1 ' 2 THE SCHANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY MORNIffC. MAT 121, 1894. BASE BALL Results of the Vtrlous Diamond Contois as Played Saturday. ONLY ONE STATE LEAGUE GAME Easton, the Tail Endors, Lower the Hitherto Unbroken Percentage of Harrisburj; by a Score of 13 to 2. Standing of the Clubs to Date. Schedulo for Today Brief Items of Events of Interest to All Base Ball Enthusiasts. On ncconnt of rain bnt ono State league game was flayed Saturday, the anie betweon Harriatmrir ami Kaston, the hiiad ami tail of the lenpuo, and Rouiowtant contrary to ex pectation! the latter admlntatered to the former a crusbiu defeat. Ilitrrisbiirjf. atill commands n decided advantage over tlm other leegoa clubs In the rice for the Brat Berln cham pionahtp with Allcutown anil Haile ton a tie for iteond place, closely fol lowed by Blading anil Altivma. I'otti Ville, BotantOB and Kailou bring op the rear of the prooeatton iu the orJsr named. The following table gives tho per rentage of the clubs, wit!-, the number of games won and lost by each and their atamling in the champioushlp raca: " STANDING OF THE CLL'BI. Won. Lout, l'er C't. nnrrisbnrg M 1 ,ttt AUentown u ,000 llnlleton B 0 ,000 Bending ' ,HU Altoona 7 8 ,4('.7 Pottsville S 8 ,lN."i Be ran toe 4 in JBB K.iston 4 13 .250 Th. games scheduled to be played to day are as follows: AUentown at leading, Lasiou at Pottsville,' Bcrantoa at HarrUburg, Hnsletcn at Altoonn. SATURDAY'S BALL GAMES. STATE LEAOTK At Harrisbnrg lrrist.urg....l 00000100-3 Baaton........! 4 l o 5 o 0 o u u Bite I'.arriabarg, ti; Fasten, 13 Krrora Harnsburg, 13, Ktua, 3. Batteriee Prehr.m and Srr.tnk; Wi.scn and Wente, Va ;'.re Maulove. National UAOCB At Hrooklyn ProcSilyn ..0 0200 1000 0-- 3 Kew York .1 000 tl 00030 3 flits-t.rooklyn, I; New York. iir rira o'lyn, 3; Now York, 0 ilatter-its-Pub, Sfia and Kinlow: Kcekin ai:d ParrelL Umpire Lynch. Ualled on account i f dark'. cm. At PhiladtlpLh PBlladelptla.J 4010000 0- Boston .1 o o o o 4 o 0 07 H;-Ptilhd !phi 10; Boton. L Fr rors--Philadelr.i!la, 8; K.'iton, 8. Batteriee Haddeek aLd rlernents; Staley and Hya-.. Umpire Stage. At Rn'.timore Baltimore l 040200007 Waaainjrton. ..o u-j 010003 a Bite Baltimore 14: tTaaUngton, 10. Errors i. union-, i; Waamngton, 1. Bnt-teri-. Mcjf.il..!! ai,d lU'binsou; liar OUT and Maliuire. Umpire Uorst. At St. Lonl- rt Io 3 0100002 x I Cincinnati ...,0 1 O 0 1 0 0 0 0 'J lilts St. Loon, tf; ('lorlnnali, 4. F. r r -!. 1 .: iocta.1 iti, -i. Patt-ri.--Breiteaateln and Pei:z; Parrot and Vaagta L'nsplre Emthe. At Ciiicago f bicago 3 00080000 I Cleveland S 0 1 0 2 I) 0 1 x 9 Hita Chicago. 7: Oleenlnnd. 4. Kirme Cbicagn, 8; I wra'aod, 3. iiitteries (irif fi'h and Kittriilge; Young and O'Connor. Umi ir. S.variwood. At Plttabnrg Pittaborg t. Lonurilie, game poatpon d on accoiat of rain. gAtfni LKAOt'E At Pighamton Pinghamton . .4 110 10 3 8 01.1 Prividcno'...!) 0 0 0 0 1 0 081 Bite- BingPaniton, It) Providence, 7. Em : L:i.;UmtoB, 3; Provtdonce, 1, liart.ii Bsrnet at.d IiWk. Redder- 1 naat end otxoa, uapire Oafraey. At Erie - No ?ame, rnla. At BaffaloJfn gMB ratn. A BTMiee Butte Mo gm, rain. - m CORN 5.LL VS. 1EHIGH. Ihi Tormir Wins lr w th Latttr b ths 8eers I f 7 to 0. Betarttaft Cornell Lebigh bie ball gatne al Hojan park Was one of th" lst frxbinltionn of snap playing and one of tbf worst exhihitiout of good npiringj hr tills aeason. L'lnj iro Doaongjan, aooiailr, may b a saicias, bat at a julge of 'nails aril alrikeg and other bane ball feature h is a failure. How.