w THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE -SATTTE DAT MORNING, MAY 19, 1894; Beccham's pills are for biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Hook free; pills' 25c. At drugstorcs.or write 13.F. Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. GORMAN'S BRAND DEPOT Our Corsets Are The Talk of the Town. o Ouly Reliable Makes Handled. R T!io tuost coiDDlftu ilock in tho oitf. s Don't ruin your form wear ing poor Corsets. E When we guarante Cor n't m stand bv auch tfiinr ante. All lnte lmprorotmnita arc In onr Corsets Onr Friccs Are Popnbr. SUMMER SHAWS. Almost oTcry tinmin find a li?ht, fltecr shawl a most desinble adjunct to hi-r fomiuer wanlro!o, eapeeully 00 oool tfralngl in tiie country moun tains or At the eei shore. We huvo a r-ry attractive line at mucu Ism thaa prevailing prices. White and Cream FANS Onr atock is rich in bemtiful, dainty While no'! Cream Fan, most ncjopts bl graduating gifts, at 50c, 75c.. $1. 11.25, $ 1.50 and up to $5. Not those that yon fat, but those that yon w,ir. Duck Vesta we apeak of fit strli'h Indite S.zes from 3"2 to 3) Prices. $1 .10 to $i ; double trejsteJ, with peirl battoua OH EAT Trimmed Hats ASSORTMENT OF and Untriramed and Bonnets For V jmen anl Children are shown ul all timee ut most moderate pricea "X: n :, w- za- Kr "aiti-rt. l"hrt, si..- wuaaJilM, sherriid f.,r ajtnria. Whae hf fj-amo Mle, stm ohSBg to Oeeti rta. VTtxa ntie tii nil Iren, ttui gave tbeiu Coatorta. FAIR VIEW PA JOHN A. MSAR3, President. BENJAMIN HUGHES, Vice President. JOHN T. RICHARD3, Treasurer. Office: Price Building WASHINGTON AYE, STROUDSBURG. Permission has bien nalc'd of the councils of both boroughs, throngb ex-,Tnd:r) John B. Storr, for the Pennsylvania Telephone compauy to erect nolea aud string wires tbronsh both places. The oompuny win atfrco to put op their poles under supurvialon of the stroi't committees and to maintain tho streoU in good shape. If at any time either Dorouvb wishes to establish a lira alarm system porinisslon will be IjranU-d by tho company for them to use their poles. Tim headquarters is ill Herrlaburg and Francis Jordan, of Philadolphiu, is the president If the permission Is granted the wont will be commenced at once. William Frodinore, ona of the oldest residents of either borough, died yea tordsy, aged 70 yoara, ut his residence on Hungry Hill. Mr. Frsdinorn caught a sovoro cold about a week ago which resulted fat ally. The funeral servioes will be hold at 1 o'sloclt Thursday afternoon. The deceased was for many years in the milk business. He leaves a widow an I several children to mourn ills loss. It has been decided to loner the steeple on the Methodist Episcopal church at this place. Work will bl commenced atones by William Gsril, Lovers of base ball will bo interested! to know i hat n game will be played on tho campus of the Normal school ut ! o'clock tomorrow (Saturday) between the clans of '07 of L.ifayettu college and tho rrgular Normal school team. Mrs E D. liuardsluo aud Miss M. E. Caroll spent Tuesday sight seeing nt the Delaware Water (tho. Mr. Samuel Woller, of Washington, N. J spent lust Sunday wilh hot cousin, Mrs. E D. Heard llee, on Bcotl street. After a separation of fifteen years from his ohildren Thomas Wall re turned to East Strnudshurg yesterday. His wife died when the little ones wore unable to take c iro of themselves end they were adopted bv several oitiiens, C dOOtl Durfeo taking two, ex lturgoss Fenuer, Henry lliinnell and an aunt at Phillipsbiiri; taking care of one each