THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE RAT OR DAT MORNING, MAT 19, 1894; i MRS. COOK OF BROOKLYN. Imparts a Valuable Secret to the Ladies. IT IS VERY INTERESTING There Are Many Persons Who Can Appreciate Her Condition Be cause They Have Been So Themselves. On a recent Sunday nftarnoon the wrltor pnve intorested attention to ths narration which follows. It is hereby produced al most exactly in the words of the lady from whose lips it fell -Mrs. 9. 1!. Cook, ot B50 Tompkins avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. We three sat at the. front windows of their home i overlooking the park, ns Mrs. Cook Kavo this leullet out of her life, one of her little ehildruu nestling against bar knee. "My husband and I have been mar ried," said the lady, "almost nine years. Before, my marriaRO 1 was often tired, Wttnk, exhausted, and my strength seemed to ba passing from me. I was then troubled a great deal with Indigestion and dyspep ma, and sometimes finoe. 1 would be well two or three mouths nnd sick tWO or three mouths, off and on. That was the biltory of several years- sleeping badly anil suf fering. I could not eat any solid food. I lived ou boiled milk, taken hot, right Oil the stove. That was my diet aud 1 got very tired of it; but I was afraid to touch anything else. "Now to got back to the year ItOS, last year, was a long and sad one for me. As the warm wenthor came 00 1 hoped to get better, but did not. The opening bndlOO the trees out there in the park (Ottttd me weak aud miserable as I had been In the winter. I was losing ttssh and strength lowly but surely, all the time. My nerves were feeble and shaken so that my sleep was habitually bad "At last, by the advice of friends,! went to PtffktklM, where I remained for some time, tut By frietidj saw 1 was growing thinner, and expressed the opinion to one another that 1 was m a decline. "The doctor suggested that 1 take cod liver oil, bnt I Ion bin I couldn't bear the looks or taste of it, either in its natural statu or a an emulsion, lie looked grave at this and said n, more about it. S I lay there and lingered aud sank; that la all there is to lay of the result of my trip to the country." "Every time I went up to visit my wife, " aid Mr. I'ook, "I could seo liQ,wa mu. h thinner and more feeble than before al though she didn't like to admit it." "Well, " continued the lady. "I felt that if it Wen physically possible 1 must get home, aud so, on the 3d of November they wrapped me up aud brought me h me, what was left of me. and what there wat of mo weighed just IN pounds. 37 piuuds leas thau 1 weighed in my girlhood. Here I could do nothing, rat nothing: ouly wait for what might happen, i had trud doctors nd drugs often useful to others' but pi uo use to me. "On the next day after my retarn my hubnnd brought me a bottloof pre-digested food, aud said a friend of Ins rec ommended it and hoped I would try it. I tatel it and it tasted good, nothing like coil liver oil. I l-g;in taking it aocordutg to the directions Witi.out feeling the least confidence in it or indulging auv hope from it HutU did have a good effect, and that Quickly. It guve me an aupe- tlte. "I could eat the. old kinds of food and they dldn t distress no-. Then I hegan to get tome strength. At the end ot a Week, U my surprise and deiight, 1 found I had gained two po jnd. At tbe end of the iHsondwrek, two more. And so oc, gain leg two pounds every woek. "It l eight week DOW', and I weighed lit pencil, last 1(1 pounds more than when I came hon e. I can eat anything, have no pnin. ttOOvOgh, no headache, can run up stairs lik- a girl, and I know vo l wih belie?,, me when I say it is ail due to Paskoav" 'And yon think the pre-digeted food Paskodid all this for you, Mrs. (.'ook?' "Certainly; if it didn't, what did? 