In trie way of a foreclosure of tue general mor; gage an 1 reorg:uzstion there .' t- r are exaggerated ; that if any d im Igl wrougat by such foreclosure it wii, Nil upon the junior security holders and not upon us." It is tbt general t-stimmy that the anthracite trade is at present fully holding its own. The output Is In th r.eisoborh yod of one-naif of th maxi mum capicity, mod all tint Is rain 1 goes at one? into consumption, Ther li no disposition to rush coal to Ihe west fur ttockir.g j urposes. in view ol th fact that later shipments could un doubtedly te made at larger profit to tbe mining and carrying companies In the last six months of the present year the anthracite coal raiirouds will male a much .re favorable Ciinpsri son with the 133 period, bec-inse in the first six months of that year the largest had! yir's business in the history of the trade was done. A compinv of Philadelphia cnpiul its, including Edward Rob-rt-, sr . W, A Ingh..m. E. L:wi, Pereifa! Roberts, J. W. Wof.lton, W. Lo.ig itretb and Gordon Wilson, ecomp-tb-i d yy Torbett Cornell have juu com pletd a tonr of in,pectin nuwng s-v-t-ral coal properties in tne vicinity ol H-xleton. It is intimated that lo ; - . ' itions are pending. The shipmont from the mines of lb Curaberlaod cosl region for the wk ended haturiay. May 12 were M :j!t' tons, and the total shipments (or ttr yar to thnt dat 1,810, Ovl tons, a de create of 107,176 tons, as mj -r- with the corresponding period of l"49 i. The Ktrondaburg station of the new Wilkei-Iiarre and Liaiern railroad will be bnilt on the southeast corner of the Storm properly It will be buWt tt frame and is one tjry high, with a pretty tower, thirty-five feet high, in t e center Tbe main depot will be 80s B4 feet A platform eight feet high will run all around u, strnutur', Bteam beat will be used, the nppurati e being In the cellar. Tbe itub ment of shipments of or,, tbracite coal for tbe week ended M y 12, ascompiltd by tl. iinrenu of An thracite Coal Statistics, shows an in crease for the week of 72,280 tons, of which 06,880 tons cams from tbe Schuylkill region, The decrease for the year to date is .'(,014,819 tons, Wyo ming, 150,6") totis; Lohlgb, 147171 tons; ifehuylkill, 233.005 toos. TOe stock of cosl on band at tidewater ship ping points, April 30. 1K94, wits 849,207 tons; March 31, 1894, 984,863 tons; de crease, 85,150 tons. Tbe new Palisades tunnel was for mally opened Friday. Tbe tunnel, with an exit on the Hudson near Edge water, is nearly 5,000 feet long, wide eiinusrh for a double track and cost S, 500.000. Tbe spur from the main le 1b nearly a mile. Tbe company will use tbe tunnel as an outlet for its coat traffic, which amounts to nearly three million tone annually. Patten- tor traint will be run on the Wllkes Barre and Eastern extension early in June. e It Is nearly twenty-one years ago. tayi the Wllkes-Iiarre Record, since tbe forty-eight boutes and tbe store that form tbe principal part of tbe pretty little village of Hanover ttation were erected by the Lehigh and Snt qnenanna Coal company, which then operated an extensive breaker, which was subsequently burned down and tbe mine abandoned. Tbe bontet were then leated by tbe Lehigh and Wilkes Btrre Coal company, wbloh for sixteen yeurt beld tbe lease and rented them to 111 .employes. Two years ago the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Coal eompany began the linking of two shafts, wblob are still in operation tnd will take several months to com plete to the lower meatures. The breaker hat been staked out and a new mining town will be tbe remit. Botb GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES shafts will be in tho village of Han over. TbOtDeluware, Lackawanna and Western Coal coinpuny lust wsek pur chused the leases