The ohtldrea have now grown Into m.ij irity and were considerably surprised to see their father. It 11 ex pected that Mr. Wall will remain in town for some time. Rehearsals are being held every night for the cantata entitled "Toe Rainbow Prince," wlnoh is to bo given in the Academy of music tho nignt preceding th commencement of the E lei Biraodtbnrg aonools nxt week In a Idltlon to the cantata calisthetiic drill will be given The general a l mission will be twenty cuts and tw uty-five cents for reserved seats. Owing to the for st tires in this vici nlty the clothespin factory was closed down yesterday and the employer were s-nt out to lijht the tire. The tl imea are most seri. us SfOQnd Qonldsborongh and sffortl will be made to check them In that vicinity first. The (im is so dense so as to make it impossible to approach any where uear to the lUmea. A Quarter Ov.mry Test For a marter of a century Dr. Kind's New Discovery li is lxen tested, and the millions who have received benefit from its use tistify to its srpnderfol curative powers in all dis.asej of Throat,Cbeat and l.ungs. A remedy that has stood th I teat so long and tha'. h is given so universal snt.sfnreion is no experuueut. Kach luitlo Is po.itively guaranteed to civ relief, ur the money will be refunded. It k) admitted to be the most rolinb'." for Cough ; anil Colds. Trial bottles free ai Matthew lir..'a. Drug Stori Large size 50c, an I (l.uO. " fM M1N00KA. Miss Delia Kiiai p. of Greenword, is confined to her home by illness. Mrs. TVurlnw ColboBgb, of Green wood, who h is been sick for the past month wit i Bronchitis, is cmTfilefcin,;, Wiiliam Bolltobaok, of QresowooJ, has a famiiy of children ucteu with measles. Joha Coyne, the rbami.lm sharp shot of the Minooka (tan club, is desir OM of arranging a Batch with Bfl Pern, S:m Davis or Ellgae Young, either one or all of them Han and money ready ut any time at M. P Judge's hotl 8 J. MatMOy an 1 John K -nney h-ive formed a p .rtnership and intend to opin a stone fjurry at N . 4 tbia sea son. A surprise party was tn Iored Mis Ray Morgan at her home in Miner's 11:11 last evening, by a largo number of her QmooWOOd frieu Is. The pari in were brilliantly illuminated and an trbly decorated for tli occasion. Dancing an l gOJDfl were IndolgOd in till ti.e wee sin ill hours of Dim mom ing. A very sumptuous repast was served nt midnight TbOM prosent were i. It W. Dond, II irrv S I) n l, David, H P. LoTerlog, Fred R Home in the city. Fresh, Pure Water, Electric Light, Street Car Service at the door, Churches and Schools. This is what the Fair View Land Company offer. Call and see the map. Lots at Low Prices. Take the Tay lor or the Eynon street cars and view the city from this most delightful spot. HollonbTck, TboiBuA Mnrray, Sam uel G. Mabady, Harry Cardwell Thmf low, OooUHUgii; Misies Lizzi L vr- mg, Annie Ljovering, Jonuin Dovenng, Sarah Fox. Sadie Knapp, HattieHol- lenback, Ila Cardwell, Hanua Mary Thomas. Eliza Rosseu, Helen Roasan, Mamid Roae. ARCHBALD. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Drewy wjnt to New York last evening in r, spouse to a tolegrum from New York city asking them to come immediately, their sou Edward having had Ida leg cut off. The telegram gavo no further particu lars. The Riverside store is well snpplisd with fia'a at present. Manager H. C. Linderman was fishing in Wayne county Monday and Tuesday. E. A. Jones has returned from Al toona, whore he hail boon attending tho Odd Fellows' convention. Tho fnnonil of Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mm. James Oongblln, of Rail road street, look piauu this afternoon. Union sei vices will be hold In the Presbyterian oliuroli on Sunday morn ing by the Presbyterian and Lutheran congregations. Serinom will bo preached by Rev. Mr. Rudolph and Rev. Mr. Shaw. The servioes are in commemoration of tho fifth aunivorsary of Hev, Mr. Rudolph's entry to the ministry. There will be no eons;re7gationiil mooting at the Prusbyterluu ohttrsh on Monday evening A Hungarian was sjranltod n"sr the Wuyne street bridge by uu unknown limn Inst night at midnight. He suyn p was taken from him. Missrs Rose and Li..ie Jordan, of Green Ridge, called on trlondj here on Wodnotday. May devotions were held in St. Tbomat1 church Friday evening. They were very largely attended Alias Charles Miliums called on Iriends in Jeriuyu yesterday. Milee uml James p. MoAodrew dele gated to the diocesau convention at Wilkes BUN huvo returned The dlasoliiliou of tbO injunction against the ( 'arbomlale Traction com panjT, by Judo Arclibald yesterday afternoon, leaves the company free to extend ita track to the lilukoly bound ary where It will be connected with tho Scrantou lino. The rails an I llel have already been laid pirt way and the grade for tho track lias been pre pared for the entire distance, it is hoped that tho work will ba speedily pushed to completion and that a through line between Carbon dale and Scrantou will be iu operation us sooa as possible. JERMYN. Mr and Mrs Chariot C Tavlor, of Tomplcinsville , Mr anl Mrs tMiobael UoGann, of Qreonflald, anl P, J. O'Boylt, of Tbompaon, wtra Jemtjrn rlslton yesterday. Toe BOOtlnn in St. Marv's Oltbollo chnroh are Well attended Tho sermons by ti e mission fathers are pi tin, prac tical and to tho point They, assisted by the pastor, ar doing mtv:h goo I. J.iri 0 F. Hiker is visiting h"r nr rats, Mr. aud Mrs T. C. Robins in, of Carbondalo. M'uisey'a trib1, Ind pendent I rder o' Kd Men, will hoi 1 a ba! t a cul next WOtk to which they will inv.te and be vorv glad to s-e their lady friends Tue many friends of Floyd II inter will be pleased to h"nr that he is re covering from his seven, illu.ss Julge Orsves, of Soith Dtltots, is the u- at of J.'imyn relatives. The cantuta under the auspices of the Congregational church was given in Enterprise hall tblS evening an 1 much enjoyed by those present. The costumes of the children were pi IS ing The renoi-ring of the diflicalt pirls showed the , tf'Ctof hard work by thns Who had them, Iter in charjo Tno Red M ii intend to bold a social next week, at which time they will b glad to see I li -ir wives an I s.veothei.rts bresent. The Indies of the Primitive M ithod 1st church will bold u bazaar the latter Slid of this month, the pr iceo ls to be used in forms:. Ing the parson ige Ira J Tttrner, who has had char, of t.'m a, ore of the Scrantou Lumber COtBBaay in Scrantou. N. O, h..s rs ,;gri"d his position and i. cepted u uior.' Incratira one in Norfolk, va. joucingt a .N w I, igland innpr for 10 cms Dell l'u, slay evening a'. IbS parlors of the First iliptist sborob. hi e i rmeSlan'fi Amtoa Salve. The best salvo Id the w,.rld for ''nts DlllSSSj Sort, L'lcers, i-alt Kheum, K. ver Sorea, 'letter. hnpped Hands, I hiiblnln, Corns anil all Skip Rraptioas, and posis lively rurs Ptefa, r no pay rsUI'e It if guarant I to glTC BSTtSSt SStUvtaotlOP i.r money rr funded, I'rire 145 rents per tol. roi sali' bv MsttbswS IJrue. OIA.HAXT. Mrs, William EsdusAt snddangb 'X Mnllie, cf (rnn Rltlge, Sialtsd frtsnds in t'iwn