1 Levvr rtltso well, and like living, in ten 'years as I do now." "It ih't my wife's increase in weight alone," remarked Mr. ook; "but loon nt her! her streugtti ! her enjoyment of her mit! her bright spirits! Baa bad none of those.thitgs till I'askda gave them to her. If it can do aa ranch for other t eoplst through ber atatemeut bving published, why it ought to be published.'' " W hat my husband says. lay," added Mri. Cook; "anything hrs would be in gratitnd"on my part aud culpable ludif frrence to the suffering of others." Has tin case any lwMon fur too? Are you thiol Are you famishing for food which the palate refuses and tbe stomach cannot digest? Are you pale for the want of red blood? Are you chilly because you have not flesh to feed the vital fire? Are yuu w ., , liecauiiM your food i not assim ilated? Are you slowly sinking liku a scuttled ship? aUIHoni are. Abandon the use of drugs and m.dirlnss, sod teat the successful modern scientific treatment. I'askola is a food and enables the. system to uae ail other fooiK It arr. sts tmatrhv tioa. re .-stab nntrition, fills up the hollow cheeks, and oat of weakness devel ops power. A pamphlet giving full particulars re specting 1'ssk la wih bi ku'. on applies, tion to the Pre-Dig,led Food Co., 80 heade 8t., N. V. City. I Giants. Two separate men,yv:b of whom wnaclght feet in height, claimed the cognomen of "The Irish Giant O'Jirien" at the same time. The skeleton of one of theso Is to he found In tbo museum of the College of 8urgoon, Ixindon. It was bought by the celebrated surgein, John Hunter, fad paid tfu tor the body for th purpose of diaseo tlon. This O'lirien die1 from a debauch at the H(;e of twenty-two. The other O'lirlon, whose renl name was Patrick Otter, earned fortune by ex hibiting himself, and attained the extreme limit of ft glnnt's life forty-six years. Ho took the precaution to have hid grave chiseled ont of the solid rock twelve feet deep, i.nd provided that It (should bo kept locked and constantly watched. Thle O'lirien used to amuse himself by lighting his pipe nt the Htreet lamps, and he quite terrllled a highwayman who on one occa sion hud stopped O'Hrien's carriage, by Imply putting his head out of the window and stretching himself up to his full height The skeleton of another Irish giant to 1 fonnd In the anatomical room of Trinity college, Dublin, is 7 leet inches in height and constituted the framework of Mc Orath, born In Tippernry, who made, the tour of Europe aa the "Prodigious Irish Uiunt." His enormous growth was wild to have lieen the result of aurxrHirimontmado by the celebrated Bishop lierkely, who put the boy, nn unfortunate orphan, through n fattening process, with this result.. I)rn. Miisgruve ami Molyneux have given accounts of still another Irish giant, Kd ward Malonc, who measured 7 feet 7 Inches in his stockings when he was nineteen. New York Times. Olid Not leas. A gentleman near Winchester made a rookery in front of his bouse, In which he planted some beautiful ferns and, having put up the following notice, found It morn efficient and less expensive than spring gum or mnntraps. The four inspiring In scription WHS! "Beggars beware! Scolopcndrlums and poly podium aroaot hero." The walls of a gentleman's house near Edinburgh some yearn since exhibited a board, on which was pointed a throat quite as difficult for the trespasser to understand as the preceding.' "Any person entering these lnclosnrcs will be shoe and prosecuted." Loudon Tit-Bits. TOMORROW'S CHURCH SERVICES. Haint IjUkk's Church Hev. Rogers Israel rector. Trinity Suuday. Holy Com munion, 8 a. DM service nud sormon, 10.3U n. m.: Suuday school and Biblo class, 2.30 p. m.; eveniug prayer and sermon, 7.30 p. m. Nursery open at 10 a. ni. atira.l Washington avenue, wuero ouu dren will be kindly cured for while par ents attend servico. Saint Lukk's Uunmobs Misuiox Rev. A. L. Urban in charge. Sunday school 8 p. m.; evening prayer and sormon, 4 p. in. PiiNN Avenue Haitwt Chuuch Uov. Warrou U. Partridge, pastor. SetvleeB at 10.80 a. m. and 7. 