-vr, his decisions dil not materiallv away the gam", though Cobb, CornellV tow-haadeci twirler, rep;teilly got the abort enl of it. From a social standpoint nothing lacked to make tl.e game n auccesi, for, not withstanding tlireateniog wuath'r earlr in tha day and an omlftOBl aprinkle aftr I o'elook, fully 1,8 10 pr aons, many well known In social clr clfs, were thero ir wave Oollugl colors and root and yell for their faforlte nine. Many an "old boy" who told his wife at luncheon that be was no Ion gff intonated in the sport of bygone days, aneak'jd into tho gronnils Imfor ( tbe gain... He revealed himself later when ti.e players wera mixing tilings, and tbe aonoroui howls of tha otherwise a-dite indlvidnal were by no means the laaat prononnoed feature of tha game. The young ladlea and escort were thra in Urge numbers. Following are the details of the game : u. imi, ii. him A. a. (irth. If. . .'I K 1 II 0 PetVn.rf.O f I 0 0 TrnJbew o ii I u Cra'n.lbibO 14 0 1 Bowie, f..O 0 ii if 0 Bens, 8b0 o ii n i Jacaien.p.11 l u n n ( leary. sn.O II II 0 II (JOSH, O....0 8 0 n Mi l l g, lliO 1 II 1 0 Total 0 0 it H Tl COHMRLL. It 11. Co A .r. Towle,cf.. I ; 1, long, 0..1 1 i 2 ii Boa, If.... 11 11 1 0 11 u-Ht. i-r a I 0 11 11 Bleb, lb,, A 1 1 4 0 NeMeU, led 1 IB 1 n BarmeiuaO 1 1 a AJfald, (U.i I i i 1 C'ulili. p.... I 1 u . 0 Total.... 7 10 f! 1 1 I,ehi;h 0 0 0 0 0 0 I) 0 0 II Cornell II M U 0 1 0 1 r I Barnod riins I'ornell, 3. Two-lmsc lou Creaatnan, Host. Btolan hwe flail Htrurk put uy Jaekaop.li OobbJ. ijbbhoi i.iii. Young, alma of game -l.tB umpire-Dona- gan. BASE BALL NOTES. Second baseman Wlmloy and catnlier James, of the Reading team, hae bsen re leased. Tbe Ladies' Base Bull club will try con clusions with tho South Hldo nine at Hogan park this aftornoon. Umpire Hardy Houderaou, whose work in this city will bo rocalled as having been uncommonly ocuro-bued, baa proffered bia resignation. He wants more pay. The Reading World says: "Umpire Wagner was dimissed aud Dave Corcoran and Manlovo wore appointed at the Harris burg meeting. Huuderson has roslgued." tialn prevented tho Scranton team frnm playing at Pottavillo Saturday. They ploy tbe leaders at Harrtsburg today and to morrow, Altooun Wednesday and Thurs day and Itoadlng in this city Friday aud Saturday. Dodgers advertising Thursday's game with Allontown wero plentifully scattered about Marrisburg. In bold black letters thereon was tho latest gag: "Aud tho Cat Came Hack." Foulkrod, who pluyod with Easton in 1888, aud with n number of National League clubs since, Including the Pbila delpolatjirat signed by the Pottsville team to play third baao. Wood's Business College naso Ball clnb played Saturday afternoon at Wilkes llarre with the WUkiw-liarro BOeineei College team on the Went Side park grounds. Tho game was called at the ond of the third inning ou account of rain, aud was rather one-sided, being iu favor of Wood's team from tho start. Schlve lined out iihumo run hit In the lust inning, scoring two men. Tim Willitn-liurre club will play a roturn gatnoin the near future. The hcoTo for tho three innings wus as fol lows: Wilkes-narro n-.is. Coll. club.... 1 .1 B 7 Wood's Btulneaa College olnb. . .5 l 017 First base on halls (MT F.vans, fl I'.nrnes, B;Ulbbt,0, Double play Harrington to Bcbive, Wild throw Splain. Home run i chive. Three bail Mte Fuller, Waeley. Twnhaso hits Lewis, i; Harrington, Barnea, Bn biu- Wood's team, Bi Wilkta-Barre'i team, 8, stolen baaet Wetter, li; Fuller, ; Clirlsty, I; Doane, Lewis, Harrington, (jlbbs, Bobtve, 3; Olyini, ; Hughes, User, 1'iitehard. 8j Mo Kennn. Umpire -Kiplu. Timo of i:ni"', S5 ui mutes. Tin-: ni.iKiii is tho source of health. Keep It pure by taking Hood's Sars.ipnnl la, wlurh is peculiar to itself, and superior iu strength, economy mid medicinal merit Hood'h 1'll.l.s are purely vegetable, care fully prepared front tin host Ingredient Twenty-live eenta. BETSEY CHEESEMAN. tier Death Waa Tragi o, mid Her nr.. Hlstorj Bonathtug Bstraordtnary. Jerry Buckley, euninerr of the "pusher" that belt freight trains up the hill on llie Frie railway front SutUehanua to (liilf Summit, run over mid killed Betaey Clieeseman, and the boys haven't got through talking about it yet. Betaejf Cheeeeman wan one of what are kMWn antoun railroad men na .