of all the houses .ud store in the viiluge und have assured the rental of them to its employe. The company bus completed two linen of railway to the worki from the main line below Plymouth. In order to avoid discharging a num ber of clerki tho Penusylvaulu I. s made a new departuro tu arranging the vacation of those employed in the coal, lrtight und passeugvr deptTt monts. Each mnn is laid off throe woeks, for only two of which he will receive pay. About 17") men ure af feated. Last September, owinir to business depression, sovouty clerks wi re discharged. This year, it is said, no saoli move will be made. Om of the discarded Coxe Dffiufl was recently tried on the Lehigh Val ley's mountain out oil. and hauled tifty-eijjht louder! oars Tho nTtrtgr tr.iiti lor the Lehigh Valley diri hum era is forty-one loaded ens. It is thought that the P. S. & S engine.', will bo Died for tho Lsh.igli Valley's moutiiain tralllo. Complaints of our production are again heard in anthracite circles. The bituminous strike pretext is declare. I in some quarters to bo heavily over worked, Tho Sutqathnuna Coal oompsny ha increased us w orking time from olflll tu nine hours daily The new Lehigh Valley milk care are In iug put on the road ns fast an they can be turned 00' Of tho shops. They are sided with bull material, neatly painted an 1 lettered with the lame colors ua uro usid on the passenger coaches. mm A t'-lrl's Dress. A prclty dross for a girl of 18 is maile in plain material of any color desired and trimmed ith velvet It Ins a lvll skirt, with crotfwajr trimming! edged it ! U V ATI W flbw. . " 18BB FOR OIIU. OT TWYLYB, with Tetvct. The Nvlicc is crossed, and has the now epnaleti of tho samo ma terial aj thedxetw, bordi red with velvet. There is a pointed velvet yoke, with col lar, the belt :md deep otnBJ to above the elbow being also of velvet. Silk may be Substituted for the velvet. a vrd Aix.ut Veal. Vend, to be just right, should bo of pinkidi white 'flesh, with clear, white fat. If thu' are no red ptnclos f-r the dressing, which is the life ol roast v a!, tho skin may bo successful iy separated from the flesh here and there, making pockets for the dr ssine, but if you us tho onlyproptT pieces for na.-tiiig th Will be no trouble about findiiig placi s SORROW. Sorrmt mme to him ith a pleaillra; fare. Ho mnld not rise anil hid tier enter In; ihe scniwl to claim in him loo larce a spnre, And be was careless, full of mirili and sin. So pa.-' d he onward. Then it chanced one day. When Aiitumn ivind.i in woods aero ruaklnu tuoaru gnin did uer.t'.o Sorrow fare that nnf. And heard inm ino in.ing. for bis love hal lejsrSi, oni e aii'tln h soncht him. ReekletJ, rnde ll'i hail" her enter. Then, with stately mien She paaecil. ami look poat-Mion like adaci:n. lo'i isesaed not Borrow, but a joy subdued. IlriruriDK a shadow, yet, aa tBMQWl are. A bleaatng, cast from some great light afar H8psetetof. DOCTORS ENDORSE IT. An I ruin, n' lhsifiaii of Arkansas, (ells ol some Hemarkable Carea of CiMiaampllon. Wrtmj, In Fnitlln Co., Ark. in. it. . . ii'' i Itrm Sir I will my this to yr.u, that CoDSUniptloa in osreoitary in my wife n family: mime have al n ady dlol with tin- dla-rna,-. My wife haH a nls-t-r. Mrs. R, A. Uiary. that was tn ken with eon Simiiitiwi Hh,. iiiM-fl )our "llolrtcll Mrrllral 1 1: erjr." and. to toe mir-pri-e of her many frlMios, sin Hot well. My wlfi Lux aiao brei benon bagei from the lungs, un'l Tut sifter IriflMril on h,r nt. Ing the "(Jolden Mi fili al Mnn IImm Discovery." I poosentad .una nooiits. t h,.r llftng (Bl )f relieved bar, Bbc bat bad to eymptontoi OOtMunptlOfl for the ast sis v-ar Peopit having (hit (Utsatl 010 tnk no M ,f r rMM Of, Vours very truly, 16 OR. HEBRA-S VIOLA CREAM Removes Frtehlsi, Plmplss, Livsr