The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 21, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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rrausnrn DAILY IK SCRANTOH. VJl., "t
IHK TitlUU.NB FUm.lhUl.fO CourAXT.
r.w Vorr owioe: TntnuNs Buiujino,
Fhank 6. Okay, Manager.
f r.ttred at the rtto0ce at SUtMtom, fu
Second-Clau Hail Hatter.
BrNATOB CAMERON'S prediction that
the Indeterminate aeuate tariff bill will
finely paM could bo butter honored iu
tlm breach tliHti in the observauee.
Mr. Powdoriy Speaks.
For thu first time since bis rstlro
mnt from the general master work
BMMhip Mr, l'ouiiurly hut turned
upon his tradneera ami vindicated him
s. If from their false charges. In an
nulhorized interview begun on our
fiwt page Xbb Tbibuhb tltla morning
presents bis explicit n nil detailed de
fense. The central point in the ingenious
conspiracy which ha formed iteolf
among former associates for the evi
dent purpose of defining the one ene
cefifal lender that organized labor hue
had in this country is disclosi".! in a
sensational article in yesterday's I'hil
tittelphia IllUM In tbil nrtiele it is
pec tie illy oharjad that Mr Powderlf,
Mr. Wright end Muter Workman 1'.
H. Qoinn hHVrt boeu expelled from the
KntghUof Labor, for plotting to die
rapt the order eud cany pari of :t over
into the Federation of L ibor. Not only
ie the ..-.-.,.. i itaoU untrue. accord
ing to Sir. Powderly,hnt the very rnlei
which are quoted as authority lor the
lie pad expnltion would, if inch lotion
were contemplated, aOOOfd him the
obvious justice of a notification nud
formal triat, neither of which bag j"t
taken place. Si far, however, from
"u !i avoriug to disrapt the organiza
tion which 19 his greatest monument,
Air. Powderly, linoe his retirement
hi rep- itettly oounseled his (tin Is to
remain . jral and patient, it is to his
Moderation in th.s rcepeot more thuu
to any other cause, tbat the ooterie of
oooipiriog leaden who made it doom
saty for bim to retire are indebted for
the continued integrity of the order.
We have no forth r lnt in Mr.
Powdtrlj thu that v.-inch partaiai to
a brainy Sorautonlan who, despite
many mistakes, ha-s !.aea gmatfifa
work, it is only, however, that
the public shcnld accord a bearing to
his side of the case. Sua abate of ene
mies ;s natural; and this mar. has an
attendance) of ecmpiiuient to bis
By tm?: way, wht are the
;1 s : t .e D-'ii-ocrntia pirtyt
s THOCOH the present indetermi
nate tariff hiii should pses. it will be
well for voters to ru)mber how, in
the iangnage of John Dalzell, ''the
Democratic party first shut up its fac
tories, mired its Industries, created
armies cf unemployed by threats of
fre trad? iu its platform and in the
Wilson bill, and then after all. when
the mtajMaf was done, ended np by
passing a substantially protective bill
as to aU the items protection of which
was neeeeeare to ecare bjmocratic
votes "
i.r a .-row:a, sisptclon that
the State base ball league management
will never die from a surfeit of corn
m.n tense.
Coxey's Real Grievance.
The Clover club, of Philadelphia,
will not pin credit for courtesy or
Rood breeding by its recent ejection of
(r.ral Coxy after Ma acceptance of
a rs-nlar invitation to be its guest.
The Clover club, it Brill be understood,
is not an tCOBOBie nor political Batt
ering, but rither an rganiz-tion of
wits who mike a practice of captuiing
itinerant celebrities, confining them
within the clnb bir.qnet ball and then
'guyir.g" them until life incomes tnls
era'.le Why for pnrpoees of chaffing
Oiey should not. prove j!it a welcome
as some notorious theatrical fraud,
some artist wltb more brag than abil
ity, or any of the other favorite and
traditional kinds of curios t oat con
grigute about Clover club dinner
tables passes nnr ability to ex
plain. The only known fact is tbat he
wasn't; that certain members threat
ened to resign If by bis entertainment
h 'iiiaai-iadorsement was given tu his
indeeorOBI style of tocialMm, and that
when the lnckle-is commander of the
common v.eal upp.-aredon tlm scene In
the Iplandld attire of a polished gen
tUnim of leisure, be n.ot more or less
summarily tnkoa by tho arm and at
tended to the outer door.