(iiHiriA t 1 1-, -e'uan's pet. She was a rattlesnake. and Jerry Buekley is poattiTe that ana had lived in Cbeeaarnnn'i fantll for ten yeara, Qeorga Obaaaentan is one of the oldeat et tiers lu the liulf Summit naighborbood, three or four miles east of SdSQUahanna, and be Ins the reput'if ion nf KaTtug for y-trs kept open hmiso for ratthfnakes, which abound in the moiintidn there about. Behaaa Waj of feeding and cariiigfor these mptUea that attract them to his I irtn. and at any time daring the eaeoct rattlen may to eneoutiter.sl on tlicir way to Che. smaii's from all direction. For this rensnn every rnttlf-snake soen in the vleln Ity 6f Onif Bwminlt is known a one of l li.s email's peta, and it Is permitted to go on it way nndlatarbad Frequently ono gtta ru n over by tbe oara while ereaa lug the Craek on Iti way loCMelnetaan Four have met their fata la that way be side IlllflnliUnele Betsey Chisi'man. Bel !$, railroad men claim, wivs known Vi thi m from idl other rattlesnake as (lis tinetlyas though herWna had been n sertbtil on her in-liig block letter. She iv .h a permaLcnt guest al Chee'man'a, and wa famous llie ntighlorhisi I r ui,u, So railroad men lay, for her great talent as a ratter and mniwr. X.) fefrat ever hunt ed ns'icnt vermin o:T of any one' premise persistently and thoroughly a HetVy Cheesfiiiaii ilul whenshfc went to work at it. brio wa also a gri'at collector rf bird's egr. wfaieb ho InTariahly lugged home cr Cneesenian's. "Uiie sjiriDK," aays Aleck Forty;, who run train.! 11 ard 80, "old Clieeseman ct a li. n o:. tie1 egg llvUsty brought in, and he IniiJieit out one of tha most remarkable bnsals, 1 s'rxme, that any hen ever brought forth. There waa a crow, an owl, a wood dork, a lixm, a cbi laen hawk, a kiugtlsher, a mud hen and a snapping turtle lu the family, and when tlm hen looked it over she (llapHNi red mid never came bark. IteLsry look iiarge cf the tpieer family, tlHtugii, and in due courso irf time bad s'vallowcd it all except tho youn : snapping turtle. She drew tin- line at that." "Charley Mygatt Mill he Sorry to hear of Dltaay'l death, I'll bet," aaid Jerry Buck ley, "for he declare that she sivid hitu front killing a naaa odh just thi side of thu Summit, ile na coming down the hill a-lKioiidiiL;, when he saw a red Hag fluttering from a IWitob poet at one sidu of the traelt a hundred yanU or so ahead of him. He (tapped un the air brake and brought the tr im up Iu short order. "Then hedisoovtruil Betsey on t he wltrh with a big red ban kerchief in her mouth. Two or thr e hundred fi-et ahead a ipiarry man lay ash-op right across the track. The r d handkerchief lielongi-d to him. '1 ho BHppOltfkW was that B t -ey had DWI itrolliug along that way and, diaOOVariUg tl.e n. in un ibo track, hail pulled hi ban dana out of hie sek't, hurried to the switch, climlstd if. and wung out tlh; 'Ian ger signal, 'l'hat's what Charley Hyatt aaja" Cor. New York Sun. n.n ru.. i itaaan iioiier. An English naval engineer has invented a simple and Ingenious system for adding totlierffeetirennsnand lif.. of st-aia boll er by doing away with the gflVtkw strain wlurh follows Ik llrst starting of the for nace. Thu remedy consists of an arratiKe nient whereby I lie present fniMOa front aresuiiHtiiiiuvi by eteal heating ehanhan of thnwimn strength as t he boiler. These chambers, whirb do not In any way Intrr Ml with the great furnace, are, at