The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 21, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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We will sell our cutiro stock of
New and Stylish TRIMMED
PRICES. Coiuo and seo them at
Bavo your OOIAABI itkrchtd in the. old
Vray, when ynn can have them donfl with oft,
tillable Btttaoohelei fur TWO 0XMT8 liAi'll.
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
We are showing
new designs in printed
Lacka. Avenue.
We Will Offer for a Few Daya
Fine SJoquette Rug at Si oy.
These Rug Have Never Been
Sold for less Than $3 oo.
'Z7 Wyoming Ave.
Emh-ni ckiieas are to estabiUh c
tcard of trade.
Ceriadlan lod?e, American Tra Ivor
it, of Providence, will conln an ex
canton to Moan tain ark. iaav'J.
broailu Ryn hH W:i declared gnilty
by Alderman Pott of wilu ewxH water
en :.:..: The c was beard Friday
and deei.ioti waa rewrv-d.
The .Vmnt'jn rrea clnb and jrnt who
went to New York Saturday morning in
especial car ',7-rim Jerser Caotral rail
road, retimed honvi last niht.
"A Daojhter dt Dixie," Dan L Hart' a
Bear play, will be preaenlnd at trie Froth-lr-ghana
iheatar this ar.d tomorrow even
inge, nnder the acaplces of tbe ."crantori
Seracton Olearln? Hone eichaogoi for
weekending Hay ML Monday, I2 -MOB,
Tn-wlav, 1118, W.OS: 'Aedn-eday,
IllS.Wjr): Thanday. tHisCM 4,; Friday,
,.- Baturday, 1107, IW.w. Tout,
Tba Republican standior committee of
tbe Third legislative dtMrtot have In
sirnctcd thairrnan Jnmea K Watkina to
laana a rail for a eonventl n to nominate a
ca.didau- for rat rescotative, to be lield it
tbe ronrt bonae June 2, from 4 to 7
o'clock In the aflal liuiai.
Opn All sTiajM
at Lohman's Spmce street
m '
Patrick Ishily, ei Wlnooka, Callty of
That Aol
Patrick Fahily, of Kluooka, is in the
county jail, and ii fortanate not to hi
enllty of tba crime of murdering his
Tha amployos of tho Greenwood
mines were paid on Saturday. Yonot;
JSehlly, who is employed there, got
dnrnk Saturday night and began to
qnarral with his fat bar, who was also
under tbe influence of liquor.
The son picked np sn x toiar at hsnl
and struck his father on the head with
it The wound was at first thongbt
fatal, bnt when a physician arrived an
esaminatlan revealed nothing sarlona.
Iu tho meantime tbe bloodthirsty
and nnfilial ion bud been brought be
fore Justice of tho Peace O'liaru, who
committed him to tba county jail with
tint bail.
Grammar Fchool Taachtrs Not Tat
Through Fighting.
Tba principals of the grammar grads
in the city schools have received from
Syracuse teachers a tabulated state
ment ot tbe average salaries In diflaff
ent cities with populations ranging
from 25,000 to 250,000. It shows that
in cities having tha sainn standing a a
bcranton in many cusos the mule prin
cipals receive a salary donbla that now
paid hero.
Tbe finance commltteo of the board
of control will report adversly 011 in
creasing the tax levy for the coming
year, and unless the board ut tonight's
moating rsvorses tbe notion of the com
mittee the expectation of a raise in
aalary for tbe grammar principals is
They Have Oone Down
That is prices at Guernsey Brothers,
Beadleston ft Woera's and Ballantluafa
Ales are tbe best EL J. Waxen, agent, a
Lackawauna avenue.
H: AG!
Williams A Mrllniiltu
1111(11 LNH
Breathing Spot ili3 bbsq
Trees, Plants, Flowers, Beds Laid
Out, Walk and Drivos Constructed.
A Fountain to Bo Erected -Park
Commissioner Moore's Project for
a Lake Moots with Much Favor It
Is Bocominsa Bo.iutiful Placo.
Connell prk, visit id by thoaitndi
evry Sunday sfternnon la propitious
weather, la rapidly becoming trans
former) Into garden n( bunny.