Wo cannot blame Cox-y for feeling
f ffended. He had hesu duly and prop
erly Invited. He had demeaned him
self aa a gentleman and bud expected,
among gentlemen, the courtesies due
from gentlemen. Instead of that, he
(rit a demonstration of boorishness
which, as it wilf be distorted and ex
aggerated among men more Ignorant
than Coxey. will do lnliolte harm,
There was no exense for such treat
ment. It brands all who had nn af
firmative part in it as more devoid by
far of the eommon tnstluota of de
eency than le the crank-brained and
eeeentric yet personally courteous ''re
former" against whom It wns directed.
It gives him, at last, a real grievanco.
in which, sorry to say, be will have a
leverage upon the sympathies of per
eons who have no tolerance whatever
for his ill-considered economic views
With that incident In mind, who dnro
any tho following sarcastic remark,
chronicled in a local report in the
Philadelphia Inquirer, waa wholly
without provocation:
While the general stood talking to sev
eral jiernonn, two nieit'ontorod tho room
and ordered a drink. They Uiuw the gou
eral was In town, but did not know ulin
by eight. One of thorn moved away, and
when the drinks were served was at the
other end of tho room. "Here, Coxny,"
the other shouted, not knowing that
Coxoy himself beard every word, "como
back and got your rum." Coxey got a
tiwirt glance at the conplu. They were
dressed iu the height of fashion. Then he
turned to the group, by whom he wns Bur
rounded, and said, with a sarcastic smile:
"That's oue of the many things I bare to
endure when 1 find myself iu alleged re
epoctable society. "
True, such sarun9m us this does "re-
apectable society" in the aggregate a
bitter injustice. Bat it adds to the
difficulty of vetting men Nke Coxoy to
bilieva this when social organiz itions
with the reputation of the Clover club
deliberately became inhospitable and
grossly insulting,
Senator Quay's dally tariff hiut is
not inspired from Purls.
Vkky naturally the Democratic
journals hereabouts are endeavoring to
make it fusa anion First district Re
publicans. From a Democratic parii
snn standpoint that is obviously their
move. But it will not succeed. There
is too much good, sound common sense
among the voters of that district.
Though they may not all be pleased,
thoy will certainly not go to the enemy
for advice or consolation. Thoy know
too well the spuriousness of tho prs
ent Democratic clttter. They will
hold their own counsel, consult their
own interests and when calmness has
been restored net a pnudenoe shall
then suggest. The assurance of the
Providence Register that the "North
Bod will bo found In the proper place
in the election to bo held next fall and
irive her usual lame itepnblicnn ma
jority' ie a hint not without value. Tills
will ho too good a Republican year,
with too much at stake In the elec
tion's result, to give more than Uoman
tary encouragement to efforts calcu
lated to impede the impending Repub
lican triumph,
e M
Hkpkk!'-1'nt.tivk Bryan's di cision to
retire from congress relieves the people
of Nebraska of a disagreeable duty.
That Silver Plank.
It is really not necessary for Penn
sylvania Republicans to say anything
o:i the currency question. Their ex
pressions in the put have amply cov
ered this subject In n manner that
leaves no room for doubt. The coinage
of money lvlongs under the eonstitu -tion
among the functions of tlm gen
eral government and from that stand
fO'nt la u natlonil rather than a state
But lest an omission on this point
should be misinterpreted, it would be
well to incoi porata the substance of the
plana adopted at Minneapolis This is
the foundation principl t of thr Ropnb
lican party. Whatever variation iu
rhetoric may chance kobadeamexl wis.-,
the central aaatSOO and idea must ho
that of strict adherence to n sound ami
honest currency. The H-pnblicins of
Pannaylvaula demand a monay system
good for its tace value wherever
cireui.ited and in whatever medium
expressed Whether the dollar tie gold
or silver or wood pulp, it must be a
dollar with au even dollar of value la
bial it for its redemption! and not a
so-called dollar that straddles ank
wardly between intrinsic value and
We dismiss as nnwarrantel the
Democratic assumption that fri-inds of
Senator lav propose to take from the
Republican voters of this state their
prerogative of asserting thoirBwn con
victions on this question,
Al an understudy in the great states
man role, Senator Dan Vorheos im
presses us as being far from an ungual. -
It n i'nkinu in the Democratic pa
pers to print long columns of hasty
talk by "Fighting Jack" RobloiOD,
well knowing lie will soon repnt him
of his temper. Bit wh"n it corn 's to
building great DemOOtatlo expctations
on such iutervit-ws ai these.that strikes
us as carrying tho silly season too fsr.