Blurt ing, filled w ith water from the bottom of flie Isdlrr or from any other point in the boiler where there ia no circulation. A small lire 0 lighUsI in the furnace at first, Which heat up the water In the Chambers, and by dc-rec the remainder of the watef in the boiler Iii-ciiiiic.m heated, and the shell U also gradually warmed, a uniform temperature being Lbua obtained. As soon as tho lcuipci.it in-,. h,es OOOOme uniform the hrcsure made up and sU-ani In raised to the working preaaorai The primary work of the healer having Inch accomplished, they are now usiol a eil Water neatara. Tbe find Tratttr. I net end of going into the lailler direct, is diverted into the heaters and i.s btOUJlbt loatexopera' Hire of li-M (legs 1'ahrenlielL New York Telegram. Tho accuufulntions f the Head liCttor Ofllcenron eOUBanB proof "f tha lament able igiibr.iiico that prevails relative to the postal law. The peekagea of unrnaiiable matter, the docunielllH with short postaire, the misilirei ti-d letter ;. the al.teinpls to smuggle gisids in tho iiiiiila, all kIiow how much time, trouble and expense U .lost to those who fail to obtain Information whioh can easily he DWOttn d. Dyspepsia and Indigestion In their worst forms nr curod by tho use of P, P, P. If you are debilitated and run down, or If you need a tonio to ro;;aln Ih shnud lost appetite, strength and vigor, kike 1'. P. p., ami you will he strong and healthy, ii or shattered constitutions and lost manhood P. !'. I'. (Prloltly Ash. Poke Root and I'otasatum) Is tho king of all medicine. P. P. P. Is the greateat blood purihYr in tha world. For i.alo by all druuglste. BlHBY fc-cnoKNUALH, foreman Henry Krlig Paoking Co., Ht. Joseph, Mo., usee Dr. Thouina' Boleotrlc Oil with bia men for sprains, cuts, bruises, chapped hands, otc. it is tho best. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Stocks anil Bond. Nkw Vuuk, Mav 10 American Sugar broke from 'J6S4 to U4 today The opinion Ib that local and Washington operators, as well as in the big pool iu the stock, have been forced to sell, Manhattan touched li64 after selling up to 117). Distillers nudCatllo Feeders fell to 88 Louisvillo aud Nashville to 44, Now Rutland to and Western Uniou to ail thu lowest figure, of tho week. The railway list as a rule showed more rotistiug power, but the chnnges wene unimportant. Near the close there was somo good buying of Sugar aud the stock rallied to '.i.V., . This bad a ti'iideucy to steady tho market, which li ft off quiet, with prices anywhere from i to J, per cent, above the lowest of tho day. Tim following complete tenia siiownut th daye flnotuatlona th aeti'vo stoaku is supplied siul revised daily by LuHtir & Kullur, stock brokers, 121 Wyoming avenue: Open- iti . ii Low 1'ios- ins. est. est. In ic Am. Cot. Oil Wi 27t4 I'VVt Am. Uiiasr. Vs H'-le Id UI4, a. t. a a. v '.I'd n(, BM BN dsn. So. C'eu. N. J IDS 14 10HM 108M Chle. t N. W I07H 10714 Ki'u y.. 11. ft u "s T8i4 70s l(!li I(l7 Vsl, '.ri." t'lde. Uas 0 O.O. & Ht. I, IBM IBM BJi enl. iloeli.Vnl. T. 11. AH.. . mil 1 IHU, . -it . uu . m .11DN . I4M :f " BW . I'.U . IBM llWj Hiiij n IBM m K's 4 I'll, HTM M tl m mi i6" M leu ''-'i' ml iaU m MM 13 188)4 hui rm in HM4 IBBM 4 11644 bm KK 117 1 1, It'll IN s.14 M ol liWM lui m in :ui urn 4H), HUM ;m, Km B7M Hi iHi 44 HI :H ia" 17)4 Iti I)., L. ft W p, a o, k Kris B, I, Co Lako Mi. ire L, ft N Manhattan Miss. Pao Nat.-I.i'iid If, 1 A X. ft., N. Y.. UeotraL, N. Y.. 0. ft W. N. Y ., H. ft W. S. C. C North I'se 41. north Pee. pr IB)i (linaha N Pae. Ball.... Iteaillliif Koek Maud It.T i.t Paul T . c. ft 1 Texai ft Pee.., ualnaPadBe,,, wabaeb p.' Wtatara LTnlon W, U 1 vn. ft 1- k pr . in . lajg . iiu tew hi'k lUVt 1 4-';s 8I I w lou i .. i' CI lieagO Oram anil rrovUlun. BoRAHtOVi May IP. The 'ollowlnir quoU- tie 1 are supplied uad e rriit.ni dally hy ua Bar at Puller, etuak bruketalti Wyoium.