Moist, Blseliheadt, Sunburn and Tan, and ro. .t,,n -, llin alln In 11 1 rtrlnl- nal froiiiiicH, produdliiit a .,,,1 h,,ull),v ,,,',. t.1, .1,.,1 HimiTlnr fl all fli'.ft iirepiiratlons and jktIi eily nnrmhwi. At all urugglibi.ormallcd lor 10- is. Hciid lor Circular, VIOLA SKIM 80AP U llmpl; IsmsbsmsMi ii tkln ,iiril;ln( Hflip, un"iuM Ihf lh tnlt, nii.1 wlUimil rlvfcl fcs Hid l,umry. ABMSSSf BM "l Snlkl rmm. oall. At draiilei, PrioS 2S Ccitll. G. C. BITTNER . CO., Tdi.coo, O. For salo by Mattbows Uros. , Morgan llron.and Morgan St Co. DKITEIt SUCK CO., Iiic'p. Capital. $l,OU0,O0O. BEMT flM blltUl.IN THK WtHtl.U. "A dollar sated ( o dollar turned.". . Till. I. miles' soil, I French HoiiR-ola Kid Bui. ton Hoot dellvorod freo suywhern In tile U.S.. on receipt III i Bull, niunrjr i'i'i'i, or 1'inUil Nolo for tl ..'. IJniinU erory wny tho boot. nld In nil retail lnre fi i tl.W. Vfo mnko Inll boot ourttlvM, theroforo wo quttr- uiilce tbo(, itule and wrar, and If any is not sailslled wo win roiuna inn mnney send another pnlr. Open, Too or Common Heme, widths (', It E, St UK, 1 to H and linn i. Send vonr nitc: at will tit you. Uliixmli .1 Cats. loguo FREE Dexter Shoe Go FEDERAL ST w w VUS A. s lUOUt Sptclal ttrmi to Dealei t, IffCTK' rI A BS. 6f wvHi',i.aej H e'A-lB IA sssBKvTyfsl 'i jVbsW OKSr mu -. , ! v. i tt i inyii 'ii 1 1 H43 Mothers Look Has your Baby any of these symptoms? Are its cheeks wan and pale ? Is it losing weight ? Is it puny and feeble ? Does its flesh lack linnnuss ? Is it fretful and peevish ? I loos it sleep too much ? Does it pass its food undigested ? is it not doing well P Does it throw up its food ? Is it backward in teething ? Is it recovering from illness? In ;iil these conditions will product the most beneficial results Peerless for infants, and recommended by 2S.OOO Physicians. Fur tale by if drntfiffa, Tin: BOVIN1NS CO., NSW YORK. RO R R ADWAY READY RELIEF. l'Ultfc..s AMI ! lit.VKN Is Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Inflammation, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Influenza, Rhsnrantif m, Ntnrtlgiu,Sclatlct, Lam b.igo, Swelling of the Jointe, '&ni in Back, Chest or Limbi Tho application of the READY HI'.I.IF.F to tb frt at parti srbsre the diffleulty or pain xistH win afford i a. i a'el comfort, It u the flr.t sod is the only pain remedy that niKtiinUy stops lbs imt tn TOdatiag pains, uU.iya lull imm itl Dt und CURES Cooftttlon. whether ol the Laajs, stomaeh. Bo -sols or other glaMt or OffaQtk Pr. kadwsy A Co., Osotlamsn: I have used yur Heady BaHef for more than tweatp-Bvt yeart with uia, !i Mttlgfaotlon bars usid it for La Uripp", PMaelbnltj Pewit) aud all sorts of aeh atnl paint and havt fooo I it un : ii..::... every time. Ke ceifully. I) W. RAYMOND, ill Crsaci n; St., MUdlotow.i, Geaa. J.innsry I", lvji AlBBTtLLB, N. C. This Mtootrtltf th.it in Pabrnary, inan I had a 1ST re attach ol "La Ortpna," and cured mptelf In tw -nfy-fou honrs by tho usa of jUdwap'sRcadp Belief and ICilway's ili a 1 bad soother atta.k of the sa rno drradlul dispsa in Msreh, ISOl.and ussd tho samu rem cdy, with tint samu lfsult. I do not know Hadtvay & r"'.., the partloH who manafaeturo tnesu r.vstieinas. an I 1 have nlwaya i nt vejrv llitlo faith in "Almanau ('..rtlll -atss, " but If those few lines will only Indu. o some suffering one 1 1 a.e tho ahovo roai.