Elevated 10 as to conitsaml a full
view of the entire olljr, tM iipbyrs, in
vigoratiag and dellghtfnl, that contin
uously IWtep thr"tigli the groand are
akin to OOein brat'lSt. When tlu trav-
1 lw not eaters um iurk it t tn aula
gate thf jjrc.ible nln-noe of the rocky
hillock which stood to tin riiu of the
tower beot in 1 notioeabio, instead hs
iUuIa a sloping grtannward, wbtm
lowing of crass send Ins sprouted from
I a snr f aos laynr of eighteen iBOhea of
j nctt, fertile clay, l'lower hush's mid
sitiub-a i'f nil vitriol ion Inw juit forth
bloeaon, uihI t ho outline of llver
beds, with Imllia iut boi;iiii:iii to
IbOW kboM thn loll, tire oitooraibl,
Kurttier toward tln MOthweetrro. pafl
of thd gtotudi ro utwn forty ti vo strip
lit'i; IrtsS, t'ltu, ItndtQ, maple and ca
C'oiivarKing to lle liglit from tlu-
mai :i drivowny, laading stroaitoatli
Ibroagb ti trk. is being tmii at
pros,. . . 1 a imrrow.r thoroUfhruro six
( feet wida for OUaingW, It itfikaM
Off uoni kbe mum at n point
..tout lortv yatds fio u thi front yet
of IBS park. Wlioti coiiiiiloti'd it will
ba DuoadainlMd road paTad with
pob! lad gotten on inch aide. Aionu
tba tdgM of t . 1 nrivowny are planted
tlie treia niontloiied
la the canter of tii ironndi work
will abort. y U btgog Oh the baall for
a fowteio, A briini-h of the rotdway
whien ften to tba left and leads up to
tba foOBtaln litait adorned on aitber
aide with the catalpa traes aet tweuty
fet spirt, every one of which is now
growing. In summer I bay produce
b-.uuti'nl wbite bloaaoma.
There ia aiao in courae of conatruc
tlon ft rwdaatitaa path ten (vat wide,
hnt it li.ida aror.n t the tower to tbe
lett. Between it and the tower la a
i sami lnnar ahiped plot eoutaiinug near
I ly an aero of grootiJ. It ia banked with
, :w. ternc---, und decorated with flower
bads and shrubbery. Two beautiful
beds, oca a lulip. the other a byaciutb,
!k.-ith in f nil bloom, ornament the upper
terrac notf the tower. Other seeds
which do not show nntil later in the
. aon are et and in proper time, their
fraxrame Will pervade the park.
Tna work of he:intifyin,' the park
rrao bagnn tbkl seaion about tbe mid
dle of afarib. A gnat number of tbe
workmen lOgagad ban been sent at
the instance of tbe Board of Associated
Chart tias. A double purjoae ia thus
i served of iurnishiog employment to
aoie-Donieu men out er worar and ui
noting that work in a channel that
IOl : '. thu iuteresla of tbe commun
ity it Urge.
The water mair.s will soon ba laid
an lurnisneu 10 ma para, iuo
. ipe will be brongbt np Gibbons itreet
; (rotn I'ittaton avenne and turnml into
r. ' grounds through tbe gates at the
.!vconi mijy aoore atone avenue.
5pv iys will be located at various points
'.nrougbuat the park.
The BOiSn of the ground ia so iter
tit that itrtquires that rock must be
blasted crvar the tr;ater part of the
area and then the snrfaca overlaid with
vers of productive soil
Th intention of I'ark C'omml'sionr
Moore to secure for an artificial lake
tbe natural basin ou Crown avenno, bor
dering 011 the eastern corner of the
pirk. was mentioned before in tbe
glMigg, T'le proposed location cov
ers nenrly three acres of ground and is
a deep depr.sion which could In
formed for tt.s purpose without much
.-ip'- '
Since this project was gtv n to the
put. iic .:. tae columns of I m: Fit 1 nt "-.r:.
tb'T-T has fen a gnai awakening In
Its favor. The aentimenl is that It
must he carri-i ont The benefit to
the riark in increased popularity and to
the visitors in the additional delight of
.1 row ot, the walr woniu inirly com
pensate for tha expense entailed
Lackawanna Iron aid Coal C'mpir.v
H'lftCt b h Oai anl Water Corr.pny.
Th" Scranlon fias and Water com
pany Saturday began suit in assnmpsit
airnlnat the Lsrfcuwanna Iron nnd Coal
company for $01. 911. 60 The action If
brought to rrcoVer for Water which
tbe plaintiff ullages was HiirreptloOly
taken from the pipes of the company
betweeu Jan 10, 1BH1, and Jan. 1, Ml,
1 1," declaration filed by the plaintiff
sots forth tha tartns of the contract
nndr which the defendant company
was regularly air. plied with n certain
:mionnt of water in addition to whioh
it ia alleged that the latter snrruptlous
ly, between the dates named, to k from
plaintiff pip-A lnrge uainntittna of
water for other purpose than those
Ipseifil I nnd paid for undor tho terms
of tb" ngreetnnnt.