- av tine. W IBAT, l'l inn IUk-ae I aweati .... CI Dg oSn, 1 llNllillg llU'hest 1 u raet OATB, up. nlug BIO barf ! .ov.-,t 1 kariag PUHK, ' p'll Dg High -t ... L" west I toning LAKO. opi'iitmr Bulbar - S5u' Jul v. S.-;.l M'l fU s4 KM 67U f.s(k M-4 ,'e k Mi frsl K7H BJtt w.'t 'h ;i7 RU a., BBH Wl BBM MB a-;V4 IS : -, U Mi Mi HJtj !h VlHt lin umi l.tm IKS 11:0 1 1178 IMB llwi UTB IH llir.' TM '.) 0S7 7M (mo f 7i fKi it: 715 t us? Cl.'i fM BIB Ida l.O Uj m III no en tu bis I tfOwaat 1 lining HHuHT RIBS. 1 atniag ; HI tbaaT I.OVVIlHt C uilrjif Ksw York i reduce Vsrket. Nkw Yoiik. May ID. Floi'b Dull, ab ait steady. V. iikat fltill, "slc. higher; No. 0, red tore and elnvalor, ''He; nllost, .'isk SI ', .; t. o. p., 68 .a' Ikfci unaradrd red. .li. 'S.-.: No. I uorttieiu, OiaoiC. ; options wareaative and irregnlaij .losing Inner at JL over yesterday: No. " red May, .1.: Jua-, .,',c: July, 80,c; August, 01 , September. BtitjO.; lu cutiits-r, 64i 1 n .. !ull, twiner: No. K. M (al 1 ( alerater, i; ,i. lie ad oat options were dull and linn at If a advance. May, ISC ; 1 June, 43c.- Juiv, 4! s,c. 1 s : . - moderately active. Hrnicr; option dull, stronger; May. 3S V:., June, BBc. j Lily, 87 : c : spot prices, N... J, M)fa; No. B whit., 43a; Ifa Chicago, BBKaSOKe,; No. 3. 87"4c. ;No. h white,fla gaited weatv ru. Wa.WC.; white do. and white stute, CkMfe. Bur- filler, steady. In RCZS iiKxi Dull, steady, Li t i ats 1 lull, steady. 1. Mm .DalLateadytwaeteca steam closed, H tS .May, BT.Ui July, BT.au; refined, 1I111I; Continent, tr.so; Sooth America, tv BB cnmponial, tsniic Poni -tjniet, steady. IIP I fan Btrndy, qnteij state dairy, 12a I6)e do. creamery, 1417c., l'aunayl viiiiia, do., li17c. ; westoin dairy, Wa lte, do. creamery, IBalfiC. ; do. flrtorv, sjillc ; elgins, 17c; Imitation creamery, tOal4c CnntQntOt, about steady. goo Moderate demand, stesdv; state ai.d Peoneylvanta, IBjialBn.) western fresh, laalSMo, Philadelphia Tallow Uarkst. Pnn.anntwrta. May to, Tallow waa dull at tho recent decline. l'l Ices were: Prune city in hegshoads, 4 c; prim country, In barrels, 4c. ; do. dark In bar rels, tJt'C; rakes, ." . grease, 4c. . - Four Pig Puoesnss, Having the need, d merit to more than make noo4 all the advertlsitig claimed for tbem, the fnuowing four lamedlm have n fuhed a phenomenal sal". ir. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Concha and colds, each bottle guefluitood hee trie IIHU'is, tils great lei.iedy for l.lv.r. Stomacli and Kidneys. Ilucklou's Arnica Salve, the beat in the World, and Dr. Un ;;'s New- I, if l'llln, which am a perfect pin. All thes-remedies are guaranteed to ill jnsl what Is claimed for them and tha '.eider whoso MOM i littaehed herewith will lie glad to Ball yog more of IbgflB Nod byllattlicws llron'. drug sture. In ninr -iam's of eases tho cure of a ooegb la the prereutkre of oemaonfption, The mreet cough nu dloino In the world is Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup. Sold by all dealer 1 mi a guarantee of lattifectlon . ' Ipaaial Notlcea. 