-dy I will : e.d uniply repaid tor writing abut I have. Itesp., tf .illy, K 1 . BROWN. J w. BBEWKB, ashbora, Plhs Co., hto aOnbo'!lor Krady Uellef and one b n of Rd way's enred flv. In mv family of that torr.!il complaint, "La flrlppe," or Inflaouza. RaDWAVrt KKADY RBUIP, aldo.1 b .RAliWAi 1'ILL., Isth wiuicki-stsnd mwt offoctual euro for TIIK '( iHIP" Prleo, fjrv, j.r bottle. Ho d by Drueista. RAOWAY'S PILLS. i Porvty Jfafotable, nitid $n& vuiufti'i". i rom fm fffi plfitjon, ' .imiftt i n-.n'tmn uid MsUlbfu NflUtUltf, Vtr th I c nr. nf all ua Otdcnoi th StAIUMb, Mvcr, lt-u pIi.K hi nt in miii i Mtrvoni IMwtaiti, Ln "I A p tllr, llr ii lt In , ( un al I y nt Ion, -, tl v n-ej, Inl Ic'ist Ittn BIIIOHMMMi 1 rpr. Ii.il.tii.ni.it I.. n of ih Row!, PI 1m tints alt I i dug ni n I of tli I tit rati ilirnrii rurft-rt DlgmtlOfl i iil Ii" MtriMiipllnlnMt hi t .t '. ni . HikIm i ' i iiii, r. i , i. ifolng DYSPE1 'SI a si' I. If nku h' , I tut I Klfinnit h, Blllont" i , a will 1 ftVtiMril, iiimI th- too, I tlml. U ' n H,tr ii tKintrllill t I U iiimi i Utt I tig pi Opfl 1 1 lr fur Un' Btipport nf tin- tuittiriil -.- I i l.. bffl v tyfihwrvo the followllll Hytnvi'oiiin fill lnwfnpr from 'U n th li' : i . OMf-tlli . ; '.tiM i : i: -r.. ... I pll-i, fiilnim nf tlio I hlotpfi In th bsMda m'liltty Of thn fonMbHf.V Mta, ' iw' i.,r'. .!'.., of ficrfl, rataiMt Of wli(ht In th ttornn'-h. M"Ur 'ru-tjttlnnt, nltik InK or flnttfrririhf or thn dmH, ohoklng Of nuf f'i .tiny mvir im wh"h Ln tt IrinK I'Otturn, dimitt'Mnf yifit'in, fUiU r wclm btrON thn Itfht, ravtf n'l lnil .tin in th hoodidoflO' fSkf$ Of l-nrfiplTfttlou MIloWOMi of Un' akin tudann Miihh"H nf : nt, hnrnl'iK in th" Mbi A lw lnmt or UADWAY'S PILLfl will fro th' nyxtfim of tho rkliovo-tittiuorl dtinril Tn, I rloo 90Oe ft Box, rtoln bj DrnjffUti land to PR RADWAV I I ., Nn, itt Wr Itforo h.. Now 7otk for Book r AtUioo. SCItAXillV, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Made at tho MOOSK! ond UUdll- DAUII works. I. fflin & Hnnd Powder Oa'l ORANGE GUN POWDER Elertric Itat.lorles, Fusei for oxplol ing blaatH, Hattkjr Fuse and RcpnunoChemical Co. 's High Explosives For Delicacy, For purity, and for Improvement of theoora plexion, nothing equals Pozzom's Powder. BOVININEl ! The Original Raw Food MOOSIC POWDER CO RICK DRAIN TILE, FRONT, WIRE CUT. HOLLOW, VITRIFIED. FIRE AND COMMON BRICK Best in tho market. OFFlCBi IlinglmmtoD. N.Y FACTORY i Brandt, P . Robinson's Sons1 Lageh Beer Brewery MiuiiifartursrH of the Celebrated PlLSENKR Lager Beer CAPACITY l(X),OCX3 Bbk Per Annum, MT. PLEASANT AT RRTA1U Ootlol th- bait nnAttty f-r rjonuttla putiml of nil c! h vrt i .u u:iy part uf tUtf city it InWUAt nrico. Ordftt Ml at my tintw. NO. 1 1 K, W .OMINO AVFV1JK, Hear raptDt firat fl-Mir. ThlrJ N.itlon; Hank, or font ty mall or tclitplionu tu thti iuluq, wul iweive bfOinpt attontkm. bp M oolncti will bo mntlolor tho aalu ti.l liuiH crj of iJufk ivlioat i.;iL WM. T. SMITE Brandt Clay ProductGo Scranton, Thursday, May 24 ON SCRANTON DRIVING PARK. THE WORLDS LARGEST. GRANDEST, BEST AMUSEMENT INSTrrUDOft mm oanFi f it MBr v i lww AND vafv .joj Greatest S to ryrus; wii CAPITAL INVESTED, $B,.lOO.O()i). ONL1 snow BMOOR4BO Bl IHJt CLKROt. Ml I'Al.-K PUI'.TF.NSE. Everything Just N.'W PtfTlll intlKltt Haw Chiko AND HIS oNI.Y PAIS OF MALI AN) nUCALl OQWLI.AS rvonwrntop-tlipr ulnor- ths crest ion and 1 1 nit i 11 v tli.. iiih HIAN 1 AMI til ANTKbS M'M'IXKs m w ,.r .-vr In raiHivilv Injht bittoT oftktuorld MOST HUMAN-IJKK aMM.M.s known, attnwUof Ju no peopit dallj t" Caatral Pafk, N Y , wbsfi loanta by thmu shows i tlmt n. iiloilirnl Ksrili'li. Thi' ssimdiT of tli" Ni- siuprr and .Tl nlllli' World. Grand Ethnological Congress Cnrtoui Hum in I'.imii,: with ijuei'r rell ;ln or li ui' i n 1 1 ii ; i anniDMI, iNiiiuin, iiiniiiiUHiH. v tnru-iaua, Miiiiitxts, i Mrmtiam and AmillOBit wl I fUDlUM of MTAftptOpl! with tlnMr hut a. WMpOMh Imp CUMttttttUkHU liitruinintH,ilti,.H,r(M(Tiionti,i.tlainr'K alit MNt Vt vl i v ' .. S .f Grrb.-it j:olibstwian Tournament LttplQffi Tuipliltiu mid Ai ml alio. Displays 1- Of the Worid's Greatest Circus Champions -12 I'lirlvulnd Kiiiostrl i Kivits by a do, n mah and fonialo rldort, im. most FAMOUS ii:ki ALisis in Till'; WORLD. All Ih.i (Ileal Athletes, UyiutiaHt.s and Acrohals, Sensational Animal Exhibition Lions. , Tienrs. Bhstp, Dogt, Psnthtrt, BIsphsAls and iiors.'s, ptrformlna at In liaviuoiiy touel her, in u COLOSSAL HTHKI. 