Tho purposes for which ths water Is
alliged to have been nsnd and its value
is specified, tho name iimonntlng in the
aggregate to tho snm for which ault Is
TonUht'a Tloar.l i.t Trade Meeting Will
Br tntsrsrllnir.
Board of trade meuiliers have been
reminded by Secretary Athorton to at
teu I tonlghta meeting, whioh will
probably ba OOS Of the most imp rtant
sessions hold since tho bridge and park
Ti.o maonfaotnnn' commit tea will
report on several Daw Industries, tha
linstl and highways cominltten on
rimming the streets and bridge looa
tlon, the trausportiilion committee OH
sleeping car accomiuoilntlotiH and re
duced railroad fnros. Several applica
tions for membership and Important
coinmtitiicalions will bt acted upon.
The Oreat Bamum & liallsy Show Soon
to ba Here,
BarnOtn ft Bailey's Orentest Show on
Enrth will arrive hero on Thursday
next, and spread its mammoth water
proof tents. The great exhibition tiiis
your is of a character entirely new to
the resident! of this city.
Thero are many reasons why tha ex
hibition this year is batter than any
other that has preceded it, as the me
nagerie is almost entirely new und
J innate every strange nnd curious zoo
ogical specimen, from ths gawky
camel to the only genuine aebra tint
has ever basked beneath the atura mid
stripes. There Is also in the oollrction
tbe largest ISongul tiger ever seen In
Ameriv.i, and he ims been from his na
tive jungle lesi than seven months.
Tbe cage of lious hm three; mala speci
mens, from the face of one of whioa
Sir Alexander Popo raads his painting,
wmoh ia low on exhibition in the Na
tional Uallory of Art In London.
Of the cirrus performance thore is alto
much to bo said, and its strongest
claim ia probably that the porformors
are nil champions. Among tho artists
that have been brought over from Eu
rope ui" tho most dashing and nucoui
plilbftd 1 (inostriounos om- soun in this
The Kthnoiogical Commit oomprUai
Mm 1 riori au 1 types of hnmun Ueingi.
While known to exist In fnr away OOQO
tries, ban oovor bafora boon seen out
side ihaplaoai of their l mi.
The Daynom i' ll.iiley show has com a
to im nun of sVmarioa'i parutantnt iuait-
lutioas, and merits mon than tho
imlling nfannoi called out bv tba or
dinary clrons, li is worthy of Norloua
thought not 011 1 v for itself, bill 111010
wbao one annaldan what asoaptlonal
ability a man miiat DOHOM who 0011
trola the entire aimv of tuna nud WO"
111. -a who give tba llbltioo.
s- 1
Attaaded at lo-Havim by Many V I
Kih wm Mli lstsra
Tha qiiurleily convention of the
Welib Calviniatlo chorchri of north
Mstoru PsnDiylTaula oommsnoad 8at
urdav morning in tna Bsllevas Calvin-
lotto UsthndtSt church on Booth afalu
avantta. Riv, Hugh Hughes, ol Ash
ley, pmldad and tho secretary wus
Uiv. K K Williams, of i'lymotuli.
l'bOM pnWOl were: li vs. John Wil
llatna, Blatlngtoni It. K Jnnoa,Dnials
sills 1 J, K Williams. Pblladolpblu; II.
V. Wiiliitns, Went Bangor, aud Qtlf
tlth Thomas, all of the South pr. nl)
B Wllliaiui, Plymouth; E K
Robert, Sugnr Notch; William (1
,1 luklna, John t Jon a, W. 11. Un
lisma nud Bamns Williams, all of
Willna-Barrs; J, T. Ilorria, of Baii
vue, Hugh laviot, D. O. Phillin. W
E Itorgao, of lute ity; William
LbWif, of Car Sam la h, William
Matthew, Olyphatit. W. K Jonoa.
Idwarda, of Provldi uce, and John 11
wllUana, of Sorantoa l'be dalsgatei
from tha qnarterly masting to ttu e
nod won R v. David Masai, Bprlng
Brook, Jamas 1. Davis , Wilki 1 Barn,
ud 11 Q lvoderiok, of Wllkes-Bairc.
The meeting for the nut synod Will
t o u. 1 1 at Phfladalphia in Oo lobar
in tho afternoou issslou, ordination
services were held, u prajur waa oSaf
ad by Bev, B. U Jonoa, of DanieU
Vllls, and liev. 11 V. Williams, of
West Bangor, preached Ibl sermon of
toe duy. Cnestions forcioitirmatiou of
faith were naked by BsV, Hugh Duvlrg,
Kev W R. Mathews, of Olyphant, de
ItVirsd au ordiuation prayer. Tne
charge wui made by RlV. John R.