111 tick or me Kin ami 1 W Tl ui so Va 1 1.' v II 111 an Ao Com cany -I "Oil". lie, 1 u., Mav llitli. IsUI, DT ORDBB OF THf BOARD UP DIRSO II trs notice 1 hereby irien that a meet1 lug of th etoekholoenC of the Krie umi Wyoming Valley Railroad Company will be held st the nuenu onke of the company at Denmore m tbe County of Uackawaaaa and uisin of Peaneylaanle. en Tiieatley. the mih day of Jane. hsi. at 10 U o ' lock, n. 111.. I T Ilia rnirptawot voting upon tie 1 eonlli uuitlon, ratull ation and ndi'piloii of an agreemeai entered into by and between' ih" hoard of di racier of said aompany and tat isnird of dlraptora of tho Ji net bike Rail, road Companri for ill" merger ami soaaolida tloii of tlm .lon.s Lake Railroad Uompany loto wita the RHe and Wyoming Valley Ban roadiompany. MOBUiH B MRAO, garralai'v, DPKOIAL HOTI0I WILLIAMS' siatAN n ton i ll 1 Directory for 1 i will gob prM Monday. iy if, hit or rtamplated ramor Ills I.I' CllllllKOS Mllolllil I)" sel.t ill At OIH'l. . B. VA VL11L. Manager, l.'ll WyomliiB avouue. ATA MKKTINU OP TUB DlltECTOitB OP the Nay Aug Palla and Blmbnrat r a yard company it nai resolved that a meeting of the stockholiloi'iT" lie clli4l to eonvena al tlm general offl f the outnpanyi risim ia, Itepubllcan lailldlia,', ou tlie Mh day nf .liino A. D I MtH. from A. Ill It. until ;l P. M. to take :; on thu approval or di ippi'oval "f the propoH-id increai-o of tlm capital stock of Mini company fromfOOO to BBt.tOl, slid that the Hoer. tai y be, ami he Is, hereby diroctcd to i:io uotiee tlierisif h ro ijttirad by law. T. tf, WATil N8, Hecrotary. ULANK BOOKH, PAMP1ILE1H. M AIM sines, etc., bound or retiomul at Tub Tmni'KE olflco. tulck work. Ucntsnuhrb prlens. MEAL TICKETS CAN BR HAD AT 111, corner Bpruce (tpeet ami Franklin ave- ntta Tamnty maul tii Xuts lor t .; Hood taltla li'411'd. Proposala. NiiTll'K-PKOPUSALS INVITO) Knit Kinking shad in he 12 feot from 14 toot vein of coal 1 1 tha Clnrk veil:, depth some id yards. Per part Icnlins apply at office of the Klk Hill (.osl sad lion Company. Woks'.n Uliy. Pa. WM. 11. HIcUMOMU, Proa. A Word. n'nnfs of all l-incls rnst that much, ex cept Situations i auted,uhich arc inserted rau. Situatlona Wanted. V'CNU MAX WELL EDUCATED AND faiiiifui worker, wants employment) no canvuHslui;; refereneos. Address 7:ll Ferry street, Baaton, Pa. V'DI'Nu man BXPBCflNQ TO ENTER 1 medical OoUege next full winds position With doctor where ho ean devote uma tiiiui to study mid drlio or sjaHal generally to iniikn part enpanaaa. Addross U. J.. Tils N. Main avenue, )APER RUtiKR WANTS POSITION IN 1 Boranl Hlttato Wilkee-Barre. Ad- droaa Paper Bnlar, Wilkea dtarra A BITUATIOM WANTED UY A YOU NO it ludy iih clerk. Tliren years oxperl(aii'i.' in Philadelphia. Can furnish references. Ad dress A. J., Tribune ultlen. 4,'ITI'ATHiN WANTED Eoll WASHING I' and clnuiiliiK. Impiim -'ell I, mi Cuiirt. C II V ATloN WANTED UY A YOUNG ci holy us bookkeeper. Can furnish refer. enoaa Ad iressn It., Trihumi ottloe. CITUATION WANTED DKEB8MAKER C' wishes to eo oiitsiiwliig hy the day. Ad ureal it. a., B2 auum avenue. SITUATION WANTED BYXsOBKR. RE- i' uahWaan of all worki Address THhene Bindery, Trlbun building. A;;, ilia Wanted. UALrliTN"e?ATpri3l TiTidToiTlt 11 i;o(ds by sample to tlu wlmli siln slid f0 (ail tr.nle; lallou sight to every biiiliiess man Qr firm; Liberal salary and axpeoaa paid; pa stttoii pertnanent. For terms midrobs with tamp, CENTENNIAL M'K'O Co.. Milium kee, Wis. Uf ANTED- MAN WITH LIKE AND FIltE menraaoa asperlenoe as soiieitor iu I.iiekauanim eounty; K""d Indti'suaeiits to IlKht iiisii. A'ldnws lZiM Mi biillJiiiK, rtilladelplila. I'n. Helo Wanted Kemalca. I ADllts WANTED TO WRITE a i HOME; li 1 we.kly, ap ceuvaaelug' lteply wit 1. stsmp Miss FANNIE PEuKNOR, gontt Bend, lnd. l-or Kent PorbkSta new Diinii.iriprt: 1 eoraer llreeii Itlilvrastn't und Maditej SF MxlihOll avenue, arill rent cheep to uoalrabw tenants jiui. n ai.i 1. 11 pOH BENT FLTBNISRRD HOU8E AND I k'srden 111 country, for summer. Bona large; running spring watorj plenty of ahadei h. i.L.ial lake ful! i f gams ii-li a few rolls from door Iti per monti D. W. BROWN, attorney, 50 boruoe stns.t. LX)B BENT FUBNlttHED BOOK, SUIT I sl'l.i lor two, with buurd or mlhout, IU AiUuis in eiiuo. 