1IAUHED AliMN.V 3 Cirous Companies in 3 Rings, 2 Elovated Stajos, Racing Track an.l Animal Tina. lid HIS M-.vnt si:i;n HIFORB this BRAIOM and only to ho wltatSSfd In thfto allows, 2 ll, rils of Kluphai Is, 'i Droves of Catntlt, (limit and I litmy AnlmSJSi I MSDSftr' i"i .'I' Trsintd mid Wild BSSIts, K Old- time, Modern an 1 Fsntomimlc Clowns. Two Performnnoos Daily at 2 and 8 P. M. Doors opon an hour earlier. Admission to everything 50c. Children half price. Iteserviid tsatt at regular prlco and admission tlclieU at usual ndvanco a t Thompson &. Pratt's Book Store, 31 2 Lackawanna Avenue. Mighty New Free Street Parade tSSg lS&T8! military uniforms and muslo of all nations, at A.M. on day of buow. LOAVUST EXCUHSIOV K.VTES ON ALL H.ULUOAD3. Will Exhibit in WILKES-BARRE MAY 23. Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE. PITTSTON, PA. N. A. HULBERT'3 City Music Store, - lotiiNo avu. Mnujraua KTKINWAV SOf Did K Kit Itltoi 'HUM HKANIOII H BACK Ml 1-1 it HAUUit tit PIANOS 4 a - ' k of Omt oM ORGANS MUSICAL mi :: immh.sU alLblC, l it. I.1U Everv Womai a! -le rnonttly regulat. ., I sj medicine KV Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Aro prompt, wife ond MftllO In result. The aer.j PO(Dr IVal't nr. i -dlftMMMtat Sent ftLjwber "0. PL'tlMcill-inr' ,, 11 .lurid O. Bol.1 bf JOHN II. rH El-PS Iharmacist ui urn " ) yimasp hi ruuo .. - - v- taw i .- i Bcrunivii. r ihi wi DAILY EXPI'.XSFS, $7,300 NO EXAGGERATION. as Advertised r-opli1. Now Attracllnns. BRIDE Johanna of Strange and Savage People ainl i,pr.mi!ih,l Pajina. Itl.Iatort. Ilnthon, imo tnuo, 1. 1 '1st V Wrk EMlMsvl tmJBh E . BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DR. (i. EDGAR DEAN hua removed to U1U Hnntl'li wtl Si l :,iit.,n 'n l.l.ia. .. I'osita courl-Louiw bquaraj lH. A. J. CONNEI.L, Offliu at WuulimijUn 1 avtjoue. corner tipruus btruct, ovor I rauako drut; store, llouldonco, TU Vluo st. Offico liours: lu.m u la u. ni. and i to I una MUto 7.DU p. m. Bunday, 2 to J n, m. DH. W, 11 ALLKN, OUlco 001'. Lacka wanna and Wiioliliietuu avta : over Leon ard shoo utorc; oOlco hours, 10 to U a. m. and 1) tO 4 p. U .; i ,,,'., ut I'ctllacUCO. oU .', VaHhlu(,'ton iivo. DH. C. L. t KtY, l'raollro- llmitod to L)ii caNDS of th Vx I' ., V, .. mill Tlmmt- ofllcu, 12J WVQmlag aV ' Uubideuco, Viua hi, cm. DH. I. M. (JATKH. ISO Wushiiipton AvaDM OfBot lmura, H to u 11.111.. l.UUio Hand? " p. Ill, Itorldoiicu MJ MadlMiu nvi nui. RjHS L. WK.Nyz, M I)., Uttlooi W and -t ti OpnunonwtalUi bnUdlati rtsldsnos "U HMiaopavsi oiUim boors, id to it, t to , 1 to JiBnndart 2ao to k ivsnlnot at rssidonoa A ipsdalty ntadt ol fllraiutt of lbs eye, ear, noau ami throat tad Bynotoloor, l.i VBIf, M f. IIANCK'M Law ami i;rctloii of- fl''C. Nil. .117 : M . .1 MMidhi l-",,r,.. Ultllsil. Ucralltoll. I'll - ,,.11,', 1 w,,.u mmmMmlkm tin cmxhout rsnuaylvaniai rcnutio oorrasiioiw etits In nvi-ry rounty. KbrtUfn4i iiA.U, Ail.,11,,.,, , i , . Ill', I.I l.-U- !..... i.l. ,..,,.(..... t 7 ... ' huhwuis WauhmBtoQ avu W. II. JtiiMrp. HoHAI I H Hand. W. 11 JbSSUFi Jit. WILLABO. WARBKM a KNAfl', Attor neys land Oouttlon at taw, Bsgobilcaa liull'tinr. Waiihltiiftun vo.. Si:raoton,l4 pA'J I'LliMUN 6i WlLcoX Atcorusya and 1 (JiUiiaeUura at Law; oluceab and t Lll,rarr Luudins. Mraaton, Pa RptWBU H I'ATTSrm-is. Wit. i.iam A. Wii., x ALWKdXlANli WILLIAM . I BAND, At I'll, v. n ii t !,,llllM,llll ,t ("UIH1!.,,,,U ,,.,1,1, ImiUmtr K,,ins lit. an. I UI ' BoVLE, Attnii.i y at-Law. Nos.lD and W, Unir In iI.iibk, V. slin.g'i !, avsnai HK.MlV i SILKLV Law oflt iu. In fries ItoOdlng, 