80 p. m. Subject in the morning, "Mumury;" in theevoniug, "The Uesvenlv Reward." the third in series ou the "Future Life," All welcome. Hfl.M pAUK MnTHODm El'IHCOFAL CliUKOH Rev, W, H. Poarco, pastor. Preiiclung at 10.30 a m., Professor J. B, Rene, of Wyomiug seminary; in the evening at 7.45, the pastor. "Lessons from the Narrative of the Hood Samaritan," SlMt'SON MktiIi'IMst EPISCOPAL CHURCH Preaching morning and evening by the pastor. Rev. L. ('. Floyd. h school at 18 m., I'.pworth and Junior leagues at tl SO. At all the services all tbo seats are free. Strangers welcome. ( ai.vakn RsrORMBD OHCROB Corner of Monroe avenue nud iiibson street. Pastor, W. H. Stubblebine. Set vices both morning and evening by the Ber, Ross P. Wicks, of Collegeville. Pa. Subject In morning, "A Hiding in Blessedness;" even ing, "Hack to the Days of St. Paul." All welcome. Bnnhn Ridoi Baptist Cbubob. Rev, W. J. F.ird, pastor. Services nt 10.80a, ni. and 7.30 p. in. Subject In tlie morning, "Baptletl in the United States.'' Ill the eve ilng, "Popular Misconception of the Character of ood." 9 HUB KimiK BVAlrOTUCAL CBUBOH Capouso avenue, Itev. tl. L Mnlce, pastor. Bonday School at 0.10 a, nt, Preaohing at io.3o by Rev, Richard Hlrone, of thesisth odist Kptsoopal church, K. L. c B, oou" lecratloa service as 7. SO p. in, conducted by the president of the league, V. II v hit me m. Everybody welcome. Cm acH of ths Hood Bhupuk no Mousey avenue nud Ureen Ridge street. Trinity Sunday. Litany, s p in ; morning prayer, holy communion and s'rmon, 10 Ml) uu day school, '.' HO, Young People's society, 0.4S; evening prayer and sermon, 7.;UI. p. in. Music at th. oonsecrntiou services will be repeated. Alt state free. Ail we: come. v ash hi ag Brann PaBSBTTinian Ciifui'H Services will be held in Si. David's bull. North Mnlu Avenue, at 10. in a. nVa and "..'lop. m ; llible ch ol nt 18; Christian Endeavor union, 4 p. m . Young Pe pie's society, 0,80 p ni All cordial. welcome, liKAi E Rnvoman Rnnoofai Ununx u Uorning prayer and sermon at io no a. m. Subject, - The Becond Pilhir of the Church; 'Fellowship,'" Acts 3; 48. Bvenlngorayer and sermon, 7.30 p. es, Bnbject, "TnoOld Paths," ,)eie. ll; hi Youug Peonle'i. Soci ety of Christian Bedeavor at n.aop. m. Sunday school at the closu of the morn il ; erviOS. Strangers cordially wel c. mi d. S'ats free. Rev. (i. L. Aldrich, pastor. Alt. Sauls Cllflu'lt Pine street near Adams aviuue itev (ieorge Y. Powell, pastor, lervici tomorrow at lu.30 a. m, theme, "Are We Responsible For ur Re ligious Belief; Csn Wi All llo'deVe Alike' MOp, m , theme, "The Ascension of the Siul Into Immortal Lite." You are wel come. second I'hksiivtkiuan CbOKM Bev Charles E. RoUoeon. IX D., pastor. S-r vices 10 80 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. The pastor w ill preach iu tbe evening i n "ilou Shall We Viw Wdtnan's Snffrage from the Christian Standpoint." All seats free iu the evening. All WOlOOBM at all h.t vices. TlllMTY EVAXI.EI.Ii AL CKOBORi Llttie England. I'reachiog, 10,80 a.m. and 7 45 p.m. Sunday school, - p.m. Rev. James tOOVill will 0 induct the preaching srrv leer, which will be tbe leginiiing of a .i Ties of evangelistic meetings rh.o i.Ya::geiit is un earnest worker, ilu and hear him. PuiM EUrrpn Ciitntn Pastor T. J. Colliuswill preach Sabbmh at In. .10 a. ttV and 7.30 p. m. Morning ter non, snoihet In tha series of "Proi le iral History." The sermon in the evening snothsf n the sries of "Pilgrim's Protress." CBOSOR or Christ. :'cietist Spen.'cr huiluing. 