Jones, of Wilkes-Barre. in the even
ing Bars', R R. Jones, of Uanlelavllle,
presided. Rev. Hugh Hu;hes, of Ash
ley, preached an excellent sermon, the
nbjsot was, "To Kuow tbe Lore of
The services yestarday morning were
conducted by Rev. William Lewis, of
Carbondale. Revd. R. K Williams aud
Hugh Daviss preached on "The Story
ot the Incarnation." At the afternoon
session Rev. J. R. Evans, of Philadel
phia, delivered a temperance sermon,
und H. F. Willium. of West Bangor,
ipoko ou tbe "Ascension of Christ"
Sunday Closing Iduveinaat N t Tot a
The Sanday observation movement
has not as yet culminated iu suc-
oess Yesterday tne ami stores wore
open as usual, but at some ot them
irugs only could bs parohasad. At
others sola water and cigar wore sold
The saloon men generally kept a
sharp eye ont for agents, but tho 1 ni -ated
declare! that they had littls diffi
culty iu procuring drink at several
Jmt what waa done by the ag-nta
who were out for information is not
known, hut It is not altogether unlike
ly that there may be some arr t 1:1 ids
today, Tbe leading Iptrill are const
erbly Iu earnest end claim that tv-v
will peraeveto Iu the work they have
Sunday closing was to all apn-ar-
ances oliserved on the West Sldo Tha
saloons wen generally in total dark
ness with closed doors The drug stores
were open for the sal of drugs only.
On the South Side tho disregard for
IBS Sunday cloamg movement la more
marked than in any other section of the
city. Saturday was pay day at tho
mills arid initios and the facilities of
fered yislerday to the workmen for
gattltig rid of any superfluous cash
were as goo I aa if the law of 17111 navor
went into lfrt. '1 ho saloons and drug
storea were all open and nothing wa-t
denied to pnrohaaois Tho "growler"
was kept going atten lln to the Wants
of tho thirsty.
Mary Hagcerty Mak It Lively for To
Ilea OfHsrs.
Mary Haggerty, an aged woman wsl
known In pollcf circles, went on one of
her periodicals Saturday evening nnd
made things lively for a time at in?
Ponfl avenue, where she flrml cabbage
heads and OtbsV artli l. s ntiout In a
most promllOOOW manner, much to the
alarm of soma of the more timid side-
walk padsitrlaOS, Slio howled like a
1 toil, nebs and lOOdnotad hsrsalf In a
most luderent fashion, and It became
necessary to arrest her. The old lady
had her war plnt on, however, and
fnttghl so bard that it was abont rill
I irTlcor Blook and a apodal could do to
take her to the station home. They
linally landed her in a call, but the old
woman waa by uo menus subdued She
kicked the cell door furiotisiy and
made things lively for an bottt or two.
gradually subsiding hi thn 1 lTscts of
th" liquor Won off
Yesterday morning she was nailed
baton tae ma) or s oonrt and a fine of
10 Imposed upon her She will pay the
same today, as she bus a snug Utile
bank me mil upon which to druw
when occasion demands.
Conoert at I'arh Plane.
Xna OOOgrsgation of tho North Koran
ton Lutheran church will give an enter
talntnout Wednesday evening iu the
chai ol, for which an admission of 10 cents
will be cbargud. Following is tho pro
Male Quartette.
ltecltatlon Miss Wakefield
Duet Misses Annie nud May Morgan
Solo Miss Annie Peacock
Kecitatino .....Sllss Klein lllauck
Instrumental, Selected.. .B. W. Newbanor
Piano Selection Professor Jones
Hoio Miss Waksnsld
(Jreon Rldgo Quartette.
Solo Mies Mamin Nilon
Duet Miss Wakefield
Piano Selection Professor Jones
Becitntiou Mr. Peuoock
Instrumental, Selected Newbauor Tiros.
Duet Annie nnd May Morgan
Bolo .....Miss Munilo Nilon
Rev. Charles E. Robinson Says She Is Man's
Rights of the Mintstor to Discuss the
Subject - Characteristics of Women
Fit Them for tho Moro Delicate
Dutios-Mentally, Sbo Is Fully as
Capablo as Man and Should Not
Oeopard Hot Delicato Endowments.