Inst tfsnlog, JtrHlffl and Jonsnn ralleriss pay their sssfl today (Satnrday) Hi-U'tilar , rvi'-..i will n h'tld in the Btaksly Muptist oborpb Hnndny. In 'in. Bprolog th" ssrnoo prill tm "A Royal r nlteni" and in the evening "A t'aralile in Actim " Ths Welsh Baptist Sunday school " ill bold a " intii Fruitf sooial at KaystOOS hall on Monday nveninv, Tho Drowns will jiluy tho Voting Men's Christian DOloa tuiun on th" II 'is today (Saturday) ( lam oallod at : HO X I Williams, of the West Side, spent yesterday UblBg in tbs StTSSB3l nf Wayne enmity. Hy spool al rtqaest ths Adonis Idtur nry rluh have decided to rsprodttCS tiieir Intsrssting piny, "Ths Lost Mine." Tho plere will lie ppstSBtsd iiKnin at Father Mathnw OpSrS honae on Jons o under the snsplcss of lbs St. A loyal ne snoiaty. John Davis, "tho hoy prfflober," will deliver an address at the SToODg Men's Christian union rooms on timi day nfternooti nt i n'olook, 4 HH, Or Norwood's Nurwny 1'inrt Svrnp wns nseil for years ns n prescripnon hyasno cesef ul pbyaiclan. It is in nil respects the heat ctnrtlh medicine matin today. Sold by all dealers on it guarantee nf sutii'factli u, ee CARB0NDALB. Misses (Jrace and Bvs Whitney, who havH been Kivsta of their cousin, Miss LI r sis Amtnerman, of Canuun strout, left esterdHy for Forest City to make S brief visit with Miss Ions Tyler. Miss May llallock lias rvtarnoil to hor homo in this city after an extonded stiiy with relatives In Wllkes-Barrr. An excitiiiK nam- of base ball was played yesterday afternoon on the Simpson grounds between a Carbon dnle club ond the Young Mnn'a Chris tian association tnnm of Scranton. Tho result was at tho ninth innings, 11 Vi in fnvor of Carbondale. Last uvenini; nt tho bottle of Mr. and Mis GenrKO Correll, of Canaan street, nocurred tho marriage ot their dan .-liter, Augnsta Jones, to Christopher Mlttan, ot this plaoe. Tha neromony waa performed at 8 o'olook with Rsv. V. B. Grow officiating. The lust session ot the Young Men's C iristian association dbdrici oonven tlein WU hel l bis evening In the iec Inre room of (be Biptist tabernacle. Mlsa Uliiuie WtUgsr Will soon luno up ber rosideuce in Scranton. PliCKVILLE. naliev Lathrun will nddrois tho Prohibition club in the Grand Army of the Republic hall next Tuesday eveuiug. A citizens moeting waa Hutu in the Grand Army of tho Republic hall last Wednesday evening to man arrsngi- msnts for Memorial Day. Ropnssntn tives were present from all societies in town and reported that their societies would tako part iu the parade. Toe parade will start at 1 o'clock from the pont hsadqnarters. The lino of march will bo down Main street to iNorin Muin street, to Academy streot, Irom Academy street back to Maple, from Maple to Hickory trom Hickory to tho o miotary. Charles Wallnck will act as gruiiil marshal!, with the assistance of a mounted mar- shall from every SOOisty represented. All members of !- lerinan Liiigi Knights of Pythias aro ret nested to be iresent next Monday evening. Iho Lilies Aid Niciety of M. iu church presented tho liulldiug Oommlt- teo of the new cbureh with u check lor live hundred and twunty-livo tlollais last Wednesday. TAYLOR. Taylor b'ind will bold a l icnlo on May 80, at Wooer park. 1 hit reception commute') and trinities of the Prico Library association will meet on Monday night. Hello Whienoi, of Scrantou, visited friends in town on Thursday. John W. ReeSC, our popular towns man, is making a generul cauvus nl the county f . r 1 -! gutet I or theolll" of recorder on the it. publican