510 Adams aVMSe, llible lessen a lo..) a. m. nud church service at 7:30 p m. D. N. Mi Kee. spe iker. All are wel come. Seats f i te. laCXBtm SmriT Bait 1st Clll'ticil-The pastor will preach in the morning OS "Israel's Deliverer," and In the evening n address before the YoOOg People's BsneVO lent union of the church. Services: Prayer meeting of the Youug i'eople's linVont anion at 8.18 a, m., preaching 10.80 a m. and Bp. ni. Sunday SCfeOOtj " p. m Seats ire all fr a, Fiust Pltr.sHYilKtA.N ( ii nn a fiev. James McIksi, 1j. D . pmtr.r. Ilivine set- WEAK MEN your attention ) f.'.M.r.h T' TIIK ii Gray's Specific Medicine IF YOU SUFFER iroiuN-r teW'isM urn tust rom billty, weftknon ff lVxIy MM MUA, LeWBsV lorrufsV nnd Impf'tnnry. and a!) mftMaW that ari' friim ov-ir iii(lulffnr,' and mt itiua, im Uoasnl of Mftiiury and t'uM-ur. DtaMMM f Vii I'-ti, 'rt uro Old Asf" and many h(rdh UA'i That lend to InMkOity or t itmimpttoii and tnottUTjfravf, writifr a paMphifl Addrr-w Qmkt MI DI' INF. CX).( Buffalo. N. T Tho Hpociflc MfdiWw ia w ld by all diUfftfiaU At $ pr pa' lui.-. Off '1 packa."' tor IS.or nt Iff Bnl n NMOlpI -f in"iiy.and kfltl) trtrf ftn nrd WE GUAHATFf; ir or mofioy rt'iuritii r-f f'n armntit 01 routitcrfHtu wo havt Riiopt'd tho V-llnw Wrapp- r, th- uuly (ft.-nn-Inc. hold Iu Hcranton hv Mitttlifwt i rot DUPONT'S MINING, Ill.AHTINn AND sroHTINf) POWDER gennenntttreiat the Wapwaitoeee Mill, i.u- r.orne reiinty I'n., and at Wil nttngtia Uislawsro. HENRY BELIN, Jr. flenernl Auent for thu Wyoming IHitrlet, i8 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa nurd National Baal Bnlhtlng Anrxrurs. TFIOH FORD. PIMston, Ps. jHN n I vi rui a BONiPlrraouUi, ra K W. Ml'l.l.lUAN. WOkm Hurre. Pa. Aeent lur thn llepauno Cheiuloal Com pari', ' High gsploslval Ladies Who Valuo a refined complexion muntnnc Pononl'R Pow der. It produces a unit and beautiful Hkln. and Igor iiuirii; NatsrsaiVanMotlX r ,. '- it r n,l.ui..u t.-uuhy, te nuri-ly cuml hy INbAPO. Urn urint lllmlnu ftcmedy. With nrllUo ailSallSwawa .Soldtf il A I I III.WH UlUB.,PruKKlU, 8 r run toa, Pa. "sanwatsssi . . - -- - --- . .v. uiiuuimviiiuiiiuuiiiia u. um.ijiniiuiii;n hoot It AnTSoroggrrtorphysloisncanpBlltnpfor yoo,as0TrjrytliliutljplrtlaarMl3li:ipl. Al) 3Li Zl . T.y "i.u."; iiiiiuiioi mo roraoc7irom no oireot or snviso you frisnrts toUonoiiflnryna reenlTOtheroi)pnn(liofitha, there Is no hfimbiig rjnrflscSDUon. Butroi ... , . ....... ,lln..n .. nrtahA Ikkwuu can idoas you ploaaesboni tlilo. Oor7..poDUBrs)fiStily0onnnentil.sMfllir ftonJaenvolopo. Bnolo)Blauipl( oonvonlentll.M.Unnirertorii. Bog Al.n.All.lon iSlrh vice, 10.80a, m., and 7.30 p. m, Tha pas tor will preach both morning and even ing. Subject of even in;; dldcourse, "Johu Knox." St. David's Episcopal Church Corner of Main and Juckson utreets. Preaching morning and evening by the rector, Dr. M. H. Mills, All welcome, mm; , free. HoWAKU PI.ACK AfKICAN METHODIST Episcopal t iiuhcii Hev. C. A. Metier, pastor. Quarterly meeting: Lovefeaat and breaking of breud at 10.U0 a. m. ; preaching at 8 p. in. and 8 p. in. The paator will be assisted by Hev. 0L Abury, D.D., the pre aldiug elder of Pittsburg district. Things Not Exchanged. "I Wal Btttiiding," said a woman, "at ,the perfumery counter of one of the Twenty third street shops when a young woman of Hood appearance accosted tho clerk, ask ing for nn exchange for some urticlo from which she proootdod to tnko oil the wrap ping paper, It proved to be a toothbrush, and, somewhat interested, I watched the Interview, The clerk called n floor walker and stilted the rSQUOSt to him. "He took tho brush reluctantly, glancing nt the otis torn. sr who proffered it. 'I bought It for my uncle,' she luustciiud to say, 'and when lie tried it tho bristles loosened and some came out..' 'So it has been tried?' said the floor wnlker, with u qufczicul glance In my direction. 