There will be no more loyal ao 1 enter
prising supportr of the nominees of
next Welneelay'e conventien thun
John B Robinson, of Delaware. Twen
ty-foUI honrs after the ticket shall
have b en nani'd, whether It contains
his nam" or not, In will lie ont on the
battle gronnd, coat off and sleeves
up, doing his level best or thi success
of eaoh nominee. That lively tongue
o nis may cause him a ,.v to say things
he will bo sorry tor; but the hardueaa
of his fighting wiil speedily wips all
those utterances from the memory.
Robinson is not a master of silence ; but
thi re is no discounting his ability on the
stnmp, and ha will be tho last man iii
tho state to go away from Harrisburg
with one lingering trace of malice or ill
- e "
'I nr. BUMMI of "great speeches"
tn ida of late with reference to thoH
tariff Induces the wild, rsah hope that
this sahject may soma day be ei
bansted, liko tho pnbllc,
Tha Jennie Roas Case.
To the majority of Scrantonlana
familiar with the progress of the pros
ecution of the re's i against JaOOll
Ross, recently arquittid before tho
Culled States circuit court In sesdon
at Pittsburg, npon tho charge of abat
ing tba prlvl leges of the Bovernmont
mails by Handing improper and threat
enlng lettors, curtain things serin pe
culiar. This adjective is at least a mil l tn apply to tbeannuyances under
gone by several wllnessos who, sum
moned away from their regular voca
tions, under suvero penalties, took the
time nud trouble to go to a remote part
of the stato and remain tiiere at utire
qnited expense for several days only to
find, when finally tho ease was callod,
tbat according to Dlstriut Attorney
Hurry Alvuu Hall it wns all a mistake,
and that there win no case.
If this was true, why has the govern
ment been bat to so much trouble in
the matter, and why have individual
citizens boon aubjevted to a procedure
which from this rutrospeot seems little
lees than outrageous? if there was ab
solutely no evidence to warrant tha
convietion of Jennie Roes; if, indeed,
aa soon ns he could get to it, the United
Htntes district uttorney was forced to
ask the circuit judge to Instruct tho
jury to acquit without the formality of
a ballot, what stands between any citi
zen, however innocent, and a similar
annoyance, costly, wrougfnl and axoes-
ve tn its oa actions'! We mustoonfuss
r inability to see the operation ot
common sense in this case. Surely tbo
evidence baa not changed since lu a
preliminary hearing before the com
missioner in this city it was deemed
sufficient to warrant a presentation of
the cane before tho highct tribunal.
Either an error of judgment was com
mitted on that ocoasion or one hns
since been made somewhere along the
line to the sudden ucquittul lust week.
It is no doubt tho duty of goo I citi
zens to bear with what pntienoe they
may these occasional Inatanoaa of minlit
litigation. At thu same time, It should
be iqually the duty or tho courts to
tuko mi-asuros to limit their number.
In view of nil the iiunoyuiioes iucldent
to a commitment before the federal
grand jury, thero would Siotn to bo
wisdom in a strengthening of the pro
cesses whereby such cases as this Ross
one sift through to the crowded trib
unals of tho Uuitod States judiciary.
It is not for us to suggest how this may
he done, but with the Ross case as an
object leason, carofnl inquiry might
reveal the remedy.
Tub hi.ATK makinh Industry among
the Laekawanna Detnooraoy begins to
show conspicuous symptomo of a grow
ing tired feelinir.
Thb KtTRUiKp Prorldenoa Reglalor
declare, that this talk about JoSu R,
Ifurr not receiving the Republican vote
fSf tho North Bud "is nonsense. True,
he will not recelvo tho full vote, onjic
count of some little feeling among a
few people, but whon it CO HQ CI to ly
lng the whole North F.nd is going log
buck on him it is foolish talk. He may
lose one hundred vottaoul of the tbom
and wo hnvo In this section, but it
should ulo be remembered that he will
receive some ijemocratlo votes. Long
before election day the preaent sens of
dissppcintmeut In certain plftoei will
have Vanished. Harmony this year is
no idle walchword.