Tho sermon of R v Chart s E, Rob
inson, HI', at the Btcond Preiby
terlan ohnnh, bmt evening, on tin-
nusitlon of woman's mffraga, attracted
a lull-sized audi' lice, Considering the
ntate of thn wosther Dr. Robinson
maintains that woman la tbsrqnal of
man, hut, bo has hit Nphore und she
Protn a gsnaral standiiolnt sba might
be OOnsldared as well entitled to a po
lltlaal rlgut to trots as men, bnt in so
doing would alio not involve the W0
inattiy and mors lend! attributes
which ehnraotsris 1 hsrt
The sortno 1 w a from Uanaais, i, 27.
'Male atld femi'.ln created He tln'iu, "
is follows:
in view of the relation whleb womAO
holds in t he social fabric, hor Infloenee,
sceptre and IbroUS, anil in Vlow Um
wide spread discussion ol this subject of
Woman's Snffrags, then ougbt 1 1 bssome
iiointni view srnsnthe Obristian rninli
tor can ataudand OOOslder It. Ia It- Socio
logies) relations, there am experts In social
acloncs, who shonld he lett lodlasiiss tie
qui -.linn from their Standing point. Iu Its
politics! aspects thu philosophical polltl-
c:.,n luni liii. I', Id lor lie f inly ,,f it. Ami
tba minlsier loies ranch In dep rtn:' ii
to . Kingdom, to I'.ncu .-, -m il mitijoct iron
tbs sociological or political center, Jiut,
iu tin- realm of tun gnapeL then 1 1 a pi io
who.e h . .1 1 hi Old ninl where be oiikhi to
lift up Ms voice a a teaoUer of Christian
morals, m show what h'iit Cbrlatlan Htaud
ards throw on tb 1 on lal 1 n
At thu outset one can aSS that it is not
really a natter of real supremacy. Aif
w hore woman does nor worn and mat.
does Ins work he u eul In itod booaOSS he
Vote-, ami slie Is onsliivt I Lkcaut.o bo Ol e!
riot vole.
In tho ilistrilnitlo'i .if duilo" Inl.nB and
respoti.ilhllKii in the social 1 COOomy car
tain lUlaga nave natili il.', alien to men
and . tilers o woineii. Uso havo d ig
the lirhla, worked In the DiaSa, toil, d in
the shops, stood guard as polios men and
fonght on battle Heidi la , nine tin y could
do that b.- .r, w hile women have taken
ban of tba obildnn, managed tbe house,
rel rueil la le cloty or e, upiml sue 1 post
tions for self support as have bean w it hm
their reach for tile sarno rea-ou hocaus
thov could do th se ihinga beat. In such
allot metit I heretofore men have Voted as
well an dtl .' and fought, etc., and It is lint
whether this Is a aurt of royal prerogative
tail wliet tier 1 1. ore shall tie a mliamlm
tiou of masculine and leiniulne wo: k and
WOmsn shall add to their caroi nod re
spor silnlitlna tho duties of the elective
Willi BAVI Tin: BAtXOI
Neither ia it a question of intellectual
supremacy, as if 11 man voted 1 he
kuew enough, nud woman didn't vute be
cause she did not know enough. Woman
bus taken the Held aud swept oil all claim
ants to man's superior Intellectual powers
S'ie has put her oivu c llogs, like Smith
vassal and vTellasley la tba front rank
and In those ui.iver -itres whore she has
studied lseslde her brothers, alio hss not
ouiy walked with uvea puto but has, In
many cases, distanced IBOBL and curled
olf the pri"S. In church work, in ml
sionary societies, iu litorary club and in
many departments of business sbo hns
shown no lack of mental ability tor any
work she doarcu to under! iko. Whether
she votes or not thu question does not
hinge upon mental power.
rornmrly men regarded their reaioinug
ractuty as sujaoior to woman a intuition
But we are coining to SOS that the flash of
intuition la nearer akin to Inspiration than
tb -slower, more awkward proo-'ss of rea
son, and that as tons and hushands we are
likely to make Irreparable tnlt.ilo'S if we
propOSS to walk by the tamp of our reaou
nnd set aside tha radiance of a noble
w oman s intuition.
Ner does this question of woman's suf
frage swing on the (urges of the 1 quality
or tne exo. a woman, nv Her native en
dowuior.t, stntids tea highest, Dr. Park
ntirsi is ngnt in saying tnni intue iro
gross oi rronttou rroin tne moilBSBS t
innti, woman isiiisis last ami best ores
tlvo work, the "climax of Und'a creative
energy. Sho holds the highest place, and
as a social rnctor, does tlie tinosi ami best
work. Peters reference to tin- wile as the
"weaker Vussel ' does imt refer to Inferior
ity, for In the same vertm thn husband I
chargod to honor her bOOSUM she is th
weaker or more iieiicate vessel, just
in nit gall'-rlss thn OoaTSS earthen jar
are set any wnern, ttni iim-r, more ex
qulalte Vases, whi r ' valBSS nre l,.t
when they are 1 limed, am set iu cases of
honor, and regar le . with distinction.