1,'ok KENT EIHHT. WELL KI'HNISHED I luotlls; dalighttal liK-alioll. til WluUlBK t 11 avenue. 'I'O liBT hurl A TERM (ip YEAHS . 1 Purl or all of tlim. bun !rsl feel of yrd ii. m along railro.uL Awiy u: BM Praitklla I venue. 'ru jixr BTOKE HsWi OR FURNISHED J bull on Ore . 11 Bilge ItfOOt Very deeira 1 Jooattoa and ou rin. aubl.i term. Apply to f. S. NKTTLETON w C B WOODRUFF llepulille.lU talildluH. For Sale I'oll SALE I I.M II ' Ai IIES; M) ACHES f Improved Twi good honeaaruuinn pring water at both, tin ej 1:0.. d burn" yonngorbcardi Lrs at"d in 1 iii uceot Ponet I at ftarrriTihaana OOUnt Only a t. w risl to schisil, church, p rd th . ate. It. evutlf nl lak 1 ll stocked with jmae Hah Terataeaay, tpplytoD. W. UKOW.N. ait irnny. frn hp-nee tnl l('(ill SALE AN IDE Al.( Ml NTK H . .St J . 1 7 ecj-es of luinl. line IsrKe bouse, n.o.1 rn Un pro vemenl a Easy dinanee from i-cran- ton. Also 7 (heir 1,'u tiulldlnir lots :n eenntry. D w BROWN, Att v. f"" Spruie sir.et Hie yi'I.e fob sale" r am mI.TiFniTT Oood eiuidit. :. Rerouted Tribune ageacy, Honcudsl". I.ou kale A FARM OFEIOHTY ACRES, I mi., and one tiejf miles trina llaltaa oa th" IMawarn, Lnrkawenu end weeten rellroad l irst class fartn house with .1 never ieUtag siirtinr aearbVj two bams, good isn 1 gad good orchard will be com cheap i'erins gear. Add ice it F. von BTOBCB or iaai EI.Lia. oxeeNitora Dsltoiu Liu kswenn eoajnty, Pa. lyV V( EE FOR BALE RAMBLER NO ( 1 ) (c sl eooditMU. Scranton Tribune niTO-v, Honsedale. I. OR SALE OR EXOBAXOB FOB BOB AN 1 ton property -A lieerltitf orange grove IncrcuMliia in ureoTeOtton and n, . , . m in the nrauire hoot 1. .n in Klorlda Addrus r K. Boarding. Cl MMl.lt I CM I'l-M. l( I li III I .', O slil p..rins n Dud llt-t (A$M taWrd with amell f ffmlr. In In ire eiry keuaa U"t end cild lielbn rrco i-dtrince tn depnt end gaarek Oae aad owe naerter -t .n. i llisltny locality. Ad lr at bui tt. ('Urk' Hnnimit. Legal. lHTATE OV TIMMAS Mri.LEN, LATK Ji af tin, ,-ity ef s.'i-nn inn. aouuty of leioka wmnii. Btate nt Peaaaylaaaiai de deeed. Letteri teetettaatan npea Hie aboea naine.1 eetuti aaetaa boea iiapted to tin. iiminrniirtiod, sii paraoni aaetaa niaUns or deuuiada uKeiuni tin. esid oetate will preeeat tii m for eapaeat imil th'.H,. tii(1..iti.(I tliuri'td nh.'ill iilrane innke iiiiin.iii.itc pal raaut t.. I Mi". .1 Ml l.l.KN, l.x,-utor. .ii -si i k ii an. Attorn o i The GENUINE New Bim "Mathushek" Pianos BfiTASLtBUEO 180A New Viiil, Viiitronis No. S'.l Filth Aveuue. I ( RICKER & CO., Hole daaiiri in this section. Ol I II i: IU Admin A., TalepiaM 111MV Maloney Oil and Manufac turing Company ihvvi' renioved Uialr oflioi to tholr WetnBfaom NUMBERS 141, 143,145,147, 149, 151 MERIDIAN ST. TKLEPHON13 NUMBER, 8082. Hotel Wayerly F.uropriui I'lsn. Firntccleae llsr attsatan) Ik.pot for Batfjeet l.nael'a Tannhreueir Cuef. Nit.Cof, 15tti Did Mail, Phlladi Mont dcmrehlii fnr lraldenta of Nr. '(mn' ylvaiila. All conveniences fee triwelera to and from Rroad Street etatlou sod the Vuelfth end Market Htreet station, n,,. ilrablo fur visiting Soriflitoiiluaii imil oe.i. tl- In tbe lnthrneitu.Ka.lJU. T. J. VICTORY, PROFRIETOIL onnolly & Wallace Ladies' and AT 10c, 12g,25c.,35c, 37Kc, 50c, 75c. and $1.00. AT 25c. and 45c. We still continue to sell C0RTICELLI 100-yard Spool Silk at 7 cent3 per 3pooL Our neighbors all get 10 cents. CONNOLLY & A RIIIG Thu moat ancient of all pertoniil ornaioanta. and in every age an 1 eotmtry tbe dietiiigiiiabinK miiik of freedom, birth, rank and liontr Tell tbelr own atory. They pot aeai nil tbe liuuiity that art can Rive tbem. und ci-ry worthy new fad and fancy that fanliiou ang K ata at nc finds a plnco in Ml atock. Heal Diamond Uingi from 1 00 up. Thnumini'e of Uaio Hiii(; tti select from. Solid 1-karat goM, 'f