One Move Toward Dirpctneis.
An Impreaalou praraiti ganwally
'Kit oplioue for the bridge right of way
on Swetlimd street lire already held by
the city. Tha resolution of select 000.0
oil aaklng the oltyaolleltor to raport
tho exact fuels in this matter will
donbtlaai put at rest the aaaartloa that
Bwetland itraet proparty ownara, after
making oilers to the city for right of
way to the bridceet Luidtn street, have
since railed their vuluatieua.
Iu the same Connect! in a r lol ili'iti
of Interest hits just passed OOfflmOO
council, it dirtota the mayoTi city an
glnaat and city treasurer "to negotiate
(er tho settlement uf "datu.ig'M which
may be oautad by city Improramenta,"
and is an effort to save time in thu ad
justment of shell claims. The recourse
to viewers is always an alternative
franf;t with possibilities of delay; bnt
in t i.o majority ot instances prompt ac
tiou by a duly authorized c unmiseiou,
oonatitnted as the one named abora,
we'll'! ' ll'ect an mineable and no eco
nomical settlement This reaolnUoii
tends to ad 1 to the powers of the ally
executive; but so long as tbo disposi
tion of Bcranton tatpartra la to alaot
only capabl" nud tru itWOttby b initio
men as mayors, toe centraliz iti.m of
anttiorlty iu tho mayor's bauds will
atanradly not biramlaa.
With our city constantly reaohing out
and coming into new points of contact
with the rights of individuil oiticsns it
ll well that tiiere IhOttld be little dip
sition iu councils to encourage useless
red tap.. Simplicity in municipal
government is strength. Tho circumlo
cution andTnpettltious boirds that en
cumber the process of I octal government
in many Ameriem cities aro happily
abseut in BorantOft, ami it is well.
Coffee Cools.
The approaeb of th ontini; sssson Is
lisil" ! with doliKht by the tlrel work
ers of shop and ofHeo who contemplate
with ilcliuht the promisol bolblav ami
its ni-ciiiipanyinjj opportnnilies for
the enjoyment of pnro air in suburban
resorts. Happy is the man or woman
whosn -onilitiona will allow the in lulu-
enrn in an occasional season of rest
during the beated days of summer,
srbeo, free from care, (be plessure
seeker may ilrlnlr the beaiitirs of limpbl
htreauiH HM'I li'-l'ls of green winle the
twilterihK of blrdl and the drowsy bain
of Insert) lull the ssuslblllties to
dreamy repose. A psrson who has been
r.- ii" I in tli" euuiilry never entirely
losses the love for nature which
la fneterAd In the ulait season
of springtime ami early summer;
and barren indeed must be
tho sou I that can no heanty in the
symbols of eternal lifts as shown iu the
bursting bii'ls aii'l blossoms of each n
tntoipf year. For the over-worked
and debilitated there Is no medicine
like the ozone tbat Is wafted through
leafy branches or o'er daisy tlroked
meadows where the song of the IkiImi
link is heard at early tnorn. It is the
medicine that evsrv man of sedentary
habits shoul'l take In as liberal qtj mil
ties as bis circuuistanees will allow,
e a e
In many respiets Scranton I admir
ably situated as the homo of busy
tollers. While the luvlgor nine bree7.s
of the ana are far nway, DOTertbeleM
illlrlitfUl mrinntaln resorta and charm
ing lakes may be resctaed In a few
Irons, In almost any direction. The
railrrfad facilities are such that many
bnelOOM men are enabled to travel the
distance between ofllces and suburban
homes iu a few moment each morning
and evening. Klinhnrst, Luke Ariel,
Maplewood, (Mark's Hummit, llalton,
(llaobara and the vicinity of Ksrvkfw
are amone; the localities that may be
reached with ease before and alter af
ter biiiiinuss by the Scr intonlan, ami
the number of suiumer residents at
Ibeaa resorts la increasing with oach re
turning season. With theso healthful
borne colonies so eaay of access tho
business man of ofllnrnce has little
Oanaa to complain of the dust and heat
of the city bxc pt during business
a hi
I soothe to aninairloed sleep
The sunlesH basi s of the dNDJ
And then I itir the aching tule
'1 hat iu its luluclant side
I heave aloft the smoking hill,
'l o silent peace its throes 1 still;
Hut ever at Its heart of tli u,
I lark, aa uiiansaiipid desire,
I Wrap mo In the siglilless gerro
All Instant or nil cndieel term;
And still Hh ntoins are my care,
Dlapatlad In ashus or In air.