'Oh, yea,' artlessly replied the young woman, 'ha tried It bo- fore ho found It would not suit.' " 'Well, madam, would you like to think that any of those brushes there from which you want to select another had been in Somebody's mouth on irialr' The young woman looked mortified. Evidently she had not thought of what she Was asking; without another word she reached for the brush and turned away, walking so rapidly It Is doubtful if she heard the Hour walker call after her IS she did, to try SOaklag the brush In cold water before using.' Then he turned to the rest of us, 'The llrm likes to accommodate, but it has to draw the lino at tooth brushes whose use has been confessed.' " Her Point of View in New York Times. i in .1.. Rali Mm. i to Bind, In nil probability eels lay eggs, Just M do nearly all other Babel, The only differ ence is that they detioslt them In the WM, Instead ol in fresh water. It u believed that the mother eel die soon after she hai I pawned. For a couple of OOOturlM past efforts hare been made by eminent ecion- tiflO men to discover the organs of gel .ora tion in male nud female wis. It is only io.ssible now to discover the dllTerenco la) IV SUB tjio sexes by miero-.coplc examina tion. About RfteeU )ears ago the OBlO- brated Or Vlrobow, of Berlin, published an adysrtlsomsnl for a lemala ed bearing egg offering considerable prise forthi anecluMn, Within a short time the advertisement iras oopisd all over buropa, and the herr doctor received .such an enormous quantity of eels In packngis that thu ..Il ur IsiMine quito serious. So many llions.tu.l pounds of the very perishable article were con signed to him that it was an Imixirtant question how to get rid rf the material, and one of the comic paper suggest d that perhaps it would bo well if bo should make a regulation requiring all samples to he sent smoked. New York.Suu. R.i Ra Ra DADWAY'S ll READY RELIEF. I i ll is 1 1 I.n M arOBXTKKNAL I 1st, In using m aVeinee to stop pain, we should avuMauehii iullirt injury on th" vtinv tipium. slarnhlae, Chnroronn, Kthsr, ealnn and I Lloral Stop I s o by dnstroylDS tbn sunse of psrreiiHi.ii, th patl.ot losing lbs p-er ef feellna This U oi'Xt dsetra tive praetle . n u,s the lymptonM, shnt np. nnd. insuisd -f reinori ig tVOMS, Waahe diKii ihns'.omx'r. llvsr sad lose!., an1, ll r..-i tinned In for s length of tuns, kits the nerv. and produrm liesl nr genml ptrsly Is Thn tsno no-'esjitv for nst .( tlivi umer tln agents whw r-ltlerem"dy 1k" It kD" WAY'S READY RtUKf "ill stoetbsaviat excru'-utlng ps'n antafcsr itlioot nntsillng ths lea.t lU'ignr. In either Infant or silult it Instantly sioim thu m t larsciaUng pains, sllsyi laflsmmstlon snd cures e ngsi tloru, wlfftmir .if th . Luii. ftneseeh, ilow iia .ir other gi iid. or mi-nms ssanibranee K B MPUAINS, I Rt IsHs, BAt'RACBI, PAIN IN TIIK CIlliST OR Slum. IU All A i UK. TOOTHAI Bt OR ANY OTHER PAIN. ; t'-.- .t t llk ms .; -.aatuf inn the pain to InsUutly stp. CUBES AND PRIYBMT8 Co!ds,Cough3, Sore Throat, Inflaramation, Bronchiti3, Pneumonia, Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Influenza, Itheunisdiln. Neuralgln, Srlallea, hag", Snrlllng of thr JalatSj I'slns in Baeft, '"si nr Li as ha. The sppllrsttnn nf the UKAI'Y Hi: I. IKK to he part or parts whers tlu itlfflenlty or pain lists will IT r l i w and eonifort ALL INTF.ltN Al. I' A INS. PA INS IN BOW ELS nit roMACH, i itAvr. hi asms, fOUli STOMAI ll, N.M'SIA VoVIIIMI. HRAHTbURN,, SLEEP LKrWHWS.BirR IIEAIAiTIE,HIAl:RM"EA, ( i iU ' , 1 1. AT' I. KM Y, KAIN I I Mi sI'Kl.l.rl are relieveil In... sully and ipiiekly enrsil by ink eg Inttreaily s hair t leaaneenral of toady Rebel hi ..r , tumbler of wat r. Mril.'iria, Chills and Fever, Fover and Ague Conquerod. Thnrn in nut n rfiiv llnl niront In the world inal .III