12', Washington avittiue. p&ANK 'J UKH.LL Attorturjr at Usv. Boon t "al Kacbaaga Iter an too. Pa. MILTON W i OWIllf, , ah y,, W Waalnaa II ON K'iORi II. lt.,i,av.' 11 tquars lAMEll W UAKfUltD, Attomsv at U, tl TU'.n.f 'VI At 1.1.. I IA tv, .......w,...!,!, t,'rn UAkfUKI, W. KUUAlt, Attor at La. t7 om. ... :;i t sprue, t gcrantea I a. (A WATitbb, Attorm-y at Law, Vii i. Ia'kiiwi.n'.a mi", tv rnn'on pa U P. hlirhl. i oonaellor at Law. 03)c, t rooms tt. Vi. V. ( . imiionwi-i.lth buildu p ' It. Prft'HilK. Attorney at Law. Com t j . monwfaith hulMinjf. S'-ranV.n. fa t . hiMKUYm v -i.i ii,-.- .i 1). li Kfcp Ll lULK, Attornev-Loans lhu Hated on real ,-st.it ... urltv 0" Hpru' HI KILLA.M, Attoiney at Law. IA Wy oinina avenue. nVraatott HAVE YuL'B pEt8 AKD MOBTaAUEtl BROWNINU. Attorn-y and N'lthiy Put,..:. 2 .ntisnv.nv. ealtb Hinlltn VCIIO L ' '! thl lackaw..n:;a. LJ tl.), fm ,.r....r ...H .M. - . it or buhlniMs' tuorouKhly trains toitig cL..drea Hrv TnnnAs M Cs!t W a lt r i H Brai t. f lb- WOBCESTEB'S BdJf DEBOABTEX '1 sal l-ctool, t j J Adams arenue. Pupiii r.ceivM :.t a.l tltnM HmI l.rr. n , ...... April 1 IUMM- ' U LAOBACH, assraaoa Pea Met, tfo, ui i mine are M. M KATTt - Kteh,B' I 11 AM rPUt KLPIH..H. bav.iiB a.. A nation will loan too esooey oa eesri r-..::..-and pay yu better on investment than any other HWkt!3 tV.. u N CA!.L; N Dgg. jt'ine Bai hutidine iv GK CLASS: C0.71 bcsv'emen. Honsti t and Nurserymen; store 1st WaebingtoQ avenue; treen h. ute,UjJ Sort, jl.. ... . - j store telephone 7K1 TKAsi. UKANli L Nli iX 1 LA O ' .lnn Bro t 111 RCftl Si -. JOS KIXTTEL ill Lackawanna aeenaa 9 Kcrat.tnn. Pa . matiuf r of Wire rreens BOTI U tSD BEST A I RANTe, 'PHI WlTVlNMEk. UdU Wy,.mng 1 svs Koo ii' healed with tl.im: a.i ni j ern improvements C M Tin map. rY,ip 'PHE F.LK CAFE. 12, end IS rrsnklm ave L nue. Kates reas, nable. P ZlttUTa. i'TOTirtetor. n- Lbf tsUssTER lit' ILL" W, 0. SCHKMCK, MaiiafM Sixteenth street, one bhvk ,st id Broadway, at I'nlon Ninare, New York. American plan, t.1 V ptfr dav at d upward I soYNU Ht'lL hi.: , ,,:. p.ai.i good v rma (.'pen day and :.;hu Bar s-; plied lto the Is st P. B r-OTyR. rrorrietor y-i KANTt'N 110VM are: : L ft W ;M 1 sengvr depot OoMastted 0:1 the Furopeen plan. Vtrrsia Kix-n Proprietor 1 BAND CENTRAL Ihe ,: an . Ml U equlppei hotel In Allentowu. Pa , rate! t2 end )2.5i' per day. VltTon D, Farmh. Proprietor. A tit HI I I i 1 - AVIS HiH'PT. ArolUtecta li.vnis la II attd t OiiaMtStlWeaHll I ,d'c Sorenton. i; L WAl. 1KR. Architect, Library iui.-i li. Ins. Wvomtns avenu S.'teatOes I" L. BROWS. Arch B Ar, ltitivt. Fri,-e V imiidms. i Washlagtoa Avtslturastuti, MINCKLl.ANKOl'S MAl K.lfb lit HF.t-TRA MVS 10 1VB Is 1 ptcntcs. issrtiea. receptioua we.l dinirs end Sutiivi I work furnished For terms address R. j, Bauer, conductor. UI Wyoming eve , over Hnlberts ttaattt stnra. HOKTOS U SWAIil'b WHOl.FsAi.E lumber, and V linw Bank building rVrsnton. Pa. MEQABOEB BROTHKB PB1NTKRS' supplies, enTetobaa pnier bag, twnnv Warehouse, 1JU Wsshinston sve. Scranton, I 'a I'Ol'TE's 1 IVRRY. 15M I apMM avenue 1 First class carrlimos II 1. rOOTF, Agt. raBsral Dlrsorot sad fcahalnteT, 17 BANS P, BROWN A ct, WBOLB " sale drsleis tn Woodwsre. CordagS aud (Mi Cloth, r.'O W. Lio'kswstitia sventie, yZUA FiNN it suns, builders snd rontrao tors Yards Cot ncr olive st. and Adams ave ; corner Ash st. snd Pcnti sve., Scranton THl Thatcher IS THE Br ST. Get prices and see tht lurnacs and b con vinced. A full lino ol I1EAT I.KS. Apiwllo and Uauzt Door Btngtt CONLAN'SliARDWARE PITTSTON VX THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING COl SCRANTON AND WILKES BARRE, PA., JJANUTACTUREBB Ol Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY, General Office, SCRANTON, PA. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anttiraclto coal used exclusively, insuring cleanliness and comfort. TIM. 1 Mil I. I.N Il-rECT HAY HO) 1801. Trains leave Kcrunton for Pittston, Wilkes Barre, etc, ute3. U.lj, U.W a. m 12.50. 2.00, 8.30, 15.011, 7.2i. 11. OS p. m. Buudays, B.00 a. nx. UIO, 2.10, T.lu p. m, for Allat tlO City, 6.10 a. m. Kor New York, Kowark und Elizabtth, 8.20 (SSPrtSS) a. m 12.50 (oxpross with Buffet parlor car), U.liu (exprossj p. m. Bunday, 2.15 p. tn. Pon Malth Chunk, allentown, BaTBLtt RIM, BiASTOa and PllII.ADtLrillA, 8.20 a. m.. 12..X), i, 80, 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. in. Buudav, 2 15 p. m. Por Loao BitAHrii, OOIAX Ghove, etc., at ISO a. m., I1M p iu. For Beading, Lebanon and IlarrluburB, vis All. 'Mown, b.'A) u. in., 12.1.0, 6.00, p.m. Bnuday, 2.15p.m, For Potthvllle, K.'.Oo. in., 12..r0 p. m. ItetnrnlDg, Isave New York, foot of Liberty street, North river, at !U0 (express) a. m., 1.1D, l.iW, t.:u fexpruss with Ilulfei parlor car) p. m. Sunday, t:n a. in. Leave PMadalpbia, Btsdlnfl Terminal, 9.0) li. in , 2.00 and t in p in. Sunday, li 27 a. ir,. '1 brouah tickets to all points at lowest ratee majr be hiul on application in advaiico to the ticket nzeut at tho station. H. P. BALDWIN, J. H. OLIJAT.'SEN, (in Bttpt lib I . A VI A 1. I.' V ,. r. ( Jp-Z j . S''N rUILBOAD. omineiieinK Jiay 2W. istri. trains will run as follows: Trains leave Bridire Btreet Station, Birluntoti, for P.t.s- t-.n. wince I im re, etc., H lil, '.'i7, :J7, ID 12 a. in.. 12.10, lM IM Q, 5.1i, tU, 'J.li ai d II H p. in. Kor New York and Phlla delnina. I Oua. bl 12.10. 1SS. 2-im. 116 and I1J0 p. m, 1'or Jlonewlalu (from Ilela ware. Lackawanna and astern dtpot we m.lu a.m., I. 1) in., 2. 17, S 1'J p. 111. lor 'ai londale end intermediate stations, 5.40, TOO, I-:). 10. 10 a. m 12.00m. ,2 17, JU fi, 6 20 end 9 H p, m ; fiwa Brld gs street besot. 2.KI e. in.. 2. Land 11 26 p. m. Fast express to Albany, Saratoga, tbo Ao rt.ndr.ck Mountain, Bottotl and Hstr InglaiBl po uts 60 h m- irrniDf et AP,any ,2 1',. Saratoga 2JD p. m, and leaving Soraatofi itl p m . arriving at All.iny ats.5"p sx, hara Una. 12 it k in , at.d B ,'on. 7 00 a. m Tbt only dlre:t roufi between the lyjal fields and Boston. "The LeadliiK Tourists' Boats of AtMrlea" Vi the Adirondack Mountain re stirta, Lakes Ooortfe an i Chemplalu, Montreal, et-- Time UWes sho'vlnir local end through train service l'wtn stations on ail divisions Lela. w.ire and Huds'u system, may b: obtain wl at ah lie iew.re and IfudaoL ticket offi'-es. ii 0 rOtTtfO, J. W. BU'KLiICK, '- I r-e-. . O'-:. j-.-.- . A j. I EBI03 VALLEY KajlkoaIa J Pes. 11, W.. Train P-avee h-rranvn for Philadelphia and N w York v.a. 0. eVRTB B. et 1 a-m, 1Z.10. Ut and 11 p. a via fr, L W. B. lt,tJ3, UM UJO u. in., and IM p. in. Lea v.; rat.Vu for Pittaton ar.d W..kee barre ilaU. L ft W, B. Li., t.Oj, dtla, 112S a. m . UO iii. 107. Ml p. m. Leavt Soraatoa for Whiv.- Haven. Haxlevja, Pottevihe and ail points on the Beaver Meadow and PoUevfHt Irancbes, via L & W. V.. ',4-ji.m v.a b. ft U, B. B, at a in.. 12.Pi. 2.4- ' J..ii v.a ) . L. ft W. B. B, :.tfs, li.2b e nu. 1 3 1. 3. 5o p.av Leave i:..-.t, for Bethlehem. Eesfm, Beading, llarri.burg and all intermediate points v.a D ft li H. R , am .1210. Z-3S. 1LS5 ; D .v.a U , L. ft W. It. Bi 00 6-tas. 1U0 a, m, UD p m. I-ave ivcrsaton forTtiLkhsnocx Trnrai-ia, Bbaira. Itkaoa, Oesteva and ad intermeii.vs po-.nte via It. ft H R K. 7 1 r:.. 1- Ij an . 11. JI p in., via U L. ft W K K. , I M a mI.'J p ra. Leave Iscrantor, for Bh ester. Boflelo. Ki tgera F1j, Ietr'it '-"iucego end points west v:aD ft H J; R. , ...m. .. I i. li p. m . via IX L ft w. R. B. and P.f..Vji 3 met '.. t . iu., loj p. s.. vj,E ft W. B K. 3.41 p. XD. Po: K..'a'ra and th; a est v, Sal.maie - V. ti. 11 it R Wl a.m.. lllJ.t.ii p. m. v.a D, L ft W h ti.. in a m.. 1 'J end p. n. Pnllman parior and sleeping or L. v. '.;air cars on ad trains rtween L ir B Jnneti n or v. . ..... bar.