1 bush tbo comets nno by one
To sloop for ngci In tho 'no.
The sun reruiuo before my fare
His circuit of the shores of epaoe.
Tbo mount, the star, the genu, tho deep,
'i .ley all shall wake, they all shall aleop.
Time, like n Hurry of wild lain,
Hhall drift across the darkened pane.
Space, In the dim predestined honr,
Si, all crumble like a ruined lower.
I only, with unfaltering oye,
Shall watch the dreams of Uod go by.
-CWt; 0. 0 Uoletti, in Cfiai-liuvk.
DO not be deceived.
Tho following brands of
White Lead are still made by tho
"Old Dutch" process of slow cor
rosion. They are standard, and
Strictly Pure
White Lad
The- recommendation of
" Atlantic" "Boymer-Bauman,"
"Jewott," "Davis-Chambers,"
"Fnhuostoclc," "Armstrong & McKolvy,'
to you by your merchant is art
evidence of bis n liability, as lie can
sell you cheap r ady-mixed painta
and bogus White Lead and make a
larger profit. M;uiy short-siylitcd
dealers do so.
Pox Colors.- National Lead Ce.'s Pure
Wbtta Lead i Intbii i olora, i iaMapaana eaa u
a IApQand kic. "I Lead and mix your own
paints, MVeS lime sac ami' yaace ia mahliiiiK
sh:iilts!, iiiul Insures Ihu MM paint licit u is
ki Iii put tin v."Oil.
Bend aa a poets I card u(l ret our i - a en
pninlH ami , ,m,, (rH-; it will probably
suvc uu u good muiiy dollars,
xiill 3&
131 and 133
H. Washington Ave.
Jewett's l atent TWoeal Filled
Water Filters, Coolers and
A Nn a full tine nf CHINA, ritOCKEIlY
AMI tll.ASsW All! .
& Co.
AMD Tin: rural mint iii- i.ami:
MBM of BOBaaU,
To Biaaa breathes 1 derate isjmcii attaa
tion atan afteweaft.
OflaeaM f .r.- ttho BLDatl OaJIsUaOl
Bradaata of th Anarleaa VMartaary OaV
Meat Market
The Flats 1 in the Citj.
Tho latest ImjiroTfrl fnr
ntslilnRs and aiipsratus for
ksoplui; inuat, Luttor aud eggs.
""I Hiiiinh's Ave.
D 001 tlaataa aad eolderiiia nil doaeawai
Willi liy iii. iiw. of HAIITMAN'H I AT
ENT PAINT, whk h c.uislnls of Inuri'dl nt
' II known to all It eaa Be sidi'il to tin,
salvaBlead tie. sbeel iron reofa s'so to iirmk
ilwi IIIiiitm, wlili li WlllprsTent hImoIiiIkIv any
ortimbllng, Bracking or I'muklnir of tho
ariek, It will iiulliHt tliinlnit any kind liy
May fssraand it's rostrtws not oxi-oodonn-
illlli llintof 1 1 t of tlunlna. Ii mild py
llu' Jul' or iiouiid. ConlraiitH tiikmi by
AN'KINIO'; I'lrdlHt.
Anrxtraflns Henry T. Mlllor Snunro
An extra Baa "Qblol(srlBB''Bqnare l'lano
A Rood Halitea prothsrs Bqaare I'mno...
a good Neyar BrptneiqaarePlano...i
A koi"! Firth A Pond Bqaare I'lnuo
A good I'inphooiii S'ltiiiro i'i.ui.,
A reryaooa BostoB Piano i o. Wiiluut
1 ' i" 1.: in
A vi ry yood wbeeloek I prltht Piano..
A Tory if-...,) Whm-l. Uprluht l'iauo..
Thirty-six Inches Long, Ivory.
Are the special points contained in every one of the Shirts that
you know see in our window for Men and Boys at 49c.
Genuine Bafbriggan Two-threaded, Maco Yarn, Pearl Buttons
in Shirts, with ribbed tails.