saaa saJ t ibJ ll . I i ."i ... i iwi '. i ,i(U", r i J J sell "iiut ' : in :i ,i . otbtf ' "M. mM"1 h K .iIuuv'h l iilt. w tiinlcy nn lUi'ht ny'n ll-wly ifi fi. Prloe 50c. pir bottle. Sold by Druggists. AOWAY'S PILLS, For Ihe curs or nil rtlanrders of the Stnm- ueii, Llrsr, Davela, Kldaersi BavMar, Ner- v us HUensea, I1ailiic)ir, Constlpat Inn, Ceetlveneas, Inalgeeeloa. it. iiu. Ml lioi.nrns, Favir liillammntlnu rth Itnw ais, Files nnd nil ilerstiitemeMts of the In tirnst Vleaera I'ureiy vsgttshir, auu tnlsing n nioroury, minerals or 1 1 . I IV n I .linn s liltl'tli I'rl. B'V. pn li.ii HoM br nil druggists, or on reoolpt of rte will b sunt by m il. Urn hoxo for One Dollar. raiiwju a i;u. si wnrren Ht . ,v v. WEAK MAN ckbe YOURSELF SSim.lSa . 1 TWO WEEKS. Why wutotlmri, nncyan.l health with "iloetojj,wuud')rful''ouro. alls," Speeinc.i,tfi.,nhon 1 trill send I'UIkU tho pruo Iptlon or s Bw ana noslllvo remedy for the prompt Wtlrin cure of Lost Slonliood, Nlfflitly Urnlsslonil, h'orVous We&knnwi in O 111 Of Yfir.nj' nfl. -llfle.....l lmnntnnV. nnA In iIum,..., 'BtnntedorTOna. Cures In TwotVoehs. i sonil fhS prrscri .... t.. . . 1 . , . - 3sjl1l SUPERLATIVE The uliovo brands of flour can be had at any of the following merchants, who will nccopt TrrTrUURI n.oun coupon of 'Si oneaoU one hundred pounds of flour or .10 on each barrel of flour. r-eranten I". I' PriOS, Washington svona 1 1 Hold MsdaJ Prsnd. Duninore K p I'rn-e, Hold Medal Hrand. Dnnmore-F I Manlsy. SuiwrUtivo Hrsnl. Hyde I'nrk Cm son I hi via, Wanhliurn Ht. Hold Medal BianrI; J. M.pii a Hears, Msiu avenue, Bttnej latlvn Iirsnd. Breeo Bldae a Lgiwnoer.Uotd stsoalBrsnd .1. T Nf II .1.. Si rlnllvn STovidsnee' "Feansr A Chappall. jg Main vo- nne, Kuin rliitivn Hraudid. J (lillotpi, w Jt .rke'. stroet. Jo!d M l . 1 brand Oljrphenl James Jordan, inperlsUve Brand Pecfcvllln-Hhntr. r A K. In r HniHTlstlva 'erinvii ('. ii Winters Co Sunaralatlva Arohhald-JoueH. S iniM .ii :.. . II .M .!!. CarlHiiiilals -R. s. Chirk. Oold Med il Hrand. nqnasaais i tv, roster at us. uom Medal MlUookll M II I. IV. lie J tnnt tin rr. worse. Scults wnulil form over tho sores and then dry out until tlicy would enn k and POD Open, showing a watery matter. My i-kin wns all like s dry wrapper. It felt us though it h.vl dried on mo. The scales were so had that they would collect in the bed and have to be shaken out. It was about this time Nhal I commenc-d usui;' e B. B. 1 wits so bad that I w:w ashamed tn take my lint off Derore a neighbor. I bid used Bvi bottlej of another medicine without uotlciuc aiiy cfT i-l; but when I commenced lo take B. B. B. tho son s came out thicker than before, and they htirned like fire; they were inunenno blotches of Cre tliat would bun. so I cmild not sleep, Tho way they burned and itc 1 can not be , 1 ,"'V, n00M nWJ ever know from cxtKjricnco. Tho only relief I could get win from washing the sores w ith some 5. B. B. r I stuck to the medicine and was on the fourth bottle Is fore I could see that I was really better, although 1 km w that it was Mtcr to get s u b rottenness out of my Hood than to have it stay t!.-re. I did tav once that I wished 1 hud m ver commenced takim: B. B 0.. but my wifd smHiraged me. and bnlay I thank ber for Uio advice, for 1 am in nod health now. and 1 doht believe 1 ever would have been with my blood in such a condition as it w:is. My eralp now H cku nnd QaW of all ssbJ and letter, ami on my body there firo only small spots t . show where the a .res wi re, and these spots are free from scales. I 00 lint doubt but that the cur.: will D8 perfect. I am now on the sixth bottle and will take more until every ppot Is cone I firmly believe that BuMo-k BlooJ B,ttn will curi the Wot,t ,:i.'r I. r f the bloisl. for suth 9KmUf uunc. Ginned, immmmmmm i P. P. P. PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT Jp: AND POTASSIUM Sr Wakes fMfAsto,.. asMssiMsns Sr Marvelous Cures g: in Blcod Poison Rheumatism rand Scrofula 4s-' r r r pnrllseUis Mood, Matssn agte. th- e.ik si.. I osblllUtfid, gtvst T Strength O. wr.lkene. nervvs, elprls dl .k.vieir tft patlsnt bsalti and aaw pssasi v Irellnga nn.l IsssttSds lr: ;.r til'irr .tuJ tiTii .rr Mllw f' r Dlood pauoBlkjr, n jinl iMflm i), uiuUrin, tl'MinaU In nil tl H1 uti't Vln i1Unn-. H'litlK fi r i'l Ml "I'll'. 