-, ail New Y 1 ..a- .p:.:e, h'."i. u:. . -U!--'..' BtttlM KuLLIN H WiLBl'R. Get. tap. Eatt Dir. CHAJ S.L'E rjetk Paa Agt, Ptua .Pa. A. W N NNEMACHER Aee t Ocn-Pae. Ag U Boo th Bethlehem. Pa, lUetW.dit. LACKAWANNA AND 1J WE8TKBM Ra! R(.'AI Trains leav-&crtL:-:n as tolir.ws: Ex;r for New York end all points East. Ltd, Uk 5 15, 1 'X and Let a m. ; it ti an d 3 .W p. m. Express te ijaston. Trenton. Phiisflalphla a:. - ..i. 1 . , .'. a- 5 a. , and 'i 50 p. m Waah-npton and way suuosa, IsVp. a. Tohyhanna aecomm siation. 61u 71. m. F.x;r at ' r B;r.f La u sret.-i E.svira, Corning. Bath. Dansville, Moont Morris and Buflaio. 12 10. 2 ii a. m. aed IM p. m "t'g close connections at Buflaio to all point ix, ins Wist, Northwest and bou thereat. Bath aSSOSaa V.ation. 'am Bit cl act n and way stations. 12 ST p. m' Nicholson and way ttauona S ti p. as. NicLoia accommodat.on a; t p. m. and 6 r re Blntrhamtn and Elnura Express. 6 05 p BS, Express for Cortland, byrecase. Osweftv Vtica and Rkkflstd bpruv 2.13 a m. and 1 p m. Ithaca. Mi and R.th it m and UI p m 1 or XoH h umherland. Pttttt .Wilkes Barre. F In....:.. K msl-arg and Danville, making d tvwetnoat at Satthnmberland tor Williamixrt. Harnsturj, Baltim.re, Wu iegton and the ScuUk Northumberland snd intermediate staUoas, tM. 50 a m and 1-sj tnd 6.07 p m N..:.n .k.' st .1 t tetr-odiat" ftaf.or.s. S..W aid 11 Si a m F'.vr.;ou;h and intennedlaU etationa. S.V tnd ..t-tv m. Pullman trl,w and sleeping coaches on ad 'Vor dct'a,-d!orroetion. rocket Um'taSlsj, etc , apply to M. L bm-.th, city ticket offloe. ;l La. a ..a. . :.u . or uepot .tcaei ,'j.a a it im ,i t ivi, Is I Vret Jnnnars Ntt ' I. ejltrth Rniiml. ttw .01 ibi KotiLk RnnnA ioi i4 b 1 7 s $ 4 S S -m " SU'l -J 3 1 Kx a - a - a K cvpi Sunday 1 r Arrive leave 1 v ...I 7 3t 7 it M, let r m ;ot ... 2 n ... I :4 ...I I U ..I (41 ... r .vi . t." ...IS Ot i'. n y FrantMU s; .... 10 West 42nd street . ... si WeehswLcn Ir a Arrive lA-ave.. 1 li llano-v, .'ut ,11. 0 i ,.1 US' Uanoock 6 1 6 IS 2i : Is -. Stiirllaht Prestoa park OoStO ParoteUt Belmont Plaasul Hi I'uloiulale IVrsct t'liy C irN'iida c bite llrlilaS Ma llrld lain) n Arohibsra lata lVtkMlt Olvphant MNTM 1 liroop fravtdMiM Fink Pisco km .: 7 sS 7S ... TW ... r : : im' t '.- t'.' 17 ISSS it m fi4i IM It IS. del ....'id 11 iff 10 a . : M ti.M M 177 9 tt IS S4 m t- 41 a ts'i it: t iisd, tttSUffl I etii i 'ii N 6 Si1 Mil! ff ! itv! itCiii ei 4ff t VI 1 1 ft tt 1 t lil 4.V tl 10 ft ISlflM1 t; re ts 41 r h ii-mj 7 V 10 ( t M 7 4j 10 0 I st 7 41 10 0 tl : ' J 10 15 4 it 7 it 10 17 4 r7 10 ,' 1 10 II '4 4 It I (Kit 11 4 17 . ll 4 tt t 10, 4 V11 1V sci anion r v r ula a Leave Arrive s. s r All trains ru dally except Sunday. I stfi itlcs Hint tr.ili ttOpOBtlgBAl for pas. Bettcers Additional triilns leavt Oartvuidulc for sor.10. ton 1 I0aadt.lt p. in , arrii lug at scranton l.tt and I ft) Leave Scranton tor cartmndale pro and S.M arrMnc at carbondtilc nt ' tt and ill p. BV heoiire rales ta otuavio a Western bvtora smrohaslng tickets and says money. Day ana Nlligt BlPNHtOtlM West. J. C. Anderson, Gen. Pass Aft V. VUloruIt, i'lv. Pass, Agt. Sciaatou, Pa. rSRlJS AMD WYOlima VALLEY BAIL Vj road Train leave Reran toe for New York and in tertill 'diato points on the Erie railroad at (Ltt a. 111. and X'.'l p 111. Also for Honesdale, Hawlty and local points at il Hi, D.4i n.m . and UI p m. All the tbovs nro throutth trains to and from Honesdals. An additlotial trnin leaves Scranton for Lake Artel at i.'- p.m. and arrives at Scran. ... .... .1... T -. O ti, .. ... .... 1 7 'O, ,, , Trains lonvo for Wilkos Barre at t.40 a. Bta and 3 11 p. m.