Drawers with extension strap backs, patent cuffs and sus
pender loops, only 49c.
The Record Broken
Swivel, Clipped and Bourette Scotch Ginghams, never be
fore less than 35 cents. Special sale of only about
40 Pieces at 20 Cents
Don't miss one of the best things that we have ever offered
in Fine Wash Dress Goods. They cannot last lon at this price.
In Cloak and Suit Dept.
Fine Tailor-made Jackets at Half Price. Beautiful Imported Capes at Half Price.
Ladies' Duck Suits, neat patterns, at $1.98. Ladies' House Wrappers, 59 cents
With the New Valves
Out of Sight
Our new Bicycles are now
to be seen at our 314 Lacka
wanna avenue store.
And a full line of Boys' and
Girls' Wheels. We are mak
ing extremely low prices on
Second-hand Wheels.
I Ul
314 Lacka. Ave.
Fountain Pens
I:ountain lens
Fountain Pens
A Guaranteed Foun
tain Pen, regular
price $1.50, for
98 Cents
Reynolds Bros.
Statlonore and Engraven
Dr. Hill & Son
est th. JAM; bost snt, S; fnr old fV
and tivith without ikt.-. sailed crown unit
IHdgs work, ill for iirloss and rsfrei;o
TDNAJLUIA. tor tatraoUiy Wth without
yoio. No utlwr. No gas.
n will if mm, nan
Piano or Oran Cleap?
A Tery tood Bhonlngsr Upright Piano.. 1SB
a Bason A BatnUn, newly aew.htgn tap.
ilouhlH rei'd aa
An A. H. I tlsiw, nt'urlf now, high toR
donhla reo'i "ft
A CktaAKo t.'ott.igu.noKrly now, hljfh top,
A Won'i'xter, nenrly now, high top,
doublo rood W
and Organs at Wholesale sud ltatall, on Installments.
Finished Laundry and Fast Color
224 Sprace St, Cp. Tribsne
XfE offer the finest line of Wheels o?
vv nul'1 I'areha-rs Uegbt U rids
'i -n f '.-iiiiiic iHpecuil ubruiiif' M svoooa-uaod vl.
The Alaska Refrigerator
As well made inside as out
Made for economy and made to last.
ui!inciiiiiiii'M'iiii!tiiaiiiMiiiiii:iiiiiiti!ntii:iinn;iiiitiimirt!it2iiHnc I
1 M
i aa
The best is none too
good. Ours are 18-k.
All sizes and weights.
423 Lackawanna Ave.
BerriM bn BtriviBg
in voty lint' roiulition
ami prloea low.
WMOy IViis, llcitns,
BquBfb, TotiiutoBs,
Cuuumbura, ok'.
Pierce's Market
A n..nrl HAtT hlirll ton.'loubls
reed itartiSl 10
A fcboplnttOT, nearly new, high top,
Aiidnluul '.Hothor good second lintid or-ga-js,
li. to tuU
ThuKlwvo I'.illoetlon of Second hand Iiisru
teats eMail ln i-'0"'' ordll,' 'n"y gnsran-t.-ed,
tho KroHtcst lairnalus over offoind in
this city, fall and soo thorn, lnstulmients
or discount cash.
Office. mWijSr
ill grades SL'i ruirs?. : ev-rj- mviltt
fr-e of rtar.-- .. ; r ;. i .-
Globe Shoe Store I
m L.t,K.. AVI
Evans & Powell &
A Uatltod DQtnbn of the alwa
bonds aro lor s;t!o at par and ao- i
cruetl InteNSl by tho lollowinc
parties, from whom oopios of tho
raartptgt ami full Inform bbIod can
bo ohtaiued:
EW. ItnlUgBA, CaMbier apooml
National Hank, Wilkes-Harro, Pn.
W. L. Watson, Cashier First Na
tional liauk, Pittston, Pa.
J. L. Polo&j Cashior Pcoplo'a
Savings Bank, PittstOD, Pa.
A. A. llryilcu, President Minors'
Savings 15unk, Pittston, Pa. I
Aud by the Pcrantou Baviugs
Punk and Trust Oomp any,Trustoe
under tho Mortgage.
T, R Atherton, Connsd,
Inserted in THE TRIBUNE at the
i ate of ONE CENT A WORD.
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