Tbe question does turn on what im-ii and
women. In 1 ied s Idea nf human society,
win re lie i roalial 1 1. to "m ,:' an I I
male," can do la-at. (ind has ret a phvslo
logo ni 1 eat on sucn nivisi 111 or ,atior sien
nie plainly OCSlgnOd for rougher, hard
work then women; not finer nud nohl
work. Am! the more tlinrouirlily a maul
1 1 1 aa 1 1 1 v , and a woman womanly, the una
Co 1 plete ami satisfactory the co-operatlv
result, where imth worn togetin-r 011 so
m ate hat parnllel lines
Some women grow v. ry restive nnd sar
castle when reminded that woman I tltroi,
and her aioplin ll In her Wonianliness
that legiiaut qunlliy whh h makes her th
qnei'ti of her homo or of society. And if
she has no homo, and must needs engage
in Hm humhlest work or her living, a
long ns she retains her ntnnn Iiio-kb, she I
royal to every good man, who can ssy with
ashliigton. "All I hat I am Iu 1 1 f I w
to my mother." There is something about
I lie huinhlest ntnl poo rail Into wotna
w hioh miiKos a good man belli hey In rev
NdT nMgfO 1" Ml N
Now then. If Women want the ballot
they will have It. When they comhln
they carry all ho'nre tlietn. I hern never
litis been, nnd there BSVSI Will he n aoolnl
movement where women ndvaiieed
toward a certain inii unit. . 1 1 1 where
they have failed, lliev are sure lo get tin
Itullol tr they luslit upon It. II 11. n g ,i,u;
lo lu tko tlietn liner and imliler lor th
work to with ii fjod iu" sal than apart
111 t as truly as lie has sot m 11 ntiail I
their work, than -, I the day when tho
women are foremost at i ie elections, ami
most 'ive ' In sbjotlonsarteg, and
moat effective in political intiti ol. Um
ranember that If It la si cured at thn ei
peiiae of Unit honor with which all true
main regard women; If It IS gained ot the
ioi's of exquisite power which 1 nines
troi i womanliness, It will lie like dropping
a sceptre to grasp bt a Inuti le, like Mop
piug down from her tbrOBS to light along,
side nf or against her stihjrct.
! he finest tribute men svirpeid sronisn
WAS reudeied by tho p'opliul Samuel 10
Ilia mother BaBBBBi One eau dltSOl lite
plcusuro and loving rnveiencn with which
tin put on Immortal ricm d the s wont iuihs
of her hiisband'a love tor her, (he autlslae
llon of her maternal longings nnd the In
spiration nf her senpblo song,
Tbe highest OOOOr put BOOB the hiininn
rnco wascunfsrrsd hy DcboraB upon liarj
in chooattig her to bo the mother of the
SOU ot Und. That homn Ihu of nearly
thirty yunrs in Na.areth hns a celestial
halo about It. Tne giea'.nsl power wedd
ed iu Egypt to overthrow ths plant "f
Pharaoh was that of Jochobnd, tho mother
of Muses, when her beautiful bshjjr boy
was recommitted by tbe princatS into her
hands for training, it was ucr lulluenco
mora 1 .'.an anything alas under God which
led Moses to innko thn grnndnst choice
iiinu ever made, to turn from the palace
and renounce tho pleasures and "treasuren
of Egypt" to deliver n nice of slaves . id
loud them out of boudugo at the call ot
Only a few days ngo tuo monument was
unveiled, which baa hoeu erected
to the
memory of Mury tho mother of Washing
ton. It may tnko a long time for tbe
glory of a humble, patient mother's work
to shine through but somewhere and some
time, it will shine forth us tho highest,
moat fruitful und noblest work of all. It
there is to be 11 fniluro in human aoclety
and the social fabric shall fall in ruins,
tbe central point of thu wreck will be
found in the dying ont of tho "homo Idea"
which is woman a sldo or tho co-operative
work in the social economy.