8JfH u- 111)1 I'l'-ii i'l' m, ,nmpi''i, iiii rhrmitc nli'orn, ti'ttrr. MMaMMaS I t. itn, ar ysl'inlnn. fx-gcuii ntiiiiayur, without f. .r . f Ooutrtt'll' tlon, that I Y. I. I.thnh.'iit blrail curltlor hi th .miKotj tdikrlvu. oiM'tnlv mis. I'frmftnoitl rurri In nil QjaWfc La1lsft wh(f tjratam tr ixilftonnd iu' wtiMsia MimkI ll In un Impure romll tlm. m 10 tiH'tiaf rt;a1 lrros,'ilirHIg( nr' tf-uUtrl tifnoiitoil hv Uie win-il- rfil tonlo m l lilim.i t'ioaulnrf prtin- rtiftol i'. f, r iMokiy Ah, fom fit mi tii il Pma uluin. Ural 'icli, Mo., Auk. Mth, in-i.t, I finn mK in thi htul. ' mrnm of our in- 'lirtno from mv own l monol ixml.xlfo. I wf nffri-tt-.t Willi hoiirt', piVBailJ mhI rlioumntlriiii (of M yinr. tront"i ty the vry heaft iih vstli litDi ami kii ni tnuitlruOt ni riot lari. trti'sl vary known ruutMl Nw mit flmll.tir r1lt'f. 1 Mvi only taken OOfl hottl.i of your P. I". Pi, nml BM ohoMi fully i"iy H Im'i OOM mo in -ro uhh tliui) iinyLhliiK I hiwm avir tiisU'ii, Toao raromiucml your mstllolnu iu uli uttijror ol In im?i rliniiisosv, MM. M. M. V K A HV. fipi n;n'M, Urevu C-junty, M . ii Hw BTVD AaAlf ni UOI AN.KKtal'iirn l........ . M 7 litlui. mti Ai.r tinj va. fa. & For sals by john ll. PH&LP9, Paarmaelsl, cur. Wyoming Ava and Kprnceat, I'll. uEFOBEIHOsFTtRUSIIIS A.i.irrn. Kaarl srrtiiii., Masonle Hnple, t iui Aoo. ilu For Snle in Boraatpn, Pa, by II. C. SANDER80N, Drtyr,glHt, tw Wuahinjrtoc ind Snriicn stroet. 30E?i5.s TyfTkmJR9wJmfE$ Th0 only nsfe. euro and ..iiaii.i.i ft S rollnblo Ifnmalo riLL HtNNTRDYAL P MS.I as. m m w aaw u laiaivi "iiurittu JuaUlOB kA&JrJ&X?9WgjrnOTAX. nzXS and tako no othor. "BT Bond for eiroulor. rrl.o 81.00 perbox( 6 boxes for t&.OO. iUH. MOTT'H CHEMICAL CO. - Clovelund. ci,i. ForOals bya M. HABItlS,, I cm til X. V. IWOiinr, Aoe.l, Ml The Flour Awards "Chicacio, Oct 81, Fhe first offlolal announcement of World's Fair di plomas on flour has been made. A medal has beon awarded by the World's Fair jndjres to the Hoar manu factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co , in the great Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports thu flour strong and pure, and entitles it to rank as flrat-clasa patent flour for family aud bakers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL WHOM-SALF. AdBRM AND GOLD MEDAL Taylor Judge a) Co., Gold atsdatt Athertoo A Co., Supurlatlv Puryen Lawreiieo Htoro Co , tlold btedal hjoosic John HeCrlndle, Gold Mlal. l'lltstoti M. W O'lliiylM, (lull Modal. Clark's (Ire. ii Fraee A Purknr, huperlativ. link Miiinint F. M. Young, Gold Medal. Palton s V. Finn ft S..n, (lold Modal Bran I Nicholson -.1 E. BardUMi Wiiv. riv M J'lin-i A run. Oold MixlsL Fs 't .ry vill.i Charles (lardiier, Oold Medal. Hnili.iltom N. M Finn & Son, (ild M-ll Toliyiiamia T'.livlianns . L-htgU l.uml.r Co. Uold Moilal Hi an 1 (lonldsbiro S A. Adsm. Oold M i llran 1 M i iv (lalgo ft Clcmunts, liold Mwll. Lake Ariel Jauew A Hortree, (lold Me. hi) ForestCny J I. M ig..a I M o., Oold Msita DRY ITCHING SCALES THAT CRACKED AND POPPED OPEN. LrNDLRV, BTRtmn Co., N. Y., Ajirll U, 1800., Mii.iinci it Co., llufTalo, N Y. GnrnAsoa When siniut ten or twarra years old I S'll troubled With cracks across UM mini of my left h.'Un), and when they healed the trouble broke out on my bead, and every winter it would (nine out as a sort of tetter and luiikc srulr-a all over my hand. I have not been fro,, from It a tingle winter sinre. but it w as worse last whiter lifter I had lM grippe, for then It came out in aiKts all over n - I,.,,!.. 