liokst. I he event of n, xt week w,il b MS "( lonfsdsrsts Bp) " by tbs Young Mn's Dramatic club. The nieot Is military drama in liv,i act t anl takes two hours and thirty minutas to play it BpsolsJ scenery has been purchased for ths rendition. The proceeds will be do- aatad t the Calvary Baptist church. Nervous Headaches Dyspepsia, Impuro Liood A Perfect Curo by Hood's Snroa parilin. Wehxtrr linker York, FS. " i psrsonsO) r, inisnnil Qood'i BanspsriBs to my Mends and otbsrs, ensasver I have an tpportuolty, and I a.u mIHIiik that tbii itats swat be ssed lor psMkaUea. Tblsawdl Ins bas bees oi peal SeaaSt ti me. t bars boss lulTerlns bmts t less with drspsssls ana sst Hoods-Cures ,,ii i li" I'lael.e tr several years. After listtijj ntlier pripsrattuSI Mltheut sueecss. 1 eooc hided t" try !lxl' i S ; ,.ii niila. I am pleased to say it I h u S bl ' n I- Befltf I mere li) Hi SSS "I IP mi's .isapardta than b All other IVIedlclncs Comklnod. tatset, I base been eured t) Hood's srsaia riila. I alee Sal Psod's PUls very bcaefl 1st." D. WRusros tuasa, sse peas St., York. Pa, Koo.'s Pi'.la are psret i . tsMe, nod da Bat DOT 0, pain "r rrlrie. Said by all BTBglStSi Atlantic Refining Co. Manufacturers and Haulers in Illuminating and Lubricating OILS Llnsssd Oil, NapthM and 'laso lines of nil radsS Axle (Ireivse. 1 Iniofl IrssM and Colliery Com- pound; alto, a lnrijo lino Far rnfline Waa I'niidl'S We aiv,, bandls tlm Famous i:row,s ACME OIL, the only family safety l nraing oil In tho market WIL1IAM MASOl, Manngr. OBoti 'oni Bicbuin V tirkM ul l .iD- broolt V, y.illllll.- Avj, Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimber, Tho tpSOUlUSl nu tho Kyiv lleadnclieq mil HsrvonsBssB reUsvad, Lassstsad Improved Btyle of l',ye tllie . ami Spn. lacles at tha LoVreetPrioea Uotl ArtlUeial ICyat Ins rlel for Sa. o6 SPRUCE ST., op. Old Poat Office. America 16 nEACTIFTJL IOTCBBS, RTKBt MOTKO PLAOH IN ALASKA, TBI VMITBD STATts ANl KKZIOO, BT1VK NUMBBM on THB tit'N 'n ii. TBM CBMfS ani onk t in POM rou an v M Hill 11 I ptrniiuicli'.lroand I In 30 la l dn b I s Stasdo Rem I 'jatt. uiultt if rBn'.v. Mf':M Py ( i"J c, il. I eulitivo t.rMti tint lOO-iinm t tk, lll-utraUd Irom I IIP rr-.u, iM4.hcur!.frt by mull h.n lltSi.nni I nu n,.r ..tyi.,1, 01, Mnala Remorly win I I cni1tlT4i euro. eaUB UIBI nt.. UMn, III. Ashamed To Be Seen Because of disfiguring facial blemishes is the condition of thousands upon thousands who live in ignorance of the fact that in Cutlcum Soap is to be found the purest, sweetest and most effective skin purifier and lvautitier in the world. It is so because it strikes at the root of all complexional dislig. urations, viz: THE CLOGGED, DtRf TATLD, INFLAMED OR SLUGGISH PORE. For nlmpli'., l.l.irl.lir i.Ih, n-,1 md oily skin, red, ronsa nttii-irt u hii ihapeleas naila, dry, i)ia anil fall Inn balr,andehiiplfl baby blenlaliteltu wosjSerfal, Bel I tbi msh sit the orld, Potter Disag aiid Cht in, t m-jT., Sole PropeVi 1. union. If tlrrd, ;. hini:, DTVOVI mnthtTei Liu'w tin- t KHaforL lUwurth. ud vltul- fjj it v inf 'iillcurn Anll-lHlti rU-in th. y woi. d n vit In s ithout u n. In vx ry i tin- (nnvft, nwn-trPt and b ht plitr 1st I1 r wi...M u i.n1 childrfii. A Wc'l-Known Physician,Who, Among Other Things, Is Noted for Hia Frankness, No one evtr beard Iir. H. fireweruse the phrase "1 think'' In his practice. Tbe doctor w one ol tboss frank, fearleeabon- tst, H)fllive men who never h,titaie to My )ra or D", s tbe case may requite. "1 can cure yoo1 uf "1 CSBBot cure you,'' is hi- Invariable