1 here can be nothing better laid in clos
ing than the clunr aud cogent utterunco
Mr. Humphrey Ward: "NotBIBI can
bo further from our minds than to nuok to
loprccinto thu position of women. It ia
because wo are keenly alive to the enor-
uinua vuluo of their special contribution to
tho community thai wn oppose what
0,1 likely to oudungor thai contribu
tion. We are convinced that thn pimult
of a mere 1 utwnrd 1 qnnlitv with men Is
not only vain but demoralizing. It lends
ton total 111i10ei111ni1.11 of wo j mini 'a true
dignity and t.pociul mission. It titnda to n
pi r el stiiigglo anil rivalry, when thn
only effort, ot both thn great dlvlsi ms of
I ho human Family should On to t onirliiutn
the characteristic labor, ami thu best gifla
T earl' to thn common eloclr.
If Not, Kntar Um 1 'level Club' Kncus
nnd Oat Fonvi
Ths Bcranton Bioyojs stub is on of
ii most enterprising organisations in
ha city, lis sntertatnments nr ni-
traya of the ia ai,hut ou July i it prom-
taeslo excel it. I l In that day the
dtih'a twelfth annual meet will take
ducat tho Driving pirk Tne beat
riders Li tba country will participate
ami as an InduoetueiH tile cum oner:.
.5110 worth of dl nnoiid to tho win
1 . ol tncea. If ttm weather is lavor-
il.le at least 10 'Mil) ptraons will witn- hs
l!.e 1 tin at the Driving park 011 tin
fourth Following la 11 lilt of the
prlr. is:
Of,AM A.
Oan mile, BOVlCS Pint prir.e, rohl
medal: second prize, nilvr medal.
lino mile, 0 an I lint, prize, ctamoou
10 second prlss diamond, flbi thud
nil. '. iL imond. tl'.
Ollll 11, 1, e Htllte , l, lhl( 10! ship rirat.
pi (S, diuiitonil m"iai, in .
Iv.o mile, liHi.daup-1 irsl pi ,.., dl.
stood, Mj ssoonq prise, dlsmoud, t5;
third prise, diamond, t.o; fourth prize.
Ilamond, 110,
One half miln opsn First prlr.a din-
mond, t ); sseond priae, dlsmoud 189;
third prize, diamond, 1 15.
It lint 1. ne ,u lids eve ,1 is 1 1 ior I, -tier.
a special prise Of a t3." d'.uni'.nd will bo
given to lbs v. iniiei.
tine mile, live c sn vutiiia
Wu. ne, Su'ipinhn'n.a, Wy onlng and l.u-
me ohamtrtonsbin, 'ir-t prize, diamond,
o; sec. ml , iiinii.i.ud, t third
prise, diamond, 1&
One half iiiile.ota'ii - First prii", diamond,
tl.Ml; second prize, dinluoi.d, th 0, third
1 180, dlnmoi.d, I'sl.
One mile, open First prize, diamond.
I50; second prize diamond, 1100; third
prize, diamond, .Vl.
One mile, handicap 1 irst prize, om-
mond, tliu; second pri2e, diamond, 1100;
thud prize, diamond, (.V).
t il diamond if to- b-i-t nol-ri'llen In
Class II is '.' 15; tr, diamond It It is done lo
i; thXJ diamond if It la done la 2.10.
Thero will bo a parade iu tbe morn
ing, in whleb u beautiful picture val
ued at fid will bo given to the club
having the largest number of bona fide
members in liii", and a tine silver los
pitcbar aud goblet to the club making
tbo finest appearance.
Commai.dtiles Leave fnr tha Annual
CoLclav at PUtsbuia;.
Today the Knights Templar of North-
sostern Pannayl vanln cimmenre their
pilgrimage to l'tttsbnrg to attend tne
anrinul conclave of comuianderies.
Melita and Conor do Lion emmauder
les of tois city wilt leave on special
Pullman car attached to the 0 32 JMa
aware nnd Hudson train. The Carbon
dale, Paleatina and Oreat Bend sir
kuighta will be of tbo company leaving
on the above train.
At W iikcs-liarre the oariv will be
further increase .1 by Dien le Vent com-
mandery of that city, the Wyoming
Valley coinmandery, of l'lttston; the
Northom, of lowanda; tbe Temple, of
Tntikhatinock At Snnbury the Cru
sade cod Calvary ct mtnanderias, :of
Bloomsburg nud Danville will join tb
Pittsburg will be reached via tbe
Pennsylvania road this evening. T
morrow will be spent in nttendance
upon the conclsve. Wednesday wili bo
devoted to so dug the sights of Fitt
t urg unfit evening, when thn trnln of
ipOCia! Pulman sleepers will convey
Um knights to Washiugt.iii.