1 I...I .1...... . i ' . . . . , ' iwiunwi cxaiiiino uie sun hp inni me ... n,, - ..... f a Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores Catarrh, Malaria and Kidney Troubles Arr illst4j rMMVN 1M.P. Prickly Anh. iVko lto t and PlkH iiium, tbo tfrrntvi bttKiJ uritli-r ud varth. ftfTWlPlltf i O.. July 21, Mr-- lino-... 41 . m "iM I Niiisiht a boUlf of Tour r p. P. ni Hol Hnrluitfi.Ark. .ami it hi tlon IM toufO k sd ilnn throd njoti'!l' Ires.tTITlHTiI 8)1 tile- Hot hfrlut. Mml MPM iN.tth O. I. it. '-,..' ' urn. JAf5. M. fWTOJfa AbMOMsli Prowu Oumtv, Oa t'nt. J- l. Johiialon. Ti' all it tnay r. suvra hirf by trnttfy to th w ikLtIuI prportio o v. ' w, tor tnpuemt ol Dm km. i aufT"'.i1 fur mti raJ rurn with nn nn alitlttiy tti.t ili-'tkf.'.il.l.' iruiti -i. .n mr faoo. I frlol oviry known rniia ilr hut in Titln, until P. v. p. VM MM, Uiil u iu now oiitlr-'lr OQrwdL PltfntUliy ) J. D. JOHNHTON. Htvannab, UaV i Mil ll (Mm ChaWMk rnrfrirtTi:ri'm tht Uapr n rufn. TtX, ' MoigTiN. Ti.( Jannary U, IhOn, M 'ii- LtPPatsU Bnnrv , Mavanimh, Oa. . UntH I hao inMl fOW P. P. P. for a dtotoM ol tha ikln, njniij ' hnov n aa akin otAOOfiOf thirty . . , atan-.iiia. aul foiimt fcnut rOsffofl It I'unflita ih IiIihM aiini roDiorm all lr- ' ritantiti fn tn tho nont Of th dtaitana . ami prtivonu iny rinri'mltnir ol tho a ron. hav Uktn Baor ntx ' ' 1 1- ' anil fr. oooflrlant that m ' i , will I'PtH t a t'ure. It him nito rllivot r from ln1lcrtlon ami rtomacb trouble Your truly. CAW. W. M. RtTHT, Attornor ut Lnw. Book oi M Mm km free. AI.I. rillt'UilIHTII SF.U. IT. LIPPMAN BROS. FKliritlKTOKM, i Llppmsn's lll"h.tiH itnnnh, RESTORK LOST YI60B V''lll 1 r i.' i t . ti nnln a, werh RaU.iii. uniTiv K r-r h.',t i.i I ssnai sin.. ,,.i " - . .. E h'jit riniiiiiio n .m auv , -r If nMlortM, i ih IroiiMoa t i Cii him, , , I,,,,,, ht, (1 unrv r n ht tn ul.u h.-i. for V ifli rvet Km ft?.Vn.&a.v4!" siiMiv io tiro or ttfuM iko atoMy. Adii i i A 1. MF-IilO.NL Cly.s . w rsuai i nwri III I'llllrl fl- WERVE8Eei... 11.1, .n.Srrflil rrirnl) f.t l.n I.. .' In . r 1 1 n.i ...... it. . " ifh ii. Wsnk Ml niiuy, Lossof Itrslli I'owsr, llns.liiche, UiikefiilnH, Ij.h ManhoiKl. Miilillr Emlilsliin. Nrrreimni.H, nlinralimsii.t lornini pewsr tnie,wirni.'eiiri;'uef iiile'r.rticni'.rio(1hriiTsrexrrtlen,youlhriilrrors. ' rxepsMTe iin ol tebsepe, n.lum or miii.ul.ntK, wblnta u liitlruiltr, i en ."m, e linn ur In. iinllv. (sin Iw rre,1 1 e ve; vtrkt. Ill, . ferHt, I rj.utl SreMld, :l Slit nrilsr we slT ft rllln s.llkruntp., tn em 111 rsiin Arcana. THE THIRD PORTFOLIO -OV Art Students' Series of , tCH0ME Contains four incomparable paintings. By Paul The Ottiuan Lithographing Company in reproducing these paintings from the originals, has achieved a marked success, and produced four pictures that will eas ily hold first place in either home or studio, not only for their artistic merit, but as fine examples of the work of this renowned artist. Remember, one coupon with one dime secures four pictures. This is the coupon. wgiBafinBIBI88!18IB8BBaiHglltgllgggB91IBBI8Iia8ll3illlB88IIIIIIlIIMmigm8Mgtrj ana Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa., May 19, 1894. 1 law S Send this coupon, with 10 cents I in cash, and get four of the marvelous I Multkhrome Art Gems by far the I I greatest offer of all. Mail orders 2c. extra. HIIHIMIIIICIIIIIIIIIillUlliailllillllllHIIIIIIHIIUeilllllUHlllllll.l THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING COl SCRANTON AND Vf ll.K F.s. PAilHEV 1'A., MANUFACTURERS 09 Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Oftioe, 6CRANJON, PA. THE- De Longpie.