decision after t-xatniua-tlon, SB I to this faci fsct i attrihutKble his remsrfcsbls record vrithi si fadun-. Hat It Mould be klralige IDiIfiiI if tliu , , -tor SVSrS not a cioie tuau BSnallf success fill prsciitioci r. lie list- bet n surgeon-ln-sblsf iu more than one of the lon.'t hos pitals of this country, was lately Demon - strarar of Physiology and Bnrgsrrat tha Medloo-Cairargical (Mlegs in Philadel phia, ha been electsd an booorary mem- iKi.'td the Medico-l'lnrtirgicai Asuoclation. i a grsdnats of tns Uorverslty of Penn ylvaoia, eta, aad is still a cio.-e student a msu eritbsacba record could not fall to be n SBCOSSSfW physician under an circaaiataBOea, but when pasksd by osntlopa, ooaaervatlen la sstprsssioa, .r, to use a more popalar pbraast tbs "be-sure-yoa'roHdgbMhsB go ahsad system. It would ba MOTS than .;t.,!.,:- if inilnre overtook bun. Yon rnn corsn'.t Dr. tirtwer any day at I; : i . anil A, Temple Court Building ai i ftPRUOK st.. from !l a.m. UUtfaBS, CoOsnltntiaPJ fiee. Tliune Sttlfsrlbg liotn Nervous DbMaSSS ara Uarantesd a cote. For such there i tbs cbeerlag w..rd "Y-s," as failure 1 un known in tbsdoctiu's lieatment. Third National Bank cf Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, - $200,000 SURPLUS, - $250,000 11. 1. 10111K oners tn ,!,(.. 1 l r,r 1 1 it warranted b Ibelrba MlaneeSi i i-i- Iii'hn anil 1 p. ,11. II11 1 (I , Speele,l attenilan ki'ti tn baslasss asv r its latereel patdeai Ham itspssHa U II t 1 A SI I t)M 1 I, Vr, .Ml nt t.i t 11 t 11 1. in. e-Preeldaal WILLIAM II I I 1 U. t nattier UIBI ions, winimn Caaaalt, Qsarga it. ratlin. Alfred Mad, daeaea Anliiiai.l, tnrv llidln, Jr. Mil, 1, 01 T. Mono. Lutlier It, 11,1 Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT WELL CO. m OR HQ MULTICHROMES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. UHtinicinniiiiBiiiiiniiiiis.iHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinisinsBSEiBEHiiiiiaHnir. EverythingFOR Everybody AT The Fair 400402 Lacka. Ave. A FEW SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK : 2,500 Ladies' Ribbed Vests, never sold less than J5c. each. Sale Price, 3 for 23c. 120 dozen Ladies' Black Silk Mitts, good quality, for 25c. a pair. Sale Price, only 15c. BARGAINS IN CLOAK DEPARTMENT! Our entire stock of Capes and Jackets selling at $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 each. To Close Out, only $2.00. THOSE SELLING AT $7.00, $8.00, $9.00 AND $10.00 EACH, YOUR CHOICE FOR Visit Our Millinery "iilllillhit.liiiMiilillllflllll!iii!!i Wholesalers aad Largest Retailers of Straw Mattings from China and Japan. -0 KERR & Fine Carpetings LOWEST PRICES. One entire room ted to Oriental and Domestic Rugs and Art Squares. Rome Was Not Built in aDay But 1 it t to by Uttlsj tho rand eat imp In of tho Old World WW roainl. 10X'T do without beCMSe you havon't tho roady money to buy tho BHumltureOarpeti, Draperies, Btoves, eto., your noods and Inclinations de mand when our Equitable Credit System stands ready to assume the Indebtedness and accept your small Weekly and monthly payments in liquidation. Department, The Finest in Scranton. MMNMMMmiMsl tmvumKlr Leading House for Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Lace Curtains and Upholstery Goods. 0- 406 and 408 Lack'a. Avenue LOWEST PRICES. We mike a specialty of Window Shades. Awning and Draperies If you have not seen ! You heard of our stock of Baby Carriages, Refrigerators, Mattings, Porch Chairs, Lawn Settees and Couches. miiBinisiiii Economy Leads in Summer Goods as in Everything.