Thn capitol will be reached
oolOOk I burs. lay morning, and aft
brnnkfsat at Willard's th many point
of interest will ba visited OBtll evening
Supper will lie servid and Is'rtha pri -vided
on a steamer of the Norfolk and
Washington Steamship company and
lb anil mads 111 thn night to OKI Point
Friday at Old Point will be spent In
enjoying the buy hreezi-a and
Fortress Monroe and o.hcr Interosttbg
fustnien of thn result
Balllmoie will be touched by staamer
Saturday morning ntnl the party will
bn In Bonnton Si 0 o'clock Saturday
. i ,
Funaial Raivlrae from th R.aldsncs
ned St Peter's CathrdraL
The funeral of tbl Into Mrs M. J
0' Hall ay oconrnd Saturday from tb
Wyoming annua resldsBoo, a solemn
high mass ol rvQntsm was afterward
celebrated at Si Pet. r'a cathedral
Bav, Joaspb .) Coroner, brother of
the deceased, offlotatodi and WSS aa
A10 I
is works (if a u hoolb&i
it hIioiiIiI iii oiled 01100
11 is n much liner pioeo of
mechanism and ihonld b
olMtned and oiled every year,
to keep i in ii'xni order,
Have it done bj
W. W. Berry
Tho Jcwolcr
Who has hod twunty-flve
.veins' ezperlenoe, You will
find him at
A17 Lacka
Avenue. Best Sets of Teeth,$8.oo
Inelndlng tha rainless cxtnurtlnu
f twth by au tulirt'ly uuw lire
Com, S. C. Snyder, D.D.S.
aUu UVo.Ul.N0i AVh.
aisled by Roy. J, V. Huseie and Rev.
P. J. Qolden. The funeral sermon wse
delivorod by R9v. Father O'Reilly. The
pall-bearers were M. J. Kslly, John J.
Maghrnn, John J. O'BovIe, A. F.
Duffy, T. J. Kelley. M. P. Flynn, P. J.
McCann and P. J. Horan. Interment
was made In the Duuiuore Catholic
1 Plumbing
rnaa a
Tinning i
As unlet el hy Hoard of Health.
liiOl!) I.f'.CALT I!;,
"A bit f)f tm fthintf Udtr tho mm.
From i flttli t''k t'j it Outllng ifn.H
128 Wyoming Ave.
Wo gre nov, tJisjiiiij in
a fiuc ling of
: -
Decoration Day draws near, and we are read?
with the clothing needed to fit you for the inter
esting occasion. Full GRAND ARMY SUITS at
$6.50 and upwards Single and Double Breast
ed, Square and Round Cornerei Coat;. The
Coats and vests are made with eyelets and two
sets of Buttons go with Suit. Full Suits or
Single Garments as may be desired.
complete one and we can supply you
65c. up.
Every pnrnlufsnr of
Betatiful PABLOB
Completo Outfitters, SCRANTON, PA.
We Don't Want
The Drum
Youi Ear
l.'V UOifWl i'H I! LO WING
On Monday,
Ladies' Calico Shirt Waists. Child's Straw Sailors.
Fall I'leit Hiirh Sir eras, regular All colors ; regular prico, 115a
ltric. 869, MONDAY, aMo. MONDAY 2 1 o.
Ladies' "Direotoire" Bow. Boys' Sweaters.
French Lovvn, White and Colors; White and Grey ; a big bargain,
regular price, 60o. MONDAY, 3r0. MONDAY 49o.
Men's Shirts. Men's Suspenders.
WnrrauUd Past Rlaelr, well made, Any ptiir ef IBo .;uponderi in the
till sizes, worth 73.i. MONDAY 46s. store for 19c. MOM DAY.
Agency for Dr. Jaeger's Woolen System Goods.
This Week
A $1.50 Leghorn Hat for
79 cents.
Flowers, worth 50c. a Spray,
For 15 cents.
Our Trimmed Hats marked down
to half price.
Cloak Dept.
A find Clay Worsted Coat,
linedwith Moire Silk, worth
$14, for $6.
A Black Moire Silk Cape for
$9, worth $20.
Your choice of 100 Capes
and Coats, in all shades,
for $2.98, worth from $7
to $15.
Also, a Tailor-made Suit for
$4.93, worth $7.
138 Wyoming Ave.
large and
for from
?i worth or over receive a cliauce on
Put we w.inr to impress
upon you the fact that we
arc offering bettor values in
footwear than any other
Shoe House in Scranton.
Call and we will prove it to
you. The benefit will not be
one-sided, We'll get a new
customer, that's true, but
you'll save money by trading
with us.
IscVawanna iri
Si ,;.XTON
May 21, Only