courae. all the weights and rie. By tlie wiy. we still all plain (told rings I y actual weiirht. Tfdi tneaua .i bli; laTirg to bnycra FREEMAN, D-aliT in litnoTi1n. Valchs MtN fi Ko. Cor.renn ..ve. and Jproco St. at un: Driving Park Scranton, JULY 4th $'2,000 tt nrfh nf Diamonds to lx rn iiwitj M prizes. All the boa! known mc'inR men in ths country will ooinpoto, Grand Parade of Wheelmen in iho Daorning. Excursion ratoi on nil ro.vla. A Daughter of Dixie DANIEL I BAM'I M ami QKBATMX i lay. Under the atiaplroa of tlio BCItANTON PBBMOIiVO THE FROTH INGHAM Mondar ami Tuesday KvoniDgs, MAY 21 AM) TICKETS, $1 00, 7.1 AND COc. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ONE MORE WEEK And continued euroees of MINNIE LESTER With hor famous orchostrn and cxonllont couiimny. For announcomont of plaja boo papora dnily. I Prices, 10, 20 and 30a MatincoH Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Hatnrdny. Matinee price, 10c. to all parte of the house, ttaats for the entire week now oa dale at the box office. Bicycle Special Sale of Gents' Ribbed An unlimited assortment of Ladies' Vests, Whito or Ecru, Bhort pleevcs, long sleeves, or without Hleeves, high or low neck. These Roods are all of the finest make and best grades of Cotton and LiHle. Every conceivable shape. We nro showing two lines of Men's Ribbed Shirls and Drawers that fill a long-felt want. Wo don't think yon will find these L'wIn in any oilier store in (he city, as we had tliem made espe cially for our own trade. Tit e price is ridiculously low, while the garments' boar exceptional merit and are perfect litting. WALLACE 209 SOMETHING NEW This Beautiful Bed Speaks for 1 1 self. If you nped a Child's Bed, don't buy until ycu bar, leen tliia one. Yon will regret it if yon do. When folded takea bnt little more room than a chair. Strong and durable. Made of Oak and Natural Maple. Tm FINE Id B Fll i-il. HoMa nil the Bedding wLau folded. LeDgtli, "i tt-et. With, 80 and -10 inches PRICE VERY LOW WE ARR KF.TAMJNO AT FAC TORK FHICK& rfThero are no Wtlglite or Hi-rinpiln Oie Poldiaf Morluiiliim of tliii HeU. WILL, ONLY FOLK DY UFT1NO. THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO. CORNER LACKAWANNA AND AbAUS A.r.- DID YOU KNOW? That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight.ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at Mercereau 07 LA K.WVAWX AVKXVIi WHY NOT Soo onr FIFTKKX DOLLAR Solid Oak Btiroom Betl We soil Furniture as cheap M any lnnise In the country that in tonda to give honest value for the money. Try us. Hull 205 AND 20? Nonw.vv IRO BtiACX DIAMORD BIM tUt i i it BPKGtAL lANDSRSON1! BIN3U1B .IKsHdl's KNGLLUH CAST sr I I I. HOB8K tHOM TOE CAIJi thu: maoritiih Sl'KINO SOLI STEEL AN VI I.S BttLLOWl IIOHSK X.Mt.S W1LEV ni RSEld. AM) WKUU8 nROS. CI tTIMQ MAOBJMBHT. I) a4a4'al Atarlew 0. Diuuiiumsuui WhoiMah and retail dealers' in Waironinakars' and Blacksmitha' SUPPLIES. HOW TO MAKE MONEY There nre hntulreils of youn; men and young women In thl country who have eplciulid ability, but they have never been WttKeDM up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Una been an inspiration to are tired of inactivity aud come to tho College. COMMON ENOLIHIl I ol'ltSU 111 sIM.NS I'OLItSK shokthanu couusE. "No star was ever lost we once have seen, Wo always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF THE RIGHARDS LUMBER GO. Scranton, Pa 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building, TRY US, Underwear WASHINGTON AVE. 0pp. Court House. & Connell Co. VIOliKG AL WAGON WHEELS AMIS JMUMOI lit lis BPOBJH una si NUi SKraV9 k i; sriui;s SCUEW Oawa O aua aajltifaitl bu.,aui amuii, hundreds of yonne; people. If yon want to do 6omethin tangible p, "WOOD, Proprietor.